1953/04/28....... City _~_ ll_, i_Anaiheim. ,L~Ca!.. !f..ornia,- April. 28, ~. t953~ .- .8 :O0...P~N~ '~ · .... _ .......... The City Council of the City of A~eim met in regular session. PRECF~: 00UNCI~: Pearzon, Wisser, Haying, Boney and Van Wagoner. ABSF~.: 00UNCILM~: None. , · CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON TUR~R: Present. ~ - CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, KEITH A. MIIRDOCH: Present:. - ~¥~!?'UTkS: The Minutes of the regular meeting held April 14, 1953 were approved on motion by Councilman Haying, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. DEi,:A~$: Councilmsm Van Wagoner reported demands against the city amounting to $88,598.28. Councilman Heying. moved that report of Finance Committee be accepted and that warrants be draw~ upon the Treasurer to pay maid demaz~a in accordance with report. 0ouncilman Wisse~ seconded the motion, MOTION 0AP~RIED. ~E~iT!':::N, TEh~IS COL~TS: Petition submitted by R. J. Carlson et al for metere<l lighting on the two eaetermmost ten~is courts in the 0ity Par~ was read. The City Council approved proposal for metered lightiz~ at the estimated co~t of $1,600.00, with recommendations that it be operated ~_,~_ er the direction of the Recreation Committee, motioned by Councilman ]~oney, seconded By Councilem~ Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. J~Li~JE BIES: City Administ~rative Officer tabulated bid proposals submitted for the gasoline requirements of the city for the period Ma~v 1, 1953 to April 30, Bids received: ~ ~N Re,ar Et~l Diac~t Trou. t~ & $cholz .187~ .1~ Home Oil Co. · 1885 .2085 Union Oil Co. .206 ,196,201 · -- Seaside .191 .211 Councilma~ Wisser moved bid be awarded Troutma~ & Scholz, Cou~cil~ Boney seconded the motion. MOTION 0ARRIED. ~ii~.~i,~B.~ B¢~i~S: The following Plumber Bonds were ordered accepted and filed when approved by the City Attorney on motion B~ Counci~ Boney,~ seconclecl B~ Oo~ctl~ Heyi~. MOTI 0N ~I~ Pernel Barnett (Sewer Contractor) ~o~ No. ~8~8~ St~~d Pl~bi~ Co. ' ' 2736133 ..... P~ific Pl~bi~ 0o. ~ ' ~10705 ~ iNd4~P~dqCE; (Liability Limit~) Increase in liability limits on Policy CLP 50723, United Pacific Insurance Com~a~ from $100,000~300,000. to $300,0~/300,000. at increased cost of $31~,82 ~s aut~riz~ on motion by 0~cil~ Haying, seco~ b~ Oo~cil~~one~. M~ION ~I~. ~ ........ ' ~.1. ~.: O~cil~ Boney offer~ Resolution No. 215~ ~ mov~ for i t ~ pa~ s~e. Refer to Resolution ~ook, ~e_ ..~,y ~ · A ~S0L~ION OF T~CITY 00~CIL OF ~ 0ITY OF ~~IM ~~0~G ~ FI~ ~0R~ OF T~ ~$I~~IN$ CO~IT~D~~ININ$ T~ FI~ COST OF T~ ~$NOLIA ~~ 3~, P~IB~G P~ ~ FOROE FAIN, ~ ~PROVING T~ PA~~ OF ~ ~ST ~~OF ~Y T~ CI~IES A~ CA~I~Y DIS~ICTS OF T~ O~G~ CO~ JOINT 0~F~ S~ IN T~ ~0~ ~ ~0~~ES AS SHO~ O~ ~ID ~ORT OF ~ EN~I~I~$ 00~IT~. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and ad.~ opted by the following vote~ AYES: 00U~CILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Eeying, Boney amd Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. A~SEET: 00UNCII~N: ~ None. The M~yor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted~. :~:~<~:~,~.i,UTION NO. ~1~8; Co~ci~ Boney offer~ Resolution No. 21~ ~ mov~ for its pass~e ~ ~option. Refer to Resolution Book, p~e~= ~SOL~ION OF T~ CITY ~CIL OF T~ CITY T0 T~ AG~T ~R ~I~~~ 0F S~ HIG~AY IN T~ dITY OF ~IM. "33 City Hall, Anaheim,_. California, A~ril 28, !953._ .-.. 8.:00. Pt,_.M. ............ On. roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted By the following vote: . AYES: 00UNCIL~EN: Pearson, Wlsser, Heylng, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: 00UNCILME~: None. ABSENT: 00UNCILMEN; None. The Ma~or declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted; P~S~LUTiCi~ i:i~. 2i~9: BALL ROAD Ah~iEXATION NO. 2: City Clerk presented affidavit of Publication by proponents of notice of latent to circulate petition for annexation, Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2159 and moved for. its ~ passage and adoptions Refer .to Resolution Book, page _ J/~ ...... . . A RESOLUTION OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF. THE CITY OF ANAt~IM AOKN~GING RECEIPT 0]~ OOPY OF NOTICE OF INTENTION TO 0IROULATE A PETITION RELATING TO TIKE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO TEE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TEEREOF, AND APPROVING THE OIRCIEATION OF SAID PETITION. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed sad' adopted by the following vote: ~ AYES: COUNOILM~: Pearson, Wisser, He¥ing, Boney and Van .Wagoner. NOES: OOUNCILMEN: None. ABSE~: 00UNCILMEN: None. ~ The Mayor declared the foregoiz~g Resolution duly passed and adopted. ORDiNaNCE NO. 846: - 0ouncilmau Van Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 846 for £iret reading. Ai~ ORDINANCE OF TEE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING SECTION 6100.39 OF THE ANAEEIM MUNIOIPAL 00DE. VARIANCE NO. !88: Stephen Telieka: Said &l~lication for variance ~s denied B~. the City Council as this matter was considered one for rezoning and not for variaace application, amd further request that the Applicaut present plane, motioned by Councilman Heyi~g, seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTION CARRIe. E~,i~T: On motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by 0ouncilman Fan Wagoner, report of Section 1, J.O.S., March 1953, Bills paid bi the Cit~ of $~uta Ama, was orderecl received and filed. MOTION CARRIe. ~ VARIANCE: 1476 Granted pursuant to Resolution No. 205~, November 19, 19531 exten~- ion of t~me of Variance for a .period of six months with provisions that the same uae that of manufacturing of clothing such as shirts, Blouses, dresses and allie~ kindred items be maintained was approved on motion by 0ouncilmaa .Boney, seconded by Couuci~ He¥ing, MOTION 0APJtlED. ~ .... ~: Communication from 0itl Engineer stated that work has B~en completed in Tract No. 1653, ~ Ap~lication by Ernest Roland for rel~se of partial l~ent of deposit $3,000.00 made for improvements in Tract No. 1653 was considered. The City Council app=oved the release of $2,250.00 and retention of $750.00, and that Mr. Roland file and record notice of comglet!on for final payment is returned to Hr. Roland, motioned by Councilman Boney~ seconded By 0ouncilman He[in~. MOTION 0AllIED. SlSl:~aLS: Communication from Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, dated April 22, 1953 in the matter of installation of traffic signals on State Highway Route 178 (Center Street); approving installation of traffic signals at the intersection of East Street, Citron Street and West Street with Center Street and coordinating these signals with the present installation, and the~ city to cooperate on the usual basis in the financing installation; also, advise that the State Route No. 18, which is Highway 178 in this area, and is also U,S. Route 91, that U.S. Routes are established by a National Committee and that there would be coneid~erable objections by other cities to the removal of State Route 18, sigma in th~s area, and that there is little likelihood of securing such change. ~i~,~i,~E HIGH~.~AY U$~ TAX Fb~: 0ommuni cat ion from the Board~ of Supervisors, that the Board on April 21, 1953 denied the request of~ the City of Anaheim for allo- cation of Highway U~ers Tax Fund for the improvement of La Palms Ave. was sub- mitred ~ read. ......... c,i.~ _~m~ ~z. _~eim. ~c~_Zqr~la. ~r!! .zs. ~53 ,.. 8:00 ~ ............... ~ . ~t~? ~. ~D~: Dr. E H Ker~e~ and John D~yer: Dr, Ker~ten ~dr~d fha Co~cil reque~$i~ ~he use of roll ~rbi~ in li~m of ~t~m~ ~ curbi~ ~ ~t~er,. . The ~ministrative Officer review~ the t~e of curbiag~ e~e~~s nece~a~y ~ ~tlin~ the ~off area ~ di~poaa! of ~ter, the control of buildings as shoed be carri~ In de~ re~t~i~t~ma, :etc, Co~ci~ Heyi~ moved t.~t flush c~bs inste~ of sta~~ curbs ~ ~tters requirements be approve, ~ t~t the City Oo~il ~ive this prevision on the request of the Su~iviAer. Co~ci~ Boney ~seco~ the motion. M~ION O~I~. ~OLi~ ~POIN~T: Chief of Police, M~k A. Stephenson a~oint~ Willi~ ~.~ ~t~~ as Patrol~ for ~ Oit~ of A~eim. Sai~ appein~memt ~a ra~ifi~ by the City Co--il on motion ~by Co,~ci~ Heyi~, seco~ ~y 0e~c!l~ Boney. MOTION ~I~. JO~:?~ICATIOE, P~GI~jN~ ~AT~ POLLUTION conTRoL date~ April ~, 19~3 ~s r~ ~ ordered receiv~ ~d filed on motion by Co~cil~ Wiseer, seco~ b~ Co~cll- m~ V~ W~e~er, M~TION ~I~. ~P~-~'GE OObl~T~ ~[OSQUITO A~TEI,~'T DISTRICT; APPOINT~NT~: Henry D$ois ~s appoint~ b~ ~or Pearson to act am Director repreeenti~ that portion the Or,ge Co~ty Mosquito Abat~ent District, ~ the City O~ci~ ~v~ to ratif~ ~id appointment on motion by Oo~ci~ Ee~i~, seco~e~ by Co~ci~ V~ W~oner. M~ION O~I~. .iNTE~TIOi~L ASSOCIATION FO~ ~..DmNT~F~CATION: Oonvention t~ be hel~ in S~ Diego, ~y 27 thro~h the ~30th. Officer Forest P. Wolyerton ~s authoriz~ to atten~ on motion by Co~cil~ Van W~oner, eeco~ by Co~ci~.Boney. NOTION ~I~. ~~.~ ~o~G.~.,!.~.lOi~ OF ~?HE ST~ OF JALIFO~N~ Convention to be hel~ in S~ Jos~, ~y 12 t~o~h l~th. Ohief of Police was au~oriz~ to atte~ convention on motion by Oo~cil~ V~ W~oner, eeco~ By Oo~cilm ~oney. M~ION ~I~. F-~.~J-jB-12: Area, bounded by W. Vermont Ave., S. Los Angeles St., Ball Rd and S. Lemon St. as 0-2, with the exception of a fifty-foot ~.trip adjacent to all of eaid boundary ~treets, which it is proposed to,zone as P-L. Ail area now zoned R-A. 0ity Planning Commission held public he~rings March 16 and_April 6 a~ pursuant to their Rezoluti on No. 42 recommended the change of zone, Councilman Heying moved that Public Hearing be held~May 12, 1953 at 8:00 ~cloc~ P.M, to consider ~he ~a~ter. Councilman Wisser seco~e~ the motion. MOT ION CARRIe. Councilman Heyimg moved to adjourn. Councilman Boney seconded the motion NOTION GARBLED. .