1954/05/11651 City .Hall~ Anaheim, Californi~.~, May 11, 1954- 8:00 P.M.~ /he,City Council of the City ~f Anaheim me% in regular~ session. PRESF-NI: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry~ SchUtte~ Wisser and Van Wagoner. ABSENT : COUNCILMEN: None.. CITY ATTORNEY~ PRES/ON /URNER: ~.Ab'Sent ~Philip McGraw~-present) : CITY AD~INIS~TIVE OFFICER, KEITH A. ~H:,:Present. -~ .~~: The Minutes:of the regular ~e ting held Tuesday, April 27~, 1954 Were approved on motion by Councilman Van Wa~Oner~ seconded ~y Councilman Wisser. ~- MOTION CARRI HD. ~ ~'~ ~ '~ _.WARB.-~S A.N~. D~S_:' Councilman Van W4~oner reporte~ demands against the ci.ty -amounting to $72,756.52. Councilman Wiiser moved that report of Finance Committee be accepted and that warrants be drawn ~pon the Treasurer to pay said demands in accordance with report. Councilman Sch~tte seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO~ 241L~ Councilman Van Wm~oner offered Resolution No. 2411 and moved for its passage and adoption. , Refer to Resolution Book, pa9% ? A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE THAT PUBLIC INTER~ST .AND NECESSITY A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: _WEST LA PALM ST,. TO 100 ~ ~ST OF NORTH WEST SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS FOR THE CON STRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ~ND AUIHORIZING ~ DIRECTING THE CIIY CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING ,kND DE~I~ING [RES /HE CONS/RUG/ION .AND COMPLETION OF P,J~LNt~ AVENUE STRm~T I .N~ROV_~.Kr FROM NORTH_ , ST~ tND APPROVING THE DESIGN. PLANS. S/RUCTION TH~RL~OFj AUTHORIZING THE CON- tCCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS ~ SPE~IFICtTIONSj ~LERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF i PROJB~T NO. 33 UNIT "B". (Rescinds Resolution No. 2395) (Open b%.ds N~Y, ,2Dj 19p,4) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. I~IOES~ COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. BI~; Pursuant to Legal Notice and Re~olution No. 239~ Bi, were opened on the WEST STREET IMPROVEMENT FROM WEST NORTH ST~T TO WEST CENTER ST~T AND FRO~ BROADWAY TO WEST S~TA ANA STREET~ PRO4~CT NO. 42~ on motion by Councilman W~sser seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. NDTION CARRIED. Bids received: R. J. Noble Co. Sully-Miller Co. $22' 330.10 $2 3 i oo Bids referred to the City Engineer for tabulation and the City Engineer reported the R. J. Noble Co. to be the low bidder and recommended the awarding of the bid to the R. J. Noble Co. RESOLUTION NO. 2412: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2412 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book~ page A RBSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY OF ,AN~HEIMACCEPTING A SEKLED PROPOS,AI.. AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS A~D FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION AND MENT OR WORK: WEST ST~EE~r IMPROVEMENT AND FROM BROADWAY TO WEST SANTA ANA...$: RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL ~UIPMENT~ AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECR~SSARY COMPLETION OF THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVE- FROM WEST NORTH ST~_W~-T TO WEST CENTER ST~FWl' PROJECT NO. 42. On roll call the foregoing mesolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearsdn, Fry, $chutte, Wisser and Van Wagoners: NOES: COUNCILMEN: None.~ ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. City Hall, Anaheim, C~l..iforni.a, May 11, 1954 -~8:00 P.M. The Mayor declared the:foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. . BIDS: 30B NO. 1006: On motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser~ the City Clerk was instructed to open bid proposals, pursuant to Legal Notice and Resolution No. 2385 On the proposed BROADWAY SEWER INkoROVEMENT, FROM LOARA STREET TO EUCLID AVENUE. Motion Carried· Bids reCeived'~ Zavas & Sons~ 906 E. 108th St., Los Angeles 59 $7,80~.63 Chorak construction Co., Inc. ~ 1312 So. Gerhart Ave. Los Angeles 22 Chutuk & Kaufman 13313 Sherman Way~ NoXth Hollywood . Angelo Rossi Construction Co. 2480 Ramona Blvd., LoS Angeles 33 Nick M. Guho 833~Atlantic Blvd-, Bell 11,241.25 396.44 · 6¢,'320.55 i, C On motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser, and carried, the bids were referred to the City Engineer's Office f~r tabul%~ion and report. After tabulation, the City Engineer reported the Nick M. Guho,i Contractor to be the low bidder and recommended the acceptance of his 'bid. RESOLUTION NO. 2413: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2413 and moved for-its passage and adOPtion· Refer to Resolution B~ok, page A RESOLUTION O~ THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEP/ING A SEABED PROPOSAL · AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE'BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY FOR THE C~)NSTRUCTION,'-'iNSTALLATiON AND COMPLETION' OF tYNE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVE- MENT OR WORK: BROADWAY SEWER I~MPROVfMENT, FROM LOARA SIRF. ET TO EUCLID AVF-NU.£., 30B NO. 1006· On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the followin voter AYES: COUNCI%MEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUN~ILMEN: None. c c ABSENT: COUNK~IL~N: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolUtion~ulY~asSed afidmdopted. PUBLIC HEARING: ORDINANCE NO~ 891: Public Hearing was he~d on proposed vacation and abandonment of a portion o~ py~hias Avenue and afl easement~for avenue purposes, pursuant to Ordinance No. 891. TheCity Clerk submitted Affidavit of Posting Notices de¢~lari~g ~theCintentions of the City to ~bahdon said proPerty~ and als° Affidavit of-publication of Ordinat~ce No. 891. ~- ~ESOLUTION NO. 2414: No one present objected to said abandon~e.~t: of property, and no written objections were received by the City Clerk, thereuDOn CoUncilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2414 an~ moved for its passageend adoption· Refer to Resolution ~ok, page , ..' , .'. c ~ A RESOLUTION OF'THE CITY'COUNCI~ OF THE CITY OF ANAHF~IM ORDERING 'THE VACATION AND ~A~N~ OFCA PORTIQN~OF pY.~IAS AVE~E. A~ AN:EASEME~ F~ AVE~E PURPOSES U~N OVER, ACROSS A~ ALONG THE HE~]INAFTER DE~RIBED PROPER~: A~ ~$ERVING A RI~T-OF- WAY FOR $E~R PURPOSES. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly pa~ssed:,and adopted by ~the following vote: c , c '~, 653 Cit~ Hall~ A~,aheim~ Califor, n~ AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearsc NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCIL~IEN.. None. The Mayor declared the forec PUBLIC HEARING: F-53-54-19.-_ The Mul] the LINCOLN AVF~JF. ANNEXATION, lying ~a, ~ay 11., 1954 - 8:00 P.~. n, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. !oing resolution duly passed and adopted. er Holding and Investment Co. - Area known as ~st of Euclid Ave. beteeen Lincoln Ave. and Manchester, and also that portion .of the area in the proposed ORANGE AVENUE ~ATION lying on the north side of Lincoln Ave. Classifying the property ~-1 upon completion of annexation. City Planning Commission approved proposed reclassification subject to: 1. The deeding of a lO-foo~ strip along the North side of Lincoln Ave. to the City of Anaheim for future str4et widening. 2. Installation of the P-L~Zone along the North side of Lincoln Ave. No one present at the meetir no objections were received in writin¢ RESOLUTION NO. 2415:_ Councilman Van proposed reclassification~ subject to ing Commission, and further subject objected to proposed reclassification, and by the City Clerk. lagoner offered Resolution No. 2415~ approving conditions as recommended by the City Plann- the deeding to the City of Anaheim of a of the South Side of Crescent. 20-foot strip for the future widening Refer to Resolution Book~ pil~e . A RJESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI{£ CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETER~NING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND /HAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM NUNICIP.._~CODE SHOULD BE A~NDED TO ACCON~LISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. (F-53--54--19- C.P.C' IEes. 62)_ on roll call the foregoing ~esolution was duly passed and adopted by .the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL~: PearsOn, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCIIJREN~ None.! ABSENT: C~JNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. PU..BLIC HEARING~ Proposed change to S~ction 9200.14 and 9200.11, pursuant to City Planning Commission Resolutions Nos. 63 and 64. 9200.14: Deletion of Paragraph C- Section 9200.14 from the Code. (FUture zoning) 9200.11: Delete Para9raph A USE - 48~- TRAILER CAMP from Section 9200.11 of the Code and place this in Sec%ion 99_00.13 as A- USE- 9- /RAILER PARK. No one present objected to ~e proposed changes to the Anaheim Municipal Code, and no ojbections were received The City Attorney was reque accomplish this action for presentati ABANDONMENI,.PORTION OF. HOUSTON STR~. Inc. requested the consideration of t Street from a point beginning at the East boundary of Lot 12 of the Bake~ in writing by the City Clerk. sted to prepare necessary Resolutions to On at the next meeting. · : Communication from the 'Fullerton Park Homes, he abandonment of the North 30 feet of Houston cen~er line of Brookhurst Ayenue East to the and Lovering Subdivision. This was referred to the A~ministrative Officer to check with the State Highway Divlsion to see if this woul~ conflict with their plans~ on motion bY ' Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by qOUncilman Schutte. ~IION CARRIED.. , TENNIS CLUB: Delegation from the An~heim Tennis Club introduced themselves and presented a check in the amount oJ '$50.00 together with a request for'the Council to consider the construction of Back Boards on the Park Tennis Courts. This check represented savings from the Annual I~es of the Club for the past three years and was given to aid in the cost of the i°nstruction. Councilman Schutte moved t]~at a Back Board be installed and that the Administrative Officer and Building ,inspector investigate and recommend what kind shall be constructed. Motion seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. City Hall, Anaheim, C~lif.ornia~ ~Lay 11, 1954-~ 8'.D0.~-P.~L PETITION:~ DUVAL-.$AND PIT~.'. Pet!°cion signed by aPprOximately 50 residenfs on Redondo Drive and North Street, in the Vicinity of the Dt~val Sand Pit, was submitted and read. Two gentlemen from the audience addressed the Council, pointing out the dangerous~ conditi:ons ~:created by!,>the e~i~cence o{j the ~olt~ %alieqJ a%t~nti%n to the new school being constructed in the in~nediate vicinity and the possibility of more children being 'attracted to thei piC; the 'Tact that the pit ~is being used for .a dump~ and requested the City take immediate steps to rectify the situmtion. ~, c ~ ~' This matter was referred to the .Adminis~ative.Officer~, and-gssurance was given that it would be investigated. ~ REsoLUTION NO. 2416~ Councilmah Schutte offered ResolUtion No. 2416 .and moved for its passage arid ~doption. ~ <' · c ~ Refer to ~ResOlu%ion ~ok, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY ~/~HE CITY OF ANAHEIM'~TO STANDARD PRESSED $~EEL CON, ANY. (Pythias St. 'abandonment) - On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: - - " ~ AYES: COUNCILMEN: -Pearsoh,~Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOHS: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. CORRI~S~N~: U. S. INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS Cfi. requesting the widening of the alley between Kemp St. and Patt St. was referred to the Adminis{rattve Office~,for reconmmendation. ~.O.S. MINUTHS of the Executive Committee meeting held April 15, 1954 were' sm.bmit~ed, and ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilm~n Wisser. ~OTION CARRIHD. ~ ORANGE COUMIY LEA~JE OF CITIES Meeting of May 20th at the Steak House~Knott~s Berry Farm was submitted 'and read. ST. CATHERINE'S ~ILITARY SCHOQ~, extended invitation to City Council to attend the Father M~guire Chapel Fund FieSta to be held May 16, 1954. ORANGH COUNTY WAT.ER DIS/RICT Caravan Tour, May 20, 1954. City Council invited to attend, c c c FRIIS & SCHUT~, re: Walter B. Parrett property, was submitted and read. The Ciiy Engineer advised the Council that he had contacted Mr. Parrett and explained the situation to him. c ._ ANAHEIM NDNICIPAL EMPLOYEES' A8BOCIATfON request for ~he consideration of the "Three Week Vacation Plan" and a "$15.00 blanket raise" was referred to the Admtnisira%tie_ Officer. POOL HALL LICENSE: JAM~S A. B~RK. SDALE: .Application for Pool· Hall License submlffed by James A. Barksdale was approved by the City C~uncil, ~on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner~ seconded by Councilman Schu%%e. I~TION CgRRIF_D. RESOLUTION NO. 2417: Councilrmn Fry offered Resolution No. 2417 and moved for its passage'and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RHSOLUTION OF THE CITY coUNQIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI~ 'AOCRPTING A GR~ DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAH~I~ CERTAIN R.EAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASFJ~EN/ FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES. (Arthur V. and Frances On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the · following vote: · - : AYES:_~ ~QUNCIL_~N: Pearsori, Fr_y~ Scbutte, ~isser and Van Wagoner. . NOES: COUNCILilEN: Npne. ~ ~ , ~ ABSENT: cOUN~IL~EN~ None. ~' " ~ - i c~ c ~ ~, . ' ~c ti ,~ a~opted : The Ma~Jor d~lared the ~foreg¢~'~ing .resolution duly pas~ seal:arid . .~LUIION NO,, 2418: _ C~ncilman Wisse] 'offered ReSolutiofi No.~ 2A18 add ~o, ved ~or~ its passa9e and ~option. .: ~, ,_ ._ ~ {. ~ .:~ Re,er ~o ~e~lutio~Book~ p~ ~ .. ~ .. ,. -~ . ~ A ~LUIION OF T~ CITY ~UNGIL OF TH~ CITY OF ~EI~ ~GE~ING A ~ D~ COMETIC-TO T~ QITY ~ ~EI~ Q~T~N ~ .~OP~TY FOR ~ ~~ ~S~S, (Gle~.~re ~anufacturing Co~ ~(Her~ert G, KirChner~d Ghestgr On roll call the foregoing rffsolut~n w~s duly pa.s~nd ad~d by followin9 vo~e: A~S: COUNClL~N~ Pear~o ~ Fry~ 'Schu}te~ Wisser and ~Van Wagoner. NOHS: ~U~IL~N: None. ~ ~ ~ . ~SH~: COU~I~: None. The Mayor de[Iared the foreg~ing re~olu{ion~duly ~assed and ~~TI:~ ~. 2~lg~ f. CeuDe~ilm~q. WisseX ?ffered Re~olution No. 2419 and:moved its passage and adoption, c~ Refer to Resolution Book, pa~e .. OF ~EIM A~EPTING A '~ D~. A RESO~TION OF ~E CITY ~U~iL OF TH~ CITY - ~ ~ ~ ~ - CQ~Y~G TO THE~ ~ITYO~ ~E!.~C~IAI~ R~ ~OP~TY F6R AN EASE~NT FOR ~~SES, (J~n~R. ~ ~:l~r~ ~. ~an~) ~ _ c -. . On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted b~ follo~n9 ~ote: .: AYES: ~OUNCIL~N~ Pearson, Fry, Schutte~-Wisset and Van ~agoget~ NOES: ~U~I~N: None. ' ~S~I~ ~UNGI~ None. ~e Mayor declamed the foregoing zesolution dul~ passed and adopted. ~~IION NO. 2420: Councilm~n~Wissex offe~gd Resolution N©. 2~20 an~ _moved its passage and adoption. Refer to ResOlution Bo k~ pa e . A R~-SOLUTION OF~ THE _CITy COUNCIL OF !H~ :CITY OF ANAHEIM AC~I!N.G.$ GRkNT DEED PURPOSES. (Anaheim Holding Company) . ~ On roll ¢all the foregoing r~so!ution was duly~pa,~ssed and adopted by ,the foI%owin9 vote: AYES: GOUNCIIJ~EN: Pearson~ Fry~ Schu,tte~ Wisser and Van Wagoner.~ NOA~: COUN~I~N ~ None, I" /UBSENT~ COUNCIIJ~.[ N~ne. ,~ ~ ~ L The Mayor declared fihe foregoing resolution duiy passed an~ ado~e~:c~- O. RDIN~. _NO. 895: Councilman Van Wag~ne~ ~ffered Ordihance No._ 895 apd n~ove~ fof its passa9e and adoption. Waiver of reading in full of Olxtlnance No. 895 was unanimously agreed ,to by all members of ,the Council. - Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF-THE CITY OF ANAHEIM 'AP~RO¥ING THE ~A~EXATION TO SAID CITY OF ANAHEIM OF CERTAIN INHABITm TIffiRITORY KNOWN .A~' LO~A ANNID(ATION. ' On roll call the foregoing O~inance was duly pa~ssed and ad°P~eO ~y the. following vote: 69g City Hall,. Anaheim, .California~ 'May 11, 195~- 8:00 ~..M~ ORDINANCE NO. 895: AYES; COUNCILI{EN; Pearson, l~ry~ Schutte, Wis. se~ and Van WagOner. NOES': COUNCI~: No~e. ABSENT: COUNCIL~N: Nome. The Mayor declared the fgregoing Ordinance dulycpasse~d and ad~Ptedf. _ORDINANCE NO. 896: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 896 and m~ved for its passage and adoption.. Said Or~inance w,as read in public, for the first time. A ORDINANCE OF THH CIIY OF ANAHEIM iAN~NDING ARTICLE. ~X, CHAPTHR 2 OF THE AN, RHEIM NUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO TH~ E$TABLISHMBqqT OF ZONES IN TH~~ CI/Y OF ANAHHiM /~ND THHREIN RE~JLAIING THH US~- OF LAND'., HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND Y~ARD~ SPACES.. ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIM. S OF SAi~ ZONHS: DEFINING THE ]]ERMS uSED THERF. IN~ PRO- VIDING FOR 9J3JUSTN~N/, ~~....~ ~NFORCF_~T: PR~-SCRIBING-PENkLTIES FOR VIOLATION AND RJ~PHALING ALL S~CTIONS OR PART',~ QF SECTIONS IN cONFLICT THEREWITH. (Res. 2403- C.P.C. 60- F-53-54-. ~) " ORDINANCE NO. 897: Councilman 'Wi., SeT o££ered Ordinance No.. 897 and moved .~fo'r its passage and adoption'. Said Ordinal, ce was read in public for the first 'tirade. ~ O~OIN~C~. O~ ru~- CI~¥ O~ ~_~ ~mOI, NS ~C~.~. ~X, ,C~rm 20~ ~U~. ~.~ ~JNICIDAL CODE RELATING TO THE EST~BLISHN~ OF ZONES IN 'THH cITY OF :AN .AHEI~ AND TH~IN REGULATING /HH USE OF LAND~ HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD S~ACESf ADOPTI~NG A .MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAiD ZO~S: DM-FINING' TH~ ~MS UsHD' Th~-~N:' PRO- VIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT,~.:A~T A~ HNFORCF~T: PR~SCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPF3kLING ALL S51CTIONS OR PARTS OF sBCTioNs IN CONFLICT~T~'TH. (Res. 2404 .-.C.P.C. 61- F-53-54-15) ORDINANCE NO., 8'81: Held over. ' ' ' i ! -' MANCHHSTHR - CP~.~_ENT ANN~ATION:_ Orange~ County Boundary Commission submit%ed~ report~ dated May 3, 1954~ .~fiJ~djlng that the boundaries of the~ propo~sed anne'xati~on were' reasonably definite and certain. Said report was ord~ere({ received and. flied ~on'. motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, Seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION C'A~IHD. - RHSOLUTION NO. 2410: Councilman Fry Offered ResOlution No..2~10 and-n)~oM~ed fOr its passage and adoption. ' Refer, to Resolution Book J page . ~ C C A R~SOLUTION QF THE~CI!y COUNCIL 0~ TH~ GUY 20'F ANAHEI~ FINDING .~JqD I}E/t~MINING' A CHA~.~3~_ OF '2ZONE IS NBL~SS.ARY IN ~C~RTAIN ARNAS OF' TH~ cITy AND~ ~ THAT ;[RTICLE IX., CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEI~ NUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE /U~B~NDHD-TO ~A~COMPLISH'SAID GHAN~E OF ZONE. (Rescinds Resolution No. 2369_ - C.P.C. Res. 36 - F-53-54-10) ·' On r°li call the foregoi"g Resoluti6n was duly Passed and adopted~by the following vote: AYt~S: couNCiLNIFN:._ Pe~son~ Fry~ S~utte~ Wisher and Yah Wagoner. NOES: COUNCII~: None. ~ .... ABS~-NT: COUNCII~: No,e.~ The Mayor declared~ the foregoing Resolu{ion d61y ~as~ed and~adoPted. ~ 9P~D~N^NC5 NO. 894: Corrected~Ordinance N°. 89~ was ~ubmitfea ~or'fi~st reading motion by ~-oo6n%-~'man~Van Wagoner; ~o'moved for its Passage and ad°Ption.~' ~' ' AN ORDInAnCe_ O~ ~_ CITY O~ ~XHEi~-i~ND~G ARTIC~.E IX, CU~PTER 20%Z~ A~HEI~ ~UNICIp~ CO~ R~ATING TO THE ~ST~BLISH~N~ OF ZONES IN TH~ CITY OF ~'EIM :AND. ~- THE~.IN ~6UL^TING TH~. US~.'OF nAND~ HEIGH~ OF.BUILDINGS .AND YARD SPACES~ ADOP~TSG ~ S~O~NG r~-BOU~ARIES O~ SA,ID iZON~S:, ~E~INI.NG ~H~ r~$, ~USED ~HEREIN:,. PROVIDING Fo~ ADJUSTS, a~a~Z AND ~F0~'.'. PASSC~IS~NG P~-NALII~S ~0~ VIOLATION AND REPHALING ALL SRCTIONS OR PARTS OF~~~S51ZTION~ IN CONFLICT TH~qSMFiTH, ' ~ . (Res. 2410- C.P.C. Res. 36- F-5345~-10) RHSOLUTION NO.. 2421: Counciiman Van?Wagoner 0ff~red ResblU~tion Nol ~2'1 and moved dopti /:or its passage and a on.. ~"~' ~ '~ ~ '~ ~-: c _ Refer to Resolution Book~ page . t ; .~ City Hall, Anaheim, Ca.liforni~.~ .May 1t~ 1954- 8~QO P.M. ~ A RE~0LUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THEICITY OF ANI~MEIM ACCEPTING THE GRANT FROM SOU~ PACIFIC ,RAIL~.~O..AD..COMP _A~Y_. AND S~THERN PACIFIC COMPANY, ITS LESSEE, OF A RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT~ R~CONSTRUC~, MA~NT.A~ AND USE-A ST~T OR HIGHWAY ACROSS PROPERTY OF THE GRANTORS, AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A S/REET OR HIGHWAY INDENTURE. (Extension of Ellsworth Ave.) -' On roll call the foregolngCRe~olution was-duly~passed and adopted~bY the following votes AYES: COUNCIL~J~N: Pearson ~Fry, S~hutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner~. NOES ~ COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT': COUNCIL{~EN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly pas~ed and adopted.~ _ ORDIN~E NO. 898~ Councilman Van Wago~e~ offered~O~d[nance N0. 898 and moved for tis passage' and adoption. Said Ordinance was read" in public for the first time. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AME] M3NICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE MSTABLI~ THtREIN R~JLA/ING THE USE OF LAND, HEI~ MAP S~O~ING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONE'. FOR ADJUSTMENT, A~NT ~ ENFORCF_~E. REPMALING ALL ~SE~TIONS OR PARTS OF SECT (Res. 2370- C.P.C. 44- F-53-54-13) F-53-5~-20: C. A.~ Zimmerman~ 805 So.. L South St. and So. Los Angeles St. be re ~DING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF /HE .ANAHEIM ~I~NT OF ZON~3 IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND "~krr OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES: ADOPT, IN~_ A DEFINING THE TER~£ USED THEREIN: PROVIDING PRES~IBI~ PENALTIES FOR !VIOLATIDN AND £ONS IN CONFLICT ~THEREWITH. ~s ~geles.St., the southwest corner of W. ~lassifi-ed from R-3 to C-1. On motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser, Public Hearing was ordered to be held Jun.e, 8,~ 1954_. MOTION CARRIED. ~ -v F-53-54'21.:' Homer H. FUller~ Property ~Scribed-as the southwest coraner of Acacia Street and Pinewood Ave., be reclassifi ~rOm R-A tO C-t for %he erection o~f a small grocery store. ~ ~ '~ On motion by Councilman $chut~e~ seconded by Councilman Wisser, Public Hearing was ordered to be held June 8, ~954. ~ ~OTION CARRIED. · ' F-5~-54-22: City Planning Commission - (Res. 68) .grea north of Eastwood Dr. along the east side of No. East St. and alongithe south si4e of ~. La Palma Ave:~ east of No. East St. - Th~,% area north of E. Wi)helmina St. between No. Bush St. and No. East St. - /hat a~ea bounded by the no~ ~d~:~f E. North St. between the A,T. and S.F.~Rail-road tracks~ the extension of ~. La Palma Ave. and No. ~ast Sti~ be rezoned from R-A to R-1. On motion by Councilman Schut~e, seconded by Councilman Wisser, Public Hearing was ordered to be-held June .8~ ]1954. MOTION CARRIED. ~ F, 53-54-23:_ Raymond E. Miller and Albe~t E,. and Helen F. Miller, the northwest corner of ~cacia St. and E. ~'La Palma AV~., be reclassified from R-A to R-1. On motion by Councilman Schu~te, seconded~by Councilman Wisser, Public Hear'lng was ordered to be held ,June 8, i19~4. MOIION CARRIED. - F-53-54-24: Lucile L. Lewis, property described as a triangular parcel lying between Manchester Ave. ~ Gilbert St~ and West ~a Palma AVe~,'~ be reclassified from R-A to M-1. On motion by Councilman Van Hearing Was o~dered to be held May _ _MASI~ PLAN_ OS~..ST~rs 9J4D HIGHWAYS: 71, Public Hearing-was ordered' to be he and Highways, on motion by Councilman CARRIED. ~goner, seconded by Councilman Wisser, Public ~954, MOTION CARRIED. Ursuant to-City Planning Commission Resolution ~d June 8, 1954. on the~ Master Plan of Streets ~hutte, seconded by Councilmam Wisse~. ~OTION RH~.? INSURANCe? JOB .~0, ~275~, Lib~ty ~.tual Insurance Co., Policy LB-61-690198- 5~-Caltfornia, Comphehe~sive, Generat-~labili-ty, al~l ha-zards,~Job No. 1275 was ordered received and filed~ when approved by t~eoity Attorney~ on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner~ seconded by Councilman Fry. MDTION CARRIED. City Hall, .Anaheim, Cali~ornia~ May 11~ .1954 ~- 8~.00.~.~.. , . -- PLUMBERSt BOI~__: J. Hokom Company, was sub~tted~and ordered received. ~d filed when approved by the Gity Attorney~ on motion by Councilman Schut~.~ seconded by Councilman Fry. ~TION C~I~ .... - .. ~t t . . ~I~CI~ ~~P~TING R~RT~o~ th~ month o~ Ap~i!, 1954 ~e~e ~ubmitted~ ~e~d and o~d~ed ~e~eived and ~iled, on motion by Councilman Van ~agone~ seconded by Councilm~n Wisser. ~TION C~I~. -; .~ IENIATIVE~ ~, ~CI ~.216~ ~eo~ge Buccola~ locate~ at ~he southeast corner of W. La Palma and Euclid Avenues. lQ4 lots. ~City~Planning Co~ission voted to approve said tentative map, ~ubjec~ %9 ~he following conditions: 1. Dedication to the City of .~aheim of 10 fee% for widening of' Euclid .~ve. - ~ ~ ~ ' E. '_Inc2eaSing the width of the alley entereing~from..W. La Palm~ .~ve f.r~m Fifteen feet ~o twenty feet. 3. Pa~ent of $25.00 pst lo% for the acquisition of Recreation and Park Sites. ,, ' 4. Completion of annexation to the C~t~ of ~ahe~m of that Lots Nos. 9 to 59.. ~ ~ .- ,:~ 5. ~ngineeming m~quime~ents .... ~ Counoilman Van ~agone~ moved ~o ~6~ept said~ ~enta~ive ~aR o~ Tz~o~ No, 2161~ subject to ~onditions as outlined~by.the City Planning Co~ssi~, Co~nd[lman seconded the motion. ~TION C~I~. ' c ~Carl ~. Buck Co. ~ lo~ated at the I~tIV~.. ~ ~TS ~S. 1993 TO~ ]999 nor%heas~ corner of Ro~eya Drive and EUclid ~ve. - 2~ lo~s. city Pla~ing Co~ission voted to approve said Tentative ~ap~ subject ~o ~he following conditions: 1. ~dication to ~.he C~ty of ~ah~im~ of 10~ feet for the widening of Romneya Drive. ~. Dedication %o the City of ~aheim of 20 feet for Che widening of Euclid .Avenue · ' " <~ 3. ~ngi~m~ing ~equi~ents. ,. ~ 4. Pa~ent of $25.00 ~er lo~ for %he acquisition of 'recreation an~ p~rk si~es. ~tion by the City.coUncil ~as ~ith~e~a pending the presentatzon ?f ans. /~ATIV~ ~ ~CT ~. 21~: ~ .and .W. Construction 6~., located at ,the southeast corner of Houston Ave. and Brookhurst St. - 174 lots. City Pla~ng 6o~issi~n voted to approve ,.said Ienfattve Map, ,~bject to the following conditions: 1. Widening the street entering onto Brookhurs% S~. ~o a ~d~h ~of 60 feet. 2. ~djusment of ~ot ~o. 117 on ~he sou~h side to line up ~ith not No. i18. 3. Ps~ent of $25.00 ~er lot ~-for the a~quisition of:park .and_~e~e~tion ~ite~/ 4. 5ngineering requirements. ~tion by the Oity Cou~zil ~as ~i~hheld pending the presentation of plans. T~ATIV5 ~ I~I ~. 2211: Jones Bros~ located a% the northwest co~ner of W. 'La ~alma Ave, and No. West, S~.S~udy~3'A" ~ontains,-25 lots and Study "B" ~on~ins 27 lo~s. City Pla~ing Co~iss~n voted %q approve Study "B" Ie~%ati39~ap of No. ~11~ subject to: 1. Dedication to the Ci~y of ~aheim ~f 20 feet along ~. ~La~ Palma ~ve. ~or s~eet widening. 2. Dedication to the ~,City o~ ~aheim,of~i0 feet alon~ ~No. Wes% st. for street widening. 3. Pa~ent of $25.00 ~per lot for the acquis%tion or,park and recreation sites. 4. ~ngineering requirements. Action by the City CoUncil was withheld pending the presentation of plans. C TE~ATIV~ ~ T~CT ~. 2201: Phoenix Construction~Cot~ lo~ated a~ ~he co~ne~ of W. La Palma Ave. and ~rookhurst: St. 18! lots. .~ o ,:. City Hall, ~naheim,. Califoz~_~a... ~ ~.ay hi, ~1954., 8%00~.M., ~ . c. City Plant, lng Co~is$ion v~.~cto approve s~i~ Tentative Ma~, subjecf to: 1 The deeding of a strip t~ fee~ ~ide along 'h ' ' · t e west side o~ B~okhurst Street to the City of ~im for street widening. 2. CPa~ent ~f'c~5.00 per lo~ :for the acquisition o~ Park and Recreation Sites. ,~ -- ~ . 3;/ ~ngtnee~ing requirements. ~bdivide~ su~iited prelimirar~ Plans fer the inspection by th9 Council. ._ ccept Tentative Nap~ subject to conditions as n. Councilman. Van Wagoner seconded the motion. C . John~ located on the west side of Placentiac ~ f $~UthcSt., extending near~ycto~Ve~ont Ave. ., ~ to approve said Tentative ~p, s~3ect ~heim of a strip 20 feet wide along Plac,~ia ~heim of a strip 5.25 feet wid~ along the no~h s%~e~ widening.. ~ -' 3. Ihe pa~ent of $25.00 De~ lot for..the ac~isItion of'~Pa~k and Sites. 4. ~ng~neerin9 requirements. ~ Councilman Schutt~ mCved to a~S~ept said Tentative ~ap~, subjectc~o condi$io~s~ as outlined by the City Planning Co~is~ton. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. ~TION C~I~. c ~ ~ Councilman Schutte moved to a outlined hy .the City Planning Commlssio ND/ION CARRIED. TENTATIVE N~ao, ~T NO. 2205~ Hahn-St Ave., north of ~o~uth Street and~ sOuth~o 121 lots. City Planning Commission vote 1. Deeding to the City of An ;%ve. for street widening. 2. Deeding to the City of An and South side of.~ast S~uth Street for FIN~ ~, /RACT 1770~ South ~ide of C~ Streets· 149 lots. , The Administrative Officer re, mt~r Street, between Broadway a~d Santa Ana :Ommended the acceptance of said Final l~ap~ r c However, he advised that no more agreem,~nts for the op~ning~ of ~s%r~.ts be made. Final Map of Tract No. 1770 w~$ approved, subject to engineering requirem~,nts, and subject further~ that the Subdivide:: bear the entire cost of the improvement of Broadway, on motien bye Councilman .Schut~.~e, seconded by Councilmaiu Fry. ~.~TION CARRIED. FIN~ ~ TRACT ~0. 't909. Held ~over f~ ~further investiagi0n. _FIN~ MAP, TRACT NO. 1948: Councilman ~an Wagoner moved to accept Final Map of Tract NCo® 1948, ~ubj'e¢t t° ~gineering requir !~ents. Councilman ~isse]z_ seconded.the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ORDI~E NO. 892, CounCilman van Wago~._~ o~fer.ed corrected Ordinance[ No. 892 for ~ f~rst' ~di~g ~nd moved for its pass~e and-adoPtN)n. AN ORDIN~Qt~ OF TH~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ~2V~ING ~TICLE VIII, C~T~ 5 OF THE AN~EIM ~JNIC~P~L CO~ BY ~~G TH~TO S~TIO~ 8~0.17 TO 8~0.38~ ~ INCLUSIVe. (House movi nq } P~~; The ~inigtrative.O{{icer ~ecomended. {he appoinlmen~ o{ the c~o!~ng pers~et: ~tone J. P~Y - Mainten~'cej~an, $287.00 ~per month Keith E. ~I~~- Labor,r, $274.00 per month. Constance J. ~LEN-~ash~e~qi,rk~ $1184.~ p~month~. Brandon E. ~T~L- ConstruCtion Inspector, $345.~ per mo~, J. S. L~ Juni°rC~gineer~$~.00'per mon~. ~ c ~Said appoin~ents were ratifi~ by the Co~cil on motion~hy Councilman Wtsser~ seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. ~ION GRID;. : _ c ~IH~ ~LO~ ~USE~~t~ '~ayor Pgarson appointed the following persons as members of ~he ~o~her Colony House Go~t%ee~ Leona~ Sch~ac6f~r, Na%ive Son, ~s. Sarah Pearson~ President D~A.R. ~nating that property)~ .~ .~ . ~s. ~ff~n~ Native Daughter. Glenn G. Fry~ Gouncilman and nearest rsSiden% on %he Gity Gouncil. . ~ .... ..~ - , ] , 660 City Hall, Anah,eim~ California, May ll~ 1954- 8:QO P'.M. John J. Dwyer, Donator of the property. Councilman Van Wagoner 9oved to ratify said appointments. Councilman $chutte seconded the motion. NDTION CARRIHD. ORDINANCE NO. 899: Councilman Va~ Wagoner offered for first reading Ordinance No. 899, and moved for its passage an4 adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEiM ADOPTING A CON~EHENSIVE FIRE PREVE~ION CODE 574TITLED, "FIRE PREVENTION CODE, ~953 EDITION OF THE NATIONAL BOkRD OF FIRE UNDER- WRITERS OF AMERICA" IO BE KNOWN A~DESIGNATEDAS THE .ANAHEIM FIRE PR~=VENIION CODE ~d~DREPFJkLING ALL ORDINABE~S, OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT WITH SAID CODE. (June 8, 1954 P~lfc Hearinq) ORDIN~ NO. 900: Councilman VaX Wagoner offered for first reading Ordinance No. 900, and moved for its passage and adoption. ~ ORDIN~NC~ OF THE CITY COUNCIL 9F THE CITYOFANAHEIMANENDINGARTICLR VI, CHAPTER 1, S~CTION 6100.59 OF TH~ANAHEI~ ND~ICIPAL _C~DDHR~TING TO THE Af~UISITION OF A LICEN$~ FOR THE SkLE OF FIRE~0RKS: ALso A~ENDING ~TICLE VI, CHAPTER 2, SECTIONS 6270, 6270.1 AND 6270.2 THt~OF RF~TIN~TO THE SALH AND DISCHARGE OF FIREWORKS~ LICENSE AND FEE REQUIRE~FJ~TS FOR THE SALE ~EOF: ALSO A~ENDING ~LRTICLE VI, CHAPT~ 2 THEREOF BY ADDING A NEW SECTION THERETO R~,ATING TO LICENSE 92~D FEE R~IRF~S FOR THE INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND TANKS!FOR THE STORAGE OF FL~LE LIQUIDS. BOYLE ENGIN~IN~G CO.-ASSESSN~NT ~ISTRICT: Letter received from Boyle Engineering Company stating their proposal fo~ the formation of an Assessment District was read and referred to the Administrative Officer. Boyle Engineering Co. was employed to form said AESES~ DISTRICT engineer- ing and Purchase Order was authorized, on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. NOTION CARRIED. CONCESSION: LA PALN~. PARK: To be handled by Donald $. Hudson, on the basis of 12%, and the City Attorney was instructed to prmpare one-year lease and agreement, on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry. NOTION CARRIED. This was based on the recommendations of the Administrative Officer and Recreation Director, the concession provisions to be worked out by the Administrative Officer. FINAL N~, TRACT NO. 2022: North side of Romneya Drive and east side of Raymond Ave. Councilman Schutte move~ to approve said Final Map, subject to engineering requirements, and further subject to the extension of curbing along Romneya Drive out to Raymond Avenue and possibly out to the edge of the tract. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. NOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 901: Councilman Vam Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 901 and moved for its passage and adoption. Said Ordinance was read in public for the first time. .AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHE~ A~ENDING ,ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 1 OF THE /AN~EIM N~JNICIPAL CODE BY .ADDING NEW SECTIONS TH~TO NUMBERED 9100.10, 9100.11 ~AND 9100.12. ($25.00 Der lot charqe on subdivisions for park and recresti.oo site~) Councilman Van Wagoner moved to adjourn. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. NDTION CARRIED. SIGNED ................. "~ City iCier/ ADDENDUB: RESOLUTION No. 2422: Councilman Nisser offered Resolution No. 2422 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI~ FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY REQUIRES THE CONSTRUCTION AND CON~LRTION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEN~NT, TO WIT: ~ .... ~ ..... .~,,, ~ ~,~ B~ALL ROAD $~WER FRO~ 4~ FFJ~T EAST O~ OLIVE STREET TO LENDN STP~,ET,.~_JQ]L_iQ~AND APPROVING THE DESIGN, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS }:OR THE CONSTRUCTION__ THE QON- STRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVE~NT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANs AND S~ECIFICAT~IONS, AND AUYNORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY 1CLERK TO PUBLISH,vA NOTICE INVITING, SEALED P, ROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THERF. OF~ .~ /~ _[Open bids.~.June 22: 19~4_- Publish, June g~ch & ioz%h) On roll call the foregoin9 resolution was duly cpassed and adopted by ~he follo~in9 vote; AYES: COUNCIL.,N: Pearson NOES .. COUNCIL~EN: NOne. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The ~ayor declared the forego :,, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner.~ ! resolution duly passed and adopted. ADJOURNED. . ~ ,~ : -- ~~ clerk C