1954/07/13City Hall.1 Anaheiml C~%ifornia~ July 13, 1954 - 8:00 P.M. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT; COUNCIL~N: Pearson,~ '~Fry~ $chutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. ABSENT : CouIqcI Ig~N: None. CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON TURNER: Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, KEI~TI-I A. MIJRDOCI-I: Present. ~ The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held June 22, 1954 and Adjourned Regular Meetings held June 24th, 11:00 ~'M., June 28th, 11:00 A.M. and July 2nd, 11:00 were approved on motion by Coundilman Van Wagoner~ seconded by Councilman Wisser. MO/ION CARRIED. WARRANTS AND DEPg~NI)S: Councilm~n Van Wagoner reported demands against the city amounting to $172,391.58. CounCilman Wisser moved that report of Finance Committee be accepted and that warrants b~.drawn upon the Treasurer to pay said demands in accordance with report. Councilman Schutte seconded %he motion. MOTION CARRIED. ,.RESOLUTION NO. 2450: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2450 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution B~ek, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCI$ OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CREATING A SPECIAL FUND FOR THE ACQUISITION OF PARK SITES, ~LAYGROUND$ AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES IN SUBDIVISIONS APPROVED WITHIN THE CITY OR ANNEXED TO THE CITY ON AND AFTER Nt~RCH 1, 19549 AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION 'NO. 2383. i ($25.00 per lot). On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCII~N: NOES: COUNCIIJ~N: ABSENT: COUNCIL~N: Pearson, Fry, $chutte~ Wisser and Van Wagoner. None. None. The ~ayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ~RESOLUTION NO. 2451: Councilma~Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2451 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution BOok, page A R~SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT CERTAIN CHARGES FOR PUBLICi SERVICES RENDERED BY THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ARE DELIN- QUENT AND DECLARING THEM TO BE ~ENS UPON REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY TH~ PERSON TO WHOM SUCH SERVICES WERE RENDERED, AN~ PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF AT THE S/k~E TIME AND IN THE S/U~E Nt~NNER AS ~LL TAXES ON REAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY, .AND AUTHORIZ- ING THE COUNTY AUDITOR TO PLACE SUCH CHARGES UPON THE TAX ROLLS AND TO COLLECT THE SAME WITH THE TAXES UPON SAID PROPERTY. (E. B. Quigley, 214 N. Manchester, $86.45) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIIJ~N: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCIL~N: None. ABSENT: COUNCII~N: None. The Mayor declared th~ foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2~52: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2452 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution ~ok, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIiL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT CONV~YING TO TH~ CITY OF ANAHE~ CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR STREET WIDENING PURPOSES. (3. Ralph ~ 3oann L. CAlf)WELL) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly pa.ssed and adopted by the following vote: AYES; COUNCIIJ~EN: Pearson~ Fry~ $chutte~ Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCIIJ~N: None. ABSENT: COUNCIIJ~EN: None. City Hall, Anaheim, California!,[ijuly 13, 1954 - 8:00 The Mayor declared the foregoii~ resolution duly passed and adopted. R~gQLI~ION NO. 2~53: Councilman Van WagOner offered Resolution No. 2453 and moved for its passage and adoption. ~ Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLIfflON OF TH5 CITY COUNCIL OF THE q~ly OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONV~YiNG TO TH~ CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN~AL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEN~NT FOR STREET WIDENING PURPOSES. (Edwin E. and Ruth B.i!HEACOCK) On roll call the foregoing resalution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL~N: Pearson, !Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCIIJ~N: None. ABSENT: COUNCIIJ~N: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLIIrION NO. 2454: Councilman Van Wagq~er offered Resolution No. 2454 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page ~ A RESOLUTION OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF ,THE GITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEN~N/ FOR STREET AND UTILITY PURPOSES. (Herbert E. and EiSa K. KRU~G~R) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: · AYES: COUNCIIJ~N: Pearson, Fry, Schutte~ Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCIL~N: None. ABSENT: COUNCIIJ~N: None. The Mayor declared the foregoiN~ resolution duly passed and adopted. R~SOLUTION NO. 2455: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2455 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to resolution book, page ~ ~f A RESOnlrfION OF TH5 CITY COUNCIL OF THE Gi/Y OF ANAHE IM ACCEPTING A__GRANT pEHD CO ¥ NS AN ( i ha d · On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILN~N: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCIIJ~N: None. ABSENT: COUNCIIJV~N: None. The Mayor declared the foregoiB~ resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLIrrION NO. 2456: Councilman Van Wage,er offered Resolution No. 2456 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page .... A R~SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A ~RANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN"REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEN~NT FOR STREET AND UTILITY PURPOSES. (Joe Y. and Vera ~NDEZ) On roll call the foregoin9 res~iution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCII~N: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILN~N: None. ABSENT: COUNCIIJ~HN: None. ~ The Mayor declared the foregoin$ resolution duly passed and adopted. 697 City Hail, Anaheim~ Ca~fornia~ July 13, 1954- 8:00 P.M. ' i RESOLUTION NO. 2457.: Councilmani ~;an Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2457 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution BoOk~ page A RESOLU/ION OF THH CITY COUNCI~ OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR STREET WIDENING PURPOSES. (William and~l Emma CLASEN) On roll call the foregDing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson~ R=ry~ Schutte~ Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILNMN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared th~ foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2458: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2458 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution B~ok~ page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCI~ OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED WIDENING PURPO$~-S. (Chris W. a~d Henrietta ~.. HEINHCKE) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by %he following vote: -AYES: COUNCII~N: !Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: iNone. ABSENT: COUNC I I~N: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. .RESOLUTION NO. 2~59.. Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No- 2459 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution B~ok~ page A RESOLIffION OF IHE CITY COUNCI~ OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED. CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEI~ CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN 'EAS~-MENT FOR STREET WIDENING PURPOSES. (James A. and Vera R. AUES/) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN; NOES: COUNC I LMEN: ABSENT: COUNC I LM~ N: pearson~ Fry~ $chutte~ Wisser and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2460: Councilmam Van Wagoner offered Resolution NO. 2460 land mOged {or its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution B~ok~ page "~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIl!OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO IHE CITY OF ANAHEI~iCERTAIN REAL PROPER/Y FOR AN EASEMEN/ FOR STREET WIDENING PURPOSES. (A. B. C. and Minnie T. DUBACH) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed'and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNC I LMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. 698 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California,! !J~ly 13~ 1954- 8:00 P..~.M. RESOLUTION NO. 2461: Councilman Van Wag~er offered Resolution No. 2461 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page,i A RESOLU/ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE Q~/Y OF ANAHEIM ACCEPT. lNG A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN !REAL PROPERTY FOR AN ~-A-~E~E~ ~-~ ~-REET WIDENING PURPOSES. (Harold E. CLASEN) il On roll call the foregoing reSd~ution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson,~iFry, $chutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSEN/: COUNCILNMN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLU/ION NO. 2462: Councilman Van Wagdne~ offered Resolution No. 2462 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page~, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE G.!TY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEEQ CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN IREAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR STREET WIDENING PURPOSES. (Albert E. and Helen F. MILLER) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIIJ~N: Pearson, iFfy, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCII3~HN: None. ABSENT: COUNCIIJ~HN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2463: Councilman Van Wag~]ler offered Resolution No. 2463 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C~TY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED Co ¥ NS zo Amm -AS - NZ WIDENING PURPOSES. (Raymond E. and Wand~]R. MILLER) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2464: Councilman Van WagONer offered Resolution No. 2464 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLU/ION OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN ~EAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR STREET WIDENING PURPOSES. (Edward W. and Helen ~' CLASEN) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILN~N: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCIIJV~N: None. ABSENT: COUNCILNb~N: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution"duly passed and adOpt'ed. 699 City Hall, Anaheim, Ca,~tfornia, .July.. 13,...1954.,- 8:00 P.~M. . RESOLUTION NO. 2~65: CouncilmaniVan Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2465 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution BoPk~ page A RESOLIIflON OF THE CITY COUNCILi OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIMi CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASENMNT FOR STREET . D NI O . C. On roll call the foregDing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: i ~ AYES: COUNCI IA~N: NOES: COUNCI L~N: ABSENT: COUNCI L~N: The Mayor declared the SESOLUTION NO,. 2466: Counciiman for its passage and adoption. ?earson~ Fry~ Schutte~ Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOne. NOne. foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2466 and moved Refer to Resolution Bopk, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCI~ OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT.DEED. CONVEYING IO IHE CI/Y OF ANAHHI~ CERIAIN REAL PROPER/Y FOR AN EASENMMI FOR STREET WIDENING PURPOSES. (Amo~ ~. and Olivia L. ROBERTSON) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by {he following vote: AYES: COUNCIIJ~N: Piearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCIL~N: None. ABSENT: COUNCIIA~N: 'None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2467: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2467 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Bqok, page A RESOLU/ION OF IHE CI/Y COUNCI~ OF /HE CIIY OF ANAHEIM AUIHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A QUITCLAIM DE~q R~NklSING, RELEASING AND QUITCLAIMING ALL OF THE RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST OF TH~ iCITY OF ANAHEIM UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A REVERS- IONARY CLAUSE CONTAINED IN A DE~D OF CONVEYANCE OF PROPERTY TO 3AN~S S. BEATTIE AND EMI LY BEATTIE, HUSBAND AND ~IF5. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: i AYES: COUNCILN~N: !Pearson~ Fry~ $chutte~ Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCIIA~N: !None. ABS£NT: COUNCILN~N: iNone. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RHSOLUIION NO. 2468; Councilma~ Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2468 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution B$~k, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCI~ OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 2345. (2~45 ..rescinded Resolutl.~9 No. 2157. Resolution No. 2157 originally opposing the application of the PACIF~'C $~LEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CON, ANY for an increase in rates. ) : , On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL~N: Pearson~ Fry~ Sohutte~ Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCI IA~N: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. · City Hall, Anaheim~ Californi~i.July 13, 1954.- 8:00 P,M. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING: Pursuant to ORDINANCE NOb 909~ on proposed adoption of portions of the California Revenue and Taxation Code~iknown as the SALES AND USE TAX LAW was ' , held. : The Administrative Officer gav~l a resume of the requimements of the city. Briefly~ $160~000.00 needed for minimum Street work of which $60~000.00 to be met by Subdividers; $490,000.00 for minimumi.~a%er mains, of which all but $284,000.00 to be met and paid for by $ubdividers~' ~16~000.00 for sewer requirements, of which the city's share is estimated to b~ approximately $200,000.00. 1953~ there were 1,200 homes cbhstruc%ed~ bringing approximately 4,000 additional people in the city. In 1954 ~% was estimated a total of 3,000 homes would be constructed~ or 10,000 additionRil people:'in the town. Approximately $14,000,000.00 in building permits have ~en issued the first six months of this year. It is estimated, for every'l,OOOi~rsons~ one patrolman-a.nd one fireman is required. This brings the need for a~itional Fire Halls, which cost upwards of $30~000.00, not including needed rotl~hg stOck and manpower~ for which salaries would run $32,000.00 per year alone. Discussion followed of other .m~a, ns of raising revenUe,, by bonds, or sales tax and bonds, (the revenue from t~ sales tax to retire the bonds)~ the cost of administration and the possible~p.loyment of-one additional ctemicai person~ the possible limitation of tax ~ a specific number of years. The audience was advised that if the Council imposed ~i sales tax, it would be in the power of this~ or any new Council to change, or d[iscontinue it at any time. This PUBLIC HEARING was orderedi continued on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING: PARKING: Pursuant to Ciity Planning Commission Resolution No. 78, Public Hearing was held on the proposed change toSection 9200.14 A.'USE-2. PARK- ING REQUIREMENTS - (e) CHURCHES, PLACES O~ ASSEN~LY, HIGH SCHOOLS AND UNIVERSITIES. Changing the Section to read: "One spac~ per each ten (10) seats, except for those presently established on the date of the passage of this code change". After discussion, it was considered the change should read as follows: "One space per each 10 seats, except for !those regularly established churches in existing buildings on the date of the pasisage of this code change''. On one present at the meeting~ !objected to proposed change. RESOLUTION NO. 246~:. Councilman Schutte!.ioffered Resolution No. 2469 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAI SECTION 9200.14 OF IHE ANAHEIM NR3NI~IPAL CODE RELATING IO PARKING REQUIRE- MENT~q SHOULD BE ~NDED. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by ihe following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, ~ry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCIIA~N: None. ABSENT: COUNCI IJV~N: None. .- The N~3yor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING: F-53-54-25: C. Donald ~d Mary M. HOOVER, The Northwest corner of La Palma and B~o~khurst~ from R-A to ~2 and C-l, approXimatelY three 'acres. City Planning Commission, purs~nt to their Resolution No. 72 recommended said change in zone, subject to: 1. The Applicant's statement ~at no buildings will be erected on that portion of the property proposed to be a~uired by the California Division of High- ways. 2. That a lO-foot strip along! BrookhurS. t Street be deeded to the City of Anaheim for street widening purposes. City Hall~ Anaheim, Ca~$fornia, July 13~ 1954 - 8:00 P.M. 3. That the easterly,S?5 feet along West La Palma Avenue be classified as C-2, GENERAL CONB4ERCIAL~ and ~hat the balance to the west consisting of 411 feet, more or less, be classified as C+i, NEIGHBORHOOD CONB4ERCIAL. ,R~.SOLUTION NO. 2470: Councilman~ Schutte offered Resolution No. 2470 and moved for its passage and adoption. ! Refer to Resolution B°~k, page A RESOLUIION OF THE CITY COUNCILj OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF Z05~ IS NECESSARY INi CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE IX, 2 cop . s,oum ACCO . SH SA P zONe. -- _c.p.c. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCII~N: pearson, Fry, $chutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCIIJVEN: None. The Mayor declared the! foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING: VARIANCE NO. 23~,: Public Hearing on petition submitted by Paul L. and Edna May Williamson, to ere~i two duplex dwellings at 1941 East Center $treet~ now zoned R-A, was continued,to hex% meeting for the presentation to the Council of proposed plans, motion by Counci~an $chutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MO/ION CARRIED. : ~UBLIC HEARING: NUtSTER PLAN OF ~REETS AND HIGHWAYS was continuedt° jUly 27, 1954 on motion by Councilman Fry, secbnded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. /RA~T NO. 2296: ~Pn~olidated Builders Inc,~, North of CrescentAvenue JENTATIVE easterly from 'Tr'ac% No. 2118 whibh i~ located at the northeast corner of Gilbert Street and Crescent Avenue. 99 !liots. City Planning Commission recommended acceptance of said tentative map, subject to: . ~:~ 1. The dedication to ithe City of Anaheim of 15 feet along the north side of Crescent Avenue for widening.ii , 2. The payment of $25.:00 per lot for the acquisition of Park and Recreation Sites. 3. Proper drainage. " 4. Engineering requirements. On motion by Councilma~ Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman $chutte, the City Council approved said Tent~Bive Map, subject to conditions as recommended by the City Planning Commission, and i~ addition that the minimum floor area be 1150 square feet. MOTION CARRIED. The Gentleman representating the Consolidated Builders asked what protection they~ as builders~ would have i~ they bound themselves to a minimum,.of 1150 square feet~ would the surrounding area have i~he same res%ri.orion. He ~idnot object %0 %he specified area o~ {he homes, 1~ he coul~ ~e as~ure~ o{her §u5dividers would no{ 5e allowed 1o build a smaller home and thereby eliminate his competition. After further discuss~Qn, on motion by Councilman $chutte, seconded by _Councilman Van Wagoner, the Coudcil rescinded their approval of Tentative Map of tact No. 2296 to allow furtheri~ime to work out.-the problem 'of house-areas. This action was agreeable with the r~presentative of the Consolidated Builders. MOTION J CARRIED. TENTATIVE .N~P~ TRACT NO. 2259:~ ~Barclay Development Go. Loc'ated near the southeast corner of E. Vermont Ave. and S~Uth East St. 95 lots. Subdivider presented p~oposed plans. City Planning Commission recommended the acceptance of said Tentative Map subject to the following conditions: 702 City Hallt Anaheimt Californi~ July 13~ 19~4 - 8zOO P.M. 1. The southerly street of sai~ Tract running east and west to be increased to 60 feet. .~ 2. The payment of $25.00 per[bt for the acquisition of park and recreation sites. 3. Engineering requirements.~ Councilman Schutte moved to approve said Tentative Map, subject to said conditions as recommended by the City Pl$Oning Commission, and subject further to 1135 square foot minimum house area. CO~gcilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. T£NTATIV£ MAP~ TRACT N0, 2260.$ Barclay~velopment Go. Located at the northeast corner of South Hast Street and Ball Ro~ 263 lots. City Planning Commission approved said Tentative Map, subject to the follow- ing conditions; 1. The dedication to the City!~f Anaheim of 20 feet along Ball Road for future street widening. 2. The erection of a 5-foot s~id masonry wall along Ball Road. 3. A. 5-foot easement to Ball! Road from the Cul-de-Sac Streets. 4. The payment of $25.00 perI t6t for the acquisition of Park and Recreat- ion sites. 5. Engineering requirements. 6. Completion of annexation p~ceedings to the City of Anaheim. Councilman Van Wagoner moved t~iapprove said Tentative Map, subject to conditions as recommended by the City Plahning Commission, and subject to 1135 square foot minimum house area. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. IENT~IIVE MAP, TRACT NO, 2152: Subdivider, Pioneer Land Co. Located just north of Damon Avenue along the west side of Waln~ Street. 85 lots. Lots along Walnut Street to be used for Multiple Family D~[lings, and lots on the rear one-half of the property to be built as single familY!dwellings. City Planning Commission recommendations were presented, and action was ordered withheld pending presentation of Plans, motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. ~IMNTATIVE ~5~P: TRACT NO. 2082~ Subdivider, Realty Engineering Co. Located on W. La Palma Ave., just easterly of Tract No. 2258. 185 lots. City Planning Commission recommended acceptance of said Tentative Map, subject to the following conditions: 1. The street at the west end 9f said Tract running north and south is shown as 54 feet in width. This must be increased to 60 feet and the Subdivider of this Tract and of Tract No. 2258 must ~ach give an additional three fee~. 2. The payment of $25.00 per lot for the acquisition of Park and Recreation sites. 3. Engineering requirements. . City Council approved said Tentative Map, subject to conditions as re- commended by the City Planning Commissie~iand subject tO engineering and plans~ on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded byt¢ouncitman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. MAGNOLIA-CRESCENT ACRES: Located Magnolta and Dale Avenues north of Crescent Avenue and contains' 4~ lots. Subdivider: ConSOlidated Builders, Inc. Action was withheld on Tentative Map of Magnolia Creaeent-Acres pending further information. .ClIY$ LHGAL ADVERTISING: The Administrative Officer recommended the rejection of all bids for the cityJs legal advertising, and the republication and call for new bids to be opened July 27, I954. New call for bids was so ordered, on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilmam Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. (BIDS 7-27-54) F-53-54-26: Killion~ Doyle snd Shields'i~nn_ Property at the Northeast corner of Ball ROad and Euclid Avenue, be reclassified from R-A to C-2. Public Hearing was ordered to Be held August 10, 1954 on motion by 703 City Hall, Anaheim,.~ifornia, July 13, 1954.- 8:00 P.M. Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded iby Councilman Wisse~. MO/ION CARRIED. F-53-54-27: Instituted by City Planning Commission zoning property in the Loara Annexation to various classlfi¢~ions. Action on this reclas~fication was withheld pending further study and investigation, i' F-53-54-30: City:PlAnning CommiSsion~ Zoning property in various zone classifications in the Git'her"{ Street Annexatio~ pursuant to their resolUtion No. 83. City Council ordered P~LIC HEARING to be held August 10, 1954, on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded ~ Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED, ;-5.%-5~-21: R. and W. Construc~On Co. Property at the Northeast corner of Brookhurst and La Palma Avenue, from R-A to!l C-l, pursuant to City Planning Commission Resolution 1954-55-5. 'i City Council ordered P~LIC HEARING to be held August 10, 1954, on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ~ARIANCES: The following variances were submitted to the City Council for their information: No. 235: Virgil H., Walter R. add Persis WARD, erection of buildings for the establishment of General Nursery! and LandsCaping Business at 2019 East Center Street. Pursuant to City Plannlng Commission Resolution No. 84. Variance granted. ~o~ 23~: Clayton J. Blue~ for aflditional dwelling on front of lot at 203 E. South St. Pursuant to City Planning Commission Resolution No. 85. Variance was granted for a 2-bedroom residenc~, only. No. 237. Louis O. and Marilyn 3!~ PALM. Permission to cut parcel of land into three ~x~~ tots. Property north o~i Lincoln Ave. on Gilbert Street. Pursuant to City Planning Commission, Variance was granted~ subject to conditions as outlined in their Resolution No. 1, Series 1954-55. ' ~ Carl M. Buck Co. Property in Tracts Nos. 1993 and 1999 (Euclid Ave. and Romneya Drive) requests waiver oi rear yard depths. Granted by City Plannthg commission,pursuant to their Resolution No. 2 (i954-55). No. 239: C. Louise Truxaw, permission to erect a Woman's Clubhouse on property located at the northeast corner ~f W. Vermont Ave. and So. Lemon St. Conditional Variance was granted by the City Planning Co~gnission, pursuant, to their Resolution No. 3, (195~55). RESOL~IQN NO, 247t; CouncilmanlWisser offered Resolution No. 2471 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution BoDk, pa.ge RESOLUTION O[ IHE CITY COUNCIL Ol= IHE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING NENDRANDUM OF ' AGREEMENT FOR EXPENDITURE OF GASi ~AX ALLOCATION FOR MAJOR CITY STREETS. On roll call the foregbing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote; i AYES: COUNCIIJ~EN: ~earson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN~ NOne. ABSEN/: COUNCIIJVEN: ~One. i The Mayor declared thei!foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2472:_ CouncilmaniVan Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2472.and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution BoOk, page City Hall, Anaheim, Californi!~,I July 13~ 1954 - 8:00 P.M. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE Cindy OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AMENDMENT NUMBER 2 TO THE AGREEMENT FOR ~AINTENANCE OF STg~HIGHWAY IN THE CITY OF ~~. On roll call the foregoing reSOlution was duly passed and adopted by the followin9 vote: AYES: COUNCIL~N: Pearson~ Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCIL~N: None. /he Mayor declared the forego~g resolutiOn duly passed and adopted. ~ON~L~IION OF JOB NO. 1006: City Engi~e~r~l~c George E. Holyoke certified the com- pletion of 3ob No. 1006~ by Contractor N M. Guho and recommended the acceptance of said work. .RESOLUIION NO. 2473: Councilman Van WagOner offered Resolution No. 2473 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book~ pag~ OF THE~ITY OF ANAHHIM FINALLY ACCEPTING_THH A RESOLUTION OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL COMPLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL P~T, LABOR, SERVICES, N~THRIALS EQUIP- ~HNT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORIATI .GN INCLUDING POWER, FUHL kND WA/ER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK N~CESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND CO~PLHTE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC I~- PROVEMHNT: BROADWAY SEWER IMPROVEMENT, ~OM LOARA STREET IO EUULID AVENUE, JOB ~NO. 1006.. On roll call the foregoing re~lution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson,~iFry, Schutte~ Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: GOUNGILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoi~ resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO, 247~j Councilman Wisser Offered Resolution No. 2474 and moved for its passage and adoption. ,. '~ Refer to ResOlution Book~' pag~eI · A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHHIM FINDING AND DE/HRMINING THAI II IS NHCESS~RY YO PURCHASE LIQUI[~ ~HLORINH. FOR USE BY THE ORANGE COUNTY 30INT OUTFALL SEWER IN THE HANDLING OF SEWAGH,! AND AUTHORIZING THE PUBLICATION OF. A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS THHREP~. (Open bids Z'JuI~ 27, 1964) July 27~ 1954 On roll call the foregoing re~lution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCIL~N: None. ABSENT: COUNCIL~N: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. APPLICATION FOR BUSINESS LICENSE: Submitted by Jack S. S%earman for PRIVATH PATROL OPERATOR, business office ~ 508 ~. Spadra Rd., Fullerton, California. Said application was reviewed ~ the Chief of Police, who reported they were bonded and that if license was granted, they would be fingerprinted later. Said application was referred ~ the City Administrative Officer. P~SOLUTION, DIVISION OF MIGMWAYE~ ResolUtion passed by the California Highway Commission at its meeting held in Sacyam~to on June 23, 1954, adopting the route for a portion of State Highway ~n~os Angeles and Orange Counties~ between Palo Verde Avenue and Route 174, road VI~bL.A;Pra-175-B;C,BPk, Ana, was submitted and read and ordered Received and fzled ~ motion by Councilman Van Wagoner~ seconded by Councilman Wisser. NDTION C~RIHD. 7O5 City Hall~.. Anaheim, Ca~%fornia,, .Ju.ly 13, 1954 r 8:00 p~TITION.. ~petition submitted by,residents on the East side of Los Angeles Street between'Ball Road and Vermont (18) requests that t-heir p~'b~rties be considere~ for future commercial zoning. Said Detition was received and held over for consideration. MINUTES OF J.O.S. EXECUTIVE CON~I~ITEE MEETINGS held May 10, 1954 and July 1~ 1954 were submitted~ read and ordered!received and filed on motion by Councilman Wisser seconded by Councilman Van Wagon~. MOTION CARRIED. PERSONNEL: .Chief o£ Police appointed Mrs. Lucille Mgrgaret Dierst~ Secretary-Matron (Grade 20, D). Said appointmentiWas ratified by the City CoUnCil on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner; seconded thy Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. PERSONNEL:, Administrative Officer reported Other new personnel to be: Velva 3. BROOKMAN, G-I~A William L. JOERGER~ G-20-A Andrew W. STENGSR, G-22-A Earl R. LONG~ C--27-B Said appointments were~approved by the City Council, motioned by Councilman Wisser~ seconded by Councilman Sdhutte. MOTION CARRIED. DJ.~IVEWAY PERMIT: The Firestone ~ire and Rubber Co. requested permission to construct a maximum' ~¥ '~ncre%e approach {o their new store location at 400 W. Center Street, said request was granted on moti~.n by Councilman $chutte, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF SANTA ANA RESOLUTIO~ 5z~- .02 declaring the City of Santa Ana no longer ~ntra'cting agent for Orange Uou~y Joint Outfall Sewer, and certified copy of Agreement~ dated December 1~ 194z together with Resolution No. 5049 regarding charge now paid by the Wastg.W~tgr Disp .~al_~Company w.~$_su~tted and .ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Wi ~ser, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. ABANDONMENT: Pursuant to Ordinar~e No. 881~ RESOLUTION NO. 2475 was submit ted..by~ Councilman Wiser who moved for .ts passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution BoOk, page A SO .OZ ON CIZ¥ CO C t C Z¥ VACAnO AN A OSS Am A .oNO HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY. (Nutwood) .' ' ~? On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: 9earson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: ~One. ABSENT: COUNCILN~N: ~One. Ihe Mayor declared theiforegoing resolution duly passed and adopted. O~DINANCE NO. ~0~ NOTE~ PubliC:Hearing held t~is evening and continued. 2nd reading of Ordinance withheld pending completion of Public Hearing. O_RDINANCE NO. 910: NOTE: Second reading withheld pending'completion of pUblic Hearing on Ordina"nde"~o. 909. OPnlNANCS~NO~__gjj~.Councilman Vin Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 91i and movea for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Boo~, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAH~i~ AMENDING AR/ICLE VIII, CHAPTER 5 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING THERETO~$ECTIONS 8500.17 TO 8500.39, BOTH INCLUSIVE. (House moving) On roll call the foreg( following vote-: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES .. COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN ~ ~tng Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the )earson~ Fry, $chutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. lone. lone. The Mayor declared the foregoing ordinance duly passed and adopted. ' City Hall, Anaheimt Californi~ ORDINANCE __NO. 912: Councilman Schutte c~fered Ordinance No. 912 and moved for its --. passage and ,adoption. ', Refer to Ordinance Book, page~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM A~ING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTFR 2 OF TH~ ANAH~-IM ~ICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE FSTABLIS~NF-NT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHF~IM AND THEREIN R~GULATING TH5 USE OF LAND, H~I~HT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES: ADOPTING A N~P SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES: DEFINING IH5 TERN~ USED THEREIN: PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTN~NT, AN~NDN~NT AND ~NFORCEq~NT: PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIO- LATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PA~S OF SECTIONS. IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. _(F-53-54-22; Res. 2436-A. C.P.C. Res. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILN~N: Pearson,, ~ry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNC I LN~ N: Non e. · ~ ABSENT: COUNCILN~N.. None. ~ ' The Mayor declared the foregolh~ Ordinance duly passed and adopted. ©RDINA~]CE NO. 913t Councilman Schutte. o~ered Ordinance No. 913 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, page ~ .~.~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIB AN~NG ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHF~IM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO TH~ ESTABLIS _~NT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF AN.AHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEI~ OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES. ADOPTING A ~ SHOWING TH~ BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONe, ~: DEFINING THE TER~S USED THEREIN: PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTN~NT, ANENDN~NT AND ~NFORCE~NT: PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIO- LATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PAR~S OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT TF~R£WITH. (F-53-54-23, Res. 2437-A, C.P.C. Res.69) On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: ~ · . AYES: COUNCIIJ~N: Pearson~-~ry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILN~N: None-. The ~ayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 899: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 899, as corrected, ~6r first reading, and moved for its passage and-adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF TH~ CITY OF ANAHEI~ ADOPt%NC A CONPREHENSIV~ FIRE PREVENTION CODE ENTITLED,"~IRE PREVENTION CODE, 19D3 EDITION OF THE NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDER- WRITERS O~ ~-~R~ ~ ~ K--~--'~ ~ DE$i~ATED ~A$ TH~ ANAHEI~ FIRE PP~V~NTION CODE AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANC~ OR PARTS OF~0RDINANCES IN CONFLICT WITH SAID COD~. ..(Public Hearing, Auuust 10~ 195~) WAIVER: Waiver on sidewalk provisions in Tract No. 2377 was qranted by the City Council, on motion by Councilman Schutte~seconded by Councilman Wisser. NDTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS~ RECREATION CON~4ISSION; Held over. QISNE.yLA~ ANNEXATION: RESOLUTION NO. ~.~6: Councilman $chutte offered Resolution No. 2476 and moved for its passage and a~Ption. Refer to Resolution Book, page ~ A RESOLUTION OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE i~kTY OF ANAHF. IM ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF . COPY OF NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CIRCULA/5 ~ PETITION RELATING TO TH~ ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO TH~ CITY OF ANAHEIM AND AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION THEREOF, AND APPROV- ING THE CIRCULATION OF SAID ~PE/ITION. ~! On roll call the foregoing reselution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: 707 . ~ City Hall, Anaheim,.~Dlifornia, July 13, 1954 - 8:00 P.M. AYES: COUNCILMKN:i Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Winner and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN:!, None. ABSENT: COUNCILMKN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ANNEXATION; WKST ANA~IM ANN~ATIO~: On the recommendation of the County Boundary ~ommission, an additional call]was incorporated within the legal description of the proposed territory to be annexed luther clarifying the intended boundaries, and RESOLUTION NO. 2477: Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2477 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CONSENTING TO THE COJV~IENCEN~NT oF PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ANNF XAT ON OF INHABI D TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ANA IM R~ESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 2445; On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYB$: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNC I LM~N ~ ABSENT: COUNC I LMEN: Pearson,' Fry, Schutte, Winner and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted ~ESOLUTION NO. 2478: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2478 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution:Book, page A R~SOLUTION OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT /HE PURCHASE OF STEEL AND iGONCRETE PIPE AND FITTINGS IS N~CESSARY FOR TH~ WATER DEPARTN~NT~ AND FIXING T~ SPECIFICATION THEREOF, AND DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE INVITING BIDS FOR TH~ FURNISHING OF SAID PIPE ~ FITTINGS. (Bids to be opened August'lO~ ~954) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILM~N: Pearson, Fry, Schutte~ Winner and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILM~N: None. The Mayor declared th~ foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. Councilman Schutte mdVed to adjourn to Friday, July 23, 1954, 1~ A.M. ~~~ to receive petition and the adoP%ion of Resolution of Intention to call a Special Election in the proposed Disney~and Annexation~ and to transact any other business that may be before the Council.i Motion seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGN[D City Clerk