1954/06/15 City Hall, Anaheim,..~a~ifornia, ~June 15,.. 19~4~ 8;00 ~ The City CoUncil of the City df Anaheim met in adj~ourned regular session. PRESENT: COUNCILN~N: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. ABSPN/ : COUNCIL~N, ~-N0ne~'~ CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON /URNER:i Present. ~- - A$$I$IANT ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICR~R~ W. F. PRIDAY~ Present. PRANCe-'AV.F-NU~: ANN~XATION~ PurSuant %o Resoln~ioncNo. 242~ iduly pas%ed and adopted by ~he City Council, ~ay 25~ ~954~ and published ~ay 27th and J~ne 4th~ Public Hearing Was held on the p~opo~ed annexation known and designated a~s the Orange Avenue --'Annexatioh. -- The City Clerk submitted and read written protest to proposed annexation submitted by David L. A~mstro~. No one present at tRe meeting ob3ected to proposed annexation and the City Clerk filed-the following statement: ' .Q~C_AI~ _O_.F_._CI_T_y_~L~_RK_ OF TH!3. CITY OF A~__A~EI~ IN R~~NC~-' T0~ ~ -i Q~C~UENUE ANNF-XATION. WH~REAS~ on the 15th day of June~ 1954~ a Public Hearing was held by %he City Council of the City of: A~aheim %0 h~m all writteD protests theretofore filed objecting to the calling of a Special Election, for the annexation of ~erritory described in Resolutiocn Numb~w 2~23, to the City of AD. aheim, and WHHRt~AS~ at said Hearing there was one (1) writte~n letter of pro,est received coveriq~g one (1) parF~el of property made by ~the owners thereof of property within the 'terri~f~)ry ~9rop0~e~ for annexa%i~n~ NOW, THFJREF<)RE, I, L~F.$ F.. GRIFFITH, City Cle~ of~ t~be Ci~ty o~ Anaheim, hereby certify that I have ~ebked not less than 130 separate parcels of property within the prOposed Orange Aqenue Annexation~ as se% forth on the Assessor's Maps~ .... to_ Orange~County~ Catifo~nia~ cadd that these maps show_lng parcels_ as refe~red~ herein gte filed'in the-offide of ~he County ]%s~essor of O~r~ange ~._o~n~y~ as a ~art of that ~o-ffic~?'5 ~ermanent r4Oords~ and( - . _c /HAT IF FURTHt~R CHR?IFY there ~ere not less than ope-fourth qualified registered v6~ers ~esiding ~i%hin the territory signed a Reft%ion annexation~ as shown by the ~ounty Registration of Vo~e=~ of Ora99e County, said petition filed A~ril 27~ 195~t ~' IN WITNESS ~E~F~--I have hereunto set my hand and af~iyed %~e official seal of the Ci%y oi ~aheim %fits 15%h day of June~ 1954. ~- ,~: '-City Clemk of the City of Anaheim R~SOLUTION NO. 2438L Resolu$ion No. 2438 was read in fUi'i by the City Clerk, with the exception of-the "~eUal ~scription" of~ propez~ty in proposed_annexation which was waived '-~ moti<°~ by Cou~ilman Va~ Wagoner~,: s~nded by Counp~lmaq. Wisser ~and unanimously adopted. CounCilman Van ~go~ offered Resolution _No. 2438 ~Dd moved f~r its passage and adoption. Refer to Resotutidn Book; page ,. _ <~ ~ . . a CITY COUNCIn OF C LfNG A L CTIO ON T~ 16~ DAY..QF ~LY. 19~4. IN C~TAIN T~RITORY.:IN T~ ~UNTY OF OR,GE CO~I~OUS TO T~ CITY ~F ~I~ PRO~S~ ~ BE ~~ TO $aI~ cITY OF ~~IM PROVIDING FOR T~ HO~ING O~ ~CH ELECTION ~ ~BMITTING TO ~ ~L~TO~S~$IDING IN SUCH T~ITORY ~ ~ST]~N ~T~ ~GH ~RRtTORYcS~,B~.~~ T0~ I~ CORPORATED IN, AND MADE A Pi TERRITORY BE, AFTER SUCH'~AI~ WITHIN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM VALUATION~ OF ALL THE BONDF~ 27TH DAY OF APRIL, 1954~ OR · T OF SAID CITY OF ANAHEIM, AND TH~ PROPERTY IN SUCH ~XATION,'~ SUBJ~CI IO TAXATION BQUALLY WITH PROPERTY [0 PAY ITS PRO RATA PORTION~.BASED~UPON~ASSF-SS~D~ ~ ) INDEBTHDNESS OF SAID CITY OF ANA~IM 6UTSTI~DING ON THE TH~TOFOR~-'~AUTHQRIZIiD= D~-SCP~BING S~AIp /SqlRITORY AND DRSIGNAT!NG IT BY THE NA~ DF "ORANG~ AV-sNU.H...ANN~XATIO . F. SIABLISHING AN FLS~STION PRECINCT AND POLLING PLAG~ ~ S.~AID T~ITORY~ APPOINTING TH~ OFFICERS OF EL.~CTION FOR SAID SPF-CIAL RLF. CTION A'~ PROVIDING F(XR THF. ~/BLICATION OF NOTIG~'0F SU~GH ELECTION. 680 City H~ll,_ ~An. aheim, Call,or. miA, On ~rolt~ calk the foregoing resolution nas duly _passed and a?opted by following vote: AYES: COUNCIL~N: Pearson, ~ry, Schu~te, _Wisser and Van Wagone~, NOES: COUNCIL~N: None. ~ ABSEN/'. COUNCIL~IMN~ None. The ~ayor declared the~foregoin~ resolution duly passed and adopted. _ ~ - ~r. ~eda~is~inf~rmed the Counci~ !~a~ alt~water qsed in proposed annexation was from private wells~ that t~ere was no private in the area and no public u~ili~ies. F-5~5~25~ C. ~nald and Mary M. Hoover~ p~perty:at the ~orthwest corn~ of La Palina a~ Brookhurst, from R-A to ~2. ~blic Hearing was r~set to~Ju~y 13,~ ~9~4 Sohutte~ seconded by Councilman Fry. ~T!ON C~I~. CO~I~ ~BLIC ME~NG; F-5~20~ ~$~per%y located at 'th~ southwest corner of W. South St. and S. Los ~geles St. fr*m ~3 to ~1. ~ner: C. A. Zi~erma~. ~M. WAGN~ Ask~ ~a~ busin~ was ~o~s~d for 't~ propertY. ~EY ~:< ~ated 47 resi~nt~ of, the a~a ~ again~ the ~zon~9 and felt that was a very large ma3ority. ~ ~. ~A~LL-: S~ted w~n the ~Perty ~-purchase, 1 assured i% would no factories or sto~es th~. He a~ in the open and state what they proposed ~o put there. He further stated that for all they knew~ they could put a "Slaughter House" thfre. .. Z _ . - C - SOuth Los <~geles~,S%m~% would~'Ne~zone~ ~iness., buying property on a main %horofare and e~ec~ing further stated that the City allowed %his subdivision to go in %here and d~aged ~his property for ~y~hing except busimes~ ~i% could not be utilize~ for mutiPle units~ Thege is a~ fou~way signal stap ~re,. andcb~sigess p~er~yci~gdi:a%ely across the st~t to-th~NOrth. ~ c _ ~ .... ~__. -- ~. W~: Called ~ten~ion %o ~e ~t%iple Units down and stated there ~as plenty of room forc~l%~ple units o9 the property~ and oalled ~t~en~ion ~o ~he dangerous c~n~i~iBns that would~be'create~ ~nd 3e~pa~izing_~%~e health and safety of their children. N~{. OS/DICK: Again stated that_he was against the rezoning and would continue to fight to keep it "residential". ~JR.' LITTRELL: -$ta_ted there was a shoppian~ g __cerbt~_er ~oing in on Bal~ Rd. and -co~uldnlt see why it 'w~s neede~ all the way down Los Ange!es.-str~et.c _ ~AYOR PHARSON: Stated in his opinion, if the people had some knOwledge of what was proposed to go in there, it w~)uld be-~asier _to .oonsidecr the matter. N~. ZIN~~: Addressed the Council and called attention to ~the fact that this was the third time this property w~s up for relz ,~oqi~'n~[, a.~d. cthat one of the requests for rezoning was for a Supex Market, and they still turned it down. Discussion followed and COuncilman Schutte a.sk~ed %f the alley-had-to be opened up. City Hngineer recommended the alley be opened to service the area. RH$OLUTION .NO. 2439:_ Councilman Van W~g~ner offered ResOlution NO. 2439 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIIY OF ANAHE~I~ FINDING AND DE/1~2R~INING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE SHOULD NOT BF. GRANTED I~~ CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 SHOULD NOT BE .AN~~. ' ~ City Hall, .Anaheim, Ca~fgrm~i.a.~ June 15, 1954-,8:00 on roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote.' ~ , AYES: COUNC I LMEN: P. NOES: COUNCILMAN: S ABSENT: COU~NClLMEN:- N. The Mayor declared the ~arson, Fry, Wis~ser and~ Vain Wagoner' ;hutte. foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. · TFJ4TATIVE ~%P: TRACT NO. 2237: Subdivider: The Linde~Corporation. tocation: Property bounded by West Sycamor~ North Ct%rend:West Wilhelmina and North Palm Sts. 75 R-O lots. City Gouncil~ on motioh by Councilman Wisser~ seconded by Councilman Schutte accepted said.Ten%drive. Map of T~a~i. No~ 2~$7, subject to.engineering re~quirement$ and further 'that the three bedropm homes have a minimum of 1700 square feet~ and that the four bedroom homes to h~Ve a minimum of 1750 square feet, and further-sub- ject to recommendations.of the C~t¥ Planning Commissipn. MO/ION CARRIED. ·ESI ANAHEIM ANNEXAIIO~: The City Council received request for t~e Con~ent of the City CounCil to con, hence and cpn~uct proceedings for an annexation to the City de- signated as "West Anaheim Annexa~on", and on motion by Councilman Va9~ Wggoner, seconded byl Councilmanl Wisser~ s~id request was referred to the City Planning Commission for their recommendation. MOTION CARRIED. _ BUSINESS LICENSE~..APP~ICATION (Po~l Hall) Submi%ted by Clifford zam Zaw and Thomas $. Garrett (~ar~nership)for operatibn of pool hall at 122 No. Lemon Street. Chief~...of Police recorded ~he granting of the Business.-Lipense as~Ntr. Garrett has conducted the Anahe~ Pool Hall in a creditable manner and it was felt that as a co--owner, the place ~ld still be conducted in a satisfactory m~nner~ Application for Busies License was approved by the City Co~n¢il~ on motion by Councilman Fry~ Secon~ by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. APPLICATION FOR BUSINESS ~ICENSI~: Walte~ Jackson Hammond for the operation of State Industrial Private Patrol withid the City of Anaheim, referred to Chief of Police for recommendation. The Application was approved by the City Council~ however the Council considered it advisable to refe~ it to the Chief of Police for his recommendation. ORA~..GE COI~TY SANI!~TION DISIRI-GTS submitted copies of their Resolutions adopted by ~he Boards of Directors of Coun~ Sanitation Districts Nos. 1~ 2, 3~ ~ 6, 7 and 1~, numbered 380-1~ 380-2, 380-3~ 3~0-5~ 380-6~ 380-7 and 380-11, finding and determining that the Districts have compliedwith the terms of the A~reement of Sale and Purchase dated December 12~ 1951~ and reqUesting the Sellers to convey title and possession of the Joint Outfall Sewer Sectionil, excepting title to Districts Nos. 2~ 3 and 7~ at a date not later than July 1~ 1954. On motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Schutte~ said Resolutions were ordered submitted to the E~ecutive ~ommittee of the Joint Ouifall Sewer for their action~ and the City Attorney was instructed to prepare a Resolution authorizing the City of Anaheim to make the transfer. MOTION CARRIED. INSURANCE: MOTHFaR COLONY HOUS.E~ Fire insurance expired N~y 21, 1954 and renewal of insurance was referred to the M~ther Colony House Committee for recommendation. BONDS~ Globe Indemity Co. Bond!No. 122777 in the amount of $500.00 for June 16 to 20~ inclusive from Frank W. BabCock United Shows, and Plumbers~ Bonds for Kennedy Pipe and Supply Company and M. ~. Nottingham Company of Whittier, were approved by the City Council and ordered received and filed when approved by the City Attorney on motion by Councilman Van WagOner, seconded by Councilman Fry. NDTION CARRIED. V. C. K. CONSTRUCTION GO. On r~¢ommendation of the City Attorney~ Councilman Wisser offered RESOLUTION NO. 2440,andlmoved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution B~k~ page City Hal. l, .Anaheim, Califor~ia~i~une: 15, 11954 - ~O0 P~.M. ~ . A RESOLUTION OF /HE CITY CouNCIL OF THE- Ci-TY:OF ANAHEIM .AWTHORIZING AND.APPROVING A COMPROMISE SE~LE~ENT OF THE ACTION INStiTUTED BY V. C. K. CONSTRUCTION COMPAN~.. AGAINST THE CITIES AND SANIIARY DISIRIClSI. OF THE ORANGE COUNTY JOINT OUTFALL SEWER UNDER DOCKET NO. 59323. ($2,500.00) ~ ~ ' On roll call the foregoing resolution Was duly passed and adopted by the following vo~e: AYES: COUNCILMEN~ Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN:~ None. - ABSENT: C~UNC~LMEN: None ~ ~ ~- ~ The Mayor declared ~he foregoin~ resolution duly passed and adopted. . ~Schut~e~l seconded by Councilman ~i. sser, $50;O0 P~EF~ND~ · On ~mo%ion ::by Coenci lmah ~' ~ ~efund %o--Mr.:C. A. Zimmermann was autho~!ze~. MOTIONCCARRIED.~ ~ DRDINANCE NO~ 910; Councilman Van WagonS, offered Ordinance No. 910~ as correcte~ for first reading~ and moved for its pas~ge and adoption. AN-ORDINANCE OF TH~ CITY GOUNCIL OF THE C THE PR~~:: OF-SELLING, A LICENSE TAX GONSU~NG~ TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY WIT~ ARTICLE II OF THE ~EIM MUNICIPAL CODE THERS/JNDHR PARTS 1 TO 5 INCLUSIVE SF~TIO~ TO ~651.9. INCLUSIVE, $~CTIONS ~65~ TO 2654 TO 2654.~::INGLUSIVE. :ZTY OF ANAHEIM IMPOSING A LICENBE~.TAX FOR FOR tHE PRIV-ILE<~ OF USING, ~OR OIHERWISE ~ [~N TME CITY QF'-ANAHEIM'.-A~D AMENDIN~ ,- , c BY ADDING THERETO CMAPTER VIII AND_INCLUDING M 2650 TO 2650.6 INCLUSIVE~ SECTIONS 2651 12.2 ~LUSIVE, SECTION 265~, AND .SECTIONS _, 'i i j :ConncilmRR~ Van Wagoner moved ta adjourn~ Councilman Wisser~seconded the motion. MOTION-CARRIED.