1964/09/018045 Hall, Anaheim, .Cali. fornia - COUNCIL MINUTES - September, 1~ 1964, 1=30 The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT= COUNCILMEN: Pebley, Dutton, Schutte, Krein and Chandler ABSENT: COUNC I I2{EN: None. PRESENT= CITY ~ANAGER= Keith A. Murdocho CITY ATTORNEY= Joseph Geisler° DEPUTY CITY CLERK: Alona M. Farrenso ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER= Ralph O. Pease. ASSOCIATE PLANNER= Ronald Grudzinski, Mayor Chandler called the meeting to order. M!~ES: Approval of the minutes of the Anaheim City Council meetings held August 6, 8, 11, 14, 18, 24 and 25, was deferred one week (September 8, 1964). p~BLI~ H~ARiNG - HOUSEMO¥ING PERMITs Application submitted by Kenneth W, Holt requesting permission to move a building from the southwest corner of Broadway and Euclid Street to 1557 West Mable Street, Anaheim, Callforniat was reviewed by the City Council together with recommendations of the Building Department. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the City Council, there being no response, declared the hearing closed° _RESOLUTION NOo 64.R-643: Councilman Krein offered Resolution No. 64R-643 for adoption, granting housemoving permit. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING A HOUSE MOVING PERMIT TO KENNETH W. HOLT TO MOVE A DWELLING FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BROADWAY AND EUCLID STREET, ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA~ TO 1557 WEST MABLE STREET~ ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA. Roll call vote: AYES: COUNCIL~N~ Pebley, Dutton, Schutte, Krein and Chandler NOES: COUNCIL~N~ None ABSeNTs COUNCIL~N: None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-643 duly passed and adopted, SIGN REqUEST~ Application submitted by Krueger Development Company, requesting permission to erect three temporary directional signs, to be located at 1539 East Lincoln Avenue, 209 North State College Boulevard and 518 South State College Boulevard, was reviewed by the City Council together with reports from the Building and Planning Departments, On motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Schutte, said sign permit was granted for a period of six months, subject to the posting of a $100.00 bond for each sign to insure the removal thereof at the expiration of the time limit° MOTION CARRIED. VARIANCE NO. 1639~ City Planning Commission Resolution No. 1294, Series 1964-65, amending Condition No. 6 of Resolution No. 1180, Series 1963-64, pertaining to the dedication of property for street purposes at the southeast corner of Zeyn Street and La Palma Avenue, was submitted and reviewed by the City Council. No further action was taken by the City Council on Variance No. 1639. R~SOL~ION NO. 64R-644 - JOB NO. 858: On receipt of certification from the Director of Public Works, CounciLman Pehley offered Resolution No. 6~R-6~4 for adoption° Refep to R~olution Book. 8046 Anaheim, Galifornia- GOUNCIL MINUTES - September lv 19~4~ 1:30 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COMPLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND THE PERFORMANCE OF ALL WORK NEGESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT~ THE IMPROVEMENT OF DALE AVENUE, FROM ORANGE AVENUE TO APPROXIMATELY 700 FEET SOUTH OF ORANGE AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, JOB NO. 858. (Sully-Miller Contracting Co.) Roll call vote~ AYES~ COUNC IL~N: NOES: COUNC IINJ~N: ABSENT: COUNC ILMHN~ Pebley, Dutton, Schutte~ Krein and Chandler None None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-644 duly passed and adopted. .RESQLUTION NO. ~4R-64~ - AWARD OF JOB .NO~ 74~ On the recommendations of the City Engineer, Councilman Kretn offered Resolution No. 64R-645 for adoption° Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOngEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION~ INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: THE IMPROVEMENT OF SAGE PARK PARKING LOT, NORTHEAST CORNER LIDO LANE AND LIDO PLACE, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM~ JOB NO. 745~ (John W. Tiedemann Coo - $5,821o78) Roll call vote~ AYES: COUNCIL~N~ NOES: COUNC IL~EN: ABSENT ~ COUNCILMEN: Pebley, Dutton, Schutte, Krein and Chandler None None The Mayor declared Resolution nCo 64R-645 duly passed and adopted. RESOLU~. ION NO. ~4R~46 ~ JOB NOo 899: Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No° 64R-646 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE FURNISHING, EREETION AND CO~PLEIION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: A PREFABRICATED STEEL BUILDING IN THE CITY PARKWAY MAINTENANCE YARD AT 1426 EAST VERMONT AYENUE, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, 30B NO. 899, IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND CON- FORMING IN GENERAL TO PRELIMINARY PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PREPARED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AND ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER, DETAILED PLANS, DRAWINGS, CALCULATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS CONFORMING THERETO TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE BIDDER; AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEmENTs AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (Bids to be opened September 24, 1964, 2:00 P.M.) Roll call vote: AYHS: COUNCII~tEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCIL~EN~ Pebley, Dutton, Schutte, Krein and Chandler None None The Mayor declared Resolution No, 64R-646 duly passed and adopted, RESOLUTION NO. 64R~6~7 ~ jOB NO,..~O0~ Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 64R-647 for adoption. Refer to Re~olutton Book. 8047 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUI~IL MINUTES - September ii. 1964, 1~30 p,Ma A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT~ TO WIT~ THE BROADWAY STREET IMPROVE- MENT, FROM APPROX. 130v WEST TO APPROX. 693' WEST OF AGATE STREET AND FROM APPROX. 126' WEgI TO APPROX. 624~ WEST OF FANN STREET, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, JOB NO. 9009 APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF~ AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (Bids to be opened September 24, 1964, 2:00 PoMo) Roll call vote~ AYES~ COUNCILMEN~ NOES~ COUNCILMEN~ ABSENT~ COUNCILMEN: Pebley, Dut/on, Schutte, Krein and Chandler None None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-647 duly passed and adopted. pURCHASE OF EQUIPMENTs The City Manager reported on proposed purchase of 16mm film processor, to be used in the Police Department, and advised that after investigation it has been determined that only one processor would meet the City's specifications° He thereupon recommended acceptance of the bid from Thorobred Photo Service, Inc., for one model 6-R 16mm Film Processing Machine, including one extra 1200 foot daylight magazine, in the amount of $3,500~00, plus tax° On the recommendations of the City Manager, Councilman Dutton moved that the bid of Thorobred Photo Service Inc., be accepted and purchase authorized in the amount of $3,500°00, plus tax° Councilman Krein seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. CANCELLATION OF COUNTY TAXES: On motion by Councilman Pebley, seconded by Councilman Dutton, the Orange County Board o{ Supervisors was requested to cancel County Taxes on the following properties acquired, by the City of Anaheim for municipal purposes° (a) Property acquired pursuant to Resolution No. 64R.~605, formerly assessed to Roland To Reynolds and Bessie Ao Reynolds, deed recorded August 17, 1964~ as Document Noo 14825, in Book 7182~ at Pages 9, 10 and 11~ Official Records of Orange County, California. (b) Property acquired pursuant to Final Order of Condemnation No. 106288, formerly assessed to William G. Abbott, et al.~ recorded August 19, 1964, as Document Noo 17273, in Book 7185 at Pages 533 and 53~, Official Records of Orange County, California. MOTION CARRIED.. RESOLUTION NO. 64R-648~ Councilman Krein offered Resolution No. 64R-648 for adoption° Refer to Resolution Booko A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ADOPTING BUDGET FOR EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM THE STATE HIGHWAY TO CITIES. (1964-65 = 5/8 gas tax) Roll call vote: A'Y~$: COUNC ILMEN~ NOES~ COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Pebley, Dutton, Schutte~ Krein and Chandler None None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-648 duly passed and adopted. 8048 Hj~l,.J~h~im, Ca%iforpia - COU~IL MINUTES - September 1, %~64, 1,30 P,M, P~$OLLrfioN ,~O, (~4R-$49J Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No. 64R-649 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN INDENTURE GRANTING TO THE CITY THE RIGHT TO CONSTRb~T AND USE A STREET OR HIGHWAY UPON AND ACROSS CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY OF THE PACIFIC ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY AND NORTHWESTERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. (State College Boulevard between Ball Road and Cerritos Ave) Roll call vote: AYESI COUNCILMEN: NOES~ COUNCILMEN, ABSENT: COUNC I LMEN, Pebley, Dutton, Schutte, Krein and Chandler None None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-649 duly passed and adopted, RE$OLLrj[IONM0o 64R-650, Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No, 64R-650 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND AL~HORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THE ATCHISON~ TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY FOR THE INSTALLATION OF T~O FLASHING LIGHT SIGNALS AT THE SOUTH STREET CROSSING OF SAID RAILWAY COMPANY'S TRACK (CROSSING NO. 2~168.3). Roll call votes AYES~ COUNCIIJ~IEN: Pebley, Dutton, Schutte, Krein and Chandler NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENTs COUNCILMENs None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-650 duly passed and adopted. COR.RE~pONDE~CE: The following correspondence was ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Krein: a. Anaheim Chamber of Commerce letter supporting and encouraging the move of the Angels to this area. b, Notice of application before the Public Utilities Commission of Greyhound Lines, Inc., for an order authorizing a statewtde increase in intrastate passenger fares° MOTION CARRIED. ORDI. NAI~E NO. 2032= Councilman Dutton offered Ordinance No. 2032 for final reading° Refer to Ordinance Book. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING° (63-64-10, Portion A - R-3) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No~ 2032 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Dutton moved the reading in full of said ordinance he waived. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion~ MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. Roll call vote: AYES~ COUNCILMEN~ Pebley, Dutton, Schutte, Krein and Chandler NOES~ COUNCILMEN~ None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN~ None Mayor Chandler declared Ordinance Noo 2032 duly passed and adopted. 8049 City Hall, Anaheim~ California .- COUNCIL MINUTES - September 1~ I%64~ 1:30 P~M. _ ORDINANCE NO. 2034: Councilman Dutton offered Ordinance No. 2034 for final reading. Refer to Ordinance Book~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18, CHAPTER 18408 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING THERETO SECTIONS 18~08.142~ 18~08.605 AND 18.08.615, RELATING TO ZONING. (Definitions) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 2034 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Dutton moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion° MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. Roll call vote~ AYES~ COUNCiIJ~EN~ NOES~ COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNC!IJf~N: Pebley, Dutton, Schutte, Kreln and Chandler None None Mayor Chandler declared Ordinance No. 2034 duly passed and adopted, ORDINANCE NO. 2035: Councilman Dutton offered Ordinance No. 2035 for final reading. Refer to Ordinance Book° AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY' OF ANAHEIM ~ENDING TITLE 18~ CHAPTER 18.28 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE~ RELATING TO ZONING° (R-2) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance Noo 2035 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Dutton, moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived° Councilman Schutte seconded the motion~ MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED° Roll call votes AYES~ COUNC IL~EN: NOES~ COUNC IL~EN: ABSENT: COUNC I I~EN.~ Pebley, Dutton, Schut~e, Krein and Chandler None None Mayor Chandler declared Ordinance No. 2035 duly passed and adopted. OP~DINANCE NO. 2036: Counciiman Krein offered Ordinance No. 2036 for finai reading. Refer to Ordinance Book. AN ORDINANCE O~ THE CITY O~ ANAHEIM A~NDING TITLE i8, CHAPTER i8. I6 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE~ RELATING TO ZONING. (R-A) After hearing read in fuIi the titie of Ordinance No. 2036 and having knowIedge of the contents therein, Councilman Dutton, moved the reading in fuI1 of said ordinance be waived° Councilman Schutte seconded the motion~ MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED° Roll call 'vote: AYES~ COUNCILN~N~ NOES~ COUNC iL~EN~ ABSENT'~ COUNCILMEN~ Pebley, Dutton, Schutte, Krein and Chandler None None Mayor Chandler declared Ordinance No° 2036 duly passed and adopted. O~INANCE NO. 2037: Councilman Krein offered Ordinance Noo 2037 for first reading. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE PROMOTION AND ADVERTISING OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. (Not to exceed $120,000) 805O Hall. Anaheim. California - COUNCIL M[NUTE~ - September After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 2037 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Dutton moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion~ MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. ALC~O~IC BE~fERAG£ LICENSE APPLICATIONS~ The following applications were presented by the City Manager to the City Council for their tnformationz (a) Application submitted by Marvin Howe Wamsley and Frances Marie Nims, for Person to Person Transfer of On-Sale Beer License at The Czech Inn, 2171 West Lincoln Avenue (R-A zone - established business). (b) Application submitted by Johnny Tetsuichi Okubo and Yuriko Lo Okubo, for.New Off-Sale Beer and Wine License for Nippon Foods, 2818 West Ball Road (C-1 zone)o No Council action was taken on the foregoing applications. ANAHEIM STADIUM SEATING~ Mro Murdoch reported on proposed seating plan for Anaheim Stadium, advising that the proposed seating lay-out for the upper deck shows 26 seats in a row, whereas report from Mr, Wallace, Chief Building Inspector, notes that the Uniform Building Code permits 20 seats in a row, and the National Fire Protection of America and the Building Conference of America permits 33 seats in a row° Council discussion was held, and at the conclusion thereof, Councilman Schutte moved that considering the National Fire Protection of America and the Building Conference of America, the Uniform Building Code be interpreted to allow the deviation to 26 seats in a row for the upper deck at Anaheim Stadtum~ Councilman Pebley seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ORD~NA~I~;E NO. 20385 Councilman Schutte offered Ordinance No. 2038 for first reading, amending the Anaheim Municipal Code reducing the number of Planning Commission ~ember$ from nine 'to seven, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY' OF ANAHEIM ANENDING TITLE 1, CHAPTER 1.04, SECTION 1.0~.350 OF THE ANAHEI~ ~UNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO OFFICERS AND DEPARTMENTS. After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 2038 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Schutte moved the reading in full of said ordinance he waived. Councilman Krein seconded the motion~ MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED° RESQLU?ION ~0. $4R-65%.: Councilman Krein offered Resolution No. 64R-651 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 64R-640 ACCEPTING AN EASEMENT DEED CONVEYING CERTAIN PROPERTY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURSPOSESo (Harvey and Lorraine G, Hiers and Robert L~ and Ellen Ac Dukes) Roll call vote~ AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNC IIJVEN: Pebley, Dutton, Schutte, Krein and Chandler None None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-651 duly passed and adopted. pROPp~p RE~USE TRANSFER STATION (GO~)ITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 588), Discussion was held by the City Council and City Manager concerning the refuse transfer station proposed by the Orange County Board of Supervisors, to be located in the vicinity of Anaheim Stadium, (Conditional Use Permit No. 588 for refuse transfer station to be located on the south side of Katella Avenue and the west side of the City limits, was denied hy the City Council August 25, 1964). 8051 ~11. Anaheim,. California - COUNOIL MINUTES - $eRteM~er I, 1964,~ la30 P.M. _ At the conclusion of the discussion, the City Manager was directed to arrange a meeting between the City Council and the Oranqe County Board of Supervisors to consider proposed alternate locations~ O~DINANGE NO. 2039: Councilman Dutton offered Ordinance No. 2039 for first reading. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 1, CHAPTER 1.04. OF THE ANAHEIM M~NICIPAL CODE BY ADDING THERETO S~CTIONS 1.04.400, 1,04.410, 1o04.420 and 1~04.430. (Creating Stadium Commission) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 2039 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Dutton moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived. Councilman Pebley seconded the motion~ MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. CONGRATULATORY MESSAGES Telegram from Milton L. Freeman of Freeman Associates, congratulating the City Council on the progress made with reference to the Anaheim Stadium and the Angels Ball Club and offering services, was Ieviewed by the City Council. It was ~uggested that the Mayor aknowledge the message, expressing appreciation of the Council for Mr~ Freeman"s interest and advising that his communication will be kept on file for future consideration. P~E$$~ Councilman Kretn moved to recess to 7:00 PoM~ Councilman Pebley seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED. (2:55 PoMo) AFTER RB~.E$$~ Mayor Chandler called the meeting to order. PRESENT~ COUNCILMEN~ Pebley, Dutton, Schutte~ Krein and Chandler~ ABSENT: COUNCILM~N~ None~ PRESENT~ CITY MANAG~R~ Keith A~ Murdoch~ CITY ATTORNEY~ Joseph Geisler° DEPUTY CITY CL~RK~ Alona M~ Farrenso ASSISTANT CITY ~NGIN££R: Ralph O. Pease. ZONING COORDINATOR~ Martin Kretdt~ ASSOCIATE PLANN~R~ Ronald Grudzfnskio FLAG SALUTE: Mayor Chandler led the Assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. P~LA$SIFICATION NO. ~3-$~=i42, VARIANCE ,NO, i6~ AND C~NERAL .PLAN ,~M~NDM~N~,~ N,O,~ 2~ (~LAN STUDY ~0, 73-28-1): Submi±ted by Albert Gudes requesting change of zone from R~A to R~3, and waiver of single story height limitation within 150 feet of single family residential zoned property, and further to permit construction of carports in lieu of garages; property briefly described as located on the west side of Velare Street, a~proximately 730 feet south of Orange Avenue (625 Velare Street). The City Planning Commission recommended denial~ Public hearing before the City Council was held on July 28, 196~, at which time said hearing was closed, and decision continued to this date pending preparation of a planning stud¥~ Mr. Grudzinskt called attention to Plan Study No. 73-28-1, posted on the east wall of the Council Chamber, advising that said study incorporated the subject property and the six other large lots on the west side of Velare Street, and recommended R=2 development of subject properties to be compatible with existing single-family homes on the east side of Velare Street, to afford a transitional use of the land between said single family homes and the properties fronting on Magnolia Street, and to provide for the highest and best use of the seven parcels on Yelare Street° He further reported that no recommendation was made for the incorporation of an alley around the periphery of the seven properties for the following reasons: 8052 Ctt~.Hall. Anaheim. California = COUNCIL MINUTES - Septembgr 1, 19~4., 1,30 (a) Since Velare Street is a local street, Traffic Engineer, Ed Granzow, has determined that to have driveways from each of the seven properties will create no traffic problem, (b) Thata peripheral alley could only be obtained on a piece-meal basis over a long period of time which would require, in the interim, a higher percentage of each property to be paved with black top. (c) A ~hammerhead9~ turn around, located approximately one-half the way back on the property would (1) result in the smallest amount of land use for vehicular accessways, (2) provide adequate access to carports, and (3) allow development of two groups of dwelling units, one easterly and one westerly, of said turn around~ (d) A ~hammerhead" turn-around is suitable to the Fire and Public Works Departments provided it contains adequate width and turning area and is located far enough within the property to provide adequate fire protection and trash pickup° In answer to Council questioning, ~r. Grudzinski noted that single story R-2 development was recommended in order to control density, effecting a reasonable transition from the R=i to the east to properties fronting on Magnolia Street~ Further, under the newly adopted R-2 Zoning Regulations (Ordinance No. 2035), the plans submitted with subject application would be allowable. General Plan Amendment No. 24, Exhibit "Am, posted on the west wall of the Council Chamber: incorporated the proposed low medium density residential use of the property° Plans and the files were again reviewed by the City Council and discussion heldo RE~OLUIION NO. 64R-6~ Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No, 64R-652 for adoption~ authorizing preparation of necessary ordinance changing the zone of subject property to R=,3, subject to the following conditions: 1. That subject property be developed in accordance with all provisions of the R~3 Multiple-Family Residential Zone, except as provided for herein° 2. That a vehicular access way shall be developed on subject property with location length and turn around area of said access way to be subject to the approval of the Fire Chief, to insure adequate fire protection, and the Director of Public Works, to insure adequate trash collectlon~ 3. That the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $2~00 per front foot along Velare Street, for street llghting purposes° That the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15¢ per front foot along Velare Street, for tree planting ~ purposes° 5, That 'the sidewalks and driveways shall be installed along Velare Street as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer, 6o That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file in the office of the Director of Public Works. 7. That fire hydrants shall be installed as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department° 8, That the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $25.00 per dwelling unit to be used for park and recreation purposes, said amount to be paid at the time the building permit is issued. 9. That Conditions Nos. 3 and 4, above mentioned, shall be complied with within a period of 180 days from the date hereof or such further time as the City Council may grant. 10. That the completion of these reclassification proceedings is contingent upon the granting of Variance Noo 1643. Refer to Resolution Book. 8053 Hall. Anaheim. California A P~SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT TITL~ 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND IHAT THE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED. (63-64~142 ~ R~3) Roi1 call vote~ AY~S~ COUNCILN~Ns Peble¥, Dutton, Schutte~ Krein and Chandler NOE$~ COUN~IL~N~ None ABSENT: COUN~IL~N~ None The Mayor declared Resolution No, 64R-652 duly passed and adopted, **p~$o~IION.NO~ ~4R=65.~ Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No, 64R,653 for adoptton~ granting Variance No, 1643, subject to the following conditions~ 1. That the sidewalks and driveways shall be installed along Velars Street, as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer, 2, That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file in the office of the Director of Public Works. That fire hydrants shall be installed as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department. 4. That this Variance is granted subject to the completion of Reclassifica- tion No. 63=64-.142. That the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $25.00 per dwelling unit to be used fo~ park and recreation purposes, said amount to be paid at the time the building permit is issued, That Conditions Nos. 1, 2 and 3, above mentioned, shall be complied with prior to final building inspection. 7. That p~ovisions shall be made for the dedication and improvement of an 20=foot alley along the west property line to provide secondary access at the time that the parcel to the north and/or south provides a dedicated and improved alley. 8. That waiver of one story height limit within 150 feet of residential property is granted on the north, west and south property lines. Refer to Resolution Book° A P~SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THRCITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING VARIANCE ~o.. 1643o Roi1 call vote: AYESs COL~CIIJAEN: Pebley, Dutton, $chutte, Krein and Chandler NOES~ COUNCILMEN: None ~ ABSENT~ COUNCILMENs None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-653 duly passed and adopted~ RE$0L~r~IO~ NO. 64R-654: Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No. 64R-654 for adoption, approving General Plan Amendment No. 24, Exhibit "A~, subject to amendment thereof to conform with the approved R-3 development° Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATED AS AMENDMENT NO. 24. (63-64-142) Roll call votes AYE S s COUNC I LM~N s NOES~ COUNCILMEN: ABSENT, COUNCILMEN s Pebley, Dutton, $chutte, Kreln and Chandler None None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-654 duly passed and adopted. **For further clarification, see City Council minutes dated September 15~ 1964o~ 8054 Git~.Hall. Anaheim. California = COUNCIL MINUTES ~ September JOIN! ~EII~ = CITY PLANNING.COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL The City Council invited the City Planning Commission to the Council Table° PRESE~ Commissioners: Commissioner~ Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Mungall, Perry and Rowland. Allred~ Chairman Mungall called the meeting to order, advising that this was an Adjourned Regular Meeting, of the City Planning Commission, adjourned from the Regular Meeting held August 31, 1964o HEIGHT LIMIIATION$ - D%~NEYLAND AREA: Pursuant to action of the City Council at their meeting held August 2§, 1964, joint meeting of the City Planning Commission and the City Council was scheduled this date to consider the establishment of height limitations in the Commercial-Recreation Area in and around Disneyland Park° Chairman Mungall stated it was the consensus of the City Planning Commission that the 35 foot height limitation existing in the Commercial- Recreation area, was unrealistic and a greater limit could he established while continuing to afford protection from visual intrusion into Disneyland. The City Planning Commission, at their meeting held August 24, 1964, continued to October 5, 1964 their determination on a proposed height limit for development in subject area for the following reasons, Chairman Mun~all advised= (1) It was felt that some protection should be given to the many established single family homes in and near the area~ (2) The City Planning Commission"s public hearing on the proposed "Angel Spire~ for the area is scheduled for September 4, 1964~ Mr° Kreidt explained graphic charts posted on the east wall of the Council Chamber, illustrating, by contour lines around the Disnevland Park, the various height~ ranging from 75 feet 'to over 200 feet. Mayor Chandler stated that the City Council's concern was to establish a height limitation policy of development in the Commercial= Recreation area, together with a general policy for future height pro- jections! that the Council felt an allowable height limit of 75 feet could be set in this area, and the graphic studies adopted in principle, as guide lines for future development; however individual conditional use permit applications for development would be considered on their own merits° Recognizing that there will be controversy, or contravening problems, the Mayor advised that the Council felt definite heights for given zones need not he decided upon at this time; however, the Council did feel that the existing 35 foot minimum height was a deterrent to some potential developments within the commercial~recreational area. Discussion was held concerning the two graphic charts displayed, and it was noted that future development in the area westerly of West Street was not taken into consideration in the preparation of the graphic studies. Mr~ Ettinger, of Disneyland, Inc., reported that the determinations reflected on the ~raphs were made without reference to future Park development across the street; that only existing development was considered. Mr. George O'Brien, 1401 East Santa Aha Street, addressed the Council and Commission in support of increasing the height limitation from 35 feet to 75 feet; however, he was of the opinion that a precedent should not he set by incorporating the graphic studies. He further suggested that an amusement tax he collected from entertainment and amusement business, to assist in paying for the proposed Convention Center. 8055 City Hall, ,Anahe,im~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - Sep%embe~ 1, !964,. 1,30 P.Mt Further discussion was held by the City Planning Commission and City Council, and Commissioner Perry was of the opinion that the City must be fair to the Commercial=Recreation area as well as to the residents in the surrounding neighborhoods, and that care must be exercised to adopt a reasonable policy concerning height limits. Commissioner Gauer was of the opinion that Disneyland Park is a work of art with nothing like it in the world; that the development of the Park has been as originally proposed and presented to the City by Mr, Disney, and that the illusions created within the park which are screened and protected by trees and the berm, should be given definite consideration. Mayor Chandler read report addendum dated August 28, 1964, from Planning Director Richard Reese, and noted that protection was being considered, not only for Disneyland, but for other commercial-recreational developments, as well as residential properties and the City's proposed Convention Center° As a member of the Planning Commission, Commissioner Gauer moved that policy as to height limitations in the Commercial-Recreational area in and around Disneyland as depicted on the General Plan, or subsequent amend- ments thereto, be set at 75 feet, and that ail future developments proposed for the area, including Disneyland itself, be under conditional use permits! further, that Graphic Study marked Exhibit No~ 5 be adopted as a guide line for future developments° Commissioner Chavos seconded the motion. Roll call vote, AYES: CON~ISSIONERS: Camp, Chavos, Gauer, Mungall, Perry and Rowland° NOES: CON~ISSIONERS~ None. ABSENT: CON~ISSIONER~ Allredo Chairman Mungall declared the foregoing MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Councilman Krein, seconded by Councilman Schutte, the City Attorney was instructed to prepare a resolution of policy, setting forth the principles which have been enunciated this evening, establishing a height limitation of 75 feet and adopting graphic Exhibit No. 5 as a guide line for future development concerning height limits, and setting forth the recognition that there will he contravening factors which would possibly prevent the suggested height limitation at a particular point. MOTION CARRIED. CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ADJOURNM~NT~ On motion hy Commissioner Rowland, seconded hy Commissioner Perry, Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Planning Commission was adjourned. MOTION CARRIED° C~TER~NG SER~%~E - CONSTRUCTION OF .ANAHEIM ~TADI.UM.~ The following informal proposals for exclusive catering service to the stadium site during the construction of Anaheim Stadium, were submitted by the City Manager: ComDanv Proposal Mort~s Catering, Stanton 21% of gross A1Follman Catering, Compton 16% of gross Cater King~ Inco, Santa Ana 15% of gross Larry's Catering, Culver City 13.25% of gross Cater-Vendor, Inc., Culver City 12.8% of gross Standard Food Service, Paramount 10% of gross Orange County Food Service, Buena Park 6% of gross Flat fee of $2500.00 Okeh Caterers, Bell 5% of gross sales totaling $150.00 per unit. 7~ of gross sales totaling in excess of $150.00 to $200.00. 10% of gross sales above $200.00. Hamilton Food Service, Huntington Beach 5% of gross up to $100.00. 7~ of gross up to $150.00. 10% of gross of everything over $150.00 8O56 City Hall. Anaheim. Califo~Di~ .~ COUNCIL M!NUIE$ ~ September ~, 1H~~ 1,30 CqmpanY Proposal sPee-D Lunch Co., Anaheim 4% of gross Freeway Catering, La Mirada 2~ of gross ~r. Murdoch recommended acceptance of the proposal submitted by Catering, 8192 Monroe~ Stanton, subject to the foilowtng conditions: a, The successful bidder must agree not to change his prices without first obtaining the approval of the City of Anaheim° b, Proper insurance certification with minimum amounts of $100,000 to $300,000 for public liability and $25,000 for property damage° c° All equipment used must be approved by the Orange County Health Department° d. Only male drivers will be allowed on the project° e, 7~ successful bidder must show proof of workmen's compensation insurance. f. All books must be open for inspection by the City's accountants. The City Manager further advised that in checking with Del Webb Corporation, the average number of workers on the project will vary from 7 to 200, and catering trucks will be permitted on the job between the hours of 6,00 to 6:55 aom~ and 10:55 to 11:30 a.m. On the recommendations of the City Manager, Councilman Dutton moved that the bid of Mort~s Catering, Stanton, be accepted, subject to conditions as recommended, and the City Attorney was instructed to prepare necessary documents. Councilman Krein seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED° BUE~. p~RK ZQN~ CHANGE NO~ Z-27~ City of Buena Park.Zone Change No. Z-279, proposing reclassification from R-i~ One=Family Residential to R=2, High Density Multiple Residential, property located on the stub end of Savanna Street between the Flood Control Channel and Pacific Electric Railroad Right=of-Way, immediately adjacent to the Anaheim City Limits° Excerpt from the minutes of the Anaheim Planning Commission meeting held August 31, 196~, was submitted recommending that the City of Buena Park be encouraged to develop subject property with. zoning comparable to the City of Anaheim, and that the drainage be discharged into the flood control channel. On motion by Councilman Krein, seconded by Councilman Schutte, the City Council concurred with the recommendations of the City Planning Commission, and ordered a copy thereof to be forwarded to the City of Buena Park. MOTION CARRIED. 9..RANgE ~OUNT. Y use VA~,IANGE NO, ~08~ Located on the north side of Miraloma Avenue adjacent to the Anaheim City Limits, in the northeast industrial area, pro- posing to establish a truck storage yard. Excerpt from the Minutes of the City Planning Commission meeting held August 31, 196~ was submitted, recommending that the County of Orange be encouraged to require subject property be developed in accordance with the Anaheim Site Development Standards for the M-l, light industrial zone. On motion by Councilman Krein, seconded by Councilman $chutte, the City Council concurred with recommendations of the City Planning Commission, and ordered a copy thereof be forwarded to the County of Orange. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURN~AE.NI~ Councilman Dutton moved to adjourn. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion, MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED: 8:05 P.M. DePuty City Clerk