1954/04/27 City Hal_!_.., .~. ahe.i.m, Cali.fo~nia, A~xil 27, .1957 The City Council of the City of A~aheim met in regular sessiQn. PRESENT:- COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutt% and Wisser. ABSENT : COUNCILMAN'. Van Wagoner. CIIY ATTORNEY, PRESTON TURNER: Present· CITY AD~NISTRATIVE O~ICER, KEI/H A. NURSe: Present. ruer for the purpose of canvassing the rotes, and to declare the .results of [3, 1954, and for the installation of The Mayor called the meeting to o: Absentee Vote, the '.returas of the precinct the Municipal Election held Tuesday, April the newly elected Councilmen. ~ Mayor Pearson appointed Councilma~ Wisser and .Councilman Fry.~ "Inspectors" and himself "Judge" and proceeded to canvas.~ the returns Qf.said [~uniclpal Election. RESOLUTtQ..N NO. 9400: Councilman Wiss~r of£~red Resolution No. 2400 and moved for its passage and adoption. A RESOLUTION OF THE CIIY COUNCIL RESULT OF A C~.~ MJNICIPAL EL~ ON TUESDAY, THE 13TH. DAY OF APRIL ~ TH~ CITY_ OF ~uNAH~IM DEC~31I~ING EIION HELD IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM i,~ 1954. WHEREAS, a general municipal elec~on was held and conducted in the City of Anaheim on Tuesday, the 13th day of April, .1954, as required by law; and WHEREAS, it appears that notice c given, that voting precincts were properly election officers were appointed~ and elect all respects said election was held and co~ received and canvassed, .and returns thereo manner as required by the laws of the Stat~ cities of the sixth class; and f said election was duly and legally established for the said election, that ;ion supplies furnished, and that in ducted~ and the votes cast.thereat made and declared in the time, form and of California, governing elections in City met at the Chamber of said City i954~ and adjourned to the 27th day of lcelection,~and install the newly elected ~nvass the. said. election at said time,- a result of which, the said City Couocil mes of the persons voted for, and'other ,r stated. OF /HE CITY OF AN~JiEIMDOES HEREBY i WHEREAS, the City Council of sate Council~on Tuesday,~the 20th day of ~pril~ April, t95~ to canvass the re%urns of sat( officers', and that said Oi%ycCoun¢il. dtd c~ in the manner ahd form required-by law, as finds that the number of votes cast, the n~ matters required by law to be as hereinaft~ NOW, THERE~, THE CITY COUNCIL RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: ~- That said regular municipal elec'~ion was held and conducted in the City of Anaheim on Tuesday, the 13th day of Apr:il, 1954, at the time, and in the form and manner, as-~required by law; ~i~ That there were 13 voting precincts established for the purpose of holding said election~ consisting of a consolidation of the regular election precincts established by order of the Board of Super~tsors for holding general State and county elections, as follows: Consolidated Voting Precinct "A"i comprising state and county precincts~ "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 1, 11 and 95". Consolidated Voting Precinct "B"i, comprising state and county precincts, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 2, 3 and 4". Consolidated Voting Precinct "C"., comprising state and county precincts, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 5, 6 and 7". Consolidated Voting Precinct "D'~ comprising ~.%ate and county precinc%s~ "Anaheim Precincts Nos 8 and 30" · Consolidated Voting Precinct "E't comprising state and county precincts, "knaheim Precincts Nos. 9 and 29". Consolidated Voting Precinct "F9 comprising state and county precincts, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 10, 12 and 14". City Hall~ .Anaheim~ C~lifOrnia,. April 27, 1954- 8:00 P.M. Consolidated Votin~ Precinct "~" ~ ~,~ comprising state and county precincts, "Anahein~ Pracincts Nos, 13, !9 and 20" . Consolidated Voting Precinct "H", comprising state and cou~nty Precincts, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 15~ :28 and 31". Consolih:tated Votin~ Precinct "J"~ comprising state and county precincts, "3daaheim Precincts Nos. 16 ago 18". Consolidated~Votin~ Precinct "K" comprisin§ state and county precinct~, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 17, ~2 and 32". ' ~ '2 t C Consolidated Votin~ Precinct "L", comprising state and. county precincts, "Anaheim Precincts:Nos. 21, ;,34 and 35". Consolidated Votin Precinct "ltl"~ comprising state and county precincts, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 26~ :~7 and 36". , Consolidated Votin~ Precinct "N", comprising state and county prec~nc;~~, "Anaheim Precincts Nos. 23, 24 and 33". That the,whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting-Precinct ~A was 65, That~the whole number of votes cast at~ said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "B" was 81. ~ ..~ That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "C" was ll8.~," That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "D" was 44. That the whole n ~Un~er of votes cast ~t sai~ election ~n ~ons.olidated Voting Precinct "H" was 75. . ~c ~ ~ That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "F" was 101[. That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "G" was 73. ~.c ~ ,~ That the whole number of votes cast at said election~ in ~onsolidated Voting Precinct "H" was 59. That the Whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Votin9 Precinct "2[" was 33. That the whole number of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "K:' was 69. · {~ .~ ~ c That the whole number of votes cast at said election in ConSqlidat~edc Voting Precinct "L" was 59. That the whole n~er of votes cast at said election in Consolidated Voting Precinct "M" was 63. : That the whole number of votes cast at said election.in Consolidated Voting'~Precinct ~N" was 82. · That the whole number of votes cast in said election in said City was 922. -i That tbs names of ~he persons voted for, and the offices to fill'which they were voted for were respectively as follows: Glenn G. Fry A. J. ~Schutte: Lucien~N. Wiener Maynard Glen William ~ricker Ross Laird Harry T. Fackiner Ray Melvin Tom Lenin Vic Ruddy A. B. $cutt Johnny Spielman C City Hall, ~aheim, ~alifo~ia,~ Aprii. 27~ l~95~-.8,Q0,~P.M... That the number of :votes g~v~n in ConsGlida%ed VotLn~g Prec%nct "A" for each of said persons for the office ~e fill which they ?ere voted ~or~ are r~espective- ly as follows, to-wit: FOR ~NBHR OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL: Glenn G. Fry A. J. Schutte Lucian N. W~isser 64 63 65 That the number of votes g~wen in Consolidated Voting Precinct "B" for ~each of said persons for the office ~e ~£iil which they were toted .for, are respectively as follows, to-wit: L c :. '~FOR ~I~ER OF THE CITY COUNCIL: c Glenn G. F~y 80 A. J~ Schutte~ .~ c~i 7% Lucian N. Wisser 79 That the numar of votes g~ven in Consolidated Voting-~Precinct ~CW for each of sai~ persons for the office~ tO fill which they were voted for, are respec~i-vely: as ~olloWs, t~wit: ~ 'g ~R ~~ 0F T~ CITY ~UNCIL: Glenn G. Fry 118 '~ ~ ~ '~ A~ J. Schuttec 115 Lucien N~ Wisser c ll3 Thst the n~eT ~f votes 9~en in Consolidated ~OtingcPrecinct '~" for each of said persons for the office to fill which they were voted for, ~ respectively as follows, t~Wit: FOR ~~ OF ~ CITY ~U~IL: Glenn.G.~ Fry ~ c 42_ ~ A. J. Schutte ~ ~ ~ c ~ci~n N; Wi~er That the number of votes gl¥en in Consolidated Voting Precinct "H" for each of said persons for~ the office ~0 filcl which they ~werre votgd for, are respectively as follows, to-wit: c FOR MHMBHR OF THE CITY COUNCIL: ~ ~ Glenn C~ Fry c 75 A. J. Schutte~ L_ ~ ~ 73 Lucien N. Wisser 73 That the n~er of votes glven in Consolidated Voting 'Precino~ "F" for each of said persons for the office ~o fill which they were voted for~ are res~ctively as ~fotlows$~wit: ~'~ ~- ~ c FOR N~3~B~ OF THE CITY COUNCIL: C ~ C C Glenn G. Fry 95' A. J~- Schutt~ 95 Lucien N. Wi~ser,~ c 96 ~aynard Glen 1 That the number of votes glVen in Consolidated Voting ~'Precinqt "G" for each of said persons for the office %0 fill which they were voted for, are respectively as follows~ to-wit: c ~ ,. FOR ~H~IBHR OF IHH CITY COUNCIL: Glenn G. Fry 70 A. J.. Schutt~ 72 Lucien N. Wisser c 69 each of said persons for the office ~ fill which they were voted for, care That the~ numb~rcof votes glven in ConsolidatedcVoting Precinct "H" for respectively as follows, to-wit: FOR N~ER OF THE CITY COUNCIL: Glenn G. Fry 55 c ~ A.J. Sc~hu~tt~e 54 guc~en N~ Wisser~ 54 William Fricker 3 That the number of votes gSven in Consolidated Voting Precinct "J~'t~°r each of said persons for~the office respectively as follows% to-wit: City Hall, Anaheim~ Cal,i. fo ~rnia, %pti.!. 2,.7, 19~4 - 8,00 ~P.M. FOR N~MBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL.. . Glenn~ G. Fry ,. 32 A. J~. $chutt? 30 ~ Lucien N. ,Wisser .~ 31 That the number,~of iVotes given in C°~nsoli~ated Voting Pr~cinct "K" for each of said persons for :the~.ioffice to fill ,which they were v~oted for, are respectively as £ollows, to-Wit: ~_,. ,_~ ,~ c ~ ,,. G~enn G~ Fry ~ 66 ~ -~Lqci en. N.~ ~isse3~ 62 ~ Harry ~. ~c~i~e~ ~ .i Ray ~elvin 1 ~ Tom Lenin 1 ~votes given in Consolidated Voting Precinct "L" for That the nu~er of~ each of said persons for theloffice to fill which they were voted for% are respectively as follows, to-~t: FOR ~E~BER OF THE CITY COUNCIL: Glenn G. Fry 58 A. fJ. Schutte 57 Lucien N. Wisser , 56 Vi c Ruedy 2 ,A. B. Scurf 1 That the number of !votes given in Con~01idated Voting Precinct "M" for each of said persons for the!office to fill which they were voted for, are respecti~vely as folio:owe, to-~it: ~ ' c FOR N~BER OF THE CITY COUNCi L: Glenn G. Fry 58 A. J. Schutte 59 Lucien N. Wisser 59 _ Johnny S~ielmant~ c 1 That the number ofivotes~given in Consqli~ted' Vot~ing Precinct "N" for each of said persons f.er the i office to fill which they were voted~for, are, ~ respectively as follows, to-~it: c ~ FOR ~ER OF THE CITY COUNCiL:~~ Glenn G. Fry c 81 A. J. Schutte 78 ~. Lucien N. Wisser 80 Ross Laird ~ 1 That at said time the City Council duly and regularly ~nvassed all the votes in said city cast by a~$ent voters, and found that the absentee vote cast at said election was 1 b~llot, that the persons voted for and"the number of vOtes received by said absentee ballot was as follows: FOR N~N~ER OF THE CITY COUNCIL: Glenn G. Fry 1 i A.J. Sc~utte 1 Lucien N. Wisser 1 That the total/number of vote~ received~by each of)said-~andidated in said city are as follows: FOR ~ER OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL: Glenn G. Pry §95 A. J. Schutte 884 Lucieo N. Wisser ~ 882 ~aynard Glen 1 William Fricker 3 Ross Laird 1 Marry T. Fac~iner Ray Melvin Tom Lenin Vic Ruedy ~. B. Scutt Johnny Spielman BE IT PlrRTH~RS~$O~VED that at said general municipal election, GLENN G. FRY, A. J. SCHUT~ and LUCIE~ N. WISSER received the highest number of votes given for the office of Member of 2he City council, and they are hereby severally de- clared elected to such offic~ respectively. The City Clerk of ~he City of Anaheim shall, and he is hereby directed to, enter upon the records of th~ City Council o~ said City a statement of the results of said election, showing: ~. ~_i~ City H~I.1, Anaheim, Californla, ~ril 27,. 195~ -~ 8,00 P.M. 1. The whole number 'of vote~ cast in said city. 2. The names of th~ persons voted for. 3. The offices to '~fill whi¢~ each of said persons were voted £or. 4. The number of voIes give9 at each of said precincts for each of such persons. 5. ThE number of Votes give~ in sa~id city £or eagh of said persons. 6. ~The ndmber-of ballots re$eived as the absentee vote was one. ~ The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall immediately make out and deliver to each of such persons electe~ a certificate of election, signed by him, and duly authenticated; he sh~ll also ~mpose the constitutional oath of office, and have them subscribe thereto~ '~whereupon they shall be inducted into the office to which they have been elected. ATTEST: ci'%- iari of the aheim Chas. A. P¢~csoa ~ayor of the City of Anaheim On roi1 call the foregoing ReSolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: ~ , AYe-S: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte and Wiseer. NOES: GOUNGI I~: No ne. ABSENT ~ COUNCILMAN: Van wa~0ner, c ,~ ~ ,~ The ~ayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted, c ,, Ct~RTIFICATION OF ..CITY CLERK;~- The City Clerk, Charles E. Griffith certified to the following facts: '-~ '~ 1. General Municipal Electi*n for the City of Anaheim was held April 13, 1954, 2. Th6re were thirteen (13)Voting precincts consisting o£ a consolidation of the regUlar election ~r~cin~ts esta~iished byCorder ef the Board of Supervisorsc for holding General State and County E~ctions. · ~ 3. Offices to fill are as follows: Three members of the City Council, only. 4. Names of persons vo.ted for the office of Member of the City Council: Glenn G. Fry A. J. Schutte Lucien N. WisSer ~ Maynard G~en Wi 1 li amc Fri cker Ross Laird Harry T. Fackiner Ray Melvin Tom Lenin VicRuedy A. B. Scutt Johnny Spielmah 5. Total number off,votes cast in city were 922. 6. The number of votes given at each of said precincts for each of such persons, and total votes cast at each.O~Csai8 precincis ate as follows "A" ,1B t, Glenn G. Fry 64 A. J' Schutte 63 Lucien N. Wisser 65 ~ Total number of votes ca~t in Precinct "A" 65. Glenn G. Fry 80 - A. J.i Schutte 77 Lucien N. Wisser 79 Totai~nurmber of votes cast in Precinct "B" 81. · · ! Glend G. Fry 118 A. J'i Schutte 115 Luci~ N. Wi sser 113 o Total number of votes cast in Precinct "G" ~118. 64O City Hall, .Anaheim, '~"D" Oati~forni-a-, ~Aprit~ ..27, 1954 - '8:00 Glenn G. Fry 42 ~ ~ A. J. $chutte 42 ~ Lucien N. Wisser 44 ~' ..~. Total number of votes cast in Precinct '~D" 44. Glenn G. Fry 75. A. J. Schutte 73 Lucien N. Wisser 73 Total number of votesl cast in Precinct "E" 75. Glenn G. Fry 95 A. J. Schu~te 95 Lucien N.~Wisser 96 Maynard Glen 1 Total number of votes cast in Precinct "F" 10i. "G" Glenn G. Fry 70 AU J. Schu%te 72 Lucien N. Wisser 69 "H" ~Jtt Total number of votes c~s2 in PrecinCt "G" 73. Glenn G. Fry 55 A. J. Schutte .~ 54 Lucien~ N. Wisser 54 William Fricker 3 Total number of votes cast in Precinct "H" 59. Glenn G. Fry 32 A. J. Schutt~ :~ 30 Lucien N, Wisser 31: Total number of ¥otes cast ~in Precinct '"J" 33. Glenn G. Fry A. J. Schu%te Lucien N. Wisser Ha:ry,T. Fackiner Ray Melvin · Tom Lenin 66 68 62 1 1 1 Total number of votes cast in Precinct "K, 69. Glenn G.: FrY , 58 A. J. Schutte 57 Lucien N. Wisser 56 Vic Ruedy 2 A. B. $cutt 1 To%al number .of votes cast in Preqinct "L" 59. Glenn ~. Fry 58 A. J. Schu~e 59 Lucien N. Wisser 59 3ohnny Spielman 1 Total number of vote~, cast in~ PreCinct "N?' ~63 . Glenn G. Fry 81 A.~J. Schutte .~78 ~ ~ Lucien N. Wisser 80 ~ ~t Ross Laird 1 Total number of votes cast in Precinct "N" 8~. 7. /here was one ~1) absentee vote cast at said election. 8. Total number o~ votes received by eacbof said candidates were.as~ follows: City Hall., Anaheim, California, Ap, ril 27, 1954- .8:00 P~..M. . , .... ~ .~ ~ ,,, ,, ~, - J . , Glenn G. Fry A. J. Schutte Lucien N. Wisser Maynard Glen William Fricker Ross Laird Harry T. Fackiner Ray Melvin Tom Lenin 9. CertifiCates of Election 895 884 882 1 1 1 1 1 Vic Ruedy .2 A. B. Scutt ?1 3ohnny Spielman 1 Were delivered to the following: ;!enn G. Fry ~ J. Schut~te .IiWcien N...Wisser 10. Constitutional Oath of ~fice was impesed by Charles E. Griffith City Clerk upon the.~ following: . i ~. G~Ienn G. Fry ~ J. Schut~te ~dcien N. Wisser ll. Each newly elected offiQer was. inducted into the office to which he had been elected. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have h~:~eun.to s~t' my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 27th day p~ Aprxl~ 1954. ! ' . ~S ~E. GRI~FITH,J~ - - City Clerk of the City of .Anaheim _ The Meeting was called to or~r for th~ purpose of electing a ~ayor for the City of Anaheim by the City Clerk~ ~harles ~. Griffith. PRES~: COUNCIL~: -Pearson, l~ry~ Sd~hutte and Wisser. ABS~-f : COUNCIL~: Van Wagoner. CITY ATTORNR~f, PRESTON TUR~: Present. EITY A~INISTRATIVE OFFICER, K~ITH A. ~RDOCH: Present. Councilman Schutte nominated ~ouncilman Pearson, Mayor for the City of Anaheim. Councilman Wisser seconded t~ motion. NDTION CB3IRIED. ._ Councilman Wisser moved the n~minations closed. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. ~0TION CARRIe. Chas. A. Pearson was unanimo%~l]~ elected Mayor for the City of .Anaheim. QRANGE COUNTY SANITATION .DIS/RICT$ NOS.i ~ AND 2,_ Chas. A. Pearson, as presiding officer of the governing body of this ~ty i~ a member of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos. 2 ~ 3. Mayor Pearson appointed Luci~.N. Wisser, "Alternate Director" to act as a member of the County Sanitation Dist~ct No. 2 during his absence. Said appoint- ment was ratified ~y the Council on moron by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry. NDTION CB.RRIHD. ;. Mayor Pearson aPpointed LuciaN. Wisser~ "Alternate Director" to act °i ' as a member of the County Sanitation Disltnct. No. 3 during his absence. Said appointment was ratified by theaCouncil mn motion by Councilman $chutte, seconded by Councilman Fry. NDTION CARRIIE). ~ The Minutes of the Adjournedc~egular Meeting held April 20, 1954 and Regular Meeting held April 13, 1954 wer~ approved on motion by Councilman Wisser seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTIONCARRIED ~~$ ~DEMANDS: Councilman Wisser reported demands against the city amounting to $139,123.94, and moved that report of! Finance Con~nittee be accepted and that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer toiipay said demands in accordance with report. CounCilman Schutte seconde~ the mo~ion.ii~MO~ION C~RRIED. City Hall, Anaheim, .C.; BIDS: JOB NO. 1005: Pursuant April 16 and 22nd, the Clerk wa RON~YA SS'WER IN~ROV~/, JOB by Councilman Schutte. NDTION BIDS RECEIVED: ~lifornia, April 27, 1954 ~- 8~00~P.M. Resolution :No. 2382 and Legal Noticevpublished . instructed to open bid proposals on the .RAYMONI~ ldO. ]005. on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded ? Chorak Construction Co. Inc. 1312 S. Gerhart Ave. ~ Los Angeles 22 ( Bid in error on Jtem No. 7. 44,101.94 ChutUk & Kaufman~ ? 13313 Sherman W~y, North HollYWOod, Calif. Bosko & Bradarich Company 8512 Pishman Road, Pice Spann & Kenton Construction 14943 Catifa, Van Nuys Leo Weiler 521 No. McClay St., Santa Aha Paul Vukich Construction Co. Box 671, 9624 Rush St., E1 Mont~ J. E. Popovich P.O. Box 261, Iorrance Economy Sewer Construction & WeStern Pipeline ConstructiOn Co. (Joint ventureI) 548 So. Spring St., Los Angeles~13 Ni ch M. Guh° 8335 Rtl'antic Blvd. ~ Bell Angelo Rossi Construction Co. ~ 2480 Ramona Blvd., Los AngeleS i33 Kevry Construction'- Inc. 655 Peracta Ave., San Leandro 61,~058.44 - 47,176.72 51,695.59 42,933~00 ~. 49,570.06 52,147.68 44,1$9.88 Error in Bid, Items 5 & 6 57,705.35 Colich Construction Co.~ ~ -~ 49,583.01- 701 Centinela Ave. ~ In91ewo°d ~ ~ Bids were referred t~ the F-n9ineer~s Office for tabulation and report. After tabulation, the En9ineer~s Office reported the Paul Vukich gonatruction Company to be low bidder~ and ~ecommended the acceptance of said bid. P~SOLUTION NO. 2401~ Councilmgn Schutte offered Resohtion No. 2401 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RHSOLUTION OF THI~ CITY COUNC] AND AWARDING A CONTRACT-TO THt~ PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, ~TERIJ FOR THE CONSTRUCTION~ INSTALLK MENT OR WORK: RAYNDND-RO~R :L OF THH CITY OF ANAHEIM .ACCHPTING A SEALHD PROPOSAL ~LOWEST RI~SPONSIBLE BIDDHR FOR THt~ FURNISHING OF ALL ~LS AND EQUIPN~NT, ~ PERFORMING ALL WORK N~$.SARY 'ION AND C0~PLEIION OF IHH FOLLOWING MJBLIC I~ROVB- SEW~ I~ROV~Y, JOB NO.. 1005. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: '~ COUNCI£N~N: None. ~ ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: Van Wagoner. , :~ '~- ~ : ,~ The Mayor declared t~e foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted.. . ,- BIDS: JOB NO. ~4: ~rsuant to Resolution No. 2373 and Legal Notice published ~ril 5th and 12th, the Clerk was instructed toopen bid proposals on ~$T S~TH S~T I~ROVE~ ~0~ PLAC~IA AVR~E TO ~UTH ~$T S~T~ JOB ~. 50~, on motion by City Hall,. Anaheim, California, ~r~l 27~..19~4- 8:00 P.M. Councilman Wisse~, seconde~J bM Councilman Fry. ND~TION CARRIED. _ BIDS R~CEIVED: ~ ~ R. J. Noble Company P.O. Box 620, Orange 8,789.50 Sully-Miller $ontracting~Qo. P.O. Box 432, Orange 9,768.00 C ~ C _ 5 RESOLUTION NO. 2402: Councilman $chut~e moved the bid be awarded the R. J. Noble Co., and offered Resolution No. 2402 and moved for its passage and adoption~ Refer to Resolution Book, pa~e , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY OF AN~EIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONIRACT TO THtl LOWEST ~SPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING DF ~ PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, Nt~TERIALS AND~,~IPNE{NT, ;LND PERFORMING kLL WOR~ N~C~SS. AP~¥' FOR IMM CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION ANDiCON[PLETION OF THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVe- MENT OR WORK: ..EA. ST .SOU.TH. STR?_ET IMPR0~~ FROM PLACENTIA AVENUE TO SOUTH .~AS~ S~~ JOB NO. 504. On roll call the foFegoing resolution was duly passed and accepted by the follovd, ng vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearsom~ Fry, Schutte and Wisser. L NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: Van Wa~,ner. Ihs Mayor declared the foregoing resolution _duly .Rassed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING: F-5.~r.~4-17: Edwin M. Heacock, 1701W. ~{ncoln Ave'., requesting Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Tract No. 483, located at the northwest corner of Euclid Avenue and West La Palina Avenue be reclassified fr~m R-A to C-2, to permit leasing of the property to a major oil concern for a service s{ation. City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Res~o ~lju$ion No. 60 (~3L~4) ~ - recommended the reclassification be gr%nted, subject to: Granting of 20-feet along WeSt La Palma and Euclid Avpnuep to the ~ity ofc Anaheim for future street widening. No one present at the meeting objected to the proposed change, an~ no written objections were received by the City Clerk. Thereupqn She ~Ma~yor ~dg~!ar~e~d the Hearing Closed. RESOLUTION NO. 2403: Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No:' ~403 and mOved for its passage and adoption. ,:~ ~ '~ ', ~. . ' c Refer to Resolution ~B°ok, pa~e a RESOLUTION OF THE CI/Y COUNCIL OF IH~ CI/Y OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DEFINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN ~TAIN ~S OF THE CITY AND THAT At~TICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ~ANAHEIM NDNICIPAL COD~ SHOUL~ BE ~A~NDED TO ACCqN~LISHcSA~ID CHANGE c.p.c. On roll call the foreg°ingiReSolution wa.s duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearsom~ Fry, Schu~t~e and Wisser~ NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. -~ ABSENT: COUNCIL~%N: Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the foreg*ing resolution duly passed and a~opted, PUBLIC HEARING: F-53-54-18: Alfred Fi Davis, 7!~ So. Olive St. Anaheim) property on the north side of Crone Avenue, directly ea5% of the S.P.R.R. tracks extending in an easterly direction 210 feet from the c~mterline o£-the railroad rlght-o~-way~ to be reclassified fro~ R-Atto R-1 to enablelRSm to cvs off-three lots each 60~feet wide by 145-feet deep. City Hall, ~Anaheim' ~ifornia, April 27, 1954 ~ 8~00~P.M._. City Plannin9 Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 61'~(53-54) recommended the reclassificatioD be granted. No one present object~ to the proposed recJlassification and no ~written objections were received by thei City Clerk thereupon the Mayor declared the Hearing Closed. i ' RESOLUTION NO. ~: C0uncilmaD ..Fry moved that the sidewalks and. curbs be installed by the Subdivider~ and "offeredResolution No. 2304 and moved for its passage and adoption. - Refer to Resolution BOok, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCI THAT ,A GHA~E OF ZONE IS NEGMS{ CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM NDNIC] OF ZONe. (F-53-54-18-C.P.C. 1~ · L OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETE~L~INING ~Y IN C~RTAIN-~ARFJ~S-OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE IX~ PAL CODE SHOULD BE AN~NDED TO ACCON~LISH SAID CHANGE 6i On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted~by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL~N: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILN~N: The Mayor declared tk Pearson, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. None. Van Wagoner. e foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. PETITION: S..~T; Petition f~om 13 resident-owners residing on Liberty Lane to gi~e"30-~eet per owner, of thelWest portion of their p~operty to the City. of Anaheim to complete "Rosemont Avenue"~ Imaking it a 60-foot street~ in Tract No.c1825 lying West of the residents on Liberty Lane, North of La Palma Avenue and South of Romneya Drive. This would enable the ~roperty owners,<to sell the rear 150-feet of their property as R-1 Residential lo~s. The home and garage qwned by Mr. Bett~ facing La Palma Avenue, is located where the~garage interferes wi~h the cut%lng threu9h gf the proposed street to La Palma Avenue, and said proposal was objected to by Mr. Betts. This matter was referred to the Administrative Officer and City Engineer for investigation and report. I1RACI NO. 1825: EXTENSION OF ?IN~: Arnold Construction Company, Subdivider and Ralph Lovett~ Engineer was gra~%ed a six month extension of time for the approval.. of Tentative Map, Tract No. 1~5 due to the proposal ..of the property ownersi tO the east regarding the enlarging~ o~ Rosemont Avenue in said Tract~ on motion' by Council- man Fry, seconded by Councilma~ Schutte. M0/ION CARRIMI). ~ES/: NM. BATIAGLIA: Mr. Battaglia, Operator of several businessesc located at the Northwest cozner of Palm and L9 Palma~ addressed the Council requesting permission to build an 18 x 24 foot extension at the. north end ~f building for. display of redwood furniture. Permit has been giWen to enlarge the south end of the building. Discussion followed and the Council decided to check the premises~ and act on this matter at a latter idate. . c c ORDINANC~ NO. 881: Second re~tng waS: held over to a later date. ORDINANCI~ NO. 899: second rea~tng~ held over~ for contemplated correction to the 0rdinanc . F-53-54-13: First reading of ~rdinance, pursuant to Resolution No. 2370 was withheld, as action-~ill be taken on thi9 property and also surrounding property which is in the process of-reclassification, at the game time. ~-5..3-54-10: Final reading of DRDINANC_E NO. 894, pursuant to Resolution No. 2369 was withheld~ as all this property wilI be rezoned at the 'Same time (F-~55-54-13). ORDINAbEE NO. 8~3: Councilman! $chUtte offered Ordinance No-. 893 and moved .for its passage and adoption. Councilman Wisser moved to waive the reading, as this was read for the first time, April=~ 13, 1954. This motion was unamimously consented to. City Hall, Anaheim,.. . _ Californi~ April.. . 27, .1954.. - 8~00, P.M. Refer to Ordinance Bpok, page.; SUBDIVISION` C,Cb OY THE ANAHEIM N~JNICIPAL CODE. (~eiuh%! ~nd locatxon o.~ .~ENC~S~) On roll call the foregoing O~nance was duly passed 'and'-adop~t~d by the ~ following vote: AYES: COUNCIL.MEN: Pearson~ Fry, Schu~te and Wisser. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMAN~ Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the foregb~hg Ordinance duly passed ~and ad6Pfed. TENTATIV...E. MAP._.: .TRACT NO,' 21_6!~ Held ov~r until Council has a chance to see model buildings on adjoining tract. FINAL MAP, /RACT NO. 1597_.' RESOLUTION ~0. 2405: Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. '2405 and moved for its passage and ~opfiion. Refer to Resolution Book, pac~ A R~LUTION OF /HE CITY COUNCIL OF THt ESCROW WITH VALLEY NATIONAL BANK OF AL~ FURNISHING, INSTALI~TION AND COMPLETIO~ ANAHEIM I~ TROT NO. 159~7_, AND AUTHORI~ .. AGR~-MENT FOR kND ON BE 'HALY OF THE GIT] On roll call the foregoing following vote: ,CITY OF A}~AHEIM AUTHORIZING THE DI~OSIT IN ~%IBRA-~, CAL~.FORNIA, 'OF FUNDS R~-QUIRED FOR THE I iOF ALL IMPROVES Rt~IRED BY-THE CITY OF ~N.G THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN OF A aHE/M. ,~olution was duly passed-and adopted.by the - AYES: ._ COUNCILMEN.: Pearsoa, Fry, Sdhutte and WisSer' NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. - ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: Van Wa~oner. The'Mayor declar~ed the fore~4ing~ resolu~i°n duly passed ~fldcadSpte~. c _. _RESOLUTION NO, 2406.: Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 2~06 and moved Igr its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, pa~e · A SO- Uz o Ca:¥ Z O :Zlpp_ On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted b~ the following vote:. AYES: COUNCIIJ~ Pearspn~ Fry,~ Schutte an~ Wisser. ~ ~ NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ~- ABSENT: COUNCIL~iAN~ Van Wagoner. ~' ~ ~ The Mayor declared the foregoing resoiu%~on duly passed and adopted. LOARA ANNEXATION~ T?~e City~ Council melt.-for %he purpose ?f qanv~assin9 the returns of -th~' Spe~ia'l'" Election held on the 16th day of April~ 1954~ known as the Loara Annexa~;- ion.-- ~ ~ Mayor Pearson appointed Councilmen Fry and Schutte, Inspectors, a~d- Councilman Wisser, Judge. ~ RESOLUTION NO. 2407: Councilman Wisse~: offered Resolution No.]407 ~and moMed for its passage and adoption. Refer.t~ Resolution Book~.P~e ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~,CITY OF ,~UNAHEIM CAUSING A RE<;ORDOF CANVAS_S OF R~ql3RNS OF SP.I~C!~ ANN~EXA~!6.N ELEG~:6N-TO BE ENTERED UPON ITS MINU~ES. City Ha!l, Anaheim, ~alifornia, April 27, 1954~- 8.:00 wHERE~s, the City Coqncil of the City of Anaheim hasC~anv-aSSed the returns of a certain special annexation e~ection held on the 16th day of April~ 1954~ in certain unincorpor~ated territory soUgh~ to be annexed to said~C%'{y of Anaheim~ and '~~S, saidCity. C~uncil h~s caused a record to<-be made sf the canvass of returns of said election~ whmo~ record is entitled ~ORD OF CA~SS OF RE~NSC0F SPECI.~ ~ATION EL~TION, H~LD ~IL 16~ 195~. ~ NOW, TH~~, BE ~? ~LV~ BY T~ CITY CO~CIL<>0F T~ CIT~OF ~EIM that said record of cnavass or'returns of said election be~ and the same-isChere~ ordered entered upon ~he ~nutes of said City Council. ATTEST: City Clerk 0f the' Ci?f ~ ~aah{~m Mayor of the City of-Anaheim On roll 6~11-~ the for4going res0iution was duly passed and-adopte~ by the following vote: ~ ~ ~ AYES: COUNCILMEN NOES: COUNCILMEN KB$~Fr: COUNCILMAN Th~ Mayor ~c~ecl~redi R~CORD OF CANVASS OF Pearson, Fry, Schu~e and WiS~e~. Van Wagoner. C ~ C ~e f°megoing resolU~ion duly passed and adop~%e~, c ~ RETURNS OF_~E , ~ H~ ~IL ~16, 1~4. , ~ c The City Council of :he City of Anaheim hereby makes a record of canvass of returns of'-a special annexa':ton election. ~ c Said special annexat:.Lon election was held on %he--16th day of ~oril~ 195~ in the manner provided by law. That for said election, said City Council~ duly establi~ed ~e ~oting ~ precinct which is desig~ed a~ LO~-A~ATION ELATION ~GINCT. That the potl~ng pla~e for such elec~zon was est~lz--shed and .ma~nta~d ~t Chas. H. ~HarbeSon~s ~rage, ',ll~2~Wes~ont Dr., Orange CoWry, C~lifo~nia~ whic'h ~as within the hereinafter described unincorporated territory. , c c ,~ ~ /he-description of ~t]~e property proposed i~ be ~included in. the annexation known as the LOg~RA AN~NtDCRTION s as follows: ~. ~ _ ~ . c A tract of land lyin3 within Section 9~ Township 4 Souih~ Range 10 San Bernardino Base and Meridi~n~ and including Lots 6~ 7~ &~ 9~.~ 10~ 11 and portions of Lots 5~ 12~ ~13 and 18 of ~heim Homestead ~ract as shown on a map-there°f filed in Book 26~ Page 10 ~scellane)us Records ~ Los~geleS~ounty~ Catifornia~ and more particularly described as follows: i~ Beginning at a point~ on the west city limits line of t5e City of iAnaheim, said point also being the intersection of the cente~ line of Loara Street~ith tP~e center line of West North Street; thence along the existing City Limits line~ 1. Northeasterly 13 Line and center line of said N 2. Southerly 1175 f to a point, said point being o 25 feet~ more or less, alon9 said existing ~ity Limits orth Street to an angle point; thence~ . . .. eet~ more or less~ along ghe existing Git~- Limits line n the northerly right-of-way line of Westmont Drive Formerly known as Burton Street (60 ft. wide) and also being the mostcno~theasterly corner of the Burton Street ~exation to the City--of Anaheim~ adopted by Ordinance No. 811 August t2~ 1952; thenc~ '-~ ~ c ~ 3. Southwesterly 96~. feet~ more or less, along the said northerly right-of- way line of Westmont~Drive fo~rly known as Burton Street and the northerly line of said Burton Street'Annexation~o an angle point~ thence- ':~ ~. 4. Southerly 1020 f~et, more or less~ along the westerly line of said t Burton Street Annexation to a~ angle point which is the most southwesterly corner of City Hall, 'Anaheim, Catif.o. rniA, April 27, 1954- 8:00 P.M. ' "~r ~' ~ said Burton Street Annexations-and also on the existing City Limits line; thence. : 5' Westerly 428 feet, more o~ !ess~ along ~h& existihg City. L~mit-s Lin~ to a point on the ~es'terly right-of-wa~ lin~'~f Loara Street (40' ft.tw~d~), said westerly right-of-way line also bging ~e easterly line of the Euclid Avenue Annexation to the City of Anaheim ~doPted by-Orally,ce No. 773~~ February 20, !95I; %hence 6. Northerly 17 feet, more ar l~ss, along Said westerly right-hr-way lihe of Loara Street and the easterly line ~ said .Euclid ~venue Annexation to an angle point; thence ?. ~esterly 442 feet, mOre ~ less, along t~e northerly line~o~ 's~id~Euclid Avenue Annexation to an angle point; ~ence 8. Southerly 66 feet, more ~ less, along the westerly line of said Muclid Avenue Annexation to an angle point; thence 9. Northwesterly 383 feet, more or less, albng-a curve, cbncave to~'the berth, sai~ curve also~ being, the northeas~erl¥~ line of said Euclid_~ Avenue Annexations. to an angle point; thence ~ _ 10. Northwe.sterly 408.feet, Sore or less,~ along the northeasterly line of said Euclid Avenue Annexation to an an$i~ point; thence 11. Northerly 216 feet, more Qr l~ss, along the easterly lin~ of said Euclid Avenue AnDexatioq~to ~ point, in the so~Lherly line of the Crescent Avenu9 Annexation to the City of Anaheim, adopted by Ord~Aance No.~ 819/OctOber 2B, 1952~ %hence 12. Easterly 506 feet, more ~ less, along the southerly line of said Crescent Avenue .Annexation to an angle point; t~ence ' 13. Northerly 1300 feet, more or less3 along the eas%erl~y line~ of ~said~ Crescent Avenue 9~nnexation to a point ~n the sou{herly right-of-wa~y line of Cres~cent Avenue (~40 feet wide); thence ~ ~ ~ 14. Westerly 630 feet, more 9r less, along the norther~ly line df-~a~' Crescent Aven~e An3~ exation ~nd the southerly right, of-way line of said Crescent Avenue to a point which is the meant n°rthwest~rly corner o{ said ~r~escen~t Avenue Annexation and also the most southeasterly right-Of-way corner of the intersection of said- Crescent and Euclid .~venues (60 ft. wt~), said point also bein9 ir~ the easterly line of the Montgomery ~Annexati_on to the` ~itY of .Anaheim, aSopted ~y 0 ~rdinance No. 818, September 10, 1952; thence ~ _ ~ ~ . 15..: Northe~.ly along the east right-of~-way line of Euclid Avenue a distance of il00 feet, more or less, to a point, aai~ point 'being th6 so~wth line of the Euclid-La Palma Annexation as adopSed by Ordinance No. 866, November ~lO, 1953; ' then~cee ~ -~ ~.: 16. EaSter~y ~%oh9 said line'land parallel ~to saij south ~ine 6~ La ~P~lma- Avenue a distance of ~1290 fee%, ~.more o~ less, to {a ~oin. ~t of ~:intersec%ion '~rl~th the ~ existing city limits line; thence ~ ,~ ~ · 17. Southerly al..ong the existing ci_.ty.~limits line a distange of~ 1715 feet, mo~e, or less~.~ to the point .of beginn~. ' That the proposition submitted to the electors residing W£thin ~aid' u~_ ~ incorporated area was: : ,- Shall LOARA~ATION be a exed to the City of Anaheim, : .: ·e eee- three days from and after thecdaSe of election, and at said regular meeting~id m~ke and complete i'{S~can~ss of such returns. .~ :~ ~ ' .~ ._ ~ California, and the propert~ in said LOARA.ANNEXATION be :T!~:: : after,suCh ~n~x~tion~ subject to t~xati6n~quaily with the ~ : property wi~thin~.sa~id City o~ Anaheim' t~ pay~itS ~o rata · ~ :~ portion, based ~pon assess.¢ Y~lua.tipn,..of~gi~-bonded in- :~ : :~ debtedness of said City of ;naheim outstandi~ng._o~Marc~ 1~, :~0': : 1954, or theretofore authorized? ~ :...;...: That said city Council met ~i% its regdlar meeting iAfter the expiration of .... Said election {o can~ass the retUrn~ o~ 'said 648 City Hall~ Anaheim, Califgrnia~ April 27.~ 1954- 8:00 That from and by its canvass 0f such returns, said City Council finds: 1. That the Whole nuraber of votes cast at such election,was 31. 2. That the n~ber of vo~es cast at such electSon 5n favor of annaxatSon ~a~ 26[. 3. That the n~ber of votes cast at such election against annexation was 5.~ 4. That the n~ercof ballots received as~absentee~votescwas 0.. C~~S- ~ 2 -~IFF~ - City Clerk of ~he City of Anaheim ORDINA~ NO. 895: Councilman ~isser offered Ordinance No. 8~5 for firsi reading, and moved ~ i~s passage and a~op~ion. ~IN~ ~P, T~CT ~. 1620, (Grgatest part of area in ~ounty territorY)_ Said Final Map of Trac~ ~o." 'i620 ~as approved b~ tho CSt~ CouncS1, 8ub~oc~ ~o quSremen~s~ on mo~5on b~ CouncS~an Schutte~ seconded b~ Councilman WSssor. RESOLUTION NO. 2~08: Councilmam Wisser offered Resolution. No. 2408 and moved for its passage and adoption, i < Refer to Resolution Bgok, page RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCI~ OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM .APPROVING I LEASE TO BE ~ADE~ ff ENT~D INTO WITH GEN~RKL M~TORS CORPORATION, DELCO-R~ DIVISION_ AND.AUTHORIZING HE EXECUTION THERh'OF. On roll call the fore( following vote: c AYES: oCOIJNCI LMEN: NOES: . COIJNC ILMEN: ~ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: loing resolution was duly_pasSed andl adopted.by the Pearson, .Fry, Schutte and Wisser .... None. .:~ c . c c ,~, Van Wagoner. . ,~ The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. . RESOLU!ION NO. 240~: Councilmah Wisser offered Resolution No. 2409 and mo~ed fore its passage and adoption, [ ~ Refer to Resolution B~ok, page. a RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCI; OF'THE ciTY OF-ANAHEIM ~OVING A LEASE. lO BE MADE AND ENTERED INTO WITH .SOUTHERN ~ACIFIC COMPANY FOR THE LEASING OF CERTAIN LAND TO BE USED BY THE CITY OF ~NAHEIM FOR ~TORAGE OF PIPE. ' ~ c On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the followin9 vote: AYES3 CQU~NG~ILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOMS: COUNC ILM~N: No ne. ABSENT: COUNCILM~N: Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the foregoing resoluiion duly passed and adopted. ~/BDIVISION BONDS: TRACT NO. 1.~ 21-B-29422 in the amount of 4" x 6" G. I. Pipe and mi scellan the tractr and Bond No. 21-B-294 59: Pacific Employers Insurance Company, Bond No. ~0.00 for the installation of 1900 lineal feet of eous work in connection with water improvements within 21 in the amount.of $35,000.00 for the installation of curbs, gutters, cross-gutters, sidewalks, guard panel, sewers and street improvements, were ordered received and filed !on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry, when approved by the City A~torney. MOTION C~%RRI~D. City. Hall~ Anaheim,.. Cali~orn~..~' ~p~il. 2.7;. 1954 - 8.-00 P,M. APPLICATION FOR POOL HALL BUSI~$S LIC~E: James A. Barksdale- Chief of Police reported that department has not recei~ report from F.B.I. and C.I.I on Applicant, James A. Barksdale, but character refeI~nce by ~z..Vern Maples~Manager of %he Security First National Bank of Fullerton was g~, and further recommended the grantihg of said permit. ':-· : ~ '- /he City Council requested fu of a Pool Hall at 137 So. Los Angeles.S TH~ ~LITARY ORDER OF THE PURPL. E HF. ART firearms and war equipment in the City rther report from Chief of Police on operations ~reet. .. ~ ~ c ~ ,~NC. Request to exhibit antique and modern !0f ~naheim was denied on, motion by Councilman Wisser~ seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIe. ~ CANGIm_LLATION.OF J~UNT$~: City ;%udito~ iwas authorized to cancel account with John William.~Lookadoo~ damages in the amoun~ of $35.56 and Billie Jerrell Gilliam, damages in an amount of $217.47~ on motion by Q°uncilman Fry~ seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CgJtRI~. ~ DEn~INQU~NI ACOOI~[IS? City Auditor repc Fewell Gons[truction Company Homer ~eyers and/or Long Trar Lawrence D. McGui re & W. W. ? Dallas Parks & Bobble Napier ~ted the following accounts to be delinquent~ $198.98 i~portation Co. $191.10 [~lder $232.55 $345.18 ~ Antonia A. Sanchez ~ c'l ,_ '~$149.68 City Attorney ~as authorized,, to,~file suit against them_on motion~by~ Council- man Fry~ seconded by Councilman Wisser~ MOTION C~ID. ~F~ OF ~~ Transfer of $827.l~zf~m the Sewer Construction and ~aintenance. Fund to ~he 1951 Sewer Bond Fund was agthorized on motion by Councilman~ Schutte~ seconded by Councilman Fry. ~TION C~I~. J.O,$. Report of flow of sewage from t~e several cities and sanitary districts on Sec%tons 2, 3~ ~ 5 and 6, for the mon~ of ~rch~ 1954, was su~tted and ordered reGeived and filed on motion by Councilman Wisser~ seconded~ by Councilma~ Schu%fe. ~IION C~I~. Q...~_ AV~NU~ .ANNEXATIOns Petitions were submitted containing forty (40)_ signatures each~ or totaling 80 signatures reques{ing that territory described and~known~~ as proposed ORANG~ AV~NUF_ ~IEXATION be annexed to~ incorporated in and made a part of the City of Anaheim. Said petition contained the .de$ori~tion! of the territory to be annexed and represented not less than ~ne-fourth of the qualified electors residing within the territory. City Clerk stated, of the 80 signatures, 7 were signatures of persons not registered~ and 1 was ~isqualifie(t because signature was shown with the given name of the husband instead of the given name of the wife, a-nd person who signed · the petition. The Clerk further state~' there was approximately 132 registsred voters within the territory proposed to be annexed as of April 15, 1954. RM$OLUTION NO. 2399: Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2399 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, pa~ A R~.SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH£ CITY OF ANJkHEI~ DECLARING. ITS INTMNTION TO CALL A SPECIkL ELECTION TO gUBMIT TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS RESIDING IN~THEHER~IN- AFTt~RDESCRIBEDTERRITORY THE OUESTIQ~ OF~TION OF SAID TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. (Public Hearing M~y 25, 1~54 - Proposed date of el~tion~ JRly 9~ 1954) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NO~S: COLLNCI~: None. ABSENT: COUNCIL,~N: Van Wa%joner. The Mayor declared the fore~0d, ng resolution duly passed and adopted. City iHall, · Anaheim~ ! Califor~i_a_, ~April. ~_7, ..1_9_54 ? .8~00i P.~:., City~ Attorney wascgrante~ leaye-.~£-~absence,~l~st meetiDg in May~,~to attend the meeting in San Francisco of the N.I.M.L.O. on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schut~e. MQTi~N CARR~.ED. Mayor Pearson was ~ran~ed permissionTto leave the State to. attend N.M.A. meeting on motion by CoUnc~lm~n S~h~tte, seconded~y Councilman Wis,s~r. ~)TION CARRIED. PAYROLL :,-~, Deduction,~ of~ autho: zeds{! ~ amour~t s~ from~ employees~. salaries~~_ . ~ foF_ th~ Employee s Credit Union~ through payrollI ~edu~tions was,--authorized by,the City Cpun¢il on mo{ion by Councilman Schutte, seconded b~ Cou~ciim~~n Fry.' MOTION C~IED. , ~ ~ ~ Councilman Schutte ~move~ to ~adjop,rn. Councilman ~ry seconded the motion. NDTION CARRIED. · St~ ' ~"" ' ' City Ci~r~F ~DE~{ FIN~ ~ ~T ~. 1620{ Final ~p of:Tra~ No~ 162~ was ~p~ov~d, sub3e~% to ~ngineering requirementS, on motion by CoUncilman s6hu{t~, seconded by Councilman Wisser. ~TION C~I~. ~OU~.