HA1979/09/1179-44 ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY September 11, 1979, 1:00 P.M. Council Chamber Anaheim City Hall PRESENT: ABSENT: PRE SENT: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Bay and Overholt AUTHORITY MEMBERS: Roth and Seymour CITY MANAGER: William O. Talley CITY ATTORNEY: William P. Hopkins SECRETARY: Linda D. Roberts EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Norman J. Priest Chairman Pro Tem Overholt called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Housing Authority to order at 1:18 P.M. MINUTES: On motion by Mrs. Kaywood, seconded by Mr. Bay, minutes of the Anaheim Housing Authority regular meeting held September 4, 1979, were approved. Authority Member Overholt abstained. Authority Mem- bers Roth and Seymour were absent. MOTION CARRIED. FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY in the amount of $126.50 for the period ending August 31, 1979, in accordance with the 1979-80 Budget, were approved. No demands were presented for the period ending September 7, 1979. 177: PROPOSED SECOND CONCURRENT BUDGET RESOLUTION~ U.S. FISCAL YEAR 1980: The Executive Director reported that the United States Senate Budget Committee is in the process of considering a Second Concurrent Budget Resolution for fiscal year 1980, which would affect Section 8 Housing and Community Development programs appropriations, as well as others. He advised that a mailgram has been forwarded to California Senator Alan Cranston in Washington, D.C., signed by Housing Authority Chairman Seymour, urging a "no" vote on the pro- posed resolutio~ as it pertains to housing. 177: ANAHeIM SENIOR CITIZENS VILLAGE CENTER MANAGEMENT: Mrs. Kay- wood reported that Mrs. M~ry Berlin of the Anaheim Senior Citizens Village Center had expressed her sincere appreciation of the Center's Manager, who had come to her assistance in a matter of a very few moments when Mr. Berlin became ill recently in the middle of the night. 79-45 .A. NAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1979, 1:00 P.M. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Anaheim Housing Authority, Mrs. Kaywood moved to adjourn. Mr. Bay seconded the motion. Authority Members Roth and Seymour were absent. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED: 1:22 P.M. LINDA I~. ROBERTS, S~CRETARy