1964/01/28City Hall.~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - January. The Cit> Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session° PRESENT; COUNCILMEN; Du'tton~ Ghandler~ Schutte~ Krein and Coons, ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. PRESENT: CITY MANAGER; Keith Ac Murdoch. CITY ATTORNEY: .Joseph Geisler~ CIIY CLERK: Dene M~ Williams. CITY ENGINEER: .James Pa Maddox~ DiRECIOR OF PUBLIC UTILITIES: George Oelkerso PLANNING DIRECTOR: Richard A. Reese~ ZONING COORDINA'FOR: Marlin Kreidt. Mayor Coons called %he meeting to order. MINUTES: On mo(ion by Councilman Dutton~ seconded by Councilman Chandler, minutes of the Anaheim City Council meeting held January 14, 1964, were approved as received. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 64R-43: Councilman Krein offered Resolution No. 64R-43 for adoption° Refer %o Resoluiion Book., A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND DIR- ECTING THE PAYMENT OF DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY AS OF JANUARY 28, 1964o (Warrants Nos° 29325 %o 29597, r~o~h inclusive, iotalin9 $837,926o53o) On roll call ~he foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton~ Chand!er, Schutte, Krein and Coons. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None, The Mayor declared Resolution Nco 64R-43 duly passed.and adopted. VARIANCE NO. 1611 - CLARIFICATION: S~bmi'tted by Richard R. and Evelyn M. Tetrow; property located on the nor'th side of Savanna Street, approximately 932 feet west of the centeriine of Knott Street (3621 Savanna Stre~t)~ Request of the applicant for temporary waiver of engineering improvements and street light payment (Conditions Nos. 2 and 3 of City Plan- ning Commission Resoiuti~on No. 985, Series 1963-64), was considered by the City Council at their meeting held January 21~ 1964. At that time, motion to grant temporary waiver of siree% improvements~ subject to posting of a two- year bond~ and to deny wai. ve~ of street lighting payment, was tabled to this date for further inves'zigation~ Mro Murdoch presented a plan illustrating parcels in the area, on which zoning actions have occurred or am~ currently pending, and noting existing conditions of street improvements on Savanna Street. He advised that it was considered impractical ,%o require street improvements on the adjacent property (Condltional Use Permit Nco 416) in the year 1960; however, the situation has changed, and within the next two or three years, the actual s~reef improvemenls are likely to be ~nsfalled. For ~his reason, Mro Murdoch recommended that the bond ~e required for said improvements on s~bject proper~y, and further recommended that street lighting payment not be required al. this 'timer as the existin9 rlgh~-of-way is extremely narrow and it would be more practical to waii~ for the full dedicated right-of-way. He noted the possibility of insfailln9 safety lightin9 in the area for the interim period. Mro William Bouck, Jro, representing the appiicant, addressed the Council re-stating former request for a written agreement between Mr. Te6row and the Ci±y of Anaheim, that the applicant would participate in an assess- ment district when other property owners are prepared to do so, or upon demand of the City° 7449 ~i%y Ha.l~., Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 28~ 1964~ 1:30 Mr. Bouck was advised that this had been considered, however it was felt that if the south side of Savanna Streei develops, it would then be feasible to proceed with the installation of improvements along Savanna Street. Further discussion was held, and at the conclusion thereof, on motion by Councilman Chandlery seconded Oy Councilman Dutton~ motion prev- iously made and tabled January 21, i964, was amended, as follows= That temporary waiver of street light requirements be granted, and further, temporary waiver of street improvements be granted~ conditioned upon the posting of a two-year bond to insure installation of said improvements. MOTION CARRIED~ RECLASS.~FICATION NO~ 63-64-58 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO~ 503: Submitted by Eva S. Bielanski, requesting change of zone from R-A to R-3, and permission to establish a one-story multiple family planned residential development and waiver of building separation and front yard requirements; property located on the south side of Crescent Avenue, approximately 310 feet east of Dale Avenue (2760 Crescent Avenue). Public hearing was held December 17, 1963, at which time the hear- ing was closed~ and action of %he City Council continued to January 14, 1964, for submission of revised pians~ and further continued to this date at the request of the applicant. Mr. Stephen Gallaghez~ Attorney representing the applicant, addressed the City Council stating it was hia understandin9 that the reclassification was approved, subject to Zhe suOmlssion and approval of revised plans. He nozed the presence at this meezing of Mr. John Miller and Mr. Phillip O'Brien of Atlas Builders, to exp]aln revised plans. Mayor Coons calied athentlon to Plans Noso l.~ 2 and 3, posted on the east wall of %he Council Chamber, and advised that according to his information, the second revis~on~ or Plan No, 3~ was submi%ted last Sunday, and the Planning S~aff recommendations received by the City Council only this afternoon~ as the first oppori~nity the Staff had to review the plans was yesterday~ Mro Kreidt reviewed 'the three plot plans~ noting that Plan No. 3 was basically the same as Plan 1, originally submitted, with the addition of a house containing a manager's office~ plus an enclosed playground area. He thereupon read the Planning S%aff recommendations~ suggesting alternatives for possible R-3 development of subject property~ and advised that the basic issues appear to be the number of guest parking spaces, the distances between dwelling units and rel. ated garages~ and distances of said dwelling units from improved streets. Mr. J~':'hn A. Miller, 583 Wes't igih Street~ Costa Mesa, addressed the Council representing the applicant, calling attention to Plan 3, wherein allowance is made for trash ~ruck turn-arounds~ pursuant to information obtained from the Plannzng Department and Department of Public Works. The revised plan shows an area of 43.5 feet ~y 52 feet at the terminus of each driveway~ along the east and west property lines, allowing a trash truck to back up and turn around. Due to an apparent misunderstanding on the part of the petitioners, a 38 foot radius was not designed~ He further reported that said plot plan provides a maximum walking distance of approximately 80 feet from any of the garages to the units which they serve. Mr. Miller noted the approval of the original plan (similar to Plan NCo 3) by thirty-five property owners in subject area, who indicated their dissatisfaction with %he first revision (Plan No. 2) which incorporated a cul-de-sac street. He reported %hat both revisions of plans (Plan No. 2 and 3) were shown to the Los Angeles [ederal Savings & Loan and %he Anaheim Savings and Loan Associations~ who indicated they were not interested in loaning funds for Plan 2 with %he cul-de-sac street arrangement; however, both firms stated they would consider a cons%ruction loan for development of the second revision (Plan 3)~ maintaining the garden apartment concept. 7450 City Hall, Anaheim, Cal.~fornia - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 28~ 196a~ 1.:~0 P,M, Mr. Phi!llp O~Bz'ien, of Atlas Builders, read a letter from Willard Jordan~ A~I.A.~ o£ Costa Mesa~ expressing his preference for Plan No. 3~ and stating his reasons therefor. In answer to Councilman Schutte~s question, Mr. O'Brien stated that seventeen guest par~ing spaces are shown on Plan No~ 39 for the forty- one unit development. Plans were reviewed by 'the C:'~ty Council. and discussion held. lin answer' to Mayor Coons~ question, Mr. Miller advised that the lending agencies contacted verOally indicated their willingness to consider financing for the p~oject under Plan No. 3, January 22, 1964, and further explained tha~ suc~ financing ~ould be an individual construction loan for the entire project~ RESOLUTION NO. 64R-44~ Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 64R-44~ authorizing preparation of necessary ordinance~ changing the zone as requested~ subjec~ to the following conditions: 1. That the owners of subject property' shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 32 feet in width, from the centerline of the street, along Crescent Avenue, for street widening purposes. 2. That street improvement plans ~hal. 1 be prepared and all engineering requirements of the C,itV of Anaheim along Crescent such as curbs and gutters, sidewa]i~$, ~treet grading and paving, drainage facilities, or other appurtenant work ~:maL![. ne completed as required by the City Engineer and kn acco:dance with standard plans and specifications on file in the Office of the City Engineer; or a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the Cit? of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to guarantee the ~nsta~iiat~on of said engineering requirements~ 3. That a modifled cul-de-sac ~h. ail be provided at the terminus of Stockton Avenue subject to 't~e approval of the City Engineer° That the owners of s.~.~bjec~ propertf shall deed to the City of Anaheim a 3-foot overhang easement ~iong the east and south boundaries of subject property. 5. '[hat the compi, etl. on of these reclassification proceedings are contingent upon the gr~nt~ng of Conditional Use Permit Nco 503. 6o Tha'~ Condiiicn Nos° ]~ 2~ 3 and 4~ above men/ioned~ shall be complied with wit~:n a perlod of i80 days f=om date hereof, or such further time as the City Council may grant° 70 That if the deve!ope~ desires Lo sell off: individual lots and units, (a) a ~acL map be ¢i[ied~ [b) and Covenants~ Conditions and Restrictions shall be submitted to and approved by' the City Attorney's office prior to City Council approval of the Final Map~ and further, that the approved Covenant. s~ Gonditionm and Restz'ictions shall be recorded concurrently with the Final I'rac[ Map. 8o That subject property snail be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim~ marked Exhibit Nos. i and 2~ Revision No. 2. 9. That minimum adequate tuzn-aro~nd areas shall be provided by the develop- er, to [he sa'tisfa:tion of the Dt;~ecLor of Public Works, whether it be a hammer.-head o;: ~adi~al delfne~tion~ Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETER- MINING THAT TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND '[HAT THE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED, (63-64-58 - R-3) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vo'te: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Chandler~ Schutte, Krein and Coons. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared Resolution No~ 63R-44 duly passed and adopted. 7451 ~itv Ha!.l, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 28, 1964, 1:30 P.M. RESOLUTION NO~ 64R-45: Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 64R-4b, granting Conditional Use Permit No. 503, subject to the following conditions: 1, That the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum o£ $25.00 per dwelling unit for park and recreation purposes, ~aid amount to be paid at the time 'the building permit is issued. 2. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file in the office of the Director o£ Public Works~ prior to final building inspection. 3. Ihat fire hydrants shall be installed as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of ~he Flre Department, to be installed prior to final building inspection. 4. That this Conditional Use Permit is granted subject to the completion of Reclassification NCo 63-64-58. 5o That if the developer desires to sell off individual lots and units, (a) a tract map be filed, (b) and Covenants~ Conditions and Restrictions shall be submitted to and approved by the City Attorney's office prior to City Council approval of the Final Map~ and further~ that the approved Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions shall be recorded concurrently with the Final Tract Map.~ 6. That subject property shall, be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on flle with the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibit Nos~ 1 and 2, Revision No~ 7. That treewells shall be provided at approximately 40-foot intervals in the Crescent Avenue parkway abutting subject property, that plans for said treewells and plant:lng of ~rees there:in, shall be submitted to and approved by the Superintendent o~ Parkway Maintenance, and said tree- wells shall be planted with trees prJor to final building inspection. 8. That minimum adequate turn-aro~nd areas shall be provided by the develop- er~ to the satisfaction of the Di[e~:tor of Public Works~ whether it be a hammer-head or radial del:zneatlon~ 90 A six foot masonry' wall shailt be constructed along the east and south property line, prior to final b~itding inspection. Refer to Resolution Book, A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY COUNCIL OF 'THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO~ 503~ On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vo~e: AYES: COUNCILMEN~ Dutton~ Chandler, Schutte, Krein and Coons. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Noneo The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-45 duly passed and adopted, ~IGN REQUEST - BEACH BALL APARTMENTS: Application submitted by Beach Ball Arms Apartments, 730 South Beach Boulevard~ requesting permission to erect a non-conforming sign, was reviewed by the City Council together with plans and reports from the Building and Pi. arming Departments. On motion by Councilman Chandler., seconded by Councilman Schutte, said sign permit was granted~ subject to any lighting being reflected away from the R-1 property to the South~ MOTION CARRIED, SIGN REQUEST - WEST LINCOLN PROFESSIONAL MALL: Application submitted by West Lincoln Professional Mall, 1780 West Lincoln Avenue, for permission to erect a free-standing, integrated sign, was reviewed by the City Council together with Building and Planning Departmen~ Reports, Councilman Krein moved said sign permit be granted, as requested. Councilman Chandler seconded the motion. MOIION CARRIED~ SIGN REQUEST - W. P. FULLER AND COMPANY: Application submitted by W,P. Fuller and Company, for permission to erect non-conforming sign at 2110 West Lincoln Avenue, was reviewed by the City Council together with reports from the Planning and Building Departments. 7452 City Hall, Anaheim, Cal;fo.-nia - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 28~ 1964~ 1:30 P.Mo It was noted that ;ub3a:t;t applz,tation is for~ (A) Three revolving si9n~} :n front of the buZidLns,, -~nd :,B,i Four 8-foot by 11-foot illuminated flat ;'~isn~ on the we;t w~ll of -the buildins~ Mro BLll Bi~.~k:~tone w.-~s present~ representing W. Po Fuller and Company~ and adv!sed ~hat the :ompany 1~ up-dating their retail stores, and a new siqn bas been me: :gned for th}.:~ pu:~pose~ and -that the three revolving pylon slgns request(ed for U~e area ~n Front of the building would be the in answe; to 3oun zi questlontng~ Mr,, Blackstone stated that there would be no 'tllum[natton of the ;evolvlng s:[gns from 'the top of the bulldlng or f~'om wLth/.n the ~ignt the only lighting would be pro- jected from flooa l~glnt~ on ,st~nd_ard~ tn [zont of the sign, A ale roo(:ei of the bullOing was shown~ demonstrating the three revolving ';',"o'rk ~crew" pylon;~ with ';ol. or spectrum design~ Mr,~ Tony BoLand, of ~?entai q~gn and Signal Corporation~ 1100 North Ma~n St~eet~ [.,o~ Angeles,, add:~e:..~.~ed the Council further explaining the light~.ng of t!~e pylon~ wou~_d or~'~.~t of cont:rol spot-iights~ rather than flood-ltght;ng, giv:ng an unsual effe. t with l~ght and shadows play- ing over 'the revol~ng Coun,.zlman ]hana~e; ailed attention to previous signs granted by the City :$oun,,,zi wh~,;h,, when ~: tu~ily ,~onst~uc'ted became a problem because the ~nten::~Lt¥ of the Izshtin9 proved an intrusion into neighbor- in9 residential :z:ea~:~, He wa~. o~ 'the opinion that a public hearin9 held at this ~-~tep would eiimin,ate the pou~bility of a futu:e problem conce:nin9 these ~eques ted Mr. Ed Czon::_n, i'~ 52 G:~:~aen Grove Bouievard~ Executive Secretary of the Elect~ ,.cat Si.gn . n,"iu;,t:, .e-~ .-~ddzassed the Councii ~elative to their ~nterest ~n tht< sn~u.~i. :gn '{rom the public relations standpoint, and then the rea tton of the puni_: to '~'ta installationo He advised that in consultin~ ~i'th the anoli-~nt.~, chev have tnd~,~.ated 'thei~ williness to move or adju-%t t:F,~ lkg?~t~ng o{: the ~.gn o tl,e aris/action of the City Council, At the on iu~::on of fu: ther dks;ussion by 'the City Council~ on motion by Coun-;i~i!n Dutton., :~,e~-onded by Councilman Krein~ sign permit wa~ g}'~nted, ~ubje t to the ze..ommendat~ons of 'the Planning Departmentt tha't the ilghts be fo u:~ed so as to p:sevent spillage into the residentl:=~, p:ropezt:ie~ ~nd the lights be <:ontroled in intensity~ the sign not to be l::ghtea -s/ret ii:30 P~.M~,i and fuz'ther~ subject to the fliing of a letter sztpul~tl, ng to po~..~lt:[on:i, ng these ligh'ts~ move or adjust the llght~ to the ~at~<~fa, tion of the City Council, To this motlon Councliman Chandie:t votea .... No", ~OTION CARRIED~ SIGN REQUEST - WESt-LiN CLEANERS; Appii,:ation submitted by West-Lin Cleaners for permission ~o ere:t :~ non-.onfoz~Ln9 sign at 3156 West Lincoln Avenue~ was reviewed by the City ,Souncl~ together with plans and reports from the Planning and Buil. d:~ng Depa~tments~, ~n lud~ng two photos of the proper'['/. Refezen.::e w-~s m.~ae to-the .~oun:.~l Pol:~,;'y o~ intergrated signs for business and ~hopping. ompiexev~:~ and Zt was noted 'that there are two existing sign~ on the front pozt:':on of the property advertising the cleaners~ neither of whi':h have ~ .?ign permit~ Mayo:r. Coon;~ a:sked Lf the _applz(ant or his representative was present° There was no response.~ Counc.~_fman 3¢;hutte moved that sald sign request be continued thmee weeks Feb:ruaz¥ 18, 196~ 1:30 P~M, }~ and that the applfcant be advised to endeavo~ t.o p~oP, ot, e an ~nter-g~:ated ~:~ign for the entire shopping area° Coun:~ilman Chandle~ ~e< onded the motion~ gOTiON CARRIED° 7453 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California ,- COUNCIL MINg[ES- January 28~ 1964,~ 1:30 SIGN REQUESI - IEXACO SERVICE SIATiON: Applies±ion submitted by Texaco~ Inc,~ for permission to erect a non-conforming sign a't 1001 North Harbor Boulevard, was subm~'tted and reviewed by 'the City ,Council together with plans and reports from the Building and Planning Departments,, Because of a pOSrSible conflict of interest Mayor Coons withdrew from the discussion and action on 'this issue~ and Mayor Pro Tem Chandler assumed chairmanship of the meeting~ On motion by Councilman Krein, seconded by Councilman Schutte~ said sign permit was 9ranted as requested° MOIION CARRIED~ ~IGN REQUEST - STANDARD OIL COMPANY': Because of a possible conflict of interest Mayor Coon~ withdrew from the discussion and action on this issue. Application submitted by Standard 0il Company~ for permission to erect a non-conforming sign for service station localed at 1233 North East Street, was submitted and reviewed by the City Council together with plans and reports from the Building and Planning Departments. Mayor Pro Tem Chandler asked if the applicant or his representative was present and wished 'to address the Council~ Mr~ Ro Go Runion, 529 Con.cord Place, addressed the Council notin9 that two signs are being requested for 'thi~ service stationo Discussion was held by the ~' ,~.zt¥ Council, and at the conclusion thereof~ Councilman Krein ~o,~ed said sign request be continued one week (February 4, 1964~ 1~30 P..~M.'~ to allow 'v!~ual inspection of other similar service station sign~ ~n the ~..a~ .?oun.:~i.m:.~ Dui:on seconded the motion~ MOTION CARRIED ~ Mayor Coons rea~samed .h}~rman.~h~p of the meetin9o RECESS: Councilman Chandler moved for a flfteen minute recess° Councilman Schutte seconded the motions, MORION CARRZED (3~30 PoMo} AFTER RECESS: Mayor Coons called the meeting to oraer~ all members of the Council being presento FINAL MAP~ tRACT NO 4643 f ~ ~ ~ ' ' ~ .~RECLASS.:F.~[,A[.~ON NO. 62-63.-81)~ Developer~ Jefferson Canyon Development Coo; Tract lo'ated a't the northwest corner of Santa Ann Canyon Road and .Jefferson Stl~eet~ and ~ontains 61 R-3 lo:so Mr~ Maddox reported that ::;aid finai map ~;onforms subs'tan:tally with the tentative map prevzously appz. oved~ that bonds have been posted and required fees paid° He refe~ec to cbe forth paragraph of his written recommendations~ regarding payment of levee protection fees~ and advised that said payment has not been made° Mro Oscar Whi'tebook, representing fefferson Canyon Development Coo~ builders of subSe~':t development., addressed the Council advisin9 of a technical problem per:ninth9 to zhe levee feeo He reported that said fee was included in the off.-site improvements and the money therefor is included in impounded funds at a bank~ however a vouchem, cannot be drawn for this payment until the tz.a~ t map is recozded~ Mr. Whitebook reaa writ'ten propo~al f~om the construction firm~ to the Ci'ty of Anaheim, stipulaZ:zng that 'the sum of $6~502~13~ due from Tract NCo 4643 as the pxopo~-tion~te aha~e of levee costs, be paid prior to construction of and alley improvem, ent~:~, and that the City of Anaheim be requested to waive the requirement for payment of said sum prior to recordation, 'thus allowing said map to be recoxded~ and further request- in9 the City Engineer to hold the improvement maps -until notified in writ:lng that the foregoin9 amount ha~ been paid in fullo Mr. Geisler suggested that vouchex-s :for the levee payment be deposited with the City Attorney, for transmission to the person entitled to them; upon recordation of the map cz, ~f Mr~ Stephens was present and 7454 City H,all~ Anaheim~ California- GOONGi[L MINUTES ,- January 28~ 1964~ 1;30 PoM. at:knowledge,s xe,,~e os of ~_a you' her~ fox the payment of the levee fee~ it would .b~ .~ub~t.~t.i~l ~den e of ompl'ance with '~ ~ :~ondition No. 3, required roi~ approval and ~e o:a-~t~on of the map, Mr, John 'Stephen.,o, 3i. 5 Vale D~i. ve, Whit'tier~ President of Jo So g M, Cons't~-u, tion Co~ formerly Le Mont Construction Co,, that actually ,~on;~tru: ted the ~.evee, ~'t~tea tb~t although he ~as ~illing to acknowledge re~.eipt of 'the 'voucher;;, he ~ould be zeluo[an( to agree ~o the City Engineez~'~; ~eiea~e of the improvement m. ap~ until the vouchers were honored, M.zo Whitebook aavt~ed that a t:er't:ification to the bonding company that the ~und~:~ n:::e on deposlt h-~.,~ been submittedo At the ~ on<lu:-~ion of fu~the:.::, d:i.~cussion~ and on the recommenda- tions of the Z~ty Attorney, ~oun~iim.~n Chandler moved Final Map, Iract No. ~6.43~ be approved~ sub~le~'t to the payment of the levee protection fee to the satlsf:a,.:tion of Condi~_tion NCo 3~ ~n conformance with requirements of the City Attorney.. Court :..iman K~.ein >:e onded the motion. MOTION CARRIED° FINAL MAP~ TRACT NOo 5302; Southea:-~t Mo:tgage Company~ Developer~ tract located at the southeast ~ or ne? o~ Orangewooa Avenue and Harbor Boulevard, contain- lng four R.-3 lot._~.~ '"Re~[~,~!~:~,~tlon No, 62-63~-31) The ~C: ~ ~,~t¥ [ng,~nee~ ~eported :sa:id final map ,~onforms substantially with the ~ent:a't~,_we map p.~ :~ ...... y appro~red~ that bonds have been posted and approved:, and ~equi~ea fee-, pa_a,, and ::-,eommended approval thereof° On the ze.~ommendat:~on~ of the C~ty Engineer, Councilman Dutton moved Final Map~ Tr~ t No 5302~ be app,:credo Councilman $chutte seconded the motion, MOT.~ON CARR ED. REQUEST - HOUSE TRAiLER.~.lii2 EAST FLOWER. STREET~ Communication from Tad R~ Cook was ~ubmitted, reque:~ting permission to use an 8-foot by 16-foo't hou~!,e r.~::,tie~ in the b~ k y~.rd of re~idence located at 1212 East Flower Street, a~ tempo~=~V ~leep~_ng ~ua~'ter~ Ai,.,~o ~,~ubm;:tzea :.~.na ::evie~ed wa::~ an area map and report from the Planning Dep~:~?~ent.~ :e:o~mending the following conditions, should the request be gx~nted~ 1o Minimum d:t:;tan::e of 8~fee% be maintained between residence and trailer. Five foot .~:iOe ya:d be maintainea~ Fime limfi'tation of three months ~ubje~-'tt to review by the City Council. On motion by Court iim~n S~hut'te~ seconded by Councilman Krein, said request 'to u~:)e t:aiiel~ was gx'anted for a period of three months~ subject 'to the re.~om.mendatlon o:f the Planning Department~ MOTION CARRI£D~ CONDITIONAL USE PERMi[ NO~ 250 ~ £X[SN.g ON OF 'rIME: Request of Anne Paulus, dated January 13~ 196~ fo~ additional one year extension of time for the construction of a '~ai1 a.~ :~equired in ~ondition of Conditional Use Permit No~ 256~ wa~s '~ubmttted~, Counuzlm~n Chandie~ x:equested the record to show that he did not participate in the d~:s,~:ussion nor- vote on this issue~ On motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Krein, one year extension of time from February 13~ 1964~ was granted as request- ed. MOTION CARP/ED,, REQUEST - MOBIL OFFICE ONiT: Communication dated January 13, 1964, from Richard Jo Parent, of Bu~iae~:~ Resear~h and Publishing Gorporation~ to- gether with photo, wa-~ ~ubmitted requesting permi~zsion to locate a mobil office on Linbrook Har'dw~xe p:'emi~e>~ 21.44 We~t Lincoln Avenue. Mr~ Richard Pa:rent addres,'~ed 'the Council explaining that the company was ':ommi~:;~oned to provide Orange County building information the general publi,~', He advised that they plan to make their permanent 7455 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MiNUIES - January 28~ 1964~ 1:30 PoMo loCation within one or two blocks of subject location, possible within the confines of the Linbrook prernLses~ and explained difficulties encountered in their endeavours to find an office which meets their requirement of minimum space° Mr° Parent submit'ted a rendering of the unit which they propose to occupy, and stated that 'their publicity has been designed towards the promotion in the proposed location° He was of the opinion that their permanent loca'tion~ almost certainly on 'the Linbrook property, would be ready to occupy within 90 dayso Mr. George $trachan~ Manager of the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce~ addressed the Council suggesting that the applicant contact the Anaheim Board of Realtors pertainin9 to the proposed service~ and stated that he had no objec'tion to the request° Council discussion was held and it was noted that the only other requests for mobil office units which have been granted were for use on the premises where actual construction of a permanent facility was in progress. Further~ it was felt that to grant subject request would estab- lish a precedento On motion by Councilman Coon~ ::~econded by Councilman Chandler~ said request 'to use mobil off lee unit was denied~> To thi~ motion Council- man $chufte vote ~No~°o MOFiON CARRi£D. RESOLUTION NO. 64R-46: Pursuant to tecommendat~.ons of the City Planning Com- mission, Councilman Chandtez offerea Resolution NCo 64R-a6 for adoption, terminating all proceedings in conne<'tlon ~ith Specl~l Use Permit No. 84° Refer to Resolution Booko A RESOLUTION OF IHE CiTY COUNCIL OF FHE CiTY OF ANAHEIM TERMINATING ALL PROCEEDINGS iN CONNECTION WITH SPEC]AL USE PERMIT NOo 840 On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote~ AYES: COONCiLMEN,~ Du't'ton~, Chandler, Schut'te~ Krein and Coons NOES: COUNCiLMEN; None ABSENT: ~' ' ~' oOUNC ~ LMEN ~ None The Mayor declared Resolution Nco 64R.-46 duly passed and adopted. RECLASSIFICATION NOo 55,-56-2'7- REQUEST: Communication dated 3anuary 169 1964, from Harold Morrison, Secretar'y~ Forest Lawn Cemetery Association, re- questing waiver of block wall ~equirement on the easterly boundary of property described in Reclassification Nco 55-56-27~ adjacent to R-A zoned property, was submitted and reviewed together wlth report from Planning Department ~ Development Reviewo On motion by Councilman Krein~ seconded by Councilman Schutte, said request was granted subject 'to the posting of a bond to insure the ° ~ ~ future ~n~tallation of said wall,~ MOTION CARRIED CITY PLANNING COMMISSION IIEMS~ Action taken by the City Planning Commission at their meeting held January 5, 1964, pertaining to the following applica- tions~ were submitted for City Council information and consideration: VARIANCE NOo 1615: Submitted by $huichi Kusaka requesting permission to waive required lo± width of 78~5 feet on reverse corner lots to permit the establishment of an R-I~ one-family subdivision; R-A property located on the north side of Ball Road approximately 338 feet west of Beach Boulevard, The City Planning Commission pursuant 'to their Resolution No. 1012, Series 1963-6~, granted said Variance subject to conditions. 7456 City Hall, Anaheim, California ,- COUNCIL MiNUIES -.January 28, 1964~ i:30.PoMo CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NOo 524: Submitted by the Bank of America, request- ing permission to establish 'a 10~ foot by 24 foot billboard~ R-A property located at the southwest corner of Lincoln Avenue and Loara Street. (1610 West Lincoln Avenue'!. The City Planning Commission puruant 'to their Resolution No. 1016~ Series 1963-6.4, granted sa[d Conditional Use Permit subject to conditions. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NOo 526; Subm:tted by Herman Freeze~ et al~ request- lng permission to e~tabli~h a planned professional center to include a fine arts buiid~ng~ medieval buiiaing~ law ~nd profe~5ional buildings~ R-A pro- perty located on the ~outh ~ide o{ Lincoln Avenue approximately 1015 ~eet west of Euclid Avenue 11784 and 1786 West Lincoln Avenue). [he C:ty Planning ,.~omn:sslon pursuant to their Resolution No 1017, Series 1963-6~ g~anted ~aid Conditional U~e Permit subject to conditions. [he forego:~n9 a.~:tLon~ ~eze reviewed by the City Council and no further a,::tion taken on the above numbered Variance application and Conditional Use Per~zt~o CONDITIONAL USE PERMi[ N'O~ 522: Submitted by the Central Baptist Church of Orange Counfy~ requesting pe~mis~,io:n to ejtablish a complete church and school igr~ades i through 12::,~ ':~ lud~.ng pze-::~choot~ offices~ gymnasium, swimming pool aha o~t~:~de phy~',: ~i education facilities~ R-A property located on the we~t :~ide of Magqolia Avenue adjacent 'to the Orange County Flood Control lUh.annei 29''? N'ozth gagnolia Avenue)~ '[he Czty Piannlng Comm.:;~lon at 'their meeting held January 6, 1964~, pursuant to ~e,olutz. on No,~ 10!3~ Serles 1963-64~ granted said Conditional O~;e Permit :~ubje z Zo ~,ondit~onso No Fui'the: ~,i;t:on wa~ taken by the City Council on Conditional Use Permit No. 522.~ TEMPORARY STRUC[gRES - 22; NOR'[H MAGNOLIA AVENUE,~ City Council at their meeting held iuly 30th~ i963~ cron'ted permission to erect three quonset hut sZructure~ on ~ ~errpo~ ~::y b~:~l,_, to provide phy?~ical education pro- gram~ dre~s!ng zoom.-~. ~and a ',~ood '~hop? a't the Central Baptist Church School property~ 227 No, th Magnol:Za Avenue° Cozze~ponden;e dated .~anuary 9~ 1964~ from Mrs. Hart S~ Oakaen~ 2645 Bzu~.e Avenue, ze;ident of the area, objecting to the location of 'the tempoi~azy ~zzu~ ture~ ~a:.; submi'ttea 'together ~ith the correspondence from Mr. paul tiefeld~ P:~_ncipal of ?en'tz. al Baptist Church School, reques'ting Count;ii on,~ide~:ation of ~atd protest be continued one week to allow him ~zo be p~:esenz~ Also ~:~ubmitted wa~ ex<erpt from the minutes of the City Planning Commission meeting held ianuaxy 6~ 196.d, ~ecommending that 'the City of Anaheim assume ~.e~pon~fbiz£it¥ [o: the installation of cul-de-sacs for the stub ends of Yaie~ Bru:e and Russell Avenue$~ adjacent 'to 'the west to the Central Baptizer Ghur[;h and $choolo On motion by Councii~an St_hutte~ seconded by Councilmen Dutton~ Council consideration of pzo't~t made against t~mpo~ar¥ ~tructure location, and of the City Planning Commi~io~ reoommendation regarding cul-de-sacs streets adjacent to subject propert¥~ was continued one week (February 4~ 1964, 1:30 P~M.'!,. MO;7iON CARRIED,, CONDIIIONAL USE PERMIT NOo 52'7; Submltted by Wilton Abplanalp, William and Shirley Amand~ zeques'ting permission to establish a trailer park~ R-A property located on 'the north side of Lincoln Avenue, approximately 1090 feet east of Knott Avenue (3345 West Lincoln Avenue). The City Planning Commlsszon at their meeting held January 6, 196~, pursuant to thels 8esoiut~on Nco 1015~ Series 1963-1964~ granted said Conditional Use Permzt subject 'to condi'tionso City Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 28~ 1964~ 1:30 PoM. Ihe City Clerk noted corre~Dondence received from Dr. David A. Smith~ withdrawing previous obje~]tion [o Conditional Use Permit No. 727 She further noted petition received in her office this date containing five signatures of property owners within three hundred feet of subject property having no objections to subject Conditional Use Permit° Mro William Almand~ one of the petitioners~ indicated his presence at the meeting, No further action was taken on Conditional Use Permit No. 527° CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 525: Submitted by Earl Ha Dahlman~ requesting permission to establish a service sta'tion~ R-A property located at the northeast corner of Lincoln Avenue and Sunkist Street (2541 East Lincoln Avenue). The City Planning Commission at their meeting held January 6, 1964, granted said Conditional Use Permit.~ ~bje,~t to cond.~tibn~. At the ~equest of Councilman Schutte~ the City Clerk was instructed to schedule Conditional Use Permit No~ 525 for public hearing before the City Council~ along with all correspondence pertaining theretoo WORK ORDER NO. 4600 - CHANGE ORDER NOG 15: On the recommendations of the City Engineer, Councilman Krein moved that Ch~ange Order No. 15 in the amount of $515.00 credit~ consisting of items of the fln~i pun~;h list at 'the Police Facilities Building, Work Orde~ Nco ~600~ be approved~ Councilman Schutte seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIED~ RESOLUTION NOG 64R-47: On the ce:rtif:,oatfon of the Director of Public Works that R. 3. Noble Company has completes tne ~on~t:ruction of the Ball Road Street Improvement~ JOb No~ 790~ lin ~,~cord~n e with plans and specifications, Councilman Dutton offered Re~olution No,, 64R-,!'? for adoption° Refer to Resolution Book o A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY COUNCIL OF FHE CiTY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COMPLETION AND THE FURNiSHiNG OF ALL PLANT? LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTiLiF[ES AND 7RANSPORFAI'iON INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER~ AND THE PERFORMANCE OF ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLTC iMPROVEMENT.. [0 WIT: FHE IMPROVEMENT OF BALL ROAD~ FROM APPROXIMATELY 202 FEET EAS'F OF STATE COLLEGE BOULEVARD TO APPROXIMATELY 1380 FEET EAST OF STAI'E COLLEGE BOULEVARD, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM~ .IOB NCo 790~ ,iRc 3° Noble Co,) On roll call the foregoing resolution wa5 duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dut'ton~ Chandler, Schutte~ Krein and Coons NOES ~ COUNCiLMEN: None ABSENT: COUNC fLMEN ~ None 'The Mayor declared Resolution Nco 64R-47 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO~ 64R-48: On the ~L;e~tif~]a't.Zon of the Director of Public Works that DeLeon Construction~ ]]nc.~ has completed the construction of the Brookhurst Street Sewer improvement~ Job Nco 1267, in accordance with plans and specifications, Councilmaq Dutton offered Resolution No. 64R-48 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book° A RESOLUIION OF THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COMPLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANI'~ LABOR~ $ERVICE$~ MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTiL!IiES AND TRANSPORTAI'!ON iNCLUDING POWER~ FUEL AND WATER, AND THE PERFORMANCE OF ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC iMPROVEMENT, TO WiT: THE BROOK~URST STREET SEWER !MPROVEMENT~ FROM CRESGENI AVENUE TO APPROXIMATELY 1281 FEET SOUTH OF CRESCENT AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEiM~ JOB NO,~ 1267, (DeLeon Construction, Inc.). 7458 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California -- COgNCIL MINUTES ,- lanuary 2@~ 1964~ 1:30 On roll (;all the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the fo]lowing vote; AYES; COONGiLMEN; Dutton, Chandler, Schutte, Krein and Coons NOES ~ COUNC l LMI~N :~ None ABSENT; GOUNC7 LMEN: None [he Mayor declazed Resolution No~ 64R-48 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 64R-ag: On the r~eommendation of 'the City Engineer~ Councilman Krein offered Resolution No.~ 64R-49 for adoption~ awarding construction of the Katella Avenue Street improvement, Project Nco 102-A~ to Sully Miller Gont~acting Company, the low bidde~, in the amount of $99,212.10~ Refer to Resolution Book° A RESOLUIION OF IHE Ci[Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNiSHiNG OF ALL PLANT~ LABOR~ SERVICES~ MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTiLiTIES .AND TRANSPORTATION~ INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATF. R~ AND PF. RFOR. MTNG ALL ~ORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC LiMPROVEMENF; IHE KAIELLA AVENUE STREET iMPROVE- MENT~ FROM APPROXi MAFELY i~19 FEET EAST OF STA'[E COLLEGE BOULEVARD TO APPROXIMArELY 2880 FEET WES:F OF ~FA[E ~gOLLEGE BOOLEVARD~ IN THE CITY OF ANAHEiM~ PROTECT NO IO'2-A, ~quliy M~.tle~ Con'tzac'ting Company'- $99~212<, 10 On t:oll .~aii the fo:[egoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the follo~tn9 vote: A'fES~ COUNiCiI.M~N~ Dutton~ Chandler, SYhut'te~ Krein and Coons NOES: COUNC i LMEN~ None ABSENT ~ COUNCILMEN: None fhe Mayoz de:l~:~.eO Re~olutzon Noo 64R-49 duly passed and adopted~ PURCHASE: The Cit'y Manage:: reported on lnformal bids received for the purchase of one 67 KV Po~ex ['ransfotrre::~ ~ follows, and noted that the Electrical Division recommenO.~ ~.-.ept:an e of the se.:ond low bid as the low bidder c. annot del tve~ equipment fo:~ 35 week>,~ whereas both the other bidders quoted 22 'week,s aei:vet:y d~te~ ~.~id tz'-~n:~former to be installed at the Anahetzm Substation by i~ui¥, 1964; Pennsyivania F:~n~fo.zme~.~ ].,o:; Angeles $75~088o00 Gene'zal Electr:~_~ Comp~n¥~ Lo.o Angeles 77~402.00 West~nghou-~e Ele,tri. Comp..~ny~ Los Angeles 77~663~04 M~'~. Geo:~ge Oelke::~ D:zre,:to~ of Public Utilities~ reported 'that annual co~t of operatr_ng e~ h of the three transformers were evaluated and oompa:red~ and the Gene~al Eie~'t'~_; model ~a$ 'the most economic. On the re,':ommend:~t~ono of the C:i'ty Manager and Director of Public Ut~litieo~ Coun.ilsan Dut~on moved that the bid of General Electric Company, be ~ .~epted a,s the lowest and best qualified bid, and purchase authorized in 'the -imount of $77,402o00~ Councilman Chandler second- ed the motion.> MOriON CAR. R!ED~.~ PURCHASE - CASH REGiSFER: Fhe City Managez reported on request of the Finance Director 'to pur.~.:ha>;e one National Catch Register, in 'the amount of $2,~76~50 plus 'tax, without bzd in o~-de~ to ma:'..ntain uniformity of equipment stating advantages 'thez-eof~ wa.~ submittedo On the ze~ommen~at?.on~ of the City Attorney, Councilman Chandler moved it be the findlng of the City Court,eli that savings in personnel train- ing time, we~.e suffi':ient 'to deviate from the standard procedure set forth .in the Anaheim Muni:tp~l Code~ and purchase of a Na'tlonal Cash Register by single negotiation be ~utho:i:zed,~ Councilman Dutton seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIED~ City Hall~ Anaheim~ California- COUNC..tL MINUTES- J'anuary 281 19641 1:30 P,M, EMINENT .DOMAIN - SHIELDS DRIVE: The City Manager reported on proposed storm drain which normaly would be ~'on~tructed in Dale Avenue, between Broadway and Orange Avenue~ howevez~ ~n existing Metropolitan Water Dis'trier line in Dale Avenue, would intezfere~ He advised that 'the same drainaae Could be accomplished at reduzed cost by con tru~.tlng said drain in Shields Drive which is located east of Dale Avenue between Broadway and Orange A'venue~ however the required easement in Shleld~ Dr~ve .~ in priva[~ owner~hipo Council D~s~ussion was held and ~t was noted that if said street was opened through the existing ea,~e~ent~ '~riou~ ~unicipal ~ervice~ would be cilitated~ such as fire and pol'~ce protect;on in addition to facilitating the storm dra~n installation~ On the recommendation o{ the City' Manager~ Coundilman Krein moved that tn_ City Attorney be ins'tructed to prepare necessary resolution authorizing the commencement of Eminent Domain Proceedings to acquire need- ed easemento Councilman Schutte ~econded the motiono MOIiON CARRIED. MOTEL STANDARDS: Communication dated January 15~ 1964~ from ~[r. Harold Wo Smith~ President of the Anaheim Area Visitor and Convention Bureau, giving notice of the appointment of ~wo Visitor and Conven{ion Bureau members to the special ~ommittee on cleanlines:~ and health standards for mo±els, was submit{edo On motion by Councilman Chandler~ seconded by Councilman Dutton, notice of appointment of two Visitor and ~ '~onvention Bureau members to said special committee was ordezed ~eoetved and fiied~ and referred to Council- men Dutton and Chandler~ with instruction~ to call a meeting of the interest- ed parties° MOTION CARRiED,~ CORRESPONDENCE: The following correspondenoe was ordered received and filed~ on motion by Councilman Dutton~ seconded by Councilman Krein: ao Notice of Hearing before the PUC. concerning application of The Pacific Telephone and ~[eiegraph Company for authority to publish five telephone directories :in lieu of a :single thelephone directory for Orange County~ b. Tables showin9 distribution of ±coal sales taxes during 'the fourth quarters of 1962 and 19630 c. Summary of apportionments of Mo'tot Vehicle License Fees for the period of 2une 1~ 1963 through November 30~ 1963. MOTION CARR IEDo DEEDS OF EASEMENT: Councilman ~rein offered Resolutions Noso 64R-50 and 64R-51 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. RESOLUTION NO. 64R-50: A RESOLUTION OF ]7HE C!EY COUNCIL OF ']7HE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO I'HE C!]TY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES° (Ac J, Barnhart) RE$OLUIION NO~ 64R-51: A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING AN EASEMENT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR EASEMENTS FOR A WATER LINE~ AND WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES. (Great Western Land Co.) On roll call the foregoing Resolutions were duly passed and adopted by the following vote~ AYES: COUNCILMEN~ Dutton, Chandler~ Schutte, Krein and Coons NOES ~ COUNC I LMEN: None ABSENT.. COUNC.~ LMEN: None The Mayor declared Resolutions Nos. 64R.-50 and 64R-51 duly passed and adopted° 7460 City Hall~. Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 28~ 1964~ 1:30 P,M, PROPOSED CITY CHARTER- TRANSFER OF FUNDS: Proposed Charter for the City of Anaheim was presented to the City Council~ together with letter of trans- mittal from the Anaheim Citizens~ Charter Study Committee and additional communication from said committee~ requesting that the Anaheim City Council discharge the Citizen~' Chaz'ter Study Committee and that official records thereof be placed in the custody of the City Clerk, Mr~ Mu~doch reported that .:opies of the proposed Charter have been printed and are available through the offices of the City Manager and City Clerk~ The City Clerk called attention to communication dated and sub- mi'tted January 21~ i964, reflecting dissen'ting opinion on the proposed Charter by committee member Joshua White~ ~k,o Joshua White member of the Citizens~ Committee addressed ~he Council requesting that his '~dissenting opinion" submitted January 21, 1964~ be considered and incoz'porated into the proposed Anaheim City Charter (printed ~op,~es of Mr. White s address on file), Mayor Coons thanked NI~,.~ Whzte~ and advised that the suggested correction to the re:ommend~tion,~ of the Charter Commi'ttee would be con- sidered by the City 2oun<::il -~t .~ pubii hearing to be scheduled~ at which time everyone wili be given -~n opportunity to suggest any changes they might wish,, late.: in the meetLng, ?GUn,< tim. an iChandler moved that Public and Gene~al Di~u~:~on on the p:~opo~ed Anaheim City Charter as recom- mended by the C~zy Cha~..te:.,: 2omm~tZee be held Wednesday~ February 19, 1964~ 7:00 P~,M~ ~ .~na [hat the 2t'zy Ciezk and Public information Officer be authorized to advexZi~e .~td pdbl~:~ hearth9 at their discretion~ 'the costs for -,aid advei:tl~-.~ement not to exceed $500o00, further $500.00 be transferred f~'om the Coun~ ~i Contingency Fund to cover expenditure. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Coun:':_~man S,~hut'te~ seconded by Councilman Dutton~ the Citizen~~ CharZe., Committee wa-~ dlsmi-~sed and the official records of said Committee [urn.ed or.e:; ~o ~he $~ty Cle}k~ Certificates of preciation for =~erv.~e:: ~ende:zed we~.e o};dered prepaz-ed and forwarded to each membe~ ~nd ~.itez.n~te ~r'embez of sa~d Com~.itteeo MOT[ON CARRIED~ RECESS: Counc::ilman Kr'ein moved to ~e~.:e:~ to 7:00 O~'Clock P~Mo Councilman Dutton seconded the mot:.on.. MO~.~ON CARRiED.~ (15:05 P~Mo ) AFTER RECESS: Mayor Coon~ 'ailed the meeting to ordem~ PRESENT: ABSENT: PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: D'utton,~ Chandier, Schutte~ Krein and Coons. oOON.~ ~ ~ME~I :~ None. CiTf MANAGER~ Keith Aa Muzdocho Ci[~ AT[ORNEY~ o:~eph Gei~ier~ CiTY CLERK: Dene Mo Williamso DiRECFOR OF PUBi.'C WORKS: '[Fhornton E~ Piersa11. PLANNING D'::REC'FOR: Ri:hard A~ Reese, ZON'NG COORDT~ATOR, Ya:rt~n ~e]_dt~ FLAG SALUTE: Mayor Coon~ led the a:i;sembly in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARiNG;~ RECLASSiFiCAtiON NO~ 63-64-34: Submitted by Charles W. Hushaw, et al~ requesting ~:hange of zone from R-1 to C-i~ property briefly described as located on the east ~ide of State College Boulevard, north of South Street, Lot~ I to 10 tn,'lus~ve~ ~rac't NOG 2300 (556, 562~ 604~ 608, 612~ 6187 622~ 628~ 632 and 638 South State College Boulevard). 'The 'City Planning Zommission pursuant to Resolution 913, Series 1963-64~ recommended Re,;lassifi<:ntion No~ 63-64-34 be denied, Public Hea~ing before the City :Council was held October 29, 1963, and continued 'to thi,i~ date for additional study and report from the Planning Department Staff~ 7z~61 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES -January 28~ 19649 1~30 Mr. Martin Kreidt noted the loc~ation of subject property, re- ferrin9 to two strip maps in ~;olor~ placed on the west wall of the Council Chamber~ and reviewed City Planning Commission findings precedent to their recommended denial of the recla~ificationo Mr~ Clarence Dingman~ Senior Planner~ outlined the contents of Plan Study No. 66-103-a, prepared on subject property at the request of the City Council~ He noted the following possible ~ourses of action; that the zonin9 request be denied and retention of ~ingle-family residential uses encouraged, or that C-1 Neighborhood Com~.erclal Zoning be granted. Included in the study were economic and physical considerations, and city-wide effect$~ including results of the ~ur'vey of existing land uses along all major streets designated on 'the Master Plan of Arterial Streets and Highways° Said survey indif~ated oyez 2700 residential lots facing said streets, 2200 of which contain single-family homes; and the additional 560 homes which side on said streets, with a total of 478 net acres involved, which will equal 10 commercial areas 'the size of the Broadway Shoppin9 Center° Mro Dingman noted that the foregoing data was refined by omitting those streets which probably never will have excessive traffic (primarily secondary and collec~tor streets), and the resulting figures are over 1200 single-familY homes ~237-aczes! which f:-ont major heavy1y traveled streets. Other possible oour.$e$ of cotton inoluded in the study were zoning for commercial office use~ whi~ih would require removal of residences and redevelopment of the lots~ which would seem unfeasible considering economic and demand factors~ or retain exis~ting s~truc~tures and permit one or two additional residential uni~tb to be added° Conclusions of 'the Planning $'tu~y wereoo 1. It would be unfeasible 'to remove dwetling~ from subject lots on State College Boulevard in order to redeveiop~ whether for residential commercial or office re~u~e, due to the value of the structures. 2. It would be impracticable to convert the more than 1200 homes in similar situations to other use>~ therefor improvement of the resi- dential enviroment was deemed advi~able., 3. Commercial use of 'the subject lots would not be a desirable solution, considering size and shade of the typical lots and problems involved in providing ,~dequ~te }c. e~ in t}~o~e a~a_~ wL!J~out alleys~ also because of 'the lack of neeO throughout the city of an additional 237-acres of commercial propertyo The Plan $'tudy concluded 'that~ in areas where efforts to retain residential uses failed~ 'the most practicable solution would be conversion of existing structures to office use~ which would require an amendment to the C-O Zone 'to all conversion,, Plans and the file were reviewed by 'the City Council. Mayor Coons asked if anyone wished to address the Council re- presenting the petitioners. Mr. Robert 3, Croft, 638 South grate College Boulevard, addressed the Council bein9 of the opinion tha't the homes on subject properties should be converted to offices, no'ting that the street in question is a State Migh- way, and there is an existing alley behind these homes~ He called attention to several offices converted from residences on North and South State College Boulevard, and advised that he and at leas~t two other property owners would convert their residences immediately~ ~bould ~the zoning be granted. The Mayor asked if anyone el~e wished to address the Council in favor of the requested reclassification~ Mr. Charles Wo Hushaw, 632 South State College Boulevard, advised that their~ was an unique problem in view of the heavily traveled highway; and in his opinion, C-O zoning could be granted for 'the 10 parcels, subject 7462 City Hall, Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL M.~NOTE$ .- January 287 1964~ 1:30 P.Mo plans being presented to [he City Council as each property is ready to be ¢onvertedo Mr~ Hushaw called attention to the medical buildin9 proposed on property acro:~s the st~eet~ and the medical center and apartments being constructed at Ball Road and State College Boulevard. He further advised that the applicants f:iled the zoning application jointly because they felt individual appll~'~a/ion~:~ mlgh[ be considered request for "spot zoning"~ and stated State College Boulevard from the Riverside Freeway ~o the Santa Aha [Freeway had only four blooks of residential use, Mr~ HushawO~ attention was called to homes on the west side of State College Boulevard~ which a~e in the same situation as subject pro- perty~ and it wa~ noted 'that p~opert¥ to the south is undeveloped, The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, for or against the requested rezoning~ there being no response~ declared 'the hearing closedo [urther discussion was held and it was th~ concsnsus of opinion that as parcels are prepared to be converted for use other than single- family residential~ individual application should be made, including plans~ and each application would then be considered on its own merits. gtc Richard Ree~e~ Planning Director, advised that the Staff report was not a recommendation but a statement calling Council attention to the fact that unlike the C~l~ Neighborhood-Gommercial Zone, the C-O Commercial-Office Zone did not permit converted residences~ nor does it permit any residential use~ and said C.-O Zone requires removal of dwellings and redevelopment of the iotso RESOLUTION NOo 64R.-52: At the conclusion of Council Discussion, Councilman Krein offered Resolution Nco 6~R-52, concurring in the recommendations of the City Planning Commission~ denying Reclassification No. 63-64-34 with- out prejudice° Refer 'to Resolution Book~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CitY CO'ONCiL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE O[ ZONE SHOULD NOT BE GRANTED IN A CERTAIN AREA OF THE CITY' HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED. ![ 63-.64-34 ) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vo'te: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Chandler, Schutte, Krein and Coons NOES~ COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None The Mayor de~lared Resolution Nco 64R-52 duly passed and adopted. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARiNG~ RECLASSiFiCATION NO. 63-64-42 AND VARIANCE NO. 1604~ Submitted by Allen E, Ba~.dwell, c/o Leonard Smith, authorized agent, questing change of zone from R-A 'to R-3~ property lo~ated on the north side of Ball Road approximately 1'70 feet west of Webster Street (2501 West Ball Road), and further requesting permission to construct the twenty-seven unit apartment unit with waiver of the following: One story height limitation. (2) Side yard requirement. (3) 1~ spaces in a garage, to permit construction of carports. The City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution No. 938, Series 1963-6~, recommended said reclassification be denied, and pursuant to Resolution No. 939~ Series 1963-64~ denied Variance No, 1604. Public hearing before the City Council was held November 19, 1963, and continued to this da'te~ said applications being referred back to the City Planning Commission for their consideration together with application presently pending on 'the property along Webster Street (Reclassification No. 63,-64-62). 7463 City Hall, Anaheim~ California .- COUNCIL ~iNU'TE$ -January 28~ 1964~ 1:30 Excerpts from the minutes of the City Planning Gom~nission meeting held December 23, 1963~ noting the ~ubje,~t property is also included in Reclassification No~ 63-64-62~ and .~e-affi[ming thezr previous ac'tion recommending denial of suuh applicat'ion.~ ba~ed on the fact that two story construction was no% pezmi~s3ible within i50 feet o~ single-family residen- tial development, wag submitted and ~-ead by Mz~ Kzeid~. He further advised that Reclassification No~ 63-64-62 for property along Webster Street wa~ continued by the City Planning Commls~[on ko [hei~ meeting ~ebruary 17, 1964o Mayor Coons asked ~ the appl~:;an~ cz bi5 agent was present and wished to address the CLty M~o Leonard Smi'th~ agent fo:~ the petltioner~ submitted revised plans for Council consideration, and ~eque~ted subjec't reclassification and variance be granted for, ~ingle ~tory constzuctiono He called attention to the isolation of subjec~ property from those parcels on ~ebster Street, and advised that-they had not :ntenaed to Znclude subject property in the Reclassification Nco 63,-6~--62 appli:zat~on~ Mr, Geisler advlsed that thzs R-3 zoning request is in conflict with the General Plan~ and 'the~efor would requ~'e an amendment to th~ Plan in order to be grantedo Mr. K~eidt advised that ther.-e [:~ a ::~mall amount of multiple family development in 'the immedi, ate ~;ea~ howe:Te~ not enouqh to be reflected on the General Plan~ further ~f the p.~opo ,ed u~,~, of [:he subject property had been considered a substantial deviation from the land use pattern shown on 'the General Plan~ an amendment would of been initiated on the one parcel° Mro Kreidt further reported that in ,~.onjunction with Reclassifica- tion No. 63-64-62~ an amendment to the General Plan is before the City Planning Commission for 'the entire ~ebste.r Street area~ including subject property. He suggested that ~sub~e,~:t appli~ ation be t;ontinued to February 18th, 1964~ and that the C~z¥ Planning Commis~:ion further consider said application together with thel.t :ontinued publi~~ hearing on Reclassifica- tion No~ 63.-6~-62 to be held Feb:ruaxy iTth~ 196~ with an oral report from the Planning Commission to City Council on February 18.~ 1964~ Mayor Coons asked if anyone else wished to address the City Council, there being no response, de,~laxed the hearing closed on Reclassi- fication No. 63-6~-42 and Variance No~ 1604o Councilman Krein moved that action of the City Council on Re- classification No~ 63-64-.42 and Variance Nco 1604 be continued to February 18th~ 1964, 1:30 PoM<~ for report from the City Planning Commissiono Councilman Dui'ton seconded 'the motion,. MORION PUBLIC HEARING~ RECLASS!FiCAIION NOo 63-6~-23~ Submit'ted by Giacomo and Agostina Lugaro, requestin9 change of zone :from R-A 'to C-l; property lo- cated on the east side of Magnolia Avenue~ app~oximately 658 feet south of Crescent Avenue. The City Planning Commission pursuant 'to Resolution No. 1006, Series 1963-64, recommended Reclassifi~;ation No. 63-64-23 for approval, subject to th~ following condit:[on~: le That the owners of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 53 feet in width from the centerline of the street along Magnolia Avenue for street widening purposes. That street improvement plans shall be prepared and all engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim along ~agnolia Avenue, such as curbs and gutters~ sidewalks, street grading and paving, drainage facilities~ or other appurtenant work, shall be completed as re- quired by 'the City £ngineer and in accordance ~ith standard plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer~ and that a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall b% posted with the City to guarantee the installation of said engineering requirements° 7464 City Hall~ Anaheim~ Califox'nla -. COUNCIL MiNOTES- .January 28~ 19647 1:30 3, That the owners of .sub~e,~'t prope~'ty '~hall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $2.00 per front foot ,.~lon9 Magnolia Avenue for street light- lng purposes,~ 4o The +.rash storage area~ ~h.ali be p~owlded in azzordanze ~ith approved plans on file ~n the offic~ of the Direr.trot of Public Works prior to final building ~n-~pe~,tion.~ That the owne~ ut ~ub~e t p:~opexty shall deed to the City of Anaheim a 3-foot publ.i,~ ut[lit'~~ easement~, ~nd ~ 2~-foot overhang easemen~ along the e~sterty boundaxy o~ :~ub.je~'t property~ 6. That Condition No [, 2, 3 ~nd 5, above mentioned, shall be complied wi~h within a per,od of i80 day~ from date hereof~ or such further time as the C!t~ Coum ii maV gra~t, 7. That subjea't p~ope'rty ~ha[l Oe developed ~ubst~ntlally in accordance with plan~ and ~pe.~if'~ ~tion~ on file wlth +`he City of Anaheim~ marked "Exhibit Noso 1 and 2'> That tree weil:~: shall be proviaed at approximate 40-foot intervals in the Magnolia Avenue parkway abutting subjec't proper'ty~ that plans for said tree well-~ and planting of trees therein~ shall be submitted to and approved b~ the Superintendent of Parkway Maintenance; and said tree well~o :~hall Oe pi.~nted with trees prior to final building fnspe~ tion~ Fhat n 3.-foot strip of land ~hall be iands~aped on the Magnolia Avenue frontage and ~id iand~apln9 maintained~ as indicated on Exhibit No,, i on [zle with the City; that plans for said landscaping shall be ~ubmitted to ~nd ~app~,oved by the Superintendent of Park- way Main'tenant:e; and that ~aid lands~dpin9 ~hall be installed prior to final buiidin9 inspe..~tioa.~ 10~ That a 6-foot m:~on~y w~ii shall be constructed alon9 the east and south property lines p~lor to final building inspection~ 11~ That all air-conditioning fa ilitie~ shall be proper~y shielded from v~ew from :~buttlng ~t:~eet~.~ 12o [hat the petitioner ~hall file a Petltion for Reclassification or Variance on the R~-A~ Re~idential Agxicultural~ Zone "not a part" parcel abutting to 'the :,outh pr'ior to final building inspection. ~tr~,~ Mu:rdo::h refer:red to letter xe,~eived this date from Robert Wu Mac~ahon~ atto:~ney fo~ the 'appli,~ant~ requesting public hear- in9 be continued one week.~ He advl.~ed that he :~poke with ~ MacMahon 'this afternoon, anO wa~ aav~:ed that t~e attorney had no objection to the City Coun.il holding .a:d p~Oi.t~ heaz~zng without his presence; however~ ~zf 'there wa~ any ont~o~er.:~f o~ questions to be asked, he would appreciate the heaz~ng Oeing .-ontinuedo The Mayo: asked ~f anyone wished to address the Council in opposition 'to Re~:iasstfi<:::at~on No. 63,-.6.4.-23~ There was no response. Mr. Kreidt noted the location of subject property and the existing uses and zoning in the immediate area~ briefing the evidence submitted to and ~"onsidered ny the City Planning Commission. ~tr~ Murdoch further reported 'that Mr~ MacMahon had no objec- tion ~o the filing of a Cond~_tional gse Permit or Variance application on 'the R-A pa:~-cel ad3a ent to the south, as noted in City Planning Commission Cona:t..on No,, ~'..:!, ~n~ exp!-~tned t~at the reason for said requlzement wa~ t~ :~z t~ e R--A pa.~ eL ~e-::s t~ an one ante would be creat- Mr o Geislex, adv:sed +.hat the pzoposed reclassification would require 1nit,at,on of an amendment to the General Plan, as stipulated by sta+.e law~ in order to h.~ve the commercial use shown on the General Plan. Mayor Coons declared the hearing closed on Reclassification No~ 63-64-23~ On motion by Coun.~ilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman Dutton~ action of the City Count.il on Reclassifica+`ion No. 63-64-23 was continued to Max-ch 2a~ 1964, 1:30 P,M,, to allow initiation and public ~:ear~ng~ on .r.e~d~en~. +o the General Piano MOTION CARRIED~ 7465 CitY Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MiNUtES - January 28~ 1964~ 1:30 P.Mo PUBLIC HEARING~ RECLA$SI[iCAIION NOg 63-,64,-64 AND VARIANCE NOg 1614: Submitted by Everett Ma Miller~ requesting change of zone from R-A to C-l~ and waiver of structural height limitation to permit the construction of a three-slory saving and loan office building~ property located on the east side of Brook- burst Street approximately 681 feet north of the center llne of Ball Road (910 South Brookhurst Street)° The City Plannlng Commission pursuant to Resolution No. 1004, Series 1963-64, recommended ~ecl~s$ifl~ation No. 63-6~-64 be approved~ subject 'to the following ~ondltlons: le 0 0 e e That the owners of :~ubje::t property ;hall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 5.4.-.feet .in '~idth~ .~long B:rookmore Avenue, for street purposes. (Ihis will provide for a 12.-foot parkway on the south~ a 40.-foot roadway and 2.-foot park~.~y on the north° The addi'tionai parkway on ~he nor'th ~ill be a~qui:.ed at a future da~e~) That street improvement plans shall be prepared and all engineering requirements of the C:i~y of Anaheim along Brookhursq $tree~ and Brookmore Avenue~ such as curds and gutters, sidewalks, street grad- ing and paving~ drainage f~cilitie~ o~- other appurtenant ~ork shall be completed as required by the City Engineer and in accordance ~ith s~andard plans and spe~iflcation~ on file in the office of the City Engineer; and that a bond ~_n an amount and form satisfactory to ~he City of Anaheim shall be po~ted ~ith the City to guarantee the in~- stallatlon of ~aid engineering requirements. That owner of subje~t p~ope~t~ shall pay to the City of Anaheim %he sum of $2000 per front foot~ along Brookhur~t Street and Brookmore Avenue~ for street lighting purpo~es~ That the completion of these re.:~l~:~lf[cation proceedings is con- tingent upon the g~anting of a vari:~n~:e~ That Condi%ion Noso 1 and 2, above m, entloned~ shall be complied with within a period of 180 days from dante he~-eof~ or such further time as the City Council may g~anto Ihat subject p~operty ~hall be developed s'ubstantially in accordance wi%h plans and spe~ifi~ations on file with the City of Anaheim~ marked "Exhibit No. i~ as amended herezn~ provided that a lO-foo~ setback is maintained~ and that r~he ~sign lndic~ted shall not be considered a part of this exhibito That a iOn-foot ~t~ip of land where adjac~ent to buildings and a 3-foot s%rip of land where adja:~ent to pa~kin9 a~eas shall be landscaped on the Brookhurst Stree't and B~ookmore Avenue frontage and said land- scapin9 main~ained~ as indi~:~ated on ~xhibit Nco 1 on file with the City; that plans for ~ald land~aping ~hail be submitted to and approved by %he Superintendent of Pa~kmay Maintenance; and that said landscaping shall be instaiied prior to final building inspec- tion. Ihat the owner of subject p~operty shall place of record City of Anaheim C.-I~ Deed Restri~tions~ approved by the City Attorney~ which restrictions shall limit the use of ~ubjec~ proper~y to business and professional offi<;es only~ and that said restrictions shall be completed wifhin a period of 180 days from date hereof~ or such further time as the City Council may grant. [he City Planning Commission pursuant to their Resolution No. 1005, Series 1963-64~ 9ranted Variance No~ i61~ subject 'to the following conditions: le ® m That 'trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file in the office of the Director of Public Works~ prior to final building inspection~ That this variance is granted subject to 'the comple'tion of Reclassifi- cation No. 63~64-6q.~ That subject property ~jhail be developed substantially in accordance with plans and speoifi~atlons on file with the City of Anaheim~ marked "Exhibit No~ 1'~o, as amended he:~e[n, provided that a 10-foot setback from Brookhurst Street be m~intained~ and that the sign indicated shall not be considered as part of this exhibit~ 7466 City Hall~ 6[taheim~ California - COUNC~,I. MINUTES - January 28~. 1964~ 1:30 P~M~ 4o Th t a lO-foot ~t~fp o~ land where adjacent to buildings and a 3-foot si. ip of land where ~dja:.:ent to p ~kfng areas shall be landscaped on the Brookhu~..~t ,Street :~nd B~ookmore Avenue frontage and said land- scaping m~nt<~:ned~ ~ :nd~;.:at~d on Exhibif No. 1~ on file ~ith the City~ that plan:~ fo~ -~aid iand.~caping sh;~ll be submitted to and ap- proved by the Super:ntendent of Parkway Maintenanoe~ and said tree wells .-~hai1 be zn~taJ, led p~ :o~ to ftnai building '~nspection, That tree well_, ~hall be prOvLded at npproximate 40-foot intervals in the Brook~uz ~:, S~-~eet and proposed B~o ~more Avenue parkways abutting subject proper tyt ~:~ rt pi an~ Fox'. ~ ~d t~:ee ~ells and planting of trees therein, shall be subm'_tted to and ~ppxoved '.)y the Superintendent of Parkway Main- tenancet and that '.:~a~d t::nd~zap~ng shall be installed prior to final bulld~ng int~pe.t.~on, 6. [bat a 6-foot ~'~a-~on:~ ~,v::~li '~l:~li be ..:on:strutted along the east property l~ne prto.r to ~n~i bu,.Id:ns ~n~pect-on. That ~11 afr--":ono~t~on~ng ta;~_l~.tt~e,.~ shall be properly shlelded from v~ew from Plans snd the ~.le~ were ~ev~ewed by the City Council, and the Mayor asked if the ~pplt:,ant or ~"~:~ ~cenz ~,~a:~ present and wished to address the Council. ,, ~ ~ Quey~.ei.~ agent fo~'-the pe'ti[ioner~ indicated his presence at Zhi~ heazLng for Zhe pu~-po:.-~e of answering any questions. Fhe Mavo~ a:~ed ~f ~nyone else w);.shed to address the Council for or agalnst the proposed appii_tatzon~ there being no response, declared the hearing clo~ed. · Disc:ust~ior: w~s held-, and M:r,~ Mreidt reported that property to the north of subje:t p:rope:.-ty w:~ ~e~::~",::tea to ~.ed~,:a~. dental and profe~:~o,~:~[ ~e.. fie ~a~..e<~ that t e ~endment to the General Plan ~ouia be ne:'.e.-~'~a~.~.~ a:~ the u~e .~e~uested under Reclassification No. 63-64-64 and Variance No.,i61~: ~.~.-~ ~,ub.:tantiali:~ in agreement ~ith the General Plan for that a:rea~, RESOLUTION NO~.~ 64R-$3: Coun:~.lman Schut'te offered Resolution No. 64R-53 for adoption~ autho~_iztng p~epa~at'~on of 'the necessary ordinance, chang- ing 'the .zone as reque::~ted~ ~ubje t to the recommendations of the City Planning .... . ~ston,~ omitting '~ona~t_on No~ 8 thereof~ and changing Con- dition Nco 4 to read: :[hat the 'ompletlon of the reclassification pro- ceedings :~ <ont:tngen't upon the g~.~nttng of Variance No. 161~." Refe~ to Resoiutton Book.~ A RESOLUTION OF FHE ..C['[', COONCiL OF iHE CiTY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING [HAY Ti!'LE 18 OF I'HE ANAHE2M MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND THA'[ THE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED. "i 63-6~ -64 C- 1 ~i On roll :ali the fo:regoing re:solution was duly passed and adopted by the follow:trig vote: AYES; GO[J'NCfLMEN: Dut'ton, Chandler, Schutte, Krein and Coons NOES: COONC iLMEN: None AB~EM~ .. COUNC ILM~N: None The Mayor declared Resolution No,~ 64R-53 duly passed and adopted. RESOLU[ION NO~ 64R-54; Councllman Schutte offered Resolution No, 64R-54 for adoption~ granting Variance No, 161~ subject to 'the recommendations of the City Planning Commis~iono Refer 'to Resolut;.on Book, A RESOLUTION OF THE 'CiT~' COUNCIL OF tHE CiTi~ OF ANAHEIM GRANTING VARIANCE NO~ 161~ On roll call the foz'egoing :resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote; 7467 ~.it, y Hall~ Anaheim~ California -COUNCil. MINUTES - AYES: COUNCiLMEN~ Dut'ton, Chand,Ier~ Schutte~ Krein and Coons NOES: COUNC ~ LMEN,~, None ABSENT; COUNCILMEN; None The Mayor de:~lared Resolution No, 6~R-5~ duly passed and adopted. REQUEST - $IGNAL~ G!LBI~SK DRIVE AND BALL ROAD: In accordance with request of City Council~ meeting of Deoember 17~ 1963~ 'the City Engineer submitted a report on a re-survey made of the traffic ~ituatlon at the intersection of Gilbuck Drive and Ball Road~ Said report lncluded range of speed~ number of vehicles and pedestrians during a period when school was in session and when school was on vacation,~ Sa~id report further verified former count maae ~nd r~e-aff~r~,eci p~evious report~ that the crosswalk was safe and perhaps safez than m~ny others, and ttaat cond:ttons will be further improved with the ;n-~tai.[ation of a signal at Ball Road and Walnut $treeto Mr~ Murdoch ~read report from Lieutenant Rogers of the Police Department~ Traffic Division~ ag:~eeLng wit~: ~epo~t '~ubmitted by Traffic Engineer, advising that the are~ indicated no more problem 'than any other school area~ The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council on this issue~ Mr~ Robert A,~ Ham:iiton.~ i517 Bead:on Street~ presented photos of automobiles approaching the railroad cros~.ing rise, 'to illustrate the lack of visibility ',f ~'. L~ av-ei:ng ~e.~:, .~t. ~u:'.~je-'t lai. e;rsection~ Mr. Hamilton compared the danger of attempting 'to enter the intersection from Gilbuck Dri~e~ with the protestation of an automobile~ to the danger encountered by pedestrians attempt~n9 to cro~ said intersei~tion. In his opinion the signal was neeoed be~ aurae of thi~ impaired 'vision. Nk~ Hamilton que~.~tloned the control of this intersection by signals installed east or we.~t~ ann fu:ther advised that there was one speed limit sign controilin9 westbound traffi~i:, and 'three speed limit signs controlling eastbound t:raff[~.; that their con~ern was with west- bound traffic approaching the sohool. Mrs, Mildred Campbell aa/~ed that s statement was previously made that if a traffic signal was info, tailed un every corner it would hinder 'the flow of traff:c, and fu~'ther advised that the signals could be synchronized so as to ;ont~oi the normal flow of traffic° !rregard- less of the traffi,. ~eport? a~ i't ;eiate~ to speed~ they that live in the area were aware of the ex~esulve speed on Bali Roado Mr° Wendell Way~ 1537 Adithia Avenue~ referred to 'the number of car~ that exceeded the ~peed limit du~ing 'the period 'that school was not in session~ and questioned the '7:[:affi:~ Engineer concerning said report° Mr~ Ed Granzow~ 'Fraffi~: Engineer, in .~nswez to Mro Way~s in- quiries replied that the ~ate of ~,peed was de'retrained by means of a radar un~t which '~ a'.~u~aLe wztln~n one per :.-,nt., that the car contain- ing the radar unit wa~ loca'ted fif~iy feet west of the crosswalk~ taking readings approximately 300 feet east of the vehicle; that the crosswalk is located approximately 700 feet from the railroad tracks o Mr o Granzow reported that the :speed of cars txaveling in both directions were approximately equal, probably a little 9rester travel- in9 east ~han wes'to Yurthe~ it no:maiy takes ~ vehicle traveling fifty miles per hour approximately 350 feet to ~.~top~, Taking into con- sidera~ion 'the drop from the railroad track rise~ and fo~ a stranger to the area, perhaps an addi'tional 100 fee'~ would be required to stop ~he vehicleo Mr~ Way wa~ of the opinion that the s'tatis~tics reported did not take into consideration 'the ies~ than average dx-iver~ or possible weather conditions~ He felt that the ~urvey ~bould have been made 7468 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 28; 1964;,.,1:3,0 P,.Mo when conditions were les~ than ideal~ Mr~ Way asked what the measures were that warrant a traffic signal installation~ and further advised ~hat their request was for the protection of pedestrians rather than automobileso Mro Granzow advised ~that there has been established minimum warrants for traffic signals which are based on volume of vehicles on major stree'ts and enterlng streets; the number of pedestrians crossing the major stmeets~ speed of vehioles~ degree of hazard and special con- ditlons, Further, if these minimum warrants are met the signal is in- cluded in a pignal lzotlng and~ further ra~ed at eaGh signal meet- ing the minimum warrants~ On 'thi~ basi~ those with the highest number of points are place,] on a priority list~ and installations are made ac- cording to funds budgeted,~ Mr. Granzow further z'eported that this warrant system has rather universal acceptance throughout the nation and particularly in California, and was the system used thz,oughout Orange County° He stated that sixty- four locations within the City of Anaheim meet the minimum warrants, and the intersection of Ball Road and Gilbuck Drive did not meet the minimum warrants at this time° Councilman Schutte suggested regular stop signs be placed on Ball Road at Giibuck Driveo Mr. Way was of the opinion that 'the problem would be solved if people would stop ~t the raiiro~d crossing rise° Councilman Krein asked if additional signing would alleviate the situation° Mro Granzow reported that for westbound traffic there presently is signing both approaching 'the railroad t~acks and west of the railroad tracks, and in addition a portable sign is placed in the crosswalk. Mr~ Hamilton asked for an explanation~ relating to the visibily, of the sixty-fou~ other locations in 'the City of Anaheim meeting minimum warrants for signalization~, Mro Gzanzow advi::~ed 'that 'this could not be answered without further, checking 'those interqe?;tion~; listed~ Mr~ Hamilton felt that if the cost of the signal was considered excessive~ MT. $chutte~; ~ugge~,tlon of arterial stop signs would be some measure of pzote,~tion, He further ~;ugge:~ted that the Chief of Police be instructed to have officez,$ at this loca'tion to issue traffic cita'tions for violations° Mro irwin Te!l~ 207~ Marg~e Lane, member of the PTA, advised that going west on Ball Road there was one speed limit sign between West Street and Euclid Sqreet Mr~ Tell related a near accident to his son which was caused by stre~,~ .:'ons'truction in the area° Regarding traffic law enforcement ~o £urt~ Jiow :speed in the area~ in his opinion this would require a traffmc oftm~er twen'ty-four hours a day. Mrs. Campbell stated t]~at %he traffic count on cars entering Ball Road from Gilbuck was Iow be(ause of 'the danger of entering Ball Road at 'this point~ Fuzther~ the stop sign as suggested,'~would have to be placed on the crest of the railroad 'track rise in order to be seen. Mayor Coons asked for comments from the 'Traffic Engineer con- cernin9 the ~u99esLion made by Councilman $chu'tte, Mro Granzow reported that a,;cording to their flndings~ instal- lation of stop ~ign~ on major highways tend to increase traffic accidents, Me gave as an illustration Ball Road and State College Boulevard, and noted that installation of this 'type of stop sign requires traffic to come to a complete stop twenty-four hours a day~ and during certain periods, 7469 City Hal. iT Anaheim,.California - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 28~ 1964~ 1:30 backs traffic up quite some distance. Taking fnto consideration the twenty one thousand cars traveling Ball Road at this location~ the same condition would occur and t]~e situation could become an extreme hazard, Further discussion was held by the City Council, and considera- tion given to the placement of portable signs that could be moved when not needed, additional speed limit signing and vigorous enforcement of speed limit laws. At the conclusion of the discussion on motion by Councilman Dutton~ seconded by Councilman Coons~ request for traffic signal instal- lation at Ball Road and Gilbuck Drive was denied, and additional signin9 was authorized at the discretion of the Iraffic Engineer~ the foliage ordered removed from any sign obscured; further the Chief of Police was ordered to institute a vigorous campaign in subject area, making concerted efforts to control traffic° In addi~ion~ further radar check was ordered to determine results~ ~i'th additional report to be made in 60 days. To this motion Councilman Krein 'voted '~No"~ MOTION CARRIED~ On motion by Councilman Dut'ton, seconded by Councilman Chandler photos submitted as evidence ~ere ;~ut?',or~zed returned to Mr. Hamilton. MOTION GARRIED, RECESS; Councilman Chandler moved for a t~enty m~nute recess Councilman Dutton seconded the motion. MOTION CARRiED~. (10:15) AFTER RECESS: Mayor Coons called the meeting to order~ all members of the Council being present° ORDINANCE NO, 1967: Councilman Chandler offered Ordinance No, 1967 for final reading: Refer to Ordinance Book° AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 14~ CHAPTER 14.32~ SECTION 14o32~155 AND 14o32,i90 OP' THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE, RELATING TO PARKING. (Restricted parking - Portion Anaheim Road) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1967 and having knowledge of 'the contents therein, Councilman $chutte moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived. Councilman Chandler seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED° On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton~ Chandler, Schutte, Krein and Coons NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT; COUNCILMEN: None Mayor Coons declared Ordinance No~ 1967 duly passed and adopted, ORDINANCE NO. 1968: Councilman Dutton offered Ordinance Nog i968 for final reading. Refer to Ordinance Book. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE REALATING TO ZONiNGo (63-64-27 - C-1 and P-l) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1968 and having knowledge of the contents therein~ Councilman $¢hutte moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived° Councilman Chandler seconded the motion° MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED~ On roll call the foregoing Ordinance ~as duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton~ Chandler~ Schutte~ Krein and Coons NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None 7470 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California .- COUNCIL MINUTES - January 28~ 1964~ 1:30 P.Mo Mayor Coons declared Ordinance No. 1968 duly passed and adopted, RESOLUTION NO. 64R-55: Councilman $~zhut'te offered Resolution No. 64R-55 for adoption~ Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF IHE COUNTY OF ORANGE TO PERMIT THE COUNTY CLERK OF SAID COUNTY TO RENDER SPECIFIED SERVICES TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM~ RELATING TO IHE CONDUCT OF A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON APRIL 14TH~ 19640 On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following 'vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton~ Chandler, Schutte, Krein and Coons NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-55 duly passed and adopted. .aDJOURNMENT: Councilman $chutte moved to adjourn° Councilman Chandler seconded the motion° MOTION CARRiED~ ADJOURNED: 10~56 P.M~ City Clerk City Hall~ Anaheim~ Californi.a - COUNCIL MINUTES - February 4~ 1964~ 1:30 R~M. 'The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Chandlery Schutte, Krein and Coons. ABSENI: COUNCILMEN: None. PRESENT; CITY MANAGER: Keith A. Murdoch. CITY ATTORNEY: Joseph Geisler. CITY CLERK: Dene M. Williams. CITY ENGINEER: James P. Maddox. CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR; Richard A. Reese. ZONING COORDINATOR: Martin Kreidto Mayor Coons called the meeting to order, .~INUTE$: Approval of the City Council Minutes of January 21 and 28, 1964 was continued to the meeting of February 11, 1964. SIGN APPLICATION - STANDARD OIL COMPANY: Application for permission to erect two non-conforming signs (one canopy sign and one pole sign) at 1233 North East Street, together with plans, was submitted at the meeting of January 28~ 1964, and continued to this date to allow for visual inspection of other signs in the immediate area. Mayor Coons withdrew from any discussion and action relative to subject application because of a possible conflict of interest. Mayor Pro Tem Chandler asked if anyone wished to comment on the matter. Councilman Krein advised that he viewed similar signs and also inspected the loca'tion of the proposed sign and thereupon moved said permit be granted as requested~ Councilman $chutte seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED.