1953/04/14City H~_llc~heim. California. A~ril 14. 1953 - 8:L00 ,P.~. , ~ ~ The, City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. ~~.. COUNCIL~: Wiss,r, Heying and Boney. ABS~2~T : COUNCILM~: Pear,on and Van Wagoner,. CITY ATTOP~Um~f, PRESTON TUPJ~ER: Present. CITY ADMINISTRIATIVE OFFICER, KEITH MURDOCH: Pr. cent. The City Clerk called the meeting to Order for the purpose o£ electing ~ ~yor Pro Tern for the City of Anaheim~ Councilman Boney nominated Councilman Heying. Councilm~_n Wisser ~econded the nomination and moved the nemination closed. Councilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIe. Councilman Heying was seated~ Mayor Pro Te~, for the City of Anaheim. · ~:~.i :T~: The Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting held April 7, 1953 were approved on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ~P~NTS ~d) D~A~fDS: Councilman Boney reported demands against the city amounting to $199,607.35 and moved that report of l~inance Committee be accepted and that warrants be dr~wn upon the Treasurer to pay said demands in accordance with report. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion.? MOTION CA_RR~ED.~ ~ii::~..~qCI~L ~:;~ ~.~:~TiI~, R~ORTS: ~or the month of March, 1953 were submitted, read and ordered received and filed on' motion, by Councilman Wiss,r, seconded by-Council- man Boaey. MOT ION CARRIED. ~;~'i~]C ~iL~.~'i ~ , 7~:qi..~.~.~:C.: LO. 185 - ~<PPJlAL ~ROl,.~ ~CTIOI~ T~E~q~ BY CITY P~NNING ~:Oi~.~.:iS~IOI:' (Griffith Bros.) T~CT NO. 1618: Reque~ti~ buildi~ line ~et-~ek~ be c~e~ From 25 ~ee~ ~o 20~ feet. (Mr. I~rry A~our representing GriffiBh Mr. Gelper and Mr. Sta~er. re~idents on E. North Street who were Formerly objecting the the ~riance, spoke favorable in be~lf of She appeal entered by the Griffith Bros. Afl,er &iscussion, it was &e~ermin~ t~t the City Co,oil would issue inspections to the Building D~rtment to carry out the plan~ filed with the city relative to the requested set-b~cks~ Mayor Pro Tern ~eelare~ the M~rtng close~. ~ ~LUTiCL ~ 2~'~: Co~cil~ Wi~sser offered Resolution No, 21~ and moved for i t~ pa~e and ~option. Co~cilman Boney ~econded the motion. M~ION CA~I~. Refer to Resolution Book, page A ~SOLUTiON OF THE CITY COIINCIL O~ TEE CITY OF ANAJ[EIM GP~.NTING A VARIANCE. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: COUNCILMEN: Wisser, Heying and Boney. NOES: COUNC IL~EN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson and Van Wagoner. adept,cl. ~iayor Pro Tern Heying dec:!ared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and ~ ~_~, '.LiC i~:zi~:~:i(;'. '~-52-53-10: :~: T. ~bet~::.- ~. ~ ~ ~,.~aa and Lee S~nds: Requesti~ the westerly 600 to 750 feet of the triangle bonded by E. Center St. A~eim-Olive ~ and Placentia Ave. be c~ed from R-A to C-1. Mr. Lee S~onds was present and spoke in favor of the g~nting of the variance. It was ~derstood t~t the ~e~ice station planed for the triangle wa~ not to be carried out. Attention of Mr. S~ond's was called to the fact t~t the City Pl~ni~ Commission gr~uted Variance, subject to the deedi~ to the City of ~heim of 25.25 feet along E. Center St. and l0 feet along the A~he~m~live Ma~or ~o Tem Heying sta~ed that inas~ch as there was only a quo~ present at this meeting, t~t the ~blic H~ring be held over and continued at the first meeti~ in May (May 12, 1953), and it was so ordered on motion by Co~cil~ Boney, seconded by Co~cil~n Wisser. MOTION CA~I~. :i'i. PROPOS~L~~- JOi~S )3~ and ~28-A: It was moved by Councilman Boney that the Clerk be instructed to open bid proposals on Jobs 335 and 328-A. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ......... CitP~ ~Ha~l. 1. A~h~im. C~l,l. fQ..rn.!~.... ADrl!._14. 1953 -.8:00 P,M. B I DS mC El VA]): JOB 335: Improvement of East Broadway from Placentia Avenue to Elder Street: Fine Plant-~1ixed Adjust~ ~x. M.H's Grading. Surfacin~ tO ,~rade ...... -- TOTAL R. J. Noble Co. 766.80 7,889.00 120.00 8,775.80 ~u~ly-Miller 575.10 8,575.00 220.00 9,~90.10 John J. Swigart 958.50 8,918.00 200,00 10,076.50 JOB 328-A: East .Vermont Avenue Improvement from South Olive Street to South Los Angeles Street. Excmvation Plant-Mixed Adjust Ex. M.H's ..... Sur. fac in~ tq Grade ..... R. ;. Noble Co. 300.00 .5,238.75 100.00 5,638.75 Sully-Miller 750.00 4,812.50 150.00 5,712.50 John J. Swigart 375.00 5,706.25 150.00 6,231.25 Above bid proposals were referred to the City Engineer and Administrative OFficer for tabulation and report. City Engineer reported R. J. Noble Co. low bidder and recommended he be awarded bids. Thereupon the following Resolutions were adoptecl: ~,:;;-;~,; ~. ?I~i;~..;:~ ~.k~. 213~;: Co~ucilman Wisser offered .%e~ol'~tic~n No. 2138 and moved for its passage ani ~m~loption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A R~OL-~JION OF THE CITY COUNCIL O~ T~ CiTY OF ANAF~EI~ AGG~TING A SF~tLED PRO- POSAL AND AWARDING A CO~Ii'RACT TO THE LOWF£T P~PONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, ~.t&T~/RIALS Ah~D EQUIP[~E}Y~, .AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT A2-D COMPL~VTE THE ~OLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROV~E~F~: IMPROV~I~f£ O? ~ST :~-~ ~,~ ~"f -~'i~O~i ~L~.C Z~? [ ~. ~,~ V .J}~ ~ T{~ ~]LD ~R ~ TR~i:;~, JOB 33.5 · On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYJ~: COUNCII~.{~N: Wisser, Boney' an~ Heytng. - NOES' COUNC IEd~N: None. ABSENT: COIINCILMEN: Pearson an~ Van Wagoner. Mayor Pro Tem Heying declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopte~. :~ ~: ;~'~: ~ Councilman Wisser offered Reso!ut~.on No, )-139 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page ~ P~$OLUTiON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SF~LED PRO- POSAL AND AWARDING A CONTR~:~CT TO THE LOW~T RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SER¥IOES, ~A&T~I..aLS AND EQUIPMENT, AND ALL UTILITIVmS AND TRANSPORTATION INCL,/DING POWER, FU~ AND WATER AND PERFOI~ING. ALL WORK N?£~SARY TO CONSTRUCT A_ND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROV~F~: ~iST F:~ONT AVh~EFE On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by ~he following vote: AYmo- COI~CIL~: Wisser, Boney and Heying. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None, ABS~F~: COUNCIIJdEN: Pearson and ?an Wagoner. Mayor Pro Tern Heying declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted, ~c~-~:~INE ~;~UOT_:~T~u~:,$ Cmmcilman Boney moved to open informal bid quotations on the city's gasoline requirements for the year commencing April 15, 1953. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIe, ........... CibM L .Ea!.l.. A .naV._elm, _C_a_!ifo_rnr_i~. April 1$. _1953 -.8:0q _p.M. ..... __ OF THE CITY OF AI~IM RECOMMENDING TO Tt!E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM A CHANGE OF USE IN ZO~PE M-1 AND RECOI~U~IOING THAT ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 9200. ll BE A~d~NDED" ~a~ ~ubmitted and read. The City Planning Commission disapproved said Resolutim No. 39, April 6, 1953, and Public Hear.~n~_,__~M_a_y__26_~l.~3.~ was ordered by the City Council on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION ~ ~ ~-~n~.~ Chief of Police, Mark A. Stephenson appointed Louis Kaufman, Patrolman for the city of Anaheim commencing April 16, 1953. Said appointment was ratified by the City Council on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Co~mucilman Boney. MOTION CARRIe. ~,~ ~QU~ilT(? ~T: The City Council has not yet named as "Director" anyone to represent that section of the City now in the MOsquito Abatement District of Orange County. This matter was held over. /~ LL R.O,~D %.~J~L~-~ ~! ~'~,; '~.~c~. 2: The City Planning Commission, at their meeting of April 7, 1953, recommended the City Council consider the Ball Road Annexation No. £ f~vorably for annexation. Said recommendation of the City Planning Commission ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilmmn Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. .~tition requesting consent of the City Council to commence and conduct pro- ceedings for the annexation to the City of Anaheim of the territory to be known as Ball Road Annexation No. 2, signed by 24 residents of the area was submitted and read, and ordered'received and filed on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTION CARRIE~. ~ ~.~..~--~ ~ ~?" Cmmncilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2142 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page a RESOLUTION OF T~ CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAheIM CONS~ING TO THE COMMENCEM~ O~ PROC~INGE ~OR T~ A~TION OF I~BIT~ T~ITORY T0 T~ CITY OF A~ IH. On roll call ~he foregoing Re~olution wa~ d~y ~e~ =d a~op~e~ by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Wisser, Heyi~tg rand Boney. NOES- COUNCILMEN: None. ABSEi~T: COUNCILMEN: Pearson and Van Wagoner. Mayor Pro Tern Heying declared the foregOing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ~ ~L~L'~ ~ . ~!~3' Councilman Wisher offered Resolution No. 21~3 and moved for its passage and adoption. · Refer to Resolution Book, page ~,.~.o_ _- A ~SOLUTiON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0F ANAHEIM PINDING AND DETERMINING TNAT PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY REQUIRED THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPL~ION OF A PUBLIC IMPROV~&ENT, TO WIT: THE CONSTRUCTION ...... OP 'i'~!~'~o~-~I~'D C!~.Y ~..~r~ ~..¢- .... ~,,~"~?m LI~ APE~TE~ WO~, A}~ ~PROVING THE D~IGN, P~, SPECI~ICATIO~ A:~ D~WINGS POR T~ CONSTRUCTION T~~, A~HORIZING T~ CONST~CTION ~ SAID P~LIC INPR0~- ME~ IN ACCO~ANCE WITH SAID P~ A~ SP~I~ICATIO~, ~ AL~HORIZI];G A~ DIR- ECTING TP% CITY C~ TO PL~I, ISH A NOTICE INVITING S~L~ PROPOSALS ~R T~ CONSTRUCTI01~-T~OF. (?.id~ to b~. or~enea'~ .. ,.,,~,~,v ..... ~';~ ~ 1055) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly pass'ed and adopted by the followix~g vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Wi sser, HeyiDg and Boney. NOES.. COUNCILMEN: None. ~BS~T: COUNCILMEN: Pearson and Van Wagoner. ~yor Pro Tern Heying declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. 430 ~ _ C~t._v._,Hall..Anaheim. ,.,C.,alif.'0rn!a.. April _!.4. 1953 .- 8:00 P.M.,. :('. :~::L!'.~-?$: Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2154 and moved for its pas~ge and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page ~? ~3~__ . A ~SOL~ION 02 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ~OF ANAH~.IN FIR-DING AND DETERMINING T}~T PUBLIC INTEHi!ST AND N~ESSITY ~QUIRED THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION A PL~LIC IMPROVE~'EI~, TO WIT: '~!:~ ~' ~'~,"~ ': ? (-~ ~'~',i~'~i' ~2.:'' ~"~'"~ ~kPP~rRTi~?,AiT ~'O~i~?:, ~ ~P~OVIItG T~ D~IGN. PMNS, SPECIFICATIOI~ Ah~ 'D~W- INGS ~R THE CONSTRUCTION T~0P, A~HORIZING T~ CONSTRUCTION OF SAID P~LIC IMPROV~~ IN ACCOP~ANCE WITH SAID P~n~ A~ SPECIFICATIONS, A~ A~HORIZING ~ DI~CTING T~ CITY C~ TO PD~LISH A N~ICE INVITING 'S~~ PROPOSALS 'FOR TH.E COB~TRUCTION TH~OF. (Bids On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passecl, and a&opte~ by the £ollowing vote: AYES: COIR{CIL~Fl~N: Wisser, Heying and Boney. NOv~S - COUNC II.N: None. ABSEnt: COIR;CILMEN: Pearson and Van Wagoner. Mayor Pro Tern Heying declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. :~..:~: :::~;~i~ !~.!" ~i.;i..~:,E: Proposed purchase of a~lSition~l Mimeograph was referred ~o the Administrative Officer, with power to act, on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded b? Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. .... ~ ~ ,.~'-~ ..... : Petition signed by 11 citizens requesting electric lighting, on a meter basis, be provided for the east tennis courts in City Park was submitted by Mr. R. J. Carlson who was advised it would be necessary to hold the matter over for further study and consideration. .~_~:..'.-b'}-D~LY: Mrs. Frances Back~ invited membera of the City Council and City Official~ to participate in Municipal Clean-Up-Day, April 20, 1953. ' t:~Z i"~:~. 1:!:9: :3r~.'~ii~::~'d~ C. ~'.':~.es' Per~nlssion to erect a 7-foot fence the rear portion of his property and along a portion of the side ~rds mt ~st Sycamore Street. The City Planning Commission ~t their meeting of April 6, 1953, pur- suan~ to ~helr Resolution No. 4~ granted Variance No. 189. Councilman Wisher moved that the ~ction of the City Planning Commissicn sustained. Councilmmn Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ~"-~;3-!2: Are~ bounded by the sou~h side of W. VeN~ont Ave. the we~t ~ide So. Los Angeles St. the north side o£ Ball Rd and the East side of So. Lemon ~t., now' zoned R-A by annexation, be rezoned to C-2 with a 50~ strip aroun& the t~rea re.~erved for P-L. City Planning Commission pursuant to ~helr Eesolution No..42, held public hearings March 16 and April 6, 1953 ~nd as result, recommended the re- c las si fi cat ion. The City Council held the matter over for further study. -'~. ~-~-~.'~ ~¥:r. H. ,;, ~'- ffi-vey: 16£1-1629 E. Center St. Requesting property at that location be changed from R-A to R-3. Pursuant to City Planning Commission Resolution No. 43 and public ben. rings held March 16 and April 6, 1953, the City Planning. Commission recommendecl the granting of reclassification. Councilman Wisser moved that Public ~ be held M~y 26, 1953 on the m~ter. Councilman Boney seconded the motionS' MOTION CARRIED. ........ ~,~.~.;.~:i;: ;-:(. zi~5: Councilman Boney offered Resolution No. 2145 and moved for its pass~ge and adoption. Councilman Wi~ser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Resolution Book, page .~.-~f~', ~_. & ~SOLBTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZING A RE1WJND OF A POP. ION OF THN FUNDS D~OSIT~) AS SECURITY FOR THE IMPROV~ENTS TO BE MADE IN T_RACT. ,.NO_.~ 1456. ----~ ~ _Ci_~ .~11. Anahe. i~. ,O~liforn~..__A~ril .14. 1953 ,- 8:00 On roll cmll the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by th~ followir~ vote: ~opted. A~S. COb~CILM~f Wisher, Heying and Boney. NOES- COUNCILMEN: None. ABSE2~: COUNCILMEN: Pearson and Van Wagoner. M~yor Pro Tem Heying declared the foregoing Resolution duly pas~ed and Councilman Boney moved to adjourn. Councilman Wi~ser seconded the motAon. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. ~ ~ C i ~W~c~erk ......... · for tt~ pa~.sge and ~option. (Vari:~nee No. ~89 - 3r:~dfor:i C. Jones) Refer to Re~olutlon Book, page J~-Z_~f~.~ . A RES OLU :J I ON 0P THE CITY COIR{CIL OF T~ CITY OF ANAHEIM GR~NTING A VARIANCE. On roll call the foregoing Re~olutton wa~ ~uly p~ssed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Wlsser, Heylng and Boney. N0~: COUNCII~J~: None. ABSii~: COUNC ILM~N: Pearson and ~an W~goner. Mayor Pro Tem Heying declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and ted.