Minutes-ZA 1995/09/14AcraoN AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE ANAHEIM CITY ZONING ADMINISTRATOR THURSDAI', SEPTEMBER 14, 1995 8:00 A.M. STAFF PRESENT: Annika SantalaMi, Zoning Administrator, Della Herdck, Senior Planner and Maggie Solorio, Sr. Word Processing Operator. ' 1a. CEQA CATEGORICAL EXEMPT APPROVED 1b. VARIANCE NO. 4279 OWNER: WIWAM & GABRIELLA LYON 265 Owens DrNe Anaheim, CA 92808 AGENT: NEWLAND CONSTRUCTION INC. 1407 North Batavia #109 Orange, CA 92667 LOCATION: 265 Owens Drive: Property is approximately .05 acre, having a frontage of approximately ~ feet on the west side of Owens Drive, having maximum depth of approximately 172 feet and being located approximately 550 feet north of the centerline of Mohler Drive. Waiver of minimum side yard setback, to construct a 188 square foot garage addition. Remarks: Applicant was present and provided information relatNe to requested garage addition. No one was present in opposkion. Petition was approved based on minimal Impact to area. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DECISION NO. 95-23 2a. ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT NO. 95-05 (Readvertised) APPROVED OWNER: TERESA BEDWELL 1336 South Moonstone Street Anaheim, CA 92804 LOCATION: 1336 South Moonstone SVeet: Property is approximately .14 acre, having a frontage of approximately 62 feet on the east skis of Moonstone Street, having a maximum depth of approximately 103 feet and being located approximately 280 feet south of the centerline of Myra Avenue. To permit a large family day care facility for up to 12 or fewer children. Remarks: No one appeared efther in favor or opposition, however, one letter and one phone call was receNed in opposition. Zoning Administrator approved permit. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DECISION NO. 95-24 Page 1 9/14/95 3a. ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT NO. 95-06 (Readvertised) APPROVED OWNER: RICARDO & GRACIELA NOVOA 2957 West Orange Avenue Anaheim, CA LOCATION: 2957 West Orange Avenue: Property is approximately .16 acre, wkh frontage of approximately 70 feet on the north side of Orange Avenue, having a maximum depth of approximately 100 feet and being located approximately ~ feet east of the centerline of Laxor Street. To permk a large family day care faci{ley for up to 12 or fewer children. Remarks: Graciela Novoa was present and spoke in favor of project. Three neighbors spoke of concerns and presented a petkion wkh 31 signatures in opposkion. Pernik was approved based on license approval by State, however, Zoning Administrator advised petkloner to keep in mind concerns of neighborhood. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DECISION NO. 95_25 4. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: APPROVED A. REQUEST FOR SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCE WAIVER NO. 95-05: Petkioners (The Register Charkies) request approval for a special circumstance waNer In order to conduct an antique and collectible charley sale at the location of: 1551 South Douglass Road. Remarks: Ronna Kelly, representative for Register Charkies, appeared and answered questions relative to proposed event. No one was present in opposkion. Petkion was approved for one day only wkh galloon advertising limked to one week preceding event. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DECISION NO. °-......v'~~*- /fce.r~rn ~ nay` +'Fv ~, 11 i3r 5. ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST: NONE Page 2 9/11+/95