1954/01/26_--__--- .,.,~City -Hall, A_~roia, ~J~anuary '26. 1954 - ,,8:..00 'i}-,,~ .... ,,ity' uou~cil o~, the City of ,!nahe2m met in regular session. ~z-c't~F:~::~' 'JF'~F:'TTt':~T' l~u~pn~ Schu'k~e~ Jisse~ and Van 7agonez. '"rmx¢. An~.~T¢.rTqmp,',TIV[ OFF!CER'~KEIYH A. PUR~3CH: Present ,,:N~g'r~S: Tho ;.2au~es of the recu!ar meet[r'~g ~eld January 12~ ].95Z- and Speclal :eet~n~ i~eld J~nuary 14~ 1~54~ ~:30 2.L. were approved ~r: motion b7 C°uncilman Van ;:a~oner~ seconded by Councilman Schutte. ~;DTION ,DEtx, BU,~S: Councilman Van Wa{oner reported demands against t~e city am°unt~n9 ;.,Z3z~055.04. 3ounc~Zman ~¢"fsse= moved U~at ~epo=~ o¢ ~fnance Committee be accepted . ' * ¢ T ~S, said demaods in accordance ~nd that warrants be drawn upon ~h .... re~,,.;rer to pay ;~E. th report. Councilman 5chutte seconded the motion, t~:TION CARRIe' 2!DS: WgL~I, SOUTR INIERc~OR SE~,R~ JOB NO. 1904~. ~Pursuant to.Resolution No. 2323 and legal notice, the City Clerk was instructed to open bid proposals on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by. Councilman Schutte. f~TION CARRIe. ~ , ~¢iDS ~CEIVED: ~ : Total: Nick M. Guho 8335 Atlantic Blvd. Bell .--"20]~67.04 . '~. ~= ~ ~ ',n ~" . ~124 Ferwuson-Dr. Los Angeles 22 , 28~422.7~ L:ilc..sevi~k ~ * ....... ,. 91,992.63 ...... aru~:.ca Z533 c!ympic Blvd.: ~J, ontebello _ C:)nstr' Co'. ,/;ceticln Sonstruction ,.~.C. ~;ox 485~ Paramon% . 24)176.20 Chris Evanovich ~37 Oakford Dr. Los Angeles _2 27~48~.77 C: 'Shau'ghne ssy Constr. G,"' ,~o~-,~ .... :;.:ho~k Const~. Co. ~3~2 S. Ge=ha~t Ave. %os .-;nBe~es 22 25~728.00 .~nge!o-Rossi Constr. '30. ~480 2amona Blvd. Los Angeles 33 ~ 23~718.26 ~}osko & Bradarich Co. 8512 Fishman Rd. Pice 24~235.55 3eo:'~e ~,¢Kovich 19 3.. Gazfie!d Ave. Lionterey . 23~856.48 ' ~ 30 993.64 7he ;ai!ucher t;o. ~c27 Piacentia Ave. Cesta Leso 1~.~ VukLcn Const~. 3o. 9ox ~/1~ ,~1 ~o,~te 22~133.07 = ,- ~21 tq '~c":lay St, Santa .ina 24,815 21 J. ~ Popovich E g. Box 251~ ~o~=ance 23~760 82 Cour, cilmar, Van Wagoner mOved that the bids be referre~ %0 the ~ngineerin9 Oepaztment for tabulation aQd report. Councilman Schut~e seconded %he_mo~ion. , .",fte~ tabulation, ;--'4 ,, ~ -.., George ~-;oly°ke reported the Nick M. 7~uho 3ompany to be the low Mdder.. . ' ~=er'"-'~ ' NO. C;oun$!lman Var} ',Vagoner offered Resolution No. 2330 and moved ~o~,.u I ION 2330;. for its passage and adoption. ~ ,. Refer to ResolutiCn Book, p~ge ' ~::':::~;r~TT'r' ~,~ CF ~t,~ (.,L)~,N~'£L CITY ANN4EIM ,., ,~= ....... u,, 2,:= CITY ''''~ '"" OF THE OF . A~EpTING ' SEAL~ PROmSAL ..'4.'" :IWARDING ~O ,. R,... ,~t"wt ,~, '* TO TBi T"'"tZ{:T RESPONSIB~ BIDD~ FOR THE ~IRNISHING OF ALL L. uno~,~, iON, ..,,o ;. A2,-,,T!uN ,,,,~ .~O~..PL,.T_.~,N .~F- THE FuLLOWI~G PUBLIC I~RO~- :.'iht OR :&)RE: i-'~AL~JT- SOIJTHi TiWF:~7'PTOR SEt'~%R. JOB NO. 1004. , ~ ~ ': solution was duly passed and adopted by the On roll call ,+-he fo~e~,o~n9 re followin~ vote; ,'*,YES: COUNCILt'~N: Pearson, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. 33S 21,~: CC,U NC I U'/~: ;-Te yi ng. , Th= Mayor declared *h~ {o~egoino resolution duly passed and adopted ~uiq'lbti~ PUBLIC.~"~:"°'r~'n.~=~.:,- F~izLIO: Sauth ~TOS_ ,-mge~e~ Street between 'Wes{ vermont Ave~:ue and Ball Road. Action was withheld ~endino requested report on this zeclassification. v ..~T ,r,m . . . ,,_~t~,_No~D .PU'[',I,IC :-;aA~!',,.~a..F-b~l%:.' ;~:!1 0ompan7 !ac. PropoSed /~1 zoning o~ are,~: lo~a~e~, ti're .~,~,,~ corner of North Placentia Avenue and-Anahei~Olive 5o~munication f=~ the Bill Company was submitted and 2end. ~aid ":._t,/ ,hal_l~ Anaheim, ~Ca!i£ornia~_~ja_.n. uary_ 26, ,1.954 - 8.¢00 .P.~/:,.. ...................... c'~,m~unication suggested an Architectural Committee consistin~ of the following: '-ne representative of~ .... ~ ~-~ ,~ ....,~ov,:n'~,,,~ rs. One re?zesentative from City ~la~nin9 Commission, as designated by ~,,,~ .~-~ ~'t or designer, de i~nated by purchaser. Communication further proposed deed restrictions as to construction, Cesi9n, fences and off-street parking. Mayor Pearson suggested that ~ne member of the Architecfural Commif~ee ~:ould be appointed by the City Countil. This sugge~tio5 ~as agreed ~to by the bev-sloper. parking ~ ' ~ Discus5~on of o~-~%reet and other proposed deed restrictions followed. ~ ,~ounc~lman Van Wagoner moved 2o continue this matter until the first meetin9 in February. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. ~/DTION CARRIe. ,,P~-:~aL ~a~:,.: nOTION Z,~SN BY C~7Y ~L'~,NNI~G CO,W~tISsION, V/aI~Cs NO. 2!4'~ 'said Appeal was withdrawn by Charles F. and ~elen P. Pannier, December 19, 1954. / , ~,~NZI~ ~ULTRY PR~FSSING P/ANT: ,,,r. D.~lmar Peb~ey and ~f.r. and Mrs. ~:ddressed the :3ouncfl regarding the bus,ness of r,,:r, and ~,irs. ~.]enzfe. The Counci! advised that the problem was still under study and co~ siceratfon, and that they were trying tO work out a suitable solution for all parties~ concerned. t:.Irs, t:.ienzie informed the Coun¢ could be made to their birds until a Ci Further that the County inspection assi :?.:arketing purposes, therefore as their DecembeT, i( was absolutely neCessary the City of Anaheim to continue ~their bt :il that no county health inspection ~ ;Y Business License was obtained by them. ned them a number used on all birds, for curry License~ expired on the, 31st Qf ~at they secure a Business License from lsiness, and re:cei~ve clearance from the Orange Cound.7 Health DePartment. I r ,3~ty Attorney stated that a L~cense could be issued .with the under.'~. standinc it: was subject to the right or, the City to revoke at if they found ?od c~use for doing so, and it would e~able ~r.~ I','lenzie to secure inspection ;,;hich ~ m'~st have, and give time to wo[k this problem; he would .understand the license: is issued under ti'~ose conditions. ~ Councilman Schuifie moved ~hey be issued a Temporary License; and ~,.e License Collector be authorized and instructed ,tn issue said license. Coun~il- man 7;laser seconded the motion. MOTION C~RISD. ~r. Pebley addressed the Coun~ii again protesting the continuance of this business. YF,,~?~SFER or' lqJND~ Transfer of ~450.00 Interest Redemption Fund was authorized seconded by Councilman ~isser. ?DTION DRIVEWAY PEHt.:ilT: K.A...THRYN E.,, ~ORD_ - 318 Council December 8, 1953. Jor~unication of: protest to ti ~%v the Ritz Cleaners, Joe Kaska, Januar~ ferred to tl~e Police Depar~ent for inw Chief of Police ~eco~ended ti therefore in communication dated Januar Councilman Van 7lagoner moved and not allow requested Driveway permit .~t~SS TOW~ BUS: PLACEb[NY OF BENC~ES: from the General Fund to the Bond and ,on motion by C~uncilman Van. Wagoner, ~ARRISI). · E. 3enter St' was granted by the City te granting of said permit was submitted 12, 1954. Said communicatioo was re- stigation and report. ~e permit be denied and stated his reasons 15, 1954. o .~.r.e$cinQ ~ction taken December 8, 1953 Councilman Wisser seconded the mo{ion. Chief of Police recommended the denial of request of Cross Town Bus Co. for the placement of 50 benches in the City of ~:..naheiin on :major city intersections, i t:ommunication submitted by the Anaheim Chamber of Co~nmerce, Retail i:ivision ~.,as suOmit~d and read wherein the request favorable. Discussion followed as to loc an~J control, and the Police Department zne benches o,,o~id they be allowed, in they~.~,."~ the City Council to consider ~tions, jurdiction of the benches, operation ~as asked to set up the regulations for )rder to further study the problem. Re.~ulations to be presented to the City Council at their next meetint: .",ir. Jaaaers. resident on W. La Palina Av~. addressed the Council questioning the legality of opening alley-way ~rom ~0 strip off Loara St, and asked if at the present time they had the authoritY~o keep a "no trespassing" sign there. Ibis matter will be, investigated by the~City Attorney, and ~. Jaggers_ was so~ i n formed. Anaheim,ieCaliforni.a~ ~January 26, r1954 - 8%00 P.M. , mi t.y -H.a.~l j ....... i .................... J,i~K C. DUTiON;.~a'~d. reooea~ ' the. i~ouncii regarding Special U~e Permit granted him by the City Planning Commission ~nd was advised the action of the City Planning Commiss- ion was final unless an "appeal" is filed in protest. r,.2~iHu: Chief of Police rec block North Palm Street and t LraffSc and the delay caused traffic~ particularly on Sund _locaii,,3ns would make Palm Sir ~'~-~' 'to +he o-hher~ .... ~ .. with the e ommended the change to parallel parking in the 100 he ~00 block South Palm-Street due'to %he increased cars crossing Center Street and general congestion of ays. _The chan9in~ to parallel parking~in these iwo eet parallel parking on both sides from one side of the kceFtion being at the City Park where the street is ufi dened -to the extent that cars may park diagona!~iy without extending back past the ,line in the blocks on either, side of [he ~ity Park, Souncilman Van Waaoher moved that the Chief of Police's reco~endations be a:.o:~, ;~ the changes be made. ~]ouncilman !isser seconded]the motion. ~{OTION _.xRRi 2D. ' ' ~:,FJ~!NC..:.. -Chief of Police teen,amended the change to parallel parking in the 100 ~~ bi~ck~ South Clementlne S~reet due to the.increase,ct traffic in that area '~nd fhe new city parking lot made available. Also %he Changfng of the "loading ~ .... = ~n front of S~art [~ Fi. hal )Tnolesalers, 100 block South Clementine Street be :noveO to the Oak Street side. Councilman Van Jagoner moved that the Chief of Police's ~eco~endations be accepted and *~'-~u= changes x~adel, Councilman 17isser seconded the motion. [vDTION AiNTY2S OF ORAN'65 ~OUNTY bO~ OF SUPSRVISO2S: Acceptance of report of Harrison and :.iooliey~ Engineers on conoar~:~on~L' stu'dy of use of retarding basin and route of Carbon C~nyon Flood ?~aters down La ~alma ,:~ve, said study was taken under sUbmission and the :moat6 of Supervisors will rea~ch a conclusion for a comprehensive plan as soon as 2ossible- : . Said excerpts of ,4~.~.~ .s was acceoted and filed, S.0 S. m-,z,~Ull%~: ,~ox~x~iTT~ a,~IIv~u ~eid uanu~,~.ry /. i954 ?4 nutes were submitte~ read and crderea re~e~ved aha f~!e~' on n'~zt~.on ~y ~,ounc[lman :~i~ser~~ seconded by Councilman Van l,'agone r. ~,.9T T'f$~ '"', ....... :~,'~ ',,'~r-~.~ ~'~'~'""= ....""~rx~ ~=~,uu,: OF CALIFORNI?~ CITIES meeting to be held 3an. 28, ]°¢,4 Sam ' ~ s ~ea Food. ~ ~ · F_KPENS~2S: Xaintenance of Sections 3 and 4 and recording the iflows and treating 5, and 6~ for the me'th of December was submitted and read and ordered and filed. /:,naheim,'%. .~:.~a~,':;-,--~ 31,.~-.~,~' .~n. 'SE "'''- ' ' ' ..... ,,u. 219: -Va~:.a.r,,ce alas 2'ran±ed by' the C",ty Planning Commission with pro- sic,", o£ adequate parkin9 azqea~ for use b7 Poc~or~ as an office. Council ~:~¢rr~eo ~.,~e office was to bo us¢c s.v Robert L Clifford, D. O. SAND PIT: Petie~on su}~nitted ~r~d ~ ~,1 .... f:;. Riedman~ Attorney on behalf of ~.~. was submitted .,-s'~[~ ' rec:u=:, ~ ..... ~ a Permit to allow i.'~. ~va! f,o fill :n the sand ':2-~i~h ls approximately a ifa, ye asre ~¢lv~. Petitions were submitted signed by a,-~acent ;;,ropezty cv,,~rs who iu~'-',¢ the f~l!imu ia ,*~ the pit With sol~ds It wa~. r~ove' ~.;~"' Co:~nci!:,aan. Van 'intoner, seconder.; by Councilman ?lisser that .,:_;,','-*.!lc a'tion for perm~ t ~u~'"nied~ and '[:',,~....~,. ;.';r. D,'va!-., be s° notified. YDTION CARRIEI ,~r,a:~im Union [fi~h School for Cancellation of on,~r'saer~',v. , ~;'~c:'.:ased ....... ~rn~,,~ ~::,',,'~a':;.. ~ ~.~ ..... ~o~ sc}~ool .ourooses. was referred to the City ~;;SUk.,NCE- F¢ON2S~ P!.umbers~ 2ond~ .~, .;. 3rarne~ San Oabriei was approved and ordered ,ann filed ',;hen ~:p~¢r~ea i%, .,~ ,~uu¢, Attorney.on motion by COuncilman Van :i':}DiTiSIC, t,} :3O.ND$: Trac-? 2049, ii:or:d, $22,000.00. insiallation of Utilities and -''~ ~ '-nd ~8m3,~:.:?.o-.-: 57~ . .... ,er~ 180[' ~:: 500 nO and $15,500.~ for improvements, , t ..... we re ........ ~ ~"' ~,'~'"~ v:l'!er'~ ancrovec ~ cna orc,~',~¢ ' ~" ':~ "'+ ~ '~ motion by bounczlman :,";,gone!'~ seconded b'y. ...... doitman .~ :.,:,~v~: ,~,~, .... ~. :;t?TY:i:~,I~,~,,~Cs,',,Tn ~° *.,-~T'*'~J~ITi-''ev',-~',,,; 5a~ accepted and .-s..~4 received and filed when approved . by "'qty" ~ . .,~ .~torney, on mot:ton hy :::o~.mcilman Van ',','agoner~ seconded by Councilman Schu%te :'40liON GARRi~ (1/22/54) -- ~ ~all ~nahe~m, ~alz~or~t~, ~January 26, ~!954- 8:00 ?.~.,~. .... ~ ~"~'~ : ~ro ~ 878 and moved ,~n~.~= Nv. 8'7~ Cornel!man Van JacOnet offered its passable and adoption. , ~; .:o,~:t~ ,.:. ~-c ....~. ;:~ FOP; ViCLAT Un r.:::].l cai] ~he foregoi, n90z tic f)ll.'::t,i~-, vt:to; NDI?iG ARTICLE Tv C:.-iAPTEI~ 2 OF THE --,",~ ~ -;nw=e IH THE CITY OF OF I..J~D, ~EIG;:m CF .qtion No. ¢304- "p.O. Res. 'dinance ~;as dul,¢ ...... ' ' .. . i.,uosea anc,', adopted by . . ..... ' .... ' .... ' chu [;te ',;i ~.ser and Van ;agoner. 'N:e ;':c, yc:r declared the forer~c,ing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. l 2f::DIN:iNC~ '*'-' E'79: C;ounc~ in;an '" ~e qffe ., ..... ,~s r red Crdinaace No. 879 and moved for ''n passaLe and ~toption. Refer to Crdinance .Book~ pag{ '.D... VACAi£ ,':,!iD ,C~ANDON A PORTION CF PYYi- ;LA[iiN'~ Yif-"' iNTF-NTION CF liiE UITY COONGIL [iAS AVEi'K'E .~ AN ~ASE;,ENT FOR AVE~E   r~ 'r ~)Qt~D~C,'?X/ r ~C'~ ,,~ ' ~ :LACE FOR A,'"::,~, .... ~,,*w-',: .,.:, TI:lEmON: AND DIRECT- il a~lic Hearins, 2/23/54) Cn r.::;~ ~ ,~'~'. 1 the fore:oln:.; O~:dir:ance was duly ~ ' ..... ~ . pa,;sea and adopted by 't.~.'-u fo] ]. o', ,i :-: ~ vote: . .;._~; ,.~.)I_ NU.J. Li,I~N: e"~r~'n, ~e."~",,,-'~e, : ~: ~eez- ..... and Van ?/agoner~ "ii:3 ;.hyor dec!~red the forew0in~ C.:rdinance duly passed and adopted. :,,,~,:,~.:r.~ w,, ;;80 ,Jouncilr::an Van WagOner offered Ordinance No. 880 and moved ::tole:' to Ordinance .,oox, page '.~;! CRD~:,,,~.o_ v~ THE ,JIl7 OF ;-LCq-{EILi ;'j:'~NDiNG ~:)miCL2 IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM ;.,ur~Cz~'ziL CCDE RELATING ...... TO Ttx~ ES'IAE',LI,$1qL~NT. OF ZONES IN Ti'~ :'UO l}'{EI;~,'~ :,=..~,.:L,~T&~,.,_, TNE I~SS. OF ~'""~* ,,~i n:i~',--,.- 'b~ OF m;~L~l~',bor:"~ ~,~,,-~ Ab~ YARD SPA~=S: ;-,~r~.,., il',P¢nO,~N~.; THE i;OUNDARIEC F SAID ZONE ; DEFINING -'~n= ..... T=R,~IS' t., US~ ':, -,,-.m ' [Resolution i'lo. ~¢~o-~.P.C. nes. 377 (5~54) . ~ ........ rc.~,mm.= was duly passeo and adopted by 't~,3 fo~*-~owin~'s vote: .,,~we~ '~"()1/.UJ,!:'" ...... " n C'chu%te, ',"Jisser and Van Wagoner. ;.:(' 'Z C' ~ ,:.. ~ , ~b,L: ! t~ ~ L/~,~,',~,11 ~t," .r ~ ~'~t, , ~lf,~ ' m.,;m ',q~ ,~,;.'" r ~ ,'I,'. >.;. The >ayor declared ~the foregping Ordinance duly passed and adopted. ,"~,FhTM'TJ.=.,_~&,,,.,z,~='r' i'lL. ~o1:'*: ;our, c:'i ]man Schutte~roffered Ordinance No. 881 and. moved for i'hs pa~,~=.":c and adopti, on S;~/d C:z'dina:~ce v~:a~ read in publ'c for the first time ~L;uRi NO '~F: LFF :=UTTC'M Ti.F~ i I OF CITY ~UNCI L ~OZD PURPOSES :TPOI,!~ OVER~ AqRCSS A~D , ~=~"=v = iF~ PLAEE FOR )STING OF ',,,-,mr ..... c '?:--r~,"n ":ocosF, ary Ordinance, pursuant :~'angtng names of streets in f~alifornia, January 26, 1954- 8:00 P.M. !~,+c: City ,:..ttozney was instructed to prepare to ::';try Planning Commission Resolution No. 23 (52-54) [zact No. 1648. ~edistribution of _payment in accordance with adjustments ~e~d~ustment pe~ schedule of payments to cities and to i<idway City was held over for further s'tudy and ?~:~<:,-mn'endation~ ~ ~_:y '~ the ,dministrativei C~fficer and Ci,~y Eng~ neet._ ~ C' ~ ~ " 2£$OLUYIO?! NO. 232%,:, Co~neii an om~u~te' offered hesolu~ion No. 2329 and moved for passage and adop%ion. Refer to Reso].ution Book, page ,~ . ~ f~SOLUTION OF THE '3ITM COUN~3IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEN,~ ,.~[THORIZING f~TD APPROVING LZASINS OF C~TAIN CITY-O~.~ED PROP~TY ~n ~ Ti:E STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR USE AS ~:90RY SITE. (Rescinds Res~lution No. 2307) , On roll call Zhe fOrego,rig ~esolution was duly passed and adop%ed by %he ~ ~ z!~.,~g vote: ~ ,,r, ,,,:-,,. F~ sser and Van Wagoner. ,LYES: ,~UU:&I~r4ch~ Pearson, Sc~.u tie,. NOES: COUNCI LMEN~ None. The Mayor decla.~ea; ~t':,e fdre~oino resolution duly passed and ,adopted :;~:::<~ ~zr'-~ NO. =-3oil L, ounc~.man ;~zsser offered Resoluqion No. 2331 and moved passage and adopt[on. , ,_ ~efer to Resolution Dock, page ,., RESOLU!tON OF '[HE CITY COUNDIL OF i!--~' CiTY OF ANY,JiEI~:/~ ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED_ ,£tNVEYIN(3 TO ~RE ~. ~ CI!Y OF ANAI-iEI~t CERTAIN REAL PROP~TY FOR AN EASE?.,~ FOR RO~ ?" ~q~"<=~ (Albert E. and Ell Neimberger) ' ~ On ~o~ call the fo~eaoina Resolution was duly passed and adop~ed'by ~he ~..] ~ov:ing vote: ,, ,,..-i ¢tagone r. AYES: COUNS"iL:,'~Ni: Pearson, Schutte~ Wisser and Van ' ..... uunolLtv~N: None ABSENt' ~ 'r:~ ~?'T 126'~N}; leyi ng. r - ~The A~ayor declared %he '{oregoing~reso!ution duly passed and adopted. i.~:ouLci~o.,: NO. 2332; Councilman 7'lisser offered Resolution No. 2332 and moved for its passage and adop~ion. Refer to Resolution Book, page ~SOLUTION OF THE CiTY COUNCIL OF TuE CITY OF ANAHEIi¢, ACCEPTING A GR~~ DE~ it. INET!NC TO THE CITY UF ANAtiEi" ~[=PTtTh] REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEI,.~ FOR S~ :TD~FTNG PURPOSES (Nazmon ~'L and ~a~.y ~. Summ~zs) -" ~ foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the Cn roll u~l=. the f~]lowina vote: , ,YES: COUNCIL~,~N~: Pearson, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NO~S; COUNC I L~,~N]: None. ~BS~NT: COUNC I LYAM: Heyi ng. , The Y. ayor declared ,~he ~'oregoing: resolution duly passed and adopted. RZSOLUTION NO. 2333: Councilman Schu~te offered Resolution No. 2333 and moved for its passage and adcption. Refer to °e ' ~. solutzor~ Book, page ' ::~SOLUTION C,F THE CITY COU~IL CF THE CITY OF AN~EIM ACCEPTING A GRA~ D~ CUNVEYING YO Tile CITY Of ANAP~IM CERIAiN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EA~Ef',~ 'FOR ~B[Ic U!'iL!TIES. (Wayne }:loss and ~,,,~rtle Helane Jones) ,~ City_ ~all___, Anahe..i~m, GalifP~nia~ ]anu..a,r¥ 26, 1954 - 8:QO P.M. Cn roll call the foreuoin~ re~olution was duly passed and adopted by the ~,~c; ~L~.~,~I~,.,~N. Pearsonl Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. ,' ~O~S. COUNC I Lt,~N: No ne. The ,'~tayor declared the fforego ,~r~c-~ 1~ :~OLU~ZO,~ NO. 2334: Councilman Van fo~ ~ts ~assage and adoption. 2efer to Resolution Book, pad A. ~KSOLUYION O[ THE CITY COUNCIL O[ THE CIIY UONVEYING TO T~ CITY OF ANAHeim4 CERTAI:~ REAL PROPERTY FOR AN ~AS~,~ ~OR STR~KT JID2NING PURPOSES. (David and ~4azion C, llins) n9 resolution duly passed and adopted. loner offered resolution No. 2334 and moved On roll call the foregoing re~olution was duly passed and adopted by the .,v'~$;~ =- COUNCI L~!EN : Pe~rson~ Schutte, Wt seer' and Van Wagoner. NOES: COU NC I L~7~N: None. ' -~ =N~- COUNC I L~,4AN' Heyi ns. The ~4ayor deciazed the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ~SOLUYION NO. 2335: Councilman _Van Wagonez offezed Resolution No. 2335 and moved foz its passage and adop2!on. Refer to Resolution Book, page_~= _ .~ RESO~TION Of' THE CITY COUNCIL OP TH~ ~iDDER ~UR '?iE ?JRNiSHING OF ALL PLANT~ OF THE FOLLOWING PU~LI~ If,4PROVE~,~NT OR G/,LLON RESE'RVOiR~,, '/,]C, RK ORDER ~260. (Res~cindin9 con~ract to Wagner ~mp Co. of Santa ~ ~ C-n ro!l call the fore9oin~ r~solution Was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: A~S; COUNCIL~N: Pearsog~ Schutte~ Wisser and Van Wa9oner. NOES: COUNC I D~AN: No ne. ABSENT; COUNC I ~IAN: Heying~ . Yne ~':}ayor declared the foreg0in9 resolution du!y passed and adopted. ~,~ouLuTI~,~,, 2336. Cou~cilman Wisse offered Resolution No. 2336 and moved for its passage and adoption. ~ , Refer to Resolution Book, pa9e~ :~ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AN,~EIM ACCEPTING A GRANT COke. lING YC- T?iE CITY OF ANA~I~'~ C~YA~N ~%L PROPBRTY FOR AN EASE~NT FOR T~~ ~u',u ~'~IINTENANCE OF A 5ANI ~Y SEWER. ~Ciyde L. and Anna M. Ble~so) 6n ro11 call the foregoing ~solution was duly passed and adop2ed by the foilowin9 vote: AYES: COUNC!D~N: PearsoA, Schutte, tVisser and Van Wagoner. ~ ~ES5NT: COUNC I ~fAN: Heyi ng+ The Zayor declared the foreg¢in~ resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTIOR ~i0. 2337: Councilman Van ?~9oner offered Resolution No. 2337 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page CITY OF AN~qEIM RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. ~ING A COKrfRACT TO TIdE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE LABOR, SERVICES, ~.4ATERIAL$ AND ~EQUIP~NT HE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION AND COMPLETION VK)RK;" PUf~ING F. QUIP;VJfN.T FOR 3.,OpO;O00 3ity .~Iall, Anahei.m, iCalifgrnia, O~nuar¥ ~6, 19~54- 8:0q P.M. : ,~:c .LU~W'r'v~u.,.~ OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF .ANAHEII~ ~'oAI, LING ~-~ _G~N~RAL ~NICIPAL ELECTION TO BE lIELD I~v :, THE ZI~Y OF ...... ~'~ , m'~,~'~z~,,, ()RANGE COUntY, C~IFORNIA, THH 13TH DAY r.n ~o!1 call the ro~epiag resolution was duly passed and adopted by the foilov:in~ vote; ~. "m'~'~r"IL;/~N: Pearson, Schut~e, '¢lisser and Van 'I~agonez. NO~S: COS NC I L}~N~ No n e. AESENI: COUNC ! LP¢~N~ Heyi ng. lhe Mayor declared ~he foregoing resolution ~uly ~ssed and adopted. ~SOLUIION NO. 2338: Ceuncilnan $chutte offered Resolution No. 2838 and moved for its passage and a~ption. ~1efer to 2e~ni,,+~n E:ock~ page .. ,,~_~,~,, OF THE CiTY COUNJIL OF li~ CITY OF AN~dEltd FIN~ING A~ D~MINING .-'UB~I~ iNTE~ST At~ NECE~S!TY RE'i~Ur'o~e ~=~ inE CONSTRUCTION A~ COf~L~ION~OF ~A PUSLI7 I}/~RCVE~NT, TO ~JIT: 56ST SOUTN STREET S~?VER I~v~ROVE~NT FROM PLACENTIA :,v-,'<u= TO 460 FHHT =i-~ol OF ~' ~E~H~ .JvB .NO..~ 1003, A~ ~PPROVING T~ .DFSIGN. F'L/:.NS~ SP~IFICATIONS A:'~ DRA~JINGS FOR THE:O**S:R,~ION ~-' :~:"~ 1`~ '' ~:~=n::, ....... ~ AUTHORIZING THE · -v',:,~m,~,:,,..~,:,,o ~-:.,~.,w, OF SAID rpUDLIC I:~RCVEI::NT IN ACCORDANCE :::~:',~ ~,: SAID PL;~S A~ SPECIFIGAT- ~,-""'~'%,~ , ,':~ AU~IO~'~IZIho fAD DIF:~, ~:.~,~ ~, CiTY SLED: TO PUBLISH A. NOTICE IN~ITING 5E.:~P PROPOSALS FOil Tr:h,f;oNsrR,c~ON' - . I''T~ ~ ~'=o~'"=~,,nnqur. (:_,idoO' = to k.e opened February 2~, 1954) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the fO11 ..... · . ~.~.~.~27 vote: """"~"""'~"L~ Pe Schutte YJisser and Van ~'agoner., ~'~YES: ,~,ub,w ~ ~,,=~: arson, , Ine Nayo~ desZa~ed tNe foze2o~ng ~esolut~on duly passed and adopted. ' oL, nc.,. utte Resolution No. 2339 and ~oved .~"~,..~ ~*s~.,. passage and ~n~+~ 0n. 2efer to Resolution ~ook~ page ............... · , ~ ~,~ uP crrY OF ANAi~Eit, i GRA~.~!NG TO THE UNIT~ , . On roll call, the fo~e~oin2 rese!otion was duly passed, and adopted by the i'll ...... gl vo' ~-u,U~.~:.,t~N; Pearson, Soho;rte, L-"isser and Van Wagoner The Zayor declared the fo~,'-~;r,,-~,. ~: ........ re~o~,,+ion duly passed and adopted. ....... ~z~,-~,.,~ OF- $[,B ~,;0. ~002: B..i. n~!id-', 2ontractor. The City. Engineez certified t~.e ~o:p!etion by d"te 7ontzac:tor of '~ '- ~ b~,,o The Forest-goden Sewer Improvement, 3rid r~commended ~ts a(ceptance. , - '";i'2r'f ;~T("~' 2'~0. 2340: Councilman Van i/acjoner offered Resolution NO. ,2340 and moved :,:~r its r,=~- . ~.:~o.~e and "~,"m~ ......,,, e..( _l, ~ ~ on Lr, o.<, p,=ge ~:,~-c-tnT-,-~-,,., OF THE ',i;!TY .';;(')I!NC!/ OF TRE CITY ()F a~,mp~-'r., FINALLY ACCEPTING THE JtFPLiTION .V~rO Ti-{~ KL~NISi{iNG]OF ALL PL&NT~ L./:SOR~ SERViCE$~ P4~T~IALS A~ HQUIP~ iLL Ui'iLi'TiES AND TRANSPO~T::IION iNCLUDiNG PO:/~R, ~EL Ah~ WATER~ Ab~ P~FOR~ ALL ',IC2K i'ECESSLRY TO COH6TR[~]]' AND COt~JPLETE '['kE ~FOLLC ~INC P~BLIC II~ROVE~NT: '~"( "~'?~'~' jO';~ NC';,. 1002. inro~.,l ~.~11 the fo~eoo-,ln? reso!,~.l'to~' was duly passed, and adopted by the lousing vote: iYES: COUNC!LL~N: Pearson, SchuI~e, NOES: ,.,OU,~u i No ne ~';.<. t.~*'2 Hail, AnaheLn, UAi';~ fornia,j jscmary ~o,~' 1'..9,54 - S.._. oq P.M. 'l'~e ~[ayor declared ~he foregoings resoluZion duly passed and adopted. Oi~[b?.[ANC2 NO. S7~; (~eld overl in~.~ ,.:r lnance wes ~neio over awa~t!no deed re- ~4ri~-t[,",~[s -,', the . . ' .......... < '' ' ai'~)~we t. ne clans for improvements to be~rected on the property alerts Los Angeles .........~ ~e,~t. 5tr. ~-'n~ L~rs. Co'!ins suogested ~at the Architectural ~°ard ~onsis% of flve members. A ?ember of the Counci!~ ~ member of the City Fdannin9 Commission, t]~3 :)whets to choose the fifth member, t~e l~tter to be an architect or architectural ~f nossible. -~: PLANNI~ CO;.:ZqlSSION~ Secretary R. ;L~ 5qunga11 advised that terms of ~omm].ssloners Ralph S. Summers and k. A. Schutte expire on February 10~ .1954~ further that S:.~ers wes re-elected as Chariman and M~. Schutte was re-elected as Vice-Chai~an. ~o~o.,:~ ~al! Roa~, the S P.R.R , Cerritos Ave. and T?[YATIVE :d/:,P~ ,,~;-,~ NO. 1979: ~ ~-"+~ n . . Learn St. extended. Subdivider: Elmer 5 Sa!x,,, Ientative map was approved .on ].954 "' ~ , ;~,ject :to the fo~lowin9 conditi !. Yhe payment of $25.00 per 1 recreational areas and for the improv z. Tn~ relocation o~ street e~ · Everett- 375 lots. by the ~ity Planning Commission January ohs: et for the acquiring of sites for parks ement of such areas, adjacent to School :tezin9 upon Cerritos &venue 'to a point ,w~er~ proper drainage can be obtained. 3. The Planning Commissio~] wi 1 notify -the Anaheim Elementary Boa~J that this 'tract has been submitted-~ ~ d. The 51ementary School .~oar~, :maheim District, shall notify the City f~/r school purposes or forward a waiver ~o the effect.that no land i'n~this tract is ;~ecessar~/ for a school site. ;:, rep!y~shou!d be received from %he ochool ;Board as early as po~sibie after their meeting ~on 5ebruary 5, !.u4. _~i: %~ ;~ neeri ng requirements. _ c:,u,~ moved the gl 979, subje~'~,~ to F.if.A. requirements Jisser seconded t?:e motion. ~,.~. ION CARRI TEHY,:;TIVE ;",;.'~P, IF:ACT NO. 1948: Location: t'/ Council accept Tentative ~,,iap of Tract and engineering requirements. Councilman hast side of ~,..~gnolia :ivenue, south of Jest La Palrna /:.venue and extends easteri~.a distance of'!202 feet. Subdivider: Loui'~; Lara:~ore- z~'o" lots. ~it}' Planning '$o/r~'.ission appro~ jest to the f~!lowing conditions: i. The payment of $25.00 per 1 recreational areas and the improvement of 2. /he Cul-de-sac lots must cc 3. The adjacent property to 'th 'ec Tentative f4ap, January 20, 1954, sub- o 't for acquiring sites for parks and such areas. nform to the /,,naheim ".',--; ' ~¥~,~,. c; pal Code· e norti~ must be considered by the Sub- divider ¥&ti: reg~rd to the natural drainqge of ti~e property. 4. The City P!annin9 Com~m[ssiqn shall notify the llagnolia Elementary ~..~; ......... r~c .... -,,noe~ ~.oqsidera!:io~ in the area. ~;.,...,z: (Recornr,~enaati ~ "" ' '; ~, ",~ ~ ~-' ~' ccntained, under subject 5 ¢~,_,:v,:z of ~,--~-,,')~ ~ ~trict and possibility cf school site, This condition was with- dra~.n b7 Secretary o¢ Plannit,' (;or,mission as not app!ying to district outside ~he corf:.?zate ...... l!:i;its ~,f the C-;+,,~ of .,nanelm~ :' ' .2n motion by Councilman Van ',Vagoner, seconded by Councilman Schu~e, *~-, l~y :;ounci~ ' ~ ..... q '~ ..... ~ -~' ~ to above conditions and ...... ~pp. Ov~. sal~ ~enc~c~ve [m~ sdbj ~'~";":~c~,~,~ %o ~.~,..,. ~equizemen+s.., on slab [~oQzs and ,h~ removal of lots V, ~ X~ Y s~:d Z fron tln~_ maps and other eng~neezilnc. ~ requirements. ~.~TION CARRIED. '[~:'iT,:,TlV~ ;~2qF~ ~,~,,,~ NO. 1~5~; Location; 5ali. Roaa~ the S.F.R.R.~ ~'~alnut St. and Ce~ritos /~ve. Subdivide~: Elmer E. i~verett - 309 lots. City P] annin9 Commission approved Tentative ?.ap, Janua=y 20, 1954 s~.oject to' thc following .... ~ ].~b~ ,:'-pay, ent~ · ,~f $mo.O~J~"' ~' p~- ~ ~of' ~or aqquiring ~ites for parks and ~ecreational areas and the improvement o[ such areas. ~. The Planning Commission sh~i! notify the Katella Elementary School -..~ th~ t ....... act k~s b~en su~m. $. The =le~entazy ~c~..ool ~'~.a~, Kat~l]a District, shall Planning Commission, in writin9~ that a ~ortion of the tract must be reserved for ochoolpurposc-s or forward a waiver tq the effect that no land in this tract .,. s~r~ ~or , .... heel ~te. ., repl~ :s,,o,,la b~ received from the School $oard as early as possibl~e after 'their nqxt meeting. 4. gngineerin~ requirements. ~ Councilman Schutte moved the City Council accept Tentative r:-~ ,,,ap of Tract No. !981, subject to F.H.A. and Engi~er~ng requirements. Councilman Wisser seconded the n~otion, fvDTIC, N CARRIe. City, !,~11, (i~aheim,~, cali,forni.a,~' Ja. nu. ary 26, 1954 - 8:00 R,M. T£NTAT!~VE ;,L&P.,~ TRACT NO. 2118; Location South o{ Tract No. 1948 and extends to 3rescent Avenue. Subdivider: ~ '' ~ nOdZS Laramore - 163 lots. C~%y Planning ~'[~o~i~ssion approved Tentative'}4ap~ January 20~ 1954 subjec~ the fo!lowin~ conditions: ] ]. The payment of $25.00 per lot for acquiring sites for parks and re~reat- iona! areas and the improvements of such areas. 2. The City Pianni~ng Co~mmission shall notify the Magnolia Elementary School ~+,')ard that %his tract is unde~rconsideration-in the area. (.ondition No.._~° was w~%hdra~., Dy Secretary, of City Planning Co~ission as not per- t~:~ining {o areas outside ~he ~corporate limits of %he City of Anaheim) (School si%es) 4. 5ngineering retirements. Councilman Van :~;agoner moved ~he Council approve said Tentative Map~ su~ jec% to ~ngineering reouirements and F.r~.A. requirements on slab floors.' Councilman /~isser seconded %he mo%ion. ~!,~TION C.~fRR!SD. ~t/ViS£p TENTATIVE MAP, TRACT iN©. 1812: LoCation:~ North side of Ball Road between Loara Street and %he S.P. Raitl'road t~acts. Subdivider: Louis Laramore - 105 lots. City Planning Commilssion approved Revised Tentative Map of Tract No. 1812 Decemk~er 7, 1953, Subject to iengineering requirements. City Council approved Revised Tentative .Map of Tract No. 1812 subject to ~ngineering requirements and isubject %o the outcome of action of Superior Court on the ~all Road Annexation No. 12, motioned by 3ouncilman Van Wagoner~ seconded by Jouncilman Schutte. ~DTiON ~ARRIHD. R~VIS~ TENTATIVE I~:'~AP~ TRACT~NO. 2021: Location: Northwest corner of Acacia Street and East Romneya Drive. Subdivider: Hahn-St. 3Chh 'So. - 107 lots. City Planning CommilSsion approved Revised Tentative Map of Tract No. 2021 -.::,,~.ry'? ....... 2u,~' 1954, subject to:r` !. Revision of sleet ?attern at the southwest corner of the tract. 2. Engineering requirements. 5ity Council approved Revised Tentative Map of Tract No. 2021, subject to ~onditions as outlined by Ct~y- Planning Commission, on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. ~{©TION SARRIKD. FINAL i,~AP, TRACT NO. 1247: (iTentative fvlap approved 7/14/53) Location: North side of ',".lest South St. between ,V..anchester Lye. and Walnut St. Subdivider: Kenneth ..]~right, - 109 lots. Said Final kap was iapproved by the City Council, subject to Engineerin9 Requirements and the filing 0if proper bonds on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisse~. hDTION CARRI=~. !-~SIGNATION~ OSC;~q J. HEYiNG.i .COUNCILMAN: Councilman Oscar W. Heying rendered his resignation, expressing his ~egrets that he could not further continue as he expected tm be out of the City most o~ the time~ and in fairness %o the res% of the Council~ due ~o heavy pressure of v,;ork~ n~, elected to resign at this time. ~. Neying was appdinted in October~ 1945 to fill the vacancy created by i,~e ,~ath,,~ of UouncL!man ~i. ,.~ '",~. Barnes, and has served continuously since that time. The resignation of [Counci!man ~eying was accepted~ with regrets on motion .~=~. Jounci].man Van "Jagoner~ who, further moved ~ha% a Resolution of Appreciation for i~. work on the Jounce1 be spmead upon the '"'" ~,:~nutes. Councilman Schutte seconded the ...... +~ ,-~,. },.DT!ON ( ~RR~ ~,P~INT~,ENT~ GLENN G, FRY~ ~QUN~L,~N. ~[ayor Pearson appointed Glenn G. Fray as member of the Anahei~ City C~uncil to fill the unexpired term of Councilman Oscar W. Heyin2 due to his resi~natioh. 'Jounci!man Van Wagoner moved the appointment be ratif[e~, Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. ~,.~TION CARRIe. ~,~. Fry will be s~vorn in and assume his duties as Councilman a% the next regular meeting of the City RHSOLUTION OF' .,~PPR,-~±,~TION F[ OSCAR j. }[~YING was submitte¢ ',a-iEREAS, ntis aomzn. ~R SERVICES RENDERED THE CITY OF AN.,q{EIM BY COUNCIIJ4AN and unanimously approved by the City Council. tLUTION OF APPRECIATION. ~:i~"0, las ,~erved 'the people of inaheim as member of the ncc (ciober 23rd, 1945, and previously thereto as ommis~ion~ and filled the trust placed in him by representing the e community in a ~'~os~ nra~ifyln9 manner~ and stration of parks and playgrounds has resulted in a 1954 - 3:00 cm:>ro ~. ,. ? ....... t.i:e-~ ~ -~',,r,i:re ~.z' ation to !Vm. !--!eying tizens of >,nahei:::~ Cran,:e 'i:ok:.nt¥~ California~ the promot?~:n of t. he publ:c v,,e!~a~e. s i':te~}o!ution k,~ ~-,~ .... ~ upon the b:inutes Counci ] man 3ounci !man ::eunc] lman