1964/08/067986 ~,ity Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - August 6, 1964~ '8:00 ,P~M~ The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular session~ PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pebley~ Dutton~ Schutte, Krein and Chandler° ABSENI: COUNCILMEN: None° PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: Keith A~ Murdoch~ ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER: Robert Davis° CITY ATTORNEY: Joseph Geisler° FINANCE DIRECTOR: Douglas K, Ogden° CITY CLERK: Dene M. Williams~ The meeting was called %o order by Mayor Chandler° PROPOSED "DRAG STRIP" - STADIUM SITE: Mro Murdoch reported on the location of the Stadium, as agreed upon~ in accordance with preliminary drawings, and advised that from this location~ several soil tests have been~_.takeno He further reported that in order to accommodate the requirements of the Angels' Bail Club~ the Stadium was rotated northerly~ approximately forty- five degrees~ so that the direction from home plate through center field would be forty-five degrees off of north~ Mro Murdoch then presented a map superimposed with an outlined area indicating a possible location for a three hundred foot strip~ to be · used as a "drag strip'o He reported on a meeting with the Architect, add representatives of the contractor regarding the proposed strip~ wherein it was determined that to accommodate a drag strip would require moving the Stadium 300 to 350 feet west~ which would Dose some elevation problems~ as the location of the Stadium would be approximately 100 feet from the rail- road sidingo Mro Murdoch further reported that the minimum additional costs~ because of changes in elevations necessary to move the Stadium~ would be $50~000o~ and could be as much as $150~O00o~plus the cost involved to accommodate the drag strip~ which could be in exCess Mro Murdoch stated that in interviewing some of the people who would probably be involved in using the drag strip~ the Orange County Timing Association was contac%ed~ and it was their feeling that the location was not feasible because of the close proximity of residential and business developmenlso Further~ a first-class drag strip would require a strip 4~000 feet long and 100 feet wide° The Orange County Timing Association felt that a bridge across Orangewood Avenue would be unsafe° Concerning this factor~ the City Engineer and Traffic Engineer also noted the hazardous exposure to the traveling public on Orangewood Avenue° Mr~ Murdoch further reported that the National Hot Rod Associa- tion requirements for a strip we~ a minimum width of sixty feet~ and length of 4~000 ~eeto In conclusion~ Mro Murdoch advised that after a thorough analysis of the drag strip proposal~ it was his recommendation that the Stadium not be moved io accommodate a drag strip° He stated that this recommendation~ although the noise factors were considered~ was based primarily on the physical factors involved° * Discussion was held by the City Council~ and at the conclusion thereof~ Councilman button moved that the City discontinue any furtherconsid- erat. ion of placing a drag strip on the Stadium site° Gouncilman Pebley seconded the motion~ MOTION CARRIED~ GOLDEN WEST BASEBALL COMPANY CQNTRACT (ANGELS)j Mro Murdoch and Mro Geisler reported on the progress made on contract negotiations between the Angels and the City of Anaheim~ advising that much time has been spent on clari- fication of the terms to make certain that the actual wording of the con- 'tract does properly reflect the th'inking of both the City and Counsel for the Baseball Club~ 7987 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTF. S - Auqust 6, 1964~ 8~00.P,M~ . Minor amendments were explained~ pertaining to refereoce to the acreage of the site~ the specific Stadium location~ and provisions for 12,000 minimum required parking~ together with egress and ingress to the site It was reported that an exhibit will be attached to the lease~ showing primarily the 146 acre slte~ indicating the location of the Stadium, but~ however~ will not indicate specific locations for parking° Mro Murdoch reported that in the lease~ there are references to ~'a complete Stadium~'o He advised %hat there has been inserted a re£erence to the use of an ~'incomplete Stadium~', in the event it is not fully com- pleted9 but completed sufficiently to play hallo He briefly~expiained the proposed penalty clause~ to be a part of qbe contract for the construction of the Stadium° Mro Murdoch reported that television broadcasting within the local area (fifty-mile radius) was an area upon which they are not quite ready to make a f~nal recommendation° Re advised that there is an agree- ment of principle~ and it is a matter of how to adapt the principle to either dollar £~gures or percentage £igures that amc reasonable. Murdoch and Mro Geisler briefly discussed the negotiations pertaining to this item° pROPOSED OFFICE SPACE RENTAL LEASE~ Mro Murdoch advised thai the,,.~ease will be based on $2~000. per month, or $24~000o per Year, on what is termed as a bare wall conceptl further~ that air-conditioning is one o{ the items not yet determined, as it will depend on the type of unit to be installed° PROP0SED STADIU~ CLU~ LEA$~) Mro ~urdoch advised that the proposed lease will be written allocating membership fees in ~he same manner as conce~sion revenues~ tha~ is~ one-third to the Ci%y~ and two-thirds to the baseball ciub,~ Further9 that 'the total memDership figure was agreed to be increased from i~000 to 1~500~ wl%h the further provision that at any time the two parties can. adjust the membership number~ ADVERTiSING~ The terms of advertising were explained~ as proposed~ all revenues derived by outside advertising~ with the exception of the score board exposure~ to go to %he owner of the proper%yl all inside the Stadium advertising to be on a fifty-fifty bas~so Regarding the score board adver- tising~ all revenue until such time as the score board is paid for~ to go to amortize the cost of the score boardo After the score board is paid, f~fteen per cent of the revenue %o be paid to 'the ball club~ and eighty-five per cent of the revenue %o be paid to the owner of the property° In conclusion° Mro Murdoch reported that it is anticipated that the final draft of the co~%ract will be completed by Saturday, as the~tele- vision provisio~s are 6he only items not yet resolved~ Discussion ~as briefly held regarding the ground-breaking cere- monies~ assuming that the contract wilt be signed Saturday~ and August 15~ 196~ was tentatively set as the ground-breaking date° ADJOURNMENT: Councilman Pebley moved to adjourn to August 8~ 1964~ 1:30 P.Mo~ and also moved waiver of further notice of said adjournmento Councilman Krein seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED° ADJOUR_NED. i~(IO~15 P~Mo ) SIGNED: ,~~", ~ City Clerk City Hall~ Anaheim, CalifQrnia - COUNCIL MINUTES - Auqust 8~ 1964. 1:30 PoMo The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular session° PRESENT: COUNCIIJ~EN: Pebley~ Dutton~ Schutte~ Krein and Chandler. ABSENT: COUNCilA4EN: Noneo