1964/02/057490 Clt~_H_a_~A_n_ahe__im_~___C_~_l_~[or~ni:~ ~= COUNCil MINUTES = February 5, 1964, 10'~00 AoMo The City Council o{ the City of Anaheim met in Adjourned Regular Session° PRESENT~ COUNCILMEN~ Dutton~ Chandler~ Schutte~ Krein and Coons° ABSENI ~ COUNCiL~N~ None° PRESENT,,, CITY MANAGER~ Keith Ak, Murdoch CiTY ATTORNEY: Joseph Geisler CITY CLERK; Dene Mo Williams FINANCE DIRECIOR~ Douglas Ko Ogden ACCOUNTING OFFICER~ John Woodstra CITY TREASURER~ Maybelle Eo Spencer Mayor Coons called the meeting to order° This being ~he iime and place fixed for the opening o£ bids for $6~600,000 bonds~ designated ~UNIC!PAL IMPROVEMENT BONDS, ELECTION 1963, SERIES A~ the following bids received pursuant to the notice of sale were publicly opened~ examined and read~ UNITED CAlIFORNiA BANK, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CHICAGO,"CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF C~ICAGO~ Joint Managers~ Harrimsn Ripl~y & COo, incorporated = Salomon Broso & Hutzler ~ White, Weld & Coo - Bo J, Van Ingen & Coo~ Inoo - Ro Wo Pressprioh & COo = Eo Fo Hutton & Company~ In¢o - l,, Fo Rothschild & Coo =, Taylor and Company - First National Bank in Dallas - Braun~ Bosworih & Coo~ Incorporated =, The Illinois Company - Stern Brothers & COo - Dempsey-Tegeler & Coo~ i[nCo -, The Ohio %ompany = Julian Collins & Company - Foster g Marshall ~ Bosworth~ Sullivan & Company~ Inco ~ Parker, Eisen, Waeckerie, Adams & Purce!l~ Inco ~ Jo Ac Ovation & Coo = Jo Mo Dain & COo Inco - No Co Roberts & Coo ~, Manley~ Bennet~ McDonald & Coo = Allan Blair & Coo bid par, accrued interest %o date of deliver¥~ and a premium of $1~155o00 for bonds in the denom- inet_on of $5~000 each and bearing interest payable annually the first year and semiannuail¥ thereafter at the rates of~ RATES 'YEARS 3020% i[965 to 1969 3o0% 1970 to 1980 3~,i0% 1981 to 1982 3020% i983 to 1984 CROCKER,-CITZZENS NATIONAL BANK bid par~ accrued interest to date of delivery~ and a premium of $430o00 for bonds in the denomination of $ (not stated) each and bearing interest payable annually the first year and semiannually thereafter at the rates of~ RATES YEARS 3020% 1965 to 1969 3o00% 1970 to 1977 3o10% 1978 to 1982 3o20% 1983 to 1984 BANK OF AMERICA NoIo& S~Ao and Associates bid par, accrued interest to date of deliver¥, and a premLum of $1~00 for bonds in the denomination of $5,000 each and beartn9 interest payable annually the first year and semiannually thereafter ~t ~he ra'tes RA~ES YEARS 3~% 1965 to 1971 ~: 3 '4% 1972 to 1974 3% i975 to 1979 3~% 1980 to 1984 SECURITY FIRST NATIONAL BANK AND ASSOCIATES bid par, accrued interest to date of delivery~ and a premium of $$~981o00 for bonds in the denomination of $5,000 each and bearing interest payabl~ annually the first year and semi- annually thereafter Bt the rates of~ RATES YEARS 60% 1965 to 1969 3o20% 1970 tO 1963 0o10% 1984 7491 .C_ity Hall~ Anaheim~ California .- COUNCIL MINUTES - February 5~ 1964~ 10:00 HALSEY, STUART & COo Inco AND ASSOCIATES, Halsey, Stuart & Coo Inco - Morgan Guaranty Irust Company of New York -. Goldman~ Sachs & Coo - Shlelds & Company - Stone & Webster Securities Corporation =, Paribas Corporation - Hemphill~ Noyes & Coo .- Wo Ho Morton & COo~ Incorporated - The Connecticut Bank & Trust Company -. Rand & Coo- Second District Securities Coop Inco - Blunt Ellis & Simmons ~ Field, Richards & COo ~, McCormick & COo - The Ohio Company - American Fletcher Netional Bank & Trust Coo- George K~ Baum & Company - Dittmar & Company, Inco - Reinholdt & Gardner .- Underwood, Neuhaus & Co., Incor- porated bid par~ accrued interest to date of delivery~ and a premium of $19980°00 for bonds in the denomination of $5,000 each and bearin9 interest payable annually the first year and semiannually thereafter at the rates of: RATES YEARS 3o20~ 1965 to 1972 3o10% 1973 3000% 1974 to 1978 3o10% 1979 to 1982 3°20% 1983 to 1984 FIRST WESTERN BANK & TRUST CON~°ANY AND ASSOCIATES~ [irst Western Bank & Trust Company ~ Kidder, Peabody & Coo -First of Michigan Corporation - Bache & Company - Schwabacher & Company = Dominick & Dominick ~ Childs Securities Corpor- ation - Francis Io du Pont & Company = Wood~ S'truthers & Coo, Inco- American Securities Corporation ~ Hill Richards & Company ~. Jo So Strauss & Coo - Commerce Trust Company ~ National Bank of Commerce of Seattle .= Tripp & Co~ Inc. - Ball~ Burge & Nraus ~ Johnston~ Lemon & Company ~ Rauscher, Pierce g Company, Inco - Laidlaw g Company- Coughlin and Company~ Inco ~ Na'tional Bank of Washington bid par, accrued interest to date of deliver¥~ and a premium of $2,211000 for bonds in the denomination of $ / .[not stated) each and bearing interest payable annually the first year and semiannually thereafter at the rates of~ RA IE S YEARS 4 3~% 1965 to 1967 s 1/4 o 1968 3% 1969 to 1978 3 1/4% 1979 to 1984 Each bid was accompanied by a good faith check in an amount not less than $198~000o On motion b'y Councilman Chandler~ seconded by Councilman Dutton, all bids were then referred to Finance Director~ Douglas Ogden for checking and computation, a report thereon to be given to the Council later in this meeting° MOTION CARRIED° (Councilman Sch'utte left the meeting) The Finance Director appointed to check and compute the bids on the bonds for which bids were opened previously during this meeting reported that 'the bid of UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK~ THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CHICAGO~ CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF CHICAGO and Associates, is the bid 'yielding the lowest net interest costs: RBSOLUTION NO. 64R-73~ After considering the various bids and the report thereon, it was moved by Councilman Dutton and seconded by Councilman Chandler, that Resolution Noo 6~R-73~ be adopted° Refer to Resolution BOOk o RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA AWARDING $6~600~000 BONDS OF SAID CITY TO THE BEST BIDDER AND REJECTING ALL OTHER BIDS~ On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote~ 7492 _C_ity Hali~ ..Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - February 5~ i964~ 10:00 A.M. AYFS: COUNCILMEN~ Dui'ton9 Chandler¢ Krein and Coons. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None° ABSENT: COUNC I LMAN: Schutte ~ Mayor Coons declared Resolution No~ 64R-73 duly passed and adopted. REQUEST - WATER AND SEWER SERVICES (County area): Request of Mro Dillman and Mro Brummei for city services to apartment project to be located on the south side of Lincoln Avenues approximately 330 feet west of Brookhurst Street (County territory) was deferred from the meeting of February 4~ 1964 to determine if plans of development could be revised to meet City of Ana~ieim ~tandardso Revised plan:~ were brought to the Council Table and changes to said plan explained which were briefly as follows: (a) Removal of the 16 Bachelor Apartments (C Units); re- moval of 16 One-bedroom Unit$~ and in lieu thereof, construct 4 Iwo-bedroom Onits (D Units) containing square footage in excess of city requirementSo Reducing total units from 232 to 216~ (b) Move tennis court from area originally shown to the northeast corner of their property which is not included as a part of subject pian~ and install additional parking and iand~.<:aping., Ink, tall additional parking in area formerly ]esignated for tennis court~ Increase parking spaces to i39 spac~so (c) Enclose entire development with 6-foot masonry wall exsept where carports back up to the property line~ (d) Ail requirements to be met as outlined in City Engineer's memorandum dated February 4~ 1964o On motion by Councilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman Dutton~ it was 'the finJing of the Ci'ty Council that Revised Plan of Development sub~tantiatiy meets City of Anaheim requirements~ and '~ty servSces to subject property authorized° MOTION CARRIED° (Revised plan with changes noted thereon, approved by the City Council~ zigned this date by Mayor. Coons) ADJOURN: Councilman Chandler moved 'to adjourn~ Councilman Dutton seconded the motion,, MOTION CAR~x~D (1i:05 AoMo) City Clerk City Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - FebruarY 11~ 1964~ 1:30 PoM. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: COUNC!LgEN1 Out/on, Chandler, Schugte, Krein and Coons. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. PRESENT: ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER: Robert Davis, CITY ATTORNEY: Joseph Geisler. DEPUTY CITY CLERK: Aloha M. Farrens. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS: Thornton E. Piersall. CITY ENGINEER: James P. Maddox. ZONING COORDINATOR: Martin Kreidt. Mayor Coons called the meeting to order. MINUTES: OB mo%ion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Chandler, - ~%2.N~ of th~ Anahei~ City Council meeting held J~guary 21~, 1964, were ~l~p.rOv~t, .MOTION CARRIED.