1953/05/264:40 --- Ct% Hay-~-~_gAnaheim~ California~1953_ 8:00 P.M. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in reguta.r session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. ABSENT : COUNCIIJ~N: None. · CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON TURNER: Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, KEITH A. MURDOCH: Present. MINUTES ~of the regutar meetin9 held May 12, 1953 were approved on motion by Council- man Heyin§, seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTION CARRIED. DEBANDSI C~un¢ilman Van Wag®net reper~ed demands against the city ~n~un%ing $85~ 338.10. Councilman Boney moved that report o£ Finance Committee be accepted and that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer to pay said demands in accordance wi~h report. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. PETITION NO. 192: APPEAL FRO~ AC/ION TAKEN BY CITY PLANNING CON~ISSION submitted by Paul L. Pierce 'through Larry Armour. TRAG~f NO. 1591. - Request that lots 47 to 117~ inclusive~ be allowed under the required minimum square footage~ and that the 25-foot front building line be changed %o 20 foot due to the fact that lots are only 97 feet deep. Pursuant to City Planning Commission Resolution No. 48~ the Variance No. 192 was denied. Clay Council ordered Public Hearinq to be held June 9~ 1953- 8:00 on motion by Councilman Heying~ seconded by ~oun¢ilman Van Wagoner. NDTION CARRIED. I~_A~I NQ~__1696: _ FINAL MAP_: Final map of Tract No. 1696 was approved subject to engineering requirements, on motion by Councilman Boney~ seconded by Councilman Heying ~OTION CARRIED. · TRACT NO. 1Egg: FINAL MAP: On motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner, the City Council approved ~inal Map o£ Trac~ No. 1599~ subject to the following condilions: MOTION CARRIED. 1. Granting a waiver of construction of sidewalks within the two cul-de- sacs. 2. That the impzovament on Vermont Street be discussed and ad3usted between Mr. Boden~ the City Engineer and the City Administrative O££icer. 3. Subject to general engineerin9 requirements. · !~_C_I_.NO. 1794: FINAL MAP_: On mo~ion by Councilman Heying~ seconded by Councilman Boney~ Flnal Map of Tract No. 1794 was approved, subject to the £ollowin9 conditions: MOTION CARRIED. 1. That the sidewalks be waived within the cul-de-sac. 2. That the sidewalks be a part of the improvements on Liberty Lane. 3. General engineering requirements. TRAC/ NO. 1770; TENTA/IV~ MAP; Approved by City Council, subjec~ %o en9ineering requirements on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner~ seconded by Councilman Wisser MO/ION CARRIED. ' TRACT NO. 182.5: REVISFD TFNTATTVE. MAP~. Approved by Ci6y Council~ subject to don- ditions as recommended by City PlanAing Commission, as follows: 1. That all lots contain a minimum o£ 6~000 square feet and meet all the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. That that portion, no~ included in the $ubdivision~ at the southeast corner of Romneya Drive and Raymond Avenue shall dedicate 10 £ee~: along Raymond Avenue for the future widenin9 of Raymond Avenue. 3. Engineering requirements. Tract takes complete improvements. 7 Motioned by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Boney MOTION CARRIED. - · The developer stated that sidewalks and curbs will be installed in %hat portion of the /tact which was shown as undeveloped~ and i% was ye% undecided whether this portion of the proper~y would be established for business or residental purposes. $RACT NO. 1859: 71 lots on W. La Palma Avenue was again held over. GI .I~.~_RI ~_~I_R~_ ANNEXATION: Request by proponents for permission to commence and conduct proceedings for the annexation to the City of Anaheim of territory to be known as Gilbert Street Annexation was submit%ed and read. Said request was referred ~o the City Planning Commission for recommendation on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Heying. MOTION CARRIED. 441 City Hall~ Anaheim,. Californ.ia, May 26~ 1953- 8:00 P.M , , . , ..... L , , , ~. , · REPORI: SEC/ION 12 J.O.$. for the month of April~ 1953 was ordered accepted and filed on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Wisser. NDTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 847: Councilman Boney offered Ordinance No. 847 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book~ page / AN ORDINANCE OF T~HE CITY OF ANAHEIM A~NDING ARTICLE 4~ CHAPTER 2~ PART 6 OF THE ANAHEIM N~JNICIPAL OODE BY ADDING A NEW SECTION /HERETO TO BE NU~BERED~4291.17 PROHIBITING THE KEEPING OF BEES WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. On roi1 callthe foregoing Ordinance was duly passed_ amd adopted by ~the fo 11 owl ng vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson~ Wi sser~ Heying~ Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCI I]~N: None. ABSENT: GOUNCI I_N~N: None The Mayor declared the fore,in9 Ordinance drily passed and adopted. RESOLUTION, .~LD O.V~ER~ TITLE: A RESOLUTION OF .THE CITY~ COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CONSENTING TO AND APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN .TERRITORY TQ ORANGE CONTY SANITATION DISTRICT.NUMBER 3. ,, ~RSESOLUTION, HEIr. OVE_R: TITLE: RESOLI~TION IN~ THE MATTER OF PROJECT STATEMENT NO. 38 FOR ALLOCATION OF GASOLINE TAX FUNDS ON NLiJOR STREETS. -.Acti:on upon thia matter was postponed until such time as the City Council could make investigation and repot% at the proposed Adjourned Meeting of the Council to be held Thursday, 4:00 P.M. May 28, 1953. .RESOLUTION, HELD OVER, TITLE: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ESTABLISHING A ~POLICY RELATIVE TO T~ EMPLOYMENT OF CITY PERSONNEL OR THE INCREASE IN COMPENSATION THEREOF. Said resolution was held over for.f~rther study. RE$OI4JIION NO. 2155.; Councilman Boney :offered Resolution No._ 2155 and moved for its passage and adoption. ~ Refer to Resolution Book, page ~2-~/ A RESOLUTION OF IHE CITY COUNCIL OY TM5. CITY~ OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE EMPLOYMENT OF CLARENCE A WINDER TO ASSIST THE CITY AS AN INTERESTED PARTY OR IN OPPOSING THE APPLICATION OF THE SOU!HHRN CALIFORNIA'EDISON COMPANY FOR AN INCREASE IN RATES. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote; AYES: GOUNCI~N: Pearson~ Wisser~ Heying~ Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCI IJ~EN: None. ABSENT: COUNCI LN~N: None. The ~ayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. RYSOLUTION .NO. 2156: Councilman Heying offered Resolution No. 2156 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page ~ . A RESOLUIION OF IHE CITY COUNCIL OF IH5 CIIY OF ~ANAHEI~ ~IHORIZING IHE 5~PLOYMKNI OF SPECIAL COUNSEL TO REPRESENT THE CITY AS AN INTERESTED PARTY OR IN~ OPPOSING THH APPLICATION OF .THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CON, ANY. FOR AN INCREASE IN RATES. On roll call the foregoing resolution was dUly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wi sser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None· The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ~RE$OLUIION NO, 1257: Councilman Heying offered Resolution No. 2157 and moved for its passage anck adoption. Refer to Resolution Book~ page ~ . City Hall, Anaheim,. Calif,rnia~ May 26~ 1953- 8:00 P~M. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF ANAHEIM TO JOIN WITH A GROUP OF OTHER CITIES IN OPPOSING THE APPLICATION OF THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELFC~APH (/DMPANY_ FOR AN INCREASE iN RATES. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: GDUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heyin9, Boney` and van Wagoner. NOES: ODUNCI LM~N: None. ABSENT: COUNCI IJ~N~ None. The Mayor declare~d the foregoin9 resolution duly Passed and' adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2158: Councilman Boney offered Resolution No. 2158 and moved for its adoption. Refer to Resolution Book~ page ~[-~ . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI~ EMPLOYING OUI_NTON ENGINEERS, LTD. TO MAKE A ODMPLETE S/UDY AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS OF THE EXISTING WATER DISTRI- BUTION SYSTEM OF TH~ CITY A~ND THE FUTURE DEMANDS THEREON AND A ~%~RAULIC ANALYSIS-- AND S/UDY TO DETERJ~INE REGOME~ED PIPE SIZES FoR FUTURE 5D(TENsIONS'TO TH~~ SYSTEM. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and-adopted by the following vote: '~ AYES: OOUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wi seer, Heyin9, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCI LM~N: None. ABSENT: ODUNCI LMEN: None. . /he Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUIION NO. 21~9: Councilman Boney offered Resolution No. 2159 and moved fo~ its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page ~~~ . A RESOLUTION OF TH5 CITY COUNCIL OF /HE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THin'FINAL R~.PORT OF THE ENGINEERING OOMMtTT~E DETERMINING THE PERCENTAGE OF OWNERSHIP AND CAPACITY RIGH/S AND THE'PRESENT VALUE THEREOF OF EACH OF THE CITIES AND SANITARY DISTRICTS OF TH~ O_RANG~ COUNTY JOINT OUTFALL SEW5R IN TH5 EUCLID TRUNK~SE~ER LtNE* AND-DE- TERMINING THE OWNERSHIP AFTER COMPLETION OF THE...MAC~OLIA TRUNK SEWER' ANU~DETER- MINING THE GAIN OR LOSS IN OWNERSHIP IN' SAID EUCLID IRUNK SEWER. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson~ Wi sser, Heying~ Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: ODUNCI LMEN: None. ABSENT: OOUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. JOB NO. 320- ODMpLET5: The City Engineer certified the completion of Job No. 330, the South Olive Street Sewer by Contractor, Izzi Construction Company~ and re- commended the acceptance thereof. RESOLUTION NO. ~160: Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2160 and moved for its passage and adoption. ~ Refer to Resolution Book, page ~/~ -~/-~ ~?~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ODUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE OOMPLF. YION AND IH5 FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICSS, MATERIALS AND EQUIP~J~NT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATF. R,~ AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO ODNSTRUCT AND ODMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROV£M~NT: CONSTRUCTION OF SEWBR MAINS IN.SOUTH OLIV~ STREF. T JOB NO, 350. ~ On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: OOUNCILM~N: Pearson, Wi sser, Heyin9, Boney andVan Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENI: COUNCI IJ~N: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. 44-3 ..... City Hall:.. Anaheim~ California, May 26, 1953- 8:00 P.M. .. George F. Oelkers, Supertendent, Light, Power & Water, was granted per- mission to attend the Utilities Convention in San Die9o~ June 9, 10~ 11 and 12th. APPOINYN~NIS; The Administrative Officer made the following appointments; Adelaide May Jones, g~ock Clerk Betty L°u Beeson, $teno-Secretary i , '' Iva Mae Molnar, P.B.X. Operator · Shelly F. Jones, Draftsman Leslie Thurl Croweli, Patrolman Edward J. Stringer, Jr. Uniformed Police Reserve (Serving without pay) George F. Bales, Uniformed Police Reserve (Serving without pay) William F. Gilbert, Uniformed Police Reserve (Serving without pay) Councilman Boney moved the forewoin9 appointments .be ratified. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. PURCHAS5 OF PIPE: Acting upon the recommendations of Supertendent of Light, Power and Water, the City Clerk was instructed to adveTtise for bids for the general purchase of pipe on 18" concrete cylinder pipe and 24" concrete cylinder pipe. Bid proposals for June 9, 1953, or in the event specifications are mot sufficiently prepared for publications, bid proposal~ to be accepted, 3une 23, 1953, on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. INVITATION by the City of Huntington Beach to Councilmen to ride in the 49th Annual Orange County 4th July Parade was submitted and read and referred to the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce. APPOINTN~NTS, LIBRARY BOARD: Mayo~ Pearson appointed Harry B. Pearson and Leo J. Sheridan as Trustees of the Anaheim Public Library to continue their term of office from April S0~ 195~. Councilman Heying moved the foregoing appointments be ratified. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. ~DTI,~N CARRIED. CON~NICATION: T. H. Henry of the Anaheim Cold Storage, Inc. requested the City to take some action in the matter of the abandonment and vacated property of the former Belmont Packing House, to prevent it becoming a health and safety menace. Said communication was referred to the Fi re Chief. REQUSSI of the First Bible Baptish Church of Long Beach, California, to erect a gospel tent on the vacant lot in the 700 block, North Los Angeles Street, next to Buchannan Realty Co. " Said request was denied on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner~ seconded by Councilman Wi sser. MOTION CARRIED. ~REQUEST of the Anaheim F-lkts Club to hang banner advertising the Richards-Martin Dance Review at the Anaheim High School, June 30, 1953 was granted on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. CON~NICA/ION: Anaheim Chamber of Con~nerce, Vera Auest, Chairman Civic Beautification Committee was submitted and read. The City Council considered %he recommendations favorable and suggested that the proposed Tree Committee meet with the representatives of the City some time in the future, so ordered on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Council- man Wi sser. MOTION CARRIED. ~ _APPLI. CATION TO SOLICIT. FUND. S by Mitt~on H. Berry Foundation Schools was denied on~ motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Boney moved to adjourn un~il Thursday, May 28, 4:00 P.~. Councilman Heying seconded the moZion. MOTION CARRIED. Adjourned. / . ........ ~. ~ . ,, ADDENDUM: Ac~ing upon [he reco~enda~ion off Administrative Officer~ Kei~h ~rdoch~ Councilman Boney moved that purzhase off Burroughs Sensimatiz Azcounfing ~azhine~ Series "300" be purchased in order to take care of increased volume of business in accounting and payroll, 6oun~ilman Heying seconded ~he mo~ion. ~TION CARRIED. (Item contained in 1953 Budget- Cos~ $3~670.00 Desk Uni~ 236.00 $3~ 906. O0 Tax 106.17 $4~012.17 10% discount 367.00 $3~645.17