Minutes-ZA 1989/11/16! ~ . • ?' a r m T n rT , AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE ANAHEIM CITY ZONING ADMINISTRATOR THURSDAY, ~:OVEMBER 16, 1989, 9:30 A.M. Procedure to ExAedite_Me~~i.n The proponents for conditional use permit and variance applications which are not contested will have 5 minutes to present their evidence. In contested applications, the proponents and opponent will each have 10 _. minu*.es to present their case unless additional time is~requesLed and the co:~pl_•xity of the matter warrants. .After the opponent(s) speak, the proponant will have 5 minutes for rebuttal. Before spea~;:~, ~le~se give- 1ou~• name and address and spell your name: ~ . _ .. S~aff Reports are part of the evidence received .by the Zonis; . Acimiristrator at each hearing. Cop-ie~ are available to t:~e publ:^ prior -- - :.o and ac the meeting. - - - The Zoning Administrator reserves the right to deviate from the foregoing if, in the Administrator's opinion, the ends of fairness to all concerned will be served. All documents presented to the Zoning Administrator for review in connection with any hearing, including photographs or other acceptable visual representations of non-documentary evidence, shall be retained by the City of Anaheim for the public record and shall be available for • public inspection. - -~ The action taken by the. Z.dning Admiuiatrato: c~ •:nis date regarding '.'• conditional use permits and varian::~s is final unless, ~~i*.hin i.~ nays of. -. the Zoning r.C,:T11L-:J4=dv..T' S :;.-ittez: derision being paced in the U.S. N,~i1, - an appeal is filed. Such appeal shill be made at any time following the public hearing and prior to the conclusion of the appeal period. An appeal shall be made in written form to the City Clerk, accompanied by an appeal fee equal to one-half the amount of the original filing fee: .The City Clerk, upon filing of such an appeal;: will set said conditional use permit or variance for public hearing before the City Council at the _ earliest possible date. You will be notified by the City Clerk of said hearing. After the scheduled public hearings, members of the public will be allowed to speak on items of interest under "Items of Public Interest". Such items must be within the jurisdiction of the Zoning Administrator. Each speaker will be allotted a maximum of 3-minutes to speak. Before speaking, please give your name and address and spell your last name. 1402H Page 1 •; • • "~ _ la. CEOA NEGATIVE DECLARATION lb. VARIANCE N0. 3995 OWNER: ASMUIL RASTEGARI, ET.AL., P.0. Box 3465, Fullerton, CA _ 92634. LOCATION: 1108 North Acacia Street _.:. Waiver of maximum structural height to construct a 3-story, 12-unit apartment building. Continued from the October 19, 1989, and November 2, 1989 Zoning Administrator meetings. _ ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DECISION N0. •• • 2a. CEOA`'CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION CLASS 5 '~ •- ~~°- • • 2b. VARIANCE N0. 4000 .,. .. OWNER: C. N. PETERSON, 836_N. Clementine St., Anaheim, CA 92805 LOCATION: 836 North Clementine Street Waiver of minimum rear yard to reconstruct an existing garage and patio cover. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DECISION N0. ZA 89-69 Re advertised, probably for meeting of ' 12/14/89. Approved, modified Condition #4, (deleted #5, f added Conditioi 3a. CEOA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION CLASS - ~ ~ Continued 3b. VARIANCE N0. 4005 •- `to 11/30 to . .:.• ..:', ..- . ,.:,~;-. ~ ~ ; notify area OWNER: BALL-LEMON CENTER INC., ATTN: ~:iARLES SEDGH, - 9301 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90210 ;Property owners LOCATION: 135 West Ball Road :inadvertently :left off notification - Waiver of minimum number of parking spaces to establish approximately list. 2000 square feet of fast food use s. within an existing commercial retail center. • ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DECISION N0. No informational items and no one present wishing to speak on items of interest. r Page 2 • • ~; ~ CERTIFICATION OF POSTING I hereby certify that a complete copy of this agenda was posted at: I I ' ~ F• I ! (~i • I ~ ~ ~'~~~~ LOCATIONS : COUNCIL CHAMBER DISPLAY CASE ~- (TIME) (DATE) /~ AND COUNCIL DISPLAY KIOSK - • •SIGNED: ~•Y CZ.CLSc(.~i T'.-~•~ ~ - If you challenge•any one of these_City of Anaheim decisions in court, you - •~ may be limited to raising. only those issues you or someone else raised at • the public hearing described in this notice, or in a written ,•-:__•_•correspondence delivered to the Zoning Administrator or City Council at, '. "- or prior to, the --public hearing. ~ -