1953/10/13T~:e Jif,/ Co~ncil of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. Boney and Van Wagoner. Present. i~iii4Ui'ES: Th~ ;.iinutes of the regular meeting I,eld September 28, 1953 and Adjourned Re~u[.~r Mee. tin~ held Tuesday, 10~00 a.M., October 6, 1953, 'were approved on motion Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilmmn Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. DE'~iAi~DS: Cot:~nciiman Van l':agoner reported demands against the city amounting to ~240,584.9~ ........ ' . ~r,~lman Heying moved that report of Finance Co~ittee be accepted ~r:d Lha'% warrants, be drawn upon the Treasurer to pay said cements' ~ in accordance witch report. Councilman Boney seconded the motion, friCTION CARRIED. FiNAi'~iCIaL & OPE~YING ,,~-PORi9 for-the month o~ September, 1953 were submitted, read and ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Zodncilman Van =~:~agoner. ~:,iOTION CARRIED. 2IDS: On motion by Councilman '~;isser, seconded by Councilman Van 7~agoner, the City Clerk was authorized to open bid proposals, pursuant to Resolution No. 2245 for [he IMPROV~Z~E~-:T OF LIBERTY LANE AND ACACIA STREETS, JOB NO. 502. MOTION CARRIED. Bi"*s recei SULLY-MILLER COHTRICTING CO. P.O. Box 432, Orange Calif. 11,936.50 R. J. NOBLE P.O. BOX 620, Orange Calif. 12,718.82 Bids were referred to the City Engineer for tabulation and report on ;notion by Councilman ?,~isser, seconded by Councilman Van ,"iagoner. MOTION CARRIED. The City Engineer reported the low bidder tO be "Sully-Miller Contracting Company". z;bd. Councilman Van ?~agoner offered Resolution No. 2258 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book~ page A RESOLUTIOM OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ,,a CITY OF ANAHED4 ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AZD ATiA~I~?'-d ~% CONTACT TO THE LG'~HST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLA~, LABOR, SHRViCES, ~',ATzRIALS AND EQUIPMHNT, AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION ,~u~uDING PO,~ER, FUEL AND WATER~ AND PE~O~,~ING ALL WO~ NECESSARY TO CON~RUCT AND COkPLETE ~u.- ~m EOLLO~'~INC PUBLIC I~¢~PROV~'~Eh~: I~PROV~m~ O~ LIBERTY LAND AND ACACIA, ~ilE~T: JO~ NOT On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the owing vo re'. AYES: COUNCIiJ~EN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COU NCIIJ4EN: None. ABSENT: ~Ou NCIL%iEN: None. The ~ayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. _~ ', motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Heyin9, the City Clerk was authorized to open bid proposals, pursuan6 to Resolution No. 2240 for the CONSTRUCTION OF 3,000,000 GALLCN SURFACE STORAGE RESERVOIR, WORK ORDER NO. 1260. ~¢~OYION CARRIED. Bids received: Smith Campbe!! 6510 Cherry Ave., Long Beach 5, Calif. Jame~ J. h4ullen !500 W. Florence Ave., Inglewood, Calif. Z.$. and N.$. Johnson Co. 316 Chapman ~iidg., Fullerton, Calif. '. A. Griswold 2160 Oak Knoll Ave., San ~iarino, Calif. $ 239~645.00 166,775. O0 191,906.00 163,362.50 523 ~":.'~ 34th St , Manhaitan Beach, Cali{ T'~o~':de~y Construction Co. ~694 L&me Ave,~ Long Beach ~;'~uZa:'o and St~ombe=g Inc. P, O. Box 239~ Santa Ana~ Z~45 San Fe=nando Rd,~ ~os Angeles~ B, 0, 5ox 1673~ W&tshi=e-~a B=ea Statlon~ Los Angeles~ CaIif, Penn Costruction 2,~32 No. ~pot Ave.~ Baldwin Park~ Calif. $ 187,708.00 191,928.00 193,679.00 162,328.50 163,999.50 152,949.00 PL%i~S. IT~¢, A ITE~,~ B '~il':troath Pumps Alhar,'Jora, Call f. ?.~:~: r!ess Pumps Los Angeles: ~ali~ 3'or~nston Pump Co. ~asadena, Calif. 2,yron Jackson Co. Los angeles, Calif. ~.~a~":~ner Pump Santa Ana~ Calif, 10,885.27 11,234.54 28,668.57 30,5.31.67 10,J73.26 30,597.94 11,194.00 no bid ! 1,0O 2.34 29,101.00 Bid proposals were referred to the Superintendent of Light, Power and Water for tabulation and. report at the next meeting, on molion by Councilman Heying, seconded ~ our~uzlman Boney. MOTION CARRIED. SPECIAL CENSUS;_ Mayor Pearson was authorized to sign contract with the U. S. Census £1uzeau for a census enumeration in-the City of Anaheim on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Boney. I¢~OTION CARRIED. It was moved by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Heying that Beatrice i,~. ~\:'%ilier, City Auditor, and she is hereby authorized to honor and approve to pay all person~ indicated on certi£ications o£ payment £or services per£ormed on the "Special Uensu$" to be taken in the City of Anaheim com~nencing October 19, 1953, on presentation bf Elijah B. Le~i$, Supervisor of the Special Cens~s~ and 'that the Deputy City Clerk ~ckno~ledge all such certifications presented for payment. MOTION CARRIED. Type of expense authorized: Enumerators Training expense to enumerators Salaric. s of Field Checkers and Clerks Overtime ?ayment for mileage incurred in t~kin9 Special Census. Soot cf Tabulation $~p~rvisor'$ Bond ;,~iscellaneous expenses as ~.~ / Supervisor. Credits to account of Supervisor. Printing Travel Expense of Supervisor. . . . ,~zfton E Briley, dba Yellow Cab ~)LICATION FOR TAXI CAB STAND- = A Siaget and ¢'' . Servic-~ of Anaheim~ and Red and Orange Taxi. Fee, $40.00 for two cars~ $30.00 additional, total $70.00. 40-foot space along the curb on the east side of Lemon Strce~ com~nencing 60 feet south of Lemon and Center Streets, and extends a distance ooun~ilman Boney moved application De approved Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion, i',iOYION CARRIED. .SAN DiE~ COUNY~' ;~ATSR AUIHOR!TY co~unication dated October 7, 1953 was read and ordered referred to E. P. Hapgood, Director, Metropolitan Water District. A~iERICAN LEGION W~£K: The City Council approved PROCLAMATION to be signed by the !',-myor calling attention to American Legion Week, on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Van iflagoner. MOTION CARRIED. DiEHL & CO. AUDIT: Audit for the fiscal year 1952--55 was submitted, and the statemer~ ~ ex~mination was read. Councilman Van Nagoner moved that the audit be accepted. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. 989 C<. tV .Lib,ra~ !,::~n Jurin? the past thirfiy-eight years was submitted, read and the :.:.;~e ..fa,:, ~:r:ani:~.ousl7 aUoptec by the City Council ~':"~ ~ Elizabe{b ~alnon~ ?~tiremen-~ !:: be effective a of ~:c:cber ].G~ 19.53. ...... [:. ~..'!'~ZINA~CE ':f,L. %(>4: Counci' '- · ~nA~n Van 'Fiagoncr effete00zd~r'~a~¢e No. 864 for first r,:.:~-_-~ding, ant r,~oveq for its passage~:,,,~-'~ adoF>ticn.~ ~ ~ '~-:'~e ,:~dministrative Officer '~ .... . a,.,a Ch'.ef of Po~'zce were delegated to bring ~ ~, :o ~'~e distance fr~m the curb line from w?lch s ~rdiler Car maybe pa Pi<OPOSSD QRDiNAN~E: EXS~,'~T BjU~INESS LICENSE; Proposed Ordinance governing the [::'..uance of F.e~.it.s, fee exempt, ~o disabled veterans to sell, vend or solicit ...... ~ imi+ ,'~, ,¥..t.n~n the cc:rporate ~. :sof. the City of Anaheim was brought u~. for discussion. .,~e City Clerk will. o~.tain s co,'~x~?: nf .... the .::'].lerton~.~ Ordinance aovernina ~":~:::.:! ol}':er i::rocedure. ~ " " ~bESOLUT!O!< !.v'~ 2256' ~ ,' ...... ~n.an Heying offerea Resolution ,~'~o. 22.56 and moved its passage and adoption. ~ 2.efer 'to Resolution Book, page ,'~ ;iESO ' ~ TY · ,LUTIO,~ OF THE Cl CC'U[~EIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIm% ACCEPTING A GRAR7 D~D CONeY!NC ~ ThE CITY OF . ~:RTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASE~,~ FOR ~: ..... ~'~-.'-?,~ Pt~RPOSES (Alvin $. and Sina J. Barnett) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the f ;:: } ! owi n,~ ,,~. to: AYES: COUNC!L~iEN: Pearson, fii sser, Heyin9, Boney and Van Wagoner. ?-,'O~,S; COUR~ I LMEN: None. ,; ..... o_,~: COU~ I ~tEN: None. The }-~<ayor declared the foreaoin9 resolution duly passed and adppted. 2ESOLUTi,~,.-.,.~,,,, ,,,~'"r'~. 2257: Councilman .Hevina. . offered Resolution No. ~.=~,°°~7, and moved ~.,~"' its pas;sage and adoption. ~:~fer to Resolution Book, page · THE CiTY CGJ~IL OF TuB CITY OF AN~I~i ACCEPTING A GRA~ DEED THE CITY OF ,~NAH~. CERTAIN Rz;AL P,,CPzRTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ~uEk'lNG PURPOSES. [~scar r:. and t4aodalene ~,i. Mano) t :oi! call fhe foregoin9 resolut, ion was duly passed and adopted by A'~ES: COU,~EIW~IEN: Pearsc:n, !'?inset, Heyin9, Boney and Van Wagoner. t,..'OE S- COUPE I LqEN: None. ,'::::,oz.h ~.: CCt)~ILY~TN: None. T;':~ ~qaVor declared the foregoin? resolution duly passed and adopted. Ti:CT NO. l~:a'~.. The Ci of Ann ,~,, ty heim requested a dedication of a lOC-foot right- '.>f-,:'~ay for <.;~e e>:tension of East Center Street ;~hich will ultimaSely tie into the ~'r.'~,-,osed S':':~2e ~':.'oute to the East, near Canal Street. The Cz t, y has agreed, to ?e:rtitipate to the extent of two 12-foot strips of paving, or the total of 2~feet the ce,~ication of said strip f~om Placentia Avenue to the east boundary of tract. ' The Developer of said tract, agrees to extend the sewer in alley north Anaheim t!~ve Road fro~r, a point 268 feet, more., or less, westerly from its ~.: ,, ..... , ,,~ i~s e~sterly ~.ouna~.ry at the city's expense to allow aeveioprnen~c of Aropezty to tim ~tth~ at sue!: time as the property to the sou~h devetope~J~ it ~ill pay for said sewer to the City of Anaheim. foregoing action was approved or,, motion by Councilman Van Wagoner touncilman Heying. ~40TiON CARRIED. -_ . gi_%y ~a~i I~_. A~_ai!ej~ Ca ~.i. forn.i.a,_.Q..c$obe r 13, .! 95~__3_-.. _8_:00 .p.~__. ~- -, ............... . ........... MAP: TRACT NO, 1802; ^ct. inS upon the recon~nendations of the City Admln$$trative the City Council approved Final "=. . ,~,.:=p of Trac~ No 1802 on mo~ion by Councilman ~e~o~ded by ~-unc, lman ':,:;~sser'. ~,[C~ION CARRIED ) La Pa!ma Rancho Development Co. ....FINAL,~,..:?.~-"" ...... ~ TR~,C^ ~ NC=, - i94.2 ~ ~ .... '~!i 1' ~.~. ','.iatkin¢~... addre ssec,' the Couhcil recommending the was also present at, the n~ee~in9. Fz,~,. fla6kins addressed the Council ca!lin9 attention to previous cOrrespOndence opposing the dead-ending of North Ohio Street. Co~'~.~unication from Virgil Daoust, 901 E. Alberta St. was submitted and read, protest- the openin,~ of North Ohio o otreet. ;-~ to reach any agreement between the owners. ~,/~r. Watkins stated that he was una~,~: ,~.tr. ~nd,.,,_~,~s. Dick Hefferr, were present at the meeting. ~,~r. Heffern_ stated he was very '"~u ~ ', The Te ~ap was approved Septe~er 8~ 19~3 aaxi s ~', proceed with t~.e tract., ntative _ ~,nd ~idnot think any damage or harm would come to anyone through acceptance of the ~,~ r~nai ~/'.,ap was approved, subject to engineering requirements on motion by Council- ?,~:.:n ~qoney, seconded by Councilman Wisser, ~dth the understanding tha~ sidewalks would . ,,ARRI:,D. It w. as further motioned that side- be eiiminate.f on Pioneer Drive MC:TIO~ e~' =? ,...~,alk~ ir, Tract No. 19A2 of lo±.s £ronlin9 Wilhelmina. Street be installed. AYES: CCiJ,hCiIJ;,FN~ Pearson, ;tlisser, Heyin9 and Van. Wagoner'. OPPO, SSD: CC~JNCIIJV~AN: Boney. AOT I ON C ARR I~.~. ., The City Engir, eer stated that curb line would be recuired by 'the City as part of the ~,,pr~,vemen%,o on North West. Street. was also motioned that side. walks be installed on North West Street'' frontin9 tact No. !9~2. AYES: COUNEiL~EN: Pearson, t~isser, Heying and Van ~fagoner. OP, PCSED: COUNC libYAN: Boney. MOTION CARRIED. ZL~EK~f.i~RY SCHOOL SITE; Hlementary School District purchased two acres from a private party and has optioned additional property from the City of Anaheim. These properties are located on ~as± Vermont Avenue. It is expected that the SChool District and the City ~il! joinl!y develop some type o~ park in ~he area. ,~.~ by , The City P!annin9 Commission approved ,. the 'site selected~the ElementarY Schc,:~l District at their regular meeting held ~onday, October 5, 1953. ~r,e uity Council approved the school site On motion by Councilman Van /:~::}?ner} seconded by Ccuncilman ',-"~isser, and further moved that the communication be r{~" '" ~ ~ ~e~vec and filed. ~,,~!TION CARRIED. VARIA~E NO. 205: Charles G. Johns and Fred L. Bowden, for permission to cut four tole, 54 feet by 116 feet, leaving one lot with a width of 82.88 feet. ~' (53-54) denying said Variance C~+,-~..~. Planning Commission Resolution ,,,o. 20 .~0~ was submi±ted and .read. V~IllJAEE NO. 206: ~4anuel and Aurora Alonza,. for permission to erect a small Grocery Store at the corner of Placen~ia Ave. and So. Verm}nt Street. City Plan_n"~nv ~ Con~,ission Resolution b,'o. 2! (53-5~). denying said Variance submitted and read. t~JPFEAL FROM ACTION TAKEN BY TH£ CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, VARIARCE NO, 206~., Appeal was submitted by Friis and $chutz, Attorneys representin9 Mr. and Mrs. Manuel ~,l,,,r~ ~-.,zo, and further recuested .... Hearin~ at the earliest possible time PUBLIC IiEARING was set for November 10, 1953 at 8:00 P.M. on motion by C:,~ncilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. VARiARCE NO. 208; John W. Vale Jr. for permission to conduct Insurance Business from residence at 1045 North Palm Street. City Planning Commission Resolution No. 22 (53-54) granted said Variance 999 ~;i Ly :-%__ali, Anaheim, Ua.iifornia,_. O¢.tober 1.3, ..195.~ - ..8:..0_0 P.r~. ~,'dLject to 17~,:~ provision of parking space for three cars (off-street). Said Resolu~n · ~'~as submitted and read %o the City Council. RK:D. SolFIC~,~IO~,, NO F-5~-5=4~ Property owners, Lots ! to 15, inclusive Bl~ck "~." of Nut Grove Tract- Lots !6 to 30, inclusive, Block "A", of Nuts~ov~ T~act- also described a~ the east and west sides of South Resh Street, .between Uest Santa /ma Street and ~,~iast South Street, ~equestin9 iheir properties be changed f~om R-1 zo City Plannin9 Co~aission~ pursuant to their Resolution No. 18 (53-54) recommended the change of zone. :. On motion by Councilman Van Wagoner~ seconded by Councilman Wisser~ }N~blic Hearin~ was ordered to be held NoSember 10~. 1953 a%18:00 P,M, MOTION CARRIED. RECLASSIFICATION NO. 53-5.~-~; F. W. Elliot% request rezonin9 from R-A to C-2 on the following described property: A portion of Lot 5~ Anaheim Extenslon~ beginning at ~.~---~,int~. on the south line of Lot 5 distant 2a.288~ feet easterly from the southwest corner of Lot 5~ thence easterly along the center line of East Center $%reet 333,3 feet to the Cemetery Road; thence Northerly along~ ehe west side of said road to the South line of the Cemetery~ and coni~inuing said line in the same direction %c: -. point easterly from the west line of Lot 5 a distance of 24.288 feet~ thence southerly parallel with the west line of Lot 5 to the point of beginning. City Planning Commission~ pursuant to their Resolution No. 19 (D3-54) recommended denial o£ said reclassi.fication~ for the following reasons: 1. The property directly to the West was recently rezoned for a C-1 ~'~ 9hborhood Coma~erclal Center. 2. The rezoned area is developing-slowly and there appears to be no need at the ;~resent time for addition to the Neighborhood Business Center. 3; No specific use of the property was offered by the Applicant, and rezoned to a general G-2 Classification~ many uses allowed might be objectionable ~.:.1 s area. a. There might be additional traffic hazards to the children attending the Lincoln Elementary School. 5. ~ concrete plan should be presented before rezonin9 the area. .. Cn motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Boney~ Public Hearing was ordered ~o be held NQvember 10. 1953 at 8:00 P.M. MOTION CARRIED. ..L. EA~E OF CALIFORNI.A CITIES QONVENTION: It was moved by Councilman Heying, seconded by CoUncilman Boney, that the members of the City Planning Commission and the .-?-~evera]. officers of city with the members of the City Council be: authorized %0 at.l. end the annual convention of the League of Cities to be held in San Frar~cisco ©ctober !9th through the 21st~ 1953. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 2259~ Counci!~man Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. '2259 and moved for its passa?e and adopiion. Re {er ±o Resolutlon Book, page - _ . RESOLUTION RE~INDiNG RESOLUTION ?,~0. 2247 (Boring Job~ under Manchester Ave.) On rol! call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the owing vote: AYES: COU~IEILMEN: Pearson~ Wisser~ Heyin9, ~oney and Van Wagoner, NOES: COULC I ~¥~EN: Non~ ABSENT: COU~I~IEN: None. ~ , Thc "'",.. C! . ~,:~vor de ared 'the foregoin9 resolution duly passed and adopted Cou~:-cl!man .~oney moved to adjourn. Councilman Van Wagoner secOnded the N0. 22~? FI~ING A~ DET~MINING T~T P~LIC INT~ST ~9 ~OESSI~ ~E O0~TRUCTION ~ c0~LETION 0F A P~LIC IMPROV~T, T0 ~IT: BORE ~ I~ST~L ING EE DESIGN, P~S, SPECIFIO~TI0~ ~ D~INGS FOR T~ CONS~UOTION T~0P, A~HORIzlNG T~ O0~STRUCTION OF~SAID P~LIC I~R0~~T IN AOO0~OE ~IE SAID P~S ~ SPECIFICATIONS, ~ A~0RIZIEG ~ 9I~CTING THE CITY CL~ T0 P~LISH ~~N0. ~ NOTICE12~i.I~JITING S~~ PROPOS~S POR ~ CONSTRUCTION TH~0F, ~0~