RA1992/06/23Anaheim Civic Center, ANAHEIm REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY JUNE 23, 1992, 5~00 P.M. PRESENT: ABSENT: PRESENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: Simpson, Ehrle, Pickler, Daly and Hunter AGENCY MEMBERS: None CITY MANAGER= James Ruth CITY ATTORNEY: Jack White SECRETARY: Leonora N. Sohl EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Lisa Stipkovich A complete copy of the agenda for the meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency was posted at 3:15 p.m. on June 19, 1992 at the Civic Center kiosk, containing all items as shown herein. Chairman Hunter called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency to order at 5:28 p.m. FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY in the amount of $276,072.30 for the period ending June 19, 1992, in accordance with the 1991- 92 Budget, were approved. PUBLIC COMMENTS - AGENDA ITEMS: There were no public comments on Redevelopment Agency agenda items. ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST: No items of public interest were addressed. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS i THROUGH 4: On motion by Agency Member Hunter, seconded by Agency Member Ehrle, the following actions were authorized in accordance with the reports and recommendations furnished each Agency Member and as listed on the Consent Calendar Agenda. 1. 123: Approving the Affordable Housing Agreement with Pralle and Case No. 2 (Rondell Homes) to provide 31 affordable apartment units within three existing apartment buildings for very iow income households. Agency Member Daly asked if there is any way of conditioning these kinds of agreements relative to occupancy where there can be no more than a certain number of occupants in each unit and if the property owner, manager or landlord is to enforce the regulations or the Agency. Lisa Stipkovich, Executive Director of Community Development. They typically use the occupancy standards on the Section 8 program as a guideline. She asked staff to respond specifically. Eric Nicoll, Housing Development Manager. They use the standard Housing Authority Occupancy policy of two persons per bedroom plus one additional person as stated in the agreement. Also, conditions are placed on newer projects as far as occupancy. It is enforceable to the extent it is within an agreement and consideration is given. Relative to enforcement, the tenants are referred to the building and the property owner has to provide information back to the Authority as far as the continuing occupancy. They report back to the Housing Authority and staff verifies that through on-site inspection. If the occupancy limitations are exceeded, the next step would be to refer the tenant to the property owner. If at some point overcrowding occurred, the property owner would notify the Housing Authority of that and the Authority would have to take action. The subsidy could be withdrawn. City Attorney White. He clarified that it would be a breach of contract and there are rights and remedies of a breach of contract. 92-45 Anaheim Civic Centerf ANAHEIM KEDEVELOPMENT AGENCY JUNE 23, 1992, 5:00 P.M. Agency Member Daly. In many cases, the City's hands are completely tied when it comes to how many persons can live in a house or apartment. Since taxpayers dollars are involved, the City has an agreement in writing so that the provisions can be enforced. He is pleased with that. 2. 123: Approving the First Amendment to Agreement with IBI Group, in the amount of $40,000 and extending the term of the agreement to June 30, 1993 for architectural services. 3. 175: Approving Change Order No. 2, in the estimated amount of $397,160 for the City Parking Structure component of the Koll Anaheim Center Development. Lisa Stipkovich, Executive Director of Community Development explained for Agency Member Ehrle that relative to the subject change order, it reflects the addition of the build out of the restaurant space of the parking structure not anticipated in the original design previously discussed with the City Council. Agency Member Daly. He also had a concern relative to the increase, but after discussing the matter with staff and looking at the figures, the overall numbers are still close to being met. Compared to other structures, it is being built economically and he is comfortable with the change order. 4. 175: Approving Change Order No. 2, in the amount of $150,560 for the City Hall West component of the Koll Anaheim Center Development. End of Consent Calendar. MOTIONS CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT: Agency Member Hunter moved to adjourn, Agency Member Simpson seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. (5:32 p.m.) LEONORA N. SOHL, SECRETARY 92-46