HA1985/08/13Anaheim Civic Centert ANAHEIM HOUSINC AUTHORITY Ausust .13, 1985~ 9~35 A.M. PRESENT: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: Bay, Pickler and Roth ABSENT: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: Kaywood and Overholt PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: William O. Talley CITY ATTORNEY: Jack White ASSISTANT CITY CLERK: Ann M. Sauvageau EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING: Norman J. Priest ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF REDEVELOPMENT: Lisa Stipkovich Chairman Roth called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Housing Authority to order at 10:08 a.m. MINUTES: Authority Member Roth moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held July 30, 1985. Authority Member Bay seconded the motion. Authority Member Pickler abstained since he was not present at that meeting. MOTION CARRIED. FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THEANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY in the amount of $i8.02, in accordance with the 1995-86 Budget, were approved. CONSENT CAI.¥.NDAR ITEMS: On motion by Authority Member Roth, seconded by Authority Member Pickier, the following actions were authorized in accordance with the reports and recommendations furnished each Authority Member and as listed on the Consent Calendar Agenda. Authority Member Pickler offered Resolution Nos. AHA85-14 through AHA85-16, both inclusive, for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. 1. 177: Receiving and filing the Executive Director's Report dated July 31, 1985. 2. 177/137: RESOLUTION NO. AHA85-14: A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF A MULTIFAMILYRESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROJECT. (Pacesetter Homes, Inc.) Authorizing the issuance of bonds in an amount not to exceed $4,000,000 to provide financing for the acquisition and construction of a multifamily residential rental project, Pacesetter Homes, Inc., developer, to be located at 608 West Lincoln Avenue, (Fremont School site). 177/137: RESOLUTION NO. AHA85-15: A KESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF A MULTIFAMILYRESIDENTIAL RENTAL PROJECT. (East Hills Development Company Limited Partnership) Authorizing the issuance of bonds in an amount not to exceed $25,000,000 to provide financing for the acquisition and construction of a multifamily residential rental project, East Hills Development Company, to be located at the southeast corner of Santa Aha Canyon Road and the proposed extension of Weir Canyon Road. 85-3 6 135 Anaheim Civic Center~ ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY August 13~ 1985,~' 9:'35 A.~i 3. 177/174: RESOLUTION NO. AHA85-16: A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY APPROVING AN APPLICATION FOR FUNDS UNDER SECTION 8 OF TITLE II OF THE HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974. Authorizing the Executive Director to execute an application for 400 Section 8 existing units to be used under the Project Self-Sufficiency Program and authorizing the Chairman to execute a letter of agreement for participation in the Self-Sufficiency Program. Roll Call Vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Bay, Pickler and Roth COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood and 0verholt Chariman Roth declared Resolution No. AHA85-14 through AHA85-16, both inclusive, duly passed and adopted. End of Consent Calendar. ADJOURNMENT: Authority Member Bay moved to adjourn. Authority Member Pickler seconded the motion. Authority Members Kaywood and Overholt were absent. MOTION CARRIED. (10:10 a.m.) ANN M. SAUVAGEAU, ASSISTANT SECRETARY 85-3 7