1953/10/27Tite City C.c. ur~ci! of t. he City :::f .a.n~heim met in regular session. p:~::~::::~T, r."",:"'rIZ~,iEN: Pearson, -,~isser, Nev~n-~ Boney and Van Wauoner. C'~Tv ATTORh~Y, ~Nmcm'~'~ TURN~R: Fresent "-' ~ ...... ' ff~; OFFiGER~ ~r..a~ ~r: ::~. ~,f. JRL'~Zi-~: P~se ,:,.Ii'~JTES:x The .hinute~z of t}:a .reg~lar meeting held October 13~ 1953 were approved on :~o%~on by Counct!rnan Van ¢~agoner, seconded by Councilman Wisse~. MOTION CARRIED. .~z~¥~',',~:. Councilman Van Wagoner reporlec demands against %he city a~ounting to .>!20,3z.9.6i. Councilman Boney moved that report of Finance Co~i%%ee be received that warrants be dra~n upcn ~he Treasurer io pay said demands in accordance with -~?.o~'~'+ Councilman '-.~y~ ng seconded the ",~*~ on ~OTION CARRI~ ?PPEAL FROY. ACTION Tt&EN 3Y THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION relative to VARIANGE NO. 199 ::r. and l.Lrs. H. ~. Krueger and ~2r. W. !.. Hollowell~ whe~in~ pursuant to City Planninc iomr lesion Resolution No. 12 (53-5~-) permission was granted to erect duplex dwellings *he property l~,ino alon~ the north side of the proposed extension of East Broad- . ,-~ay- s,az~n9 at the rear of Tract No. 1126 and extendina easterly 315 feet, subjec't ~'~._.~,~ conditions, conlained in sa~d, .7:ese!ut.ich No. 13. - , ;&'PEAL submitted by the Broadway-Santa Ana Co., C. Fred Smith, was read in '~ ~ ~ b7 t','-~e ~" ' .... ~,;-t¥ Clerk~ and c~lle,:, akkenhlon to the adverse effect on the valuation ~'o. !770 racine the duplex dwellings. Futher stated '~' the lots in proposed Tract ,,, t}:at construction of 149 houses ir: the tract would be started approximately 3anuary '~, 1-75..4, and F.H.A. Subdivigion Valuator stated the_~cts facina :,,:ui~:~ be devai~ated by ~500.00 per FHTiT!ON 'protesting the granti~g of said Variance, si9ned by 20 residents '- ~ and also signed by Fred Smith, represent- "the .a:r'e~ of Ches~:¢.~c and Oak S~r~e~s, . t:he Broadway 5ante Ana Co. was submitted and read. . , r!a~,[,].ng Co~ission add essed~the 17:. t,~ ~J. fNGALL~ Secretarw ~f U~e City ~,:;u:"~i~ ...... ,~, th.z~' before ~r~'.; .... ~-,-'~"~":s~o:~ wet proposed in the area~ %he City c.~. ; c~gio~7 ~,ad already gra:'~'ted a . . .... va.~.ance fez a duplex to go on that ~:~rooertv~ ~,,,ur~ at the request of t:":.,:' C':'t'f-Counczl~ Ll~e Planr, incj Co~,iss~on ~as. 1'"0 .::eked +,',~ rec!.;:s~ifT. ~.!.:.~ the ~._~.~or::er'~y.. .. be.l'w~e,',. , ,~ Tract.No. 1 z and the school~ which aerie I~ was their ooinion that zoainc:, ~'u~,,,!d be R-~ acrocs Bro-' aawav, R-2 ~c~al on ~" 't~ Center SI. Kroeger and Mr. Hollowell requested o.~ 'tna and colm'ne'~ ~ ................... ,awr of granting duplex dwell- va].i,~.nces, ncl the C'~ty Pl:~nnir':.7_ ri~,,,,,i~skor~ were ~ .... oecause z~"~e,,~ f,-~It~ the improvement of Broadway would resul~ better wi~h },~xes ~ather tbsn the subdivision with back yards facing on Broadway. scv,~:,.-5anta And Co. addressed the Council ~:,,.'~-. ~cD!LL, .... ~e-, ~',~c~ti.n~.,.,~ ~..~. g t}~e Bro'' .... stated ~hat the.o~oD'~rtY,-* wa~ not purchase''~ un~il it was ~ezoned R-i~ and that u:O0.O0 had peen .~aid for die property, on the st~en,ath, of that zoning. He ~,re feet ~:nd si: zed f? *' - ~' , res the. ct: ~:a,_ their property would be devaluated if the ~l:,lex ~.:;we~' l'i,",a~. ..::~. were c2.!o'¢~d * r,. h,~,..~ erecLed. P,i:. '.(toe-'er ;:zes,,,nt:~J ;''~ :. bu/Id/n? ~Ian~' toz the inspection of the Counci1 :,.dressed the Council ask[n9 i£ cemen! ' ,. t, nd further stated he heard ~nd :]hestnu+ int:o -~n z'Ile-~ and aZso Oak S~zee~ ...... that i'~,ev~ didr',ot ..... want i:o make Eroadway a "trash street", ' ..... th,:-,, ~nt.e~,,--~,' to run the alley through ~he ,::. ;..:t~ ,:,.,.~ .... ,~.,,tad '}'.,.~,~. ~:~ ~r,'d.:~, of thr; ..... i---~,'+,. ¥.~.~.. ;'~a~, ~ o~%foot,__, . alley connectino k:e~,vv~¢r: Chestnut and~,,~t~"'"" Stree+5~ a~d the C,i+v~. Flanni, n,~ Co~ission felt. that the ::!.icy ~.hould be ,¢~iden and made into.~:~ ~-*~et~.~ rurminr~ north and south. However they ---~ev~,r .r'lanned to ,~o throuah~ thc. schc:31 c~ou_~ n''~- "R. r~oPr~'S?''~'~ asked i~ there was any proposals as to what will happen the reek ..:,c the are:'~ whic}',, ]~.:.:s been already zoned R-~ was zoned R-1 facing ~nter an.:: the ,area ~ ~,~ between is R-2 ? TDere :is lots,., =?::td',ay, business facing ,~ . :,rca to bu~!d duplexes~ what 1~ going to happen? Are the chickens anc calves ~oing to stay there? After .¢, '~ ¢,~ it was ~.~I .~sc~ssio~'; ~-,v 'the C~ "' " .., ..... ty ,,ouncil aha others concerned, T, oved !',~,~ Councilman :h'isser~ s~conded_ by Councilman_ Heying that the action taken GJ.%~ ri=il,. Ananeim,~Oaiifoznia, October 27, o'~.? ~he City ?~annlng Com~nission be sustained, and the variance allo'~ed. ~,,~OTION ^ :2).~ .. ;. 000 ~ALLO:.N SURFACE STORAG~ .~SERVOIR ~ w.o. 1260- award o f bid: Mr George Oe!~:ers, Superintendent~ Light~ Power and ?inter reported on bid proposals su~ .,~'~i*u~.~ October_ i.:.~ 1953 for- %he construction af the 3~000~000 gallon ~surfaoe water rc ..... rvoir~ anj reported the p~m, .... r~,~,, CONSTRUCTION Co. to be low bidder and further reported them f:o be a reliable 'concern who have completed a number of jobs such as this and many !~rger than our~ proposed .~SOLUTION NO. 2250: Councilman Heying offered Resolution No. 2260 and moved ~or ~:~ passage and adoption. . · ~ Refer Lo-Resolution Book, .page, A RESOLUTION OF Tide CITY COUNOIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AN]D A?~ARDING A CO~rFRACT TO THE LO~,~EST~'= ~ ~o R~-SPON~IBLE BIDDER FOR THE ~FdRNISHING OF ALL PLAr-<:T, LABOR, $~RVICES, ffAIERIALS AND EQUIPMENT, AND,ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION T~E WJDING n~.,~m-o .-- .-w~.==, FUEL AND WATER, A~D PERFORMING ALL.~DRK .NECESSARY IO CONSTRUCT AND CO~4PLET, E THE ?OLLO?,'ING PUBLIC IMPROVE ,~NT .' · CONSTRUCTION OF A 3,000,000 GALLON SURFACE '¢~AT£R STORAGE RESERVOIR ALONG LA PALfv'A AVEKEJE BET¢¢EEN CITRON AND '~EST STREETS, .~'0~; ORDER ,N©. !260. (Penn Construction Co. $152 ~ ~¢~. .0 .23 On roll call the fo:egoing Resolu%&on was duly passed and adopted by the £o!lo.¢¢ing vote: - - ¢ AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, ~'lisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner~ ~ NOES- COU.kE I L~N: None. ~SSENT: COUNCILA,!F_N: Nene. Ti~e Wayor declared %he foregoing ~ resolution duly passed and adopted. i~U~¢PS FOR 3,~v, O00 GALLON SURFACE STORAGE RESERVOIR: George Oelkers~ Superintendent Lighi:, Power and %*later, ~epor~ed i% appeared that the Wintroath. Pumps ($28,668.57) to be the low bidder, but his bid was on an eioht, cylinder engine with tr~:k ~ype~. crank case and the specifications calls for a six cylinder engine with box ~ype c~ank case, therefore ~he Waqner,Pump Co. of Santa ~a ($29~101.~) is %he low bidder complyi:'~? with the Specifications, and ~eco~ended the acceptance o¢ %he The City A~torney sustai~ed ~he zeco~endations of the Supe¢intendent" Power and 7cater. Cot~ncilman Heyin~ moved that the Iow bidder comolying. ~th the speci~ica- ~ions be awareed the bid flor the curnishino o¢ said pumos. Councilman Boney seconded Lbo rT?,)tion, ?,%TION CARRI=D. . ~o~TIo,~ NO. 226t: Councilman Heying Offered Reselution No. 2261 and moved for its Fassage and adoption. Refer to Resolution ~--,oo~:' ~ ,oaae~ ,: ,~-, i~E[';OLUTION OF THE CITY CO[J~EIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND A~."~ARDI~,~,.,~ .4 C;O~RAC~,. mq. ~ Ti~ LO~EST RE'S~NSIBf~ BIDDER FOR T~ ~RNISHING OF ALL PLANT~ LABOR, 3ERVICES, ,,RT~RIALS A~ BQUIP[~%~, AfD PERFORMING ALL ?fORK ~ESSARY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTAL~T!ON A~ CO~LETION OF T~' FOLLO~ING ~BLIC IMPROVE- frONT OR ',?0~: PUMPING EqUIP~T FOR 3.000,000 ~LLON R~SERVO!R~ ~,~O~K O~ER 1260, On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the fo'lowing: vote; A,~:.: COUNCII2~N: Pearson, Wisser, Heyino, Boney and Van Wagoner. Nw:S: COUNC IL~EN: None. ABSE.~'~T':-~. COU~.~ ID£ N: None. The :,~ayo:' declared the foregoing resolulion duly passed and adopted. ~O~,~E,~oA!ION !NSURA.h~~ co,.*~nunication dated October 8, 1953 stated our ~ccident experience d&d no~ allow Cot a d[videnq. ~r~NO= OF NAP,~S IN TRACT NO ~'~==~ . . 1648 was referred to the City Atto:ney. c~=.=~ E~ORSE~,~ZNTS.were approved by the City Attorney and ordered received and filed on ~¢!ion by Councilman Boney~ seconded by Councilm,~n 7,1isser. MOTION CARRIe. £89 529 October 27~3- 8:00 P.M. ~ ?'.~<~:?,;:.~-~S,: :~,~ ,, ~ Fed,;ral~ ~,,~.~,~,,cu . 1.o!8.~_ ... P.L and o, .D. and Auto. . ,.... ' ' .... 10/6/5¢- approved l')7 f}~e City A~ornev and tv ~'~ the period iC~/6/53 ~a was received and fi.led on mo~ion by Councilman Wisser~ seconded by Counciiman -, ..... ~ . *,- .~ r. · . .._ .,~ 9.o62 .:,=owLu~IOh NO. z26=;.., vounczlman Heyinq af~red Resolu, .... on No. __ and moved passage and aooF Re,er to Resolutio~ ~,"~ -,~c,.::~_._~ilu~.~,,,~ OF l~ CiTY COl:hElL OF ~uc n TY ANAH~L: ACCEPTING A GR NT DEED ~,.. ;, ,.v '~'~ .... ~RTA!N REAL PROP=RTY FOE A~ E,~E~ENT FOR STORM ~,>~'~,, o,,~c,<=g (~. ~ and ~.~arqaret = Brad!e ) 3n to.il call the foregoing resolution v,,a~ dui,/ passed and adopted by the f..-; l 7 owl ag vote: ~';'" - ':',:?~ Heyin~ Boney and Van Waaoner. AYES: buu, ~,~'r 13~N: Pearson, ~sser, , ,' ,. --," c" ¢* r',, ,.r, ~ ~"! l'{O aBoEN:: C~i'~i~N: ;,!one. The .V~ayor declared the foregoing' resolution dui7 passed and adopted. ._,xu±:,,,,~S= i'.}O 864) Councilman ;ieyipc offered revi~d ~ " ~rc:znance N-o 864 fo~ firs~ readin~~,,,., moved for it~., passarj=~ an~ adoption. ., "r"R'"~iNAhUE OF Ti-~ CiTY _ :~r~uING SECTIO~ 5~.O0.,,r,. OF ANAHEIM ~UNICIPAL COD~. ?-5~ :'¢~ q .. $ o-.; : Rec]as ificaiion of that area annexed to the City of Anaheim by the ,:~cacia Street,,, ~ ..... ,nexa+~on, bounded by the ~.coutherly City, l. imit~ of the City of Fuller- ~ ~,,~ by naymond Aveau~ and N. :as~ S~. on the Eas~; by the old ~.'['rd 'to of the City of Anaheim on the South and by: the North Lemon St. on the West, frcn ~-A to I~%! and P-L. ,ubzzc Hearznn u,a¢, held Seo+¢,mbe~ 9 195~ o and orderod contimmd to a l~tor Councilman Var: ,';agoner moved Public-Fleazinu h,c continued Noyember 10:1953 ........... ~ ~ ci~rnan Heyina seconded ~he ~:': /,p?licat[on fsr Recla¢c~ficati.~ No. F-5%5.o. Coun _. ..... ~.,~, 1859; On motion by Counc~!man Heylng, seconded by Councilman :'V~ney~ Final k~a:-,, of Trac~: }k,. 1859 was a"ce~+ed,-. , ....... ,:ubjeci ~,") necessary .enqineerino + ..... *~°~TON CARRIED. ::'c'~:dz'ements and ~c pust. i r~9 of the necessary bonds. ~RNTAT!VE "A? OF iRACT N(.; 1897: ',,cceFtance n-r ~'-n . ,a,- ..... ~,:: tative Map of Tract No 1897 was ~z~ie~e,'} }'~el.-:~ c~ve'- on F-',*~on...~ by Counc:!rnan ;{evln~:, .,~ seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. ~uz N,~:lyoke, .-, ....:~ er, certified that Leo -... ,.: ,::~ clot a ¢::como ,, , ..... u., ~.~-~,:: Ac:~c:[a-~:erty n,~ o wer a~,5 recommended the acceptance 2:263: ........... ]mar: .~e'/].r~? ':',fl:areal r*,"sol:/tion No. 2063 and moved for zts ~ ,.:r . ....-~.~I FINA~Y ACCEPTING T~ "~ ~"rTLITiiS .'U',iD TSiANSPORT''~r''~'' "F~UG PU, kR, . ,.,:: .... ~ I~ ~t ~ z ........ A~ PERFORMING ..:..L :~'t.;~-:K w:r'ESS/'.RV,.~ ~,.. ~ COHSTRUCT ,.,,~,:~,,, ~,,~,~r ~~,~,,=~ ~_ .THE FOLLO?/INO PUBLIC I~4PROVEL~NT; THE LIBERT%AC~ZA S~R PRO~T~ JOB NO. 'l~Ot call. +h¢:,~ ..... fortuoi~-,~ .,..~ .... ret,-,! ~,t ¢ o,;...- ,, wa,:.., du].,,; oaesed~ and adopted by the :-.,',.~;,r--'? ,,=,,.~ ........ ",¢¢ csr-.z-~ :e%,J r,~; Boney and Van '¢~aconer. AYES: -- ...... ,,~ ~ ~,.~z~,;: Poa~,~.'~n~ ........... ..~:,, ~ V:'°~'-'~ CO!~hC ~ U,'~M: None. .... ;,':amr ,dec!i;~ree th? :,"o~:~ao~n,* ~er, o~ution oul',, passed and adopted · 069 CZi%'. ~<sz!, Analneim~ California, October ")7,. Igso - L',ZSL;LUT!OT,,i P!L,:. 2,~!64: Coun~ilr'.~:en Van ~Vagoncz' offered Neaolu¢ion No. 2264 and moved ~ ~'~" CJU:~IL OF THE CTTV OF Ah!AHETF NJTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND o~u.,,u,~-, PACIFIC COt~AD,~ GRANTING CITY .~ ~_.zq=~'~-: TO ~,~.~mm~?m ?~CONS~Rt~CT, .~,~,.~..,~~'~ ~ AFFD OPERATE A i~INCH ~....::,~~~"-"'"' ?','.TZ...,a.~ PIPE LIN~ ~EROS5 THE RIGHT-OF-NAY OF Z~. _ SOUTHERN P/G'rFiC, COI,~?At~ roil call the fcregoin? resolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYzb: CjJ,,.EIEv~N: Pearson, 'disser, u~"~nn Boney and Van Waaoner. '.'he ~:ayor ieclared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. CONTROL: :.:znutes of ~}',e F:~an,,e~. :~ ¢our:+y.. .... 2card cf Supervisors of their meeting October~ ~7, 19~., approv[n8 Route No. z as contained zn the Harrison and ./o'.Icy repc~z"L was subm[tZed, read and ordered received and ii!ed oD mo~ion by "'o'.. nCi ' .............. ~ ,~uTzON CARRIZD. z~,,d,~ ,~an ..:agoner~ seconded b?' Counc~Zman ',fLssez. ' ' ~ ~. r.r,-, d 2265 and moved i:~.SOLUT~U!; :'.:~. /1265: c. ou':~cii;~'~ar~ ~'' ...... ~,. ~'o. its pass~:?e and ado?t.l.'~n. .zouzz,;z. uL' OP 'THE CITY CgJklGIL OF T,~ CITY OF ANAHEIm,! ~,PPROVI,~: ROUTE NO. 1 P&LhiA AVE~'PJE AS SET OUT z,.~: T~ ,,~,,,. OF HARR n~ WOO~Y, coNSULT~NG FOR EOUTE OF CARBON r-~.~,~ ~,:,,'.,iv:~ ~ffF CHANNEL THROUGH TFZ CITY OF ANAHEIY~ ,~ ,,,,~ S~-.zuIFICATIOkS -TNEREFORE. 2:r. :'c:~ i ca'l]. ~'~; f,~re., god'.i; reso' ut'~'~z .... v/as d~:Iv, ;.,-,:~ssed .... and adopted by the ~¥z~,: Pearson, ,~..ssez', :.:, ney and Van Waaoner. T"~e ~ayor deClared the fcre?oin.? resolution duly passed and adopted. .~;.:.ORY ~.~-,o=;.. ~ease for a perio-'~.. of 99 ye~.,, ~', approved by. the City Attorney~ ' b '*ted orovides rental of '~" ~ ~-~r Limitation of use to cz. ~._,~. year ~':: ..... .~ ;era~ :'r, ii': tary and a~,,~.~.~'~,,~ F~urposes. The ,,.,,-.,:~++,~,r ......... of the ci+y',., s ri~,t.::,, to use was brougL-t up. 2btioned b,v Counci'~.:.~an .... ,',,zs'ser tidal, the. cz'tv, enter _~nto ie~se agreement ' .... ' "' ihe Cii.y Attorney and City v.i ~h tr',e ':Jt:,_~ ::,f California~ when approveo ,::,r'::d. nlstratc!v~ ,3fficer~ Motion secDnded b,/ Cot~nGilman Van-~'~agoner. ~,iOTION C:~RRIED. LLT SIZES' 2~ora',.endati~-~ns,.. ....... from ~'i"m-,. ... City, n',, ~.annincl Commiss¢ on ..... a~, sizes of lots within thc '-it,? of Anaheim was held over for further study and consideration. : ....... i+~. t-:.,:~aa,, and adop-~lon ?'=~,~? to R~so!u+¢cn Book, paqe '..;. ,~ ,~ ~, ~ - ~T~.~, ,'~" 204° ( lary) caI~ *~ ..... fcre,:oin~: reso~,,l:i:~n was ,~.~!,,, paqsed and ado ted by the Pear,:on, ,','i. "::set, ~.!e,.,L, r",.:.~, ?<)ney and Van ?Jaconet.. ~,~ None. declared the foregoin'~2 resolution duly passed and adopted. ~ ) ~ "'~ ~ ta operatina reoorts for the month of "~ ~ '~:: RH~L-ETS: Section i, ,~,i~v o San Ana~ , September 1.953, were submitted, read and ordered received and filed on motion b,t .,~ - ...... ,~, :, Ce CARRI~ ,- ~, ' ,-~ ':'i ~,::,~ ~ nae~ >:,y Councilman ~o~:~, by-.mT ~?L, nci ires ........... I':~ CO .... ~ · · .... ~ ]~i'~ ~ ...... ~.::(: ~as cia,,sod '~inc~ completion of the . :"_:vc,::~ont:: in t~'~[s tr:-~c/, and n:oi'io:: autho~izir::~ refund of deposit now on hand in the ,: c<: c, ,~h,:: C: c~ ..::J::.:J:::,r Lo ;.'::'. W:.ieldon wa: a::oroved on :notion by Councilman Hevinc - v=~::~,~:..:~: Fropo~ed , .... '::nan6e c:overnino issue of permits "fee ~" ':'"' d+ ce~.-~ wa :"'~Ol:~4'[. un ar'Et "scusse~ and ~he matter r~F~rrecJ '~r-:~ :':.~':ve:~ for its r~-~'nac and adc,:.:~-:.~,- " ,.~-lPAL CODE :::: ADDING THERE'TO SECTIONS 3z~l, ~Truck traffic throuah :~naLezm) t~.. ~ ~ ~:,~:'~,c.,~: :~,w ...... ncil:::an ~:: ,,~..~.,ne~ offercd Ordinance No. ' for first, re,dina ;::.r-.: m.:~ved for its ::::assage and adoption. :::~! ,7:~i~,~.o~r= OF T~ -~,-~v OF :INaiqmT.~'. A~..~?,,~!?.~G ARTICLE IX~ CHAPTER 2 OF T~ ANAHEI[v~ ....... ~",~ ,~:u~= :.,:~il~,~,.., T:~: ~ ~;~.~..~r::~al',JT dz' ZOP~ES IN THE CI~ OF ANAHEIM ABD :':t~ .... .:_:~: . ':: I:IGI4T O: B!.~I~IMGS A~ YA~ SPACES; ~OPTING , ,,..~ .~r~:: , ..... ~;:~ OF $AiD ZONES: DEFINING Th~ TERMS USeD THE~IN: PR~ ~,:~'::, A:vz::,D::~NL AkC ~.<FO~E,~.,,:; PRE~RIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION ," ,'~ m ~(.)5. 90_A,~_%:.~' ~:.[;::i~R_O:",::,~:A DRIVE AN?,F-~<ATiON; ::.oundary Conz&ssion of the Orange County approved ~'~.c.~:tl. on re!at:Jvc tn +v,~ propo ~' ' .... r .... xation ....... ~:ty of Anaheim to be known as S:.:cli<~-Romneva .Lqne>:ation~ and find ....... ........... ,~,,~,,.:s c~. t~e proposed annexation~ <::re re:::son~bly definite and cer. t.~i.r~. Councilman '/.lisser move,::: that the reoort be received and filed. Councilman "~ ~ seconded the :'no~;on ' ~ · '~AnR lED. Councilman l'-leyi;~9 moved to adjourn to 2:00 p,'v Cctobe~ 29 1953. Council- ':::~:: lin:set seconaed [he mot:non. ,,,u~I~,,., CAR:tI~. 669