1954/08/31City Hall, The City Council 0f the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular session .August 31, 1954, 8:00 P.M. PRESF_NT: COUNCIL~: Peaz~Qn, FWy, Schutte, Wisser snd Van Wag°net. ABSENT : COUNCIIJ~_N: None, CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON ~:~ Present.._ CITY AD~{INISTRATIVE 0FFICER~ KEITH A. NigH: present, i~_ ,.VARI .~_E NO. 23~: C. ~Louis$ Tr~uxaw<for permission to erect a Assistance League Clubhouse at the Northeast ¢~rner of West Vermont and South Lemon Street. ~tr. ~orningstar, Attorney representing ~rs. Truxaw requested that action be postponed for sevSm days. to allow necessarytime to obtain report from the Veterans Administration regarding property values' $o ordered on moti~n by Counoitman s~nutte, secondedbY~Cguo_~ilman Fry. ~0TION CARRIED .......... ANNEXA~TION BY ~ CITY_JD~F~.LI.MNTON~_ Petition si~ned by property owners of the territory within Housto~ Avenue, requesting to be annexed to the City~of Fuller%on in order to adjus~ the boundaries between the cities of Anaheim and Fullerton, signed by nine p~Operty owners was submitted by N~r. Ward, Attorney, on behalf of the City of Fullerton. ~ ~r. Nurdoch, Admi]~tstrative Officer stated that the Cities of Anaheim and Fullerton entered intol ~n agreement pertaining tb the proposed boundaries between the two cities, it )eing the not_th line of Honston Av. enue..~ The area in question is part of the .~euston Avenue Annexation~ to the_City~ of Anaheim. The Freeway taking place of 0rangethorpe Avenue has been set up as coming and crossing Houston Avenue imm~iately~ east of Gilbert Street and carry along the south side of Houston ]~enue acro, ss town, therefore Hous.ton Avenue will be on the north side of the Freeway and be within the Anaheim City Limits. In order to affec.~' the necessary boundary adjus~ment~r. ~urdoch recommended the Council con~ent to the exclusion of the questioned territory from Anaheim to be includedi Within the limits of the City of Full~rton. City Engineer, GeOrge Holyoke also recommended the Council approve requested change in boundark. RESO.LUTION NO. 25~1~_t Councllman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2516 and moved for its passage and adoptioh. Refer to Resolution _Book, page ^ ~OnUTzO~ o~ z~ cz~ Co~cz~. OF T~ CZ~ OF ~A~ ¢O~S~TZ~s ~0 r~ i~mTIO~ ~O ~CI~ O~ ~m~O~ O~ ~ ~O~TI0~ O~ HOUS~O~ ST.~T, ~ C0~S~TINS ~0 ~ ~UST~ OF T~ CO~ON ~Om~RY. LINE BETmmN Um CITY ~AND T~ c~v o~ ~~TON. - On roll call the !~oregoing resolution was duly p&ssed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ~BSENT: COUNCIl: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisaer and Van Wagoner. COUNCIL~: None. COUNCIL~: None. ~. . The N~yor declar~ the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ORDINAhIZE .NO. 924; (F-54-~4~ After h~arin9 read the title of Ordinance No. 924, Councilman Van Wag°ne~ ~o~ed said reading in full be waived. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion.: Said motion was unanimously adopted by the Council. Councilman Van Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 924 and~°ved for its passage and adoption. Refer to OrdinanCe Book, page AN ORDIN~CE OF THE CITY O~ :.ANAHEIM AMENDING ;~RTICLE IX, CHAP~ 2 OF THE ANAHEIM ~JNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO '~THE ESTABLIS~T OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE !USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES: ~ City Hall, .An~heim, Gal~o~nia~Augu~t_,31,~19~4__-- 8:OO?..M. ,, · a)oP INS ^ USD TH~EIN, P~O~IDING FOR ~ST~NT~ ~~~ ~ ~O~E~: P~E~IBL~G P~TI~ ~ VIO~TION ~ R~~iNG ~L S~TIONS OR P~TS OF S~TIONS IN CONFLIGT T~E~TH. ~.(F-5~5~4 On roll call ~he forego~ngOrdinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote~,,~ .... A~: ~--~CO~I~: P~arson, F~y, Sch tte, ser .... N~: CO~I~: N~e. ~ ~ ~ ~ 7Nis~and~ V~ Wagoner. ~T: CO~IL~: N~e. --- ~e ~yor-declared~the ~Oregoing Ordinance:duly~pas~ and adopted. ~. SI~~, Agent for the Ae~a ~Life Insurance Co. addressed ~e Council- ,,relative te ~e .~aid-mp~fe In~ce Plan"..s~~ed by them to the ~aheim Employees ~, ~rdoch pointed, out ~me of the features of the propos~ plan ~d~ the cos~ · < The,Council agreed to ha employees if such a plan was desir AMAH~!~.~ICIPAL I~ROV~T £rom. the Law Firm o£~ Oe~el¢¢eny & :~ with procee~n~s ,f~r; the au~2t~ was ~tt~.-a~ ~e~.~ - ~ , '. ~e ~the ~etna Compare/ find out from~ the ~ 195~.....C~~ica$ien. dated.August 26, 1954 ~er~$, statln~ their proPo~:al.~in connection ~om an~ issuance 9~.--~e~ three ~ i ~ues ~hut~ off~. Resolut~n No. 25&~A 1~ and move~, fo~ its pa s sage ' and adoption. , ..... Refer to Resolution Book~ page ~ 0~ ~U~ REQUIR~ IN ~ PROPOS~ $3 ~ 500 , 000 . 00 ~ I~E OF 'T~ CI~ OF ~A~IM FOR. ~A~ ~$ I-~V~NTS, S~D~O~ I~ROVE~TS k~ ST~T I~~NTS; E~LOYI~ SAID ~W ~R~ TO. $~VISH. S~D P~E~IN~ ~ ~VE ALL ~~S~Y INS~TI~ IN CO~TION ~~~; TO ~NE SAID PR~IN~ S~ ,BY-.Si~ ~ T~ ~; TO GI~. ~, ~PRO~G OPINION. TO ~ P~~SHR OF SAID ~S; ~ FIXING T~IR CO~~TION. ~ ;; On roll call the foregoi~ resolution ~s ~y ~ssed and adopted by the following vote: AYe: COUNCILMEN: P~son, Fry, Schutte, .Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: C~ILMEN: o~ N . L ABSENT: COUNCIL~N: N ~ . The Nayor. declared, the foregoing mesol~tion duly_ passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2515; Resolution N~. 2515 was submitted and read in full and ~offered by ~Councilmar~ ~y who ~nove~,for: its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book~ page~ _ ,,, ~A R~SOLUTIO~ DP TH~ C~IY COU~NCIL 0~: TH~. ~ ~F ~~,.: C~IFD~IA, DENNING P UC. quIsIrIO CO Sm rZON OFC~RTA~ ~XPAL Z~ROVE~TS,~ ~ ~ING F~IN~ RE~TI~ T~TO. On roll call the.foregoih9 Resolution-was duly-passed ~d ~op~d by %he following vo%e~ AYES: COUNCILN~N: Pe NOES: COUNCILN~N: No: A~ENT: COUNCILMEN: No: The Mayor. declared the f, ~rson, Fry, Schutte,~-Wisser and. Van Wagoner ~regoin9 resolution duly passed and adopted. City_Hal!:~ Anahe~m~,. Califernia,-:August~ 31, 1954- 8s'O0 P.M. ORDINA~.~CE NOt 926] After h~aring~readthe title of Ordinance No..926, Councilman Wisser moved said reading, id full,be-waived. Councilman SChutte.secon~ed_~the motion. Said motion was unanimously adopted by the Council. Councilman Van WagOner offered for first'reading Ordinance No. 926 and moved for its passage-a~d adoption. AN.~ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF]ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING, CALLING, PROVIDING FOR AND GIVING N_~OTICE OP..A.;~BCIAL ~.LMETION TO,B~ HELD IN THE~CITY OF ANAHHIED~ ON THE 14TH DAY OF ~CTOBHR, 19~. FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING /~ THE QUALIFI VOTERS OF sAID CITY THR~E P~DPOSITIONS TO INCUR BONDED INDEBIEDNESS BY SAID CITY FOR C~RTAIN ~IUNIGIPAL IN~R~MENTS.- CANCELLATION OF CITY TAXFS~ Cancellation of city taxes on pmoperty purchased by the State of California for highway purposes and formerly assessed to the following named persons wasl au/chorized on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fry. NDTION ~d{RIED: Glen B. and N~ud L. HOAG David S. Collins W. L. McCain VARIA~E NO. 24~ Submitted by F. E. Warnes for permission to erect gasoline StatiOn at the Northwest co~ner of East~ Center .Street and Nor%h East Street. City Planning Co~ssion, Resolution No.-21 (195~-55),gran%ed said variance subject %o condit'~ns as outlined in ResolutiOn No~ 21 ' City Council, on motion by Councilman .Van Wagoner, seConded by Council- man Schutte, moved to cont ~i~ue this Variance No. 244 until ~$ept~emb~r 7~ 1954 for further consideration Of the matter of review. NOTION CARRIED. ~VIHW OF VARIANCES: The ~ollowing variances were reviewed by the City Council: No. 247: Submitted by Earl A. Ramella for permission to erect a two bedroom residence on the f~nt portion o-f lot locaied at 519 South Lemon Street. City Planning Commission Resolution No. 22 (1954-55) granted said variance. ~ No. 248:~Submitted by .krthur Harteit for-permission t° cut thr~ee lots from~roper~y located!~n the west side of Gilbert $~reet ngrth~of~Lincoln Avenue. City-Planning Co~ssion Resolution No.-23 (1954-55) granted said variance subject to conditions as outlined in~ said ResoluttOn"No. ~$. ~ No. 249~ Submitted by Linda T. Knox for permission to operate an Accountin~and Income Tax Business at 1095 North Palm. Street. City Planning Commission Resolution No. 24 (195.4-55) granted said variance subjegt to conditions as outlined in said. Resolution No. 24. No, 250~ Submitted by Viola Spurlock for permission ~oi cut off a lot from t~he parcel located at 303-311 North Placentia ~venue. City Planning C~ission Resolution ~No. 25 (1954-55) granted said Variance suboect to cond~t~)ns as outlzned~i said ReSolution NO.~ 25. The City Counci~ requested the Adm.~nistralive Officer t~ further check this variance. ~_~: Instituted bY the City Planning Commission for zone classification of the area within the Lo~a ~%nnexation. PUBLIC HEARING was ordered to be held before the~Czty Counc 1; ~September 28~ 1954.~ on mo~ion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. NOTION CARRIED. F-54-55-7~: Submitted by (~ra B. Ntiller for the reclassification of the Northeast corner of Brookhurst StreW% and Ball Road from R-A to C-1. - City Hall, ~'A~aheim~ Gal~fernia,:. ~U. gg~.31, 1954- 8~00 P.M. -.pUBLIC MEA~NG was_ ordered to. be~h~ld befog9 the City Council, 1954.on mo~e~by Councilman Van~ ~agoner, se~onded~hy Councilman--Wisser. ~TION C~I~. F-54-55,8:. Submi~tted by the_Cit~ Planning Commission .to reclassify the Northwest-corner of Euclid Avenu~ and Ball Road from R~A t0 C-1. PUBLIC HEARING was . ordered to be held before the City Co%mcil, September 28, 1~54 pn motion by ~unciiman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry. ~DTION CARRIED. I F-54-55-9, Instituted by the City Plannin~ Commission and withdrawn by the City Planning Commission. (Reci~$sify the Northeast and Southeast corners of Brookhurst and Broadway to C-l). _. . CITY~PLA~ING COA~IIS~qioN...P~_0~UT$_~N NO, 17_.(19 ~5~-55), Recommended ~the o~hange of street name in Tract-No. 1914 ~o advoid confusion'with other. similar- named street. RESOLUTION NO. 2517~ Councilman~¥an,Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2517 a'~ mo~ed for i t~' passage and adSption. " Refer to Resolution Bo~k, pagel .. A RESOLUTIQN O~ THE~ CITY. CO.UNC!Lt~F THE~CITY _OF ANA~.~ !M CHANGING THE NAME OF ~~ .~Y IN.__TR~.C_! NO ~!914 TO IRy!NG PI~. ' On r~ll call the foregoing resolution .was~ du~!y passed and adopted by ~the following ¥ote~ . .AYES: COUNCILMEN: ~ears0n, Fry, schutte, wisest and~van Wagoner. NOES: COU~I LMEN~ _ ~n e. · ,ABSENT: COUNCIl: ~[~ne. ' The ~ayor declared the!foregoing resolution.dUlyApass~ed, and adopted. i81~]~¥IS. IQ~ BOMDM~" TR.~T NO. lJgl, $20,000.00 for the installatiqn of water and $70,000.00 for installation ~ Jtreets, sidewalks, curbs, sewers-etc. was suh~tted .and ordered: recei¥.44 and filed when approved by. the City A~torney.om. motion by. Co_unci!man}Schqtte, segonded ~y c0uncii'man Wisser. NDTION CARRIED. OR~!.N~.~:E ~O. 9~5.'~ ~After hearin~ ire. ad the title of Ordinance No. P25, Council- man l~i:sser mewed ~aid reading, in ~.ull be ~waiVed. qg~'~ilma~n?chutte seconded the motion. Said motion was ~nadim°6sly adop'te~-hy {he C6uncil~ councilman WiSser offered for final reading Ordinance No. 925 and moved for its passage and adopti~n. ~ ...... !~e~er to $r~inanoe 'Boo~,i Page ~ O~DINASC~ O~ ZH~ CITY O~ ANAH~ A~NDZN~ ~~IM ~!Cip~ COD~..~LATING :~ T~ ~i~LIS~I :OF Z~N~..IN r~ CI.~ OF ~4A~IM ~ T~EIN ~~TING T~ USE ~F ~, ~I~T OF B~iN~ ~ Y~ ~~: ~TI~G A ~ SHO~NG.:~ ~~~I~ OF SA~:D..~ON~ D~I~NG T~ us~ .~~I:N~, ~I~I~G ~ ~~~, ~~T ~ ~~~,: P~n~IBING PEN~TI~ ~R VI0~TION ~ R~E~ING ~L S~TIO~ OR P~TS OF S~iO~S IN CONFLICT ~~TH. [~5~31~,..Res_0!u_tion 2494- C.P.C. 5 (195~55) . ~ roll call the foregcing Ordinance was duiy~passed ~nd~ad~pt~d by the follow~9 vote~ AYES: COU~IL~ P~arson~ Fry~ Schutte~ Wisser and Van Wagoner. ~ ~ES: C0~IL~: N~ne. ~S~T~ CO~IL~ N~ne, ~e ~yor declared the ~foregoing O~inance duly passed and adoptS. 69g City Hall~Anaheig' California~.AuTast 3t,-1954 -~8:00 P,M. , ,, u, _ . ~ ~ ~ ~, u,,, , , . _ · .... ~ q~'~" ' "~ ' ~ ORDtN~E NO. 927: ~iCouncit~an Fry offered-Ordinance No,~1927 and.mowed for its passage and adoption. ~aid ordinance was read in.public for the, first ~ime. Councilman Fry; mo~e~ said reading~ in full be waived. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion~ Said motion was unanimously adopted by. the Council. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY~ OFi~kNAHHI~ A~ING ARYICLE IX,. CHAP~ 2 OF THE ANAH~I~ NUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO SME ESTABLISH~mNT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ~J~AH~I~ AND THEREIN REGULATING-THE USE-~ ~F LAND-, HEIGHT OF-BUI~LDINC~ AND YARD. SP~E$~. ADOPT- ING A N~P SHOWING THE BOUN~IES OF SAID ZONES: DEFINI~ THE ~ USED PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTN~NT, ~~T AND HNFORCFA~34T: PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION 'AND ~EAL.ING kLLI~T~ONS OR PA~TS OF SH~TIONS.-I~ ;CONflICT THEREWITH. PERSOMNEL~ The Administrat:Lye Officer reported the appointment of Miss Helen Pe'~den, Accountant in~ the ~R~l~itor's Office~ Sche~le. 21-A- ($262.00 :Mo.) and Abel ~. Ebert, Maintenance )~partment, Schedule 24-/%. ($300.00 Mo.) Said appoinLments Were tariffed by the City Council on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner~ sec)haled by Councilman Wisser. NOTION CARRIED. ARCHIIE~T CON~ITTE~ MayorlPearson-appointed W. F.- Priday, ~Member ~of the Architect Committee for the! proposed shopping center to be located on the East side of Placentia ~venue be~een Center Street and Anaheim-Olive Road. Said appointment .Was ratified by the City C~uncil on mo~i~n by Council- man Wisser, seconded by Couhcilman Fry. NOTION CAP~RIED. ORDINANCE NO. 928~ Councilman Van Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 928 and moved for its passage and adop%ioh. Said Ordinance was readin public for the first time. After reading thei Title of Ordinance No. 928-~ g~uncilman iisser--~moved said reading in full be waled. Councilman Schut%e ~seconded %he-motion. ~ Said motion was unanimously oar~ AN ORDINANCE OF IHE CITY O! ~jNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THERETO TO' BE'NU~BERF/) 52tC ING OF' RUBBISH, WAST~ ~t~T~ BODIES AND SIMIL;LR HEAVY B12 led by the Council. ~AHEI~ AMENDING ~ARTI~LE ~V~ ~MAPtER 2. OF ~T~ ~~~ ~BAGE AND RUBBISH DISPOSAL BY ADDING A NEW S~TION · !8 PROHIBIIING THE .DU~IN~, DEPOSITING, ~PLACF- OR LEA¥- ~, -.~- RAP IORN~- DISCARDED AUT©M~BI~ES,:. OR --A~~BILE i~Y OBJL=CIS WITHIN STREETS ~R ALt~$ ~IN tH~ CITY. ~ ORDINANC~ NO. ~929~ CoUnci*~an WiSser offered Ordinance~-N~' 929 and moved for its p~ssage and ~doption,-~ISaid Ordinance was uread ~ in --PUbli¢ for-the ftm~% %tree. ~ ...... ..... ~ ..... u 'x~' ~ .~ ; ~.. 2.: ~ After hearing re~ Wagoner moved said reading motion. Said motion~was ur AN ORDINANC~ OF TH~ CITY Ot OF T~ AN~IM NDNICIPAL C( STREETS FRO~ WEST STRHET T( !d the title of Ordinance~N~. g29~ CoumCitman-¥an ~- in full be ~aived. Councilman Schutte seconded the ianimously carried by-the Coun¢it.~ ~ ~ !;~NAHEIM ~ING ARTICI~-VIII, SBCTION~8tO0.52 .... )~ILLINOIS S~T." ~ ............... Councilman WisseW moved to adjourn to September 7, 1954, 8:00 P.M. 'Councilman Van Wagoner Sec~ded the motion. ':ItI3TION~;CARRI~. City Clerk .. 99g