832 S. Sylvan St. TYPE OF PERMIT Residential Addition DATE: 5/13/2004 JOB ADDRESS: 832 S SYLVAN ST . ii:~~~'ci.::il{r:r' CITY Q1Ii5&~N~H ElM \~ll!~J"";~f':' . . 8UiLD~NG OiVISIUj~ 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765 - 5153 INSPECTION REQUEST-LINE' (714) 765 - 4626 CENSUS CODE: . 434 QUARTER SECTIOi'<: 21, . BUILDING PERMIT NO.BLD2004-01551 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N TR 1951 LOT 74 ,ciPPLlCANT:'VERONICA RICO" OWNER INFORMATION: Ma rtin Ri co . 832 S Sylvan 5t Anaherrn, CA 92804 . _ . _ _ i_ . _ _ . _ _ _' JOB DESCRIPTlON;Demolish existing kitchen and. living room, build new kitct"::~n.,living room, laundry and bedroom. ADDING 545 sa, FT., new VALUATION: Cong~~dWMOosq.ft.. Reroof remainder of house with 171quares of:)O year com~R~SED BY: HRO I. .' OWNER-BUILDERPECLARATION . . I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that l am exempt from the Contractor's 'Licar,se Law fortne following reason (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code:-aoy dty or county which requires a permit to construct, ali:kimprove, demoHsh"or repair any structure, prior to its iSsuance, also 'requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he i$ iic~&sed pursuant te the provisians oftheContractar's UcenseLaw (Chapter 9)(cammencina with S'ection 7O'O'O'af Divisian 3 of the BUS'i1:.dSS and Profess;.:~s Code) ,ar that 'hcis exempt therefram and the basis far the a!leged -. .exemptio .y vialatian af Section 70'31.5 by any applicant fora permit sl!~..,bcts ~:'e aprMcant to. oeivil penalty of not more than five hUl"fdreddaUars ($50. . ". . . . .' ) '. . . . . . ." '" I,. as owner ofproperty,'c.r my,el1lpJoyees with wages as their sol,e comr:~ns8tion, wilt do the wock, and the !?tructure is not intended or':affered .for. sale (Sec. 70'44, Business and PrafessionsCode: The Contractor's Licens~ ~)...\N ::Io.es not ClJjply to. an owner of praoer.ty who, buildsQr improves thereo'ni arid who'daes such workhirns.elf 0.1" herself or througr, his ar :19f ow!~€mpJQyees; provid~d that 5uc.h improvements are nat intended ar " offered'for-sale. If, hawever, the buiJding' ar Impravement is sold with one'/fr~: 0f c.ompletian, the o.........ne-r-builder will have th~. burden of :xavi;1g that- he didnot build or improve for the_purpase of S3le). , ,., :i~ '" '. . ,', . -, " ' : o ,-I" as the owr:ter qf tho:; prope:rty, ,am exdusive!}1 cantrdr:::ing with rir.;E:n:;pd f:~(ltra(,('lrs to Gonstrur.:t th"e p~Gj~ct (Sec. .7044. Busi,nass and .Professiop.s Code:_ TheContractor's LiCi;'ls.e Law does nat. i:lppJy to An oWrH:~rd Pr0pl;.'~t./:..l1a bl,:iids or :rnplov.es thereof"', and v:ha contracts for such projects with ontractor(s) licensed pursua:ot to the Contractor's Li~-:en~~ Law). ':' exen1p.t unde,r3ec.. ,B & ~.C; far this reason:~_'_.r:. 5" \ Owner: 9-J,.. ~.A-A--~ -t ' -1.__ WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION . )_-=_ - ] I here~y affirm under penalty of.perjury one o_f the fo'lIawing declarations: I o I have and w'W maintain a certificate af con-sent to self-insur'e'far worl.;cr"'. cotr.pel1satlen, as pr.ovided for by Sedian3iO'O -af the Labor Code, for the performance of H,_I: wor\ fer which 'I thiS permit is iSsued. . 0'.1 ha~e andwill maintain warker's campensation insurance. as require~ l:ri S6.:-tion3700 af the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is 'issu.:c1. ~~~y warKer's Compensation insurance carrier and poJiCf.are: ! Carrier: Policy Number. > CONTRACTOR INFORMA,fION: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER .INFORMATION: I LICENSED cONTHACTOI>S DECLARATIotTl I h~reby affirm under penalty of perjuiY that I am l;censed under provisions, of chapter 9 (commencing with Section 70'0'0) of Divsion 3 of the Business and Professians Code. .'. 5/13/2004 Date: Cantractor NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE. . . This section ne'ecJ not be_completed if the pennit is for one _hundred dollars (S~C:':, cr iess. o I certify that in the'_perfonnance of the wark'for which thiS_ permit is, isslie:j. I shall not. employ any person _in a ny manner so.as to.become subject to. the worker'scr.mpensz:tion taws af Califomia, and agree that-if I shol!ld became subject to the worker(~ com;:;~:nsatirm ,provisions .of Secti<;>n 3100 ~f.the L~bar ~ode, I ~halJ f~rthWit~ C<f1~i~~-~r.?~e praYi_Sians. . Date: 5/13/20'0'4 Applicant: re ~ 0 ^-~ t. ~ ~ _ ,L ,.: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKER'S COMPENSATION COVER.\GE-IS. UNLAWFUL. AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAl PEN"~TI.E5AND CIVIL FINES'UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100.000). IN ADO'T10N TO THE COST.OF COMPENSATION. DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTIO,.; :!70S'OF THE LABOR CODE. INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. . ." I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY '~-l- .1 hereby affirm under pena-Ity af perjury that there is'a 9a(lstructian lending a~.:eDcy ,reir the pelformance. oft~e work for which_ this,?errriiUsjssued (Sec.3097 .eiv.C): .' 'i- '\ __L_\~Gd.eG.~_In.fQj.I:aa!l(lJ};":_-..:__ _:d.',~~.,_ TYPE Construciori Types': VN, , .. Fire Sprinklered? Uvinq Area: NO 545 I uu'__._ cl:_._.. .__.~u~~_ I certify that I h~ve read this applicatian and state. that the above information is correct. I agree to. oomply with all city ordinances and statelaw$ relating to. building constructian, and here!?! autharize representiVes; of this city_to. en~er upOn the above mentiane:<.j. praperty far i~iO~::seLu-<"' 2). . ~ Date 5/1312004 . Signature 'of Applicant or Agent The permit shall expire' by limitation and become null and void if the building or : work has not passed fimil inSpection;l65 days fromthe date of perrrH issuance. A new permit is required to commence or continue WQrk. Fees p~id for Permit: Total: .556.05 INSPECTION RECORO . . .INSPECTION' . DATE INSPECTOR Temporary Power Pole . Plumbil19 (pminlWaste Pipe) Electrical Ground Electrode/Ufer . ~I I SelbacklFormsrrrenches (Footings) .1'1-0 n .J:iJJ#:. Do notinstallsubfloor orpourfloor slab until the . . following applicable items ~ave been signed: . Plumbil19 (Water I'ipe.SprinklerValves) . . .. Mechanical (GrOUndwork). . '. . Electrical (Underground Conduit) Pre.slab (CompactionlMembrane.Remf. Underpinning (Floor Joist/Girders) . . . Do not cover or conceal the work below until.IM following applicable. items have.been'signed: . . I 1 s.t Floor Shear. . '.' '. . Firesprinkler (Rough) , ./ , , 2nd Floor.Shear '. . . RooflSheathi hmgrillFrane). 19'1fIfIl'll.j ~ I Masonry1R8infJBond BeanlPre-Grout) '.' . , Rough Plumbing' (Top Out) . . Rough Mechanica!' . . . . Rough EJectriCllI ,II) Rough Electrical. . . . '. . . I Framing (Only~fter Plbg." Elec...Mech.. and,Fire) liD ~ & Insulation (SoundlEnergy) . I'A'I ~ " , Do not tape or plaster until the following app icable . I items have been signed:, . - : .' - -.: prywall .' .'loW/h. ..:m..-- Penetrations (FiN Rated) l:/ectrical ./. ' . . Penetrations (Fire Rated) Mechanical Penetrations (Fire Rated) Plumbiilg' Interiot Lath .' fPit:....... EXterior Lath .' f/), ~ GENERAL.lTEMS . . . '. '. EXterior Plaster (Brown Coat) . . T-BarElectrical ,. . . . .' T-Bar Mechanical . '. . . T -Bar Structuml .- . Sewer '. . Water Engineering Backtlow . Water SerVice . . . FINAL INSPECTIONS Electi'ical Final. Plumbing Final Mechanical Final Gas Test EngilJOOrin!ilGrll!:llng Final 765-5126 Fire Dept. Final 76&-4040 Water Engineering 765-5268 Sub ListiBusiness License 765.519 Zoning 765-5139 Building Fina,ILastlnspeclion-Only '.' .1.1,..../ .a . .' After Above Complete)' P" - :'\r PARTIAL INSPECTIONS . Building Inspections - ";. Mechanical Inspections PlumbinQ Inspections. "-.. . Electrical' InspeCtions