1953/01/27 The O.ity Council of the City~ of Anaheim met in PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wieser, Boney ~d Van 0ITY A~Y. P~STON T~:; Pre~ent. . 0ITY ~MXNIS~TI~ O~I0~, ~ITH A. ~OCH. Present. MI~S~ The Minute~ of th~ re~ar meeting held J~uary DE~2: D~s in the ~ount of $206'329'~ was r~ported 0o~ci~ Boney ~oved t~t re~ort of Fin~ce Co~ittee be Be ~ra~ u~n the Treasurer to ;~y said demands in accordance? Wiaeer e~o~ the mo$ion. MOTION ~I~. P~LIC ~ING: V~~CE PETITION NO. 1781 Appeal froz~ ac't~ Oomiesiom submitt~ by~Fr~ S.. Jones, petitioner. Petition ~s introduC~ supporting "Apoeal" s~ .... e in the A~mtrict. Mr. ~d ~e. Jones were represented by S~el City Plying Co~isSion Resolution No. 2~ sett co~en~i~ the denial of V~i~ce 178 ~s Protests introduced at the City Plying re~. ~. Moeller, Secreta~y-~ger of the A~heim t~t a study of the entire area be ~de, a~ that ~y other volvi~ the territory, ~til such time the study i~ ~ ~2 rezonlng, proc~ure ~fecting the territo~- Oo~cil~ ~ W~oner, moved t~t the Cit;r ~o~ ~ Pl~l~ O0~lsSlOm, ~d rather t~ Er~t a Variance, that possible reclassification. 0o~cil~ Bo~y seco~d the 0~I~~ NO. 820: Oo~ci~ Boney offered Ordinance No. re~i~. Or&i~nce No. ~20 was re~ in public formerl~ OF T~ A~IM ~ICIPAI, CODE. OtLDIKANOE~NO. 8311 Oouncilman Boney offered Ordinance passage mu~ adoption. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the Refer. ~o Ordinance Book, page o_T/~ ~/- . AN ORDI~N~ OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM A}iENDIEG ART! OLE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO TEE ESTA~LISttM~t~ OF ZOI~S IN' T~IN HEGUIATING TEE U~ O~ i~ND, EEIGHT OF BUIiDINO~ FOR AD~NT, AMENDMENT AND ~[NFORCE~.. PRESCRIBING REPEAL~.ALL SECTIONS ::OR PAETS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly following ~'vote: C AIRES: 00UNCILNEN: Pearson, Wlsser, Bone~y NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: Heying. :' The MaFor declared She foregoing Ordinance au:y 0RDINANO~ NO. 8321 Oo~ci~ V~ W~oner offer~ 0rdlua~':ce .' its pasture a~ ~option. Co~cilm~ Boney ~econded th~ Refer to Ordin~ce Book, p~e ~/~- . AN ORDI~GE OF TEE CITY O]~ AI~HEIN AMENDING ARTICLE MUNIOI?AL 0ODin, RI~TATING TO T~ iESTABLIS!~fENT OF ZONES V T T~IN ~G~TING T~ USE OF ~, ~IG~ OF B~I~INc~S ~ S~WI~ T~ BO~~IES OF ~ID ZOOS: DEFINING ~I~-~L SECTIONS OR P~TS ~ SECTIONS IN COnfLiCT On roll call the foregoing Ordinance wa~ duly [~.s~?~ '~.~: .... ~ [ J' ~ I ~m ' '[ ~ [ ~ [ followl~ vote~ ~/it_2~_..H_a_ ~_An~ah_e_'_rm_~ Californ~a~ Janmary £?, 19_5~- 8:00 P.M. AYES: CO~INCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNC II2~[EN: None. ~ SENT; CO The ~ayor declared the foregolmg Ordinance duly passed ~d ~opt~. O~qD~CE NO. 833: Co~cilm~ Wisser offered Ordinance No. 833 and moved for it~ pass~e ~d ~op~ion. Counc~lm~ Van W~oner seco~ed the motion. MOTION ~I~. Refer to Ordine~ce Book, p~e ~/~ . ~N OPDINANCE OF T~ CITY OF AN~IM A~ING ~TIC~ IX, C~~E 2 OF T~ A~IM ~I~ICIPAL CODE ~TING TO T~ EST~LIS~NT 0F ZOOS IN T~ CITY 0F A~IN ~ T~IN ~ 7T ~ ~C~;~TING- T~ USE 0F ~, ~IG~ OF BUI~INGS ~ Y~ SPACES.: ~OPTING A ~ SHOW- I~G T~ BO~~.IE$ ~ST~, A~~NT AA~ Eh~ORCE~: PRESCRIBING PE~LTIES ~R VIO~TION ~ ~F~ING ALL SECTIONS OR P~TS OF SECTIONS IN CO~CT T~WITH.~ (Res. 2043) On roll call the foregoing Ordinance w~s duly passed ~ ~opted by the following vote: AYES: CO%~CII.~[EN: Pearson, Wi~ser, BOney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNC~L~fEN; None, ABSENT: COUNCIL~AN: Heying. The Mayor declared the foregoing Ord~inance duly pa~ed and aclopte~..~: O~DINANCE NC. 83~: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 83~ and moved for its passage ar~t adoption. Oeuncilman Wl~er seconded the motion. MOTION GAREI~. Refer to Ordinance Book, page .Y/~ ~J/~. AN ~FiDINANCE OF T?~~ CITY OF A~HEIM A~[ENDING AETIC~ IX, C~T~ E OF T~ A~IM ~IC~ CODE ~TING ~ T~ EST~LIS~~ OF ZOOS IN T~ CI~ OF~ AN~Ig A~ T~IN ~G~TING C~ USE OF ~, ~IG~ OF B~INGS Ah~ Y~ SPACES: ~OPTING A ~.~ SNOWING T~ BObbIES OF SAID ZOOS. DEFINING T~ T~S US~ T~REIN: ~OVIDING ~OE ~~ST~NT, ~~~ A~ ~~CE~; ~ESCEI~ING PE~LTIES FOR VIO~TION A~ P~P~LING 'T ~ a~ SECTIONS OR P~2S OF SECTIONS IN CO~ICT T~'ITE. (Res. 20~) On roll call the f. oregoing Ordinance wa~ duly pa~=e~ and adopted by the following vote; ~ AYES; COUNOILt<EN; Pearson, Wisser, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCIL~: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: HeyinE. The :~zyor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly padded and adopted. . FIBRE, THEFT A~!D COMP~EP2~NSIVE INSL]RANCE On Cityt~ Automotive Flee% expiree February 9, i~53. Renewal of insurance was ordered referred to ~he Administrative Officer on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, ~econded by Councilman Wi~er. MOTION CARRIED. BONDS: TRACT NO. 1659: 1 -$40,000.00 for the installation of improvements, £ - $7,200.00 for the installation of water main~. Both Bonds approved by the City Attorney. (Seaboard Surety Company Bond~No. RIA 9971 and PJ~ 10170) Said Bonds were ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman~Boney, seconded by Council- man Van Wagoner. MOTION CAi~IED. · , ~ E OEAi~GE COUNTY SOCIETY FOR CRIrPI..]D OHILDRE~N AlfD ADULT5 requesting permission to sell paper Easter Liliec on city ~treet~, ~arch 21, 1953. Sai~ request gran2e& on motion by Oouncilman Man WaEener, seconded by Ommcilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIe. SAbVATION ~i,ff request permission to hold their annual SalvaEe Week campaign in Anaheim June 8th tc 13th, 1~53. ~ Permission was granted providing that window placard~ be ueed in the ~xiverti~ing of the event and ~hat no placard~ be placed on ligh~ standar&~ on mot i on by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTI ON CARRIED. Comm-unication referred to City Administrative Officer for reply, P~6ULATION OF SFEF~ OF TRAINS: Opinion of City Attorney, Preston Turner as to the riggers of th~ City ~o limi~ the ~peed of train~ in the cit~ limits was received anal ordered received and filed on motion by Comncilman Yah Waconer, ~econded by Council,, man Wi sser ~ OT ~ ON CAI~I~, ¸.2 City Hall, An~eim~ Cal£fornia~ Jan~u~:..r_2l 2~, CO~I~TIONS: Pau~ ~. Demaree,~ Principal, ~.eim. ~i~or,~ ~or~co, A~eim UniOn High Schoc~ a ~r c~ ~ci~e~t~ having occured o~ ~et Center Street at ~' ~',.m Tr~fie ~iE~ be in~talled. ~or Pearso~ outlined ~he city~ position trol of traffic a~ being ~dled b~ the Etate Hi~hwey De~ ........... a State Hi~waF. It wa~ moved By Co~Cilm~ V~ Wagon~ t~mt ~he- be requested to ~e a tr~fic sudsy on We~t Center Points m~d 0itr~ Streets, ad tht the City Clerk be tions from the An~eim Union High School ~ising th~m Jurisdict~o~ ~ supervision aver ~1 State Eigh~ays Oi~y Co~cil, ~otion ~eco~ed by Councilman Wiener. , ~~ ~ VAL~Y ~L CL~ ~equ~t permission to hoi~ 26, 195~, ~ Pml~ P~k. ReqUest Eranted on motion~ by Councilman Wi~ss~:~, ~TION ~I~. __ ~~S~T FO~ NO, 599 - S~ COI~ENSATI~N~ Ii~SU~.'~'CE the li~t of llibtlity of polt~[ holder has been T~ A~IC~ ~GION, ~~IN POST 72: Requests the Park d~i~ the 1953' %ase~l season. It was bro~ht up t~t the fut~e ConcessS..onatzc ia BoSh ~rhs, ~d t~t it was considered in order to concessio~s for .t-he "Spri~. Traini~" season in 1~53, only. ion Be referr~ to the ~inistrative Officer. Abo~e action authorized on motion by C.om%c~: ~ ~ ~oner. ~TION C~I~. C~IM FOR DA~GE: R. JOE QUAS~: 0~ reco~endatl, on o~ 0om~~' llizibeth Geiger, the' City 00mit'i! on mot'[;.~,. by Co~t'l~ ~an-W~o~er ~jected claim as ~ubmLtted North ~'e i~ele's St~e~, in the ~o~t of $160.74 ir; buildi~ resulting ffrom ~ accident ~mber 20~, l)j,2. ~~0~ OP ~SE~: The Oft[ ~inistrative O:ff.~cer Co~cil the ab~o~ent of ~ easement no longer requ. i~a the City of the etri.p of propert~ ml~g the city limit~: ttnc Streets. - - Aba~o~en~ proceedings were. authorized and to preps, necessary doc~ents on motion by Com~cil;~a:'~ ~isser. NOTION 0aI~. HAMPSHIRE A~ residents on She east:srn portion, east Oouneil calling attention to the new ~ubdivision have a ~~e-eac ~ ~e~ to inter, er with resident~ City ~ineer ~vi~ed the new su~ivision wo~.id stree~ ll~e ~p, bu~ i$ did not form a cul~e~ac. The resi~ent~ would like to M. ve ~hi~ The ~inistra~ive Officer recommended that the ~ curb~ ~ sidewa~ be infO,led b~ the subdivider. ~I~ I~UIP~: ~ire Ohie~, Ed. Stringer requetted capacitz ~er ~o replace present 1915 Se~rave a~'also piece of ~quipment to replace 1~3 Eeagrave. He further ~. K. ~s~, Superintendent, Shop a~ Garage "S~rav~ from the st~oin~ :o~ ~or Pe~aon'~lled.~t~-ention to the fact that that Signalization of equi~ant i~ available ~hrou~4 The Fire Ohie~ ~$ im~t~cted to give ~ditional re, ri later to the Oo~cil. ~T~NS P~LIC HOUSING PR~C~ PROp~Y: Crier y Dona.~ 2~ feet (north) of the 2.62 ac~es, o~ed by the ~' corner ef~'Olive a~ La Pal~ A~nue at the purchase orlce 986 tn t~ ~o~t of $2,800.00 ~as submitted. - ~SOL~ION NO. 2081: Co~cilm~ Van W~oner ~ mov~ for iSs-pass~e ~d ~optton. Co~cilm~ ~'~riseer MOTION ~I~. Refer to Re~olution Book, page i~ESOLUTION OF Ti~ CIT~Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAEEIM,, CALIFOltN~IA, AUTHOltIZING SALE OF CF~.TAIN t~L PROPERTY, AND AUTEORI%I~G TEE EXECUTION OF A CONVEYANCES THEREOF.~ /¥~t. Publ Housing Pro~oerty to Donald R. Bates - North 240') On roll call the foregoing P~esolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILNEN: Pearson-, Wisser, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCIL~iEN: None. ABSENT: COIINCI LMAN: He~ing. ~ The ~ayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. HESOLUTiON NO. 2080: Councilman Boney offered Resolution No. 2080 and moved for i t~ pass,age and _adoption. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIe. Refer to Resolution Book, page ~: .Y~*/-__. A ~SOLUTION ~F T~ CITY COUt~CIL OF T[~ CITY OF ANAZ~E~i FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT ?~LIC. INTEREST Ai~D ~CESSITY REQUIRE THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR A PUBLIC I~PROVE~[ENT, I~[ELY,~ A PU.,SLIC PARKING LOT, AND AUTHORIZING THE PL~HAS~TEEBEOF Ai~ ACCEPTING A DEED THEREFOR. (Elsa G. Rust - $25,500.00) On roll call the foregoing Re~olution was duly passed and ad0pte~ by the £o~llowing vote; ~ AI~ES; COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. - ABSENT: COUlfCI~N: Heyin~. The ~ayor declared the £oreEoinE Re~olution duly pas~ed and adoDted. ACACIA STREE1. ~qF_~(ATION: Petition for the annexat~[on of inhabited territory to be known a~ the Acacia Street J~unexation, contm£ning signatures of 62 residents of~ the t~rritory, wa~ submitted and read. AlL r~sidents in proposed Acacia Street Annexation are in East Anaheim, Orange County, Precinct No. 1. The City Clerk attested to the ~uffficiency of the petition, stating that ~urvcy ~howed i~5 qualified voters in the district. . Councilman Van Wagoner moved that said petition £or annexation be received and filed, Councilman Wieser ~econd-ed the motion. MOTION OAI~itI~. EESOi,UTION NO. 2082: Councilman Wisest o££er~d Resolution No. 2082 and moved f,or its passage and e~iopt~on. 0ounc~lman Van Wagoner seconded the motion.~- MOTION GAI~IED. ttefer ~o tlezolution ~ook, pa~e ~?o~- ??~ - ~ ? ? .- ? ? y A iiESOLUTION OF THE CITY O0UNG.IL 0F Ti~ CITY OF ANAHE!~,i DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO CALL A SPECIAL ELECTION TO SUBMIT TO TEE QUALIFIED ELECTORS RESIDING IN TEE HEBJ~IN,. AFTEP, DE5OitlY~ED TEEEITOEY THE QUESTION OF ANNF~TION Off SAiD TERRITORt TO THE CITY OF ANAEE -,I~. (Acacia Street Annexation.) ?ubi. ic HearinE: Feb. 13, 19~3 - 4:00 P.~ - ~ On roll call the foregoing ~e~olution was duly paszed and adopted by the following vote: AYES:- COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Bone~ and Van Wagoner. NOES: OOUNCIL~EN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMAN; Heying. The Mayor declared the foregoing dtesolution duly passed and adopted. ~d~.cLuTION NO £083; Councilman ~oney o~fered Re~olutio~ No. 2083 and mo~ed 'flor it~ passage and adoption. Cmzucilman Van Wagoner seconded the mot,ion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Resolution Book, page _~_/_m~ · A RESOLUTION OF Ti~ CITY- COIf~CIi5 OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AgTHORIZING AND APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF FURNITbX~E FRO~I ETTA A. ~YERS. ($200.00) On rol. i call ~the foregoing re~olut[on was duly passed and adopted b~ the following vote: . . AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser. Boney and Man Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: Heying. _: .......... C~ty...~.,.1, A~heim~ Ge~ifornia_~. January .7? !:~:~ ~ The Mayor declared the foregoing resoluti~n ..~:]_~ ~. ~ .~ RESOLUTION NO. 2084: Councilman Wisser o£fered~ Re~olut~Lo?. it~ pad,age and adoption. Councilman Van Wagoner Refer to Resolution Book, page _2~ ~ . A ]~ESOLUTION 0P ~HE CITY ~OIL 0F T~ CITY 0F ~ E~ IN~ BY A~ BETON T~ CITY 0~ ~LI~~ BY ~ T~0UGH ITS D~Y ~POINT~ ~ ~$~E, FOR T~ USE OF ~~IN~ IN T~ CiTY B~I~ 0~ T~ $~, A~ F!~NG T~ ~ T~EOF. On roll call the foreEoing Resolution wa~ dul~; follow~ vote: ~ AYES: COUNCILNEN$ Pearson,, Wisser, Boney NOES: ~CIL~: None. ~SE~: ~CIL~: Heying. _ The ~or declared ~he foregoinE Re~olution ~S0L~ION N0 E085: Oo~cilm~ Boney~ offered~ ' Pass~e ~ ~option. 0ouncil~ Wisser second~-the mot:~.u~:~ Reffer to Resolution A ~L~ION 0F T~ CITY 00~OIL 0F T~ 0ITY 0F ~M~ii~t ~ roll c~l the foregoi~ Resolution wa~duiy ~ollowl~ ye AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Boney · NOES: O0U~OIL~; None. ~he Mayor ~eclared the foregoing Resolution d~.ly ~.~ !.:'~,~.!: RE~OLUTION NO. 2086: Coumoi!maa Van Wagoner offered Hesol~t for it~ ~s~e ~ ~option, Councilm~ Wi~er second,~d t Refer to Resolution Book, p~e A ~0L~ION OF T~ CITY ~CIL 0F T~ CITY 0F A~!M (O~o H. Clodt ~ A~ ~redell Clot - ~oiph 0. ~nd ~ roll call the foregol~ Re~olutton wme duly followl~ vo~e~ , A~$1 ~CIL~: Pearson, Wisser, Boney and NOES: O0~0IL~; Nome. ~S~: C0~CI~: Heying. ,. The ~yor deelare~ ~he foregoing Rezolu$ion d~,/ ~SOL~ION NO. 2087: Co~cilm~ Bo~e~ offere~ Resolution ~ss~ ~ ~op$lon. Council~ Wisser ~eco~ed the motion Refer ~o Resolutien Book, page ~~- ~ I~R0~~, T~WIT: ~ST CEN~R S~ET SEW~ PROJECT ~?~, O0~UOTtON T~F, A~HORIZI~G T~ CONSTRUCTION OF 5A~L On roll ~1 the foregoing Resolution wa~ dl~.ly' folto~ vo~e: .... City H~i, Az~eim, California, J~uary 2[~_1~ AYES: COI~CILI~N: Pearson, Wisser, ~oney ~d V~ W~oner. NOES: ~b~CI~: None. ~S~T; CO~CIL~; Eeying. The M~or declar~ the ~oregoi~ Resolution duly p~s~ ~d P~S~LUTiON ~. 2088: Oouncil~ V~ W~oner offered Resolution No. 2088 a~ move~ ~or its passage and ~option. Co~cilm~ Wisser seco~ed the motion. ~TION ~I~. Refer to Resolution Book, p~e ~?~ ~ A HESOLL~ION 0F TEE CITY COUNOIL OF THE OIT_Y OF ANAHEIM FINDING~ A~TD DETERMINING TEAT ?UBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY REQUIRES TM~ CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A P~JBLIO IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: EAST SANTA ANA ST~T SEW~_2~ IMPROV~ ~ROM EAST STREET TO PLACENTIA A~NL~, AND ~PPROVING THE DEIGN, PLANS, SPECIFI CATIONS AND D~J~WING$ FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF, AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC I~PROVENENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH RAID PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS,, AND AUTHORIZING AltD DIR~OTING THE CITY CLEI~ TO ~L~LISH a NOTICE INVITING SEAL~ PROPOSALS FORi TEE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. · On roll call the foregoing Resolution' was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wieser, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCIL~EN: None. ABSEItT: 00UNCI ~: Heying. The Mayor declared the ~oregoing Re~oluti~n duly pa~sed and adoPte~. HESOLUTION NC. 2089: Oou~cilman Wisser offered Resolution No, 2089 an~ moved for~ its passage and adoption. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded She mo~lon, MOTION CARRIe. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLL~ION OF THE CITY 00UNCIL OF THE OITY OF A2L~IM FINDING ~ DE~MINING THAT PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY REQUIRES THE CONSTRUCT I ON ~ AND OOMP~TION;O~ A PUBLI0 IMPP~0VEMENT, TO WIT: EAST SANTA AHA STREET STREET I~EOVEM~T FROM EAST STREET TO PLACENTIA A~ENUE, AND APPROVING TF~ DESIGN, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS TEE 00NSTRUCTION THEREOF, AUTHORIZING THE GONSTEUCTION OF SAID FUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN AOCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AND AUTEORIZING~AND DIREOTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLYSH A NOTICE INVITING SEALF~D PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEPJEOF. On ro!l.c~ll the ~oregoing Resolution wa~ duly pa~aed and a~opte~ by the · ~ollowing vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wleser, Bo~ey and Van Wagoner. NOES: 00UNCIL~: None. ABSENT: COUNCII~AAN; He~ing. The Ma~or declered the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ~So~UTION NO. 2090: 0ouncilmam Van Wagoner offered Ee~olution No. 2090~and meve~~ for it~ passage and adoption. Councilmam Boney seconded the motion. MOTION 0AERIe. Refer 'to Resolution Book, page P~ESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO~;NCIL OF THE CITY O~ AN~I~ 'FINDING AND ~ETE~INING THAT rb~LlO I~T~T ~ ~SSI~ REQUI.~S T~ O0NSTRUCTI~ ~ ~~TION 0~ A P~LIC I~O~~, T0 WIT: B~.TON ST~ET I~ROV~NT ~M NORTH ~sT ST~ET T0 L~ ST~ AI~ ~PROVING T~ D~IGN,~ P~S, SPECIFICATIONS ~ D~WINGS FOR T~ CONSTRUCTION T~P~OF, AUTHORIZING T~ ~NSTRUOTION OF SAID P~LIC I}~RO~~ .iN AC~ANCE WITH ~iD P~NS AED SPECIFICATIONS, AI~ AUTHORIZING A~ DI~CTING T~ CITY C~ TO P~LISH NOTICE I~iT!NG S~~ ~OPO~L FOR T~ ~NS~UC~ION T~OF. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adoptea by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Boney and Van Wagoners. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: OOUNCIL}4~N: Heying. The M~vor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adoptea. Councilman Boney moved to adjourn. Councilman Wisser seconded the motions. ~TiON CAP~RIED.