1953/11/10minutes ~'f the regular meet!nc3 :,"~.e!d October 27, and adjourned regular Cct. obe~ ~_':~a,,~ 1953, 2:00 c,'clock. P."~,~. were, approved on. motion by Councilman ~ ~, Couac~!ma~-' Van Wagoner. ~,~r:c,?+,~.a demands a~ainst the city amounting to L/'ZtL%:'~IDt';, Cour~cilman 'Jar~ Wagon.,:-- ~ ~ ' ~7~,I61... ~ .~,.~ Councii,,mn ;:,~ying..,.., ~',cvr~d,. _ that repuzt o~', Finance Co;nmittee be acce~ted. ,"'.~ ,:qat warr~~*~,,~ be drawn upon thc ..... reasure~ to ~oay said Demands in accordance w-~th :r,ap::z-z. Councilman ;~i[sser seconded the mot[on. !~(OT[ON CARRIED. . -,,,,~,,'~,. *k~ mo t~ of October, 1953 were submitted read and ~.,~ REPORTS for n , .~rooped recei ' ~ '~ ' ' ' red and fi. led on ..'~o'~:.o~ b~' Councilman Heying~ seconded by Councilman _J ,-~.--.~.??r~ ,:zD . ~ ~ stri 60 feet in depth along the easterly ~, PUBLIC !-~RIHG' F-~%~c,; . - ' c'. 1S0 ri.~Xt-o~-wav l'~ne ~{ ~',~-~+~ Lemon ~ a _ a~oag the no,th ~na south ifn,:,:~ of Oranueihorpe Ave~ also a~o~,g lhe westerly right-of-way lines of Raymond .-,ye. and Uo. Ea~t ':'* and also along the *~ ~1 no~,,e.._y ~ight-off-way line of E. La Palina -Lye. frown No. Safi't S+,.. to ,-,"~o. Pa~]!ine St, be rezoned to P-L, Park'in~ndscapin9~ :.-.~,..~ ::~'x~ thai +~'.: ~,.,..~..;. Z~,~,:.~,_ ..~ ~,nat~.~ be e~zablished ..... ~arti,'~,~, :, ai: a point determined by ~.~:e .~Iti~nate wld?.b c.f the str(':.e~ or hic]hway. i-..ai,a P-i, Parking '7,.,,.~, be established along ::.ne nor'tnerly portion of the area ...... ,., ~:,e :~ou'thcrl}, .,try Li,.:i't l~.r-~e of the City of ~ul!erton. :'~:~t ::~1~ area a~texed %o !.he Ci%7 c.f Anahei;'r, by the Acacia S~e2 Annexation bounded --y the sout}mrly City Limits cfi the City of Ful!erton on the North; by Ra~ond ~:::,~ e~d No. Hast St o~'~ the East; ~v the old City r' ~' f the City of Anaheim on ..... ~- . _~ t}m West, be rezoned a~ M-~i, Light Manufacturing ':~e ~ou~,~ and b7 ~o. Lemon $~ :~ .... l' ~'~,,' .... ~+h the ,}xcer~..~n~ of ~ones t~ be P-L and P-1 noted above. P~.scussion was held ss to whe~ne~ the L'~I zoning would restrict subdivision, develo~ mC:hi a~d t f the nroperty might better be used for subdivision purposes. , .~iti'-~ the possible construction of the new freeway in that area~ i~ was the eon~ensus --F oplnions~ that the territory is better zu7. t. ed for industry, and if indus%fy -tevF:l..o.,~,en~;',, +~ i'-~ no~,., resl~zed within .~ rcaso~mble oerio~ ..... of time, then the area should -.~ re~onsldered for other ~2:;o,_,~.TION- .... ~ - NC. 2or-,_.9; ~'ouncilman V'an ~la9oner moved the ~ct;on .... of ~he City Planning _ -",~m:-:issfon ge sustained, and thereupon offered Resolution No. 2269 and moved 'for Refer to Resolution Pock, page ........... A ,:w:oO~,)TION OF ThT~ CITY' COUNCzL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FI?.DING A~ DE.MINING 'r".,:. :' ~ ~:~'~:m~ OF ,.ut,= .iS N~ESS~qY !N CERTAi~,~ A~AS OF T~ CITY A~ THAT ~R~IC~ iX, CHAPTER 2 CF TH~ ""'~-~ ..... -~'"~T'~I'PAL CODE 3HCU~ BE ArvEl~ TO ACCON?LISH SAID CHANGE OF ZOH~. On roll call tho fore.~r,~incj resolution was duly passed and adopted' by the f':::? i [ :~wi :u; vo'Le: -. /if SS: ......... ~'~n, ~'~isser, ;-;evit:g and Van'Nagoner. NOTS-'; The ,U. ayor declareo the foregoino resolution duly passed and adopted. ~ -representing the Ray rs. Perry andne",len J. Long, on ~-,,',.+'+--, sides o~ :So. Resh ~t. between W. Santa Aha St. ~-~ .... Fropertze~ be changed from R-! to R-2 ~+s ~,.., . ~ znc!usive, Block B. of Nu~ G~ove' and ..... ts ~ to 15 ' :'~: '3iiy Plan.nih'2 Co~nisSiOn at a regular meeting held Octobe~ 5, 1953,. pursuant ~'c, t:hei~ Resolution k':o. !8 (53-54) recormnended the reclassification. - one present at the meetin? -.objected to proposed reclassificatiOn and n~ written ( -'~- ,~;~'~:"~,~:~ ':~ 7,' ..... !3 ~=e?-'c'~v ...... ..~,~.,, ........ ~, ~z ITY A~ THAT ARTIC~ call *~"~,~.= foreoo~n?~ .. resolution wa~-.. :July pas~°'o~ ->~nd adopted by the declared the *',",--e,-'oin5 ~-esol:.~+!on ~:Ju,,.~' i:->ass.~' and adopted -~: ,~m-,-'* ].~cat:ion ..... fawn ' .... petitio,~,`r, : W. Elliott. 90~..: :.':~.~':..:e~ and Aurora Alonzo fo-~ per?z~ton to er, c+ a .;.~,~ZI ~;~c~ry stor~' ~:i~e co::rncr of Place~,u~a ,~v. and 2. VermOnt Ave. (',~, corner~ ~_' ' ~ r'~,r~i~si~,n -~,.r~ an+ t.s timir Res~luti~~ No "~I paee~r] October 5, i::'c:3~ deni,:. '":..'~d variancc fo'~ ti'~c tel' " "'" ~]..u,;~,'~a~', ~chool erec+,~ ~crozs +h.~ street from proF, os,~c ':;it:e for this Store. The Comm~ssioh is opbosed~io "Spot Zoning" o~ a Store at this !t~zation beoause no such need is indicated. Waxrer L. gci~utz, Attorney, addressed the Council on beha]~ of ~.ir. and Mrs~ ..~,.;,r'~zo~ a'',~-; ~ t~ted -the ~i . ' ~ ty P[a~:nin~ Co~[ss~on denied the ?r.:')pc---~''~-.::~.;~,~ construction of an elemen*~ 'fy ~choo~. . at r'!acen'-" tin and Vermont, and R:c:~n? Academy and Sand Pit ~<>C *'d across the street, ~u~tt-:ez' tqat: the scho,'~l, boa~,~,, Ooe~''.: no+; ,.,.,~n to bu';Id~ the sc~oo~.. ~ there until area ha~ dev, : ' . !opec suff[cientlV to waif'=at ~t.s Construction. ~urther, the real reason was ~':~,~ it wa'~ too far awaT, and .no business store was needed ther% and t~-.--*,: ~ +~,i~,, ., ,~.'~;~ w~:.~, foolish to invest i'~is money; no+,. such need is indicated, he :~,...~ Sec rna~ we are still !ivln; in America and his judgmen~ as to whethe~ he '~c'an :'ne]:.e a-9o of: f.< is his own concern, not that of the City Planning Commission.. ~uch need's 'indicated; ~be7 [hlnk we doa t~ wan~ store ~here because they think they xi, t. Schutz x:rese.nted a petition of the near-by residents approving the granting of ~::~:C v::;r;,~;:-,cc. =urther reminded ti~e Council that there were no near-bY markets .;~,, ~"hat~., . v; c],',;~ ,,_~'ty~ and the area-is 'increasing in ,oopulation} further it i=~ the area ,~. ~-:. , Plann[no Cor~ission recently oranted Sully Roque~ a variance fo~ :< ':~rocery st<,rc, at Sass and Vermont Streets. '.':r. Sci~u±:z stated 'U':e only possible rerna]nin9 objection is that there is a possibility that ~4r. Alonzo might want. to sell beer and wine out there. Further, if that was e::ter~incf the ~i:ads of the Cor~,mi ssi on and if ~'~r. Alonzo had a beer license~ and if tr.c~ scho,] ~n?uld locate there, they would ].ma~ediale]y cancel their license and ~',.~se the s~:,~ <,r ~.e_r an,., wine. Further stated, he didn't think the reasoning of ir:::. Commiss'on was sound and asked for an honest opinion of the Council. !:'e:-~::::~<n states he was personally agains't spot zonin9~ where by putting a store you n~.gnt interfere with ti~e futher proper development of the entire area. , -':.:_~'.;nciima:: "¢yiag~ aske~,,, regardt nC,. the .,un^-*~ ,~,; side of Vermont, whether there was any pc,'-::sibi!it.y of that be~'ng devel~)ped for residential purposes. Schu'tz .:~.'~a%ed that 'this area is changin9 and growing, and there will be Other ...... ~ .... ~shments out there, and that this man i~s just lo'okin~ to the fu.ture. After con,~'~ ,;eration~ on mention ~o~' Councilman 7is~.r, .... seconded by Councilman Heying Council sustained the action taken bz the City Planniaq Cormd_s~bn,because the ar<-a is preaent'iy ~oned for residents and part of the properzy is Used for residential ~z,urposes, ar:d accordin~ to the Ordinance, you can only grant a variance under a series condi d .....; + ~ .:~' q ~ none o ~ wFi ch can be shown. L%~TION o.,,:~RR'r"~, =D. 2--5:';--~,:~?L Prope'rt,/ i:,our',de<! on the E~st By Gi!be~t St; on the So'qth by W. ~ Palms the iVost oya strip 210 feet ~ast of ~4c5nol~ a Ave.~ and on the North by the ci~z ~ , ~ ~ welch is owned by tbs U. S ~]ectr'~ca! :':k)to'~s,,,,~., inc. it is ~_.,,,-~,~-~r)~~.,~ to reclassify the above described property ., ~nU the norCqerly riuht-oF-way line of W. La Palms J-iii. i) S presently zoned as ~ , ::~'-~' the reclassifications are conti~'z¢en~ upon annexation of the .... v ,.r,,:~.~sed to reclassify that portion now 7"~'~e':Titv Pianr,'inc.. ~ Cormni,~sion., - recomatended +'=~n~ ~rantinc~ ~ of said reclassification, ~ *~ ~ }lc ~ ' 28 (~J4) duly oassed and adopted November 2, 1953/ pursuant ~o ~ae~r soiu~on No. ~ = , Ft~LiC ~ARING was ordered NOVE;,,,-~ER 24, 1953, 8:00 o'clock P.M. on motion by Council- ~un ~.:o~,i~: seconded by Oounci!man W~sser. ~;DTION CARRI~ 1802 and lo0.~, 7,r. ,',~11~-~ and TRgCT 169'7_~ ~Jr. $turtevant request waiver of ,~;'dewalk width requirements from 5' to 4.'. Discussion of this problem followed, ~nd i_t was considered that waiver of the 5' side- ?:a!k width requ4rernent might 'be- made 'to 4' on interior streets where such lesser width ssi e fro:~ s zoni-n.~ ~ standpoint.. , J '~ ~:..:nci:iman Van :,'a.yo.ner moved that this matter be referred to the.Administrative Officer and City Engineer, with power to ~ct, where the. lesser width requirements in sidewalks :-:~ ::in+ De used ~< .... cilman ,V[sser seconded the rr,~tion. ~TION CARRIED. -?SACT ~. 1721 I~,fRCVE:~NT BOND_in the amount General Casualty Company of ~erica, (ivan ¢~eils & Sons) was approved by the City ,:~'t'Lorney and orde'-~'~' re r~u ccived and filed, and refund:was authorized of prior required ::~el:m 't with the exception of th'~t amount needed to pay &he prope'r char~es due the ~';-t:v,, as determined by the ~u~': ..... .... ~ nte',,~,~n't, jf Li~h~, Power and Water Depar~ent, on ~,._ ,.~,..: ~ .. .m¢n '.Vi s~r~..~ seconded by Councilman Van Wa9oner. MOTION CARRIED. ':~'L.iZ~RO~I'-~YA ANN~{ATICN' Reuort o .... , ........ ~,~,} Co~miis on has been 'received showinc a~:')r>r~v:a! ,')~' proposed annexa'tior: reported :petition was aig~ned by :~:" of ' ~.~,:~ trio cwrlership and 100% of the ]uation ~f t}'~e cropertv-~n .... -,~-~c,~,~ annexation. Co',n ~ ..ese ~!uri No. 2267 arid moved for its NO, 2207;, ., ~cilman Neyin7 o~fere5 P lu*"" ~le Ce -- t o Re ~ c I u i:.i .c. aio ok, r:: a g e P~:3OLUTiON OF TiE CiTY COU~ZL OF TNE CZTY OF AN~-i~iM ACKNOW~DGING R~EIPT OF A .~. ...... ~.mAEiTED TERR5TORY TO T~ CITY OF ANA~iN!~ ~.xm mr: ~ ~ ~-T:',D,/ .... · THE ...... THE ~ ......... .,.. "~'~ EUCLID RO~:~,~EYA A~O~ATIOii; DESCRIBING T}-~ BOUI'DARIES T:':r',O r*r'~r.V:_~w,~ :~'n. rt.,.,~-'u,~n~r"~':'err' TO-BE.~ .,~.,.,,~XED"'~q~c ' ' ~'.~r,~.'*~' GIV ii,.'o~"- WCTiCE ~OF T~ DAY, HU.iR ar.D"' PL)~E ,.~Rv'; ,,[Pz~,n:' ~ "~ ~' BEFONE THE ~"'IY"f CCIJI',EiL .a:,a,"~' 8!{O7[ CAUSE' 'WHY SUCH %:RRITORh ( - ~ ~:.e i-orea.~.-~ ~.,',~.. .... : :reso'u. tion~ ,,vas d,,i7 passed and adopted by the . ~-'~arcr'.'n W:i'~se, Neying and Van ?Jaconet. oF,,rFr'T LI;~N:' ~oney. ABS Ei iT: :~,.,.,.,..~ .: The ~,,*,~ declared the fore*'o'i,',a resolution d~,ly passed and adopted ";122.2iiT STRUT ANi'4~ATIC'N: ..... , ',-T,' ?,r , 227 REeL;EL: =~,1 .-.C. !; ,~ounci !man Heying offered Seso!ution ' * ': "' "~ [ O a -' 0.. !~e fei' _ }{23(,:~}T!CN CF THE CiTY COUKCil OF lkl CITY CF ANAHH!}.i C.qUSiNG A RECO~ OF CASWASS .. " ......... ~'-"TAL ON ~cT'row TO ~'~ NTE'RED '~PON ..~,=.n:;u~:m::AS, ..... +~,e ~.l"-'"" uz Council' of 'ti!e CitT' ,'¢.). Anaheim has canvassed the returns certain st:ecl:c! ::~r!r',exatio:~ ,:~iect'[o:', l-':eld on the ¢'t}; day of November~ !953~ in co ri.,: :in '~ ,nj rico rpora ted '~'~, ~' ~ d Ci fly o .,: .... sa.. f Anaheimm and ,~: re ...... u, ,,.., :r :': .: ¢. :::aid e]¢.., ct[ea~ wh~C;r: ,~cord. .... i~. e~:.~+]¢d ........... RECO!Q r~F. CA]WAS$ OF RETURNS ,'~t ~aid ~¢occ~,-,~ nf canvass :,¢ re+,,-,~ (.:f said ,,].ect:i.o~' r:n and the same is hereby de:red e~,'~'-*re,; upon the .... ,..,t~;. of said uitv Council signed ~_,"','~ approved ;~y me this lOth day of ..TTEST: the C'ity of Anaheim Z !: a r ~. e s . % r:i f fi * ~ · 7.~ ty C!ow~r-f +:~-e~ C~ ty. o~* ........ 2~CC:~<D OF~"~A*WASS. :.~ OF RE'2.JRHS OF SPECIAL A~.TNh~ATION ~- ~CTiON~ .... ~ID iqOVE;&BER 6th, 1 ~ f ,) ':'b~ 3i+,' Co~acll of the City o~ Anaheim hereby makes a record of canvass ~ r.,.,(:, ' _ 1 ~C4- ..:': rr:~.Lurt:r ,::,c a or' clal anr, exat[o'.-~ e.~.~. ,::,-id spec_Iai annexation election was, b.e!d on une 6th ~'ay of November, ~a53, ir t!:e manner provided by law. ~"iat for safd electior~ said City .... 3o .... c~'l dui',: ....... establisi,~d one voting which is designated as '::,'~lbert c, ..... + Annexation Election Precinct. 7hat the polliqg place for such election was established and maintained ~t Georoe L. Lyon's Garaj~e, 83.56 !311bert Street, Orange County, California~ which was within the hereinafter .c~escrih.~c~ uninccro-rated tcr}'itory. ~ :e ::e~criFtio:, of *: ' ,...,-,., ~, ,_.,a ir;cl, udfd in the annexation ~ '- ~.ne f:roperty ..... posed ~:~own as the Cilbert Ctreei~, .... Annexation ;[~ a~.. fol]ow~: ' ~' '- ¢' ' fornia the ~ II tr:a. ~",.,_ .... ~':to:ci~. ~.itua,.e..: ~n the County of Oranoe. ~ , State or ¢,~aIi ~ i.?undari~:: of v~hich are more particularl], de.~czibed as fol.!ow$, to wit: and L,leric~an an<~ Sectioas 7, 8~ and 18 of ~ ~ .. ~ ~.~r:~,~ Cit¥ £1:ni+q Line as scribed in the Annexstioa to the City of . l-,,,a,~., annexea by Ordinance No. 830 1.3, !qc~, ..... :~:ai4 r:::o~.nt bein:::~ at ~'~,.,~ intersection nf_. the South right- La Pa!ma Avendc ar:d t:qe o~u~,~t~z']..y i::-rclongation of the West property ~:.'crce! 4~cri:oed u~:~ ~,~c i~'/en+ acre~ ~f 'Lite Ea~ of the o~outhwest ~S~ . R!(:";'i~ ~. ~.;. ...... .... . ,,* ~,~ t~¢,nce..,_ alc,:~c;~ the e>;is, tir,¢:,~ City.._, Lirniis Line ~"~'~ ~'~' a:':O~'~ ~:,oz:i,..; n fly 1300 feet k,.c:::-;. ', d,?:.:~ f o o I': m o re? '~ r ! e ., ¢ S ~ ..... ·,, , ~, -- .:t' :.. : 'L:~ Jr ~r~9!e pof:;2; i~,,:,::oe ~cuthe--'~y .:iC fcc-t. ::;ore or lo,;~ to an angle ~ ~"~ n:~ f ' ~aid irt ,''+., ~, t:':c-:':c~ v.,e~tarly.; 4.76C: ~e,-t ....nm--,',~ ..... ,',',-.. t%s~.,. ,...., ar: a .-~'-- po :';~., ~:, po t being i;:o ';"-"~: ............. ...... :t r;''''~ ~¢,; v- f-w;~7 ~:i.r',c, rt;f 'i'~e $;~r;ta ,.,,*,n'~.: .... Fzeev:*y; tl-~ence southwesterly feet :.':::~rc ':~r =~,ss ar: an:'~ Fc. ir,~; -t. her~ce northwes+erty ,~r:.o, feet along a grit-of-way :>~:: :' i 1::::::~ t.o +~"c.~.; '~a" ,~+~ .... ':,n,:~ ;:-r.:,eway. -~'~.r~encc .... ¢,'~utherl. y to thc :',forth ri '' ,, ~nue the,~cc vx::ster]~ alor::~: the :,;~.,_~, rioh'~-of-way line of :: .......... ...... . ,~ o~-way line of ~,,agnolza -:'.ver~ue~ "::~:i.d ~:oint also t, ei:~g thc: most ccJtl':wester]y c-.>rner of the iiouston Avenue ~ester]~ l,.~ +:':c :::o~ ';'' r4":a'~-of-',vay line of sat'~ La Pa!ma Ave*,ue to a ooint; -:'aid 20i"t bo:~qg the i.n'~ ..... ~.._ ' ~" +' +-'~ ~, ,~,.;ct. io:': r~ ~nc ~cz,n. rLgh~ ,.f-way ILne ~' said La 7:alma Ave;:~ue ::~nd the northerely Frolongatior'i of the west property line of that :arco~ ...... . ......... northeas* fly o..'~, ~; ~ N,,rtheast ~-of ., :_..¢- ~.and de~:ci-iha~ as +~-:¢ ~c . .,. ~: acres of +he ;.,:.~, <~re or :e~¢. to the South property i.i:":e of said parco, i; ti~ence r.:..ai -; ':"S::.u'~'.:, .... ;.~ .~'~.~,~r.~ rt"/ l [~-:e. .:~,'~ ;:-:; ~aste~x,~. .'~rolonoation. to the East ...... ,,,. ~ way i:Er':,o ' ::ai~ C=osc~nf &venue a di~fance o~ of' :'~..; 24 ,:,f ~.:,=ction V, r.~... , .,~I0~'~, 3 2 B. SM. thence, said v;e:;t linc c:,d its northerly prolongation 270S.04 feet, more or line e'r:c! ~ts souther]V prolongation a distance o{ 132~.84 ~,roadway; thence a].,,~c the ~ouu. ri c.f-'~,~ay Ii nc c:f said Broadway to the FE corner of Tract own a ma there(:; z.ecorded in :-book 9~ page 28 N.M. Records of Orange r ~ ............ :~,tez'!y i::.c c.'r ~ai': ~r~c~'" "'~ di alon~: ,. ........... ..... ' ~ ~.o..<., a s ncc o~' 581.80 feet to [.~s:~.ar:"~. a distance ::>f '::-,96.36 feet, more ::,r less, 'to a point on the west line of ........ " : _ 5~ 80 fe i, souther- ..... , , ...... z.~.'~, safJ. f>o~n~ also beina ..... e ) :'::om the so-..~th ,'4::~h+ ".f-way line of ~' ~ ' '" . ...... ~ :~z',.,~sdw~;y; thence, Goutherly a!or:,¢ thc said wes! !.'i:~e a dista~te :'~f 74.40 feet, more or less, to.t~,e-ST/ c~,rner of tho '"' ....... ~'-,.,", +,~-',-~'-' iC.31 acre of s,~ ~ ~:¢~",e-of Section ~8~ T4S~ al°nc, tize sc'ut?: line ,':',~" se;d 1D.2~ acre parcel a distance of 662.81 feet ....... or less, to a po:iht on ti~¢, west:. !in~ of 'ti~e E 2' :"f :SE% of ~n¢_,,~.,.,. of Section 18 ' .... -,~.,e-:.:,~ ~rm a aistance of 701 83 feet, ~nore or ].ess, to the north .J,:::ut:~e:'i'f alon~ s.a?d .... + ': ' . ,.-of-way ~ ~..range Avenue.; thence, :::~cter:.',, a!on~ thc n.;r~.n ~';ght-o-r-w::.:v 1;''*-~ of said Orance Avenue to the northwest c<.:.r.-~e, o:' t,-~ ]r:tersece';on of the nor+~, ]..;ne o~ said,~'"--nge Aven,,e and the west '' ;:' ";ilbert Street; thence, wes ri j,, ~-. .... the teriy ',-;,~' ,~f-way line o~' said Gilbert Street a distance of o !es~. _. nort. hwe~.+ ~ure r ~ to +he ...~ corner of the intersection of the west line , ..... ' ~ire¢t ::~nd +:-,,:, nor'Lb ].ine of Crescen~ Avenue.; ~hence~ ' nc,:.~..':~ right-.of-way ~;rte ,:..~f said Cre.~.cent Avenue a distance of ~r, fcc- t:~ ' Of ,,~_ ..... .....~'~,or~ ._."'~. .]~<':~., +~",,.. a poi. hr of in*ersection wzth the easte~iy.._ line of '¢8~- ~" <.,f ~":' ,,f Sectioa "7~ T4S~ klO;.:i~ 5.2.:~.~I thence ' <,~-~'i';eri'..; a]or-~ said ¢,as, tcr. l'y ~Lne .~ , ..... ~,,ce of 1305.94 feet more or less, to a point :~!: l:'~tersection with the north ~lne of S-;-of ~ ~. ,.=~. of Section 7, T4S, RIOW, S.B.B. and :,,~c+~':,r]). d~.O~C 5~.[d i%~'~*''' !;~ .... ,,,.... ~ ,~ ,,.cation a dis ance of 2~0 feet, :._~r~ or !,:ss, ~ ....... ._ :,~ f-way .... f s~id Gi~oert S~reei; !hence~ .. :-ort..~:erl~ ....... a.lon~ +>,~ .... we~-t.e., riy :ri'-+-'t-cf-wav;,. , ....... ~{ne of ~aid ~41bert S~ree~ a distance of ~aSl.9fi. feet~ more o: iess~ to, 'fha ncrth wasl corner of La PaLms: Avenue and Gilbert .:;<zee~ thence, -' - J:~steri¥ a!ua.~] said North right-cf-way line of La Palina Avenue to a point of inter- ~:.ec'tion 'tr. '~b= s. ou%hwe~terly :ri-'~- z- y .. _ the ~ .... ,~,~t-o~ wa lln¢ of ~ou~hern Pacific Rai~,/ . ::ou't.::e.ssterly ,=.~.o ....~ thc said ~,,,+~'.,,',,ster!y right-of-way line of the Southern .Pacific :~aiiway Company +~, s poi''''~ ' ~ .,~ ..... ~ which z<~nt ~ thc. intersection of the southwesterly r:~gl-:[-of-way i~ne of the Southern P~cif.ic Railway Company and the westerly prolongation the $,-,'*"'~,, ~*lne of the Allison Honer Annexation annexed to the City of Anaheim by ~ -*~ i052- thence, '] nance .... :, ~ooH ~.., February z~ : ........ ..:}J~-a_}!,.~ Anaheim,-~.a_ii fornia, i:ovember _ii.q,_ 1953 - 8:0C2 p_.}4~ ...... : ~' , o~~on of the southerly Ii. ne o~ said All~son- Annexs+i,~',~ ..,. ~:aid ~r"~'~+~,~ a~o.. being on the Northwesterly oar,~.a Freewey' +'" ~' line ~r the said ~ll~=c,~' ~ione-- Annexa'tion :, mistance of 90.94 an angle Foint, thence, fee+ :~r~':~re or !e~~ ?,nrtheri¥ along ~a;4 easterly ri",ht-of-way ~ine of Brook- h:rst Street arid the westerly line of the A!!iso~?ioner Annexation to a poin! on . ~' .....~,~ sai~ oaint also being ti~e SoutneriT' r'~ghe-of-way line of La Pa~me u,, ........ ~,,e ..... d A iisor~Honer ,inncyat~on~ 'ther-:ce~ 'the oou~h right-of-way line of said ~a Palms Avenue and the North ~eginnino }.sop~Honer Anr, eya~ion ~o ~h -ln~ o~ ~ the propo~lti~n sut,dtted ±.o the electors residing within said GILBERT STRUT ANNHXATION be annexed to the of ~Anahe~x, fo~.n..a, and the property ~n S!R~=~ ANNF~ATiON be, after such ~ ..,:~xa~cn equal ~y w~ ~n thc -unaexatien, subject to .... *' ' '" ~:-roperty within said Ci+v of Anahein'~ to pay it~ bonded ~:nde~z~tednes. s ........ of $:~:[d City of ,'~,naheim NO uL:tstanOing on Cctobe~ $'th~ i9S3~ or theretofore ri zed? '~'~.~at .said City Council met at its regular meetin9 after the expiration of !hree days from and slier the date of said election 'to canvass the returns /.of ~said electi~n~ ~nd at said regular ~neet/~a,.~ dir~. make. and complete its canvass of such U'r~at £rom and ~y [ts C,¢r:vass ot such returnS~ ,~a;d City Council finds: .]. fh, a*~ 'L}?C v::':ol¢ nu~:,ber ct:' v<:,te-": cas± :~t such election was 50. f[._ 7'hat t~::e whole r'~umber=of voteN~ cast at such election in favor of annexation was That ?:.re ~.,~n,:)!e number of votes cast al: such election against annexation was 15. ..... '~ numbe~- ,',~ bo!' 'ts . ..... z,., received an absentee vote~; was 0 ~h~rle s E-~ ori f~th, City~r'!erk of the City of Anaheim : P~INANC~ NO, 868' Councilman Heyin9 offered Ordinance No 868 for firs~ ~adin9 ~nd ~'~,oved fc, r i t~ passage and adoption. .,'.~ CRDir'-iA.h~..;E CF '='iii CiTV OF ~-,~ ,'~r~ ~ "0 ,, ,,.,,~¢,,-,=~,~ 4PP~{ ~.,~,~t~ ANN~A"rION TO SAiD CITY OF ANAHEI~,~ ~:v:',,.,,uh~.. a u~ · . J. Dwver wi thdrawina. ~ oefer,, to deed certain real~ pro. rtN, to the. t. JOi~"~CNiOA'[IO~;; J. ~i:izaOeth Cainon aakr~o~'~iedgln9 receipt of Resolution of APPreciat- ~-)'~..,, wa~:., ~:jb~',d bled and read. .... uk'&ld,.~C:~lON: Occ:identa~ Lffe Insurance :~ ..... Foqy notifying City of Anaheim of the ;ncrea~:,~ i~' r.:~t:e~ by o~,c-~: ~ . r~ submitted and read· .-~ .~ ..... efz'ective Decembe~ I ~ 1 9.:.:~ wa,~ ..u~,.r-.;,~:,~: L~pu'ty City Pa'trolmen (Reserve) Chief of Police appointed Arthur L. .... , '~ the" ' d Said 7;reece~r~e;:u ~.. :.ity Patrolma~',~, ,",,-..~, Un~.~. ["~m.~,,. .. :~ Re~erv~".... ~ se~,i, na, without pay. ~ ~; ' .." ~he r'; tv Councl 1 on motion by Counc~ !man Van t,~agoner~ .::ppointmer~. w~ ratified ~,y ~,~; ............. .... ~- W~vi ,",,~ ~. '~-':r !ON C ARR 'red ._ ?~,~9.,:.IJ.-4Z,~,~iON: Associated Chamber o¢ Co~r~:erce~ commending Anahe[m on the success 'the Halloween Parade 'A;as submitted and read. 60£ An:~,;,';-',. Ca l'~ fornl a November _!0~ 1953 - 8:00 P.'" .......... , ~oc~.e,~ at the southwest corner of W. ........ and N S~ron St 7 l~ts; ~aid ~,,~.,.ve map was apmroved, by the CEty ~' -~ ~95~ ,~ucject ~ Engineerin9 requirements Tract No. 1621 be accepted, subject ~,~T ION CARRIED. conded the motion. ........ "' .... '-' i. tahnS Jonn, ~ $-~!AT=V: iCCP i'I~AC'i ~:r- 2Q91: t. located) at the northwest corner r Ci e't. 2P' .Y on November .. ~:,c,~ '~ ~ ~ ~nd Romneya Dr. v/as a~: ..... eyed ..... the City P~annin9 C~.ur'~c~Zmon,, '~.c's !.nS mover .~v,--~,,,:~.~; RevC ced ~eaSat(ve. !ap of Tract No , ' ' ' ...... ~e,,~,, s ncilman Wisser seconded the mo'riCh :.:,:3c~:.'t:.e.::i, sus, ject to en!:in~.e~ ng reoui m~'t . Cou · .......... :,n,,!ED . ' :.i'K'::TIVS P,",%P '~' '"' ',':' °0°°' ?~" ~+ . ~' ~ ted _ ~RA{,~ ,.,. ........... ~ ...... n-b~ ~u.~a, .Loca at, the northeast corner of ~.r~.ve and ~ay~rx:ru:] Ave. -.:.z7, ~]~+~.... ~..., .... ~, .,~... apr~rovea., by the City Plannin9 Commiss~ on_. .... ~ ..... _ va of Tract No 2022 bo accepted, , " . , .... ~,*~. Couacilman ~ ssc. r s~conded tx~ motion ~.,,-.~ ..... :., ~:.~Sjc, ct to =nc:~neeri,,~ zes~:~rer~e,,~ ..... - .... ' ': :':'"':~'r rVS ....... :'.lAP "': ..... ~g~-..-,; ....... ..~',._._.-~""~"°' ~' S :fr, i e I ~iog, ~ oca~ec: ......... sou'tn of 7~s~mont Drive, ....... : ' subject %o eng~neerin9 recUire- was a, .......,,,,-o c-z t,}"::-~ '3[ty Piann:.n9 ~ - ' Co, ur':c~],nan va: ........ ~ ....... ~t,_ ...... ,~ ...ative :,:ap of Tract No. 2049 be ~... . . ,,s-. C. ounci]'-an W[~:er second.,,d the ~,~ .c .-~,-~,-..o r, uo .... aaa 1697; ~,r. :~tu~ ' ,.',.Wa~ ~R~b]o '""" ~ 9"9 -. ~eva,~ developer. Adjaoen~ ......... ~,, o~,ree't at one point joins Place :~,,'o~'me. 7'rac~ No. ~,..,97 wa:5 sub~i-g%ed, several ~non~hs a3o~ ,and ap roved wlth one_ex- :on. Do'~-',::~te ~ ................ i: tr ',r':, t. we~-''~ ~ ~. '~.~ ........ ~.~ ou_.~',~-,, to oa:~" "'~a Ana~ but when the prO-pe~ty West was -~ .... ; i ~ . deve ' ~'* tVaS ~O' ~' .... e.. ...... n ~,~:: sa~ne iop,',enT~,., ,. ~,. Elder Street sould be the better one :~un through ,Pro~:,erty l. ie~- ,~,~ ~e ction OoMr'icil'r'a''' '" =n~J moved sai,4 Final ~taps of Tracts Numbers 1959 and 1697 ~.~Ap~ovec~ su~ec~ to eng~neer:im.~ :equ~remen~s and the pos~ng o~ ne~essaz7 cash ~ ~ i..~ ..~; '" , ..... ~4OTiOH cARRIED. ~..:or ,._o~..~s. Cou~cilman ~ sser seco,',de6 tk~ mo+ion. - :,~u_. ~.L :5ou'o~ ~i. ae <,:- La Pal,,~a Avenue, ~us.t East of the tract pre- zoned ,::~(:~ ,,.nr_ier cor~struc'L~o~ ~.~ the tr~.angle bound~ by La Palina Avenue, +''~-~ O~(i F';~mc~l~h~I'O+ (f3~,~'~' E,e ~ ~ ~ '''~ ~-,, .... .......... ~, pro, r'~}') .~.~. ,- lot?. o~:[d Final Map of Tract No. ,:'-' L, orxi~,~ ..)n ~ol:.~c..n b'/ C.:,unc~]n':a~' :{isser~ seconded by Councilman-Van Wagoner. o,~uth aJ.'de South Street and ',Vest side of 6~uth Citron - os'- ].(;ts. Cot.:~,cii:nan~ 'tdil ":':{')~,~d.,Or,.~_¢" moved to accept said Final Map, subject to : ~'~eoz-.-~ z :re,.~ul x. eme*.' .... Counc&lman :'U ,~ ...... c;ad fha pos~r,,;'.~ .: of' ~,ecessar'f deposi~ or bonds. :R~T Io~4: ~c' *'"' bounded ::'TNAL ~7AP, ~ *'" . No. __2" o.,u~ side of South Street between South and Palm~ the West by Wa.~.. u% and on the 5asr by West Street- 110 lots~ MdFadden. CoUncilman ','~ago~'~e~ moved the F'~nal Map be ~ccepted~ subject to engineerim9 requirements and ;:os'ting ..~f aece~sar'f~: casx, ,, depc~.:...~.~ n~.,~ }:oadc... Councilman Wi~ser-seconded~ the motion _ . 0979; .... Cou~:ci!'::a:~ ~' ,' ffezed Re "o. ~272 and moved foz' ad,,-r ~- ~ Refc, r t:'..~ Rese~ u-tion Book, page :'.,.:~w~..:.. :±~, ~? TNi C!TV COUNC!' C= T;~ ---r~ "- .. ~ , ,k:a u~:Y OF ANAHEiW FIf©ING AN~3 DE~ERM!NiNG THAT x,_~oIRHS THE CLa']o~RuCTION AbD COt,'PLETION OF A PUBLIC FwR=o!~:~ODEN SE?fER IA. PRO~~, JOB NO. !~02,., AhD APPROVING P~CIFiCATiONS A~'~ DRAT~IhoS'~ FOR Ti"~Z CONSTRUCTION T~OF~ CCmSTW:C~TON OF SA~D Pl~7'r~: ~mi.~OV'=~:=xT iN ACCORDANCE ~'VTTH SAID PLANS FOR T:-E (30NSTRI.J{3-!U~,~ T?{SRSOF. (Bids~ Nov. 24~ 1953) ..... } ferepzng resolution y passed arK] adopted. -, ':'vembe'~_ ?9, ] 054 wa? orooreJ' recei~,,:d. ~ aad fi !es on ::o*'~.z~::,n :'-':,,..; Councilman' ....... ':: ~ser, ' ........ , . ;<(-T?r- :-::efer to Reso].uhior: E,~;,:.)k, i;age ....... :, .z ...... ~ ..... '~ ,'-v COU}E"L OF Tu~ ~v ,',~ TY S'F_ /, PROPi;S~D oT, Ta HIGHWAY EETWEEN RO~TE i74 A~.~ ", ~,';v ',.,?', ......... /.:~Y (~ferz *'~ Route ",b !7[}- ~:': z:~il .... call the fcrecol.. ::~.,.~ Rec,-~,'tlo~;~..~ wa,~ ou!'/ ::a~ed..~ , and adopted by the f- } ~ ..... ': '.:) te . .... : COnkU i' '"' . ',;,:iRi.OC2 7.7'2. 22'JL~ 'F~u '*-' ~7,., '-:'~' ~' .....:~ ' ~ owner property located " ~ . R~;~ c:,'f *'~, ~' hal! and ' ~ goutv' LO:; i~r~:}e 5 and ~ ' ..... ~- ..... ~1 for tbs construct~n~ a :me,..~nu V:.~RIANC! {'.lit.: 209-. :_~..,.:z":'n,..,,,,,: %.. Demlc r, Ch~ cke::.. .... }:a tcher'i ,~'cr the construc'tion of four ~ '~'"" :~,~,~': Aca~' a '::'* i:'.e d~e.,~: to the City Of'Ahaheim future ~;'t:-~et:. ,:iccnir~2. .... ,: e pz'opcr~ .... ~.~;ed v~l the City ~':oinee~'~- C.f'ficc and with 'the ~,') .... **', Surveyor :.;r::uant to City ....... ~.~.:ti':):': Xo. ~_... (5~54) said 5ranted subject, to t?~e condition that no tiquoz sales are to be made ~-.)c,:tt':n~ since :tic: si'tuated d'lrec'~3e~"z across '~,.,:,; ~'- stree+. from Elementary .,.., >~ c'.';~ deve } <:on;e n ~ a S* C!assi fi cat- i.:~a ~f ~}z-o:_~erty ]ocat.:,d sou+h,~as+ corne~ of '.'lo~:* r. r~.e '~' ,~,~,,: nd ~uclid Avenue ., ""B~'% PZARING was ordered to be held November 2_4_~ 1953 at 8:00 P.M. on .... ~)tion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Van ?~agoner. ~:OTION CARRISI). ~53-5.a--a: .i s'~'r~o of land a!on:s~ the westerly riuL.-c,f-way ].;ne of S. East St., from E. ~ ..... St. '', ~ .... ~c,~:t.h ~c ~. :atez St., havin,~ a ~epth o;' 160 feet, now zoned R-3 to be -' '~':'~ ' ~.~ w~th B v Zone along e ~h ~' ~':,-cla~,e.i:~:.~.. t.::' iRC i 7n~ ....... . .... oou~.~ 7asr ozreet Tl::e City Plannin? r-,.~ .... ....... ,,,,:ssi,on recommended said rec!asa]fication, subject ?69 there be no oper::n~s '~'*o,,0: ,h~ P-L Zone {rom '* =asr St to the properties, ~mplete frontacje alon.~ S:. ~a~+ ~" . ~ + ......... -~. between 'ff sou,h~St, and E. ~ater land,' ' ' ......... -..: fee t. :'nat the ~,.:j ft. ciriv~n,] ~:.qe to the p::rki, n2 area extend from =. South St. to ~m~R:~:~Lwas ordered to ce ~:~ld November 24. 1~953. 8:00 P.N on motion by Cv,,:nci!ma~ Van Wagoner, .,econue .... by Counci!man ¢~.}sser. ~,,:v~,w,.~ CARRI~.-o ., ~ ~>L~i;:Ai~2 NO. GO4; Councilman Neying o~fered, Ordl :,.n~,nce No. ~4 and mov~ for its ~ .;:~st- 2e and adoption. Refer ....~,.,, Ordir'~ance Soo]<~ page ~_~~ s : c ~,,~ ¢~,.z.v,, ¢~00.=2 ~F Y~E ANAHEIM :h~'41ClPAL On roll call the fore:2;oin9 .ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the r -, ~ '~ .>'~vi :,~ ye te; : AYES; COUi'&;iU:,ZN: Pearson, ';;isser, ,Heying ,and Van igago~r. ,~e .Aiayor .... ~'~-'~-~ the foregoing Ordi. nance drily pass~ and adopted. Oi:~li'iA~12E NO. 86S:_ ~,o,r;c~linan Van :,~aaor:e:r offered Ordinate ~. 865 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer %o Ordinance Book, page ~,,~I,~,~,~ OF THz UiTY OF Al:,~n~I,,,-~ A,';'EWDt;:: ARTIC~ iii, CHAPTER 2 ~F T~ ANAHEIM ,?.::,~iCiP:>~L CODE BY ADD~'F~ or,~,~-~:, - .... ..... ~_,,,: Tt-F:RETO 328!~- . o.:u~,,,o .~2-~.~ ~.,:o,¢~ ~84~ 3285 A~ 3286 ~ ~_Fuck Rou~e~ On zo!1 c~Z! the fozcgoing C~dinanc~ was dui7 passea and adopted by ~he ;~.E, iU.:':::£N: Pee;rson, ."~:sser, ;.-{eyin9 and Van W~oner. The :.layer declared the foregoin9 Ordinance duly passed and adopted. ) %~INANEE NO. 866: Co~r:cilman 7{eyJ. n-~ oifered Ordinance No. 866 and moved' for it~ :'a o s~-~"2e an5 adop'tioa. call the forego;.~,c:.,.,,: Ordinance wa~,~ duly ,oassed and adopted by the ,,,u..,.~..~,i N: Pe<~rson, Wi~ser, :-.fey.ina and Van Wagoner. ~"""'T~'~'U-r~zN' None. CCi,:,~ I LqAN: 2 o ne y '7~. H':,',~,:;.:~ od%red Ordinance No. 867 and moved for its 867: ,,,,~:~ci. lman .. adop-ti Rt::fg~;bq'T'r~"F:~,.~ THE '":;-,.:o= OF ~O, 'qmTG[ST ........... OP !aT!~!NGS A~.D YA~ SPACES: ~PTING A 'tM:: ~..~ .... ::{:.z- OF SAiD '-,r-~.:cc Ill ,H:R_~ PROVIDING *~',=':T >¢,~ ~u~aDe~,,~,f~. PRESCRIBING PENALTZES FOR VIOLqTION AND 201~ r P.C' [:es. oo (=~ ,- ) ..';£L,' "J"ct!!~Z~'.,.,~'!: Pears;on~ Zisse~ He¥'~nc ~nd Van Wagoner. -'e ~'ayor dec!~re,~ t~e ~oregoin~ Crdinance duly passed and adppted. ST~ii:;~T i,ial;.~ TRaGT~ iiO. 1648.: C[t'/ Flaaning Co:'nmission Resolution No. 23 reco;m~ende~ the ~o!].ow~.ag changen: .;. Leonora Street to ~a~twoo~. . ~,, Drive j::ai,-~r Place to Elmwood Street ..'.i~':>~ rte Street to ']lem,,,cod Avent.,'? ::e;r~lock Flace to Glenwood )."lace. ':-'~<= ~bov,-' reco~,r~endat:Io~'~s were ordered recelw~d and i~t!ed on motion by (.'~,,ncil~na:",~ :4~,~;ng,~;. seconded Oy Co,,ncilman ...... i. lisser and order'ed referred to the City fur ~:~:~cessary R~o!,,+; . lv'OTiON CqRRiL~. [.i.iPLc:Yi",/f['<Y:_.._ '"'o~ ....... ~-~,,,r~'.~ ,,,,,en%~_.~ )~.. of. ti':e fot-lowi, nc~ ~ persons were ratifiea by the City ...... _.. uourici _l man t'rr~,'l.,_ ;..~ :'~ ~ se conr~ ' '~. Counci ].~:an ~./';~. ..... dagoner MOTION 1ED: ~rs. Jea,~,e~ ..... *~t~ Smi' 'th Draft ....... ~ i~ngineer ~e,'~artment :..b2~A (~ ' ' ~ .' ~n -~.~.leer .rs. brian R Ni~e,,, g De~art~nent GI~A ........ r, . "~ · '~ ~ ($315 . ~. Zn~'.'~cto?' :=nai,.~?r Denartm,~--~ ~o9_C ($300.00 ..........;';~i;a::: c :'.bzr!$~ xeter Readcr~ Public Service D,.u~,~,.~ ,t~ . .~4o,.00 ;~:,~:,.~':.z_ Arco Flun~b=,q%: ;,, 5upply Co. Bertra:n W. jor:nsor: dba A. & B Plum~ ordered received and filed ~ubcn approved t:y 'the City Attorney on motion fi!cci pproved b')? +~'~e Ci~-': A'Ltorney on motion by ~,econded by Co~:cl!~.~aq Van :lagoner. ?'.CTION CARRIe. o~.,.sion Bono - inc. i:'~ the ~ .;=,C, ...... OO was ordered received and ~,:~.~ ./~ our;c; l~"',a~, ~an t. la~oner, ~s~.. of re<:~rets C;ounci.].rmr~ Van Waooner s~conoeo '.;:~':c[] ;~..~' e~,-in9 offered tee f,t~l.].owln2 Reso!ut[on of Appreciation which ?TTV~ , OF ANAHEIr, L . .~fL.i:~AS Robert :-~ Boney bas ~,:~",~ t;"~e poor,~ ....... u ...... e of ,,:n,~:,:i~'~ in the capacity /-[E'~t.Z[AS ~ ~:. ........ .... overa~ re]low rneml;;,e~, o+ t~:e ~..t-y Council are mindful of the ....... er~.~ -~na ....... ~.n.~.~ ~oard an4 to the :'.ty~ ".'~,::so:'~ o~ .is ~,'~=:ei'at~.?~.~:.:l~. ~,:'",' ~e!-~' ra*~ _ ' .:~'k, -nd ~.~ +~,~ '-,::nner he bas ~;:,.r,~,. ...... -;.:,5 f}-.~ .lr,+~.~c,~:*~ of Ana?':e:irn Community in ~ ,,pi ,.,~ T~...:~ OF :!tTi~ t:-~z<r:F,..,Rn F_'-L7 .,~.,.~2F,.(-.~IrV~ :v m~F? ~!T% .... TT r:~ CITY ANAHEiLi, '~ at '1 t ~o,~n !~::;.reb'/ accer~% i.i'~o :res-lqnat:ion of Rok, ert ~-{. ~.onev~ and in its own behalf · ':'c ~r'~: ,::':r-v~c,ec ~,e fas rendered Anaheim CommunitT, the many achievements made ro~ii:l .... ~h?~,,,.,~ I~ ~ cooperati~n and th(~ wonderffu] ~].!ow~b.i~ ~ has been ou~ ~asur~',...,. '~o ,:::joy.. . by ~ee'.'~on of h:i,~. ~.r~r, nc~, .... .. ...... as ,,. fei[ow member of our Councii, and ..... ~ ~... .... !~,.~,,-~ .~,__~, SChU~T.~ Pearson nom~na%ed ~,,~z' ^' ~. Schutto "'. _--:~ al_ l'ma:~ 'to ;~...: h~:c t.::'.,~xt~[ ~-~:~.~. _ ~erm cr.e-a~L,~,.--:~_ ~..~,', the ...~,.~,~; gna~ion of Councilman ~:--~:- u ;,. :"-~,,~,~,-'-~. ',.:ounc~,.}:~;~.:'~. . ~'~. ~,.,; ;'-;agcnez ~-~-~:,~..u,.,,,G~:~.,'-,,-~ '~,-~,~u nomination and moved the .... :~ a*:~ c,',:.._ c!~sed . ,_,ouac:_man"' '] .... .~.~$ .... ~,~ ...... se ~.,..,~.-,x~.o, '"~,.,~ '~<~+~,.,. ~_ .... ..... .,.' ~iOTIO~t-, CARRIe. On , . , ...... ..' ~-.,--,¢:~,e~ :'~ember of the City Council of ~,~ n~t~? go~c~l of the Citj~ o£ AneC:'~eim met ir. regular session. ='z.~a.om~~' -~ '~'~,~I*"":.. ~:OL~CIL;~;~: .... D~, e;~rso~, Scna~'' "'~e, Wiss~~.= , Heyiag ~ud V¢~ Wagoner. .;~ZTY ~DbiIi~!S?~&TtVE O~tC~, lEITH A. ~DOO~: Presen(,. aent &~ Counoiim&n ~ucoeedin~ ~. E Boney~ ~s ~a, ti¢ied by -,.~e Council en ~ovember 10, !9~3. The ~.tj Clerk imposed the Oa,,n of Office .... ~¢~ciln:¢~;n. Schutte was seated. ~: .~e minutes of the regular meeting of November 10 195~ were approved on ~otion by Co~o~.c~.lman Va~ Wa~goner, seconded by Cou~tcilman Wisser. Van ~agoner _~,~D~" S: Cou~cilman , / reported demea~ds against t:~e._., cite*" amounting to $199,991.25. Cou~ci!maJ, Heyi:~g moved that report of Finance Committee be accepted and that warrants b~:: &r~_wr., :~por~ ,~:ae Treasurer to pay said Demands in accordance with report. Council- ~¢~.a Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. APPOiNT~-,U~T TO COUNTY SANITATION QISTRI,CT BOARD,,;~ Cou~zcilman Wisser was appointed as &!ternate Member of the San'itatiot~ Districts No. 2 az~d No. 3- Co-m~cilmaz~. Eeylng offered ~9_solutio__~n~_,N~. 2273,for the appointment of Councilman ~,~isser as Alternate Me;nber to Sanitation Districts No. 2 and No. 3 and ~oved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A PZESOLUTIO~!J OF TEE. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPOI ,NTIN..G COUNOILMa~N , L. N. WISSSR AS AN 2~LTER~ATE M~ER_0F T~ B, 0ARD .OF DIRECTO'_RS OF THE COUNTY SANITA- TION DISTRICT NO. 2 AND AS AN ALTEPd~ATE ~~ OF THE BOARD OF DIR;~CTORS OF THE COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO. 3- 0n roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following *~o to: AYES: COU~iCIL~: Pearson, Schutl;e, Wicker, Heying and Van Wagoner. NOES: OOUNCIL~N: No~e. ABS~T: COUNC II~EN: None. '~'he M~ror 8ec!.~red the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted. _.'~Pp. OINT~NT~,T~0_EXEC~IVE COb~ITTEE OF THE J_.~0...~S..: Councilman Wisher wa~ appointed as Member of ~he Executive Co~-~itte¢ of the Orange County Joint Outf~ll Sewer. Oouz~cilman Heying offered Resolution No. 22~ for its passage and adoption. Refer to Reso!ut'~on Book, page . A ~SOL~ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AN~IM APPOINTING COUNOILN~_ L. N. WISS~R AS A ME~ER OF T~ EXECUTIVE COmmITTEE OF q~&E ORANGE COUNTY JOINT 0UTFALL S EW~ TO REPRESENT ~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ON SAID COMMITTEE. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILE*~N: Pearson, Sch~tbte, Wisser, Heying and Va~u Wagoner. NOES: COUNCIIS~EN: None. ~Si;~_~T: COUNCIL~: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. _APPOINT~¢~T TO CITY FLOOD CONTROL ,C,,O _MMITT._~_~. M~yor Pearson appointed Councilman Sc~utte as Chairman of the City Flood Control Committee. His appointment rate. lied by the Cou~..cil on motio~:~ by Co~~cilman Var. Wagoner, seconded. MOTION CAP~RI~. Council~.~a~ Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 22~ for its pass~e and ~efer to Resolution Book, page ______.