1954/04/13City Hall, Anaheim~ Califor.n~a, April 13, 1954- 8~00 P.M. The City Council of the City! of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT~ COUNCIIJV~N: Pearson~ Fry~ W ABSENT : COUNCIL~: Schutte. CITY AT/ORNEY~ P~STON TURNERs Presen CITY AD~INISTRATI¥~ OFFICRR~ K~-ITH A. L sser and Van Wagoner. ~H: Present. ~ The Nlinutes of the regular m~eting held March.23~ 1954 and Special Nk~etings held March 26~ 1954 at 1t~00 A.M.~ andl April 2, 195z~, 1.15 P.~. were approved On motion by Councilman Van Wagoner~ seconded by Councilman Wisser. NDTIO~ CARRIED. ~ Councilman Van Wagoner reported demands against the city amounting to $140,211.47. CounciLman Wisser moved ~hat report of Finance Coawnittee be received and that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer to pay said demands in accordance with report. Councilman Fry seconded the m~tion. NDTION CARRIED. PUBLIC H~ARINC~ .... CONTI~;MD. Public He,ring relative to ORDINANC~ NO. 88_1~ providing for the vacation and abandonment of an easement for road purposes upon~ over and across the easterly 15 feet of the southerly 1289.11 feet~ more or less~ of the N~ .of the ~ of Section 8~ T-4-S, R-L0-W. S.B.B.&~. was held and ordered continued as actual access has not yet been prov Lded for by the Subdivider. PUBLIC HEARING: Pursuant to Resolutioi No. 52 Series 1953-54~ Public Hearing was he-~n pr--~6~ed changes to the Anahei~ Municipal Code, Section 9200.1~. GENERAL PRO¥ISIONS ~ND ~CEPTIONS. C. ~AREA. ~ ~XC~PTIONS (8)~ regarding the location of fences, walls or hedges~ and the heigh~ limitation of same. Discussion followed relative~t ~o the posstblecon%rol, as to the type of construction and maintenance of fences~ It was agreed that regulations should be established. No objections were received ~o the proposed change of code~ and no one present objected to said changes. ORDINANCE NO. 893~ Councilman Van WagPner offered Ordinance No. 893 and moved for its passage and adoption. Said Ordinance was read in public for the first time. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ,' IM A~ENDING SECTION 9200.14~ SUBDI¥ISION C, b (8) OF /HE ~IM N~3NICIPAL COD~-. PUBLIC ~ING: F-53-54-15~ I. F, K~,~LL~. requesting that the lots in Tract No. 1530 be reclassified as follows: ' 1. Two lots along East Broadway to R-1 2. Two lots next to the north to R-2. 3. TWelve lots next to the ~orth to R-3. 4. One lot on the west sidei of the Tract on ~.. Center St. to C-2. 5. One lot on the east side! of the Tract on H. Center St. to O-1. Property presently zoned R-~ LOCATION: Hast 1/2 of the North 1/2 of the Hasterly 1/2 of Lot 9, Anaheim Extension. City Plannin9 Cormnission~ puNsuant to their Resolution No. 55 (53-54) recommended said reclassification, as noted above, be denied. NM. ]~DWARD J. TILL: Zoning Consultant~ representing Mrs. Bastian and Nit. Krull, requested the City Council to continue! the Hearing for a period of One month~ so they can better present the matter.~ AUDI~4C~: A gentlemmn addressed the C~uncil protesting against the pro?osed development of con~nercial zoning in th~s tract and stated he didn't fee~ that an extension of time would change the ~nds of the owners in the Hann St. John TraCt which is directly across the street; ob3ections would be 3ust as strong a month from now as it is now. He fel~ should a Service Station go in there it would create a hazard to the residents~in the immediate vicinity~ raise the fire insurance rates. He wondered ff it cohld be possible that no two story structures could be built in the area~ all single! story~ he favored all single story structures. NM. JI~ NIC/HR: Stated they waited thP entire City Planning Commission meeting fmr Ntt. Krull~ and he didn't feel an e~tension of time should be granted. We presented our case before the City Plahning Conm~ission, and didn't see any point t~king up more time. City Hall, Anaheim, California, ;~p. ril 13~ 1954-~8:00 P~.Nk Filed With the a~plicatiOn for reclassification were: 96 signatures in protest. 17 signatures favoring reclassification, c _ WILLI.I~ A. R~'I:--_SE: I have ]~een to all the previous hca.rings on th~.s, and I noticed- in the paper a few days fo~lowing~ that %he City Planning Conmmisslon proposed to remove the proposed CL2 cl~$stficatioh f~om the area on Can%er'Street, all property to be turned back to R-A. 'I wo~l~i like to see the. Council take' a firm~ stand in this matter pertaining to ~his lumping of c0mmer'¢i~l zoning iwresidential areas-; Ntt. Reese was ad?ised that the' only p~op~rty in' question, or that would be c~nsidered at this time was %ha% described in recla~si£ication application. MR. NICTI~R: The people that favored the Tract Map are people in the acreage designated as C-2. MRS. HOW/hRD STANTON~ Stated she objected th any more commercial going in in this- area, that when they bOugh~ the property, they thought homes were going in on the vacant lots around; that t~ey would not have bought there,,if'they had thought - business Was going in. It~creates a hazard to~the children from the Lincoln School, notes from the Principal h~ve~been going home to the parents regarding thei~ ~ children leaving the schoO~ grounds and g0fng a~ross to the new Alpha Beta Store. When the heavy traffic was taken off Center Stfeetwe felt very gOod~about~that. It would be an increased hazard to have any more business going in there. Councilman van W~goner movSd to hold tothe findings of the City Planning Commission. Councilmjn W~ser~' secoided the,motiod. NDTION CARRIED.- Reclassification was denied. ~ ORANGE AVENUE ANN~XATION:, Proponents published notice of intention to circulate petition for annexation, M~rch~25, 1954.~ Affidavit of publication was received by the City Clerk March 26, 1954. Boundaries, roughly: North by Lincoln Avenue, West by Brookhurst, South by Ball Road and ~as% by Loara. RES~LUT!~N NO,_ 2379: C0uhcilman Van Wagoner offered ResolutioWNo. R379-and meved for its passage and adoptipn. ~ Refer to Resolutjion Book, page A RF_SOLUTION OF IH~ CIIY COUNCIL OF IHE CIIY OF ANAHEIM ACKNOWLEDGING ~IPT OF COPY OF NOTIC~ OF INTE~ION TO CIR~TE ~ PETITION ~TING TO'~ ~ATION 0F ~ITORY TO T~ CITY ~~EI~ ~ ~FIDAVIT 0F ~BLICAT~ON ~~F, ~ ~PROVING THH CIR~TION ~OF SAID PHT~ION. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: - AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCI~tEN: Pearson, Fry,--Wisser and Van Wagoner. COUNCI~iEN: None. COUNCI~I~AN: Schutte. The Mayor decla] TR~SFE~.....0F FUNIIS~ Trans~ Interest Redemption Fund ~ by councilman Fry. MOTI0! TRANSPHR OF FUND~: Trans Fund was a6thorized on mo Wagoner. MOTION cARRIED. APPOINTMENT: PATROLMAN: for the City of Anaheim. by Councilman Van Wagoner 'ed the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted..- er Of $15,442.75 £rom the General· Fund to {he Bond and 'as authorized on motion by Councilman Wisser~seconded CARRIED. :er'of $20,000.00 from the General Fund~to the'Library :ion by CoUncilman Wtsser, seconded by Councilman Van Chief of Poli~e appointed Billy F..Wilson as Patrolman Said appointment was-ratified by the City-Council-on-me%ion seconded by Councilman Wisser. NDTION CARRIED.~-~ APPLICATION FOR coNDUcTIN~ PooL .RO0}~. at 137' So. Los Angeles Street, /~aheim, by James A. Barksdale was re~erred to the Chief of Police for~ investigation and ~ePort on motion by Councilman ¥~n Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION C~IED. ---- --- City ~..11,. Anaheim,.., Calif0r~a, April 1~, ..1954- 8,00 RF:0UMST FOR REP~jND: Harry G. Nutt re~ested refund of $32.00 for Permit No. 6917 ~ssued March 16, 1946 Because he did ~ot ~uild, as plarmed. '~ Refund was denied on motion man Wi sser, because of length of time ref~und. ~DTION CARRIED. .. S~-~S.' Mr. Robert Reese, and others that' develOpment lust off bf VermOnt County Health Department had Condemne htr. ~urdoch, Administrative Officer e~ /ar~ks as it was c~nstru~ted before th~ There has been letters sent out tb eve there was sufficient interest to go a] replied, therefo~re the ~Enginee~ring De] by. co0ncilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Council- frbm obtaining Build{n9 Permit and requested addressed the Council requesting sewers for ~ Los ~ngeles Streets. He stated that %he several of the homes in this area. :pla{ned that this Tract was built with Septic Ball Road $ewe~Trunk Line" was constructed· r¥ property owner i~ that area to ~ead and only approximately 205 of the people iartmen~t took' no further~ action-, Regarding means of connecting onto th9 sewer n0~_, Mr. ~4urdoch advised of the methods which cOuld be taken. Direct billing Qf acfUaI ~os{~ tO pwoperty owners by the city, or an Assessment Di-stric{, and that il they must have 50% ~of the ,proPerty owl ASsessment District on th~ basis df a 0ffi~cer, that a health' hazard e)~ists, to go ahead 'whether 50~ Of the people ~ brde%r t~ 9o. ah~ead with an ~AssesSment Dis,ti~Ict, ~e~s-in favor,, or {he'City can gO ahead~with an request from ~the~ County Health Departmergt, or then the CoUnCil 'can prder an Assessment District want it or not. .... Ntt. Reese: Those notices were sent'o'~t to some people who have-sold and'rare not the property owners now, and the paym.~nt of the $225.00 scared some of the people out, and further 2/3 of the hombs, or a great .many a~YWay, are owned by Marines who have since been transferred and d ~n~f reahme just what has happened. After further discussion: regarding p~yment arrangements and other matters pertain- ing~to this area connecting i~to'the ~ewer, it WaS' decided that an Assessement District should be started immediatelY. ~ ' '- ' ~ ~ ~A gentleman represenfin9 one council, stating that he had sold 17 ordinance providing for {he ~nec~ssit~ would be detrimental to the local mez o.~%er would be taken to the bank.,~ whi and if the credit is not approved; th '-of' the local lumber yards addressed the f~nces that day, and the proposed fence of obtaining a permit to-put up-a fence ~hants, for 'the application from the property oh takes about two weeks to approve credit, ~n the Applicant is-out the'permit fee. He felt the permits sould be published s'~) that the local merchants are Informed, and further that there should be a two w~ks waiting period to allow local merchants to contact prospective purchasers. ~ '~ ~ ~ Ntt. Murdoch advised that at present ~he city has no control except for the heig.ht and location of the fence~ permits ~a~ t~Ype of constructi01~ will be considered In connection with the proposed amendmejt to the Code at a later date. FINAL MAP: TRACT N0,c 1795: Cottage iGrove Builders,~ loca_tion: between Houston and ~anchester, lying immediately WeSt of Gi~tbe~t AVenue Final Map was approved, subject to engineerin9 requirements on motion by Councilman Wisse'r, seconded by Counc{l~nan Van Wagoner. ' MOTION CARRIED. REVISED TENTATIVE. ~_. TRACTS NOS 1579 and ~-1q~1 .. Location: Walnut'Street, Loara, Ball road and Cerritos 662 lots, aiI in County territory. (.Anaheim Homes, Inc.) Ci. ty Planning Commission A~ril ?, 1954 voted to approve said Tentative ~aps~, subjec~t-to the follOwing Conditions. ' 1.~ 'The installation of se+ers. 2. The installation of cu$bs and sidewalks. 3. Front~yard set~ba,cks t, 4. ~he dedicati6n~of~ 10 fi 5. /he dedication-of 20 f 5. The dedication of 10 f Further, that inasmuch sewer facilities, that the City COon be 25 feet instead of 20 feet. et for th~ widen{n§ of Cerritos Avenue; :et for the widening of Ball~Road. ~' .~et for the widening of Walnut Street. t as the City of Anaheim will furnish water and :il charge $25.00 per lot for the acquisition of recreation and park siteS, i ~ '~ The Administrative Office.r~recomm.ended the acceptance of said Tentative ~aps, as outlinedCby the' city Plann~ commission. . City Hall, Anaheim, Cali~ornia~ ApFi! 13~_.!954- 8:Q0 P~M. Mr. Moeller~ Secrgtary of Anaheim Chamber of Com?~erce, addressed the Council stating that some efforts should be made to protect the existing nice ~.homes on Cerritos Avenue. Councilman Van Wagoner moved that th~ Ientative-Ma~p b'e accept.ed, as reconm~end- ed and outlined by the CitYiPlannin9 Con~nission~ and that further~ speclat considerat- ion be~ given the area frontSng Cerritos Avenue t~ protect the fine homes there' Councilman Winner seconded ~he motion. MOTION CARRIED. -- / RR~ISED TENTAT!.VW- MAP.; TRAC" NO. 2090: Dike~ Colegrove and Koll, location: south- west corner of So. Los Ange..esr Street and Bal!~ Road. <57 lo. ts. ~ City Planning Co~tssion, April 5, 1954 voted to approve said revised tentative map~ sub3ect to: ~ · 1. Payment of $2~.00 per lot for the acquisition of recreation and park sites. 2. ~ngineecring r~quirements .... .~ ,~ ~ Said Tentative ~ap of Tract ,~No. 2Q90 was approved, ~sub3ect to conditions as outlined by the City Planning Commission, on motion 'by Councilman Wisser~ seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION ~]%RRI~. ~ IF. NT. AIIVE MAP~ TRACI NO. 2161: George Buccola, 10~ lots, hei~ over for further investigation. JOB NO. 10033 City Englnee~; George ~-. Holyoke~ certified the completion by Angelo Rossi Construction Company ~f the improvement known as Sanitary ~Sewem in Fast South Street from Placentia .Ave. {o 460 feet-east of GrOve ~ve.'~ ~J0b No. l'003.,'~and re- commended its acceptance an~ the filing of Notice of Completion. RESOLUTION NO, 2381:. Councilman Van Wagone~ ~0ffe~red ResOlution No. 2381 and moved for its passage and adoption. ~Refer to Re~oluti A R~SOLUTION.~OF THE CITY CO ION AND TH~. FURNISHING OF ;% ALL UTILITIW. S AND TRANSPORT ALL WORK N~.CI~SSARY TO CONST CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SF ~HAST OF GROVe- AVH., Job No. 1003. )n Book~ page )NGIL OF THE GIIY OF ANAHEIM FINNY _AC~TING.TH~ COMPLhT- m PUmT, L; OR, SmVIC , M T RI S AND ' QUIP NT mm %TION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WAIER~' ~ND PERFOR~NG {UCT AND COMPL57E TH}{ FOLLOWING~PtJB~.LIC IMPROVeMeNT.. IN F. ST SOUTH STR r FRO PU ¢ rriA Fr,. , On roll call the ~oregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted~by the following vote: AYHS: COUNCIL~N: Pearson, Fry, Wisse~ and van ~agoner. NO~S, CouNCIL~N[ None. ' ' ~ ~ ABSENT: COUN~IL~N. Schut%e. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and ~dopted. R~SOLUTION NO, 2383:~ CoUncilman Winner offe}ed Re~oluti0n No. ~383 and moved for its passage and adoption. · Refer to ResolutiOn Book, .page A R[SOLUIION OF, TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ CIT~Y O~_AN,~-~I~ CRFJ%IING R $~p~C~ ~J~. a uIS,!!IO OF IT S., C LZTmS SUBDIVISIONS ~OV~ ~IN ~E CITY OR ~~ TO T~CITY ON ~' ~T~' ~a ~-, On ro,!l call the ~oregoing resolution was 'duly ~SSed %nd adOpted by the following vote: ~ ~ A~S: COUNCI~ PearSon, Fry~ Winner ~nd Van Wagoner. il N~S: COU~I~ ~: None. ~E~: COUNCI~: .~hutte. " ~' ~ , The Mayor declared the f$regoing resolution duly ~assed and gdoPted. 90 ' 623 City Hall, Anaheimt. Califo. rr. R~-SOLUTION NO. 2384z ~ Councilman Vaa ~ for Its passage and adoption. Refer to the Resolution Book · ^ o n immsr o, o.f J. DWYHR FOR TH~ CAR~, MAINTENANCe. '/tNI A HISTORICAL NDNUMNHT OR N~3SHUM. (Am~ ~a, April 13t 1954%-8:.00 P.M. agoner offered Res~lution.~ No. 2384 and moved .. page CONTRIBUTtR) ~/0 /H~ ~CITY OF ~iI~ BY JOHN. PRIVATION OF .~H~ ~DTH~ COLONY. HOUSM AS ~ican Telephone & Telegraph Co. stock) On roll call the foregoing ~esolution was duly passed and adopted by the. following vote: AYES: COUNEILMHN: PearsOn, Fry, Wisser and Van Wagonier. ' NO~.S: COUNCIL~: None. ~ ABSENT r COUNCILMAN: Schut~e. .~ Ihe Mayor declared tho fore~oing resolut&on duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 8,90: Councilman Van Wac its~ p~ssage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, pa~. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SUBDIVISION A - 2 OF THE ~t Oner offered Ordinance ~o. 890 and moved for AN~I~ 'AMENDING S5~TION 9200.14,. REIM ~JNICIPAL CODE. (.Parking spaces) On roll call the foregoing ~rdimance was duly passed and-adopted by the following vote: ~ AYES: COUNCII~N: PearsOn, Fry, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCII~, NOne. ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: $chutte. The Mayor declared the foregoing OrdinaNce duly passed and a~Opted. O~INANCE. NOt 891: Councilman Wisser'ioffered Ordinance No. 891 and moved for its passage and adoption. I Refer to Ordinance Book, pa~e AN ORDINANCE OF THH CITY OF ANAHEIM D: VACATE :AND ~ANtX)N A PORTION OF PYTHI, A~NG THE HMRMiNAk-fER DHSCRIBHD P~ PURPOSHS: FIXING A TIME AND PLACN FO~ O~ NOTIGHS THHRMO~ AND THE PUBLICATIO (Rescinds Ordinance No. 879) (Publ K~LARING THH INTENTION OF YHE CiTY C~hlglL TO , ~., AVENUE AND AN F_J%SE~3~r FOR AVENU~ PURf~SES ~::)PI~RTY: R~SHRVING A~RIGHT-O~-WAY FOR Sh-WER A HEARING TH~N: AND DIRECTING TH~ POSTING OF THIS ORDINANCH. ,,c.~Hearing. ~aY 11~..1954) On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: , AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearspn, Fry, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILNIF~: None. !:c ,~ ABSENT: COUNCIl: Schut~e. The ~ayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and a~opted. OF.F-STRMMT PARKINGi Mr. La Mont add~ssed the Council regarding lot,.lO0~ x .17~ owned by his family in the center of ~he business district, which according to th& present Zoning Ordinance, and {hei necessity o~ o'~-s~ree{ parking provisions, makes it impossible to build any kindI, ofa retail outlet of any size in this down town location. Under present regula~ons, you would have to build a very small building, resulting in a much lower ~perty value. He further stated that an interested Concern declined to locatetthere because they would be paying too much for off-street parking compared to t~small area of store space remaining. The Council advised that i~payment, in keeping with that made by other merchants in the district, was made ~ the Off-Street Parking Fund, awaiver of the off-street parking requirements m~ght be made, in view of the fact that this property is surrounded by off-street ~king 10ts. ': ~' -- ORDINANCW- NO. 892: Final reading wa~ .withheld for further consideration. 624 City of Anaheim, iC, ity Ha%l' Anaheim,. Califgrni.a, April ~13i 1954- 8:00 P.M. ORDINANCM NO. 894: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Ordinanc~ No. ~.89~. for first read- ing and moved for its passage and adoption. '~ ~ sI ¥ NOI S IX, ~IN ~LATING .~ USE~0F .L.~ HEIST 0F BUI~IN~ ~ Y~ SPA~S:~ ~PTING A ~P SHOWING ~ BOUDOIRS OF SAID ZOOS: DEFI~NG r~ '.~S USm ~'iN, ~ VIDING FOR ~ST~, ~~~ ~ ~ORC~~. ~S~IBING PE~TIES FOR VIOLATION ~ ~P~ING ~L SECTIONS ~OR P~TS OF SECTIONS IN CO~LICT T~~. ' (Resolution 2369- C.P.C. Resolution N~, .3~(5~54). ~p!ic~io~ ~F-5.~iQ) , Qn ~ett call the iforegoing, ~i~e was duly_ passed, and adopted by the fol l~ing -ye ~ A~. C~NCI'-m=~: ~arson, Fry, Wiser and Van Wa~~~o' ....... ~S~ C~t~: ~hut~e. -.- CANCMLLATION OF T~ES: Mol ioned by Councilma2 Wisser~. secqnded by Councilman Van ~agoner cancellation of fa)es be authorized on property purchased by the '.Anaheim City School District on Lot 4, of Weight, Freeman and McCloughan Subdivision, in- ~he City of Anaheim, for %?'e fiscal yearn 1953-1954~i A.P. 37-141-7. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 887: First ieading March 9~ 195~4, action Withheld March 23, 1954. Councilman Wisser offered irdinance No. 887, for second reading, and moved for its passage and adoption. : . .~ Refer to Ordinande Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY O~ ~JNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING T~ 3286, 3287, 3288, 3289, 32~. THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTt IO BE USED FOR PUBLIC CON[F( PI~RMIT FE~S THHRF_FOR, .AND ~ PF24ALTIES FOR THE VIOLATIO~ t ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE III, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAH~-IM ~TO NSW SECTIONS, NUMBERS 3281, 1328~2, 328~3~3284, 3285, 0, 3291, 3292, 3293, 3294, 3295, 3296, and 3297 RHGULATING NANCE OF BE~_~_~_~_ALONG PUBLIC STR~Mi_TS AND WAYS IN THE CITY ~T 'AND CONVENIENCE: R~QUIRING PERMITS AND THE PAYMENT OF EQUIRING INSURANCW. AND COVERAGE .THEREON AND PROVIDING YHERE~F. On roll call the ~,foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES~ COUNC ILI~ EN: None. ABSENT: COUNCII3 'AN: Schutte. The Mayor declar~id the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION N0,c 2386: : Counc'iilman Wisser offered Resolution 'No}' :2386 and moved for its passage a~d adoption. - ~ C Refer to Resolution Book~ page A ~LUTION OF iTHE CITY GOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF. ~mHIM .~~VIm- ~Ay ,m!~EN~E On roll call tho foro~oSn~ rosolutSon ~as duly passod and adopted b~ following vote: ~ , ~ L A~S: COUNCIL~N: Pearson, Fry, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COU~IL~N: None. ~SE~: GOUNCIL~: -Schutte. ._ ~: ~~ , Ihe ~ayor declared ~he foregoing rosolution dulg pas~ed and adopted. ~SOLUIION RO. 2387~ CounCilman ~Sssor offorod RosolutSon No. 2387 and movod its passage and adoption. : ~... ~ Refer to Resolution Book~ pa~e , A ~SOLUTtON OF T~ CITY NCIL OF T~ CITY OF ~EI~ ACCEP~ING, A ~cD~D CO~ VEYING TO THE CITY 0F ~~M ~TAIN R~ PROP~ FOR ~ ~S~ FOR S~T ~DENING ~mSES. 625 City. Ha.Il-, Anaheim, Ca.1..iforn~, April .~3; 1954.- ~,00 P.M. JohnCJ. and Lorene E. Yoders. - On roll call the foregoing r~solution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILN~N: Pearsor NOES: COUNC I LMEN: No ne. ABS~-N/z COUNCILMAN: Schutt~ ~ Fry~ Wiener and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed an~ adopted. J~SOLUIION NO. 2388: Councilman Fry offered l~solutio~n No.: 2388 and .moved for its passage and adoption. ~ Refer to resolution book~ pa$~ A RESOLUTION OF IHE CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY (iF ANAHEIM ~CEPTING A GRA[~f D~ CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASENMNT FOR WIDENING I~URPOSE$~ ~Ggo~rqe F. a~d Ma~ Holden)~ . :~ ~ On roll call-the foregoing r~solution was duly passed and adopted by the following vo6e: ~ - ~- AYES: oouNE-ILMEN: Pears~n~ Fry, ~is~er and cVan Wago, nez. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENTi COU~I~ Schu~t~. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted.~ RI!SOLUTION NO. 2389: Councilman Van ~agoner ,£fered Resplution No. 23~9~and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to,resolution book, pa~e A ~SOLUTZO~ O~ ~ CZTY COU~ZL O~ ~ CZTY OF ~EZ~ ~C~~G CO~ING TO T~ CITY OF ~EI~ ~T~ ~AL ~OP~ FOR WI~ING ~R~SES. (Clifford O. and ~is J, Beckler) : . On roll call the foregoing =esolution was duly passed and adopted by the following v~te: A~S: ~UNCI~: Pearson, Fry, Wiener and Van Wagoner. ~SE~: COUSIn: $chut~e~ The Mayor declared the fore~ing resolution duly passed and adopted. ~T-53-54-17: Applicant, Edwin ~. Heacqck. ReclassificatiOn of~ Lots 1, 2 and 3 of root NO~. 483, located· at the northwest ,~orner~ of Euclid ]%venue and West La Palina Avenue, from R-A to C-2~ to permit th~ leasing of the property to a m~Jo~ oil concern for a service station. City Planning Commission~ p~rsuant to their Resolutio~n No. 6~0-~(53-54) reoonm~ended the igranttng of said recl$$sification, subject to 'the deeding-of.20 feet along West La Palina and Euclid A~enues to the City of :.Anaheim for future street widening. Public Hearing was ordered ~;o be held on said application~A~R.~.iL-27, !.954~ on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner~ seconded by Councilman Wiener. MOTION CARRIED. F-53-5~-18: Applicant, Al{red F. Dav~s. Reclassification of property, located on ~he north side of Crone Avenue, directly east of the S.P.R.R. %racks e~x%ending in an easterly direction 210 feet from the center line of the railroad right-of-way, from R-A to R-i~ to enable-him to cuti tiff thre~ lot~ each~ 60 f~eet wide,by 145 feet deep. Public Hearin~ was ordered ~o be held on said application, ~R~L 27. 1954, on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, ~econded by Councilman' Fry. NDTION cARRiED. City Planning Commi.ssion, p~rsuan~ to {heir ResolutiOn No.-~1~(53-54) recommended the reclassificatmon of A~plication No. F-53-5~18, as requested. City Hall; Anahein E=53-54-19: Applicant, Th~ of being a~nexe~ t°- the City lies west' of Euclid Avenue k of the area in the proposed Avenue. Area to be changed ,; Ca?li~fo_Fn-ia, Ap~ril 13, ,1954~- c8:00 PC~' u ~uller Holding and Investment Co., Area. now in the process Of J%naheim known as the Lincoln Avenue Annexation,. which ~tween Lincoln Avenue and Manchester; also that portion Drange Avenue Annexation lying on the north Side of Lincoln from R-A to M-1. City Planning Co~ssion, pursuant to their resbiution No 62 (5-3-54) re-/ come, ended the requested reclassification subject to: . [ . " I. /he deedih~g ofI a 10-fcct strip ~long th6 nort~h side of-Liy~ooln ~Avenue to the City of Anaheim for ~ture street' widening. ~ - 2. Installation. . o:~. the. ~P-L Zone,~ al~ong~ . the~ North. side of Lincoln. Avenue. On motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fry, Pdblic Hearinq was ordered to be held~ May [.1. 1954. MOTION"-CARRIED. ' CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ...RHS~LUTION NO. u63 (53-54) se~ttin~'for~h proposCd changes to the Anaheim Municipal Code,-~ctio, n 9200'!4- GRN~%AL PROVISIONS AND ~XCW-PTIONS~ paragraph ,_C by the' de[etion 6f safd ~paragfaph _C; :and CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RH.S~L.UTION NO. 64, (5~3-54) recommending ~the de%i~ion of Paragraph A - US~ -' ~8 - TR~: L~ CAMP from S[CTIO~ 9200.11 of thee Anah~im~ Municipal Code, and place in SECTION 9~00.,~13 - UNCLASSIFIED USES - A - USE , 9 - TRAILER PARK. Recommendations co ]rained in ResolutiOns 63 and 64 were receiVed and Publi...c, Hegring was ordered to be he Ld .May .1.1., 1954, on m°t[on by CoUncilman Van Wagoher, seconded by Councilman Wisse ~. MOTION CARRIED. .VARIAN~ES~ The following Variance appl'ications were submitted, and reviewed .by the City Council: ~ ~. C', C © - NO~-225: Robert L. Stagner~i 328 So. Olive St, to operate g~arage-from said address. Property now in R-3 zone. ' ...... City Planning Con~n~ssion, Resolution No. 57, granted said va~i~nce; subject to: 1. No enlargement of the present garage. . 2. The taking out ' ' ' ~ " of ajcity Bus,ness L~cense. · NO. 226: Mrs. J. H. Cundiff~ owner, per ~rs. ~Freda W. Newman, Agent fcr the operation of a business at 300 .East Adele Street~ .the making of artificial flower~, and also the sale of c~ut flowers. Proper~y now R-3. ~ City Planning Come, sion, Resolution No.. 58 granted said variance, subject to: 1. 'A ~si~n o~"the rear. ~gf the property to benot over~ %2 inch~s wide', by 24 in~ches long.. -' " :~: '-' ~ NO. 227-. Carl A. Lemcke for permis$1on, t6 operafie a pftch~ana'Pu{t ~olf~Course~ ~h~the property bounded on the west[ by .Tract .No. 1404~ on the South~by Tract No.~ 1412~ on the East by-Nor, t~h Citron S.tr~ee.%, .cand on .~th'e N~rt.h b~ fine Propert~'of ~Mi ,M[-L~it,z. approxi- mately 3 1/2 acres at the rear of ~his home. City :Piann~fng~ CO~ssioh, R~soluti~on N0. ~!S$I_0N TO LHAVE STATE: ~Ouncilman van WagCner WaS g~ranted"permi~§§iOnCto le, av~ the State on motion by Councilma~ FrY, sCconded by Councilm~n WisSer' cNDTION C~RRIHD.~ , UN!:FORM ALLQ~WAN~E: N~THR ~~R:. Uniform allowance, paid to Meter Readers was ordered discontinued on motion by c°cncilman Wiss~r" seconded bY CcUncilman .Fry. MOT~ON CARRIED. PURCHASe- OF TRASH TRUCK: Th~ Administrative-O£fider ~ecommended %he p6rChase of new Trash Truck, and inasmuch as more than 269 tons of trash were hauled over last year~s tonnage. ' ~e Administrative 0ffioe~ ~as authorized to ~equest inf0m~l bidlquotations for ~he purchase'of said TraSh Truok~'on ~0tion by Ooun~ilman Van W~g~ner~ Seconded by Councilman wisser. ~TION C~I~. ~ ' ~SOLUTION NO. ~2~9~ Councilman Van Wagoner offered ResOlution No. 2382 .and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolutio~ Book, page PUBLIC INT~HST ~ NHCHSSITy ~QUIRHS T~ CONS~UCTION ~ CO~LHTION~OF ~LIC City ~all, .~.aheim, Cali~orl IJ~WIOV~~, TOWIT: RAY~IO~D-ROMN1~Y~ T~ DL~IGN, PLANS," SPHCIFICATIONS ~ I~ T~ CONS~UCTION ~ ~ID ~BLIC ~I] SP~IFICATI~S, ~ ~AUTHORIZING ~ R VITING SE~ PRO~S~S FOR T~ CONS~ On roll call the foregoing f~ll~n9 vo~e~ RE.~. LUTION NO, '~385:~ Councilman Van its passage and adoption. '.i a, .AVri t 13, 1954 - ~: O0 P~ M- i mo , 3oB m, mov m ~NGS ~R ~T~ CONS~TION T~0F~ A~T~RI~ ~OVM~ IN ~CO~~E WITH sAID PLUS ~ ]~TI~ T~ GITY CLX' TO ~gLISH A ~TICE I~ :~lutSon ~as dul~ p~s~od and ~o~d ~ ~ AYES: COUNGIL~: PearsOn, Fry, Winner and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILNMN: None. ~ ABSH~Ih COUNCIl: Schut The. Mayor declared the. foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ~agoner offered Resoled;ion No. 2385 anO moved for c Refe~ t° Resolution B~Ok, p · A ~SOLUTION OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF T PUBLIC INTHR~ST ~YD NHC~SSITY R~IR~ ~ge CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING iAND D~TERMINtNG ~TPLAT THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC I~ROVE~4T'~ TO WiT: BRO/~)WA.Y SE~ £MPROVE~T; FROM LOAP~k S~ET ~TO E~LID AVENUE. o .si$, - cONS UCZZON zm ao , ^U O ZINS CO S UCZ O mmuc ,m ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS ~ND $PECI~CATIONS, ~D AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THI~ C}TY CLERK 1~0 ~BLISH ~ANOTICE INVITIN~ SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSYRUCTION THERL:OF. (Bids to be opened May 11, 1954) following vote: · On roll Ca}l the f~oregoing I~solutlon was duly passed and adOPted by the . AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pear~nf Fry, Winner and Van Wagoner. ~ NOES: COUNC ILN~EN: None,lc '~ ABSENT: COUNCILNt~: SchuSs. The ~ayor declared the forgoing~ resolUtion duly passed and adopted. WEg!~ LA RALMA ~.NO..~ ~HXATION. Ver~al approval was given Nits--Beeson,. Secretary to the Adminis{rative Officer' 'April 12~l 1954, Via telephone, ~! the Secretary of the Orange County Boundary Commission, a~d that the boundaries of the proposed annexation were found to be reasonably definite land certain. Petition signed by twelve ~12) residents residing within the proposed' - bOUndaries of the 'West La Palma No. 3 .Annexation, and-repr6~enting 'not less than 1/4 of the owners, and not less than~l/4 of the valuatioh of the lafid' according~to the last e~ualized assessmen{ roll o~ the County 6f OrangeS requesting annexation of thgir properties, pursuant to the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939, as amended (Title 4, Division 2, Part 2~ Chapter l, Articles 1 and 5 o£~the Government Code) was submitted and read. '~ ~ RESO~TION NO. 2380' passage and adoption. '::Councilman:Fry ioffered Resolution No. 2380 and moved for its ~ R~SOLUTION 0~ TH~ CITY COUNCIL 0~ PETITION FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CERTA D£SIGNATING THE TERRITORY AS THE WES~ B(NJNDARIES OF THE TMR_RIT~Y~PROPOS~ ~ PLAOF WHERM AND~ ANY PERSON PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED NIAY APPEAR B~ TERRITORY SHOULD NOT BH ANNEXED TO TI Refer to Resolution Book, Page '~ CITY 0~ ANAH~I~ ACKNOWLEDGING-R~EIPT-0~ A- N UNINHABITED THRRITORY TO THE CITY OF ~EI'M, 'LA PAL~ NO, 3 ~TION..: DESCRIBING THE TO BE ANNEXED AND GIVING NoTICE OF ~THE DAY, HOUR II[NING REAL .PROPERTY WITHIN SUCH~THRRITOR¥ SO · 'ORE THE CITY COUNCIL AND SHOW CAUSe- WHY SUCM M CITY OF ANAHEIM. (:PuBlic Hearin~ Ma~ 25, 1954) ':: ' fEublish: Anaheim BUlletin: APril 1' and 23. ': Plaoentia Courier: April2~ and 29. On r011 call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote~ City Hall, Anahei~m, CalifOrnia, A~ril 13, .195 AYES: COUNClL~N: Pearson, Fry, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCI L~N: None. J- ~. <. ABSENT: COUNCIL~N: Schutte. ~ The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TMT.~H[3 National Surety Corporation Telephone Company, dated Nia Business" in the City of .An Franchise is now expired an c ommuni ca ti on. ~ COMPANY; BOND R-556071: F ...R~. HISEi .Communication from in reference tO Franchise Bond of the Southern California 29, 1933 "50-years General Telephone and Telegraph aheim, pursuant to Ordinance No. 159~ dated March 22, 19043 accordingly the bond is to be,~retired, as per said The matter of caNCellation of~the bond was referred to the Ci~ty .Attorney for his recommendations on,aye' 11, 1954. <- r PURCHASE: SOUTH~N QALIFONNIA EDI.SON COMPANY FACILITIES.- Facilities,-' excluding meters, ~n the north-side ~{ AnaheimiOlive Road.~ east of Pla~entia Avenue for the total of $818.85 was ordered purchased on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Winger. NDT-~N CARRIED.- ' WORK~3q~S COMPENSATION CER~FI. CA..TE OF INSURANCF~ issued by Industrial Indemnity ~ompany to Pacific Coast B~ring Company for the period 4/1/54 to 4/1/55.was ordered received and filed on motidn by Councilman Winner, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. SUBDIVISION.BONDS: TP~%GT N[. 2021,: Issued by American Surety Company of New Yerk,. to Anaheim Gardens Unit No. 2, in the amount of $80,000.00 to construct the grading street work, sewers, sidew~ lks and curbs, and~Bond in'uthe amoun{ of i$18,~00.00 to construct and install ware: mains in said tract was ordered accepted and filed, - when approved by the City ~ittorney, on mo%ion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman~Wisser. M(iTION CBRRIED~ . ~' MINUTES: J.O. $. HXFCUTIVE iGO~ITTE~_ Meeting of~ April 1 were submitted., read and ordered reCeived and filed !°n mOtion by Councilman Winner, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. NDTION~ CARRIe. ~ ~ . ,~ c GO[~jNICA/ION from John Ma~ioghlin relative to Parking Lot,, owned by the City of Anaheim, located on Claudi~g Street between Center and Broadway wa~s referred to the- Administrative Officer on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. .~ .~ c c ~: ~ ~ILIT, ARY ORD~ OF T~H~ ~LE ~T. INQ: for permission to display L antique and modern ftrearm~ and war equipment within the City of Anaheim was referred to the Chief of Police forlrecommendation..I~ ~ ~ ANNUAL CONFh~C~ OF NIMLO! City Attorney, Preston Turner was authorized to attend said Annual Conference which will be held in ~ptember at the St. Francis HoteI in San Francisco on ~ot~on {oy Councilmah:V~n Wa~onerC~ .SeConded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. c SUBDIVISION BOND:;': TRACT N~, t871': ' American,:SuZ~ t~ Company to Vermont .Properties, bond in the a-~-~ount 6~f $13,~00.00 for the install%/tion of streets, gutters, curbs, sewers and water lines. Said Bond was ordered received and filed, when approved by the City .Attorney, on metion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION-CARRIED. - ~ ~ .~' ~ c ':. ~OF PUBLIC EMPlOYeS FAI....~FoL PER~O~E BOND,,[btanket) for the period tO 5/15/55, premiu~ $95.68 was authorized on mo~ion by Council[man Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. BONDS: UIACT N0.,,!795] A for the construction of st: installation of water main filed,-when approved by th. seconded by Councilman Wis ~chor Casualty Company to Gilbert Groves - $75,000.00 :eets, curbs, gutters and sewers, and $15,000.00 for t'he in said tract. Said bonds., were Ordered received and City Attorney, ~on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, er. MOTION CARRIED. FINANCIAL & OPHRA!ING R~kI$: For the month of-MarCh 1954 were submitted~ read and ordered received and f{led on motion by Councilman Winner, seconded by ~ouncilman Fry. MOTION CARRIHD. !., 629 City Hall., Anaheim, Cali.far~im, Aprilul3, 195~ -c8:00 ~M.. ..... ~-,.. RESOLUTION NO, 2390~ Councilman Van ~Mgoner~.offered Resolution No. 2390 and moved for its passage and adoption. .,~ Refer to Resolution Book, p~ A RI~SOLUTION OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF TP COJ~LSON C. MORRIS, J~IBS L....~IS D~SITBD BY~TH~ ~ 'CONSTRUCTION OF CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING A RBFUND TO ARVAL N~.RRIS OF A PORTION OF UNUS..ED FUNDS Sh~ ~AIN ALONG SOUTH ST~wr NBGPiSSARY TO SERVE TRACI~NO. 1696. ~ - " ' ~ ' t · On roll~cail ~he~foregoing~ ~esolu~ion~ was duly passed and ;dop%ed~by following vote: c AYES: ~-' COUNCIL~N; Pearsgn, Ery, Wi~ser and ¥an Wago~er. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None.I ; ABSENT: COUNCII~: Schut~e. . The MaYor declared thefore~oingresolution duly passed and ~LUTION NO. 2391= Councilman Wiss~r offered Resolution No. 23~1 and~moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to ResolutSon Book~ p ~e c uuc Zc r¥ oF T~ B~CE mB UmN ~ ~RC~SE PRI~ OF ~ mOPmTY ~mC~Sm mO~ ~AY L~ B~ A~ H. ~A B~_. On roll call ghe ~ore~oSn~ ~so~utSon~as dui~ pa~sed ~nd~aO~p~d ~ ~e followio9 vote: ~Y~S: COUnCIl: Pearsgn, Fry, Wisser and van Wagoner. NO~S: COUNCI~N: None. The ~a~or declared ~h~ for~0oSn~ resolu~5on duly passed ,nd~,d0p~ed. ~R~- SOLUTION N~.~~ Councilman Van Wago~er offered Resolution No. 2392 and moved for its p~ss~a'g9 and adopt~0n. .~ :~ .... . . ~ , Refer to Resolu{ion Book, page ' ~- A RESOLUTION OF ,THE CITY._COUNC- IL OF T~ CITY OF '~F. IM Ap~PRI~TING ~TAIN F~JNDS ~ .oP~-~ADVERTI$ING AND PRONDTIO~R O?.TH~. ~ITY: OF AN~, EIM AND AUTH~R,~.~.ING~ a ~~i WITH THE ~IM CHAMBER OF COMM~]~ FOR T~E DOING OF SAID Ap. VERTI~NG ~ ~mI~G FOR COMPENSATION YO THE CHAMBER OF COMMER~.E FOR SERVICES TO BE RENDERED YO THE CITY OF : ANAHEIM. , On roll. call~ th~ foregoing ~esoiution was duly paSSed and adopted bY t~e following vote: AYES: ,COUNCILMEN: Peatr~ sgn,:_Fry,,~ Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: No ne · '- ~ The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed~ and adopted I~SOLUTION }~. 2,393~: Councilman Van '~agoner offered Resolution No. 2393 and moved for its passage and adoption'. - · Refer to Resolution Book, page "~ A .~RESOLUTION OF TH~ CITY C~NCIL OF T~ CITY OF ANAH~.IM YIXINO RAI~S. FOR ~u~s Fo~ WATER ~~SH~ TO CONSO~n~ ~ND FOR AL~ SmVIC~S m~D~_ IN THEP,.~ITH .AND REPLACING R~SOLUTIONS N~.' 182g,' 1836 AND 23~49. ~ On roll call the fore9oin9 ~esolution was duly passed and adop.ted by the following vote-: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pears< NOES : COUNCILNMN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: Schut- 668 in, Fry, Wiaser and Van Wagoner. 630 Ci~ H~ ~Anaheim' California. A ril ~o~ o n~ , ,. 13 ~-~ - ~:~v ~.m. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolutlon~ duly Passed and adqpted. R~SOLUTION NO. 2394; Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resoluti~on N~. ~39~' and~ m~ved for its passage and adoptioni Refer to Resolutioa BOok, page. .: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COU~ PUBLIC INTERE$I~ AND NECESSIT5 IN~ROVE~NT, TO WIT: WEST,S] STREET AND ~FROM BROADWAY TO DESIGN, PLANS, SPECIFICATION~ TH5 CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBI CATIONS, .AND AUTHORIZING A~ SEALED .:PROPOSALS FOR ~ CONS CIL OF THE CITY OF A_NAHEI~ FINDING A~D DETERMINING THAT RB~IRES ?HE CONSTRUCTION~AND COMPLETION OF t BJ~BLIC sT No. "~ ~N~ ~OR THE CONSmUCTION ~~F, ~AOTHORIZING :c IN Acco A ::u SAID S EC: I- DIRECTING T~ CITy CL~:TO P~LISH i ~TI~ I~ITING mUCTION ~ms0F. :(Bids to be lope~ed:~ay %1, 1954~) .. On roll call the fomegoin9 resolution Was duly passed~and-adop{ed by the followin9 vote: ' AYES: COUNGILMEN~ Pearson, :fy, Wisse~ a~d Van Wa~go~e~. NOES: COUNCtoLMENi None. ~S~: COUNGIP~ Schutte. ~ : The ~ayor declared ~he foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. , ~$OLUTION ~. 2395: CouncilSan Van Wagoner offered Resolution No 2395 and moved for i~s passage and adoption. ~ ' Refer to Re~olu~ionjBook, page A ~SO:TION 0F mE ~ T EI~ FI~ING ~ DENNING T~T PUBLIC INT~T ~ ST R~ AVE~,-Sm~ I~ROVE~NT~ T0 ~T: ~ ~ TION ~ ~L~ION O~ A ~BLIC TO 100 F~T ~ST OF ~R~ ~S~ S~-I'~ ~O~CT NO. 33- ~UNIT ~B". (Bids 't6 be opened May 11, 1954). On roll call the fo going resolution was duly passed and-adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN:i Pearson, Fry' Wissez, and Var~' Wag°nero. NOES: COUNGILMEN~I None. '~SENT: COUNCILNL~! Schutte... The Mayor declared the foregoing resol~ution duly L~assed and adopted. Councilman Wisser mo~ed to ad3ourn to April' 20, 1954, Tuesday. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. NDTION CARRIED. - ADJOURNED. SIGNED .. ~ :. i