1954/01/12 Ui!y i<ail, Anaheim, Cali~forni~ January 12 !954- 8:00 The ~ity Council of the City of .inahr~m met in regular session. ~-n~o ~ ,..,~,u~';~,~N: Fearson~ Schutte,~ ;~Isser and Van ~:Taaoner. ABSENT ::: COUHCIL~A,%N: He ng. " ~ ':: : .:~c CiTY;~DMINISTRAT~ OFFICER;-:-.KEI~H~A. ~R'~CH: ~resent.~ ~ ?4Zk%~T~S~.-The ~&nu~es 0f ':~he ~e~u~a= medina held D~e~ 22~. 1~3 w~e ~pP~v~ on mOt&on by C~nc~4man Van Wagon~ s~do~ed by-COuncilman 9~u~e. ~T~ON D~~S: Councilman Van ~Vagon~ ~ep~d demands ~g~s~ ~he '%i~y amounting ~o~ '~.'~. Councitaan l~sse= mov¢-~at re~ o¢ F&nance ~ittee be ~Cc~eE and ~ha~ wa~~ ' . . ,an~s be drawn upon the T~easurer to pay ~aid dem~s i~ acco~nce wilh :eport. Councilman Schu~e seconded ~he mo~ion. ?,,~TZON C~RZED. . .~,,;nNUi,~L .~. OPErATiNG ~PORTS ~or the m nth of Decembor, 1953 were submitted, read snd omdered meceived a~d fi~ed on motiod by Councilman Schu~te~ seconded ~y Council- mar. Van Wasoner. MCTION CARRIED. ~ L i. 123~ ~JRNIGiilNG ;j'~ INSTALLING 3 E~C ICALLY DRIVEN, DzEP ,,~L, ~RBIN= ~-,.¢~,.rlNO UNITS, AHD 2 ENGINE DRIVEN, DEE~'~ELL~ TURBINE TYPE PUMPING UNITS. W.O. 1275 (pursuant to R~solution,~ No. o~o08). 3uperintendent of Light, Power and 'Jater, George F. Oelkers reported that ~,,lr. Launer, hr. 3ushman and he had made a careful analysis of the bids for pumps and em~ines~ 8r]tj would recommend that the bi~ of the Peerless Pump Co. be accepted, the bi d .... : ~oe ~f ~z7~7~3.~O~ the Peerles~ Co. would furnish Buda engines, and ~hey ~=~.~ offered to furnish '4aukssha ~n~in~s~ at $548.24 addit~ona!. ?.r. Cushman and ~Y~. Oelkers ha~ ~xamin~d a numb~ of Buda and ~4auk~sha in 1 ' ~,'~a~,atlona aha reco~end the purchase': lo include 7!aukesha engines~ making the Lotal bid price ':'~' ¢ ~z91.64. i!!,id of Peerless Pump :'30. -,¥~ ~ ,' ,~pr~Ve'd by the .'City Attorney as to form and as presented by the Superintendent of Light~ Power and ',,Tater. ~.t,j_NC. 2319: 3ouncilman Van ?'/agPner moved that the City accept the bid proposal of the Peerless Co. and further to include the ~'Vaukesha en9ines and there- upon offered Resolution No. 2319 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Dock, pase ., R=oOLul_U:~ t"F THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE r~ITY OF ANN{EIt~': ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL L ~RA ~ TO T4S LC ~ST r)= POMoI~L ~ID =~ r ~ o AND .i'4ARDiNG ,;, C'.q' - C- ,' }'- ')l,_ ,:~ ,~," F~ ~ P D~R FOR THE ~RNIoHING OF ALL PLAi~[Y~ LABOR~ SERVICES~ i',,:ATERiALS A~.JD EQ~IP~/~ENT, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY FOR ;r~ ~.:i'.~o,~ .... a au~,4~ INSTALLATION AND ~ kPLETI~,I OF TEE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVE- Y~,~T OR 7~C:R?':; ~;RNISHING AND ...... ~ ~ ....... I NoT,-~L L I No 4 3 ELECTR I C ALLY DR I VEN, _~~'~._T.~B_I_~ W.G. 1275. in roll call the foregoing res¢lution was duly passed and adopted by the fbi: ,)win::.,v,..,~; A'¢>':~,~ 'JO,UNCILL.~N: Pearson,,,~,,.uC~,,**-,~, :,?isser~ and Van lVagoner. ,,~u:o: .... ,u NC I LhaN: No ne. ..... -,,. · m?'e ,.'~al,,or'" ' u.,~lared the foregoimg., . resolution duly passed, and adopted. F,X=D T~,,~ TR,-,FFI~ o-~_~N,-~ ~YST~t',', ON ',3E~ ST. AT CITRON EAST ST3, ACCOU~,~ Nv, 1~o~8-9,1, (~u~suant ~o ~eso.lution No, 2309,) The ..... ':'+*,z~, Cle=k was inst=ucLed ~o, open bid p~oposals on mo~ion by Councilmam :~agone~ seconded by :;ouncllman 3chu~e, bids =eceived; ,~:,¢.~.;T:¢ ELSJTRIC&L CONSTRUCTION Total price: $12,97a.00 - accqmpanied by eld bond, lOg. m~rWRIC ~ !W2?{iNE SERVICE INC. 4493 Fir~stono ~Ivd.~ South Oate~ Calif. Total price: $11~694.00- accompanied by bid bond, 10~. City .j~.a.i.!,. ;!,,nah__~ei~, Ca!~[.forn.ia~ Januar¥.......12~' .195~-~:00 P.M. ~unc~lman Van ?~agOner moved ~he bids be referred %o ~he Engineer's office far tabulation and report. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. ~TION CARRIED. After tabulation, the City Englneer reported +h=~,.~ Electric and Machine ~crvice~ Inc. to be low bidder and recommended acceptance of their bid. ~ ~ ~" · ,lagon~r offered Resolution No 2320 and moved RESOLUTION NO. ~3zO: ~ouncilman Van" -~ . for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page ~ ~ .~. ' RESOLUTION OF Ti~E CITY C',i',~NCI~ OF -r--= . ' i H~ CITY OF AN~EIM ~UCEPTING A SEAL~ PROPOSAL A~ AWARDING A COb~RACT TO T~iE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BI~ FOR ~HE ~RNISHiNG OF ALL ~,~.a~u~., ~L.~OR, SERVICES, ,~.,~'~T[R' ~'~I:aLS AND EQUIPMENT, AI~ P~FORMING ~L WO~ NECESSARY FOR THE CONSTRI~CTICN, !NST~LATION AND CO~PL~ION OF THE FOLLOWING ~BLIC I~ROVE- ~~ ~'mION 0F FIXED TI~Z TRAFFIg~._~~~~..~~ ST. AT '!T~ON AI~ EAST $T5., ACCOU~ NO. 1~60~9. L On roll call. the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the fol lowin9 vote: AYES: COUNCILM£N: Pearson, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: ~OIJN~ I L~EN: None.. -,r-,~, , -. 1: · The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted.-' PUBLIC HEARING; F-$3-54-i0;. Action instituted by the City Planning Commission. · Proposed that the frontage alon9 S. Los Angeles St. between W. Vermont Ave. and Ball Rd. be rezoned as foll~ws: (!) A 20-foot set-back for the future widenin? offS. Los Angeles St. (2) A P-L Zone 60-feet in depth. ($) At ihe rear of the P-L Zone, there is proposed as C-1 Zone, 120-feet .in depth. Area now zoned R-~. Communication submit%ed by Burton Zoul, 862 3. Philadelphia St. was sub- mitred and read indicating approval of proposed reclassification. >/J{. :'JEDARIS: Realtor, representin~ Dr. Tikker addressed the Council and said, "Dr. Tikker owns 5.~ or 6 acres of property on eht Southwest corner of Los An9eles and Vermont. On two different occasions, this property has been'brought before this body with a request for" ~ . At ~.-~ classification that time Dr. Tikker had no objection to that classification, as %hen and the same as now, we are negotiating with two <~'ifferent grocery concerns with the idea of using the entire 5-~- s plus acres. The original recommenda~tion of the !City Planning Commission, on two different occasions calls for the rezcnin? of this area to include South Lemon Street, requesting a set-mack of a 60-foot P-L area surrounding it entirely. Dr. Tikker's desires in <his matter, ne don't want to object to anything that is contrary to the desires of the City Officials, but at ~%hi~ time, the zoning as it calls for, with 20-foot set- back for the future wideining of Los Angeles Street, plus~ a 60-foot parking strip, plus 120-foo% C-i area, would just take him back to his kitchen. Dr. Tikker bought this property just after.the war, paid a big price for the house. C-2 activities .'~ ~.;-1 v.,'ould best serve Dr. ~.u ~ ~ ~].,~k~r. ~'tould prefer that his property was not zoned like this unless it takes in clear to Lemon Street, as originally proposed to this bossy, if the Counci~ civen d',~ study to t~s si+,,=+~ I don't · ~ ~ -,~ , .... ~ ........ , see how zoning a i20-foot strip foz :2-! purposes can improve the property, .because after it fs so zoned, you can go in and put anything, anykind of business up as you wish~ and ! don'% oelieve the property is protecZed. If the entire area were zoned as C-1 or J-2, if and when a good responsible business could, be located at any spo~ in the area, it ~xould improve the value of the entire property and the entire property owners. LT{. ~. j. FLYNN: This matter has come before the City Planning. Commission on different occasions. I am in complete concurrence, on the Part of all property :)v~r)ers, would like ~o have ii zoned ~-!. I have no objections 2o ~he presen~ se~- :~.i:. It is in the interest Of the commun'ity~ that the City Planning Co[~ission have a hand in the development of this area, and if they wish %o pro,eot the par2 of r=~o~ Street -that borders on this ~.o~erty, i% is perfectly all right with me. I ~.ave clans to develop my property, but ! would like t.o see i~ placed in a C-1 cata~ory, i have the ].argent parcel in the area and Dr. Tikker has about 5 acres in t~,e area~ some of the lower par~ of 2he area is already in business. There is a ...City Halt, ...Anaheim, Califor'~a~ January. 12,: .1954.-.8:00.' P.M. Rea]. Estate Bus.!ness there. If we are 9oing to have business below, it see~s to me to be unfair if this-property was ke~%. out of the C-] classification. The best approach would be, in my opinion~ 'to hage a variance there where you would have control of %he business that might bo iN there. You would have control over it by keepin7 it to the '120-foot~ and-grant vaXiances for people that might want, to put i~usiness in there at ~'~ g'reater'dept!~. L]{. I'~URDOCh:, explained that there was a provision in the Zoning Ordinance whereby a :ortion of +~ ~ ~.~ zoninu map can show an'area outlined in a heavy dotted line. East ..enter Street~ between East Street and ~lacen%ia Avenue is outlined in a heavy dotted line designating the future type of zoning. It is a transitional type of use where it is zoned R-A. Indicates %~ future purchasers of adjacent land where that area will probably, become that zoning in a future time~ protects the property owner~ they do feel their Property will,Ultimately be a co~m'~ercial use. Before the property can be used, the rezonin9 Smst actually take place. This is a type of ~4aster Planning which is actually in$0rporated in the zoning map. Zounoilman Schutte moved that this matter be held over for further :~onsideration. Councilman Van Wagoner ~econded ~he mo~ion. ~TiON C~RIED. ru~LIC na,~tI~i~: F-53-54-i1: [,4rs. Ralph caldwell, I=58z l]all Rd. requesting their ?r~perty ~be changed from R-A to R-1. z Yhe City Planning ~Zommission recommended the change in classification~ .=~ 3ect to ti~e following condition~: !. Filing of a Record of SUrvey ~ap. 2. Deeding to the City of Anaheim of a strip 20-feet wide for the ,~ridening or'Ball Road. L.2RS. CALDUELL: If we dedicated a 20-foOt strip to the City, it .would run directly over our irrigation line in the front and cause us considerable expense ..to replace it. Applied for reclassific~a~ion at this time because we ~w~nt to sell two 1 ~,.~ on the easterly part of the property~ keepin~ about 1~' ~acres for ..... selves Don't ~ee! we should be put to any unnecessary expense qr. Murdocn felt a survey of that area should be made to determine the exact location of the line. ,'~r. Holyoke felt an investigation of the line should be marie to see just .where it pipe line is.[ Cn r~otion by Councilman Van L'agoner~ seconded by Councilman ',Visser, the matter was held over for further report at thb next meeting. ,~<©TION CARRIED. PUSLIC HE>.RING: F-53-54-12: Bill Company, Inc. requesting that. Lots 10 to 19 inclusive of Tract No. 1843 be reclassified from R-1 to C-1. Property located at the northeast corner of-~No. Placentia Ave. and Anaheim-Olive Rd. L:~ty Ptannin9 Co:..~mission recommended proposed reclassification. LIT~'.dE~L: Owner of property, corne~ :--act and Center StreJts. I would like to first reviev: steps taken in the rezoning of ~ast (]enter Street, Rezoning my pr<.'.perty c. ame before the Council in 19~. The Council showed interest provided condi'tions ',,...'ere met. it ,..'.,,as decided bY the Council that the north half of my property was not needed for business, and ~00 feet from the curb line be zoned <%i. Since that time, a nei::.hbor across the street asked-for his property to be rezoned :::hic~ ~,,.a~.. refused. .~I didnot ob~ctj.., to the rezoning. Next notice was. ap::roxima..e.~y e. aross the street ~rom my proper~y, and again I had no~ objections. ~.~r~ 5!liott on <he ~ast,~~oeti'-'~onea" the Council, aaain_ ..ez,~sed~ ~ and again_ no yr<~Zes~s frown :,e. .:.t~, area should be %'~ell planned, an area which bad already been zoned d-!. I saw no reason why those people could not have rezoning~ff t)'~ey wan'ted +:, i a~ n,,~. :ru~es-ctL b~Gau$~ it mi?bt bring competition, to my~ >:r':.perty. I have my property rezoned. :.:he City Planning Commission and City C.o:'nc]! v?~n't:.ed :~ome proof ~ha% ~he pro~rty v;as needed for business~ and you re:.al!,~r v:ent to cons'~derable~ expense to !tire a ~,entlemen~. to conduct a survey in tha~ area %o dete~nine tha~ ~here was a need of business in ~hat area." Then <he(_called <c ~ attention the: traffic Jsituation) wanted to know about service · to:Os to ~-.e~, l:.:rotect the traffic. I agreed to that. Then the Council ruled ~e. buildin~ be ,:loser than 150 feet. ~I didn't object. Then the ~ype of building t~at were to be put there - be sure that they ~,,ere a type of buildin~ 'tha~ would ~e a credit to the City of Anaheim. ."~ed that an e..q<ab!isned to have the power of ~siga and s,~u~tur~l superviszon o'f those bu.L!din<2s. <cain I ~ ' . r ~:~d no ob3ections.;¥{asonry o cther fire resistant materials. i :~ga}.n i~.:::~ no <.:ojections. .,'e :ave a Petition ,,,re before the Ci,.y Council, been ............ ~ .... ~' i's. re -t the City Hall, no survey ~'t thc. :;:resent Ci!'m~ tv:[ t~:ir"~ approxinn~te!y c, ne-half mile of that same . ,.,0.: ~ ~--,~: feet second unit was ~,x= second un:: z ~",~_ that ..,=~=~,~....;,~,4 ....... :.- .... ,~t,., for .a drUg store and shoe the ~:ran't:~-.,~'" ~:f a ........ .... r.:lcs~:fication a need should be establ'lshed'~y a fairn,ess, tn. sa;::, prlnciFa~ set dov:n f:r :-ny development whould be held in ..... -)~,... it ceztazniy i~ ~,od in 1954. It seems that should be deffez~ed until such tkme as the need is actually shown. Stated i-:~ was in rom:nle+e ac~reement wi+~ ~,4r " ' "'"~ ~.'~. Souncil take under consideration Counci~m~n .,.a~ ,iagoner ~r~c, ved that "' '- ' " -~: '~ Cou :man .iisser seconded the motion. t,:.::: .'::a'tlte~ a,~c;, 3lye i. ~>,:;re stt:dy, nci~ F-L3---54-i3: ~ii:e~ ;o!e,urove and l[oll - requestin3 reclassification of lots 1 to 7 ].~,;'~.~cive c~ Tra "'~ ~ ~,~ a+ the ~ ~ st ....... oouu,:we corner of S. Los Ange!es S~. :nc 3el..! RC.~ be reclassifiea from R-,S to C-]. for the purpose of erecting a t~arke% and ~sru c~ c, .::tore cn this Fropert:y. City Planning Jo~ission Reso!utLon No. 4.4 (53-54) recommended the granting '~ saic rec].assific~or,,: - subject to: ] uee.an9 a 20-~oo~ strip to the City of Anaheim along S Los Angeles St. and Bail Rd. for future widening of these streets. 2.Providin9 a 2~foot strip of landscapin~ a]..on9 S. LOs Angeles and ?.all rd. 3. 3a!ance of area to be used for F. arkin9 except where buildings are located. 4. Set-back ].ines for bui].din~3s.to be a minimum of 6C~feet from So. Los ,%nc,=] es S';- and Sal 1 Rd. 5 Filing of a precise plan uf p.rop'~~,: · -' ~ ~: ....... uses for consideration by the Sity 5!erk. u,. Fi!in? of deed ' ~ .... ~ ti ati re~;~.c OhS re! ve to architecture~ etc. ,.; t::) be held February 9~ 1954 on motion by Councilman Van .,. .,a,::oner~ seconded '~;E"TiTI:N: $1-iiShEN BUSINESS: Peri'itoh signed by four property owners in the vicinity of 2enzie Poultry Processing Plant xas submitted, and read. (Liberty Lane and Delmar Lane ~ addressed the ;ounail regardin9 said ' petition stating ~,,'ir, '~4enzie was . his business withe, ut a license, and requested the Council to put an ' , ~ .... thi~~ ~usiness. Y~NZIE presented petition ,si :..',.ned by ~o residents living within, an 200-feet radius the Plant: approving Xr. ~'lenzie's operation. Said petition was read in full. ' '~' ;~=:xZ~: state,,) tie ~,as been:o=',era+inc a chicxen business there for thirty years. ,,nci ne went to the t;ounty Planni. n9 Corrmission abou~ a variance when he started in a commercial business ana was told since he was established before the Co~issi'on had :)een establis,,eC he didnot need a variance. ;tr. Xenzie showed latest :i. nspection slips and last year's County Permit to operate his business, and stated that what bothered him was that the Sity of Anaheim refused ~to · _ ' ~O raises them in ~ss,,e :'ira a busines~ i~ cerise. }~e stated, he had about ~,~ birds~ &arden Grove and keps aoout sO0 t~ere, just enough for one week's opera,ion. They ~'~! two o~s a week ~':'"'LTM ' ' ' b,'siness was very detrimental to ~-z=, :~ stated the operation of this slau'.:nter .u building of nice homes here, and that it would materially affect the sale of the S. ,~ction on t:~= matter was withheld until ~ ~ ~uc~,, time a~ an inspection of the and an lnvesti<3a'tion into the !,~atter could be made. x~..N'~NbE i~0. 876: ..ounciiman '.';~ sser offered for final reading Ordinance No. 876 and :r,c, ved for its passa'.3e ant adoption. Refer to Ordinance .:.,oo<, page IrL ' . .City .Hall, l. na}'Le..im, Galifornia~ Jant~ary 12, !954 - OF ~.~.oT~ ::¢~NDING ARTICLE IX CHAPTER 2 OF TF~ AN~EIM ,~,u,,~,~PAL ',~',:?~ RELATING TO 'R-iS EST~LISH~ENT,OF ZONES iN Ti'lB CITY OF AN~4EI![ A~ THERZIN REGULATING T'I~ ?= USE OF LAND~ ;~IO~ OF BUILDINGS Ah~ Yi~D SPACESt A~PTING A~ !,2qP SHO?~ING T!-~ ~K)UNDARIES OF SAID ZONES~ DEFINING ~:~,~ TEI',fS US~ V~EREIN: PCOV-IDIN6 FOR ~e~,,,,~ At¢~MENT AND ~NFORUL~NT: PRESCRIBING PENAL'fiBS FOR VIOLATION A~ RffPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTI~'~S IN dONFLICT THERE~liITH. [Res. 2278- S.P.O. Res. 2~5~54) ~ . Ln roli call the foregoin~ Ordinance was duly passed and ad~pted by %he f~] !owing vote: ~ AYES: CC,UNCIL~¥~EN: Pearson, Schutte, lisser and Van ?~agoner. NC,ES: ~ULNGI~¥,EN: None. -: . ABSEkrf; COUNCIL~ZN: >[eyi nS. The ~4ayoz declared the foregoi~ng Ordinance duly passed and adopted. b'RDiNANCE NO. 877: Councilman Van :"lagoner offered Ordinance No. 877 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance ~ook, page ~'~AN,.~: OF T~E CITY OF ~,N ORDI'~' ' ..... = ~ DECI.~ING THE INTE~ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO VAJ,iTE AND ABA~N AN EASE~¢~NT UPON~ 0~ ACROSS A~ ALONG THE H~EINAFTER DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY, AND FIXING A TIME AND PL/~CE FOR A H~/~ING THEREON, 7~ DIR~QTING T~ r~,o~INe OF NOmtOES ~{~OP A~ lN~ PUBL]'.GATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. ~ (Public Hearinq February 9, 1954) (Anaheim Investment Company Tract) On roil call the foregoino Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: . .aY:o: oUUNCIL~,~N: Pearson* Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner NO~S: COUNCI L,',/,F_N: None. ,~SENI': COUNCIIFfAN: Heyi ng. The ~ayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duty passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 878: Councilman Van Wagoger offered for first reading Ordinance No. ~ a--~ ~o~ for its passage and adoption. ,i~N ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI,%,~ A~/t!~ING ,ARTICLE- IX~ CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM ~NICIPAL CODE RELATING, TO THE ESTABLIS~'~NT OF ZONES IN I~ CITY OF ANAHEIM AND YNEREIN P~EGULATI?~G THE USE OF LAND, HEIr. OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES: ADOPTING A :.~A? SHOWINC THE r3OUNDARIE$ OF SAID ZONE~: DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN: PROVIDING FOR AD~%]STMFNT, 23~NDMERrf AND ENFORCE~,~: PRESCRIBING PENALTIES-FOR ~IOLATION AND, REPEAL- T T ' ,N,: .ALL $ECIiONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. _,(Res. 2304-C.P.C. Res. ~ (5,~) ORDINANCE NO. 879: Councilman Schutte bffered for first reading Ordinance No. 879 and moved for its passage and adoption'. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM .DECKING THE INTE~FrlON OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO VACATE ~Ah~ /uBAN~YON A PORTION OF PYTHI~ AVE~E A~ AN EASE~NT FOR ~E~E PUR~SES ALONG T~ nEREI~RFT~R DESCRI-B~ REAL PROPBRTY: ~SERVING A RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR SE~R ~ T~/T~!r" PUi~SES: . ,,,~'~ A TI~/2 A~ PLACE HO~ A HEARING TH~EON: A~ DZRECTZNG T~ POSTZNG ~" F" TF= OF NOTICES ii'i~q_OF A~ ,_ PUBLICATION OF THIS OR'DIN;=NCE. (Public ,~ear~nq ~ ' February 23~ 1954) ' RESOLUTION NO. 2321% Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2321 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF TI~ {CITY OF ANAHEIM .ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CON- VET!NC TO li~E glTY OF ANAHEI~,,~ CERTAIN ~AL PROPERTY FOR AN EASE?,~h~ FOR PUBLIC L!!!LITY PUR~SES. (Edmund N. and :.~gne~ M. Demler) On roil call the foregoing r~Solution was duly passed and adopted by ~he following vote: b72 City~!ali, Anaheim, ~lifornia, January 12, 1954- 8:00 P.M. · -, .~,~EN: Pearson, ~¢i:utte, ,.'~zsser and Van ~.~: SOUNCIL?~N: None. ABS~Ni ~ COU NC I LL%IN: ~e yi ng. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. i{ESL~LUYION approving the ente~ng into agreement with the State .of California, Division s! iiighways relative to ~i,aintenance o~ State Freeway in the City of Anaheim was wi~h- neid for the inclusion of territory included in the Gilbert Street 2nnexation. ~HOSS 'fO~'[N BUS LINES: ~V~r. Jack Weaver, addressed the Council requesting permission to place approximately 50 benches at the stops of the bus. Benches to carry few ads to assist Cross Town Bus Lines J.n~ their operation· insurance on benches oi 100 , 000 . 00/ ~,~u<~. CO liability coverage. f'/.r. Moeller addresse~ the council stating the placement of the benches would he a convenience to the bus pa~sssngers and people on the streets. This matter was referred to the Police Department and Mr. Murdoch for in- vestigation and report· iE~'ffAIiVE r,i.:~P~ IRACi NO. i59'7;. George Buccola; Location, northeast corner ?Test La Ave. and Loara St. 9i l°ts:. , City Planning Commission, meeting January 4, 1954 approved tentative map, ~jecf to the fo]lo~ing condiiiions:: !. Turning Loara S~meet to the west at a point approximately 200 feet south of ?~est La Palma Avenue· z Puttin9 in a 20-foot alley from above point 2.'00 feet south of La Palma .wenue, running ~nortnerly throuwh to ..... + xes o La Palma /{venue. · ~-n~neerinw req,,~i rem,hi s City Council approv~ said ientative L[ap, Tract No. 1597, subject to above ccnOitions on motion by Councilman "-/an ?~'agoner, seconded by Councilman ~;~isser. MOTION ~ViSED TENiAIIVE ~./~P, TRACT ~. 1812: Location, north side of Ball Road between Loara Street and the Southern ~Pacific Railroad tracts- 105 lots. City Planning Commission meeting December 7, 1953, reported the revision consists of a rearrangement of the original lots and the introduction of an alley t~.~, .~ne rear of Bail Road. Subdivider, Louis Laramore. This tract is in the Ball Road Annexation No. 2 now before the Superior Court. City Planning Soma,.ission approve~ revised tentative map of TraCt No. 1812 subject to engineering requirements. Said matter was held over by the City Council to further investigate the s~' ..... ~ problem. ~"EViSED IENIAT!V~ ~.i:iPS, TRACTS NOS. 19'79 and 1981: Tract No 1979 location, Bali fk' · Road, 3.F.R.R., Cerritos Avenue and extention of Loara St. 375 lots, and Tract No. ~'~!~i location, Ball Road, S P.R.R.~ .~errzi~s Ave. and 7Za!nu% S~ Subdivider: Elmer .....~vu~e~. Tract Xo !9~! ~on~ns' ~09 lots. Fo!!ovd.~ excerpt from the ~inutes of the City Planning Co~ission's meeting ~ January ~, ]954 was read: Lk:~ion by Commissioner Schutte' seconded ~y 3ommissioner Sohumaohe.r, that the Eev[se<~ Tentative i.,~aps~of Tracts No. !979 and ~.~o. 19~1 be approved subject to 5n~ineer- ;2'is~,,~sion on tk;s ,,~.~o.. was opened Commis .nor Gauer relative to where children :~n ~:~e subdivisions cou!d a~tend ~ool I~ is evident that the su~dzvzdez~ aze ::: st~ippin9 ~ny possible dev~lopmen( o~ schcot ~nd since ~he subdividers a~e caus~n~ i-::se cohdi-Lions~ there should be..~n~,~ ....... means :~-f makin~ them cont-ribute s~ething t~ ~:~ pr:~b!em which ~hey are creatin~ l ns'gea~ o{ passin9 same back ~o ~he ~ax payers in ?~ ..... ~-:~inc} nx~!ion and second wero withdrawn by 'the Co~m~issioners makin9 same~ and 1't :va~-~ decided to hold over approval of ali maps stiIi before the Co~ission untii an ~5~e,.~rned regu!ar meeting' ~o ~e held c,n 7,,~onday~ January I8~ 1954~ In the meantime~ ~'~.le~ will be ' ~,,~ -* ........ , cro~h~ to the attention of the Elementary Schooi Board and the City ':3ity~ !lall, .Anaheim, Californi~,~ J,a.nua.rY 1.2,_ 1..954 - 8:00 P.M. subdivi0er offered ten acres for school purpos, es at the acquired cost by him, Lh the Scaoo] :Soard lo stand the cost of a certain portion of the improvements the sO~oc~! area. Commission should give this entire problem close atiention before January 18~ IO~4 , .=Q-?n onnNog: <~L-Dn-oAoo: ~ty Plannl~ on~ss~on presentec Resolution No. 45 Serie~~ 1953-54 setting forth the follo~]~9 proposed changes ~to iJ~e Municipal Code: Se[~-back be reduced to 15-feet minimum ~o avoid the erection of dwellings on the cul-de-sca too far out of line with these on the straight portion of the street. The right and left hand lots entering the cul-de-sac from the straight portion of t}~e street s]~a!l have aline established by a line tangent to the set-back radius. and be parallel to the straight portion of *,.he street. The vridth of ~he lot at ~s~,,:~ tangent line shall be 60 feet. On Pther lots on the cul-de-sac, width of 60- feet shall be established by a tangent Hirawn at the middle point of the set-back raJius, ibc m~nimum lot depth on a culhde-sac shall be 80 feet. Also that lot wi.:;ths on all streets, includin9 cul-de'sacs, shall be determined by the width at the building set-back lines. T 4- ~o~. width, as defined in the Anaheim ~hDicipal Code, Section 9200, D~finitions : and in Ordinance No. 774, Section 2, De~'inititions~ shall be repealed and the above me thod substituted. · PUBLIC HEARING was ordered to be held - ruary 9, !95.4 9n motion by Councilman Van ~Vagoner, seconded by Councilman Wiser. ,VDTION CARRIED. CO~,~LETION OF JOB~NO. 501: City .Engine~ir reported Job No. 50] has been completed by u. ontrac'~or R J. Noble Co. and reco~nded that the work be pffi¢ially accepted and that Notice of Completion be flied.! RESOLUIION hQ. 23g.2:. Councilman Schut~! offered Resolution No. 2322 and moved for its passage and adoption. ~ Refer to Resolution Book, page RESOLUT~.~ ,~F THE CITY COUNCIL Of TH~ CITY CF ANAHEI,'¢[ FINALLY ACCEPTING ~E CO~& PL~TION ,:~D THE ~RNISHING OF ALL ~'~ AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION II~LvD.~N~ POWER, ~:~ AND :,TATER~ .Ai~ P~RFOR~ lNG ~L 7,CR}[NE~'S~_SS.~RY~" TO"~ :'-~"~ONoTRL~ ~c ~,~T ,~_ EAST VERMCb~ ,WEI~E Fno~:~ SOUTH EAST S~ TO SOUTH OLIVE STRE~, JOB NO, 501.. Cn zo!l ca!l the foregoin9 resolution was duIy ~assed and adopted b~ the following vote: .LVES; .~OUNCILMEN: Pearson, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. '~:"',~,T~TM T [~ t'. ~ The :::ayor aeclared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. jAESQLUTION NO. 2323: Councilman Gchut~ offered Resolution No. 2323 and moved for its passage and. adoption. ~ Refer to resolution book, pa~!. ' RESOLUTION OF THE CITY 30UN, ZIL OF T~~ CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND OETERMININ~ T x C T ~ ~H;-~T PUBLIC !~TE~T AND t~ECE:55I~Y REr~I~S THE CON$TRUCTI0~{ A~D COMPLETION 0F A ~:LIC I~,PRC~EI:iI~, TO WIY: W~JT SOU~ Ih~ERCEPTOR 2ppROVIN~ THE~ DESIGN~ PLANS, SPECIFICA~ONS AWD DRAWINGS FOR ~dE CONSTRUCTION ~nnREOF~ AU/HORIZIFG TH5 CONSTRU3TiON ~ SAID PUBLIC I~gPROVE~N/ IN AGCORDANC5 WI/H 3,:,!D PLANS ,,,~q~ 5PE~IFIU,~IONS, AND ~u~c~I~INO t~6D DIRECTING THE CITY CLEI~ TO PUELISH A NCTICE Ib~ITIN6 SEALED' PROPL,$~o FOR ThE CONSTRUCTION THE~OF. (~,id~ to be opened January 26, 1954L . On roll call the foregoing relso!ution was du].y passed and adopted by the followin? vote; .LYES; COUNCIM~.iEN; Pearson:~, ~chutte, ;Tisser and Van ~'iagoner. iqCES: COUNCILMEN: None. ,, .'lBSE[~; COUNCILMAN; }-ieyin~. The ;V~ayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ~74 ......... C,,~t¥ iiall~ A_~ahe_,ia_~, California,. January!~, 1954-,._8.:00 p,M.. RESOLUTION NO, 2324;. Councilman i']isser offered Resolution No. 2324 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book~ page RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUHCIL OF THE~. CITY OF AN,~EIM APPROVING AN AGREEMENT kELA/ING Tu THE GRANTING OF P~RMISSION TO ORANG~ COU~Y SANITATION DISTRICT NO. .'tN~ ~n~ ,~,~,,,~ 'JITY S~I~TARY DiSTRiCT TO CONN%CT THEIR SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM /:~,D LINES TO T~E TRUNK SE/~R LI~S ,'~:~ SE',VAGE DZSPOS;& SYSTEM ~-L.;NT UF Tr~20kANGE JOUNTY JOIN% OUTFALL SEttEE AND TO DISCH~RGE SENAGE T~EIN~ ,'U..D APPROVING ,,ND /VJTnOR~I!4C THE ~ECUTION OF AG~;~N~S TO BE ~¢~E AND ENTER~ fqTO :JY /,ND BET:'~N oRANGE COUhTY S;~NITATION DISTRICT NO. 6 A~ MIDNAY CITY S,~NIYARY DISTRICT ~,D YHB C!YiES AN~ SANI%iRY DISTRICTS OF THE, ORANGE COUJ~Y J,.;,INT OUTFALL SEWER. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed., and adopted by i:r:e fo!lowing votes: Wi ."..YES: CC,UNCILUf~N: Pearson~ Schutte, sser and Van Wagoner. ~'.:" ~=q COU kTC ! L~JE ,,~¢: . ,.,: None. ..BS ENT: CC:U NC ~ LMAN: i:e yin The }:':dyer dec].a~ed the foregoin9 resolu'tion duly passed and 'adopted. ::hESOLUYI~2N NO. 2325: ,~ouncilman ,:/lsse: offered Resolutz.on No. 2325 and moved its passage and adoption. Refer. to Resolution Book, RESOLUTION CF THE t;ITY COU:'qCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING SUPPLEMENTAL ,"~GP~E~NT,FIXING ..',:<~"~'~ D=TER:,~i:~.~:'~G" ~ ,, ~,T,' P~RCz~.Ao:~= =~'~ ~': OF O:?NERSHIP AND CAPACITY RIGHTS /,ND THE PRESENT VALUE "~ ] :,~R~C~ OF T::,~ ORANGE ',~OU~,~Y JOINT OUTF;~L ..... o,~,=~ IN w~E ~CLID TRU~ SET~ LINE A~ THE ;..,.:.¢t:,;~,, T~IJN~< ...... LINE, ~t:,,~t .... PL'%~~T AND FORCE ~.,'L:~IN~ A~ ~THORIZING mR &NS=='oc C= ..... ~=,.,.~ , w,~,,:$.~o~',P i'",~ERE RE-~U!R~ ;d'~ :?,UTHORIZING THE ~ECUTION OF SAID Cn roll call the foregoin,: resolution was duly passed and adopted by the fci!owin~ vote: ."::YES: <;'::UNCIL:.iE:q: Pearson, Schut'te, :'./isser and Van :?agoner. NOES; (3t'U.~iC i LMElq; No ne. The :',layer declared the foregoing resolution duly passed .and adopted. ::~.ESULUTION kIO. 232~: :;ounci!man '.:isser offered Resolution No. 2326 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer 'to Resolution ~,~ok, page RESOLUTION UF T~ CITY COUiqC!L OF THE CITY O[ ANAHHIM APPROVING AN AG~~NT i'{EL/:TiNG TC ThE ~'" ...... ~"' l;l,.l'.;,:r_~.BY :~1: ~,..,:Nt.t p.t/~< SANITARY DISTRICT OF ORANGE COU~Y, ::&IFOR~L,,~ T;~= ~zlY O~,EUENA P~ OF ALL OF Tp= RIGHTS~ POWERS AND ~JTIES OF ~:~= DISTRICT t!'~ 'Fife ~.,P=RATI~,,~ SANAGEr:%NT AbD~ CONTROL OF THE $ES~R $YSTEM~ ,r~OF::{~ H[2UIF~5,iT '.h~ ~C~Do OF TwE DISTRICT, ,:FD APPROVING ~D AUTHORIZING Ti-:= m~=,-'~:r:',',~.~ CF ,fin AGP~'%i'IT TO ::~ ~,,D~ ,~:,,I~ =NTER:D !~,~O. BY AND R=" T .':ITT OF Fi.:ENA f-:&P~i ,':,~,~D THE :-'..:4D S~::,::W:RY DISTR!JTS OF ~: ORANGE COU~Y {in rnli ~<].z the f~r;..~o.~ng resolution was duly passed and adopted by :'.YES: ,.OUNCIL:v:N: Pearson, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. HOES: :_;OUi'iC I L;:~}':: No ne. .iBSENT; COUN'CIL:J~N: Heying. The :tay,':~ declared the foregoin~ resolution duly passed and adopted. 7,::A::SF~R OF ~::D~ i':'ansfe: of $:SjoSu,OC from ,the Gene:a: Fund to the Bond <:< :n:e:est Redemption Fund was authorized on ~:'~otion by :;ounsil~an Van :Jagone~' ~,::':~,na,d Counsi tman $¢hutte :,::,_': :vi': :.JLRRIh~. City Hail, ,~nah.e.i~,, California,i ~January 12, 1954-,8:00 P.M. TP,..NSFER O~' ~qJNDS: Transfer of $23,543.86 from the-General ?und to the Library F~nci was authorized on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman S c hut t e. L~ff0T ! O N U ARR I ED. Ei?~LOYMENT: 2tier of Police appointed Li~s. POlly Conrad as Secretary-matron for the ..naheim Police Department effective, January !6, 1954. Said appointment was ratified Qn motion by Councilman Van Wagonem, seconded by Councilman %Tisser. }~TION ~ , ~iENSION OF TI~: W,'~TER RESERVOIR: Th~ Penn Cons%ruction Company was extended .15 days on their contract, as per reques~ by Quin%on ~ngineers, on mo~ion by Councilman Wisser~ seconded by Councilmaq Van Wagoner. ~TION CARRIe. RE.'~L E~T:,T= OFFICE: ~,NAHEI,: VILLA TRACT{ Temporary 2uilding was permitted to be erected on Lo~ 4~ Block ~ Anaheim Villa ~Tract %o be used as a RDal Estate Office~ a~:, requested by Russel ?~. Knudsen~ permi~ granted on a time basis of two ye~rs~ on .mc-~ion 'by Councilman '.Tisser~ seconded by. Councilman Van ?~agoner. ~.,'~CTION C~RIED. DiSTtIBUTICN A~'~ /O~STL'~NT FOR SAL~ TO ~'~DT~r,:LY :~ITy:. Dated October 13 was submitted and read.. Ac'tlon was postponeo to the January 26th meeting. ASSiGNNZNI: JOB NO. 1002: Assignment b~ ~R. A. Bilich., Contractor to Albert Schuh, 1301 Marion Drive, Glendale 5, Calif. of right, title and interest in, and %o all moneys due under the terms of the Con%rat% with the City for the installation of 8" v~trified clay pipe sewer ]aterals in Forest Lane and Boden Drive, e%c. was submit%ed~ read and ordered approved and filed on mo~ion by Councilman Wisser~ seconded by" ~ ~'' ~, ..... ~ .~oun~ lman Schutte. ,~;~oTzON d~RRI~D. ; INSURANCE: ~:-~OLP: Occidental Life Insurance Company communication da%ed December 30, ].953 notifying the City that cancellation of contract would be effective, midn~]ght~ gan ..... ~ 1954 was submitted and read .~ CROSS PLAN: .~,ppllc~tion for group service agreement was ~ 0 aU autl~orized by the .3ity Council and the ,.,~ay' r and Clerk were thorized to sign the -same on behalf of the ':ity of :inaheim on motion by Councilman Van l:Tagoner, '.'-~, c =,-'.~,~ ,~eo tz ].caners, roe Y. aska, protesting the ...... , ..... ~_.N!~,T~,~.:., OF PROTEST sugmi*-~ ' by Ri ' per~;~it grant, ed for a driveway into a liqUor store in their block was submitted ro!.c~ ~partment for in~esti.:.at'!¢n and *e*ort at the February 9th meeting. L: .~.~'~: OF ~'::q'"'= o -.~ emp!oyee of ti~e Street Department was aranted leave of absence, due to illness, January and February, 1954, on motion by Council- man Van Wegoner~ seconded by ~4ouncilman Schutte.. PROSECI NO. 33: Completion of Project No. 33 was discussed. PROPOSED ANNEXATION: George L. ~{allery Co., Inc. by William J. Schildge request annexation of I0 acres at the Northwest Corae~ of Romneya and Baxter et the North- east City Limits of Anaheim, known a~ Lo~ 17 of 'the Go]der: State Tract 2~ C)range County. Tentative Nap Tract No. 2121. 5aid communication was referred to the City Administrative officer for further investigation and report FZNCi$; _The .,it-/ Council considered the matter of having the City Planning Com~ission consider and come up with a suggested ordinance on the regulation and .... ~.allation of _~ences. ,~,-,N~,= ~'~u. ; h~_,ur't :-:..4...~ast, for Pern',ission to divide Lot S, Tract No. 1071 ink two V .~<i,iNCE i',~.. ~,..; Grant .~'luslck for permission +o erect a give gate and six foot fence in the fron't portion of Lot No. l, Tract i~o. 142~ was c~ranted by... the City Planr~ing Cor~mision with the pro~&sion i. hS fence and gate be not more than five feet hi 9h. V_'.21ANCE ;',:C. 218; ,i:-mie I. Cur-less requesting f'~,ermission "Lo conduct, a Real Estate ousiness :'ret, '73~',,,~. Olive ~,. was dent94 by the City Planning Co~ission. ~L,,-,iANCE NO. 219: Clement '.~.~ Foams, fo~ permission to use one of this apartments at .~.,~n09 E. Center St. for resiaence and Office~ of a Doctor was 9ranted with the provi, sion that off-street parking be pro~ided. 2i.~i'. i~a!..l., ...nah.~/~m,...;.S.!%£ornie,~ .Januazy'.. la., ].954 .-~-$:00 P.M. V,kilANCE NO. 220; Dar'it 'ijorderman rezjues[ing permission to cut three lots from tl:c property at the northeast corner of No. i~est 8%. and ','.i. La P~!'ma Ave. was ~:.~mted_by 'N~e Cit~' Piann~ng Commission subject. ~o the,:~iling off .a~deed granting to the City of ~',naheim te~ feet a!on9 ii. La Palina Ave. and No. ?/est St. for the [uture ~'~ideni. ng of these ~%reets. ~.s!rmitted by Charles N. P~nnier and Nelen P. Panniem was submit%ed and mead and P?SLiS [E,~!NG was ordered Zo be held~ 0anuary 26~ i954 on mo%ion by Councilman Van 5~a{2oner~ seconded 05' '3ouncilr.'~an ';~isser. NOTION O{12S'~_iN!CAIION: :lnaheim C~lamber of Commerce, Ira{rio Committee co~,ending city on the removal of Neavy truck traffic from Uenter streeZ was submitted and re ::d. Councilman Van }~'aooner moved to adjourn. Councilman Wisser seconded N:o motion, f,L~l'If2.~ CARRie. SIGN~