1954/02/09 Uity_ Ha_!l, .Anahei~m~ :Cal, i f,orni.at,' ,.[eb_ru_~r¥ _%m~1954~-~ 8~00 P.M. The 7it)"' Coun:;~l ~f t>',e,~ 0ity of ,inaheim ~,,~e;"- in reou~ar~ _ session. :' ~.~T~,T~C~ ) r ~1~~ ~', ' "T/-'~ , ~V'~'~r~ , , iNTi~ODUCTtCN. COI]NCTi.SA~.~ {'~T'~M (k ~i~V, Mayor Pearson introduced }.{r. Glen G. Fry ~p.,znt,,en~ ~o ~_~} C( mc]imam was ~o. uz at the regular meeting held Ci_t'y Ciezk, "~,~::ar!~s, E. ;tz'iffiti~, administered_ . the Constitutional Oath (l.:"~ :;e~ and ~o~ino-Llmall P~y ;';as soa-ted. . '""+~"~' ay CoL}nc:[~,-,~, Van Na'2o:mr, ~m~,~A by Councilman ~:'~zsser...~':~zu~ ~_: ~..~ ~,~, ..... . .......... ' ..... ~,,. CJRRT'~D ~ep~r~e~ oemand~, aga~s~ the +~:lcl %0 ,~o~, it.o,'/-/, "-q'~' ~ ~n'::~ se ........ ~,.o, ~ul,.,,,c ........ l'fi s r ........ that report of Finance Co~nittee - ;eF+~d, a;m 'Lh~t waz'ra~ts be dream upon: z,,, Treasurer %o pay said demands .~,'~,'"::~'TTC,:,~,,,.,_~,~,~,, OF i~:~(E3; Jan0e~ i~t~,~~. ~ ~,, of taxers, on property described as the North "~ ~,~e+ o~ ~u t. "" ..... ............ recently purchased b~ ~he ~a~-:::~.rr (:;i. tv (:: :; ;': o,z l ~'~ ~'~ c~, for ~cheo! ~:',:~:~oses wac approved .on motion by ' ,",=~:,e sti nu reclassification tS ] to 7, in;;z sire, . o~f '-'r~:tL Wo. 20ge, from R-A to ~1. Property located :e So: 'ti~,a, est :.l.::,rrle--c[ :~ol;t~' ~,u~' ~. 'n'''~,~. , ::~.:.~ s ~e':~,~. ..... ~,_ t. and la!l P, oad. _i't ._'l ~ proposed ,,- r' ~. - ' ,..',-s S~vzu on 'LiZ' ;~z'o th ac:eq'.~ate off-street pa~king. ~; P!.:~:m~.n:] ..,.~, a .~,: . .~ :..u,.~,u~,,~ ...... 57-54) :..~.._ ~.' 4 .re;:.!~. ~:~(:;7'- '~. ~ '"~._; :;ui-'~ ~.'~ ~ .... zc.. ~: :re ':,! den[.n~' ~:.~. these stz'ee'ts. ' Tr'~vl.d~:i [.v~r'i't'...-fi,,~ foot: 7;-~-'~-;r:) nf Land,:-,'c"~nr~ ~long So~,%h Los - "~ .... ""' x"-nt ,.,~.e~ buildines are '3 C~. 4. "e[-}:;~;lc~c I~F:'P~i '~'~ h:'.~i~r~iq'~ u ..... u a ,,,L, l.,,_,,n 0 .............o~ ,,,, =: ~n '-,- '"" n',',.", ~, 60 feet from South '.noe].~? " ' a''4 ' R s ~%reez !~a].:. oaq .,~'. u=~:]i:'m of a precise '~.~z~ .:~z proposed usec for consideration by the 3ounc [ l. . 6. Filing of deed re~txtctions relative to architecture, etc. Discussion of the proposed zeciassific~tion followed; no'plans om lay- were s, ,,.~.t. ted, ant Cm Suoatvzder s~ated ~n¢/ were i.n'Lere~.ted in getting tr:e S changea, suOject to the approval of the City "","":~...,.,u,,~_~=, then 'they ~ould a:.e ~,,,:i'th :nu-~r~::,-,ua PelF",: '~,~ b'Jcines~es; there i~ definitely ,~o~n~ to be ~ ' "' ,':~ ' ' zur ed re c for 'chat area. .........................o FLYi':;;; F,;rossoc'. ~I;C tJO~dl;C.].] ~r; pZ"'r;~e~, ar:.razns~ action taken upon *;:~,~z s ....... ~ r:. :r 'L.:~ ::crt:~ ::,:: ::;~ .... .~zz.~.~e- ~ s~e~:, ~,classification. . felt .... ~' c.-~. .urui:er delay ..... 1:.i"~_.0~' 1:':' ~F. CZi ~[.;'iaLlPri~ ]fit': ",-ill O ii:) ?x:~aSoll for ¢ .......... .. ....... ~ ........... ; _~st':hce c~ no further del be ma,.:~. ~ ....... :mn'z ?bo.~~ :.u, and asked the ulc;:;, wheechez- this .... :i~ass~ f:L ....... : ~¢ ' . ~ ,~:;..,:~:": ',::as 2::;:1:~ 'to be considered ~rs~} further .,iaToz F'~arr_.x: st~tbd "Lira .... ti're .i::,.:~;::;'[ felt, -L:,ai the general idea was I ::.ve,'~t:.:a~ .... ~ ~ .... u~: ..... ~- '.vc::.].d bb ::o:~ed for business. :-:earznq orCe~¢4 c~-Lznueu o~'; motion ' ' C . ..... ~-~'z ounci!man i~iss, er, secoaded by ~ Grig ~o~h Los ."rage[es S~ee~ '-' "' '~ 'L"~ ~ ' ' ~ .... Lud7 .,z the ~ ir..Csr:J,,:":, ' "'"~ ~' ..... -~ '.. ~"~ .... ~ .... ' .... ~n~ same type ..... ~'"::~'~i L.',~, ii01'0 .70?':` :i'~ ,,~.;~:,~.: ~ 50~u].,~ Llp +; ~ , ~. . -~.~u '~::",::~nuL, L~i:::'L ,irc:. roq~Lrc.::~ ~:L+', o ........ ' '' ....:~ii'::rm ,deed re~+ric'-t]or',s-.,~ ahd il ~',-~,.~ ~';~d~ z..~:';::n.:;" rest'-: ....... ~'+ions~~ %hey would have %o ..... c.,. ~eu to the property ovmers, ~::'~e is .~n}' z'oason ~.~zes t.:ny that :is ~ezng held up. ..:z-. ._~,~,, ~ ~ ~x..,~ ~..on ~ property owners of what i~ re- .......... -~ ~ can be considered as soon as possible aaopt, zon. for i a...~ ~ C::~ r312 call the fore¢c, in5 Cird f?iiowino v'::te: ix: ~:,'~ .... ITY 0~ ,,w~w=v~.~ AI'~ ,:~UIL~:,,:~$ Y,:2~ SPAC:S: A~PTING THE T~,',o US~ Ti-i~IN; PR~ rnno~:iinn~c ~T';"Iiv~:: PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION incnce :'vas duly passed and adopted by the Fry, iisser and Van ?.lagoner. T;,., ~..,,,. x h~ o ~,-o"~,- Ordinance ~i,,~5, passed and adopted. ,,~.~ , .... zor ,~eclared t~.~ f, r~ ~ ~ CC. NTII~ FLiL4~C ~/~}J(S;_._.F-~5~i2:_ ~ili Company, Inc. Tract No. !843- Lots ]0 '::0 ],9 be reclassified from R-! to C-II. Elevation anc PI,. t ,-.'rahs wer~ pr .... entad~ =o,:':~-t:,~r :din ,de~ restrictions la :..i-Ye deed r.s~ric'tio.~ :,n~[n~mbc .... : tl'.e Ar~i".i~tu~a! Comi~ee was to :ea member c.f the ~ity [!annin5 :o::~ission. :.:ayor Peorson fel: a great many ~ ~ ~ ~ r,~ ~ ~ ~i~] c ~ ~ ~'xt~a du%i~, wer~ be[,,g fo~oed upon t~e ~i~/ Pl~nnino Co:aiss[on~ i-:9weve~ felt :.out,oil should be ~eF,~esen~ed ~om an eqginee~i~? s~andpo[nt. ,' ~' -:~ ~'~' c~ ~ ' ~ ,,~ e~,~n 'i +~: ~ ~ ,~+'l r r }0 C}" ~' : ~ ' ..... cr .,.~l.:~UoSiOR~ ~t ~,as .~s~siec, ~,,e r~str .... o.l .~e ..ianseo ~o, One reFresen~al:ve from the City Planning CcramissioG~ or Plannin8 S~aff~ appointed by the i't +" Cotincil T?is chan~e was a~eeable to 'the Bill Lompsny. r):~ r~ -'T I l~ TF-t~T ~J ~ ' ~ou~~ NO, eq4q. Uounczlman Van Waconer offered Resolution i',Io, z343 and moved for its passage and adoption. Reffe~ to Reso~u%~on 3ook~ Fa~6 ~~ . . Tv ~'L.~ ?. ,: r'~ --T~ ~MA'i- ~" ::"~1 (-'T ; ( ~ ~ ~l-T]l ~ l~ f~ '- T '~ ' Cn roll c~l! the foregoLng resolution v?as duly passed and adopted by the . .,~Y:P,:;: ~OUN6ILT~N: Pearsan~ Fry~ ?d. sser and Van ?lagone~. : 'C ES; COU NC I L::~N; 7'0 ne' ' .=,,ih.:: COUNCILLRN: Schutte~ The ~,adyOr declazed the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. I ::u,~I H:. lO20: ::,:z. ?:enzy, Sngineer re '~esenting George ?iolstein and Son Tmact 'No, ~620j located in Cgunty 7'erritozYj ddzessed the Council requesting the zemoval of provision recommended by City Planr, Z~g Cor~tssLon of the wall ~]on9 Ba~l Road rear of suoo::vision. :,r. },hrdoch staZed ~he City P~anning Commission recormended the placement , i: a wall a .... ~: the north side of Bali ~oad to screen the proposed subdivision fzom ::ali Road~ ..... e ~ssu~pZion wa~ thai the ~ots back agains~ '2all Road instead~ they ::de aga:::s% ~:<::.! Road with cul-de-saCSlc':': ~ ...... . J,n.~n: o:~t towazd~ Palm Street. I% has been pr posed, rasher than a wail :o hav~ ti.~% pzope_~, land,caped, the,eby havina the property owners-naintain the area out t9 '~he c[:y cuing. If any fences a~e ~uilt~ ,a-?~,,~,.~ would '~..~ tho type exFre..s~d in ti'i~deeJ restrictions. .n t!iat way~ the service yards in lots faui:~ 3a!l Road would be ion the north side of the lot rather than :2t the 3ali 4cad side. The service yar~s on the north side would become a part of the yard itself. There is only orle Vernonz, anci %he rest are cul-de-sacs. problem o2 ti~eir Agenda for February 10' Councilman Van 'Y;agonez moved i,rcvls[on of wall, as recommended by th, conditions as imposed by the County Pla~ thc motion. ?..~3TION CARRIED. ~treet ccm'dno +~".,~( .... .,x to ~ ~ ....... z,, Ball Road, West to The Cour. ty '~ ~ '' "~' ' F.onn~n~ ~ommzssion bas ~his :h meeting. :o accept the proposed chsnge~ removing the , Ciw Planning do:T.mission, and accept the 5' r .ss on. ,~ounczlman flzsser seconded ~y nail, Anaheim, ~a!zfornza, .e~ruary 9, i~ 8:00 P;M. P~LIC i~:~tqiN~; ,~A~'~ON;~NT ~CC~.~NgS{ Pursuant. to ORDINANGE NO. 877~ ~blic Xeari,q,; was held on tlte abanddmmn~ and ~iose to public use of an easemen~ for ......~.. _~.~ ~n,~ ~ ~8 and ]9~ Anaheim Investment ~e,.~rs upon~ over~ acr~ ~ d ~a~n~ Lots x ,; ~+ n -~,*~-s '~. -~ ~ and no one present .i;;fected to the proposed abanqonment, ~, '~,, ,,~ ~.~er~p ..... o~nc~ ......~n ~.,zsser offered I[~ouLUTION NO, 2344 and moved~foz tis ~ssage and ~doption. ...:'.;:..:u'~'.-u',',m~ OF 'm E.:,SRf','.~NT POS. S.~,~-q PURPOSES UPON, OV~R~ ACROSS A~D ALONG THE On rol~ call +~"~ fo~eco~r-- resoluti - ~ ~ -~ ,v on was duly passed and adcpted by the ioiiowi~ vote: ..... ;~,~,~:~ Pearson, Fry, '4inner and Van :4agone~. NOES: SOUNC I ~2~N :j No ne. Ataycr declared ~he ~o ..... " . ~ ~e:~:.ng ~eso!ution ~uly passed and adopted, ~,'~ C,F LC, 2~; ~,':r f'/,oreno aHdre~s~d the counci~ requesting information on the width ::'f Learn Stree%~ North c+~, + . sidents ea o .... ee~ ~nor~n. A{r. Jaggers and ~r. Quish, re s~ and ',';e~.~ c~ ,n~ entrance %o Learn from La Palma inquired as to the possible opening of .... oy lhere. , L~a[,~S: Nr. L{enzie requested inasmuch as all business r . ":~,- that hi~ license be changed to one normally ~uenses are revoca~!e fo $ood ~J~:e, ~ ~ ~.ssued, and no~ carrying the dotation "Temporary License~ Reuocab!e at any time". The re::iuested chan~}~ was ordered by the City Council,' ~L~Cfff. ENY O~' B~NC[~S:.. CRO~S ~OWN DU~: Chief of Police and Administrative Offider i. nvest:Egated the penni~''' . · ,~.t. tie~ of placement of benches on ~ity s~reets, as requested ~'-~, the ]ross Town Bus, and reDorted on proposed ordinance fo~ the ~egulation' of same it was moved by ]ouncilman Van ,.,a,~oner~ seconded by Councilman Wisser~ ~.~: ~': ordinance be prepared, for first re~a..n~ at the next meeting, to allow the i:!ace~:ent of benches and setting up re.}ulations, as requested by the Retail Division ~,~am~.;r of Cc, m~erce D}S, I IO~: CARRIED ~o~, ~=~,~,~ lO OPERAT~ A }DBI]~ ;~'RY~ROUND3 Andrew ~4.-Beyer was submitted and teaC. f~. Seyer addressed the Council, and ~e was advised that the ~4e~ry-g~zound would Oe"investisated Oy the Ghief of Poiice, with possible action at the next :~ectin~ of the Council. ~-:,-~go~ %'E,,x~%./; ~LYDR ~=~-~lry ]6I~us: To be held on ~eneral Electric Company's prar~erty', at North Olive and Jdiiana, ~%ree%s, Tuesday, April 20, 1954. Said permit grantee on motion Dy ~ounCilman f,'isser, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. iON CARRI?ED. i , !:2, $.':aVATION. . ARr.~ ~-,'--~u°~:""~"'?=~ ~_: Permission to place placards on light 'stafldards,. in bus;~.ness district, advertisinU thezr annual. Salvage Week, May 24th through 29%h. ..e_ixost ~,'as denie~ on r,:otion by ~'"~"~ci!rnan Van Wagoner, seconded bY Councilman .,'i s s e z'. /',;lOTION ~'~,.~n · ~. ,., ~ o r ~ i.~: 3. R. PARSONS: resident lin newly annexed territory, and opera,or of chicken ronc~ asked the city for -" ~ J '~.',*' ~ f ~hr ip.~.~ect~on o a six foot fence, an~ that the city the subdivider of the ~property at the rear of his property to install said . ,',~.~'~ ~u,,gall~'~ ~' ' Secret~ry of the City Planning Commission~ was requested to [nR)rra lhe su5a~vlder o~ Ir. ~arson%'s reques!. ,~:~u: PU~ CO: ,!nnual ~atemen~ was s~bmttied and ~ead. ,~iSEDr~"' ~,~T~TIV~, ~ ~'fY~P. TRACY i~o. 190~ P. C. Lumber Co. - 60 lots. Lo~at~°n on %he v~,est ~ide of 8o. Lemon Si. between ?[.Vermcnt Ave. and Ball Road. City Plannin~ Sommi sion, February i, !954 approved Revised Tentative Map ...... ~:~-~. to the follow~n~ I. Le~ving a s~r~ o>enzn~ ~o th~ we~,t from ~he in%eri°r street. 2. Elimination of S. Payment of $25.~ oer lot for acquisition of parks and recreational sites. Zngineering requirement s. _ Cikz..Zb.t!l_~_Anaheim, ~alifornia February 9, 19~4-- .:ltv Council approvect Revised Tentative Map of Tract No. !909~ subject to c::>neLtion~: as outlined by ~ ~%y Planning ~omm[ssion~ on motion by <:;ouncilman Van ~dc of So,,~, ~a~t Street: between "-~t S~ ~ .. m~ rata Stree~ and East Ve~on~ Avenue. C.L%' Plannin~ Com~is:i. on, Fe~ayy !, 1954, app_ovea the Tentative Map !. ibc pay~en~ of $25.00 per s i t: s. 5:. En:i neeri n9 requirements. [" '-' ,, ' subject to conditions as out- .zty ~o~nczl approved said Ten'.ative ]'nad by Ct .... Planninc Commission, on ~ro .i.,:',n by Counc:ilman ',fisse~, seconded by Fi:/<NCiAL ~: ...... R,-..~I~,~ }~PORTS for *'~'~ month of January, 1964, were submitted, read an: ordered zeceLved and filed on motion~by 2ounci!man Van ;,':agonez~ seconded by ,:~ subm:ittec and re~o, ~or~e<,,;l~t~.on ~so con~a..nea proi~oo~zor, ~.,,~re insurance :,:voraSe csn be increased :mom ~1,000. %p 52,000. vfi_~h small additional cos~. J,:~id co:~unioa%ion :as zeferre~ to %ho Smp!oyees' Assoc:.aZion fez ze- LZTT~R OF CC&~PL,,iNT: Subm;' ~' ,. ..-~t~a ~y L~rs. A Benner was submitted~ read and referred to the City~ngineer. ~ '~ i CiTY PLANNINO CO~'~SSION R550LUTiON NO. ~9 ~as submitted~ and read~ w~herein, they recommend a chan~e ~o ~he ~4un~cipal Code~ Section s~cond parauraph under (b) ~Tne Chai~aq of the P!annin~ Commission shall hav~ no.. r~:' ~ to vote ~n the d~llbera~ions of ~h~ Conm~ission excep~ ].n ~he case~of a ~ie City Counc~ 1 approved 'the abov preparation <>f an Ordinance to accomp!is ,~ ~ ~PLt,NNI:G ~O.,>,,,ISolO~.~ ELTCTiON Of OF]~ Cji7 P!annin~ Corrmission to start procee · ~,.~ - · r'~£..C-~ F!c.:mz,,~ r:,.,,?,~, ssi on ~,~cers to the firs Eot for acquisition of parks and recreational e change to the Code and instructed the h the change ...... ,iCERS:~ The City '"" ~o~n~zl requested the dings ci~anging~.the election, of City t ~,~onday in ;~:arch. ~ P,~:,,~,,,,,;,¢ CO;,::,/IloblUN RESOLUTION NO '50: Recommends change iii Section 9200.14 of the ,!naheim Liunicipal~Code relative ~o 'parking requirements for various b~sinesses. ,J:.d Resolution was m~bmitted~ rea <and PUBLI HEARING was ordere~ to be .'-~:: ::,':arch q, ...... nn motion Councilman ~an ~o~r seconded by Councilman ..[ s,:er. [.z[ 'Ti'''>-' : ' F-52-5~14~ ilar:non ~',. Sun~mers~ i~,<::, I.. " o,~ ~. i:enier S%ree%~ requesting property des- :r~bed as th~:~ north 220 feet measured f~m the center line cf E. Center S%. of the: :,c:~t 5 acres of the last ],0 acres o~ lh~ ~orth 20 acres o{ Lo~ 10~ Anaheim~Ex- ~,"-sion ';n .,~. ty ...... -- ..... ~-e 'Ci of Anaheim It ~ further describes as 1648 !708 East be Cch+er Street, reclassified from R-A itc R-3. : City Plann~ng Coram[sslon Reso!utLon No. ~S reco~nended sa~d zeclass~f~- .... ~ .... llowi reasons: Tim subject pzoper%7 is l~cated on a heavily travelled h&ghway and L;-:crefore :l,s not su[Zab!e for singlc fam&!y use. Re"ause~ ~ the City docs not i[avs, z "shoe-sZz~ngl~",,,~ o¢ co;~ezc~al azeas ? %O 8 ~ ~ =Z08~ ore. :;!ong=. CenSez St., the PW::3LIC HEARING was o~dered ~o Ibc held :a=ch 9, ~954 on mo~ion by Cou0c~l- ,'~: Van Tcagcr~r, seconded b,, C;ounc[lman~W~sser. f.~Tr.~,~ CARRIED. ..... '2'' Genera~ Pe-'rol=,',,n~ Corporation~. requesting waiver from the P-L ¢' r ~L¢¢tLon on pzopezty desc~&bed- OF'Z':? ,. ~.~e ~3~..b,.;~z~ . ~, 0 p,.~ ~v...G~ r .... r':.; ..; a ~ , ..... Raymond .:..va :'iL-" ':'~ ,~,: .... ":on :~e .~1 .' 7',:<>. 4,6 (~-~"~) submitted and ',,'~d:,~..~ 'to the '::!t.y ::,f An~hci:'n by the property owner of twenty fox. :.:ce' '.:l :,n~:.,_ ,_n~,', of.Ra,m, ond,. ,.../::ye. a~d Oran?thorpe ~,.e", . before a use and ~:e lnstal].atzon o~, ~,~r,~,"" ~'~ a,.on~ ' C:ranoethorpe, Ave. and Ra~ond Ave. T:':e 'r,~--,,~,,,~,,~,,+ of tim gtc:eot from ~,u curb line to the existing 592 ':+" ~' "~ ~'"'~",':~'~ ~r:'~t~ fornia~ Feoruar7 9, t954 S-QO P.M. V':~i:i/2!Ci NC. 222: Charles ... ~ ......, :~,.~ '.:J'. La Pa!~m .lye. Request permission t-:~ devc!op, eight trail~r~ ":~..~_~s-" 2b fee*~ ~'y 45 feet. iity P~anninl ~':',"; ' pu ' to ( ~. ..... ~,,,~szon~ rsuan% their Resolution No. 47 5~54) _z-~::,~e~: acid variance, and Re~oiu't:ion ~o. ~'~ was:submiLted to the City Council and ~::~'-r~c~ rOI~~. (food's" C u !{arx. ic and L w. Henson dba Glenco Plumbing ~'~,:.~=,-~o ~, , · Glen .t ...... ,zn~ ~ . .... ~ . -. .tt~,d - ereX o ~3ond w~s sunmz~ and ord .~ recezved a~-~d~., f~__.~ed, when a~nrove~,~,~ ~ by the City oxnc': Var. ?.:a~oFmr, t:e~onoeo by Councilman '/hsser. ~v, xm ,~,~,,.,llu~.,~ ti n filed Fe::>ruary 9, l';o~ containing 27 signatures of ::~;'~':ed voters in th -" The Cihy ?~ ~.r~,._. ..~ :.¢, ] ~,,x; ~.~,< Cer.tif~ cate~ ",¢, · Suff!ciensy as to the petition. .... ,~,,.n ssez offered R,=sol~.:~=on 2341 and moved for ~' pe~:sage and adot5+;,-,', Refer to ~os,.)!ulion jBook~ pa2e FT:~R "~=qr"~:¢rR"::~ T~R~IT{.:,Ry 'r'-:~ at~=cm~c,~'~ OF ANN~ATION OF SAiD TERRITORY TO THE CITY Ur: ro.l~ ...... 3a~ '-:'~.:~. fo~ec:t, ins zesc~.' ~z:~:~:' ' was duty passed and adopted by the :t:>i~' 'ncj ..Y=o: ..... .:,~i ......... ~ Pearson~ Fry~ ,"tlssar and Van Wagoner. ~.,~ :'o~,'e:":oin? . .;.. ,~.~ -on ~y passed an& adopted. ?.iU,LLliTiON NO. ~,-~°; ,.~our'.cz!:fian Van '.iaoonez~ o¢¢'.*red. ~ Resolution No. 2342 and moved for ~'t:s passage and adoption. ~ i - Refer t.o Resol. u-lion ~Book, page ~"~:SCT~'~TTOm OF THE CITY rv'U>glL ~'-s' Ti~E CITY OF ANAHET~< HJTHOR!ZING THE SALE OF ~,,r.,=~ ~. BEATYIE A~ EXILY "".-,~,, rol~., call +;','.~,,~ fo=eooi,'~,.~ z¢,--,,,~,,+'.~_,~., .,,on_ . was au!i, passed and adopted by the ..... ,: None. The f{a,/or declared t~he foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. 2£$CLU'i'ION NO. 234~; Councilman Van ?,"agoner offered Resolution No. 2345 and moved aooas~ and adoption. ~C. r,~ 2efer 'to Resolution iBook, page ., i-;ESOLUTION CF THE CITY '.,vbi'~I,. OF THE CITY nF ;-~AHEI~Z AL:THORIZING A~CD DIRECTING TH~.T T:~E N..qA.~E OF TFI~ CITY OF ANZ~iEIf,i i~:l ?TITHDRA?~4 AS A PROTESTA~ OR AS AN I~EREST~D ti':= P~C'~zcDiNGS UPOX .,PPLI~nz u, T:-;E PACIFIC TELEPHONE AN~ TELEGRAPH ~,~ . ~,~ On roll call the fo~eaoinc, re_~!~tion~o "was duly passed and adopted by the lowing vote: i. , ,~o c'OU kL'; l L;',~N: :.Y~o: ~", Pearson, Fry, ~,Tisser and Van Wagoner. !'.[OHS: ~,~U-:~ T r '~W-~ ...." ~e=t''m,~_x ~: CCUNC !LtLCN: Scbutte . ~.;e F,a'/or declared e forego~n9 resolution duly passed and adopted.. Jit¥.jl!.al_l.-~--%r_!a_h_ei~~n_~a_~__~F.e.Pr.uar¥ 9, .1754- 8:qO _3 o and moved for 2ESOLUTiON ?';(~. 23~6: Councilman Wissez ~offered Resolution No. 2 4~ passage ~nd adoption. Refer ~o P=,so!u/ion Book, :~ ~e ,~o~,,~,~''~'"~"'T. ,,~,~ ~'m!NG TO THE GRANTING CF PERI¢,ISSiON ..... TO ORANG= COUntY SANITATION 2iSTRICT. !"L. 6 -,ND THE bilDWAY ~.CITY Sid"~t DiJPOSAL,~c:VCT'~',"'~°. ~ _,~,o AiTD L'ri'~ES.. TO TNE TRUi~ ==~ ,~,~,~,~ PL.d'~ OF THE ORANGE CCUbFY Jc 'T~ ::iRE!ii~ ;,;'?D APPROVING AN~ ~:,~T~uR!ZiNG ;'~:i;)?L::,Y ~;YTY SAi,i!TARY DISTRICT AND THE ~:.a~ DISTRICT TO CONNECT THEIR SEWAGE SF. WER LINES A'N~D SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM A~© If'~ OUTFALL c=,,=:, .g'.~ TO DIodt,~OE SEWAGE THE ::~,=,obtI~N OF SAID AGREEI~NTS AS A~,'~NDED ~N COUNTY SANiT.,TION DISTRICT NO. 6 ,ITIES,~"~,'~':~ SANiTT~RY DISTRICTS OF TIlE ORANGE En roil call ~hc-, foregoing r6solution was duly passed and adopted by ~he ~o~lowinc VO : ,,':'~S: ~ubNulL~v,~;~ ..... ' Pearso , Fry, 4i~ser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNC I L~,~N: No ne. AP, SEN/: COUNCIL~RN:, Ti~e ~'.ayor declared the foreg lng r~solution duly passed and adopted. L.~NCOLN ~ANb~ATION: Report of Orange County Boundary Commission was su~ ?]tted anci filed. P-'+i*: '='"~ ' ,_~, ~-'.on ~,~. annexatlo~ of ur ~;30LUYION NO. 2.347: Councilman Van for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, pa( ~fESuauliu~ OF Thr'_ CITY COUNCIL OF TH] I0, FOR T~ ANNEXATION OP CIRTA DESIGNATING l~"=,,~ ....... IzRRIT~h. :[OUR ,kid "" '~* ' ..... T2ARITORY SO PRO~'S~ TO ';~<Y SUCN TERRITORY SHOU~ NOT i-~earinq., ,Zarch, .12,~, 1954 - ~inhabited territory to be known as LINCOLN rd. t§oner o~fered Resolution No. 2347 and moved CITY OF ANAHEIm4 ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF N UNiNH~}ITED T~RRITORY TO TiiE CITY OF lie LINCOLN~ ANbEEXATION: DESCRIBING · iD TC BE A~ff,~ Ale GIVING NOT%CE OF THE P~SON OJNING REAL PROPERTY '.~ITHIN SUCH APPEAR BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL ;,~ SHOW A!'~'.I~ED TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIt¢.. ) A.}.i._ - Publish, Bulletin and Courier Feb. !8 and 25th) 2n roll call the foregoing r~so!ution was duly passed and adopted by ~he followino vote; .'.YES; C;OUNCiL',~i~: Pearso~ Fry, 7~isser and Van Wagoner. The layer declared ~i'~e RoregOing resolution duly passed and adopted. ,-n~',~.a~ux= leport~ of Orance r-~,,+,, Boundary Co~ission was s ~bmitted and flied. : ti 0 ~..3~ n for annexation of u~inhabited~ territory to be known as EAST ~ >~YA bT~iffE ,,x~:A~=~ION was submit~ediand read. ~2SOLUTIUN NO, 2B48~ Councilman Van W~goner offered Resolution No. 2848 and moved ~or i~s passage and adoption. "*" ' page RESOLUTION OF THE .... a'-v 0-1, COUNCIL OF TH= CiTY OF AN/C~biiLi ,iCKNOWL~GING RE%;EIPI OF DmTTT'F~,;~ FuR ~.H~ A!L,~:iTiON OF r'~rmT~,IN UN!!'R:iBITED TE~ilTORY TO THE CITY OF "'"": ¢ w:_;~::,,~ r:,":iSNDAEiES ..... OF THE TERRIYORY PF )POS~ TO BE :U'4N~ AND GIVING NOTICE OF - w;,'-' z, .................. ::' ;:.: ,7~ PLR(;Z .i~iER! ,Wn ,.'~752~ /jiY PERSON O"¢,JING REAL PROPERTY WITHIN SUCH ....... ,,~.,~ APPE,:'~R ':3EFORE Tn= :~ITY COUNCIL AND SHOW / " 18 25th , r',,, roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the .,llowin: vate: 59,-I · Ai!SOLLiTiON NO. 2349: ,3o,.-~n¢i l~an 7an ';agoner offered Resolution No. 2349 and moved f')r its passage Refer to Resoi~}tior ;::-,.= ,~. ~ OF /,NAi-iEIL ~ZNDING SECTION ~D 0F THE ? ~'"- OF FOR TEE iNSTALLATION OF r-" T~ T ,.'x f f'" T ' f~recoLr::'~, . > ~.:~so!,-*';,~n..: ~.~. was duly passed and adopted by the Pearson', Fry, ,Tissez and V~n ',;agoner. - f'.]or;a 7h¢ ..'.ayo~ asc~ared t:u? fore,zjolr:c: re .... ,z..~ion duly passed and adopted. ............ -.~et :,,:. :; i:::.;::, -u:, avo'.,:' U~o erection of dwellings on the ~'1 ~' *~'ece +r':,~ stra!nht oortion of +h,~ '-'e r.lCki and~ef4'~ ':and :"*¢¢,~, enLeT':'n¢_ t.-,': ""l-c.,,-sac' from *h,= strai-,-C,~t portion of ' ... -'.reef shal}, have a ]. ~-,- es ....... ~..is ,-,,, ;.~ !,-,~ tanoen% to the set-back radius . ,, =...~,-~r+,~ ......... .~1 Ln: s:'-.:z.[ .~ -.. ...... s,e....~ zc~'. ..... L.r': o%:-.~r ~n-~...:~ nn.... "=~. (..ut-de-sa~, ,zJdth_ of 60- ........................ . ........ ;;',., a tan:"e ,. c~ middle polnt of 'the set-back in::].~din,: sul-,;~--s,:' s, s}tal! ~"'.,~ deterng, ned by the width at 'it}.r: r~n al! s~z-ee~s~ St2 ~--~Li,;K i! ;iOS. No protests v;cz"e received. :n v:r_i*:n? by the ':;ty Clerk, and no one present .' 't:: n.cei:.: n~ .:,bj?si. ed '":o p~oposed chan.:'e to ;?.:nicipa! Code. ......... ~orec ~,~ , ~,o. ;z350 and moved for l-.'.ofez [c 2eso!'.:t[ oa F.";.,c;:, l::'aL'e ........ · ................ ~..OFl WaS _~. :.'i].?. .: n vote: aoeoi ntments were seconded by CounciL- ","" .TIC:'.[ CC:/.:..iTT£i ...... .... ;.or Pe,~rsen...:.~,o; ....... n+ed ..,o'.mcilman Van ":a~. uoner, member of the !~ecrea'tion-Jovsni.~ee a.ctfno flor the 'l.:{tv off ;naheim. So:~c[lman 7lisse~ moved She _., .. '.;:.tme~-L ':,~ x'~:i.: F~.;.,, "]o._;nc~ !n-an Fz} se~or,~eu the motion. ~TION CARRIe. ., _ ...,_:.'" ::', ;.z._~"-' ..... -~., o:~... ..... 30 from Wc.e.; '"~;~..z-?,~_ 3czvice, _Tztc. , .vas authorized on motion .... : ~ .... . - .... ,.,.-,.. :'CTI~,I· , .......... :~. , .: r}C ]. "a:, '.'~[SS<.:F~ 2,(; ...... :;'eCl, -2',:F~,.:=~ ........ ~,r,?.:~ ,,o~O,~. ., . ~ , ~ADDT~T~ ' N ' ': : ;" °econde~' bt ' '-' .... ~ : ......... ~:"-'~B" "- " ,,. ....... ~..o ~ex~rea for :~::t ee%i,~ se' ~ ~ :::y i',Odr~'il'>L~i'~ .';isse~. ,,~ :>'~ -~o%.len }')y :2odnci!:::an Nry cones ...:,.1. :.!D. ! / ;..'.:,_;;~..~ ~. r,~,s. D;{IV/~AY...P2R;~I*: ~;,e ~.~ ~, ~,~-~,~.- ~'"',",~ ~.~.,~ ,,~'"d action zescinding a:;:J Lqat -ti}: .... :;::]' sat:, on for thc per;:',(t b~ <ran Led~ ::~cLje,'.;'b -La:) ,; ::~ ~dl ti on that the ..~ ~.~ v,'a':: ', .... ~ : - ':++,~',"~ the Ca!~ '? ' "' '.': L:Pi'ne~ Pa .... ~ "~ /,(ari.'o~ .........................~ ~ '~ C'ffi Jill ~;~i"":';',~:.~'~'""-~ ~= urr~z;-t and :.ssi s Lan '"~.~. ty Admini .~ u~, ~,.~,uoar was granted : -,*:.-n-: tim ~ ~-'~,"¢" cf C~.'tieq, tlanacers' Divi*: ~ .., ':, ._L i t 3:~. ~ .... Jarl ',J~. ~:Sel ::OVOC] '~0 u j ....... CiL ,¢ =n '.'A~,sene= seconded the / ~ ..... ~1~%y C 1 e