1953/04/07421 City _Ball...Aaaheim. ,,Ca!.if_,,.o, rn_ia. April,,?,, 1953 - 8:,0Q,, p.M. ............ The City, Council of the City of Anaheim'.met in Ad,..journed Regular Session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Vas Wagoner. ABSENT : COUNCILMEN: None. CITY ATTOlt.~EY, lmP~$TON TURNER: Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, EEITH A. ~CH: Presemt. k[Ei.!i~;$: The Miwutes of the Regular Meeting held March 24, 1953, as corrected, were approved on motion by 0ouncilmam Boney, seconded by 0oumcilmam Eeying. MOTION GAERIED. J~ ~ [ ~ i ~ [ ~ G~; Ordinance 838: Public Hearing pursuamt to Ordinance NO. 838, abamio~ment proceedings on easement southerly ten feet of the north half of Vermont Avenue, Affidavits of posting and publication were presented by the City~ Clerk, There were no written objections to the vacation and abandonment of the property and no one was present offering objections thereto. The Mayor declared the Hearing closed. ;~.ES:~ LUTIL:~' NC £i33: Coumci ..... -_-_ Heying offered Resolution No 2133 and moved f~r its passage and adoption. REFER TO P~SOLUTION BOOS, Page ./.?/~-/? . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AKABF/M ORDERING T~ VAOATION AND ABANDONMENT OF AN EASEM~ET UPON, OVER, ACROSS AKD ALONG CERTAIN ~ PROPERTY ON FERMONT AFENUE. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed amd adopted by the followimg vote: · AYES; OOUNOILM~: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSEF~: 00.'L~CILM~N: None. The Ma~or declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ~.Ii,5: JOB )).*; 0ouncilmam ]~oney moved thmt the 01erk be instructed to opes bids covering the ~et S~ta A~ Street Improv~ent, Jo~ No. 33~- 0~ci~ He[lng seco~ the mo~lon. MOTION ~I~. ~IDS RE0~I~: ~. J. Noble 0o, - Bid Bo~, 1~ - Tot~ bid: $9,550,00 S~lF-Miller 0ontractin6 0o. - Oertifi~ ~eck No, in the ~~ of $1,800.00 - Tot~ Bid: $ 10,810.00 Jo~ J. SwAsart Oo. -Bid Bo~, 1~- Tot~ %i~ $ 11,557.50 Bids were referr~ to ~Ineeri~ Dep~tment for cheek ~ on motion bF Oo~cil~ HeFin6, seco~e~ ~ 0o~ll~ Wlsser. MOTION ~ter tabulation, the City E~ineer reported R. J, Noble to be the low the low bidder ~ so reco~en~ed the a~ of bid. Oo~cil~ Heyi~ move~ t~ bid of R. J. Noble be acceptS. 0o~ci~ Bone/ seco~ the motion, MOTION ~I~. EESOL~,'TIti~ ~,[~ 21~: Co~cil~ Heyi~ offfere~ Re~olu%ion No. 2135 ~ mov~ for its pass~ ~ ~opti ~~ TO ~SOLUTIOE BOOK, PA~E /~-~ . A ltES0LIPkION OF TEE CITY 00UNOIL OF THE 0ITY OF ANAHEIM ~O0EPTING A SF~ FRO- PO~J~L AND AWARDING A CONTEACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR TEE lmJRNISHING 01~ ALL PLA]fT, LABOR, SERVIOES, MATERIALS AED EQUIPMENT, AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER AED PERFOR~iING ALL WORE NEOESSARY TO CONSTRUCT Ah~D COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING P~LIC I~ROVEMENT: ~.ST SAi~?TA. ANA STREET i~2~C ~?;i-,,~i<iT ~(:i> ~.ST S'I~REET TO ~ L~CE~TIA AVEi~U~j, JOB NC. 3)'4. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed amd adopted by the following vote: AYES: 00UNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: 00UNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ?~CT NO. t~5i. Final ~ap: Eahn St. Jobs. Councilman Boney moved that the Final Map be accepted subject to final checking by the Engineering Department. Council- man Heying seconded the motion. NOTION 0AP~IED. . ~-:~: Tentative Edp: Patrick B. Boden. (2-family units) Locatiom, E. Vermomt Just west of the Engineeri~g Corpor&tion~s new plant. 21 lots. LO£ 422 Cit Hall Amaheim 0al'fornia ril 1 - 8:00 P.M. Tentative Map of Tract No. 1~99 was approved by the City Planning Commission and recommended for passage by the Administrative Officer. ~ It was moved by Coumcil~ Heying, seconded by Councilman Wisher that Tentative Map of Tract No. 1599 ~be approved, subject to Engineering requirements MOTI ON CAP. RIm. ' i'f'-.~'~:'iI. ~::~. 1794: Delmar Pebley- NE corner of Ltbert~ Lane and E. La Palms Ave. 15 lots. Tentstiw~ ~.ia.p, as first submitted, was held over to the April lSth meetly. ~ ~S~ ........ :Ei~gTiOK ~s offered by Co~ci~ Heyi~ who mov~ for its passes ~ ~option. Co~cll~ Wi~eer meco~ed the motion. ~TION ~I~. . ~~S, the A~im Union High Schoo~ C~et Rifle Te~, composed of students of the ~eim Union High School District, ~tt$ipat~ in~ the ~~1 State Finals ~rks~ehip Rifle ~tches, held ~t Sacr~ento on Friday, ~rch 27th ~ Saturd~, ~rch 28th, 1953, at the I~oor Rifle ~ge of the l~th Inf~t~ Reglmeht, California Natio~ ~rd Armor, in competition for the Lt. Robert A. Clausen Trope, ~ ',~[E~S, the Anaheim Cadets ~competing in the contest under the Supervis- ion of Major Ralph Comstock, Commandant of Cadets, were, Capt. Gene-Waldo, let Bt. Phil Wright, SF0 Jim Roe, Capt. Donald Gayler, 2nd Lt. Robert Boney, let Sgt. Bill Ensminger, SF0 B~ll Lattin, let Sgt. Donald Merrltt. M/Sgt. Robert Dierberger, Capt. stanley 0sam, PFC Ma.vmar~ Barr, and WHEREAS. the Anaheim Union H~.gh School Ten Man Cadet Rifle Team faced competition from thirty schools in California, being the finest teams from the schools of the State, winning for the second consecutive year, the Lt. Robert A. Clausen Troplly, a~d placin~ third in the Five Man Cadet Team event, and thus By their prowess brought distinction and acclaim to the Anaheim Union High School, the Cadet Corps, and to the 0ity of Anaheim. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Anaheim recogmize this fine organization and commends each amd every member the team upon this outstanding accomplishment, an~[ BE IT FURT~ RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread upon the Minutes of the City Council of the Oit~ of Anahe~£m-,~ Orange, County, California, and that a copy of said Resolution of Commendation be forwarded to the Anaheim Union Hio~h School District, to Major Ralph 0omstock, to the. Press, and to each individual member of the Rifle Team competing in the shoot which brought to Amaheim the State Championship. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote~ AYES: COUNCII~: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Yah Wagoner. NOES: COUNOILME~: None. ' A~SENT: OOUNC IL~: None. · ~ ~ The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolu~ion duly passed and adopted. '~!/,'~2,1 .~&. !669: Final kap: Episcopal Church Property. Final Map ~was accepted, subject to Engineerihg requirements on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ~ .~i!"a~ii~CE NO. 5~3; Oouncilamm Boney submitted Ordinance No. 85% to Be read in .public in full for the ffirst time. AN ~GRDINANCE OF THE CITY O~ ANAHEIM AME~ING ARTICLE IX, CHAPT~ 2 OF' TEE ANA~IM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ~STABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN TEE 0ITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGUIATING TEE USE O~ LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES: ADOPTIN~ A MAP SHOWING TEE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES: DEFINING TEE TERMS tIRED T~IN: PRO- FIDIN~ FOR AD~STMENT, A~~ AND ENFORCEMENT: PRESORIBING PENALTIES FOR VIO- LATIGN AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF~ SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEKEWI~. ' ' ~ ~;~ '~ ~-:,,ISS!oN:~ W L. Hollowell: VARIANCE NO. 184: Mrs. H. E. ~eger. Requesti~ ~ e~ineeri~ ~tu~ be ~e of entire area to determine overall zoni~ of 'this new ~ea. On motion by Oo~ci~ V~ W~oner, eecond~ by Oo~ci~. Neying, date of Public Rearing was est for 8:00 o~clock P.M. ~ 12, 1953. MOTION ~I~. 0ity....Hm!.i, _A~_~eim,_~~qrn~a.~Apri! ?, 195~ '.8:00 P..M, ............. :..h~.L~JTIUh- ~,~. ~1 ~,$= 0ouncilman Heying offered Resolution No. 2136 and moved for f~ passage an~ a~o~tion. Refer to Resolution Book, page _~(6 ~<..~ . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 0ITY OF ANAHEIM REQUESTING GRANT OF EIGHWAY USERS~S TAX FUKD FOR REPAIRING LA PALMA AV~. On roll call the foregoing Resolution wa~ duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: ~ O0U~OILM~: None. ABSENT: 00U~CIL~: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution, duly passed and adopte~l, ~_.~.~.~. o,~ ~he '~:~YPd-.L';;~· ~ ~R'~~ ~.~'~ ~..' Application for solicitation of funds, from the office of the National Field Exhibit, 2520 E. 3rd St., Los Angeles, was submit te~l. · he 0hief of~ Police's recommendations were read requesting the Cit~ Council to deny said application, and referred to~ SectiDn 6231,2 of the Anaheim Munlcl~ Code. ~ Also read was communication from the Orange Belt Chapter N~. 257, ~ Military Order of the Purple Heart, Santa Ans. Councilman Van Wagoner moved tha~ application be denied based upon the reasons submitted and co~mmmication from the Chief of Police. 0ounci~ Wi'seer seconded the motion. MOTION 0ARRIED. ~ ~;~: jSION Tt ~)~ T~ STATE: Councilman Van Wagoner wa~ granted permission to leave the state on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION 0JULR IED. ::2-~[~-8- General_ ~,iotor~-Delco-Rem~v: HESOLUTION NO. 2135: Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 21~5 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page ._/~j*-'-/~- , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OOUNOIL OF TEE CITY OF AKAEEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY,, IN CERTAIN .~~_ S OF TH~ CITY AND TEAT ARTIOLE IX, · CHAPTEI~ 2 O~ THE AKAHEIM MUNI¢~ 00DE SH~"ULD B~ AMEND~ TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE, ~ RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 2121. On roll call the foregoing Re,olution was duly passed and adopted by the followin~ vote: ~ NOES: ABSENT: O0UNOIL~: Pearson, Wieser, Heying, Boney and VAn Wagoner. 00UNOILMEN: None. OOUNCILMEN: None. · The Mayor declared the foregoing l~esolution duly passed aud adopted. ~.~~i~CE NC. ~: Councilman Wisser offered Ordinance No. 8~, said ordinance was read in public in full for the first time, AN GRDINANOE OF TEE CITY OF ANAHEIM ANE~ING ARTICLE IX, CNAPTElt 2 O]~ TEE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE _~W, TATING ~0 THE ESTABLIS~ O~ ZONES IN TEE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THERF.- IN RF~ULATING TH~ USE OF LAND. HEI~ OF BUILD II, CS AND YARD SPAOES: ADOPTING A NAP SHOWING TEE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES: DEFINING TtIE TNR~ USED TKEREIN: PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFORCISfENT., PRESCRIBING P~NALTIES l~0ti VIOLATION AND PEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SEOTIONS IN OONFLIOT THEREWITH. :!:Oi::E ':~CLASSiFiCATION: It was moved by Councilmam Heying, seconded ~ Oo~ci~ Boney t~t the 0ity Pl~i~ ~ie&iom set date for ~blic H~ring on Zone r~ c~seification, for i~ustri~ ~~se~, for the area between Vermont Ave. ~ B~l Ro~ from Los ~eles Street to East Street, except t~t portiom ~re~y ~ivid~, M~ION ~I~. ~iT~: ;~E~Ni~G O~t~iSSIO!{ ~POI:~A~T: Mrs. Vera Aue~t: M~or Pe~som ap~int~ Mrs. Vera Auest, member of the 0ity Pl~i~ Oo~ission effective on or ~ter ~ 15, 1953. (Acacia Street ~e~tion offici~ly Oity Of ~~eim) Said appointment was ratified by the City O~cil on motion by Oo~cil~ ~oney, seco~ed by O~cil- ~ Heying. MOTI ~ ~I~. : ~:?. L .'~:i~. ' :~i'~!,j~7': Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2137 and moved for Its passage and adoption. Refer to Re~olution Book, page ~ i _' A RESOLUTION OF Tt~ CITY COLR~CIL OF THE CITy OF ANAHEIM P~IIESTING THE ORANGE COUNTY BOA~/) OF SUPERVISORS TO INOLMYDE IN THEIR BUDGET l~OR THE FI$OAL I~ 1953-54 FUNDS FOP. FLOOD CONTROL WORE AND ~AOILITIES IN TEE CARBON CANYON AREA. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly pas~ed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pear~on~ Wi~ser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: 00L~!CII~: None. ~ ' ABSENT: COUNCIIREN: None. The Ma~or declared the foregoing Resolubion duly paszed and adopte~. ~;U~:. , ~'~: ~ ..... L.. ,i'D: i~?~': ~i~.. ~..i!,'~: Easbmont Developmen~ ~. _ ~eric~' Sure~y 0o. of New TerM, in the ~o~t of $!1,000.00 for the i~tallatio~ of certai~ i~rov~ ment~ incl~ing ~bs, ~ere, streets, side~s ~ ~ewera waa approve~ by the City Attorney ~ o~er~ ~cepted ~ fil~ on motion by Oo~cil~ Boney, seceded by Co~cil~ V~ Wagoner. MOTION ~I~.~ ~F~L~EHS ~.~-!~DS: The Travelers I~e~ity Co. Bond No. 3~775 in the ~oo~ of $i,000.00 for C. J~e~ V~ Deve~er, ~.b.a. V~mz Plating, a~ Unl~ Pacific In~~ce ~. Bond in the ~o~t of $1,000.00 for A. J. ~bo~det~e, were approv~ by ~he City Attorney ~ ordered accept~ ~d filed on mo$ion by Co~ci~ V~ W~oner, eeco~ by Oo~cil~ Wisser. M~ION C~IED. 2~D~.;~SE~j~h'T TL ~ET i~:SLT~2~Ci~: Aet~ In~~ce Co. Inclusion of 1953 ~rley- David~on ~torcycle ~ 1953 Reo Tra~ T~ck was approv~ by City Attorney ~ order~ received ~d filed o~ mo$ion by Co~cilm~ V~ W~oner, seco~ by Co~ci~ Wi~er. ~TION ~I~. Councilm~n Van Wagoner moved to adjourn. OoUncilman Wi~er seconded the motion. MOTION CA~IED. SIGNED Oity Clerk w ~ .........