1954/08/19Ci_%~; Hall., ~'~heim_, Ce~lifor~a, _A~_~s_t~$ _ ~£;00 P,~M. The City Council o the City o~ 4nahein met in ~journed regular session. : Fry, Schut~e a~ud V~n Wagoner. PreseD_t. EIT~ A. ~'~RDOCH: Present. Swanwick: PreseDt. The meeting was cs_l:Led to order by the Mayor and he announced that this the time and place to whi,'~, the He~ring on the~Dis, neyland Annexation~ proceeding was co:,tinued for the purpose ' e~.~:~ ~ ~ in said proceedin c-v:,~er:.ce to establish the v.'ithiz~ the territory proposed. of determini:~g the n~Jnber and sufficiency ;of the pro- and to give the ~ro~estants a.u opportunity to present rship of' propertZ amd ntunbe~r of parcels of property to be ~ne~ed, ' Thereupon, the ~ity Attorney requeste~ that th$ City Clerk 9e called as a ...... u .... .~,,ner ~estimony,' The City Clerk was thereupor, c~lled as a wlt~ess testified[ that she h~ mad. e a ur,,lt~r check of the title repor~ and 'h~l mCe co~ut~ tions to determine the ntumber,of seDarst;e parcels contained within the territory ~ror, osod t0 be ¢~e:~ed in the .~'~sNeyl~ad Annexation p~oceeding.. She ~tified as to t~,¢~*e various computations 'an4 the results determined thereby, as will more f~ly ~,.~.;~,e~,, i~ the re~o~,,e~ s ~r~A~crz~t. .A written oert. zfzc&te sz~ne& by t3e City. Cle~ s~t~:/s zo~t~, the fi:Si=6: ~4e by h.e,j as s. result of the examination o~ the last E.,,.,a.izzed Codz, ty Ass,.ssme,~t R011 ¢nd ,;its last Publ].c Utility Assessment Roll the title report ~d an inspec~io~ of +he ~ro~er~*, uoor, ~ ......... = '- ~ OiLy Clerk ~d ordered recezv~d ~t({ filed. . Mr. J~es E. ~alker,~ ~ attorney of S~ta ~a, California,'- a~pe~ed at meeting:: and. stated t~at he wa~ representinC the foil. owing protest~ts: Moore Built Homes, ~nc.; The Walm~t Co~a.~ty, Ltd..; ~d wil].i~ M. L~sdale Fe thereuoon crqs~e~ined t~e ~Z%. Clerk, Dene M. Willies, on beef of said clients. At the conclusion o~ ssid examination, he was a~:ed if he he :~.~ e~vidence to present on beh~f of ~y p~otest~zts ~l'tom he reorese~tec~ andustated that he did mo', have ~y evidence to preset. ._ - .The Mayor then inqu~ed iff there were ~y other protest~ts or Persons in the Oomcil ChCbers who ~¢ish~ to be heard or who ~,]ished to pr-esent ~y evidence in sale matter and no one answered amd asked for the opport~ity to presen~ a~ Such- evider:ae, or show cause why such territory should not be 2mnexed. Some 'om.certaima.. arose d~ing said Hearing as to .nree-p~cels within said territory proposed to be ~nexe&, which were designated as p~ping plmt sites. f~.~ther report was obt~!ned from the Title Co.any coocern~ng said p~p2ng pl~t si~s a~,,d the n~es of the owners of interest therein were presented by the City Clerk, as v:i].], more f~ly ~pe~%r in the reporter~s transcript. : -- . At t,i~o conclusioz~ of and ma.de a part of the record.. Counciimsm Schutte Council that written protests aeparate parcels within the te the testimony, the title reports were ordered filed aereupon moved that it be the finding of the City ~ave not bee?. filed by the owners of a majority of the :ritory proposed to be a~mexed to the City of Anaheim by the Disneyland Annexation ~.~d that the City Covz,.cil proceed with said annexation. SeaonS~O by Co~mailmr~ V~: Wag~er ~d ~' -. ~ " ~n. ereu.~oh nut to a vote, d~y pa~sed ~.d carried. ' ' ~ ~ESOL-U~.~ I0N NO, 2~0: CozmcilmSm~ Sehutte offered Resolution No. 2510 and,: moved for passage and. aSoption. Refer to Resolution .... ~,--~OLDTIO~,~ OF T~ CITY COUNC] OK ~DE 24th DAY OF S~TE~[BER, ] CO!'PIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF ANAH~ kook PROVIDING FOR THai HOLDIi~G OF S~rCH ~ECTIO~T At~D SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS RESIDING '~ ..... T~ITO~ ~E QI~S~IO~? ,~...~ SUCH TE~.ITORY SF~L BE ~ T0, INC0~O~T~ IN, ..~: ~'DU)E A PAi!5~ OF SAID CITY OF t SUCH Ai%5~{ATION, SUBJECT TO TAXATION !TS PRO ?ATA PORTEOI[, BAS~ ~ON ASS} ~:ITY 0F ANfC<]IM OUTSTA~IN~ 0~ ~E 2~ ')~CRY~Y~'G S ,'~ YD ~:~RT., O,.[Y ~ DES EST~LISHI!fG AN ELECTIO!{ PPd',CINCT. 3TAHE!M, AI~D TT6E PROPF/~TY IN SUCH TERRITORY BE, AFTER EQUALLY WITN PROP~RTY WITHIN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM TO PAY ~SSED VALU2~ION, OF ..~LL TF?~ ~0Nt)ED Ii~i)EBTE~I~ESS OF SAIl) rd. DAY OF JULY, 195~, OR ~HERETOF0~ AUTHORIZED: .TING IT BY,:THE NAME :OF "DISNEY~ ANN_.t~. TION"~, [0 P¢~LI, ING PLACE IN SAID TERRITORY, APPOINTING THE ,FLECTION ~N~. PROVID~NG 'FOR ~ ~PUBLICATI0if OF On roll call the foregoing resolotion was duly passed and adopted by the ·olto ~zng vote: AY~: COUNCIL~: Pear'.~on, ~ry, Schutte ~d V~u Wagoner. ¢S~-~' COUNC I.u,..~. The M~or declared ~, ~ for~ ~PLl~ ~_,~_~u~ FOR BD~II¢~S L!CE~SE: clmse o'~ g0% partnership in the Pool ?;he City. ~ou,~ei! and recommended by .Jas appro~red on motion by Co~cilmm~ ~~ ADV~TISING: 0n motion by Co~cilma~ Scnut ;e, seconded by 0o~cil~ V~'w~o~r, ~:he .~m.;~eiu B~!etin was awarded con~ract for city legal ~vertising to be oubli~hed in daily paper within the city. ~h~ . ,. ~ ~ ~p ...... ber~. .... e uas ._w~.c..ed co~.tract ~or ~he ~,ub ...... s~' al]. legal ~ivertising to be-oub].ished outside the city of Anaheim. MOTION ~RRI EO. : ~going resolution duly passed" and adopted. · Fx,_~,?ard E. Carter for the ~plicat~on submi ,~,eo. by hall located at ]22 No; Lemon St. was received by ;h.e ~hief of Po!lee for aPl~rov~. Said app]'.ication Vaz: W~:'~go:,:er. 'Seconded. by ~mmcil~ Fry. MOTION PROPOS,V~') LEGiSL~TI01~ GOVERWLNG COETRSL OF COMIC ~.~GAZ~NES ~hat are detri,.uental to children becanse of the fact that they publicize crime stories, was discussed. ~he City Attorney was rer~u, es~,e,, to ore'oa~-~ suit.~b:]..~ ].e is!at'on to control the ~uao~n. ~l't~f ,.<II,~I,S: HIGH SCHOOL: The ~i,~.~ of Police recommended ' ..... the Anaheim M~icipa! 2ode be ~mended to increase the area ~ the 3~minute p~king zone on Resh S~reet'from the present limits by extending said~0-mz:au~e parking zone to Syc~ore Street, star~ lng at 2e~ter Street; also, to increase ~e area for Lhe 3~minute parkt'~ zone on :]itro~'~ Street fro:,,~, the present' limitS by extead, ingm~ '~ to Syc~uore Street starting at Chesthut Street, a2d f~ther reco~neSded that parking be prohibited on the W/S of Citron ~- .... , ~.a. tL.,g a.. Center Street: ~:orth o~ a4~.~-,~..,.,~.,., to a point !jO feet north of C~ress St. .-.~'; ~m~.3 Co'c2,ci] au!,~:orized said a..haz~.'---.:, of the Am~.~.eim M~,icipal Code as 'r.ecomme ad ed. by the Chi~ ~;~ of Police s~d inst~cted the City Atborney to prepare the -3ssary Qrdinr;mce. 0n not%on by Couneilm~u Van W~gonem. Seconded by Councilman Fry.- M0 T I ON :C~q~ ~. l~O~u,,.ON N0. 2~1. Co~mcilm~n Sch~tte ¢¢e~ o...~ ~red Resolution No. 2511 and moved for its passace~o'~'_~.u ~!.option: Re:far to Resolution o ' B~OP: ~, A ~'SOLUTION 0F ~E CI(~Y C0~C!L 0F ~E CITY 0F ~AM~!M A~RIZI~G T~ D~Y CITY &S ~Z,l, ..as THE CI~ CLE~¢ .~ CITY T~S~, T0 E~C~E C;~C;E.S ~ OT~ !T~4S FOR. ¢,.,~A,,~ O~ ¢;~E CITY I]~f C0~C', ~0.<, ~I~[ ~ },~TER D~0Sf~ TRUST F~ ACC0~ On roll call ~h6 foregoing £ollowin:~ vote : resolution was (!uiy passed, and. adopted by the AYES: CO~',[~LM~T: pear,on, Fry, Sohutl;e anC Van Wagoner. - .1 ''¢"I ~ ,' !Tone+ ]'~OES: CO N ....... L?~. .~$'~: CON~OILM~: Wiss~r. The ~,~yor declared the ~ -~ ~ solut~o~ ~ foreao-no re duly passed ~d adopted. ~o~c~lman S~m~tt~: moved tS ~journ. Co~il~_, Van Wagoner secon&ed the motion. MOTION C~I ~.