1964/02/25:--50 ~it¥ Hall~ Rnanelm, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - February 19, 1964, 7:00 P.M. At the conclusion of the d;~scussion, ~t was determined by the City Council that another meeting be scheduled March 4, 1964~ 7:00 P.M.~ to con- tinue 1he public discussion on the proposed Charte~. PROCLAMATION, 3£. CATHERINE'S MILITARY SCHOOL - SEVENTY-FIVE YEARSI On motion by Councilman Coons~ seconded by Councilman Schutte~ May 2~ 1964~ was proclaimed "St. Catherlne~ Military School Day in Anaheim", in ~ecogn~tion of the $0hoo1'$ Diamond Anniversary. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT: Souncilman Dutton moved to adjourn. Councilman Chandler seconded the mo{ion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOUNNED: 9:15 P.M. SIGNED: City Clerk G. itV Hali~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - February 25, 1964, 1:30 P.M. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Schutte, Krein and Coons. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Dui:on, PRESENT: CIIY MANAGER: Ke~th A. Murdoch. ASSISTANT CITY AITORNEY: John Dawson. OIlY CLERK: Dene M~ W~lliams. CITY ENGINEER: James P, Maddox. ZONING COORDINAIOR: Martin Kreidto Mayor' Coons call. ed 'the meeting to o]:der. MINUTES: Approval of the minutes of the Anaheim City Council meetings held February ~ 5, ll~ 18 and 19, 1964~ was deferred one week, March 3, 1964. RESOLUTION NO. 64R-122: Councilman Kre]n offered Resolution No~ 64R-122 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book., A RESC)LUIION OF 'THE CiIY COUNCIL OF 1HE OIlY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND DIRECT[NO THE PAYMENT OF DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY AS OF FEBRUARY 25, 1964. (Warrai~tt:. Nos° 29955 to 30227~ both inclusive., totaling $618~068.13) On roll ~;all the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by' the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Schutte, Krein and Coons. NOES: COUNC I LMEN: No ne. ABSENT: COUNCILMAN'. Duttono The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-122 duly passed and adopted. ~ARRANT: O.n motion by Councilman Krein~ seconded oy Councilman Schutte, warrant in the amount of' $7,900°00 to State of California Departmen+ of Water Reso~r::es to accompany plans for their review of Walnut Canyon Reservoir, was at~tho:r~zed. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC DiSCUSSiON - STREET NAME CHANGES, LOS ANGELES STREET AND ANAHEIM ROAD: Ceun¢a. 1 consideration of proposed sLreet name changes for Los Angeles Street and Anaheim Road, was continued from the meetiLng of February 11~ 1964~ %o this date for an informal public d~scuss:on. 7551 City Hali~ Anahelm~ Cai' £ornia - COUNCil. MINUTES - February 25~ 1964~ 1;30 P,M. · ~.~e Ci'cT' C3erk read i ..... e.u~.er dated Yebruary 24, 1964, from Leo J. Friis, favorlng the proposed street name change of Los Angeles Street. Mayor Coons ca!lsd a%ten!lon to the petifiion~ submitted by Mr. C, Bo Cook~ 508 Nort~ Los Angeles Street, at the time the City Council ~ir~t considered subsect proposal (?ebruar¥ 117 1964)~ purportedly signed by i~700 Anaheim buslness and professional people in opposition to chang- lng the name o£ Los Angeles S~reei. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the City Council, Mr, George Strachan, Manager of the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce, advised that on September i9, 1963, the Highway and Sa£ety Committee o£ the Chamber' of Commerce recommended tha't the name of Los Angeles Street be changed. He read a iisi o£ names o£ those present at the Chamber of Commerce meet:lng ~n September, noting that there was no opposition offered at that time. Mr~ Sirachan further advised that the thinking of the Chamber of Commerce and ils Board of Directors has not changed, and reported that when con[acted:, several, b~siness people on Los Angeles Street indicated their approval of the proposed street name change. Mr Frank Doetcb, 300 North Los Angeles Street, stated that he also represented two owrezs of businesses on Los Angeles Street, and that the~, ann ,,',~ ~f she name change in answer to Mayor Coons~ question, representatives from additional businesses oF Los Angeles S· .... .~ ~ee~ ~ndi~ated t~eir presence in the aUdience and con¢.:zred with s:atement made ~y Mr~ Doetch. Mayor Coons asked if Mr. Cook was present and wished to address the Codncll~ their being no reponse~ asked if anyone else wished to address the City Counc(:l regardin9 suggested name change of Los Angeles Street and Anaheim Road~ The~.e was no responseo Dl,cuss~or was held Oy the City Council, and it was noted that many o~ t,he names signed on the petition ol protest were those of persons apparent- ly employed :n the, a,,ea~ RE$OLUIION NO~ 64R-123~ Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 64R-123 for adoption~ c?~azging <:he ~ame of Los Angeles Street to Anaheim Boulevard, sig;~s ~ndlca't~. ~ c.:):> name~ to ~'ema~:~'~ posted for a period of three years. Ret e:~:' -,:; Reso.i ';~ i.o;3 BooK,, A RESOLUTION O~ i~iE CiTY COUNCIL OF f'HE CITY OF ANAHEIM CHANGING THE NAME OF LOS ANGELES Si-~EE~ iN "IHE CITY OF ANAHEIM TO ANAHEIM BOULEVARD. On ,::a' ':;ne fcrego:~ng resolutzon was duly passed and adopted tv the AYES; COUNC .LMEN: C-'. d: _,!er~'~ Schutte, Krein and Coons. NOES: COUNC LMEN: None, ABSENi':; COUNC [.[,MAN: D.:tton~ [ihe Mayor dec.l,:~_~ed R ~'~:"~ No. 64R-123 duly passed and adopted RESOLU[ION NO~ 04R--iz4~ Counc<!,man Scbutte offered Resolution No. 64R-124 for adoption, changing ~:.e name of Anaheim Road to Miraloma Avenue, signs ~nd'~ca-tlng ooth names t:::_~ rema:n post:ed for a period of three years. Refer t::: Re~o! :t::on Book. A RESOLUTION OF ['HE CiTY COUNCIL OF i'HE CITY OF ANAHEIM CHANGING THE NAME OF ANAHEI~ ROAI~ iN /HE CiIY OF ANAHEIM [0 MIRALOMA AVENUE. City Hall, Ananeim~ Caiiforn.~a - GOUNGIL MINUTES - February On roil call the foregoing Reso.lu'tion No. 64R-124 was duly passed and adopted by the follow~ng vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: ChandLer~ Schutze, Kreln and Coons. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None, ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: Dut~ono the Ma}o~ declared Reso!u;zzsn No. 64R-124 duly passed and adopted. SiGN REQUESt~ :~EST-LIN CLEANERS - CLARIFICATION: The City Clerk advised that upon furthe} checking, and ~n accordance w'~th pa~t Councll policy', there had been added to the motior~ gxant:lng permiss.on ~.o -the Rich Sign and Neon Company to erect .s ~gn advert{s~n9 Wo~'t-L~n Cleaners (February 18, 1964, Minute Page No. -7530), that sa.id sign ~a,:~ s:b.]ect ~o no pro]ect~on over the property 1 was determined by the C:~t¥ Council ~hat th~s provision should ~ ' . requ~.sement o~ the s~gn perm;~t PRIVATE PAI'ROL APPLICATfON: App,:cation Ov Robert: E. 'rnon, 419 East 6th Street, Long Beach, California, for nermis's:or, to ooerate d private patrol system under the n;~me of Long Bea:tl~ Patro], dba inte~'nat}onal City Securitv~ was submitted together with ~r:ve~t.~at:on report aha re~;ommendations of the On mo;:;zor'~ by Co..;nc~man Chandi:.er~ seconded by Councilman Krein, sa:e a.ppi:zat~.on for pr~va'te paLro'.~ ~ys~em ~as granted~ in accordance with recommendat'ions of zhe Ckief of Po.~ ice~ MOT[ON CARRIED. UONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 193: Sabm:tted by S~ias W. Lehmer~ requesting permis- sion tc construct s~ngle [,e.m;iv p!.ar~ned ::es~denzi,sl development, property briefi~ Jescr;bed as ~oca'zed sn the norzh s:ide of Katella Avenue between Dalla~ D,:::ve and N'~x'twood Street. [he City Co,.:nc~i or, Apr:~ 24., 962, granted sa~d conditional use perm;,~t; ard or', October_ 30 1'''~'-~,._z, gran'ued an exzens~on of' t~me. Further review o'¥ the C:it~ Co, nc. c,~ Marcr 9 and September 24, i903, resulted in det:erm',n~t:ton -:that ~:~]ect appl .cat :.on was be ng d5 l:lgently pursued, and additt(:na- rew. e~ ordered t).~ date rot :~r'.terested parties ~o appear and report or show ca~.:~e w?y Con:J[ t._ona (Jse Per'm~t No~ 193 shoa[d not be terml;-~a ted, Subject app._,:cat.:c~: was re:::ewed by the City Council, together with rep:)~t f:::)m the C:~[~ En~'ir, e. er fy. at :required Condf, tions Nos. $, 6 and 7 of Nesoi:Jt-zon No. 62R-:394 .r.ave beer: met. ]c. unczama'~. Chand~.er move~ ~t be the tinding of the City Council tha~ :.he parz',.cula: evidence preset'ted th'.s date ~ndlcates that Conditional Use Pea'mit No, 193 .has been d~i.ger'.t.,v p~rsu, ed .at the present time~ and that sa~c ~ppi; ;~tton ,~ould not be Ler~'~n~ced, 3uunciiman t%'ein seconded the VARIANCE NO, i209: Subm~'cted b? ROM !nves-zment Company, requesting permission to constr;c~, a dei',~xe me%el, proper%~ br~kef]y descrmbed as located on the SOU~ ~,'~oe of Kale~ :.a Avenue~ approx~mateLy 540 feet east of West Street. (Pix'.e t,4o'tei} 5a:~d appl fcatzon ~as jranted by the City Planning Commission March i~, [960. O~ners of the motel, property ~ere notified by the City Attorney'~ off'Lce tO appear before the C::ty Oounc:~.l this date and sho~ cause ~hv Variance No. 1.209 ahoul, d nor be revoked for failure to comply wit~ ?"e~uirement o{ :~tr'eet l:ghring p-xyment, Fhe Hayo: asked :f the app! ~cants o: a zepresentaZlve of the motel owne:r:s ~er'e present and wished to addressed the C~ty Council. There was no response. .~r. tta~ry Kn~_se!'y', Attorney, stated that although he was not rep~e~ntlng anyone :~n connectlon with s~.~bjecz: appl.'ication~ he did know that Rt.,th investment Company, ~old the property approximate.!¥ two months ago, and he s~ggested that 'the new owner5 be contacted. 7553 C~ty dail~._Anan~ .... a~i-o~n~a - ?Oo.Xi, 3'L ~.!NU?ES ?ebx-uaz'y 25~ 1964~ lt30 PoM~ Mr. D~w:~o~., A:: tan: "'~tly Attoiney., reported that the letter of ;~ol:fi~.'.at.~oa, aalec Y~b/.h~ ~ il, 1964, ~a:~ ma':led to %h~ Pixie Mo~el~ as ~eil ~ t~ the ~OM nve~L~nen~ ?omp~ny '.~oun z a:;~ ,,J,:';,.on wa: held~ ~:qd at the '.;onclusion thereof~ Coun?~iman 3hi~ndi,e: mo,zed that {~na[ determination on the possible ,.:o:~L~on c.f '~r ~q .e ~No, 70~d be on*'nuea tn~'ee ~eeks (March 17~ 1964) ~c ~[low The ~:tv gttorne~. zo n'~e~t,.g~e ~.~nd noilly 'the new owners of ~ubjesT~ p~ope: ~iv '~oun( 'e~n Kre~n ~e onded the motion° MOTION CARRIED. ..... · ;~:a.; ~q .ne ~'e~::;: ng, M:~. Robert. Pohrez-~ 2515 North Main Street, , -~en e n ::ne -~a .... n,:.e ~nd was invited to address Mr. Roh~e: :-~po~ tc.a tt,,,~t ,n-.~ : ep.~e.:,enhed the new owners of the :'otei~ g~r :,ntao ;ade. :~:, ,n ~ '1o,. 123.~, th:at when they made the purchase n De~.embe.r, i963, ~ha-z w~;.e un:~wa~e o~r the .freer lighting assessment on 'uble.:t p~ope~' t,., ~:'~,s '-:h ..... ;:, ,.:,t of- tr:.~ ,etter from the City At{orney~s ftt :e, the}. :::e o, ~.p::~,o ~.::: ?~;k~ full p~?ent of the required fees today° S: Poh~e~ f.~tra: ~',,' :;a ':.n~ :n-:: motel is being operated only :~ ~ Pote~, t[ ~' , gn pe'~ ~ n n} to F~e;:uttve Apartments'~ have been ~e~o.red, ~nd '~' ::~ey n:~ ~e · ~fu~b n.e:~ ~nd m~de Party improvements to the '~ote. H-~ ~"] .terj "ou'~ ,,:~p: e ,e'!t .~e o[ ~'he ;peciai committee on ;: ......... ,::- (:.','.c ~,u.e'- ',;n,~.~ tandards necessary .,,a :: onded by Councilman Krein~ t209 was rescinded~ and ~:gh~:.ng~ fees~ order to RECLASS_F ' 3/~. ' :9N :~C; c:>~ ..b.! 26 iix ._'Ex, :5 ..ON OF '~._:' AND SIDEWALK WAIVER: Request Lloyd r~ Pet'e-~a. ~i d.:.~'-;d CeO~u::,. 3~ ..6:1, for additional slx months ~xten.:o,n off .~:: .t: s'e i · . ~ .r..o'; 'x4o, oZ 62.P6~ and fur[her requesting 'e~po:~ ~ ~ ,,.:~: ~-:,{ . dew s :e4..: ,er:e'~~, p'.ope:t'/ io,~ated at the north~ ,~ orn :.~ o: :F: ~ ,.':~ -,t~ :,.e" ,n:; B .,e ' .~ :, Ave,hue ' 1426 South Euclid e :-: t ) ' t ,, , v,; ~;.~of ':<:d ':og,:.~.r'~; .~,, *~, :cpo' r. om the Uity Engineer. On iht, ;,:. omre:'~o;~ .o:-~ of :n:: '~::, Eng~aeer~ Councilman Chandler o,.'eJ :_x: :~on:h, ex'.e;, o: ,.:.f ' ~'~.:::, t::. Re i~ ~f~; Jtkon No. 61--62~26 be ::ra~ted, ~ad ,h::~~ ,.~,. er :.f ..o,aw:.k z,.:~u~zement, fo:[' subject proper~y ~e ,:Jen:;ed. 'Uou~: ;:~,~'~ 3 :' ..~ te e o,~ed ':nc motion MOTION CARRIED. RECL. ASSiF ~3Ar~(-)N NC.,,~ O0 r::,-38 AND i:OND ~' ,3NaL USE P:ER.M)'T NO. 346 ~ REQUEST: Reouest of M: H,.[x ~. ~:n~ ,~.,i~,, ~tt:orne,' fo~ Wooden Shoe Ranch~ Inc. ~ppZ~;ant. ~.n 9e :.J ~kf~_ :. on ~,.o eed.n~:] No. 60-61-38 and Condi.- :ion:~L ~'~-" Pe:s.t ',,~(:. JlC..,., !or ~.'.,z,e: of re~u;:red masonry wall between :~-_~ ~nd C. i p~ope~ ': e .., w u:b;r:: tLe~ !o? 3oun'i~ review [ogether with : epo.: t, f:' orr 'n~:, ~': '., finn -,,eez :'~d F'. ~,qg [)epa: t.:nent - Development Ce ¢~4r Ha~:r~ Kn;~-:~e~y -~ub~r~tue:x ~ plot plan,, and came forward the C, oun':.: ?.~bJ~:, to e.xp~ ~.:.n ::ub.le t ~eque:-s't,, He advised that it no" ~::n~),/m t ~ ;ne ,~/~ ~t J+,/.:~ )on'.er}t w~iI take place on the pro- n~ertv adj.~:ant t.o t~::: R-} ocr ,:..3,: on 're ~o.~t.n,, whzzh was zoned C-1 under ?554 C~y Hali~ Ananezm_t 3a±~ornLa - ,7OdNC L ~4 Nu'[E~ - Febzua~~9~_64_~,,l:S0 P.M. ~,~, Murdo h r ~uppierre~.;ry .,epo~ ~!o~ ~ M~eid't~ Zoning Coord~n~t<r~ re-om.mend ng tn~. Lne ~equ".ed m.~ ~on~y wai~ not be waived, in 9'z-ce~ ~c:. ompzx a, tth the or ~gzn~ ~ntenz of she Szt'y P!.ann~ng Co~ission so th,.~t ~:; ~f~ fro~r, tn~ 9-3 po~ t~on~ of ,ub: ~'*~ p~'oper~y. ~iil be confined to Nucwooc Street a e~ ,~ .~no ~: afl . from the e~ ~t~ng 9.-:3 development to the Eat. of ~ubje: t prope~ '.~ ~2~ be aenZed ~;.-es,~ to ~ut~ood Street. Coun<~l d~_;,t,u_~;~on ~a, he~d, and a*. 'the t, on lusion thereof~ Counc ~ ir~ar-: Chandler ~.oved ~h..~ i the ~ eque .~ t fo~ temporar'v waiver of wall con..~tru:t;on be gr~':r, ea. ,ub:e t to the po~t~.ng of -:. two ?ear bond~ and pro~de<~ tratt, ne app~ ~'~t e e t b~.. ~du', ca ch.e ~e,~e:rZy side of the north and outh a[le~ to ';h~ e,~ :~. o~ ub.~ t p~ope~ ty~ of .~uff~cient height to pre :uae ,eh~ u~ ~' t~ :~ff_ iou.; z~.:,n '~ h.~t~e ,e~onded the motion, RECLASSiF~CA[,ON NO. 62..-b3-20- idE.J,~ED 71..AN:~ R,e~, ~ed plans .:,ubmitted by were r 6 .,.'~ e~ed b, th e ~ ~ t.y ~o,,,-~ z toge tn:e ~, ~ tn · e ommendat:Lons ~rom. the Atcer~t..on ~a; . :~i~ed Lo :~dd.t._oaa~ ;epoz t from the Planning Dep]ztment Development P,a,- ew, d~.-.eo Feb~uaz-~ ?~, ~964~ and it was noted that t:r:e p :.an ;a ...... o .~ - ;~ ._-, t _ ~g to n znge :n ae ._g,,] n.-~.~e been resolved, and pp::o~ ~I o~ ~e,..ea p~,; b: t.n~ "~.. i~:ou,;'; .... ~o longer ne<;essary, CiTY PLANi~ hl.S -OMM.iS~.ON :E~!3, A ~ on ~ ~e~,. r.~. '- ~. ~:ty Piann[ng Commission at the-~ meet i:qg .. ,~:~d ~ .... , p.~ : ~ the ~ollowing appli- :: at:~,,.,~,'',~, , ~ez e~ ,ibm ,: :e,j ~,-~r, ._ " ~, ~o . ~ ....~fo: :r ~ ' :oa and :on-~lderation: COND [ ONA' O.B~.. PERN~i" NO ~.,~.~ , S.,brr. :;ted b~ "ne .~t. Bap~i~t~ Church of S'tan~on ~que ting per~: .... c" ~ ~ [)~qd ex" ~r 0 hd[ h f:~,.::Llities on ~-. , ..... ' _~....~ on e no~ ,~:.de of Ball Road ~ppzr:~ :'r:~n~i .., dlO fee~' ,~e ~ o'~ ~e ~et A:,,enu:~ ~'~.~ t ~e ~[-. Ball Road[)~ :'he . ~t.., ';;La'l:":_ng ?omF" :,~ o:-~ p,.~; ~':~; t.o Re ~oLution No. 1034~ Serie ..... ~(. 64, 9~'::~.:-~ted o o'~jit o,",:,~ ~.; ~ pe:r~'~', ~uoje-t to ,'Jonditionso VARIANCE XO. i581, :~ub,~'~..t~ea b.,, : A ,:!'~a i~tt:, ~ee,ee, xeque.~'ting waiver of reou ~ed M~I aha P-[. ,.re aezeiop~n*: .t::;nd~rd.:~., property briefly des- :sz't. bec :~ ~o a~ed o:'~ tn:- ~'~o t;':-~.~ ,t .... -.:e of ~outn Lo Apgeies .~treet, approxt;r'-:*el,, Il'l) Fe,~s .o~tr: o[ K~'e,.l:~ ~,,e:~.se 1~42 ~outh L, o5 Angeles Stree ~ !,ec;ue ;L f,)r .... :, {, ~t' o;I o~ ded~ :t~_ori i.efla'zement for street wider:zn,~ v~:: on:.~dered -,' tr', ]oun ~ mee" ng q::id Eeb:~;4zy 11~ 1964 (see '~8 :,nd .:~ t.oq ihe:-eon ~_thr'.e d, pendtqg ~-~ eLpt ~f i.?/ty Planning page '[;'x '" , Co~n[ ~t. ct' report, i-ur~uant L0 Re~oiut on No, ~.J53,, Se~;e, 19o3-64, the City Planning Comm~:.r:~or 'ia~t£:ed ~hez,~ ~n~enz for ded~ :,~ed :etba;k zequt~ed for Los Angel. e~: St;eet~ unde~ V,:~:~ e No,, !58i -x ont~ ned 'n City Planning Comm~s~. or Pe:%olution No, 83", ~er-ie ~ 1963-6~ "'he foxego:ng .: * o:;., we;-. ~e,zi, ewed o~ the '}zt.y Souncil and no furthei ::-;' tion taket'~ on the .~bo~'~ q,.u~h' ~-~ ..... e_~ ..... ond_r:on:J~ use permit and va z' i ,.~ n ~ ;:~ pp i i a t z O'/') , CONDITIONAL dSE PERMii:[' NO,~ 533' '-~jom~tse,a !Dy o~epr- ', (},u~ak~ er. al~ requesting permission to es'tabL'sh a hr' .,,e.~n, ~.~ik up re-,~x'a:xn~: with waiver of re- quired nd~zklng on R-A p:ope: t.,., br;_efi? a:e, ~ bed ~-~ iocated on the east side of Euz] d Street, -app~:oxtm,~t.e~y 200 feel no, tn ot :~ Palma Avenue (lll2 North Eucl:d St;eetl. 7555 City Nall~ Anah~ Uai~foznla ~ 20UN:i] L MiNUI'ES -Februa,ry 251 1964~ 1:30 P,M. Ms'voz' '3oon~ ~:Tthdzew from ~he discussion and action on this issue, ~nd ,Mayo~ Pro Tern Ch~ndle- :~,:~um.ed 3!'~a~_rrna~sn:~p of the meeting. ihe ,3:ty Plann:ng 3omm.:ss-on pursuant to Resolution No. 1035, ~eries 1963 64~ g~;ntea ?ona:t;onal Use Permit No, 533, subject to condi- tions~ bpo:~ ~ei~s t of ?curt ,lm>n K:e~n~ :,:'e,z"e~ of action taken by the City Plann~n:2 :Scm.re' :3~on on ~::~d "ond:.t:onai u~e permit was ordered and the CiL'y ~ier~ dx;e *em so se. x~t:e of Pub;'' Hea:ing~ Ma'/or ~' ..oon~ resumed ~nnirmansh:~p of 'the mee'ting~ ,[ENTAi,~VE ~AP,~ [RACT NO, 547!~ REffi$10N NO, 1; Developer, $, Vo Hunsaker and Sons~ tract located at the sout'heas% .corner of Sfafe College Boulevard and Ball Road~ aha 'ontain::~ 20 proposed R~,3 iots~ Upon ze::e:pt of ~r:tten :~equest from 'the developer, action by the Sity Council on l~en~a~:ve [~ac:t No 5~ ~1 ~as continued~ in ~onjunction xith oubll hearzng on ?ecla~s~f "at,on No, 63-64~83 and General Plan Amendmen~ No, 9, on motion b'~ Co,~nc~ i~an Chandlez~ seconded by Councilman 8chutte. :~Ol iON CARRiED~ TFNIAI[VE MAPs .~hAu NO, 5482: De,,eiope~, aiaor ,investment Company! t~ac~ located on p~operZ/ ~ith f:oatage:., on she south side of Crowther Avenue ~aa :he nort~ side of O~acgetho}:pe A',,'enue~ ~pprox~mately 1600 feet east of Dowizng ~.venue Pu.r:_,ant ~o zeq~e-c ze:ez_v.,ea f:o~ the deweloper~ Council con- ~,taer,a't:or: of [entatz ,e [.'za z No., 5~82 wa:~ 'ontinued, in conjunction with cub[Lc he~,~:ng on ~'e k;~...b: f: ,-x::cn So, 63-64 70 and Variance No. i617~ on t'otZon by Soun;s.~ma-: 3hanaZe::, ,e'onced b-y CounciLman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. 5489 r ,, , ' Farzow; tract located on the De,~ e ,.opez i~, ~, 3t.~eet ~ppz'ox~m,,~e.~/ 660 f~eet :~outh of Katella Avenue, o e d F. o, tr~e:r meeting held February 17, the fo/lowing conditions: 'h~L ...."oui. a '~ ubc:. ._or',. be ~:er~i. oped a~ more than one subdivision, ,~a:n .,,bo: :-.' ne~e:z>t rt~ ~':: ,:St'- - ed .t.n tentative form for ,~ ppr c ,.:~ "n~t the ~'en. ,::~: ~ e,~ ..gnt,, e~ ept at :stz-eet and/or alley ~)pen~uo~, ,:o F:_.. ],.d {t,~eet: .,h i o~e dedt a'ted to the City of Anaheim. ~ ~- ..... ' .... ~ the terminus of Fosteria 5',~ '- ' ~, ;.~ ''~ o l~ ,, , L. oar~ :~'treet subject to the ~pprc ....~i of tn :' tv [f ':q _:~,~: a~:~ tt~e ~ty' of Garden Grove. P~,at 'the ~.~ev ?'~:e~ e ~',o~':~, n ~.. o:',fo:m to the City of Anaheim Fh~t Lo'~ 2A t't~o~gn r.t~, ~iOr:g tke no~th boundary~ and Lots 16A ~hzoug~ 3~)A~ ~c, ac: ~'np~ ,ou::h oo ind~y~ ~;hall be provided fo~ the on ~t ~ u t or'. o' n,~ :),'~r v w ~l ] :~'",d r: ~ i be !-foot wide~ '"h.~,t~ [x) t ~ ~.-, ~,'J~ :o,~, -~a,,~ ..... {:~c:* 'v ac, :nd a 20-foot alley shall be 7hat Gum f{O~d .n~:~i be ~b,4,~aone(: E:y t.,Ne Sitv of Anaheim prior to the ~:p~r'c,~,~,i o' the {: r}~i ~r:~ t. :~ ~p~ L)~ :~ -,'o:. ~', :. n~:;,, o,. ~-,~' ' ~_v 3ounizl regarding recommended ondt t zon Uo. ,, 7hr: M:, :' daox ~epo: t.~a t:h~t the portion of the unimproved Gum Road r:ght-.o[~w:y ,n }xded w:thtr~ *'he bounddr:~es of [entative Tract ~"Jo, 548g i ,o~thez zy of ~.,::-~ ~t po~ t,or of Qu~r Road .~e:ently abandoned by the .... ..... g:,4-,,ee,~ for the developer of said 'tract '~: :tatec hz~ r:te*~t..:*:r~ .... ~v] ~ : ~ett,er requesting said abandonment, 7556 G2ty Hall~ Anaheim~ Cal.zfornia .-, oO~NC~L MINUTES - February 25~ 1964~ 1=30 P.M.r At the concluas~on of the d'z;cussion,~ Councilman Chandler moved that ientative Map, tract No, 5489, be appro'ved, subject to the abandon- ment of the Gum Road right-.o~-,wa7 by 'the Cit'y o~ Anaheim~ and further subject to the reco~.endation3 of the City Planning Commission, omitting Condition Nco 7 thereof~ and adding a condition~ "That Street A shall be recorded as Dudley Avenue, and Str~t B shall be recorded as Calmar S~ree~". Councilman $chutte seconded the motion~ MOriON CARRIED~ WAGNER-RIO ViStA ANNEXAIiON; Excerpt from the minutes of the City Planning Commission meeting held February 1'? 1964 was submitted and read, re commending said Wagner-Rio Vista Annexation be considered favorably. On motion by Counsilman .Chandler, seconded by Councilman Krein, recommendat'zon of the 'City Planning ComP. is:3~.on w~s received and filed~ and sa~d annexation ordered referred to the Orange County Boundary Commission and to the County of Orange Local Agency Formation Commission. MOT! ON CARRIED. BUILDING PERMiT - SUNKIST STREET iRE~LASSiF!CATiON NO. 63-64-93): Request of Thomas J. Whieldon for permission to proceed with construction of single- family dwelling on property located on 'the east side of Sunkist Street, south of Ames Avenue (R-A Zone), pending action on petition for R-1 Zoning, Reclassification No. 6~.-64-93~ was ~ubmlttedo The...,:t'ty ~'~"~.lerk read ~n full ietter from Mr:~ Whleldon received .~n bez offi"e Februa::.'y 25, [964~., indicating that all responsibility wiil be a~sumed by the app~::ant On mottos by Court, ~!man YCezn~ seconded by Councilman Schutte, saic request for pe:rmz~.~zon to p~-o:eed with ;on~t~u:tion of single- fami.[y dwelizng ~va~ granted., ail obilgatZon ..and ~e~ponsibility to be assumed by the appll ant, ~urthe~ ~ no ert~f~sate of occupancy to be issued un~il R-1 Zoning of :,ubje t property ~s .';ompie'tedo MOTION CARRIED. RECLASSiI: '~ = - ~ .~.~A~ ON NO-. ©2-6B ~3() To.m;r.un ,=~on da':ted Feb~ua:~y 21~ 1964~ from 7e~ Young S~ran, pe'~ ~'::n:ng to p~ope: t,/ lo :~ted .:::c the .:~outhwest corner ,o~ '~t 't~ ~ozlege Boulev,~::d :~nd 5? ~mo'~e Str~e:. ,'t.7~ i Zone ~ requesting el'ir:r':tion 3! 3ond' t':,_on ftc, '~ C):'d:nan e No. 19~';' in Reclassification P eeo na~ No a!.6:~ :30, w~ ~,ad 'n fuil by the '~ty Clerk M:r, .,~"e:dr. noted the o ,t:on of 'the prop,e:rtv~, ~eoorting that the He :~ ~<ed tnat :the ;q~t':? Plann ne 'omm~;~:~/on~ whert onsidering subject pr:~pertv for Z~l Zon,na~ nde. area zh~t :.onve~:on of the existing resider e for bu., :ne:., , ;.::e wodid be per~::_ .':;,.b;e f u~ed ;n 3'uch a manner ;2()'t tO be de~- Lmen:t~: t:' the ,,s-a-'~at ::e~:.dent~ai a:-ea~ and the c'hur f property ,~, ro:_;::~ the ;t:~eet to tne north,., ~r ~--~ i',~~ "_*',/, }'~ow~~ d._'. fei~ l.h~, lq b.7~ht ,,~uare foot sign~ :Lie, we ~nde~: So~a~ on No, I ~ot, i.a n ,~ b.e o~:du ~e to zhe real :r-t~ez ad,,/~ ~ed hat the :,;L ~n ~.~e:~t~oo I,. -~zl~ ~.~c'e3 ~'-~te Col,- ~.,e ~:~e t0 ~ ,,= , would be ~n good t,.,~ a~ :~nd noted that ~he~ ,~a w ] ~na to :~Jbm t plan:5 o~ the ~[gn for Cc)un' ~ ! ~opro',':~i, S,::)un::iL d~..~.:::,..Jss.on wa held, and at the ,tonr:iusion 'thereof, Counc:~]man Chand.ler moved that publ~' nearlng befo£e the City Council be :'~-dered on the reflue~ted v~:ri~n::e {Iota :?,)nd~t:zon No. 4 of Ordinance Nc. '94v~ subjeot :o the payment of $50 fee~, %~unc;lman $chut'te seconded t?e ;;'x3't- Oho MO[iON 'CARR RESOLUTION NO. 64R-125: On the e~z.~.f-~ orlon of the D~.ze:tor of Public Works t~at Steiny and Nlkt.hel~ ln.~,, h.:,~ o~pleted the ~,~onst~uction of furnish- ing ~nc ~n:;t~_L]~.r',g tralf~ ~:~9n,~ :; :~nd ~afe'./ l~gl~c~ng :.:t the intersection of Harbc,r Boulew~rd ano La Paima Avenue, }ob No,~ '792~ ~n accordance with plans and spec:~f::;ation:.~ Counc[im~n ~"e~q offered Resolut~oq 64R,-125 for adoption. 7557 City Hali~ Anaheim~ 3alZfoznia - COgNCiL M]NUTES- february 25, 1964~ 1..30 P.M. Re~e~ to Re.~:-)l~t~,~n Bo,3k~ A RESOLUTION OF [HE Ui FY 7OUNCTL OF THE C]'FY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COMPLE?.7ON AND THE F'gRNTSH'iNG OF ALL PLANT~ LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UT L]T iES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER~ FUEL AND WATER AND [HE PERFOR~NCE OF ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT A~ ,_,"-'OMPLETE THE FOLLOW-_NG POBu,,~ '[aPROVEMENF~ TO WIT: FURNISHING AND INSTALLING TRAFFIC S[GNAL~ AND 5AFET~ LiGHT,lNG AT THE INTERSECTION OF HARBOR BOULEVARD ~ND LA PALM1 ~.VENUT, N 'D4E ,C~TY OF ANAHETM~ JrOB NO. 792. ( $teiny and ~42t:heli~ ~n - On iioii .,.kJ th,~ fozeg~)Eng re.:;oiution was duly passed and adopted the foilow~ng A¥'ET~ COu'NGiLMEN~ 3gandler~ $chut'te~ K~eZn and Coons NOE~: COLINC ~ L~IEN: None ABSENT; COU'NC iLMEN; Dutton [ne Mayoz de.tla~'ed ResoLution No~ 64R.-125 duly passed and adopted° RE$OLOTiON NO~ 64R-I26: Os the :ert,fi;ation of the Dir-ector of Public Works that William P. ~!J,~erwzn dba 3herwin E'iectr:c Sezvice~ has completed the ~:onstru":t~on of .:.n,~'all::nq tr, aff,' ~-,gnai; and safety lighting afl fhe nterse tzon of ~a~boz Bo~levard and 3y'~m.o~e $treet~ Job No, 799~ 2n ~c,;ordan'e w:~th pi...~n~ ~nd 3p,aczf:.tat:ons~, ,Councilman ~ein offered Re- Refer to 9e:~olut, t~n Book, A RESOLUV.ON OF THE .~ .... t -:OiJNC iL OF [HE C;!T"~' OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE~ ..... ,.OMP~;=~ ~ON AND THE FURN~.BH;~NG OF AZL PLANT~ LABOR, SERVICES~ MATERIALS AND EQO'ZPMENF. AND ALL '~TTf, I'[ES AND F~AN~PORTAT~ON ZNCL'~ZNG POWER~ FUEL AND ~ATEB, AND 'F;NE PERFORMANCE OF ALL ~ORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT A~ COMPLETE FHE FOLLOW NG PURL ;~ 7.'MPRO'VE~N~ TO WZT: FURNZSHZNG AND INSTALLZNG TRAFF..~C S ~.qAz~ AND '3AFE7,~ L ;~GHT~NG A: T~E [NTERSECTION OF HARBOR BOULEVARD ~kND SYCAMORE :ST~EEF~ ;OB ~,iO. :99~ "~hezwln Electric Service) ~n !or'egoi:ng resolution was duly passed and adopted ry tlhe follow~na ,/ore, [he Mayo~ de~l,a:ed Re ~olut :.on No~, 64R-126 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO 04R~ , ~ ~ oun~: ~lrr:an C:handlez offered Resolution No, 64R-127 for ~,dopt :, on Refer to 9esolut:.),or,, Bc',ok, :, RESOLUTION OF THE ?[5Y COUNCIL OF 7HE CLFY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMIN- iNG THAT PUBLTC ZONV'ENAENCE AND NECESSZF¥ REQUIRE 'THE CONSTR~TION AND COMPLE- 7~ON OF A P'OBL:_C ::MPROVEMENT, TO W::[: THE 7MPROVE~NT OF THE PARK SITE AT .JNDERHiLL AVENUE AND SUNKIST STREET, iN THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM~ JOB NO. 804~ APPROVING THE DESiGN$~ PLANS, PROFi~LES., DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE C:')NSTRUCF~ON THEREOF: AUFHOR'iZ]NG THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVE~NT 'N ACCORDANCE W[iFH ~AiD PLAN:B, SPECTF'fCAT,,~ONS~, ETC. ~ AND AUTHORIZING AND )TRECTZNG THE C2['Y [:LERK F:; PUBLTSH F NOT'iCE TNVZFiNG SEALED PROPOSALS FOR '~HE CONSTR[~TjON THEREOF. ',B:d~ to ke opened Ma~eh 19~ 1964~ 2;00 P.M.) ,')n r',)l! '::~il the ~',r'egc:ng z esolu[ion was duly passed and adopted · t~e follow~.ng rot. e; AYES- GOL/NCZLMEN: Chandler, Schutte, Fa~ein and Coons NOES ~ COUNC[LMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCT[ LMEN: Duttor The Mayor. declaz'ed Resoiu'tipn No. 64R~127 duly passed and adopted. '7.558 City Hall~ An..aheim~ C¢li/ornia .-. COUNCIL MINUTES - February 25~. 1964~ 1:30 PURCHASE OF PROPERTY: Mr., Dawson~ A~sistant City Attorney~ reported on final negotiations for the purchase by the City of Anaheim of ~he approximate ten acre parcel of property lo,:~ted on Broadway west of Euclid Street~ :~," and ~tviset th.a% the purchase would be Zn %he amount of $300,000.00, an~ a deed or,Dinted wh¢r¢;n ti~e orooerty owners w.kll Quitclaim %o the City their ~nterest in ihe portion o{ the property within the street. (Stankey property - park site' CANCELLATION OF Gl'fY IAXES: On motion by Councilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman Krein~ {:ancella'tZon of clt¥ taxes was authorized on the follow- ing proper't,~e ~: a. Pre,per. tv acquiz-ed by [.he Anaheim Union High School District for public puzpo5es, Deed recorded !'anuary 27~ 196~, in Book 6898~ at Page 708, (7!f~iclal ~ecords of Orange County, California~ b. Property acquired by [he California Division of Hiqhways for public purposes~ formerly assessed to Perpetual Savings g Loan Association, Deed recorded December 20~ ~963, in Book 6952~ at Page 747~ Official Re(ords of Orange County, California. DEEDS OF EASEMENT: Coun:ilman Kzein offered Resolutions Nos. 64R-128 to 64R~132, both Ln.ciu,Zve, foz adopt:.~on,, Refer' to Resolu't:on Book, ~ ~ ~Y uOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RESOLUIION NO. 64R-128: A RESOLOYiON OF ~HE C'~'r ~ ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANt' DEED CONVE~[NG '[0 ']7HE CiTY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL. PROPER[Y FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND P'OBLiC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Soichtzo Hori and Chikako Mary Hori'\~ RESOLUTION NO. 64R.~i29: A RE$OLUIiON OF 'THE CITY' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERF'Y FOR AN EASEMENt FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. tH. H. H~ase and K.-,thezine Haa::~e'),, RESOLU'[iON NO~ 64R..-i30: A RESOLUI ON OF FHE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHETM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING [0 THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PNOPERT¥ FOR AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTiLiTY PURPOSES. (Frank Muller) RESOLUtiON NO. 6,~R-131: A RESOLUTi_ON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANF DEED CONVE¥1NG TO rHE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR REPLACEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF A DRAINAGE PIPE AND A ]tMPOgARY CONStRUCTiON EASEMENT. (Marietta Hopper) RESOLUIiON NO. 64R-132: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIta ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING ]~0 THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMEN~ FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UT!LiT'Y PURPOSES. (Re.se Milner) On roll ~all the foregoing resolu~tions were duly passed and adopted by the ~7'ilowlng vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Schutte, Krein and Coons NOEg: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Dutton The Mayor declared Resolutions Nos. 64R.-128 to 64R-132, both in- clusive, ~uly passed and adopted, CORRESPONDENCE: The follow:lng correspondence was ordered received and filed, on mo{ion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Krein: a. Letter of appreciation to the Chief and men of the Anaheim Fire Department from Earl H, Dahlman. ?559 City Hali~ ,~nahelm~ Celifornia- COUNCIL MINUIE$ - February 25~ 1964~ 1:30 P.M. b, Orange County Board of Supervisors proclamation declaring February 23 though February 20 as ~National Salesmen's Week". ~40T iON CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 1973: Councilman Krein offered Ordinance No. 1973 for first reading. AN ORDINANCE OF THE Ci~rY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM ~UN!CIPAL CODE RELATING FO ZONING. (63-64-12 - R-2) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1973 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Schutte moved the reading in full of sald ordinance be waived° Councilman Chandler ~econded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 197~~ Councilman Coons offered Ordinance No, 1974 for first reading. AN ORDINANCE OF ]~HE C![Y OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 1, CHAPTER 1.04, z,E~T!ON 1 04 380 OF [HE ANAHEIM MUN~,CIPAL CODE~ RELATING TO EXPENSE ALLOWANCES~ 'Coun.'tlman -. Maynr., After hearing z'ead in full the title of Ordinance No. 1974 ~nd nav~ng knowledge of the content~_~ therein, Councilman Schutte moved +he r, eadlng '!]n full of :~a]d ord'tnance be waived. Councilman Chandler ~econded the mot~_on~ MOT ON UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. RESOLUIiON NO. 64R-133~ On report and re ommendations of the City Manager, Councilman Chandler offered Re'~olu~lon No. 6~R-133 for adoption. Refer to Re~olu~ion Book~ A RESOLUT~iON OF FHE Si~'FY COUNCIL OF [HE Ci'['Y OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND AdTHOR:[ZiNG THE EXECOFLON OF' AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND UNiFED ?ALiFORN[A BANK ~/"FH REFERENCE TO THE CONSTRUC- tiON DF A 3EWER LiNE iN A POR?ION OF HELENA STREET. On :oil r.~ii th~ foregoing resolu'tion was duly passed and -~d>pted bv ~he follo'w~ng vote: AFES~ COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Schutte and Coons NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSEN I".. COUNCILMEN: Dut ton ABS[A [hED: COUNCILMAN: Krein Fhe Mayor declared Resolu't:on No, 64R-133 duly passed and adopted, ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE APPLiCA'fiON: Fhe following Alcoholic Beverage License Appl~ 'a<ions we~.e presented by the CLty Manager to the City Council for their ~ f Or;~.a t i 0 ~l: · Aff;~d~:v;.t. in Support ~oz' Alcoholic Beverage License, filed by Clyde G. TurD:t~ fo~ Fhe Od%:~ey Restaurant, 1490 South Los Angeles Street, Anahe:m {iM-] Zone -Conditional ljr~e Permit No. 171). ?er~on [o Pe~,or'~ !tangler Of Off-Sale General License, for Vay's, 937 Sout. h Euc 1 id Avenue (C -I Zone ii. . Person !o Persor'. Tran:~fer (Of One-Sale Beer License, for Meet"n Room, ?.660 West Lin~toln Avenue (C-! Zone - Variance No. 1012). e. Per:son To Per.'on On-Sa.le Beer .And Wine License~ for Timpone's Pizza House, ,4L! South Bz'ookhuz'~t ~venue (R-A Zone - Existing Use) No Coun~iii a;:tlon '~a..s taken on 'the foregoing Alcoholic Beverage L ic en -se ~pp ! lc at i on s. 7560 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - February 25~ 1964~ 1:30 P.M. ADJOURNMENT: Councilman Chandler moved to adjourn. Councilman Krein seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. AD3OURNED: 3: 15 P.M. City Clerk City Haii~ Anahelm~ California ~- COUNCIL MiNUtES - ,~arch 3~ 1964, 1:30 P.M. [he C~'t'y Souns:zl of 'the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Dutton., Chandier~ Schutte and Coons~, ABSENT: COUNC i' LMAN: Kr.e z n, PRESENT: ASSISTANT CiTY MANAGER: Robert Davis, C'iTY' ATEORNEY: Jo,~eph Geisler~ SiT? CLHRK~ Dene M, Wil~iams~ '~ITM~ ,. ENG[!NEER: ~ame:= P. Maddox,~ The meetzng was ~aiied to order by Mayor Coons° MINUTES: ~inute~; of the, meet't:ng held Febr'uaz'/ 4:~ 1964, and adjourned regular meeting held 6ebru~rv 5~ 196a~ were approved on motion by Councilman Schutte, ~e:,onded by Counc;l~an Dutton~ MOl'iON ZARR]EDo CONVENTION FAC LtT~f - PROPOSED AGREEMENI ADRIAN WZLSON AND ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS: Mr Davi~., advi:;ed that the p:oposed contract has been reviewed and was sgreeable to ~il parties, noweve:[ a question was raised concern- ing one point~ that Mrs, D~m~t rep~e-en't~ng Aarian Wilson and Associates, was present to di~: u~s thl, poznt w~th the City Council. ~z', R:~chdrd D[mm:-~_t.,zepre.~ent:~ng Adr:an Wilson and Associates~ 816 Wear Fifth Street~ Loq Angeles,, Cal~fornia~, advised that they were in agreement with the ~ontra.,t ,,s propo:~ed ~fth the exception of one point noted under ~'Ar:::hite:t:t Responsibility~: (Page 2]~ that under the present language '~t would ei tminate the ~eats from the control of the Architect~ They agreed that the portable seats could be eliminated from their (omtrol~ however fe.!t~ that the f'zxed seats should no't be eliminated for the fctlow:ng reasont~ the ba,~tc des:gn and iay-out of the arena the seats should be laid for w:Zdth and be :in control w'zth the azsles for maxlmum use of the fac~tty~ 2, '=-r~a A':oustlcal Engineer must have ne~:essary information in order to subm:: recommendatlon for the ~eat spe,cif~Lcat:ion to conform with the ar-en,_a desLgno "Important factoz::~ 'ontroll-ng ac:oustics are: ~:;" Upholstery of the (O~ Bottom of the ~eats. (c) Angle of the seats when the seat is up, (d) Color of the seats for over-all color coordination, re' installation of 'the seats and acoust:zcai 'treatment of risers where the seats ale to be ~n~talled, "~r. Dimmit reported that they would like to have control of these matte:rs i_~ order to :insure the Oi't¥ obta:ning the maximum and good facility desireo,:, Furthex'~ that this portion of the over-all job could be by segre- gated hi.J under the.tz super'v't~}on~ : ~ppeazeC to be .~gz'eeabie w:th the ,City ~ouncil to provide that the select,on and speclf~ at'-ons of the fixed ~eats be the responsibility of the Architect~