1953/01/13City .Hall, Anaheim,_ California, Januarz~ 1__1~, !_~53 - 8:00 P.M, ............... The~'~ity Council oi' the City of Anaheim met in reMular session. P~ES~T: COUNCiL~N: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. ABSENT ; COUNCILi~N. None. ~Tv~ AT~ORh~v. ~, PP~STON TURN~-. Present. o~ ~ AD~INIS~TIVE OFFICe, ~ITH A. ~Uo~OCH: Present. !~'~31. i~>i~S~ The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 23, 1952 were approved on mc~ion 0y Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. DEi,~,~DS; Cotmcilman Van Wagoner reported demands against the- city amounting to $~ ~'~_ ~, lOr~,.~. 77. Cou~ci £man- Boney moved that report of Finance Committee be accepted and ~ha~ warrants be drama upon the Treasurer to pay ~aid demands in accordance with report. Councilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTIOn? CARRIED. ~'~ AL & OPERa. TIlinG >iEYC~'TS· The fol!owinE Financial and Operating Reports for the month of December, 1952 were approved and ordered received and filed on motion by Co~mcilman Heying, seconded by Counc~'iman Wisser, MOTION CARRIED. TREASI~.F/~: Balance, General Fund, $210,768.59 - Total General Accounts, $518,139.37 Total all funds, $9~2,8~5.27. - License collections, $398.00 (business) Ss.co ~Ci,[CE: Activities. PARX!NG ~TER collections: $2,~65.00. ~ AI~ITOR Expenses fc~ J.0.S. total $3,831.13 of which Anaheim paid $1,213.26 ~ADBAGE'~ ~ . 27 Loads, 96 tons - ~SH'. 282 Load~, 5~.635 ton~ - Contractor, Trash, 55 loads or 210 tons. CITY ELECTRICIAN: Fee collections, ~r~v AL~ITOR: Deoosit in the several f'~ds, $109 410 39 CiTY Jb~GE: 585 cases o~ which 381 were parking meter violations. Fines collected $1,736.00. (January ~ and 3) 34 oases, collections $9~,00. Li-~RY: Balance Janu~ry 6, 1953: $5,752.85. BUi~!EG INSPECTOR: 137 permits issued of which 23 were buildinE, valuation $263,850.00- Fee~ collected $!,283.05, i~b2~iC S~VICE: Deposi~ $!12,9~0.29 - Industrial Waste and B.O.D. collection~, $~07.$~ - Amount delinquent, B.O.D. $7,780.35. ~2.~;~2~]~ !~'_EY~O~{.~S: The fo~'~_ow' ing Annual Reports submitted were received and ordered fiie~i on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTION CARRIED. FilE: i50 calls, property losses, $8,142.59 - 2i0 fire in~pectiong -Bicycle licen~e, ~o!~, $884.0o. B~i:~'~,~. !,5~~ ~ permits issued- fees collected $20,252.7~. r~OLI3E: Activities ~ 42~, i0erson~ arrested, 2,744 citations issued (traffic) and 3,2L~ parking meter citations issued. Total deposits from parking meter collections, $2£, 3£0.00. i:::!~,, ~ .,,~ii]D SA~ OF o!'i~'.'' ~.,~.~, ~ · Coms~unication dated January 13 1952 ~ubmitted b~.v Howard F. Ward Inc. offering to purc!~ase city-owned property located at the north- ea~t corner oi~ No. Olive and E. La Palms Avenue, 570' x 200', for the ~-~ of $15,000.00 cash. Said co~.~,~n icat ion..~ re'~ea~ ed_ a tentat ~ ~e~ ~ a~reement~ with Starboard, Incor~orat ~d ,~na~ac +~u~ers~ ~ in the f~eld of fibre ~a~s ~inf~rcement Mr Ward ~ubmitted check ~n tn~~ ~. amount of $!,q(-"~'~ .~'~,, ...... and fur~'~,~ ~ requested a 60-day option. Mr. Ward and Fred Klein were pres:;~nt at the meeting and spoke,on the sf~: ...... f'ics;';lons of the proposed building and the proposed use of power facilities. ,,~. Tom McLauga!in ~dressed the Council in behalf of his clients the Dugan- ...... requesting purchase o~ ~ortion o-~ the property Mr. Do.r: Bate~ addressed z, he Council requesting the purchase t,:z¢: 'property e :or the Vista Furnir, ure Co. and stated their proposed building to be a]~.-rox~:nate!y $,000 ~q~are ~eet with ~]_ans to increase the building by ~other sq~are t~eet when ex:z:~ansZon is requ'~,'red by the business. City Administrative OFficer requested the Cotmcil to appoint a Co~ittee to ~+~ct in ~he matter o~ handling proposals o~ purchase. Councilman Bone;,.' moved that the committee be the Mayor and Administrative Off,c,:::' and that they be authorized to stt'zdy proposals submitted and also they be given 'Z:ower ~;o act,,~ounci~lman Wi~ser~, ~:eco,:ded~ the motion. MOTION C~IED. Cocci!man Boney moved the above proposals be re~erred to Co~ittee for st ' and consideration. Comnc~Iman He~,~ing seconded the motion. MOTION C~I~. Mayor Pearson aavised the group that the Council planned to act on the ~tter in :,he very near fut~e. ' ..... '-~ .~,,.~u ~:,-:: C ~ .... -:,~,~ WATER TOWEP.: Pursuant to Legal Notice Dub!isles December 3i !~52 and ~anu~r:~: ~, 1955 inviting bid proposals on the razing aha removing concrete water tower at 51~ South Los Angeles Street; the City Clerk was requeszed to o-con bids on mo~ion bi,~ Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by:Co~cilman Wisser, ~0~ ION C~I~. ~-- Cit:u_~.Anaheim, California, January...13, 19_~- 8:00 P.M. received: ~' uc~ & Construction Co. - 500 S. Alameda St., Compton, Calif., (Warrant .No. 606657, amount $1,400.00) ~antic Pacific Wrecking Co, Inc. - 8701 San Fernando Rd. Sun Valley. (Bid Bond. - Glens Falls Indemnity Co., amc,rout $650.00) Ld Hou~e Wrecking Co. - 135 N. Daisy Ave. Pasadena 8 Calif. (Bid Bond - Continental Casualty Co. l~ of bid) ',L£ic Craz~e & Rigging Co. - 6800 S. Alameda St. Los Angeles 1. (Bid Bond - Fidelity and Deposit Co. - $1,000.00) : S Concrete Cutting Co. - 2355 Wilma Ave., Los Angeles. (Bid Bond - Peerless Casualty Co. $950.00) $13,999.60. 6,~96.00. 6,660,00. 7,~o0. oo. 9,300.00. Said bids were referred to the Engineering Committee and Superintendent :hr, Power and Water i'or tabu. lation and report. After ta-oulation, the Engineering Committee reported Atlantic Pacific Wrecking inc. as low bidder. Councilman Heying moved that bid be awarded to low bidder with the provision .t ~ze be, upon investigation, Found to be Financially responsible. Councilman Boney onded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. i'~-~:~NCE NO. al7: Councilman Heying offered Ordinance No. 817 and moved For sa~e and adoption. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Ordinance Book, page ORDINANCE OF TME CITY OF ANANEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX,. CHAPTER 2:.OF THE'.ANAHEIM-'. i CIPAL CODE RELATING TO,:THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONV~$ IN'THE CITY OF ANANEIM AND REiN REGU~TII, TG TEE USE OF LAhrD, MEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES: ADOPTING A SHOWING T~ BObrND~IES OF SAID ZONES: DEFINING THE T~MS USED TtqEPEIN: PROVIDING ADJUST!~,~NT~ AME~FD~NT A~,~ EN?ORCEMENT: PRESCRIB!!,,~G PENALTIES FOR VIO .LATION AND EA.Li!.TO ALL. SECT.~ONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS~ !E C~.NFLICTF - THEREWITH. On roll call the foregoin~ Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the 'lowing vote: AYES: COLrNCIL?..~N: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES; GOUNCiL~.'~N; None. ABSENT, COUNC t~. ~', ,$[EN. None. The kayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. i~:~'~CE Nu. ~!~.a' Councii.~:~an Van Wa~oner offered Ordinance No. 826 and moved for its sage and adoption, Co,mucilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. P.e£er ~o Ordina~ce Book, page~g-~-~ 'R~rwA:'.~'OE of 2HE Ci~v . .......... =~ OF AI~AHEIM APPROVING 'r~ A~',~TION TO T~ CITY CF A~IM ~ TE~ITORY ~OWN ~ DESIGNATED AS WEST ~, ~ALi','~ A~r-~ ....... On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the vote: AYES, COUNCILi','~N: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COLIC ILi-.~l~7: None. ABSEI4T, COUNC I LI~,~N: l~one. The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. [.!~2CE NC. $~5-A: Couuciln~n Boney offered Ordinance No, 826-A and moved for passage and adoption. Oo:mncil~an HeyinE seconded the motion. MOTIO!~ CARRIED. Refer to 0r~inance Book, page .~:. ~,,~¢ . ~'~,D !~(!A])i[DE (j? '.mw';' 0 [ my ~ T ..... ::. 0F AYAP~iM Ai,(E!~,ING An.T~CLE IX, C~PTER 2 8F T~ ANAHEIM [C~PAL CODE RELATIifC T0 THE EST~LISh~fENT 0F ZONES I~,~ T~ CITY 0F ANA~IM A]~ iEiN REGU~TiYG THE USE 0F ~ND, HEIGHT 0F BUILDI~CE A!~ YAPD SPACES: ADOPTI!~G A SHOW!YG T~!E 20L~~IES 0F SAID ZOEES: DEFiNii?G Tf~ TERMS USED T~EIN: PROVID- FOR ADe~STNENT, AIqE~D~,'~NT A!~ E~0RCE~NT: ~ESCRIBIUG PENALTIES FOR VI0~TION ~-~LIi-;G ALL S~C~io~,~S C~ ?~TS 0F SECT"-'"" ~ ~ ~,~., ~, ~ ~& Tv .~ ~ ~ On roll call the foregoing Ordinemce was duly passed and adopted by the .owing vote: D~YES ' COU'NC.[ i.?iEN: i~earso~, Wisser, He;y [n.:c, Boney and Van Wagoner. 376 Ci_~:~ H~all___LAnsuhei~mu. Cal_____if~_r~i~_,. January..13,. 1953 - 8:00 P.M. NOES: CO~CIL'~,EN: None. ABSENT: COUNC ILi,~N: None. The iqa;~or declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed ancl adooted. -- L,~.i_:~,~ai'.iCE NO. 527' Councilman Heying offered Ordinance No. 827 and moved for its and adoption. Councilman ~oney seconded the motion. MOTION. CARRIED. Refer to Ordinance Book, page ,3~ y . AN t~RDIi~i~<~DE CF T~ CiTY 0F AIfAi~IM A~,~I~-DIi{G ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF T~ ANAFJ~IM ~UN!21PAL CODE RE!~TING T0 TY~ EST~LiSH~,~NT CF Z01~S IN T~ CITY 0F ANA~IM ~ T~RE- I~f P~GU~Tit~rG Ti-~ USE CF l~, ~!G~ OF BUffiNGS A~$ YAPD SPACES: ~OPT!~iG A ~ S]~{CWi~:rG T~ BO!~,~.IES OF SAID ~ZO~S: D~wINING Ti~ TEPMS USED T~REIN: PROVIDING FOR Ai~JU5T~,~!ENT, ANE~ML%? A~ ENFORCEMENT: PRESCPIBI!fG PENALTIES FOR VIO~TION A~ RE- ?~. _:.~h~C ALL SECT~0~,TS ~ PARTS 0F ~m~0~S I~' ~'~ ~ .......... , uO~ICT TH~EWITH. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted.by the fol.: owing vote: AYES: CO[~CIL~tEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COdiCILS.INN: , None. Ti~e Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. u~:2-,i~Ai<CE EL.. 828: Councilman Wan Wagoner offered O~di~nce No. 828 and moved for its passage and ado-p, tion. CounCilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Ordinance Book, page ~,~?-3/~ . AN C]~2)ii~Ai.[CE OF T~ CITY OF ANA~VM .... ~.G ARTICLE Ii, CHAPTER 4, SECTIONS 2~01 AND 2~02, SUBSECTION G OF T~ "AN.A~PFEi~< ~.~NICiPAL CODE" OF THE CITY OF ANABqE!M, On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the .~. ~ ] ~ . . ~ o~ ow~.ng vote. AYES: COUlfCiL~,~N: Pearson, Wisher, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: CO~NC!L~,~N: None. A3 SEI~T: COUNC I L~EN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. ..... oz~,: Councilme~ Boney offered Ordinance No. 829 and moved for its and adoption. Core, oil. man Meying seconded the motion. MOTION CAR/lIED. Refer to Ordinal:ce Book, page ,~/~ . AN ORDINAi,~CE OF TDS~ CITY OF AF&YEIM AME~DIIfG SECTION 33tl OF THE ANAHEIM k~q~! C!PAL CODE. On roll ca!! the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the f~,l~ owi. n~ vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES' CO~I~IC !L~'EN' None. Ad~SElfT: COreC IL~<E!T: None. The ~'.~ayor ~ ~ ~ ' '~ decca_ed the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. "'~ ~<t 53 ' ~.,, >n[iCE . O: Co~muc.~Iman Wisser offered Ordinance No. 830 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Van ~fagoner seconded the motion. MOTICN CARRIED. Refer to Ordinance Book, pa~ze AZ' Of{Di.:<Ai<CE C,F T]-{E CiTY CF ANAP~IM APB]~0VING ThqE ANI~TION TC SAID CITY 0F ANAB~IM 0F CE)~T~iN Ui'~i'.~'CORPOP~TED T~R.~TOPY ~0~,%l AS HCUSTON A~?] AN'~.TION. On r¢:,li call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the fo~ iowin~ vote: AYES: COUNCIL~iEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COb~NC IL~N: None. ABSENT: COb/~C IL~,~N: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. Cit;~d_Hal..l__,. Anaheim,..California, januar~_13___t_, 1_953 _ 8:00 P.M. · ~:A::.~C:E ~i ~ (H~ic, over) (Zone chan~e relative to Resolution 2013) "?i~?CE i..:~. ~ ~'.2~ Councilman Wisser offered for first reading Ordinance No. 832. ~N~.~',,:~E OF T~ CI~- ~CLE IX, C~T~ 2 0F T~ A~IM - .~ ~ CF A~IM A~NDING ~!C~ 7 · ~A.~ CODE REI~TING TO T~ EST~LISHMENT CF ZOOS IN T~ CITY OF ANA~IN ]P~Ei5~ RESU!~T!NG TI~ USE CF ~ND,~iGHT 0F BU!~IA~GS A~3~ YARD SPACES: ADOPTING A o~.0W~.~G 'T~E B0~~!E$ CF SAID Z0>~S: DEF!NI>~O T~ T~MS US~ T~EIN: PMOV!D- FOR ~MTST~ENT, ~'~}TDME!,~ AI,~ E~ORCE~NT, PR~SCR!BI?G PENALTIES FOR VIO~TION :,,~G ALL SECT!0ve 0! PARTS 0F $EOTi01f8 I~.~ CONFLICT T~ .... WiT~ (Rs~. 20~2) ~I](i:~lfCE Ed. ~33: Councilm~ Heying offered for first re, lng Ordinance No. 833. OEL'i~NCE OF T~ CITY OF ANA~Ik AME~ING ~TiC~ I%, C~T~ 2 OF T~ ANA~IN ~CIPAL CC~E RE~TIEG T0 T!~ ESTABLIShmENT OF ZO~S IN T~ CITY 0F A~IM A>~ ~iN PgGULATiNG T~ USE OF ~i~D, ~IGHT OF BUILDINGS AED YARD ~ACES: ADOPTING A S~qCWil~G T~iE BcUI~AEIES OF SAiD Z0~S: DEFII~'I>~G T~ TER~S USFD T~-~REIN: PROVID- FCR ~JUST~ENT, A~ND~EI{T Ai~ E~OP~CE~'ENT: PRESCRIBING PE~LTIES FOR VIO~TIOE E~LI~G ALL SECTIONS OR PA~TS OF SECTIONS Il~ CO~FLICT TP~PEWiTH. (Res. 2043) i~CE N~ c~~ Councilman Heying offered for first reading Ordinance No. 834. ORDINA?.~CE ~ Ti~E CITY OF ~RHEIE A~Eh~ING ARTICLE IX, C~T~ 2 OF T~ A~IM i CiP~ CODE ~TING TO Ti~ EST~.BLIS~]~T 0F ZONES I~ THE CITY OF ANAE~IM P~EiN ~GU~TiEO T~ USE OF ~'D, HEIGHT 0F BUI~INGS AIO Y~ SPACES: ADOPTING A SHCWIEG THE BO!R~IES OF SAiD ZOh~S' DEFINING T~ TERMS USED T~REIN: PROVID- FOR ~ST~NT, A~~EET AND EEFORCE~NT: PRESCRIBING PE~LTIES FOR VI0~TION ~EP~LII{G ALL SECTIONS OR P~TS OF SECTiCi~S IN COifFLiCT T~WITE~. (Re~. 20~) tL TICN ~:~ ~06~: Co-~ci!m~ V~ Wagoner offered Resolution No. 206~ and moved ~t~ passa{~e and adoption. Councilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION C~I~. Refer to Re~olution Book, page ~- . ~ESCLUTION OF THE CITY COIRJCIL CF Tk]E CiTY OF ANAHEIM AS?ROVING RATIFYING PAIC~NT OF REAL ESTATE CO?~ISS!0N UPON SALE OF :CITY PROPERTY. On ro~l call the foregoing Resoluticn was duly passed and adopted by the vote: AYES .... ~ "~ , ~0UI'Io~!,~'~N' Pearson, WI~er, Heyin~j, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COL~IC IL~[EN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Re~olution duly passed and adopted. i..L; i01.: '~',:~' ~ '~" ~ Councilman Boney offered Resolution No. 2070 and moved for its .~-~ . / :... :age and ado?tion. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Resolution Book, paEe ~~ :SOLUT~C-N 0Y ~u~'~ ~ ~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAP~iM ACCE?TING A GRANT DEED CON- NG TO T?~ ciTY OF AFIA~iEIM C~RTAIN REAL PR01~F/qTy FOP. AN EASEMENT FOR 'STREET WIDEN- ~.UT!i~OSES (C. ar'~ A. Fucns and Lora E. Fuch$) On rc!l cai] the foregoing Resolubion Was duly passed and adopted by the owing vote: AYES' COUNCILI~N: Pearscn, Wi~er, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES; OOU~iC ILMEN: None. ABSENT: C0b]fC I L~EN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. - ~ounc~lman Boney offered Resolut:on No. 2071 and moved for its a~-e and ado?t~on. Counci~._an HeyinE seconded tke motion. MOTION CAP~IED. Refer tc Re~olution Book, page ~&~ . SOLUTION OF T:~ ~T,~,v CCUi~CiL OF TKE CITY OF AIfAY£IM ACCE?'TING A GRANT DEED EYING TO THE CITY OF Ai~A~IM C~TAiN REAL PP.0PE~TY HEP/EINAFTER DESCRIBED. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adooted by the owin~ vote: A%~S: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van ~agoner. NOES: COUNCIL~iEN: None. ~EENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing ResolUtion duly passed and adopted. ~EXi~ ~ ~ . · o~iON TO ~LEAWE STATE. Comncilmam Heying was granted permission to leave the State of California On ~motion by Councilmam Van W ~ag. char, seconded by Co~uncilmam Wieser. ~iOT i ON CAI~RIED. VAJ'~i}~NCE NO. t75: Mrs. Lena B&stian, 1528 E. Center St. - c.Pic, on November ~3, 1952 granted said variance subject to conditions numbered I to 4 inclusive. City Council, November 19, 1952 by Resolution No. 20~7 sustained the action of the City Planning Commission. Appeal from cCnditloms 1 and 3 ~s set forth in City Planning, Commission Resolution 19 w~s submitted b~ Mrs. Lena B~stian, 1: The dedication to the City Of Anaheim of a strip along east CoUnter Street to allow £or the future widening of East Center Street to a width of 50 feet' from the center line o£ the street to the property. 3: Dedication to the' City of Anaheim of a ~)'foot strip along the rear of thi~ acreage to permit the extension of East Broadway.~ C~ity Administrative Officer, Keit~h. ~rdoch entered the matter with Mr. Webb, Attorney for Mrs. Bastian, and it was considered favorable tt~e payment ~'o£ $8?5.00 for the removal of the house when necessary. Said payment was considered "in easement providing for 50-foot set-Back from the center line of East Center Street, to allow for future wid~ening ~of said Street. No action was taken cn Oond'itions ~ "3" of C.P.C. l~esolution 19 at this "time. This matter to be taken up when extension of'Broa~w~ay is further considered. Payment of $875.00 for the removal of house W~s authorized on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Haying. MOTION CARRIED. (It is possible that the 'State o£ California pay the costs of house "set-back")~ V~iANCE NO. 178: Submitted by Fred S. Jones, 112 So. Vail Ave., Nonteb~lle, Calif. owner, requesting permission te erect Multiple Dwelling Structures upon the property described as the Northwesterly 120 feet o'f that portion of Lot 2g, Anaheim, Extension, beginning at the southeast cormer of said Lot 26, thence Northerly along the Easterly line of said lot a distance of 503.19 feet, to that ~certain tract of land conveyed by Rollin R. Bees to O. A. Mullinix, thence Westerly al~ong the Southerly line o£ the land so conveyed to 0. A. Nnllinix, a distance off 612.$9 feet t0 a point w~ich is distant 331.89 feet Northerly from the Southwesterly line of Lot 26, a distance o£ 331.89 feet to the Sou't~westerly corner thereof, thence Easterly along the Southerly line of said lot a distance of 633.60 feet. This property was previously zoned a~ R-$ SUburban-Residential by the County, which permitted multiple dwellings. Upon recent Ball Road Annexation, this property was automatically changed to Property fronts on South Los Angeles Street approximately half way between Vermont Avenue and Ball Road. Oity Planning Oommisaion held Public Hearing on the matter December l, 1952 at which time by their Resolution No. 2~ denied granting said Variemce No. 178 and set forth their reasons therefore. Appeal from Action taken b~ the Cit~ Planning Commission date~ January 12, 1953 was submitted and read, Councilmen Van Wagoner moved that Public Hearing be held upon t~he. matter February 10, 1953 at 8:00 P.M. Councilman Wisher ~econded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. '~VJ~'~ oE.~.~: ·~'~ INS~_/~A.NCE ~:].~.OTECTION: R. J. NOBLE CO. Dated December 30, 19~2 and cover- ing the term January l, 1953 to January l, 1954 cov~ering ~ll operation~, o~f the Insured was approved by the City Attorney and ordered accepted and~ filed on mot'ion bF Co,cji- man Boney, seconded by Councilman t~eying. MOTION CARRIED. kEET~ OF CITY COURT RO0~i: Rental of City Court Room to the CountF cf Orange for.__their J~icial Co~t ~til such time me the new Court Buildi~ is completed at the rate of $60.00 per month was authoriz~ on mo~ion by Co~cilm~ V~ W~oner, sepo~e~ by Council- m~ Wisest. MOTION C~I~. ~ · :3A~,i,.['.ELi.,~.TiCN Public Serv~ice Refund Checks £as requested by the City Treasurer in the amount of $14.71 was authorize~[ on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Wisest. MOTION CARRIe. 7~G~. COUNSEL: FLOOD CONTROL: Statement in the amount of $1,000.00 ~ubmitted by LeRoy E. Lyon, Jr. Attorney, ae "Retainer" regarding Carbon Canyon-Atwood Creek flood water control, November 13, 1952 to November 13, 1953. The City Clerk was instructed to advi~e Attorney Lyon that the city has dec,.dec to approach the problem along other lines an~ request he forward his statement flor services to this date. City~Hal~ Anaheim,_ Galiforni&~_january~l_~3~~%~_.i, 8':00- P.~.~ . ~o~, Pat~l L. Pierce Corp. Subdivision Rond in ~the ~o~t of ~40,000.00. er o~ Attorney tc Howard Siekel by Seaboard Surety Co. Was received :~d ordered od on motion by Co~cilm~ Boney seco~ed by Co~cilman He~ing. MOTION C~IED. .~S~ TEETAT~E ~P, TP~CT NC. 1648: Location: northeas~ co~er of No. ~st ~ E. ~ore Sts - 77 lots, approved by City Plying Co~i~Bion ~ua~ ~, 1953. Revised Tentative Map of Tract No. 1~ was approved by the City Co~cil, ~ect to engineering requirements, on motion by Co~cilm~ Eeyi~, ~eco~d~ b~ Co,cji- Boney. MOTION C~I~. ,-z~ 0~~ ~CT NO. 1721: Location: Northeast corner of Broo~urst ~ter Avenues. 125 lots. ~bdividers: Well~ ~d ~Sons. City Plying Co~ission, J~ry 7, 1953 approved Tentative Map subject -ne following co~ition~: 1. Completion off ~e~tion 'to ~he city. 2. Engineering requirements covering sewer,s, drain~e, access ~o~ from Free~y, ~d ~Justment off Lots 76 to ~5 to permit better utility easements. City Engineer reported as to drai~ge problems, but did not believe the sewer ~lem one to be concerned about. On motion by Co~cil~n Heying, second~ by Councilm~ V~ Wagoner, acceptance 'entative ~p, Tract No. 1721 wac held over for further stay ~d consideration. ON C~I~. b !'~J~, TRACT NS'. 165.3: Tents. rive Map approved Ndvember 7,-1952. 9 lots -. Subdivider: Anaheim Golf Associates 'Inc. - ~inal Map of Tract No. i653 ~ ~Pprov~, subject to e~ineering requirements, Gtion by C~ncilm~ Boney, ~eco~ b~ Counci~ Heyl~. MOTION C~I~. ~ SON-~~ AN~TId~: Petitio~ confining description o~ approxl~ely 79.75 s si~ed by W. H. ~r~h, I~ Wells & Son~, by Do~ld D. Wells, partner, represent- not l~e~ th~ one-fourth of the area of the l~d, and not les~ t~ one-fourth ~e a~s~sed valuation o~ the t~rritory de~crib~ in petition requesting ~e~ion h~ City of Anaheim, was ~ubmit~ ~d re~. ~ Boldly Co~ission approv~ propo~ ~nexation January 7, 1953, fil~ City Co~cil, J~~ 13, 1953. 0i~y Planing Cotillion approved ~opo~e~ ~e~tion January 7, 1953, filed Cit~ Co~cil, J~u~ry 13, 1953~ ~ 4UT!ON N(~ 2073: Council~ Eeyi~ offered Resolution No. 2073 ~' mov~ for i~ ~e ~ ~option. Co~oi~ Wi~er ~econded the motion. MOTION C~I~. ~ Refer ~o ~e~olu~ion Book, p~e ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~OLb~ION OF T~ OITY O0~CIL 0F T~ CI~ OF A~IM AC~OW~GING REOEt~ OF A PiON FOR T~ A~~TION OF C~IN ~I~IT~ T~I~Ry TO T~ CiTY 0F A~IM: ~G NOTICE OF SUCH ~OPOS~ ~TION, DESCRIBING T~ BObbIES OP T~ T~ITORY ~S~ TO BE A~,~ ~ GIVING NOTICE OF T~ DAY, HO~ ~ P~CE ~~ A~ ~N ?~N OW~'iNG ~ ~OP~TY WITBIN SUCH T~ITORY SO ~OPOE~ TO BE ~~ ~y TO T~ CITY O~ ANA~IN. (Publie Rearing 2/13/53 ' 4:00 F.M') On roll. c~il th~ foregoing Re~olution wa~ 8ult pas~ =d ~opted ~y' ~he ~w~ng vote; A~S: ~CI~: Pear~on, Wi~aer, Neying, Boney a~ V~ W~oner. NOES: ~CII~: None. ~S~T: OO~CI~N: None. ~ The Mayor declared the foregoing Res,lution duly passed and adopted.~ ~-RENiY AN~XATION: Report of Orange Cotmty Boundary Commission dated January ~, approving the boundaries o~ proposed Delco-Eemy Annexation received by City Council ~ry 13, 1953. Report o~ City Planning Commission ~ate~ January ?, 1953 approving ~he proposed -Remy Annexation received by City 0ounciml January 13, 1953. Petition signed by owners representAng not le~ than one-fourth of the area of ~nd, and not lezs than one-fourth of the a~sessed valuation of the larml~being, W. Williams, Mary H. Will. iamb, John F. Clark, Kathry~ G. Clark a~xt Daniel R ~Williams · race E. Wil]iam.~. ~.~TiON NO. 2(.~7£' $ouncilman Heying offered Resolution No. 2072 and moved for its ~e and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARR~IED. ~ Refer to Resolution Book, page ~_~&_? L_M&_L~% OLUTION OF T~.~ CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY OF ANAEEtM ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF A I0N FOR T!~ ANI~EXAT!ON OF CERTAIN UNIEtlABiTED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM: 38O ........... City H~i~_~ _An~anei~li£ornia, Ja~.uary l~.~ 19~_~_- 8:00.P.M. GIVING NOTICE OF SUCH PROPOS~ ANNE)~TiON, DESCRIBING T~ BO~~.IES OF T~ T~ITORY z?.~POS~ TO'BE A~ A~ GIVING NOTICE OF T~ DAY, HO~ ~ P~CE ~E ~ ~ ~ P~SON O~ING ~L ~OP~ WITHIN SUCH T~IT~Y S0 ~0POS~ T0 BE A~ ~Y ~P~ BEFORE T~ CITY C0~CIL ~ SHOW CAUSE ~ SUCH T~!TORY SHO~ NOT BE ~h~~ T0 TSI CIT~ OF ~A~IM. ~(Pub!ic Hearing, 2/.lj/53 4:00 P.M.) On roll call the ~ foregoing Re~olut~on was duly pass~ ~ ~opted by the following vote: AYES: C~)UNCI~EN: Pearson, Wi~er, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. !~OES: COUNC!L~[EN: None. ABSENT: COUNCI~: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ~,~.~ .~_, OF STPEET NAOmi: Former petition submitted by property owners on ]~u~ton Street requesting a change be made in the name of the street, changing i$ to wEsTMoNT DRIVE wa~ referred to the City Planning Commission for recommendation, The Ct~,v Planning Commission at their meeting of January 7, i953 ~avore~ the cbmldEe in name and ~o recommended to the City Council. On motion by Counci~an Boney, seconded by Co'muciLman Heying~ the City Engineer and City At~.orney were instructed to fulfill requirements toward accomplish- ing ch~uge of n~me of street to "Westmont Drive". MOTION CARRIED. Ci~Ti~ ~NiNG CO~v..ISSION OFFiC~RS, 1953: The following members of the City Planning Co~mi~ion were, elected to the following offices for ~he Year 1953: Chairman ..... Ralph S. S,~mmers ?Lce-Chairmau . . A. J. Schu~te SeCretary .... R. W. Mungall. The foregoing action was ratified by the 0ity Council on motion by Council- mas Heying, ~econded by Councilman Van Wagoner.' MOTION 0ARRIED. ~'~_OF FUI~D~L~ On mwo,tion by~o~u~?ilman Bo=e~. s~~~ ~~c~~ V~ Wagoner, ~AC:~ CONT~C~: ~e Oi~ A~torne~ ~s i~s~m~c~ ~o prepare Ag~eemen~ ~y ~ b~ ~wee~ ~he Olay o~ ~~eim ~ ~arren ~. J~cox ~or the pic~p a~ ~isposal of gar~e within the cit~ limits. The Ctt~ of A~heim to pay Warren J~cox $900~00 per month. . Ci~y to require Fait~ul Performance Bo~ in the ~oun% of $10,000.00. Agreement $0 b~ effective ~rch 1, 1953, The ~yor ~ City Clerk were authoriz~ to si~ said Agreem~n% on beh~f of tJae City of Anaheim on motion b~ Councilman B~ney, seconded ~y Oo~ilm~ Wi~ser. MOTi 0N C~I~. ,~_~,,~-~~-:~'~= A~. HA.TFiELO: Injured 1/28/19~2 - Citz Park employee. The OtSy Council, on ~o~on by Oo~ncilman Heying, seconded by Oouncilman Van Wagoner authorized the absorption of $5~.*~7 ~eltnquen~ insurance premiums, ~ud further authorized ~he a'b~orp~on o~ ~u~ure premiums un, l! such time as he is ab~.e to resume his duties wibh the ci~. MOTIO~ CAP, RIEl). ~.~.~.~ NC. 179: Albert C. Ledbetter, 92? No. Philadelphia S.t. to operate a P~io and Television Repair bu~ines~ in garage at this Cit~ Pl~i~ Co~isston reco~ended to ~he Oi~y Co,oil t~t application b~ ~r~ed', ~ubject to pro~i~i0n that proposed bu~ine~ be coOl,ed to present gmr~e on premises. ~.~.~.~.,b~iON .,. 207~,. Co~ciim~ Heying offered Resolution No. 207~ ~d moved for its pass,ge ~d ~option. Oouncil~ Boney seconded the motion. MOTION C~I~. Refer to Resolution ~ook, p~e .~_~- ~ ~ . A :~SOL~iON 0F T~ CITY CO~CIL OF T~ CITY OF ~~IM G~ING i V~NOE. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly pas~ed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van' Wagoner. NO:ES: COUNCIY~EN: None. ABSE~: cOUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared ~he foregoing Resolution duly passed and ad~ opted. DC~NTO,.~!~ LIGHTING DISTRICT: Qity Admi~nistrati~ve Officer: reported the Rroposed downto~m lighting district on Center St. from Palm to Olive Sts., ~n.d o~ Los Angeles C. . · · t~i E~all~, Ana~eim~ Gali£ornia_z January 13,_l~- 8:00~P.~, . from Santa Aha to Sycamore is estimated to co~t approximately $49,000.00. proximately 28% of this cost can be borne by the City and the State if it is assumed at the safety lighting at intersection~ in the responsibility of those agencies than property owner responsibility. On that assumption, the cost to property owners for Mercury Vapor Lighting P~oject on Marbelite Type Poles (similar to the Olive Street ~tailatton) will cost approximately $3.50 per £ront foot. It ie therefore recommended ~ an a~ze~ment district be set up under the 1911 Improvement Act to provide a modern- ~ dm lighting system to the downtown area. ' ..' The City Administrative Officer and City Attorney were authorized to proceed ~he~preparation of necessary resolutions and other requirements for'the completion ~he foregoing improvement on motion b~ Councilmau Boney, seconded by Councilman ~in~$. MOTION CAltRI~ED. ~ ~E~-. STORAGE: Upon the recommendations of the City Administrative Officer and oer~ntendent of Light, Power and Water, the firm of Quentin Engineers of Los Angeles engaged to investigate and recommend the best t~pe of water storage, the city~ ~er storage needs, the quautI~ies o£ s~erage and the mo~t economical design, for the ~p sum of $2,000.00, The above action was authorized on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded b~ ~ncilman Boney, and the City Attorney instructed to prepare necessary resolution. I ON CARRIED. If recommendation~ of the Quentin Engineers are ~¢cepted, their fee would be of cons~ruction~cos~ for detailed plans and ~pecifications. ,OD CONTROL: The Administrative Officer outlined particulars of ~lood Control ~tract entered into by the County of Orsmge with HarrisOn and Wooley. CO~ECTI~N C~GE POLICY was outlined by AdminiStrative Officer. OLUTION NO. 2075: VARIANCE NO, 175: Councilman Heying Offere~ Resolution No, and moved £or it~ pad,age an~ a~ioptlon. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. ON CARRIED. Refer to Resolution B~ok, ~page ~~__~__. ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ~GRANTING A YARIANCE. On roll call the ~oregoing Re~olution wa~ duly passed and adopted by ~he lowing vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, HeyinE, Boney and Van Wagoner; NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCII~N: None. The Mayor declared ~he foregoing resolution duly pa~ed and adopted. CJNiOATi0N: From the AdduCe~ut General of National Guard pertatuing to general Lcies of operation wa~ read. ~ ~ ~ENT /~T~L: H~nta! of City gall Basement for $100,00 per month to the National ~d for Armory was approved on motion by Councilman Boney, secon~e(i bZ Councilman ng. MOTI ON CARRIe. City to fo~rnish light, water and heating facilities and place the b~sement ~epair for their u~e. Eetimate,i cost of repair between $600.00 and $700.00. The Oity Attorney was instructed to prepare necessary resolution e~ City Clerk and Ma~or muthorized to sign the same in behalf of the city on motion ~ouncilman Boney, ~econded by Councilman geeing. MOTION CAP~IED. ~L4~LON NC. 207~: Upon the recommendation of the City Engineer, Councilma~ Wisser ~re~ Resolution No. 2076 and moved £or ~ passs~e and adoption. Councilman Van ~ner secondea the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to P~esolu~ion Boo~, page ~ ',SOLUTION OF TEE CITY CO~JNCIL OF T~ CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACC~TING THE SURNISHING 3~!.~ PLANT LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIP~ENT AND ALL UTILITIES~ AND TRANspORTATiON ~i~ING POlaR, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND LE~ THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: THE PAVING OF WEST SO~H S~ET FROM LOS ;LES TO LE,~o~ Ai~-D FR0~.{ PAI~ STRJ ..... TO i~{kNCHES~R AVENUE. · On roll c~!i the foregoin6 Resolution was (iuly passed and adopted by the owing vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, BOney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. 382 The Mayor declared the foregoinE Resolution duly passed and adopted. HESOLUTION NO. 2077: Upon the recommendation of the City Engineer;, Councilman Wisher offered Resolution No. 2077 amd moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Van WaEoner seconded the motion. MoTioN CARRIED. Refer to Re~olution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0]~ ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE FURNISH- ING OF ALL PLANT LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALLy UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT A.ND COWrLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: THE PAVING OF WEST VERMONT STRUT FR~i~i LE~,iON STREET TO PAL~': STREET IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the !'ollowing vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN.. Pearson, Wisest, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. NO. 831: At this time Ordinance No. 831 was offered for first reading by Co~mcilman Van Wagoner. AN ORDINANCE OF TEE CITY OF ANANEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 0F TEE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL O0DE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY 0]~ ANAHEIM AND T~IN REGULATING THE US~ O~ LAND, HEIG~ OF BUILDINGS AND YAPJ) SPAOES: ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES: DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN: PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AME~~ AND ENd'ORCa: PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AKD REPEALING ALL SECTIONS 0R PA3{TS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT Tt!EREWITN. (~e~o]~ution No. 2015) RESOLUTiC~? NO. 2-)7~: Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. E078 an~ moved for passage and adoption. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Borer to Resolution Book, pa~e 7 7 ~ . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY O0UNGIL OF T~ CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC INTEREST AHD NECESSITY REQUIRES THE CONSTRUCTION AKD O0MPLETION OF A PUBLIC I,W/TROVEMENT, TO WIT: SOUTH OLIVE STREET SEW]KR FROM WATER STREET TO VERMONT AVEN~, AND APPROVING TEE DESIGN, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ASID DRAWINGS FOR THE O0NSTRUGTION THEP~EOF, AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN AOCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, Ah~D AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING TE~ CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the ~o!lowi~g vote~ AYES; OOUNOILM~N: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: 00UNOI ~N: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor ~eclared the foregoing Resolution duly pas~ed ami a~opte~. ~ES~Li~?~ION NO. 2079: Councilman Van Wagoner o££ered Resolution No. 2079 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Wisher seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Resolution Book, page 7 YJ ~'~. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AKAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING TEAT PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY REQUIRES TEE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPRO%~EMENT TO WIT: SOUTH WEST STREET, PROJECT NO. 3?, AND APPROVING THE DESIGN, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF, AUGHORIZING T~ CONSTRUCTION 0~ SAID PUBLIC IMPRO%~ENENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS AND SPEOIFIOATION~ Ai~D Ab~HORIZING AltE) DIREOTING THE OITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED r~0POSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION T~OF. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the £oliowimg vote: AYES: COUNCI'.LMEN: Pearson, Wisher, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. A~SENT: OOUNCILM~N: None, ~.~C~il, A~mheim, C~lifornia,_=j_~nu~__ry 13,L~_~- 8;00 P.M. The ~ayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. O.$. Sb~LE~ ~!~.: City Engineer gave an outline and explanation off the summer program ae ,nra[ned in the C~illespie Report to the Joint Out£all Sewer Board. Councilman Heying moved to adjourn. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. ,TiON CARRIED. -- ~~it~ Clerk'