1953/03/10404 ._ _ Ci_ty .$_a!l, A~heim: oa!i_forn!a, F.e. bruar~ 24..,,~195~_- 8;00 P-M, ..... Refer to Resolution Book, page __ /~,~.- . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AWARDING A CONTRACT TO WARREN W. JAYC0X FOR THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF GA~SAGE WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY oF ANAHEIM: FIXING THE CO%{PENSATION AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CL~RK TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT FoR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly pawsed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL~[EN: Pearson, Wiseer and Boney. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Heying and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. - .~-..-,.:.~.~ ~: It is requested that the Chief of Police be notified to have his Depar~men~ watch panhandlers and solici$ors on ~he streeSs to see that they have proper permit~ for soliciting, hawking and vending. Councilman Wisser moved to adjourn. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. S I GNED ~ City C1 er~ L,,Y'~/'- ' ' "' :' cit~...Ha~_~eim. Cal.i..fqr~ia, .F~..rch .!0, 1953- .8:.~0 P.,M, .......... The City Council of the City' of Anaheim met in regular session. ~?~Si~T: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisaer, Boney and Van Wagoner. ABS~ : COUNCII~; Heyimge CITY ATTOR1TEY, PRESTO;~ TURIUER: Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, E-EITH A. MUR~CH: Pre2ent. i'~,;:;' The Minutes of the regular meeting held Februa~- 24, 1953 were approved on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ~ ~]~i~ Councilman Van Wagoner reported demands against the City amounting to $249,200.65. Councilman Boney moved that report of Finance Committee be accepted and that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer to pay said demands in accordance with report. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ..L. ..... ',6 .:~ O]'~,2-L.-~:]~i;~.;, '.~.;:.~'(;-~,~,1'~.'. ~onth of February, 1953 were approved and ordered accepted and filed on motiom by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. ~OTION CARRIED. T~S~: General t~und, $327,621.05 - Total General Accounts $82g,683.84 - Total all funds, $1,875,$39~O. - Business and Dog Licenses, $637~90. ~ITY CL,.~-~{K: $183.00. BUI~ING D~~~: ~83 Per, it, s, of which 227 were Buildl~ with ~l~tion of $1,8~,675.00 -~ee~ collecte~ $5,262.65. ~Li0E D~~~: Activities. PA~ING ~~: $2,320.00. FI~ D~~~: Activities - Bicycle Licenses $65.00. i,IB~Y: ~~ce March 3, 1953, $19,397.63. C~C~ & ~N: 236 loa~s, ~sh (Contractor ~ le~s) - 2~ lo~s,' garde or 81 S~~~~, LIG~, ~W'~ & WAT~: Activitie~ of both ~e~rtm~ts. Light fixt~e pe~its, 35 - Power wiring permits, 6 - Light wiri~ permits, ~ - Fees collected $386.~. -- Light services installed, 68 -Water services installed, 42. Water p~ped by city, 26,$71,200 ~llons - ~rchased from ~.W.D. 39,825,700 gallons. - Water level city wells, March l, 151 feet 1 inch. CITY A~ITOR: Deposit to several f~ds totaled $43,255e23 - ~enses on J.O.S. Totaled $2,973.69 of which ~eim paid $985.~. ~LiC S~VICE: Deposit $96,279.~ - ($127.55, Induetr~l Waste - Delinquent $7,808e~ S~itation, $7,206.75) of their property in the Houston Avenue Annexat'ion, at the northwest corner of Magnolia Avenue sad West La Pala~ Avenue, from "County R-J~# to 0ity of ~eim ~1, A~ re~t of ~blic ~i~ held ~~ 22 ~d ~eb~~ 2, the City P~ing 0o~iesion reco~e~ the recl~sification. There were no written protests or objections filed or received by the City Clerk and no one present at the meeting objecting to the proposed reclassification, thereupon the Mayor declared the Hearing closed. ~,~. J~l£1: 0ouncllmas Boney offered Resolution No. 2121 and moved for its passage and ~ioption. Oouncilaa~ Van Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Resolution Book, page ~/~z--~/.ff. A KESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 0ITY OF ANAHEIM FIHDIN6 AKD DEFINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECF~SARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE 0ITY AND THAT ARTICI~ IX, C~AP~ ~ 0~ ~m AXAE=~ ~0~XCX~A~ C0Dm S~~ ~, A~mamE~ TO AOC0MPMS~ SAm C~A~ ON ZONE. (F-52-~ 3-8~ On roll call the foregoing Reeolutlon ~a~ du~y p~ssed and adopted by the followin~ vote: AYES: 00UNOILMEN: Pearson, Nisser, Boney And ]faa Wagoner. NOES: O0UNOILME~: None. ABSENT: O0UNOILNA~: Heying. The Nayor declared the foregoing Resolution dul.v passed and adopted, 6?~DTi~CE l~O. 8.20.: O' .o~lmaa ~oney offered 0rdinance~ No, ~0 for final reading, and moved for its passage sad adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to 0rdinaace Book, page _~..~/ ._. m~ (m.oum.~c~ OF ~ CZT¥ OF ~]:~ ~F.~~s SEC~O:~ ?Z~O0.',50~ T~ ~IN NU~I.OIPAL 00DE. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed axEl adopted by the foll~ln~ vote: AYES~ COUNCILMEN: ~ear~on, Wieeer, Boney sad Fan Wagoner. NOES~ 00UNOIIRE~= None. ABSENT: COUI~0ILMAN: Heyin~. , . . The Ma~or, declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed ~ adopted, O'?~Ii~CE EL. 838: Councilman Wileer offered Ordinance No. 838 for final reading, amd m~ved for its passage ami adoption. Councilman Fan Wagoner seconded the motioa. MOTI ON CARRIED. Refer to Ordinance Book, page _.Jy ?- j/~. A~ o~oxmm°m oF~ ~E 0]~¥ o~ AmmE~a n~,C~S~ ~EZ ~mm~Zos 0~ ~E~ cx~z cOU~0~L ~0 V~-:'Z~':?E ~ ABAi~ON Ai~ EAS~],~NT IIPON, OVER, ACROSS AND ALONG TEE NEREI~ DESCRL1M. ED REAL PROPERTY AND FIXING A TIME AHD A PLACE FOR A HEARING THEREON AND DIRECTING TEE POSTING OF NOTICES TtiE~F AND THE i~LIGATION OF THIS GRDZNANOE (Public Hear- ing, April 7) ' ' On roll call the foregoing Ordinance wee duly passed and adopted ~y the following vote: NOES~ ~0I~: None. ~S~: ~CI~: Heyi~. The ~or ~ec~~ the foregoi~ Ordl~ce~y ~e,~ ~ ~opt~. A ~ SHOWING T~ 3~IES 0F ~ID Z0~: D~INING T~ ~S~U~ T~IN: ~0~ lNG ~R ~~ST~, ~~~ A~ ~0RC~~: EESOR~ING P~TIES F~ VI0~TION ~ ~~IN~ ~ S~CTIONS ~ P~TS 0F SE~IONS IN CON~I~ T~~I~H. (Re~. 2096 0,~' ~c.. Re~, 4o6 City Hall, Anahe_im? Californ.i.a,..March !0, 1953 - =~DiYAN'CE Ng. 840: Councilman Boney offere~ Ordinance No. 840 for first readinE. AN ORDINANCE OF TEE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CNA~TER 2 OF TEE ANAKEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLI$~ OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANA~IN AED THEREIN REGUI~TING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDIN$S AID YARD SPACES: ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUEDAi~IE$ OF SAID ZONES: DEFINING THE EHNS USED THEREIN: PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT AlS ENFORCEMENT: i~ESCRLBING PEN~TIES FOR VIOLATION AND REP~ING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT TEEP~ITH. (i?-['.~:-p3-r- Res. 2097 ~ C.P.C. Res. ~-1952-53) ~O~.~i~-.~CE NO. 150: Harmon ~. S--.,ers - permiss~on to cut two 60' wide lots from parcel on E. Center St. Property now zoned R-A. ~ Action by the CoUnCil was held over~E~r further%~tudy .~ eonei~_eFation and referrel to the Administrative Officer. //. ~z?~.L~~_~ :~._J~]S~-L0~ION NO. 2113: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No, 2113 mad moved for its pnssage and adoption. Councilman ¥isser seconded the motion. NOTION GAS2IED. Refer to Resolution Book, pa~e _ ~ .~_... A RESOLUTION REQUESTING TEE INCLUSION OF ADDITIONAL STREETS IN TEE SYSTEM OF F~JOE CITY STaEETS. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted b~ the following vote: AYES: 00UNOILM~: Pearson, Wi~ser, Boney and ¥~n Wagoner, NOES: OO~NCILME~: None.~ ' , ASSENT: COUNCILMAN: Iteying. , · The M~Vor declared the foregoln~ Resolution duly paesed and adopted. :~.~;i$~.~LUTiON NO. 21i~; Councilman Boney offered Resolution No, 211~ _a_~__d_ moved for its paesage and adoption. Counc~lmam Van Wagoner seconded the motion.- MOTION 0A~IED. Refer to Resolution BoOk, page __ ~_,~ . ~ ~ A RESOLUTION OF TEE CITY COUNOIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DEOLAHING ALL WEEDS ARD t~ GROWTH GROWING O~0N PUBLIC~ STREETS AND VACANT LOTS TO BE A NUISANCe, On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly l~mSsed and a~opted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: ~earson, ¥isser, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: 00UNO IL~: None. ABSENT: -COUNCIL~: Heying. The Ma3ror declared the foregoing Resolution dul~ passed and adopted. i~::~Sd:£UTION I~0. 21i5: 0ouncilman ~oney offered Resolution No. 2115 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the m~tion. MOTION-~IED. Refer to Reeolutio~ Book, page RESOLUTION OF THE 0ITY COIFNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANA~N, 0AL~I~RNZA, INDFa~NIFYING ~ ~FING ~SS ~ P~O~S~ 0F ~ AGAINST ~ ~OR ~ ~~~ LI~S ~ISING ~M T~ ~V~ ~ BUILD~ ~OM ~O~TY SO~ ~Y T~ GITY ~ ~ 0a ~oll call the £,regoing ~esolution was duly pa~sed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: 00UNCILMEN: Pe&rson, Wisser, Boney ~_-_d_ Fan WaEoner. NOES: 00UNCI LNEN: None. ABSENT: 0OL~NOILMAN: Neying. The Na~ror declared the foregoin~ Resolution duly pa~sed and adopted. :~_~:~..~.~.~.~oi~ NC. 21!6; Oo~ci~ V~ W~oner offer~ Resolution No. 2116 ~ mov~ for its Dame,s ~ ~option. 0o~ctlm Wisser eeco~ the motion. ~TION ~I~. Refer to Resolution Book, page ~07 A RESOLUTION OF T]iE CITY COUNCIL 0F THE CITY 0F ANA~I~ APPROVING SUBORDINATION AGR~T AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERX On. roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly pa, seed and a~lopted 1~ the vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, #iseer, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: 00UNCILMEN: None. AB~E~tT: OOIYNCILMAN: Weying. The Ma~or declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed ama adopted. ~SOLUTION i~-O. ~i[7: Councilman Boney off'red Resolution No. 2117 and moved for its pa,sea,ge amd adoption. Councilman ¥ieser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIe. Refer to Resolution Book, ~m,~e :.~.~..~ _. A RF~OLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF ~IM APPROVING AN AGi~ RELATING TO TEE SAL~ BY THE CITY OF FULL.TON TO TEE CITY OF BRFA OF A PORTION OF THE OAPACI~ RIGET$ OF THE CITY OF I~TON IN TEE EUCLID A~ TRUNK SE~ LINE AND SYS~T~. On roll call the foregoing Resolution w~s duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: PearsOn, Visser,~Boney amd Van Wagoner; NOES: 00UNCILMEN: None. AN3ENT: 00UNOILM~: Heying. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly p&seed and adopted. PROJZCTS COF2LETED: The'City Engineer, George E, Holyoke, filed Certifications that the $ullF-Miller Contracting Company, as Contractor, has completed the paving of Projects 39, 36 and 31, and further recommended the work be accepted on the Projects and "notices of completion" be fi~ed, ~ RESOLUTIO2 NC. £1'L5: Councllm~__~ Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2118 amd moved for ire p~saage and acloption. Counc£1mm ~isser seconded the motion. NOTION ~K~IED, Refer to Resolution Book, ~ge ~,~?-o~'/~ , A RESOLUTION 0]~ TEE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE OITY OF ANA~IM FINALLY AOOEPTiNG THE FURNISHING OF ALL P..~ LABOR, SERVIa, MAT~.~tlALS AND EQUIPM~: AND ALL UTILITIES AND ~ItANSPOR~ATION ZNCLODING POWER, FU~L AND tfAT~, AND,P~NG ALL:I/OR~ NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE TEE FOLLOWING PUBLIO.I~OVF2~: TO WIT: 'THE PAVING OF~ FAST NORTH STREET FROM ORANGE 3TRENT TO OLIVE STREET IN TEE CITY 0]~ AEAHEI)/. On roll call the foregoing Resolution tree duly passed and adopted By the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Bgney and Van Wagoner. NOES: 00UNOILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: Heying. The Ma,vor declared the foregoing Resolution ~u12 passed and adopted. HEScLUTION Nu, :!i[19: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Reeolution No. 2119 and moved for it~ paisa.ge and a~lOl~tion. Oouncilma~ Wiseer seconded the motion, MOTION 0ARRIVe). Refer to Resolution Book, page ,~°/o - J~ ./. f. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING TEE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS ~ EQUIPMENT: AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORNING ALL ~ NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE TEE FOLLOWING PI~LIO IMPRO~: TO WIT: THE PAVING OF EAST SANTA ANA STH]XET FROM EAST STREET TO 0RANGE STREET IN TEE CITY OF ANAHEIM. (Proj~¢t ~o. )6,) On roll* call the foregoing Resolution was duly Pas~ed and adopted by the vote; AYES: COUNOII~: Pearson, Wisser, Boney amd Van Wagoner. NOES: OOUNOILMEN: None. ABSENT: OOUNOILM~: Heying. .O8 The Ma,vor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passe~ and adopts4. ! .!;5~. :~..~Ti0~ i~0, F~!£0: 0ouncllman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No, 2120 and moved for its ,passage and adoption. Councilman Wtsser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRI]~. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE 0ITY 00t]NCIL OF TEE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACOEPTING Tt~ FURNISItING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: AND ALL U~ILITIES ~ TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND ~ATER, AND_PNRFORMING ALL WORE NEO]~SARY TO 00NSTRUCT AND 00MPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROV~:~ TO WIT: TEE PAVING OF EAST SANTA ANA STRF~T FRON OLIVE TO ORANGE STREETS IN TEE CITY OF ANAI~EI~. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly pa~sed and adopted by the following ?otc: AYES: O0~NCILM]tN: Pearson, Wisser, ~oney~ and Van Wagoner. NGES: OOUNCILM~: None. A]~$ENT; O0U~OI~: Ile~ring. · he Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed amd adopted. ::~.~$~:.~tYf~;~,N NO. ~1~,~.: Councilman ]$oney offered Resolution No, 2122 ancl moved for passage aud adoption. 0ouncilmau Wieeer seconde~ the motiom. MOTION ~I~D. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOI~UTION OF TIlE 0ITY 00UNOIL OF TEE CITY OF ANAEEIN FIFDING ~ D~~iI~NG ~T P~LIC IN--ST ~.~.EET TC~ P~CE~I~ A~h~ ING$~ FOE T~ O0N~UOTION T~F, A~~IZING T~ OON$~UOTI~ OF ~ID P~LIO ~0~~ IN AOO~~CE DItChiNG T~ CITY O~ T0 ~LISH A N~IOE I~VITINO S~L~ PROP0~S Fm ~ O0N- On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed~ and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisest. Boney and Yam Wagone~. NOE~: 00UNOILM]~ None, ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: Neyi~g. The Mayor declareA the foregoing Resolution duly passed amd adopted. ~:~.~.~U~.I~N N0 2123. 0on~¢ilmau Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2123 amd move~l for its passage and adoptiom. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Resolution Book, l~ge ~t~'×? · RESOLUTION OF TKEi CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING A DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO P~2ESENT TRE CITY OF ANA~IM GN TIKE BOARDS OF DIRECTORS OF COUNTY SANITATION DI STRI CTS NOS. 2 ,~i~ 3- , ~ On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted 'by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wieser, Boney and Van Wagoner. ~ NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ~ A~SENT: OOUNC I LMAN: Heying. The Ma~or declared the foregoing Resolution duly pa~sed and adopted. ~'[r~'~I;TATi~ ~'*~ 0F "~P~.~,.CT ].'~0. 1o~c ~. ~ Developer: Eastmont Development Corp. Location: Southeast corner of Harbor Blvd. and Ball Ro~i, 117~ lots - At City Planning Commission Meeting of March 2, said tentative map was approved subject to engineering requirements and the amnexation of that portion of the property not now in the City. It was moved by 0ouncilman Boney, secomied by Councilman Wisser that Tentative Nap of Tract No. 1758 'be approved, subject to engineering requirement, and the ammex~tion of that portion of the property not now in the City. MOTION CARRIED. :~~...- ~- u~' i~.CT !~0 1794: Develpper; Delmar PeBley, Location: northeas$ corner of Liberty Lane and East La Palms Avenue - 15 lots. City Hall, .~eim, Ga!_lfor_-~a,.~.~a~_;ch 10, 19~3~- 8:00._ 0ity Planning 0ommistion meeting of March 2, 195] approved said tentative map sub, oct to engineering requirements and the annexation to the City. Mr. Delmar Pebley was present at the meetinE and stated his ob$ectio~s to the lost of hie property in connection with the opening of the street to serve the la~d-locked property of lnox and Menzle to the ~s~ and Northeast of his proposed subdivision. 14ise Thelaa Regau and Mr. Menzie were preaen~ at the ~eeting and met with 0ity ~gineer, Holyoke and Mr. Pebley dur~ the 0ouncil meeting to iron out the details of this con~ition.~ The 0-ity l[ngineer favored the map shown at the meeti!g as being-the one favored by the City Council. No decision was reached upon the approval of tills Tentative Map of Tract Ne, 17~+ for the foregoing reasons. ~ *'~~,-Fz ~ ~,~' ~CT i79%: Developer: Aetna Develol~ae=t Co. - Locattiml ]~etween Manchester Avenue aud Houston Street along the welt side of Magnolia Avenue. - ~2 lots. City Planning 0ommission at their meeting of March 2, 19~3 approved the Tentative Nap subject to. engineering requirements ama annexation to the city. Action by the City Council was held over as the property is not yet annexed to the City, and the Oouncil wanted to further Itudy and consider the tract. T~SFER OF FUNDS; The 0ity Auditor requested the Treasurer be authorized to transfer $2~,000,00 froa the C, eneral Fund to the Sanitation Fux~ and $2~,000.00 from the General Fund to the Traffic Safety Fund. The foregoing transfers were authorized on motion By Councilman l~ister, secondeA b~ Councilmm~ Yen,, i~agoner with Oouncilzy~ ]~o~ey voting ,l~e# for the realon that collectionl were not being made on the Sanitation charges. Ai~.~ii,~ ~tY~IC:I~-AL ~L6..YEES~ ASSOCIY~IO}I: Submitted request for a ~ working week for all.personnel of the inahel~ Police Department. This recommendation was submitted and react in full, and as i~ affects the city's budget, further stud~ will be required by the 0ity 0ouncil of the proposal. COi¥!,:~'B'i~TI. CB: ~:ene E. Hedrick: 620 So. Palm. St. regarding traffic, coalitions on Pals Street. Mr. Heclrick va~ present at the ~eting and Itated his pretelts against present traffic conditions, hazards, noise and smoke samdge createei by heavy vehiclel -_~_-r'_:~:~_- traversing South Psion ~treet. The Mayor stated that the matter ~as one that would require a grea~ deal of stud~ a~d consideration, also called attention ~o the repair of South Los Angeles Street which thru additional traffic on South Palm Street adding to the present volu~e, ~ t~ I~. lt~rioh: for bringing the problem to the attention of the 0ouncil, and assured hi~ that the matter would be given ~ost serious consideration. d, iV~L .0EFE~NSE: Mr. E. S. Dixon, Regional Director of l~egio~l Area No. 9 of the 0ivilian Defense in California, was i~ charge of the Civil Defense Incident which was covere~ using the Court Roo~ for the ~eeting in ~hieh 28 persons of the Local Defense Area were present inclu~ing Red Cross representatives. Mr. Dixon vas also acco~ed by MAss Zoll ami Dr. Davis from the San Francisco office, to assist in this test. · Mr. Dixon congratulated the city upon the ~anner in which the test was con- uc et c0naldered that Anaheia had a ami thai the or~anization required only a ~iniam~ of further reorg~uization for its completion which could be obtained at no great expense. He also stated that Los Angeles and Orange Counties were officially ~set up, and that Anahei~ was proving to be an i~portant segment of the organization. Pb~.(:~SE OF F]B~ TRUCE: Acting upon recommendations. ~f the Fire Chief, Councilman Van l~agoner moved ,purchase of Seagrave, 1,~00 gallon pumper in the a~ount of inclulive of aales~.tax, Councilman l~oney~ seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. · F-~?:.>-i&: Z~avid ~. ~oi~int.: Northeast corner of South Los Angeles Street and ]~all Road, described as t~17.8~' feet on South_ Lol Angeles Street, and 1218.85 feet on ]~all and ?~?.~ feet on South Olive Street, re reclassifie~ as follows~ That portion on $o. Los Ang$1es~St. for a depty of ~Ot to be P-L~ Nex_k e&sterly portion for a depty of £~0t to Be 0-2, Balance easterly to railroad tracts to be M-1. The property is presently Zoned ~ City Planning 0o~ission Resolution No. 38 recow-,ended the reclas,ification ~ubJect to the ~ee~ing to the City of Aaa~xeim of a strip 20~ in depth along South Los Angeles Street and a strip 10~ in depth along Ball Road for the future widening of these two streets. ~. Public He~ring, M~rch 2t~, 1~3 was ordered on ~otion by Counci]~aan Boney, seconded by Councilman ~/is~er. MOTION CARRIe. .~?E OF ~SEi~fCE' L. :~. B0~b~AT: Application for extension of leave of absence for L. P. Bonnet for three months was granted for the months of April, May and June, 1~3 ~on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman ~gisser. MOTION 0ARRIED. .;~.$. SECTI~N I ~OP.T; Report on Maintenance and 0~nership costs of Section 1, J.O.$. for the month of January 1953 was ordered received and filed on motion by Councilnan Boney, secomAed by Councilnan Wieser. MOTION CARRIe. ~ FL~T iI~S~PJ~i~CE: Aetaa Insurance 0o, Policy No. P-3035~ - (Fire, Theft Comprehensive) Premium $~1~.22 - M. ~. ~ee~, Agent. S~d ~olic~ by the City Atto~ey ~ the ~e o~er~ ~cept~ ~ fil~ ~i~aer, ~eco~ b~ 0o~cil~ ~oney. M~ION ~I~. .~-~.-~3-~: ~'ropert~ o~ners, ~. S~ta Ans, a~i ~E. South Sts.; Requesti~ their propertie~ Be reclassiffi~ to the R~ Zone. Ar~: Starti~ at a point 1~8 feet from the center line of S. ~st St. ~ exte~i~ easter~ ~o~ the southerly ri~t~f~ line of ~, S~ta ~ St. ~ dis$~ce of 2166 feet, ~re or less, thence Seut~~:,a. dist~ce..:of:,?l~8 feet; -m~e or less; thence Westerly alo~ tM northerly right-of~ line of E. SoUth St. a ~st~e of 2166 feet, ~re or less; thence Northerly a distance of 16Z8 feet to the point of beg~i~. Also, S~rtl~ at a point l~8~feet from the center line off S. ~st St. ~ exte~i~ ~terl[ ~o~ the southerly ri~~f-wa~ line of E. S~th fleet, more or Ieee. thence S~ther~ a dio~e of 370~feet~ ~e~e Westerly a diota~e of ~7~ feetj theace SoutBer~ a diet,ce of 1~0 feet; thence Westerly a diet,ce of 163~ feet: thence Northerly a dist~e of ~01 feet. more oF leo~, to the ~oint of begi~ing. A~ lots in the above ar~ ~11 require a mini~ front~e of 7~ feet ~ a nin~ of 9,000 sq. ft. in area. Presently zon~ Roi ~ R-A. 0ity Pl~i~ 0o~iaaion By their ~oolution No. 33 reco~end~ the rec~ssifi~tlon be gr~t~. On motion by Cou~cilz~ Boney. seconded by 0ouncilz~u Van Wagoner, Public Hearing on the ~tter ~s set for ~arch 25, 1953. MOTION OAP~IED. F-j:2-~-~O.· ... P. i!. La~'bcth: ~. $ . F,~k~.~da an~. Lee Symonds: Request reclassification of that parcel of land described as the Westerly 600 to 750 feet of the triangle ~ounded by ~. Center ~t,, Anahei~-Olive Rd and Placentia Ave. now zoned ~ to be zoned 0-1, 0ity Planning 0ommission Resolution No. 37 recommended the granting of said reclassification subject to the deeding to the City of Anaheim of 25.25 feet along E. 0enter St, and 10 feet along the Anahe~live Public Hearing, April 1]+, 19~3 wa~ ordered on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by 0ouncihaaa Yea Wagoner. MOTION 0ARRI~D. ~AUi~LANCE NO. 185: Mr. and '..~i?~. H. E. Krueger: A portion of Lot Extension. starting at a point ~6t~ feet from the center line of E. Oenter St. and extending ~asterly along t~he southerly right-of-wa~ line of ~. Center St. of 1~0 feet; thence Southerly a distance of 800.75 feets thence Westerly 150 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 800.?~ feet to the point of Beginning. Request R-A Zone Be changed to allow the erection of two duplex dwellings on E. ~roadway, 0ity Planning Commission Resolution No. 35 granted Variance No. 185 subject to the follo~ing requlrements~ .... City ,~,11, Anaheim, .Californ_ia, ,March !.0,. 1953 - 8:00..p.M, 1. The deeding to the City of Anaheim of a forty foot strip along East Broadway for the widening of said street. 2. The filing of a Record of Zurvey of the two lots to be cut from the Subject 'Property on which the two duplex ~well~ngs are to be erected. On motion by 0ouncilm~u,]~one¥, seconde~ by Councilman Van Wagoner, the City 0ouncil moved to disapprove action taken by the City Planning Commission, aacl ordered Engineering Dep&rt~ent to study the entire area, ~nd that referral Be ~ade to the Adminigtrative Officer. MOTION 0AltRIED. ~:~iANCE i~0, i56: James ~. Duffy: Permission to erect a~Triplex ~welling with five garages and two apartments over the garages, this was later modified to re' quegt the erection of four units of one-story Building with required garages. Location: 303 to 305 West La Palms Ave, 0ity Planning Co~mission Resolution No. 3~ grants Variance No. 15~ sub- Ject to restricting the Building to a four-unit apartment building of only~one story in height. The City Council moved to sustain the action taken by the City Planning Commission, that Variance No. 186 be greeted subject to restrictions as stateA, ~otioned by Councilman Van Wagoner, secoz~lecl By 0ouncilmaa Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ~S~:~:~- Addend ~m) .... C~'CUS: Dr. Eersten appeared Before the Couwcil and was advised that location of Circus upon his grotu~s was in violat~oa of Anaheim Municipal Code, and that the application of the Cl~ie ~eatty Circus was turned down on his property on February 10, 19~3, and that matter should be referred to the City Planning 0ommiasion for zoning stuc~ of the property now R-1. (~eference Sections 6100.27- 9200,~-- - 9200.1~, Anaheim Municipal Code) - WZT~ LEGISLATION: The City Cov, ncil of the City of A~eim,e~orse'in princ~ the policy of metering water pumped from all--wells in Santa Ama Valley Baei~, in order to conserve the underground supply, this requires membership in the~Oramge County Water Districts,of'the cities of Anaheim, Fullerton, Santa Ans, an~ an advatorem tax for operations expenses of the ~istrict, motioned BZ Councilman~ Boney, seconded by.0ouncilmem Van Wagoner. MOTION ~AHR~. Cob~TY ALLOCZTi:OI~ OF ~S - PAPJ~: con. motion by Councileeu~ Boney, seconded b~ Councilman wiaser, the City favors requesting Orange County allocating f~e for 'the increased maintenance costs of the Anaheim Park System .made necessary by the use of Anaheim Parks By Orange Oounty residemtm generally; amd that the Recreatiom Director ~e instructed to furnish all available iaformation and d~ta for the submissio- of a · uitable re~oiution to the Board of Supervisors of Orange.Ommty. ~,C]~, ~>i~:0N :;~O. - ~s'~l~: Motioned b~ 0ouncl~ ~oney, seconded by 0ouncilmaa ¥i~eer theft ~ action to be taken By the city tm regale to the Strike Be referred to EeitB &. Murdoch, ~lmlnietrative Officer. MOTION CARRIED. ~ Oounci]mm~ Boney moved to a~Journ. Counci~ Vieeer seconded the motion. MOTI ON ~IED. ~ alt7 ........ _ A::.DE~:~Db%i: T'ES~LUTI~i: ~:[C. 212~: Councilman Boney offered Resolution No. 2124 ~d moved for its passes and ~0ption. Co~cllm~ Van Wagoner ~econded the motion. MOTION C~I~. Refer to Re~olution Bo~, page ~/~-~/~ ~Variance ~o.186) ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNE CITY OF~ANAEEIM GP~ANTING A VARIANOE. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: ~ AYES: COUNCIL~[EN: Pearson, Wi~ser, Boney and Van Wagoner. ~NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. -- ABSENT: COUNCIIAiAN: Heying. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ADJOuRNED.