1953/11/30City..Hall.~ .Anah.eim, California, November 30~ 1953- 3:~0 P.M. The Clty Council of the City of Anaheim met in special called~ session November 30, 1953 at the hour o{ 3:30 P.M. at the City Hall~ for the purpose of considering and authcrrizing the execution of an agreeme~nt with the Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association relating to the pa%~ment of prinicpal and. interest on Water Bonds issued by the City of Anaheim in 1952~ and for the purpose of considering any other business_ relating thereto that may come ibefore said meeting. PREsent:c COUNCILMEN: Schutte, Wi sser and Van Wagoner. ~ , ABSENT : COUNCILMEN: Pearson and Heying. [ ~ c · , CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON TURNER-' Present. ~. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, KEITH A. MURIX)CH: Absent. Tku~ City Clerk called the meeting to order~ for the purpo~se of electing a Mayor Pro Tern for the City of Anaheim. .~: ~ Councilman Wisser nominated Councilman Van Wagoner~ Mayor Pro Tern. Council- man $chutte ~seconded. the nomination and m~ed the nomination closed. Councilman ~isser ~conded the motion. Mayor Pro Tern Van Wagoner was s~a5ed~ ~SOLUTION NO. 230]: Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2301 and moved for its passage and adoption. ~.: ,, Refer to Resolution Book, page .~ ,..: , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREE~ WITH T~ BA~ O~.AMERICA ~NATIONAL %RUST A~ ~V.!NG$ A$$~IA!!O~RELAT- lNG TO THE PAYME~ OF PRI~IPAL A~ I~ERESY ON ~ATER BONDS AND ELECZRICAL ~YSTEM BONDS. ~ .. ~: ,~ . On roll c, all the foregoing Resoluti~was d~y passed ,Bad adD.pted by the following vote: ._~ ~ ~ .... AYES: COUNCILMEN:~c Schu~te~ Wisser and. Van Wagoner~ ~ ~ . NoEs; ~ COUNCIL~N: None ~ , < ,_ ~BSENT: ~' C~NCILMEN: Pearson and Heyin9. . ~ Mayor Pro Tern Van Wagoner declared the foregoinu resolution duly passed and adopted. TRANS~HR 0[~ Izansfer of $71~625.00 from the Genera! Fund to tBs Bond Interest. Redemption Fund, and $100,000.00 from the 1952 wa~er~.Ozks Extension Bond' 6onstrudtion Hund (Inactive aCCount) tO ~he tc-~ive tcCount :- of said f~nd ~.~s on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman ~iSser. '-MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Schutte moved to adjourn. Councilman ~issez seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ' ADJOURNHD. C i ty Cle rk ~:-: ;~' ~f~. /