HA1985/04/30Anaheim Civic Center, ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY April 30, 1985~ 9:35 A.M. PKESENT: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Bay, Pickler and Overholt ABSENT: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: Roth PKESENT: CITY MANAGER: William O. Talley ACTING CITY ATTORNEY: Jack White SECRETARY: Leonora N. Sohl DII~ECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT/PLANNING: Norman J. Priest ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Lisa Stipkovich Chairman Pro Tem Overholt called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Housing Authority to order at 10:04 a.m. MINUTES: Authority Member Kaywood moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held November 27, 1984 and to continue approval of the minutes of April 16, 1985 for one week. Authority Member Roth was absent. MOTION CARRIED. FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY in the amount of $3,729.41, in accordance with the 1984'85 Budget, were approved. 177/123: PILOT PROGRAM - CALIFORNIA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY (CHFA) SECOND UNIT FINANCING PROGRAM: Authorizing the execution of a standard agreement and other documents to secure a commitment of funds from the California Housing Finance Agency, for a pilot program for Second Unit Financing. Authority Member Kaywood noted staff report dated April 23, 1985 from the Community Development Department attached to which was Exhibit "A" indicating that throughout the City, 60 percent of the homes would be eligible to have a second unit, which to her was a frightening concept. Norm Priest, Director of Planning and Community Development, explained the intent was not to double density. The funding program applied to lots already zoned multi-family where no variances or special permits would be required. Staff would not be submitting each case for approval individually since it only involved funding and the unit would also be within Code. It would be no different than any other owner in the City who wanted to build a second unit on his parcel where the Code permitted him to do so. Lisa Stipkovich, Executive Director of Community Development, answering Authority Member Kaywood explained relative to the 60 percent figure, she did not know where the Planning Department came up with that number, but with no variances whatsoever that would drop significantly. If currently in a multi-family zone but now occupied by single-family, that was the case where they were saying a second unit could be added if the parking and setback requirements could be met. Relative to the sufficiency of infrastructure, if an area was already zoned multiple family, she assumed that the infrastructure would support the additional unit; Authority Member Kaywood asked that that be checked. 85-18 Anaheim Civic Center~ ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY Apri.1 30~ 1985, 9:35 A.M. Authority Member Bay stared in his opinion this was a new policy direction whether intended or not to promote what he considered more HUD social engineering coming out of Sacramento, which would add density to land use while encouraging and promoting second unit rental housing outside of the "granny" unit program. The proposal, which he would not support, would encourage low income rentals, one-bedroom units preferred to be built as second units on current land that may have one home on it and to use multi-unit zoning. Looking at the objective, he did not agree with the theory. Ghairman Pro Tem Overholt suggested that staff would withdraw the matter and reschedule it for full Authority action. Mr. Priest thereupon withdrew the subject agreement with CHFA for a private program for second unit financing to be resubmitted in one week for full Authority action. ADJOURNMENT: Authority Member Kaywood moved to adjourn. Authority Member Pickier seconded the motion. Authority Member Roth was absent. MOTION CARRIED. (10:12 a.m.) LEONORA N. SOHL, SECRETARY 85-19