1954/01/14 /mahei~m., Californi~ January 14, 1954- 4:30 Pursuant to call for a Special .~¥!eeting Oy written notice to each member <:,f the ~Jounci!~ more than three hours p'.~ior to the meeting~ meeting called to oTde~ at a:30 P,~;%, January 14, 1954, for the purpose of considering a resolutign acknov~ iedgin9 receipt of Notice of Intention to Circulate a Pefition~ and consenting :i rcu] at] on of ~aid petition for the an;~exation of territory to be known as LO~A :~,:~'~-~z~ and for tlne purpose ~f ac~i~a~ upon Zone Reclass~{icat~on No. F-5~5~11, L(r. 3. ~Raiph Csidwell, and any other business relating thereto that may come before the meeting.~~~ed ~,~ members of the Council fi ~onsent to hold said Special Meeting. ~RES~NT: CCUNC!L~N: Pearson, Sohu~e~and /~;SENT ~ COUNCI~N~ Hey~ng and V~n W~goner. '~ 'V '~ ..... ~ "~ ~,~ f ~,Z~I~R~, ~V= uFFICER~ K=ITH ,~. ~R~Ch. Present. i~SOLUTION NO. ~327: Councilman Wisser~ offered Resolution No. ~3~7 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, pag A iiESOLUTIO!q OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ O~~ COPY OF ~,iu,i£wn OF I~E~ION TO CIRCU OF IERRIIORY APPROVING Ii:5 CiRUULAIION OF SAID P~I~ i CITY,OF ~NAHEIM ACKNOYfLEDGING RECEIPT LATE ;~ PETITION RELATING TO T~E ANNEXATION AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION THEREOF, AND ION. _LO~q~A /uNNEXAT ION. On roll call the foregoing r~solution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES; COUNCILMEN: Pearsor NOES: COUNC I I~,£N: No ne. ABSENT: COUNC I L~;J~N: He¥ing The L~ayor declared the forego ~, Schutte and Wi sser. and Van Wagoner. .ins resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2328: Councilman Schutl ~its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, pa~. A RESOLUTION OF T}-[5 CITY COUNCIL OF T~ Ti-::AT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS ~k~CESS>~JIY IN :e offered Resolution No. 2328 and moved for e CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETEPJ~INING ~-RTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE IX ,~n,,PTER z OF T?iE ANAHEIM ~{]NICIPAL COD: SHOULD BE A~,~NDSI) TO ACCO~,~LISH SAID CHANGE cF ZONS. [,F-5~5~li] I Cn roll call the fore~oSns r~solution was duly passod and adopted by ~he f:~llowing vote: 'YES: 30UNCIL~fJ~N: Pearson, Schutte and Wiseer. ?,~OF, S: SOUNC I I3~N; None. ,~SEN,. ~OUN~iL~,.~,. t,eyin~ and Van Wagoner. the ..... '4ayor declared the foreg,~tng resolution duly passed and adopted. Oi[DINANCE NO. 880: Councilman Wisser Offered Ordinance No. 880 for first reading and moved for its passage and adoption; AN ORDIN,~%NUE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AM :i~NICIPAL CODE ~LATING TO Tii5 ESTABLI 'f~:E~IN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, :-IE ~ ~P $HO?~ING Y~ BOUNDARIES OF SAID Z Pi:{OV!DING FOR A~STME~, A~END~NT AN VIOLATION A[~ R~PEALING ALL SECTIONS O ...... ...,-. . . :, . zJ~ C P ~. Res. ~7 ~d.~_~h,~N"[; INDIVIDUAL DRINKING CUP, I Schutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser for easement purposes with the Individ E~UDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM ;H~/IENT OF ZONES IN T4E CITY OF ANAHEIM AIYD ]CHI OH BUILDINGS ARI) Y..%RD SPACES: ADC, PIING DNE$: DEFINING THE TERMS USh~ THEREIN: D ENFORCE~.~NT: PRESCRIBING PENALTI~-S FOR R [;ARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEP~/,IITH. NC, - Easement: Motioned by Councilman that the City enter into "Letter Agreement" ual Drinking Cup, Inc. and authorizing the City Administrative Officer to si~jn said agreement. MOTION CARRI:D. ::ouncilman Schutte moved to adjourn. Councilman ~¥isser seconded the motion. ~,~/ilON CARRIED. i ADJOURNED. ,