1954/05/25City Hall, Anaheim, C~lif.orni.a, ~M.ay 25, 1954~- ~8:0p' P.M. T~e City CounC:L1 of the City .of Anaheim met inr regular session. PRHSF. NT: ~ COUNCII~N: P,~arson, Fry, $chutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. ABSENT : COUNCIL~N: N')De c ~ CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON /~/RNER.. 'Present. . ,~ CITY AD~tINISTRATIVE OFFICB~, KEITH A. MURDOCH: Present. <. ~_ ~ The ~inutes of motion by Councilman Van ~;the regular ~meeting ,:held May 11, <t9_54 wgre approved on Wagoner, seconded by ~ounqilman~ Wisser. ~ ~DTI~QN CARRIED. WARRANTS AND DF~$: . Cguncilmar~ Van Wagoner ~reporte!d demands against .the city amounting to $155,628.58i Councilman Wisser. moyed that report of Finance .~Comm~ittee be approved and thai war~ants be drawn upon the Treasurer to pay said demands in accordance with report. Councilman Schutte seconded <the. motion~ NDTION CARRIED. PROCLA~/ION_: ~ Mr. Bradley addressed the Council_requesting a proclDmat~i0n be made by the City Council and ~ayor for Memorial Day~ and declaring Memorial DaVy a legal holiday. RequeSt grante~. _BIDS: _~ECT NO. 33- II,IT "B".. Pursuant to ResolUtion No. 2411 ~and legal notice the Clerk was instructed to open bid proposals on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded hy Councilman Wisser. ~ , , BID, PROPOSALS~, WEST I~ ~b~L_~XYF~qtJ~ S_TR_~._T__!~RQV~T_FRo~NORT,H PAL~.,.ST,~ TO .100 FEET EAST ~F NORTH ~S~!--.; PROJECT NO. <33 - ~JNIT. 'B"_ c ~. C R. J. Noble Company, P.0~ Box 620, Orange, California .................. $8,950.00 Sully ~-4~iller Contracting iCompany~ P.Q. Box 432~ Qrange~ Cali~forn~ia ..... 9,165.00 .Bids <were refe:~,red to the City Engineer for iabulati°n, a~d af%e~ tabula- tion ~e City Engineer r~ ~orted the R. J. Noble Company iq be lo~ bidder an~ r~ co~ended the acceptance ~of said bid. t RESOLUTION NO. 2432= 'Councilman Van ~agonez offez~ [~esolut~.Sn No. 2432 a~d~moved foz ~ts passage and adop',;~on. r Refe~ %o Resolt~%ion Book~ page · ~ ~ A RESOLUTION OF /HE CITY AND AWARDING A CONTRACT PLA~, LABOR, SFRVICES, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, IN ~=NT OR WORK: W~ST LA P~ FEET EAST OF NORTH WEST COUNCIL QF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL ?0 THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIEO~ FOR THE g[ISHING O~ ALL ~ATHRIALS AND E~UIP~'NT, AND PHRFORMING ALL WORK NHC~SARY ;TALLATION AND QOMPL~IION OF THE F~QLL0~WINQ~ ~PUBLIC I~tPROVE- kL~ AVF~_SIREET IMPROV~ FRQM NORTH PAL~ ST. TO iOQ ;.I.. ~ PROJECT NO. 33- UNIT "B". On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: / .~ AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNC~LN~N~ Pearson,.~.Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. COUNC~LM~N. None. ~. COUNC ILM~N: None. , The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ORANC~... AVENUE ~TION~ RESOLUTION NO. 2423:_ Councilman Van wagoner offered Resolution No. 2423 and moved for its passage an~d adoption_, c Refer to Resolmtion Book, page A REsoLUTION OF TH~ CITYJCOUNCIL OF THE CITY 0FANAHEIM DECLARING iTS~IN~ENTION TO CALL A SPECIAL ELEGTION ~0 SUBMIT TO'THE QUALIFIED F_LECTORS RESIDING IN THE HER~IN- AFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORy THE~QUESTION OF tNN~ION OF SAID TE~.ITORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. (Rescinds Reso~¥tion No. 2399~-Date of Public H~aring,~.-June 15~ 1954 Date of Election: July ig, 1954) _ i ... ' '~On roll_call the foregoing resolution was du~Y passed apd adopted by the following vote: i . AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wis'set and Van wagoner. NOES: COUNC][LMEN ~ None. ,~ ABSHNT: COUNCIL~N: None. Ci~.y .~J~ll, ~a.hei.m,.. c~.~if.-.orria-~V .25, 195zL- ~8;00 P.~.. Th~ May~ ~clared ~he ~o~e~oing res~u~ion ~uly passed ~d adopted. W~T ~ PA~'-~. 3 ~~ATI~.: ~lc Hearin9 ~s he~ on ~he p~posed annexation known and designated as West La Palms No. 3 ~nexati~, pursuant to Resolution No. 2380 which was published in the ~ahelm ~fj~in the 16th and 2~rd of April, and the Placentia Courier the 29th ~of~ April, nd the 6th:of May. ~ No ~ pre~nti~t the ~etir~g ~jec~ ~to~the pro~sed a~exati~, and no written objeotf~ were received b' ~the ~ty~ ~erk. ~ ~ .i ~ .~ O~IN~~ ~2~ Co~ci~an ~-~'~ener ~off~re~O~dinance No..~2 for first ~ a'nd~ mov~ for ~it~ paas~e and~doptio~ n ~ ~ ~ ; Waivin~ of the ~a~nG ~f ~e legal d~c~iption confined in proposed Ordinance No. 902 was unanimously agreed, as the boundaries of the territory of fhe pr~osed annexation were ~tl-ined on {he~ map ~hy ~the A~ni~trative Officer. ~ O~IN~CH OF THH CITY OF~ A~IM ~OVI~ ~T~ ~~TION TO ~f CITY OF ~~IM OF T~ ~ITORY K~ ~ ~SI~A~ ~. ~ST ~ P~ ~. 3 ~~TION. ~ ~LIC ~ING: $-5~5~2~ Petltio~er, Lucile L. ~is~: p~perW desc~bed ~ ?s a triangle bounded on the West by ~lbert Street, on the South by West La -~Palma Avenue and on the No~tH by ~nc~ester iAvenue, be reclassified from the Zone to the ~1 Zone to enable t~ lo~ation Of the ~rnation ~lk C°mpany on that property. ~. ~orge ~y~r, rep=esen~ative o~ .tHe Carnation ~tk Co~y, addressed the Council and stated that they were not opposed to the stipulation of a ~L Zone, ~as incorporated i~:con~tions ~of recl~f~a~, :but they did have,thiS problem; ~they have no ~abli~ ~les~. nor~ubl~c: r~tioms with~eople at the plant, this is to be purely a QistribUtion centem, ;and~ll ~ th~r.~trucks are loaded with merchandise, and ~th~ a ~ area in front, that cannot be behind fences, it would.be i~o~sib~-~ to p:mtect the loa~d,.trucks. To ~. Snyder~s satisfacti~, the A~inistrative Officer advised that the entire area can be within the fe~ce'~ ~, ~: ~ ~~I9~ ~, 24~. COuncilman Wiser offered Resolution No. 2433 and moved for its passage-a~ adoption, Refer to Resolution. Book, ~ge A ~LUTION O~ ~ CITY ,COU~IL O~ ~E CITY O~ ~IM ~I~I~ ~ ~E~~I[6 A ~GE OF ~: IS ~RY IN ~TAIN ~S OF THE CITY ~ ~T ~TICLE c~T~ 2 OF ~ ~RIM.~NICIP~~ ~U~ BE ~~_IO ACCO~~ SA~ C~~ OF ZOO. (.~5~5~24) (~.P.C. Res. ~. 70) ,~ On roi1 call ~e':: fore9oin9 ~::esolutlon was' duly passed and adopted by the following vote: '-~ AYES: COUNCIL~N: Pear$on~ Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES~ COU'~IL~N: None~ ~ c .~_ ~ ~ , ~SE~ C~L~N~ None~ The ~yo~ d~c~a~ed the foregoing resolution du~y passed ~nd~adopted~, ~ C~Tde Ca~e~ P~slden~ o~he Jun~o~ Ch~berLo~Co~e~ce~add~essed the counci~ ~equesting permission to conduct a Ca~niva~ ~n the La Palina Pa~k~ June to 20~h. ~fter a check ~s made wi~h~. ~n ~, pe~ss~on: ~i~ be g~an~ed~ providing, t~ere is ne conflict in'~da' motioned by Councilman Wisser, secon, ~_R~QUEST: Albert Fernandez, Chapter' permission to set up a Fire Works St This was ordered referred to the Fir Les, and further they~polioe the~grounds, ted by Councilman VanWagoner. ~QTION CARRIED. )4, Disabled~American Vete~ans,~.request lnd in front of the Fullertoncl~ater~.Plan_t. Chief. TENTATIVE MAP~ TRACT NO. 2211: Jones Bros..~- location: Northwest Dorner of W. La Palma Ave. and No. West St., Study "~" con.ins 25 ~lots and Study "B" contains 27 lots. City Hall,, Anaheim, California, ~aY,2~5,~,1/95,4 r 8,,~:0Q, P.~M. T' City Planning commission, May 3, 1954, reQ0mmended the Tentative ~ap of Tract No. ~:~9~211, Study "B", s~ubjec~t to ,_the.fo!l~win.~[ condit_~ons: .. : :t, Dedication tG the City of 20 feet along W. La ~alma Ave.. f~r,Dtree~ widening. . , . 2. Dedication t~ the City of 10 feet along N. W~s{ S~.' "~: ' for street wi6ening. 3. Payment o~ $~.00 ,per lot ~o~ the acquisition o~ ~ark and recreation si te s. ~ ~ ~ <~ = 4. ~ngineering ~equiremen~s, .,_ ._ ~. t ~ House plans and elevations were presented by Ntt. Jones. , . Councilman Van W~9oner moved to accept Tentative Map of Tract No. 2211~ Study "B"~ subject, to conditions as reconmnended ~by the City Planning Commissign. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. ~ION CARRIED.' , .~ ~.. TENTATIVE Nt~P~ TRACT NO. 2].97: R. g W~ Construction C°., Locati°n:~ Southeast "' corner of Houston Ave. and Brookhurst St. - 174 lots. City Planning Conmission,~ ~ay-3, 1954, ~ecommended the acceptance_ of said Tentative Map of Tract No. !2197~ subject to the following condi{ionS= ~ .... ~ 1. Widening the ~.street entering onto Brookhu~st Street to a width of 60 feet. 2. Adjustment of_Lot No. 117 on the south side %o line up with Lot No. 118. 3. Payment of $~5.00 per loi for the acquisitiOn'bf Park and ReCreation sites. 4. Engineering requirements. ~, ~ House plans and ~levations were presented by the Subdivider. Councilman S~hut~e moved to accept Ien%ative Map of Tract N6. 2197~ ~subject to conditions as reco~end~d by ~he City Planning Co~ission. CounciIm~h Van~ago~er seconded the motion. ~TI()N G~I~.~ ~. . ~ ~.~ _ ~ ~. IENIAIIVH ~ ..!~GI$ NQS. '.993 to 199~ Subdivider: Carl M. Buck Goi~'- ~'246 lot~. Location: Northeast come: of Romneya Drive and Euclid Ave. City Planning Co~ission~ ~ay 3~ 1954~~ reco~ended ~he acceptance of said Ientative ~p, subject to ~he following conditidns~ ~ 1. Dedication t() the City of l~feet for the ~dening .of Romneya Drive. 2. Dedication ;o the City of 2~feet for the~Widehing of E~clid Ave. 3. ~9ineering :,:equi rement s. 4. Pa~ent of $,~5.00 per iot for the aCquiSition. of Park and ReCreation sites. Plans and elevations were presented to the Ci~YC°un~il' Councilman' Fry m~Ved -to accept !en%ative ~ap of Tracts Nos.. 1993 to 1999 subject tO conditions as r~commended by the C_ity Planning Commissi0n.~ Councilman Wisser seconded the motionS. ND/ION CARRIED. FINAL Nh~P, ..~..~.CT....NO. 1909: Location, West side of So.' Lemon St. b~teeen W. Vermont Ave. and Ball Road. Conmlunication supmitted by D. R. Colegrove~ Secyetary, P-C Lumber Co. was read by the City Administrative Officer. Councilman Schut~e moved to approved said Final Map of Tract No. 1909~ subject to engineering requirements. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. NDTION CARRIED. FINAL N~ TRACT NO.. 1770: Said Final Map was approved at the meeting~ of May llth, on condition that BrOadway be imPrOved at %he eRpen§e o~the Subdivide~' Neither the city h0r the Subdivider own ali the property necessary to complete the improvement o of the $25.00~per lot char lieu of the complete impro Councilman Fry~ stipulation that the Subdi motion. NDTION C~RRIHD. f Broadway, therefore the Subdivider agreed~toCthe Payment ge, for the acquisition of pa%k and recreation sites in vement of BroadwaY. ~ ~ ~ oved to rescind action ~aken ~ay llth'regarding the vider improve Broadway. G0uncilman Schutte seconded the iii City Hall~ ~aheim~ Calif.orni~. ~y~5, ~,,~4,~ 8~OO-P.,~. FIN.~ ....~,~ TRACT lqO;~ 1770~ Coun~il~n ~an Wagon~ moved %hat ~FinaL ~ap o~ Trac~ No. 1770 be approved s~bject to eNginee~in9 require~ts and further <sUbject .to the ~ent of ~$25.00 per lot for .the ~isi%ion of ~ark and recreation Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. .~TION C~I~. PLU~~ '~~: The fotlo~ng plu~r~~ bonds w~e accepted and o~er.~ received and filed when approved by the City Attc.rney, on motion by Council~n Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. ~TION [~I~.~ .~ Eugene Gabrych and Robert Hau~ann~ dba Queer Plain9 Co. D. E. Jo~to~ ~: '~ ~',~ . Leonard L. Poling~ dba poling Plumbing ,4nd Heating Co. F, a.E. ~~ ~O~TOR ~. 4n the ~t o~ $10,~0.00 was order~ r~v~d and filed when approved by the City Attorne-~ 'on motion by ~oun~ilman Van~agomer~ seconded by Councilman Wisser. ~TION q~I~. ~ITAIION: ~1 Bla~meyer~ ~esident~ ~aheim City ~ployee~ A, soeiatt~ e~~ tend~'d invitation to City Officials to ~ttend the Barbeque to be held at the City Park~ Juhe 12~ ~:1954~ 5:00 P;M. ~ ~ O~IN~ NO. 881: -Held over. ' ' ~- -- 9~I~H NO. 892: c Counci~an ~Schutte ~ffered Ordinance No. '~2 a~ moved for its passage a~d adoption. ' " ~ Refer to Ordinance Book, page, following AN ORDINANCE OF~THE CITY OF ANAHEIM: ~ING"ARTICLE VIII, ~tA~TER 5 OF THE ANAHEIM N~3NICIPAL CODE BY ADDING /HERETO S~C~IO~ (H~°u.$e.:m°viSg)~ .:8500.17 ~0 8500.~ 38, BO/H INCLUSIVE. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the vote: AYES: COUNCiLMEN: NOES: COUNClLN~N: ABSENT: COUNCtL~t~q: Pearson~ Fry, Schutte, WiSser and Van Wagoner. None. ~. None. f ~ · -~ The Mayor dectared:the foregOing Ordinance'-duly passed and adopted. O~RDI~E NO. 8941 Councilman Van Wagoner offered¢Ordinance No~:-894:and moved fbr:{{~ ~p~ssage a~d adoption, c ~ Refer to,Ordinance Book, page AN ~. INAN~E OF IHE CITY OF ANAH' EI~ AME~ MUNICIPAL CODE 'R~TING :TO :THE F~gTABLI~ ~ REGULATING THE ~USE OF' L~qD, ~ a N~ SHOWING IHE BOUNDARIH$ OF SAID .ZO] PROVIDING FOR~ST~4ENT, &MENDMENT AND VIOLATION AND'-RHPF. aJ~ING ALL SECTIONSt OR (F-53-54-10 - Resolution 24.!0~ C..P.C. 3~ following ~ING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF TH~ ~NAHMIM ~ ~F ZONES IN THE CITY OF 9JqAHEIM AND ~T OF BUI~IN~ ~ Y~ SPACES: ~PT~NG ~$: D~INING T~'~ U8~ ~IN~ ~ ~RC~: ~H~IBING PH~TIHS FOR P~Ts ~F S~TIONS IN ~ONFLICT ~~~. On roll calI the ~or~9oing Or~inance was duly passed and ~dopted by the vote~ '~ ~ c AYES: NOES :' ABSENT: COUNCIL~: Pearson~ Fry, Schu~te~ Wisser and Van~Wagoner. c~IL~% 'NonCe. ~ ' :c ~ . c' ;- ~. . o ~ c~ COU~IL~N: None. The Mayb~ d~clared %he forego:Lng Ordinance duly passed and adopted. OI~INA-NZE NO: ...896: Councilman Schutte ~ffered Ordinance No. 896 and moved for its passage '~n'd adoption. ~ ':' : ~- Refer %0 Ordinance Book, page AN O~tD~[NANCE OF TH~ CITY OF ANAHEIM AN~: ~4JNIC ,i~AL CODE ~m~ATING TO TH~ EST~LIS I~IN REGULATING THE'USE 'OF L;U4D, HEI' ~ING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTHR OF TH~ ANAHEIM ~ Dp ZONES ~IN THE. CITY OF -ANAHEIM AND mT OF BUI~Di~ AND YARD SPACES: ADOPTIN~ iii I iJll ilJl i City .Hall~ Anahei A N~P SHOWING THE BOUNDARIE PROVIDING FOR AB3UST~NI~ A VIOLATION .AND REPEAL' ING ALL (~-53-5,4~.'...17_-Res. 2403, C. .m.~ Califo.rnia, May 25.,...!9.54 ~ 8:00 pL}4. s OF SAID 'ZONES: DEFINING THE TERMS USED ,THERIN: MENDN[ENT AND ENFORCq~EN/: ~CRIBING PENALTIES FOR SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. P.C. Res'-60) _ -. On roll call the iforegoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the followin9 vote'. AYES: COUNCILMEN:. Pearson~ Fry~ Schutte~ Wisse~,~ and Van Wagoner. NOES.. COUNCI$. None. ABSENT: COUNC The Mayor declared.the foregoing Ordinance duly_passed ~and adopted. ~RDINANZE NO. 897: Councilman Schutte offered Ordinance No. 897 and mowed for its passage and adoption. , c c Refer to. Ordinande Book, page ' / AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY O~ ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 20F. Tt4JE ANAHEI~ ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE R~LATING TO TH~ ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING TNB USEpF LAND, <_ HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS~..AND'YAP~_SPAC~S, ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNB. ARIBS OF SAID ZONES: DEFINING THE TER~S USED~I]4EREIN PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT~ ~~ENT AND ENFORCENE~T: PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION -'AND-REPEALING &LL SECIIONS OR PARIS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLIC! THEREWITH. (~-5~5~1s., ~.es. 2~0~, c.~.c..es. 61) On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following votet AYES: COU-NCILI~N.. ~ Pearson,' Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCIL~ EN: None. '-ABSEN~: ~- COUNCI~ EN~ None~ -~ The MaYor declar~,d the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 89.8: Councilman Wisser offered Ordinance No. 898 and moved for.its passage and adoption. : , Refer, to OrdinanCe Book~: page A~ O~DIN^NC~ O~ ~H~- CItY O~ ~HEIM ~DING ~.ICLE ~NICIP~ CODE R~LAIING TO T~ EST~LISH~NT OF ZONES IN ~~~ ~~zNG ~ us~ ~o~ n~, H~I~ O~ ~UI~INGS ~ Y~ SP~ES~ ~PnNG A ~P SliCiNG ~ ~OU~Z~S ~ SAm ZO~S= ~~' T~ T~m ~S~ ~IN · ~VIDING FOR ~Sm~NT, ~~~ ~ EN~~. ~mRIBIN6 p~,TI~S JO~ .. (~-5~5~13~ Res. 2370, C.~.C. Res. ~) On ~oll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adoP%ed by the follow~g voter AYES: NOES: ABS~-NT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson~ Fry, Schutte~ Wisser and Van~Wagoner. COUNOIL~~N: None. COUNCIL~!N: None. /he Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE kD. 899~ Final reading withheld pending further study. - t % .U 0RDZNA~E NO. 900: Counci;Lman Van Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 900 and moved for its passage and adopti~n. Refer to Ordinan~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY I, SECTION 6100.59 OF THE ~ LICENSE FOR THE SALE OF FI1 6270'~ 6270.t AND.6270.2 LICENSEANDFEEI~UIRENEN Book ~ page )UNCIL OF THE CITY OF A~AHEIM .;%MENDING ARTICLE VI, CHAPTER %NkHEIM NUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE A~QUISITION-OF A t,~RK$: ALSO AMENDING ARTICLE VI, CHAPTER 2, ~ECT~ONS :.~F RELA/ING~ ,TO THE S~E AND DISCHARGE OF FIREWDRKS; :S FOR THE SALE /HEREOF: ALSO ~934ENDING ARTICLE VI, CHAPTER 90g City ~Hall., ~naheim, Califor~!~a,,~ N~.y 25,. 19 .B4, <8~00 P~.M. 2 ~E~OF BY ~ING ~ NB S~TION TH$~ POR THE INST~L~TION OF ~~~~ T~$ F~ T~ $~~ OF...F~LE LI~IDS. On roll call the foregoing ~rdinance ~s duly p~ssed an~ adopted by th.~ following vote ~ AYES~ COU~ILM~ PearsSn, Fry~ Schu~te~ Wtsser and 'Va~'Wagoner. _ [~S: ~UNCIL~N: None. ~$~T: . C~I~N: None., , ~e ~yor declared 2he foregoing Ordinance ~uly passed an~ adopted. :O~I[~E ~. 9Ol~ .~ ~ouncilmam ~iss.er~ offered O~anc9 No. c901 and ~oved for its passage and adoption. Refer %o Ordinance Book, page AN O~I~E OF T~ CI~ OF ~IM ~~ING ~!IC~ ~, C~R 1 QF~I~ ~EIM [~NICIP~ C~E BY ~ING ~W S~TIONS~ ~ETO ~~ ~00.10 ~ 9100.12 I~LUSIVE. (~5.~..per lot charS,) On roll Call 2he foregoing ~rdinance was duly: passed and ~dopted by the following vote~~ AYES: COUNCI~N:, Pearsoh~ Fry, Schuttg~ WiSser' and ~Van Wagoner. ~ES: COU~I~EN: None. ~S~: COUNCIl: None. Ihe ~yor declared the foregoing Ordinance dUiy passed an~ ~dopted. O~IN~E NC. 905'. Councilman Fry or,ered for .first reading Ordinance No. 903 and moved for its passage and adoption of rec~!assific:a%ion of that p~rtion of property incorporated within the Linc the City of Anaheim of a 20-foot stri AN ORDINANC~ OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ~ ~NICIPAL CODE ~MIATING TO THE ESTABL THEREIN REGULAIING THE USE OF LAND, H A ~P SHOWIN~ ~ BOUND/kRIES OF S/kID PROVIDING FOR AI13USTNd!NI, AMENI~ENT ~ VIOL;kTION AND REPEALING ]~LL S~CTIONS (~53-54-19, Res. 12415, C,.P.C. Res. 6 oln Ann~,ation, ~and further the deeding to ) for the future widemtng of Crescent St. ~NDING ARTICLE IX, cH~PTt~R 2 OF THE ANAHEIM [eH}lENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ttN~EIM ~ ~IGHT OF BUILDINGS ~ YARD SPACMS~ ~TING. ZONES: DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN: ND ERFO~~, ~.~ ~.~.RIBING P ~F~TIES FOR ~ PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. V~IANCES NOS. 229 and 230: Cliff N~-7 Ranch Homes of Qrange County, Tract No..~. 1452 and t620.' RequeSt permission.t~ locate garages on certain lots in the front of the sewlling units and not connec~ed..to the ~wetling units City Planning CommiSsion, Nesolution No..73 (53-~)'gr~nted variances subject to the erection of screening fences by %he Subdivider to p~rov.ide a uniformity of design. ' F-~3-Q4-25: C. Donald and Mary M. Hqover, property at ~the NorthWeSt-Corner of La Palma and Brookhurst from R-A to C,-2. ?ublic Hearing was ordered to be held Jun.ellS, .1954 on mo~ion by Council- man Van Wagoner~ seconded by Councilman Wisser. NDT!ON CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO~ 2424: CounciLma.n ~is~er.~offered Resol~.tion~No. 2424cand moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, Page. A ~LUTION OF THE CITY COU~I~ 8F ~HE CITY OF ANAHEI~ ~UTHORIZING AND APPROVING /HE L~SING OF CERTJ%IN CITY OWNED PROPERTY TO THE ST/kTE OF CALIFORNIA FOR USE 'AS AN .ttRNDRY SITE. ~ ~, < 'c ,s On roll call the foregoing following vote: AYES: C~NCII~: Pear! NOF. S: COUNCIl4: NoDe, ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None, resolution was duly passed and adopted by the ~on, Fry,.Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner, · The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2425: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolutiojn N(r. 2425 and moyed for its passage and adoptioB. Refer to Resoluti A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY C~ CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF A~ UTILITY PURPOSES. (Coalson )n Book, page ? [NCIL OF /HE CITY OF RNAHEIM .ACCEPTING A GRAN/ DEED HElM CERT~N REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC C. and ,Jean C. Morri_s) On roll call the fOregoing resolution was.~duly pas~_ed and adopted by the following vote: ~ , AYES: -COUNCIL~N~ Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van. Wagoner. NO~S: COUNCIL~N: None. - · ABSENT: COUNCIL~N: None. The Mayor declare~ the foregoing resolution duly p~ssed and~adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2426; Councllman Wisser offered ResolUtion No. 2426 and moved for its passage and adop%ioh. Refer to ResolutiOn Book, page .i A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CC~NCI5 OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING IO IHE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR ~N EASEN~NT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES. (~thur V. and ~rances M. Van Tuyl..e..- Rescinds Resolution 2417) · On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed ~and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIl.' Pearson, Fry, Schutte~ Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: GOUNG I L~ ~ None. ABSENT: COUNCI~ None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed' and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 242~ Counc fOr its passage and adoptiC Refer to Resolui A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY C£ FOR PARKING AETER~S, PURSU~ FIXING THE TINGE FOR'~THE CO~ Clementine St. and South Pt ilman Wisser:offered Resolution No.. 2427 and moved iion Book, page ~ ~ UNCIL OF CItY mmH -IM ESTABLISHIN nOCA O S ~ TO C~Tm' 3-0~, THE ~EIM ~NICIPAL ~DE, ~ ~NC~t OF T~ OP~TION~OFL~CH ~S.,- (S°~%h '~ i~a3~phia St. ) ,_ ~ On roll call the!foregoing ~esolu%ion was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: ~ AYES: COUNCIIJ~iN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisse~ and V~n~Wagoner. NOES.' COUNCIL!~EN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILI~EN: None. The Mayor declar,.'d the foregoing resolution duly passed and adop{ed. RESOLUTION NO. 2~28.'. Coum;ilman Schui%e offered Re$olutioJ ~No. 2428 and moved for its passage and adopti,~n. Refer to Resolut on Book, page ~ c A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY C~NGIL OF THF GIIY OF. ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING AN AG~MENT TO BE MADE AN~ ENTERED INTO BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF 'ANAHEIM AND DONALD S. HUDSON RELATING TO IHE OPERATION 0~: A CONCESSION SIAND AT 'LA PAI~ PARK. On roll call thei foregoing :resolution ~as duly pa~ssed and~adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCII~IEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van ~agoner. NOES: COUNCI~N; None. ABSENT: COUNCI , : None. City Hall, ~u%aheim, California, May 25~. 1.954- 8:00 P.M. The Mayor declared the ~ore~oin~ resolution: duly 'passed and adopted' RESOLUTION NO. 2429: Councilman Van W~§oner Offere~d Res~olUti%n No. 24~29 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, pa A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH AN .A~~ TO BR MADE ~ EN/ERED IN THE BOARD OF ~VI~ OF THE .~~Y CERTAIN R~ ~OP~TY IN ~E CI~ OF A ~e E ciTY OF ANAHM-IM 'AUTHORIZING ~ND-APPROVING ,0 BY AND BE~ THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND QF ORANGE FOR ~THE PURCHASE :AND SALW~ OF On roll call the foregoing resolu~.ion was _duly:passed and adopted by . the following vote: ! c AYES: COUREII~ Pearsg~ Fry, Sc~utte,.Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES~ COUNCILA~N~ None. ~. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. -- The Mayor declared the fore'in9 re~olut~on d~ly pgssed and~ad, opted. RESOLUTION NO. 2430~. Councilman~Schu~e offered Resolution No. 2430 and meved for its passage and adoption. ~ Refer to Resolution Book~ p~ge ~ · ,, , ,~ ~ _~ RI:SOLUTION IN TH~ N~TTER OF I:~[k~L:::CT S~J~~ ~. 39 ~R ~~.AT:ON OF ~LINE On roll call %he foregoing ~esolution Was duly passed and a~opted by the following vote: - AYES: COUNCILMEN: Peaxson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser an~d Van Wagoner. NOES. COU~CILMEN~ None. ABSENT: COUNCI~ None. _ . , The ~ayor declared the forejoing resolution duly passed a~d adopted. S/R~TS PROPOSED: Walnut Street from Manchester {o Bail. ~ Broadway' from Man¢~e~ter:s~QAdams. Citron from Cypress to North Stzee~s~ Santa Ana from Los ~geles to Olive Streets. South Street from ~em~n to Palm $treets.~ ~ ~ Center Street from We~t Street t6' proPosed Pree~a~. JOB NO. 502: COMPLETION: The City ESgineer certified the completion of Job No. ~502 in accordance: with plans and specifications and recon~nended th~a% the work be officially accepted. _ RESOLUTION NO. 2431~ Councilman Wisser offered Resolution Ne. 2431 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page . ;% R~SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~ CITY QF 9.N~EIM ~INtLLY ACCh~'ING THE CO~PLEIION ;~D IHE FURNISHING OF ~LL pLANI, LABORj SERVICES, MATERI~ALS AND tE~JIP- MEN/ '?;U~]D kLL UTILITIES ~ND IRANSPORT~IQN IN3LUD. LN~G ~P(~ ~PUEL AND ..~ATER, icAND PERFORMING ~LL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBL IMPROVEMENT: IMPROVE~NT OF ~cIBERT¥~A. N~ AND AC~ZIA S .]~EETS, JOB NO. 502. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed ahd adopted by the following vote: ~ AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pear~on, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: ~ None. ABSHN/: ~UNCI~: None. The Mayor declared the for$goinu re~olu$i-on ~uly-passed ~nd adopted. City Hal!, ..'Anah. e ~m, California, May 25, 1954-'~8'..00 p.M. . ...... ORDINANCE NO. 904: Councilman Van Wagoner offered for first reading Ordinance No. 904 a'nd moved for its passage and adoption. . AN 0RDINANG~- OF IHE CIIY O~ ~ANAHEI~ A~NDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2~ $BS/ION 9200.14 OF THE ANAHEIM NUNICIPAL ~ .... BY DELETING THER~-FRO~{ PARAGRAPH "c" SUBDIVISION A - 1. (Delete future zoninq ~hown within heavy-dotted lines on ma~_- G.P.G.- Res.- 63) ORDINANCE NO. 9051 Councilman Wiener offered for first reading Ordinance No. 905 and moved-for its pasSa9e and adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM 'A~ENDING ARTICLE I~X, CHAPTER 2, -SECTION 9200.11 SUBDIVISION A - 48, AND SEGTION 9200.13, SUBDIVISION A, OF /HE ANAHEIM ~JNICIPAL CODE. (~elocation in Municipal Cc,de of Trai'ier Camp, or Park - C. P' C. Res. 64) APPOIN/MEN/S IO LIBRARY BOil/):. Mayor Pearson app. ointed Mrs. A. L. Raymond and ~r. Glenn P,-Fry~ members ~ the Anaheim Public Library Board. Said appointments were ratified by the City ;ouncil, on motion by ~ouncilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Wiener. MOTION CARRIED. RESET DAIF. OF PUBLIC HFn~RII~S.~ Councilman-Schutte moved that Public Hearings formerly set for June 8th~ 1954 be re-set to 3une 9th, 1954 due to the holding of the June Primary Election ~n that date. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. TRANSFER_ OF FUNDS..:, Transf~,~r of $3,000.00 from the General Fund to the Recreation Fund was authorized on mot!ion by Councilman Schutte~ seconded iby Councilman Van Wagoner NDTION CARRIED. TRANSFER OF FONDS.~ Transf~.~r of $12~700.00 from the General Fund to the Bond and Interest Redemption Fund t6 cover bonds and interest payments, was~authorize~ on motion by Councilman Van W%goner~ seconded by Councilman Wiener. NDTION CA~ED. WARR~]_W. J.A.YCqX: }{e. GAR~.C~. COLL~TION~ Communication requesting f31nancial in- ~~ 'ihs collection $~' Anaheim's garbage, due to~ increased~cost of processing by cooking~ was submitted~ ~read and. referred to the City Administrative Officer. PARKING: The Chief of Police recommended that the diagonal parking be changed to parallel~ in the followlng~locations on Broadway Street-. 300 block ~Wes~ 400 block West, 700 block Wes, t and 3D0 block 5ant. This to make parking on Broadway uniform, and ~relieve the hazards an~ obstructions to traffic that now~occur.~ The above change to parking on Broadway was authorized on motion by Councilman Wisser~ seconde~ by Councilman Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. CONg~UNICATION: A. B. Paul l Woman's Relief Corps, Auxilli~ary to the Grand Army of the Republic~ resolution calling attention to vandalism in the 'Anaheim Cemetery was submitted and read, ' The Clerk was instructed to advise the group that this matter has been followed and will be taken! care of. · C...ON~NICATION: Cor~nending the Tree Maintenance Crew and Vic Ruedy~ Superintendent of Parks by Mrs. Ralph chance was submitted and read. ~NTON~S..N[ARKE/-: Police inNestigation report of damage to .Windows of Anton~s Market was submitted and read and~l referred to the Administrative OffiCer. C0~.NICATION: 6NMRICAN. L_~G_ION..BASEB.ALL TOUR~:. Discussion of the ove~-lap of four nights between tournaments was held~ and Recreation Director and Administrative Officer were instructed tol make the best arrangements possible to take care of the si tun%ion. J.0.S,..BEPORI for the month of April, 1954 was submitted, read and ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Wiener, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. JULY 4th .pARA~_~__~d CELEB~TION~ Hunting Beach'was submitted and read. The Council and City inVited to partickpate in the parade with float. Ntt. Moeller stated that Anaheim will be represente~. 09g City Hall, Anaheim~ Caliform[a, May 25; 1954- 8500 P.M. _PUI{GHASE; SOUTHE~N C. AL.I?ORN.I...~..EDISON cOMp~NY: Facilities,_ excluding meters, on the west side of. Walnut Street from Bail Road and on private proPerty 960 feet south of South Street, between Walnut and Webt Streets, for tetal price of $3~239.35. Sai~ purchase was r~commende~ by the S~perint?ndent of Light, Power and Water,~ George F. Oelkers, and Purchase~Order Was authorized on motion 'by Co. uncilman Schutte, seconded by CounC~iman ~isser~~ MOTION C31iRIED. APPOINTNMN!--=: CITY PATRQ,~: Chief o~ 'Police aPPointed Nil. lis Lee Burgess, patrol- man for the City of ..~aheim. Said app~in~mon't: was ratified by i:he Cii:y'Co~lncil 'On motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, secogded by Co~cilraan Wisser. I~I.ION PUltGI-L~S£ OF IRg~' IIlIJCK: Ihe Administ~atiye officer submitted informal quotations of 'the purchase of Trash Truck and r?c~>men.ded the purchase of the Reo Loadpack?r; $8,616.00. · Said purchase was 'authorized on motion hy Councilman Schutte, Seconded by - Councilman Wisser. I~TION CAItRIED. CORRESPONDENCE; Fire Chief, Ed J. Str the Anaheim Junior Fire Department-pic ~ay 29, 1954. ~ ~ ~ STOi:~L PROPERTY F~%_$~. to be repot parcel s) C~ELLAIIADNDF' TAXES:, Letter ,~from Di taxes upon property conveyed to the St [nger invited the City OffiCials to attend ~c to be held in the City Park, Saturday ted on~ by the Administra~tive Officer~(two ~ision of Highway, request~ing cancellation of rote for Highway purposes, briefly described as Lot 6, B-2, ~ygabroads Subdivision, was submitted and read. c Cancellation of taxes wa~s .authorized on motiOn by Councilma~n ~an :~ag?ner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION C_ARRIED. ~.IGHWAY: ,Telegram from G. T. ~cCoy, S~ate Highway Engineer ~.elative to~ the _adoption of a freeway .~routing in Los A~geles "~and Orange Counties be%ween Pa!o Verde Avenue and Route 174 was submit~ and read. ~. ',_ ~ ~ . ' ~ AD~IN~ISTR~ II~VE Q~FIGER ~ .~..R/ED~on the fo!10w~ing: ~ The request of the U. S. Industrial Chemical C°, for the wideni.hg of alley[ -~ No recommendation to the Anaheim N~nicipal EmploYees' Associat%on ~]~equ~est. Duval Sand Pit to take more~ ,working out. Sewer Assessment District ~ea, south of Vermont. Boyle Engineering Co. is preparing pl ~ans and specificat%on ~eparato~y~to going ahead with the District. · Not ready to recon%mend the ~YPo of Backstop requested b~ the Tennis ClUb~ should be a cement block~ or slab backstop for greater utilit~ than o~her types. Councilman Van Wagoner moved to ad3ourn. Councilman SC~tte seconded the motion. ~TION C~I~. .~oU~. ' SI~ bY.,/~~ '~ ~~. Deputy City Clerk