1954/08/13City H~ll. Anahe_im., .... Ca. li.forn~a._Auqust 13, 1954.- 10:00 jk. M. The City Council of the City PRESENT.' COUNCI[~N: Pearson, Fry, S¢ ABSENT : COUNCI_LJJ~.~N:, NOne. CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON TURNER: Present CITY ADN[[NISTRATIVE OFFICER, KEITH A. ~ N~yor Pearson stated this wa~ protests filed against the DisDeyl.and determining the number and sufficiency of Anaheim met in adjourned regular session. ..hut.te, Wisser and Van ~agoner.' . .. · ~RDOCH: Present. the day to 'which the Hearing ,on the nnexation was continued for the purpose of of the protests. ~rs. B. A. swanwick was swor~ as the Official proceedings and make and file a transcript thereof with Reporter the City Clerk. to report the Testimony was thereupon takeq relating to the n~er and Sufficiency of protests £iled in said matter. . After the conclusion of the ~aking of th~ testimony, the Council inquired if there were any' perSOns or'protestants in the Council Chamber who wished to be heard, or had anything to present· Only One person stated that he had filed a protest, but didnot realize his proper~y was outside of the territory t° be annexed. ~r. James E. Walker, AttorneyWas asked if he had anything to present, and stated that he didnot. He was asked t~,,s~a%e, for the purpose of the re~Ord,' whom he represented, but declined to do so.~:' From the testimony taken, it names appeared upon the writtepprotest owners of Property on the'last County fiscal year lg54-1955, nor upon the l~ 1953. But it appeared that one or {wo protestants would appear to be within The final determination of t~ whether or not they were owners of a m~ Disneyland Annexation was thereupon cci give all of said protestants anopport~ may wish to present to establish their and the City Clerk was thereupon direc~ of the persons whose n~mes appears upor appeared that none of the persons whose ;~ filed against said annexation appeared as ~nd City equalized assessment roll. for th~ i$ public utility roll .for th'e~fiScal year. !:parcels of property listed by some of the he boundaries of the ~oPO,Sed annexation. ~e number and sufficiency of portents, and ~jority of separate parcels within said i~inued to~August 19, 1954 at 2i'00 P.~. to ~nity to present any evidence which they ownership of property within said annexation, ;ed to send written notiCes by mail to each written protests filedagainst said annexation. The Court Reporter was requested to make a transcript of the proceedings and file said transcript with the City,Clerk. ~ ' ~ ~ CHA~ER OF CO~$~_RCE: Delegation of th$ Retail Division of the Chamber of Commerce addressed the COUncil regarding sugges$ions and needed changes to the down-town district to improve the azea, relative[to "Parking" and purchase and improvement of off-street parking lots and "Street~Ligh/ing'' and street repairs. REVENUE~ Discussion of proposed metho$~ of raising revenue was held by the Council and estimated needs of the City reportSd on by Administrative Officer, Keith A. ~urdoch. ~ V~~ NO, ~23~: Paul L. and Edna Ma~ Williamson for the erection of two duplex dwellings at 1941E. Center Street. i Plans were presented to the ~ouncil and Variance granted on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Schutte. NDTION CARRIED. Councilman Fry moved-to ad3o~rn to Thursday, August 19, 1954, 2:00 Councilman Schutte seconded the motioni NDTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED Gity I Glerk