1954/03/09City Hallm AnaheiMm: California, March 9~ 1954- 8:OO-P.M. The City Council df the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PR~SHNT: COUNCIL~: Wisser, Schutte, Fry and Van Wagoner. ABSENT : COUNCIL~: Pearson. CITY ATTORNHY, PRESTON TURN, R: Present. CITY ADNtINISTRATIVE OFFICER, KEITH A. NUP~H: Present.. The meeting wae called to order for the purpose of electing a }~ayor Pro Tern for the City of Anaheim.. Councilman Schutt~ nominated CoUncilman'.Van Wagoner and moved the nomtnat - ions closed. Councilman F~ seconded the motion. I~)TION C~JtlED. c~Councilman Van Wagoner was unanimously elected Mayor Pro Tem. , .~ The Ntinutes of thai regular meeting held Feb~aary 23~ 1954.were approved on motion by Councilman Wiss~r, seconded by COuncilman $chutte. .WARRANTS AND D~N~: Councilman Wisser reported demands against the city amounting to $111,787.90, and moved that report of Finance Committee be accepted.and that warrants be drawn upOn the T~easurer to pay said demands in accordance with report. COuncilman Schutte Seconded ~e m~tion. MOTION CARRIED. '- PINANC.t.~. ANDOPERATING ~S for the month of February~ 1954 were submitted~ and ordered received and filed o~ mo~ion by CounCilman Wisser, Seconded!by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIe. AWA~ OF BID: JOB NO. 1003~ CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY Shes IN E;%RT SOUTH ~STR~ FRO~ RLACENTIA AV~. TO 460 FI. F3~ST OF GROV~ AV~. City Engineer, Geo~9e ~. Holyoke recommer~ed Bid b~ awarded the ~tow~bidder, the Angelo Rossi Constructioh Co. ~ ~I/JTION NO2 2354, Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2354 and.moved for its passage and adoption. ~£ Refer to Resolution Book, page A R~SOLUTION OF TH~ CITY COU AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO P~,~ LABOR,~ SERVIa, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTAL N~NT OR WORK: ~CO.NSTRUCTION AVE, TO_ 460 ~CIL OF THH CITY OF AN;~HEIM AC~ING A SEALED PROPOSAL rile LO~EST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL ~ALS AND ~UIPMENT, AND PERFORMING ALL ~;ORK N~CE~ARY iATION"~ND COMPLETION OF THE :FOLLOWING PUBLIC I~I~E- )F SANtTARY._S~ IN F3~T ~S~UtH sT~ FROM~LwLACMNTI~ AVE.: JOB :!~. 100~. c c ~ ~ On roll Call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: ~ ~ ~ _~ AYHS: COUNCIl: Wisser, Sohutte, Fry and van Wagoner. NO~S: COUNCILMEN: None. ~ ABSENT: COUNCID~N: Pearson. Mayor Pro Tem, VaniWagor~er decIared the fOregoing resolution duly passed and adopted .PUBLIC HHARING; ...... LOARAANNE~TION. Pursuant to Resolutio~NO. 2341~Public Hearing was called on the proposed L~ara Annexation. The City Clerk sub~ and stated that no protests proposed annexation. nitted affidavits of publications of Resolution No. 2341 ~ave been entered, written or otherwise, relative .to the RESOLUTION NO. 2355: Counci its passage and adoption. Lman Wi sser offered Resolution No. 2355 and moved for Refer to Resolutio] A RESOLUTION OF THH CITY COU] ON THqE 16TH DAY OF APRIL: _19! T IGUOU$ TO THE CITY OF ANAHE VIDING FOR THE HOLDING OF SU~ Book, page qCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI~ CALLING A SPECIAL EI~CT. ION, IN CERTAIN TERRITORY IN TH~- COUNTY OF ORANGE.' CON- PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED TO ~SAID CITY OF ANAHEI~ 1~ ELECTION AND SUBMITTING TO THE 5%ECTORS RESIDING IN City, ~.all, ,Anaheim~ qalifo,rr SUCH TERRITORY THE_QJ~ST!ON WHET~ ~ IN~ AND MADE A PART OF SAID CITY OF AN AFTER SUCH ANNEXATION, SUBJECT TO TAX~ ANAHEIM TO PAY ITS PRO ELATA PORTION~ INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY OF ANkHEIM OR THt!RETOFORE AUTHORIZEDI:: .D~$CRIBIN~ OF ~LOARA ANNtD(ATION~ ESTABLISHING AN TE~ITORY~ APPOI~ING TH~ OFFICERS OF VIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE March-9, ~954 - 8:00 P.M. CH ~ ~IT~Ry SHAI~L ~E .ANN~X]~D ~TO, INCOI~RATED AHEI~4, AND THE PROPERTY IN SUCH TERRITORY BE, TION~EQUALLY ~ri!~ ~PERTY WITHIN THE-CITY OF UPON AssEss VALUATION, ALLT UTSTAND!NG ON THE 9TH DAY O~ ~EB~AR~, 1954, SAID TERRITORY AND DESIGNATING IT BY THE' NAME LECTIoN PRECINCT AND POLLING PLACE IN SAID HLHCTION FOR SAID SP513IAL ELECIION AND PRO- F SUCH ELECTION. ~ .~ On roll call the foregoing .~esolut. lon was d. uly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILN~N: Wi sse~, Schutte, F~y and Van Wagoner. . NOES: ~COUNCILMEN: Nqne. ., ! ~ ABSENT: COUNCILMAN~ PearsOn. ~' ~' Mayor Pro Temp. Van .)~agqner q' and adopted.. .a~. Resolution No. 2355 was teac description of the property, which res seconded by G~ou~ncilman ~lNisser.~ NDTIO5 the boundaries of the prop~sed_ annexat eclared the ioregoing resolution duly passed in full, with th.e eXcep%i0n of~.thei:legal ding was waived on motion by Councilman Schutte, CARRIED. The Administrative Officer outlined .;ion on the map. ~ ~ ~ ~ .. CONTINUEED PUBLIC H~ING: F-53-54-10: Frontage along So. Los Angeles St. between W. Vermont Ave. and Ball Rd. to be reZoned P-L and C-1. i Report from residents si~ni yin~ their consent to the rezoning had not been reqeived_~ ~her~fore, Public I-teari~ng was continued on motion by Councilman Fry~ seconded by Councilman Schutte2 mflOlq caltlti . ' CON~I,NU. ED,.~BL, IC HEEAR!NGt~. _a;-53-5..4-)3~- S_outhwest corner of So. Los~_ngeles Street and Ball Rd. From R-A to C-1. -. Public Hearing was continuedaw. aitiQ9 report fmom..residents favoring the proposed change of zone on motion by ~ouncilman Fry, sec0nd~d by C6Uncilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. ~BLIC HEARING: F-53-54-14: Harmon of the property described as the No~t~ Hast Center Street, of the We~t 5 Acr~ Lot 10, Anaheim Extension. 1648-1708 I. S~ers, re~esting the reclassification 220 feet, measured 'from the denter llne of s of the Hast lO Acres of North 20 Acres.of .Rast Qenter Street. From R-A to R-3. The City Planniqg, ResolutiOn Nq. 48 (5~2,-54)..r~co~_. endqd~ proposed re- classification, because: 1. The sUbject property is located on a heavily travelled highway and therefore is. not suitable for single family use. . 2. Because the city d~e~i ndt f~vor "shoe-stringing" of commercial areas along ~. Center St., the R-3 use~appears to be the logical one. ~LUTION NO.~ 23.~: Councilman Schu~te offered Resolution No. 2353 and moved for its passage and adoption, c ~ Refer to Resolution Book, pQge i I ,, A ~SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~ CITY'OF ANAHEIm4 FINDING AND-DBqt~-~INING THAT A CHANGEOF ZONE IS NECF_SSARY IN tCERTAIN ~AS OF THE CITY~AND~THAT ARTICLE IX, .~CHAPT-.ER 2~ OF T~H~ ANAHHI~ MJNIC!PA$.C~DDF~~; $~HOULD BM_-~ .AN~. ~ T0 ACCOMPLISH ~SAID CHANGE OF ZONE.~ (C.P.C. Res. ~(6.3-~4) F-5..3,5~-14.) -: ,. ~ ~ ~ On roll call the £o~e~goiq9 c~esolution was dully passed and adopted by the follOwing vote: .~ AYES: COUNCILMEN: Wisse~, $chut~e, Fry and.~an.. Wagongr. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None.~ ABSENT: COUNCII2i%N: PearsOn. Mayor Pro Tem, Van. Wa$oner declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. City Ha.ll; Aqahei ~m~. Cal%for.nia, ~arch 9,~_!%95~- 8:00 ORDINANCE NO.. 886: Councilman Fry offered Ordinance No. 886 for first reading and moved for its passage and adoption. . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MJNICIPALC CODE RELATING TO I THEREIN REGULATING IH~ USE C A Nt~P SHOWING TH~ BOUNDARIES ING FOR AIXIUST~Nt, AN~NDN~.5 AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS C (Res. 2353 - C.P.C.. Res. 48 ANAHEIM AMENDING ~%RTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANg~EIM HE ESTABLISHM~NTcOF ZONES _IN TH~ CITY ~)]~ ANAHEIM AND F LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES: 'ADOPTING_ OF SAID ZONES: DEFINING THE T~R~$ USED THEREIN'. PROVID- r AND EN~O~CEMMNT:~ PRESCRIBIN~i.PENALTIES.FOR VIOLATION R PARTS OF SECTIONS.~IN CONFLICT ~TH. -..F.-. 5~-54-14) COMPLETION-OF t~ROJECT NO. 33~ City Engineer certified the completion by Contractor R. J. Noble Co. of Project ~o. 33 and recommended the acceptance of the ,work. RESOLUTION. NO, 2356~ Councilman Schut%ecoffemed Resolution.No. 2356 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolutidn Book, page :A RES~LUTI.ON OF THE ,CITY C~WCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI~ FINALLY ~CC~PTING THE COm- PLETION AND THE FURNISHING ~F ALL PLANT,~ LABOR, SERVICES, ~ATERIALS AND ~UIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANS~TATION INCLUDING ~OWER,~,FU~L-AN~ WA/qERg AN~k~ERFOR~-~ lNG ALL 'WORK NECESSARY TO CqNSTRUCT AND COMPLEIE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPRO~~ WEST LA P~J~A AVENIJE FROM N~R~ TH WEST ST~MPTf TO EUCLID AYENUE,~PROO~T NO. 33.~ On roll call the ~oregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: ~ ~- . AYES: NOES: ABSEN~: COUNCILM~: Wisser, Schutte, ~Pry and Van Wagoner.. COUNCILM~ N:. Nmne. COUNCIl. Pearson.. ~ ~ayor Pro Tem, Van Wagonsr declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopte~. CON~LFrION OF HOU_$_I. ON S~C1%ESCF3¢r A~IF- T~I~N~ S~ ~TN~ J6f~ ~a~i ~nm ,~ City Engineer, GeOrge E. Holyoke oertif£ed the completion ,by:J. E. Popovich Contractor, of the Houston ~treet~-Cre~¢ent Avenue Trunk Sewer~ Job No. 1001 and recommended its acceptance ,~nd the filing of a Notice of Completion. RESOLUTION NO..2357.:., Councilman Wi sser Offered ResOlution No. 2357' and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to ResolutiOn Book, page . ~ A RESOLUTION OF cTEE CITY COUNCIL OE .:THE CITY~ OP ANAHEIM FI~Y .AC~TING /HE CO~4- PLETION AND THE FURNISHING qF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MAT~IALS A~ ~UIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRAN~TATION INCLUDING P(~, ~EL AND WATER, AND P~ItFORM- ING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO C~NSTRUCT AND CON~L~ETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPRO~~ HOUSII~N $~T ~ :CR~.. CENT _A,~ '~.L.~NK ~;~R ~3~IN~ JOB NO, 1001. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the follov~ing vote: '~ .~ · i AYES: COUNCIl: Wi sser~ Schutte, Pry and Van Wagoner. NOFS: COUNCIl: None. ~ ~ ABSENT: COUNCI I~: Pearson. ~ayor Pr* Tern Van.~agormr declared the foregoin9 resoluti,o~ duly passed and adopted. PUBLICi ME~ING: CHANGE TO ~IM NEtN!CIPA. L CODE: SECTION. 9200.14:7 .Pur$uant to Legal Notice and City Plann~g Commission Resolution No. 50. Public Hearing was held on proposed change to SECTION 9200.14- GENERAL PROVISIONS AND EXCEPTIONS: A US~-. No one present addressed the council.in pretest, and no written protests were received by the City C~erk. RHSO~IONiNO. ,23~8:, Councilman Wisser:offered ~esolution No. 2358.and moved for its passage and adoption. ~.. Refer to ResolutiOn Book, page City Hal!.,..Anaheim, Cal%fornia.~ .~arqh..9, 195~- .87.00 p,.M. . A ~SOLUIION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF_ THE (;ItY~OF ANAHF_IM FINDING A~) DETERMINING THAT SECTION 9200.14 SUBDIVISION "A" (2) SHOULD BE AMF34D~D .AS REC0~~) BY ~ CIIY PLANNING CON~ISSION IN IIS RESOLUTIf~N NO. 50, SERI~S 1953-54. On roll call the foregoing res¢,lution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: · AYES: COUNCIL~.- Wisser, ~¢hu%%e, Fry and Van Wagoner. NOES.' COUNCILMEN~ None. ABSENT: COUNCIINAN: Pearson. , / Mayor Pro Tern Van Wagoner decl~Ied the foregoing resolution, duly paissed and ad~pted. ' , ._ .... ,~ _~ORDIN~. ~E. NO, .882:., Councilman Schut%ecoffe~ed Ordinance No. 882 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, page ,,, ~ ..... AN ORIlIN~ OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMEN3)ING ARTICLE IX~ CHAPTER 2~ SECTION 9200.15~ B- L.,~d. (Variances subject to review of Council)' On rollLcall the foregoing Ord',!nance was duly passed and adopted by the'. following vote: AYe-S: COUNCIL~N~ Wisser, $chutte, Fry and Van Wagoner.. NOHS: COUNCILMEN: None. ABS~-~Ff~ C~NCIL~: Pea~on. i .. Mayor Pro Tem Van Wagoner declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. .ORDINANCE NO. 883: Councilman Wtsser offered o~dinance No. 883 for final~ reading and moved for its passage and adoption. Beret to O~dinance Book~._ page i .... ~ i AN ORDINANC~E OF THE .CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICI~ IV, ~H~T~R 2, PART .~ ,O~ THE. ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE BY ~ING .A NEW S~CTION THiO REGULATING THE RE ISTRATION OF PERSONS CONVICTED OF A FELONY,. TO ~E KNOWN-laND DESIGNATED AS SECTION 4291.17~ On roll call the foregoing Ordlnance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COJNC~: ~isser~ ~¢hutte, Fry and Van Wagoner. · NO~S: COUNC ILN~N: None. ABSENT: COUNCIL~: Pearson. Mayor Pro. Iem Van Wa~ner decl~ed the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. O~I~E NO. 8~4: Councilman Schut%~ ~f~red Ordinance No. 884 [or ~inal .r~ading and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book~ page. .~ ~ O~I~ OF T~ CITY OF kN~IM ~ING ~TIC~ II~ C~T~ 4~ P~T 1~ SECTION 2~2 (b) OF T~ ~IM ~NICIP~ ~.-- (Election of Planning Co~ssion Chai~an). .~ ~ On roll call ~he foregoing ordinance was.duly passed and adopted by the fo 1 lowing vote: ' , ~ ~ AYES: GOUNGILMEN: Wisser, iSchutte~ Fry and Van Nagoner. NOES: COUNC ]~LN~N: None ,~ · ~. ~NT: . GOUNCIL~: Pearson.i ~ ,~ ,~, c . ,~ Mayor pro Tem Van Wagoner declared the f~regoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. City Hall~ Ap,, aheim~ _Q~lif®,rn,i,a; ,Ma~¢k 9% 1954 7 8~O0~,P~.~if .~. ORDINANCF NO. 885.-. ~Ceuhcilman:iFry offered O~dinance No. 885 and moved for its pass~ge and adoption, r -: __ .~ --~,~ . . ~_ _ Refer to~Ordi'nance-Book~ page ,,L v .. _ CTT TM ~NICIP~ ~DE ~TING TO I~ :,EST~LISH~ OF ZOOS IN ~ C~Y_, OF-~EIM~ T~IN ~~TI~ '~ USE OF ~ ~T.OF ~i~IN~ ~ Y~'~A~.--~PTING A ~ SHYING I~ ~U~IES OM SA~ ZOOS. DEFINING, I~ T~S U~-~INt ~VIDING FOR ~ST~ ~~~ ~ ~FO~E~NT, ~~ING P~TI~OR NIO~TION ~~ING ALL SECTIONS OR P~T~ OF SECTIONS ~N ~NFLICI TH~ITH. (Res. 2343 - C.P.C. Res. ~-5~54~ ~F-5~5~2) ~- - ~ ~ -. :~ ~ ~u - ~ .. _ _ - ._ _ ~ - . -- ~ _~ _ .. On r~i call %he-for~go.i~~i~nce was duly~sse~ ~and agop%ed follo~nz vote ..... ! - __ A~S: C~NCI~ Wisser~ ~u%%~, Fry 'and Van NOES ~ COU~ I~N~ ~one. ~'~T~ COU~tL~: Pears~. ~yor Pro Tem Van Wagoner declared ~he foregoing O~inanc~ duly passed and adopted. ._ ~SO~IION ~,~23~9t- Counci~ Wissem offered Reselu~i~ No. 23~9 an~ mo~d-~or i~s passage and 'adoption. ~ - ' _ . Refe~ ~o Resolution ~ok~ page A RESOLUTION OF ~HE~CITY COUN~i.L~OF T~ CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTH~IZING TP~ SALF OF CER- TAIN REAL PROPER~Y OWNED BY ~-CiT-Y~ OF ;LNAHEI~ TO,JANMS~$. BE~TIE .AND EMiLy B~E;~TT-IE, HUSBAND AND WIF~ FOR INDUSTRIJ~L USE. (Rescinds Resolutien~No. 2342)_ ~- . :: On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passedland adopted by the following vote~ ~_ ._ AYES.- COUNCILMEN: Wisser, Schutte, Fry arid VanfWagoner~ NOES~ COUNCIl.. None. ABSENT.' COUNCILMAN~ :Pearson. : ....... _ Mayor Pro Tem Van Wagoner declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ~-- ," ~ - ..... ~ FIRE. THEFT & CO~SIV~ IN~%~ANC~. CITY FI.~ Renewai of city fieet~s theft and compr~hehsive insu~Ce wasp'-discussed. /-Af,,te~ discusston~ Couscilman S~hu%te moved ap~rQvai-of the ~ene~a-,1 d'f the present'-coverage~ M,-E. Beebe~ Agen_t~Aetna Insurance Co.~ _Premium $533. ii pius Si(L00 premium on Park Automobiie gquipment. ~he period~ February 9~ ~954 %o F~bruary' 9~ i955,-~,Counci,lman Wi~s~r_ s~conded the motion. NDTION CARRIED. PLU~ BOND,: -Bond submittedi ~y Winterbot~on~ Bro,th~rs, Inc. w.as-approved and ordered accepted and filed when approv~ by the City ;%%torneyj or~ moil,Dh ~yf-~Counct,,lman ~isser~ seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOIION CPa~LRIED. TENTATIVE MAP, TRACT 'NO. -212[~ , Locatibn:, Northwest corner of F~ Romneya Dr.. Baxter S~: - 50 lots-. Subdtvide~r: George L. Mallery Co,_, Inc. The City Planning Commission recommended the acceptance of said Tentative Map~ subject to the following ~onditions:- ___ i _ 1. Completi~n ®f~n~exa~tion to :~he ~itykif Anaheim. 2','-~ Rearrangement~ o{~!the north %ie~-of~ lot's: to allov~ for drainage purposes and future development. _.o 3. Easement for m%i~fty purposes. 4. Payment of $25.~ per lot fo~ the- acquisition of .Parks and'Recreational Sites. 5. ~.ngine e~ing requirements. ~ · - ? C'i, Councilman Schutte m~ved that the Tentative Map be accepted~ subject to conditions outlined by thb Ctt~ Planning Commtssion~ and"furthe~ should houses have concrete floors~ the ~ract n~s~'~meet~F,'H.A, requirements. Caunci]~nan:ffis~e-r sec~ded the motion. ~DTION CARRIED. -' 60,5 City ..Hal. l, .Anaheim, Cali.fgrni~!i, Ma~.c.h 9, 19547 8.:.0.0 P.~, ..... · _THNIAIIV~ ~, TRACT NO. 2149::~ Location,s: ~No~h~ Citro~ S~re~t~ just south of West Wilhelmina Street- 5 lots. Subdt~,ider, Ralph Maas. The City Plannin9 Commission approved sai~d !ent~ative Map,<: subject to the following conditions: 1. The obtaining of 5-.foot ei~sements from the property to the north for utility Purposes. 2. Payment of $25.00 per lot for the ac ~qui si ti on of parks and recreational sites. 3. Hngineering requirements. Mr. Maas addressed the CounciL1 outlining improvements he intend~..~° install in this Subdivision, and stated Mrs. Smith has agreed to~ give the 5-foo't easement for Public Utilities, .land with the 5-f®ot. ea%ement from theI John Heffron property~ the city will have a full lO-.foot outlet on Wflhelmina Stre~t~.-.He further stated that this property has b~en within the limits of Anaheim~ and paying city taxes:~.$ince Anaheim's .ex~t'Ince~ a~d that its location bein~ near both parks and schools, and since a Tentative Map ~as started on this property by N[rs. Smith befere the $25.00 per lot~. for Rec~rea~ttonal and Park Siies started~ he didn't believe he sh°ul4 have to pay this $25.00 per lot, as recommended by the City Planhing Commission. After discussion of the possible extablishment of a precedent a waiver should be granted ~n the $25.~..per lot ~requirgmen.t~ the Council on motion by Councilman Schutte moved to ~. cept said Tentative Map.of Trac.t No. 2149, as presented by the City Planning Commission. Councilman Wtsser seconded the motion. NDTION CARRIHD. F-53-5~-19: i. f. Krull -- E~ of the ~ of the ~aste.rly ~ of Lot 9, ~naheim Hxte~tsion, which is the parcel iff~cluded:in the Tentative Tract No. 1530. Requesting zoning be changed_rd: . · .~ ~. . Lot 1- C-2 _ Lot 2- C-1 Lots 3 to 8 and 13 to 18- Lots 9 to 1~- R-~ Lots 10 and 11~-R-1. City Planning Commission, pursuant to-.their Resolution No.. 55, recom~nended the denial of this proposed, reclassification. · Public Hearing was ordered t~ be hel APRIL 13, 1954:~ on motiO~ bY councilman Schutte, seconded by Counci/man Wisser. MOTION CARRIHD. COD~ CH~- (FFJI~4: ' ::City Planning~C~mmission'su~i~ted .thei~ Re~o~ut!.°n N~O- ~' 52~ Series~ 1953-5~i~owhich. they re~om~end a~ cha~ge to ~he. Anah, i~m Municipal Code~ SectiOn 9200.14 & G~ PROVIS~IO~ ~ ~TIONS[- 0~, ~-'b~~TI ~NSI~ (p) pertaining to-%he location Of fences~ ~alls or hedges ~and the ~height limitation of same .: . Public. Hearing was ordered t9 be held APRIL 13,. 1954~: oq mdion by COUncilman Schutte~ seCOnded by ~oUnci!man wisser. NDTION cARRI~D,~ .~ .. VARIANCE NO. 223: Link W. Brown requested permission to erect a Single family ~reSi~.de~'ce anah~garage on the front port!en of lot locatelt ±at the northeast corner of West North Si. a~d No. H~ien~ Street~ There ~isat pre~nt a Small home on the rear of the lot. City Planning Commission I ed said .~ari~nce.~. ~.i , ~- [ VARIANCE NO. 224: Raymond L. Alien 're.~ ~t~pe~mi~ssi~qn.. tq~%C~-al two-story . -dupleX, ~ cpro~t¥ locat~ at 32~. ~:~t St. to be in ~di~t ~on~ to ~e exist~n9 home and apartment. . .· i,:., . ~: · ~ ~ , .... City Planing Co~ssion g~t~ sai~ variance. ~. ~.PHTITION: STOP ..SIGN: Petition, Boy S~outs off,ertl-ca, ~Pact 102~ .for'stop signs at Palm and North Streets. Saiid petition was refQr~ed :~ ~he Admi.'.n~strgtive~ ~ffi~er/for %nvg.~ti.ga~ io~ a~d :~rt on~o~ by .Oo~-~a~.SQhutte~ seconded ~y C°~cilman.-W%ss$~ ~TION C~I~ ...... 606 City Hall, Anaheim,,,,iCalif~rnia, Ma.~.ch 9, ..1954 BENCHES: Request by Yellow Cab' Service for permission to place o~ Sidewalk 'bench at 118 ~. Center Street was s~b~tted and read. BHNC~S: Protest by Yellow Cab So,ice relative to the granting of a Franchise for the placement of sidewalk bendhes was sub~tted and read. No action was taken as the Ordinance governing the placement of benches had not been adopted. The Ordinance would eliminate 'the possibility of franchise, as anyone meeting the requirements could ingtall ~idewatk benches. ORDINANUE NO. 88~: Ordinance iNo. 88'7, as corrected, wasLoffered for first reading by Councilman Fry, who moved ~or its passage and adoption. AN ORDINANC~ OF THE CITY OF ~JNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING THERE 3286, 3287, 3288, 3289, 3290, THE INSTALLATION AND N~INTEN'A5 CITY TO BE USED FOR PUBLIC CO~ OF PERMIT FEk~S THEREFOR, AND PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION T: F~IM AMENDING ARTICLE III, CHAI~TL=Rc2:-OFcTHE ANAH~IN~. ,TO SEW SECTIONS, NUMBERS 3281, 3282, 3283, 3284, 3285, 3291, 3292, 3293, 3294, 3295, 3296 and 3297 RE(~JLATING ~ OF BEn, CMOS ALONG PUBLIC S/RM=rs AND WAYS IN THE FORT AND C~NVRNIENCE: R~UIRI~ PEP~_~ITS ~ THE PAY~NT F~UIRING INSURANCE AND COVERAGE THEREON AND PROVIDING HREOF. (Section 3285- Fees were chaqged from $1.00 to $3.00) ORANGE COUNTY SOCIETy for CriMpled Children and Adults Inc. request permission to sell paper lapel Easter Lilie~ on the city streets ~ril 3, 1954. Permission was granted on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. COMMJNICATION: CALIF~ORNIA S~Ty COUNCIL, dated March 1 in which information was requested regarding names and laddresses of Safety Committee organizations in Anaheim. Said communication was read a~d attached "press release" given to the Anaheim Bulletin Repre se nta ti ve. SO, COUNTIES GAS CO. Franchise paid $8,003.90 for year 1953, an increase of approxi- mately $1,000.00 over previ0u~ year. SO. CALIF. EDISON CO. FranchiS~ for year 1953 totaled: $379.40. TRANSFER OF FUNDS: Transfer ~f $25,000.00 from the General Fund to the Traffic Safety Fund was authorized on i~tion'by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Wi sser. MOTION CARRIHI). DEFj...TY PA/RO.~: Chief of P~lice appointed Rex G. Bruhns, Deputy City Patrolman, serving without pay. City Council ratified said appointment, on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilma~ Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. PURCHASE, SO. CALIF EDISON CO.i FACILITIES: Bill of Sale and Assignment of Easements coverin9 recent purchase of dilstribution facilities located in a portion of the Acacia Street Annexation, cont~ining detailed inventory was submitted and ordered received and filed on motion b~ Councilman Schutte~' ~ seconded by Councilman Fry. NOT ION CARR I ED. permit for APPLICATION from Dorothy C. a~ Jack C. Dutton for the operation of a ZOOI~ICA~ GA~4 at 1010 Orangethorpe Avenue, Anaheim, known as "The Jungle" was granted on motion by Councilman Fry, secohded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. APPLICATION FOR ~.E~T BUSINE~. LICEN~ submitted by Frank A. Zalaha, Disabled Veteran, to sell cards was approved on ~otion by Councilman $chutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CAP~RIED. OB~%NG~ AYENUE ANNEXATION: (Inhabited te.rritory) (815 acres) Petition was submitted requesting annexation or-territory described in said petition. City Council receive~ said petition and referred it to the City Planning Commission for recommendation On motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ' NORTH...H1JCLID ~hNj~ (Uninhabited territory) Report of Orange County Boundary commission ~inding that boundaries of the proposed annexation are reasonably definite and certain was suk~mitted and Ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Wisser seconded by Councilman Fry. MbTION CARRIED. City Hall, ,..Anaheim, Cal~fqrnia~~. ~a~¢h~ .9,~-1954-. 8:00 P.~.~ PERSONNEL.. The following lappointments ~eFe-rec~ommen~ded by t~9=City Ad~inifltrative . Officer and approved by the City Council,i on motiog by Council~99 Schu~te% seconded. by~ Councilman Wi sser. NDTION Paul D.~ R°dda Edward W. Mah ~ Harry E.- franz R Zul, George J. George E. Arc Jehn C~. ~Mc~Gr.a m .s, get her w. Councilman Wisser mOved to adjgurn to March 12, 1954, 10:60 A.M. Co6ncil- man Fry seconded the motion. MOTION C~ISD. ~ L