1954/09/14 The City Council ef the 0ity of Anaheim met in regular session-September 1~, 195~, 8:00 P.M, .......t, ~ PRESENT: 00UNOIL~EN: Pear,on, Wisser and Van Wagoner AB~T: C0U~CILMEN~ Fry ~d Schutte. AD~IN~ CITY ATTOR~EY. Phil~ip R. McGraw, Present. ASSISTANT CITY ADMINISTRATI~ OFFICER: ¥. F. Prida~, Present. MI~S~. The Minutes of th~ regular meeting held A~gust 25, 1954 a~i A~oUr~e~ Regular meetings held Augus~ 31, 195~ and September 7, 1954. were approved en motion by Councilman Van Wa~ner, seconded by Councilman ~isser. MOTION ~IED. W~~ & D]~A~g~S= Councilman Van Wagoner reported demands against the City ~unting to $121,121.0~. ~ouncilman ~isser moved that report of Finance Committee be accepted and that warra.n.~s b_e drawn upon the Treasurer to pay said demands in accordance with said report~ Councilman Van ~agoner seconded the motion. MOTION CARRI ~. F!NA~CI~ & OP~EATING ..~~S: Fi~anelal and Operating Reports for the.month of August, 19%$ were approved ~n motion by Councilman Van ~agoner, seconded by Councilman Wisest. MOTION ~ARRIE~. A~ RElYIng: Annual rep Co~miselon ~ud the Orange C on motion by Counciln~u .Van P~BLIC NEARING: PLAC~IA~ ami Legal Notices publishe~ public hearing was held on an~ designated as Placenti~ arts submitted by the City Auditor, City Pl--~ing aUnty Joist 0utfall Sewer were received au~ ordered filed ~agoner, seconded by Councilman ~isser. MOTION CARRIe. ~V~.~ A~A~ION NO. 2.. Pursuant to Resolution 1~o. 2501 in the Anaheim I~xlletin amd the Placentla Courier, the proposed annexation of u~inhabited territory ~aewn Avenue Annexation No. 2' Coa~anlcation sig~ed by five (5) a~jacent property owners to the proposed amuexation ~s submitted ~re~, requesti~ a 6 foot c~in li~ fence b~ 2 stria of b~bed wi~ to be iastalled se~ati~ tkeir ~oves from the pro- pose~ su~ivision to be es~blished at t~e location. Those addressing ithe Council were= ~]~ J, I~Z~. Requested t~at the lots vithin the propsed subdivision be restricted from ~000 to 8000 SquAre f~t lots.. Mr. Lenz was not against the proposed a~neXatio~ He only objected to the si~ of lots in the development of the subdivision. JOHN F. XIRBOE~ Re state~ the area was new territory as far as subdivisions were concerned amd for the good !cf the City a~d everybody concer~ed, it should be given consideration as far as th~ nicer ~t~pe homes and larger lots. Rt. Xirsch was against the proposed a~aex~tion u~il a plan could be developed to insure larger lot sizes in this area. GILBERT X~~; He Stated that the o~ly subdivision in that area at this time wa8 the ~Akn-St.Jokm homes, wh~h he considered to be the finest subdivision ia A~aheim. The kemesites all being ~ a~res or larger, he woul~ like to see it .remala that wa~. ~ICK XAMPLII~G: ~e stated ~at he would like to see better class hOmes.go im there as A~aheim has wo area set :lasi~e for the larger t~pe homes. ~itk new. i~Austr, ies coming into the City, homes should be provided for the plaat managers a~[ superi~- te~dem~ts who require a later type home. lie also woul& like to ~ee this amaexatioa Aelaye~ uatll this matter ~a ~eel~eA. JOEff EAHL: He stated that :~ke felt the same as the other a~ would like to see. the larger lots a~. better hom~a ia that ~istrict. · · Others aAdressin~ the Couacil requesting the co~sideratioa of the larger lots amd ~icer homes were:l 2ill ~essel, Mr. ~a~er, aaa Gene ~erMaart. Mr. Thomas Eva~$i su~iiviAer of the land ia questioa, ssi& that the Iaaa across the street has beea~approveA for subdivision of the same. lot sizes-~ Most of the houses in tracts ar~built for men who are veter~uas and young me~ who can~ t affor~ a~ythi~ larger, T~e homes will ram from 1208 to 1328 square feet liviag area. They will have forced air heat, ~ard wood floors and to sell:for approximate- ly $15,000. Ne further state~ that Y~m have to pay a certaim a~ount for acreage aaa the Veteramst Administration amd She F. N. A. place the valuation on your lots. If you have to pay too much for the ISaA or divide the land up into larger lots, you are not allowed emough mosey to p~chase the property. · ~ Mr. Evans ha~ with him. pistol :aaa elevation8 to show; to those who might Be imterested. The Mayor askeA if amyone e~ae present wished to address the Coumcil re- lative to this hearing. There ~i~ Sene ~e decl~e~ t~e ~e~t~ cloae~ ~d atate~ t~t ~tion o~ the~tter will ~e t~m at a later Ante. P~LIO ...~ING: P~C~IA A~ ~~TION NO. 3: ~au~t to Reaolutiom No. 2502 ~ ~al Notices d~y publtshe~ ia t]~ ~eim ~letin ~d. the. Place~tia 0o~ier, public M~i~ was held om the propoe~,A m~mtioa of ~in~bited territory ~o~ ~ desig~teA aa Pl~emtia Ave~e ~e~t;ion No. 3. ~. Jo~ Kirsch ~dresse~ tl~e 0o-~cll md stated this territe~ w~ i~ the gemeral locatiom ef t~ propose~ Pl~,mtia Avemue ~~tiom No. 2 ~ tt was his opinion t~t t~ae here felt the s~e reg~i~ this propoaeA ~e~tiom aa the ot~r. The Mayor suggested the group get together with Mr. Mmmgall amd the iAer to emable those imterested to sea,tko plans of the proposeA houses and see if a solution coul& be worked out. ~e aSkeA if am~one else in the a~tiemce wished to a~Aress the Council relative to this ~ablic hearing. There being none, the Ma~or clared the hearing closed and amnounc$~ that action would be deferre~ to a later ~ate. · PURLI..C..~!NG: GRIVE..Y.ANNEXATIO~A ~arsuaut to Resolution No. 2500 duly publiahe~ in the Amaheim Bulletim ama the Pla~$mtia Courier, public hearing was held on proposeA .?nmexation of umizdaabited territory k~ewm ama ~[eeigmated as the Grivey (located on 0ramge Avemue between Magnolia ama Gilbert St., lots to be 7200 sq. ft.) MR. ~N~Y RAMM aA~resseA the, :¢oumcil in favor of the ammexatiom. Ma~or Pearsom askeA if amyome else wished t~ address the Council relative to this public hearing. There ~eimg acme declared tMe hearimg closed. ORDINANCE NO. 930: Oomacilmam Wisser. offered OrAiaamce No. 930 for first re~g ~ ~o~ for its p~s~e ~ ~op~io~. ~ter he~ re~ the title of aai~ Or~im~ce No. 9~, Co~i~ V~ ~o~r moveA~t~t t~e re~i~ in f~l of $~ orAim~ce ~e w~v~. Co~~ ~isser secomdeA t~e motiom. Sai~ motiom ~s ~i~usly o~ri~. AN 0P~INANOE OF THE 0ITY OF ~IM Al'PROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF THE TERRITORT K~)~N AND DESIGNATED AS GRIV.NT ANNEXATION. (Refer to Ord. ~ook, ~age ..... ) PUBLIC NEA~ING: _.EECL~_S_ZF_~,OATION NO, ~%~-_~%-2~ Smbmitted by Amthony Mamiscaloki re- qmeeting that Lots 1 to 4 imclusive o~ Tract No. 1969 be reclassified from R-1 to R-3. The City Plamaimg 0ommissiom Resolution No. 13, Series 1954-55, recommended reclassification s~bJeet to: 1. The &eeAimg of 10 feet ~o t~ City of ~eim for ~e f~e wiAemi~ of E~t Center Street. 2. T~ ~aervi~ of 20 feet at the re~ of Lots Nos. 1 to $ for a possible fu~e ~ley. No o~ presemt o~jected to ~ proposed recl~a~ieatiom ~A mo ~ittem objections ~ve beem received by the~i~y Clerk. Thereupom, ~e ~or ~eclareA the he~ing close. ~OL~ION NO. 252~: Oo~il~ V~.N~omer offere~ Resolution No. 2520 ~ ~ for its passes ~d ~op~io~. A ~SOL~ION OF ~E CI~ CO~CIL ~~5~2 - ~thom~. ~iac~chi) .~ (Reffer to Resolution ~ok, p~ ~: ) Om roll c~l the foregoi~ ~esolution followi~ ~te: 75? ..... Ci~y. lall~ Aaahela,i. C .a!. lfor.~ia, Se~teabe.r. A~S: COU~I~: Pearson, V~ ~o~r. NOES: CO~CI~.--' Nose. ~E~: CO~OI~: Fry ~e ~or Aecl~e~ [the f oregoi~ resolution ~y p~se~ ~d ad~te~. P~LIO ~NG: ~O~SIF!~ON NO. F-~~t~ ~bmitte~ by ~oyle' ~d Shields. Req~stimg property Aeacribe~ :~ ~.~C of South ~cheSter Avem~ ~d West Somth Street be ~clasaifie~ from ~A to 0 1. ~e City PI~~ ~e~issiom Resolution No. 14, Series 19~5~, reco~eaAeA the said ~classification be~proveA smbJect to: the erectiom of a 5-foot ~so~ w~l ~o~ the ~st beCk,time of the pro~rty to isolate sidle f~ily su~ivisiom to,the ~st. · The ~yor ~ked if ~yoae else present wishe~ to ~Aress the Oo~cil om this ~tter. T~re bei~ mo~e~.one, he Aecl~eA the he~i~ closed. .~OLUTION ~0. 2221: Council its pa~sag~ amd a~[option. A RES0~ION OF THE 0ITY O0U~ THAT A CNAN~E OF Z0N~ IS NEOE CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNI OF ZONE. (F-5~-55-3 - Doyle. ann Wiseer offered Resolution No. 2521 amd moved for OIL OF THE CITY OF ANAIIEIM FII~ING AND ~ETERMINING ~ IN ON~TAIN AREAS 0]~ T~' CITY ~ ~ ~TIC~. IX, ~IP~ O0~E SH0~ BE ~~ ~ ~G0~LI~H SAID ~ Shields) (Refer to Resolution Book, P~e-~ ........ ) on roll call the fo, megoing resolution was duly passed ama adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUN0 .II~ NOES: COUNOILM~ ABSENT: 00UNOILMEI The MaFor declared .P~LIC !EARING: RECLASSIFIC~ Co., requesting the 10 acres be reclassified from R-A to C : Pearson, Wieser amd Vas Wagoner. = Nose. ':: Fry amd Schutte. the foregoing resolution duly passe~ TION N0. ~~~: S~b~tte~ l~ated at the ~O of ~bor ~1~. ~ Estella Ave. The City Planning (~omlission Resolution No. 15, Series 19~-5~: re- con, men&ed the s~A recl~sif~ation subject to: 1. The completion Of ~e~tion ProceeAi~s to ~e 0ity o~ 2. The fili~ off ~e City off ~eim~ s Aee~ restrictions for Shoppi~ Centers. ~este~ deed res~ictio~s were sub. trod the Co~cil. Those ~drees~ the Co~cil were ~. ~ Swint; ~. Dick Mitchell ~ Mr. ~ry Re,er. ~ter he~ing off t~se interested ia the subject property, the ~or decl~eA the he~i~ closed ~ Stated ~ the ~atter wo~d ~aia co~ up ~ter the pro~rty ~s Dee~ ~nex~ to the City of ~eia. ~C~SIFIOATION NO. F-~~: Sub, i tied by Eillio~, ~oyle ~e ~ro~ty at the ~O-~ff-~l Ro~ ~d ~cli~ Ave. be rezo~A :from R-A to O-l. The Oit~ 0o~cil a~ its aeeti~ A~,~t 10, 19%$ ~iA public he~l~ on ~i~s aat~r ~ ~~el~ ~2ioa pen~i~ c~le~io~ of ~e ~ae~tion proceedings. ~SOL~ION N0. 2522; _ Co~il~ V~ ~omer Offere~ Resolution No. 2~22 ~A moved for its p~a~e ~ ~optioa,~ said resolution, to iacl~e the. prop~eA Asea re- strictions for shoppi~ cente~. X, O~T~ 2 OF T~ ~IM ~ICIP~ 00DE ~0~ ~ ~~ ~ ~OO~LISi SA~ C~OE. OF ZOO. (~5~5~.26 + E~!!%om, ~oyle · Shieldg)(Refer t% ~s.B~k,.P~___ ...) Om roll c~l the foregoi~ resolution was A~F p~se~ ~ ~op~A ~ the fo!lo~ ~tel AYES: l'earso$i Wiseer ~ Vas Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: Nome. ~~: OO~CI~N: F~ ~ Sc~tte. ~e ~or Aeclared the foreg~ Resolutio~ ~uly p~sed ~o~te~. · ~- 0o~il~ V~ ~oaer a~eSteA t~at. the City Pla~iag Oo~issio~ .t~t a Maser PI~ of ~e ~ea mot yet ia the~City ~t $~Jeet to ~ae~tioa relative to lot MR. MI~0CI, AAaixiatrative ~fficer, eaSereA the ~eeti~g. · T~IVE MAP TBACT NO. 1~ ~bAivi~er Robert S. ~ell ~A ~e R. M~i~ey, Sr. ~oc'~tio~: ~ west North st'. No ~tioa was t~ea o~ thia ~tative ~p as subject pr~erty is Bei~ con- siAere~ for R-3 zoni~. ~~BIFICATION ~o. F-~~ ~$teA by Robert B. ~ell ~ ~e~ R. ~i~ey. Sr. req~sti~ ~hat propert~ ~ thin Trot No. 1~6 Be rezomeA from R-O to R-3. ~Blic ~e~i~ was ordered t~ ~ bela By the City Co--il ca t~ ~tter ~ION C~l~. ~~IV~ ~ T~CT NO. 2~: S~i~er: ~tna ~evelop~t Os. Locatioa~ between ~est ~~w~ ~A Or~e Avenue approx~tely 670 feet east of ~roo~~t St. 1~3 lots. ~he City Pl~i~ Co.lesion reco~e~eA the accept~ce of said tentative of Tract No. 2369 as-ah~ om the map ~ept: t~t the Iota faci~ ~ro~~ be m~e to coi~iAe with the frost.es establiah~ b~ the City Co~cil for Tract-No. 2299 locate~ o~ the north aiAe of ~re~w~, ~d f~ther aabJect to: 1. ~e o~i~ of ~t 133: t~the e~. 2. The ~at of $2%.00 pe~ lot for ~e ~qulaitioa of F~k ~ Reereat[o~ Sites. 3- E~gine eriag Requirements. The Su~iiviAer presented plans for propooe~ houses. Houses to be 1287 sq. ft., 3 beArooa house, 1568 sq. ft. $ be~roo~ house, all to eontaim bath a~ 3/$, to 8ell for approximately $15,000. ¢ou~cilma~ Van Wagoner morea ~:aaid Tentative Map of Tract No. 2~9 ~e alrprove& subject to co~itioms as o~tliaeA by t~ City Pl~i~ Oo~isaloa. 0o~i~ ~i,.er secoaAeA the action. MOTION O~I~. ~ T~T~,V~. ~ ~OT ~. 2~5~: The ~e~ of this Trot is within, the propeeeA Flace~tia Avem~ ~e~tioa No. 2 ~ ~tiom was wit~elA to allow ti~e for ~e presentation of a Master Pi~ of ~ke ~ea. T~NTAT. IVE MAP TRACT NO. 2~0: S~b~ivi,,er= Zimer Construction Co. Locatioal SEC Crone Ave. a~d Euclid Ave. ~ lots. The City Planning Coma~ssiom'i~recommeaAe& the a~proval of asia Tentative Map subject to the following conditions.' Sites. 1. Payment of $25.00 per lo~ for the acquisition of Park amd Recreatiozal 2. E~giaeeri~g Requirements, The City Council, on action bY 0ouacilma~ Van Wagoner, approved said Tentative Map of Tract No. 2350, .~bJect to conA~tions as oatline~ in reco~aen&atioas of the City Planning Commission. Seco~ed By CounCilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIE~. ~FINAL MA~ TRA~ NO. 2118~ Location N/S Crescent St. an~ t~e E/s Magnolia Ave. Cou~ci~ Va~ Wagoner morea iffor the accelerates of sali Fi]~l Map subject to ~,ngimeering Requireae~ta. Cou~cilma~ Wisser secomAed the motion. MOTION. CARRIE~. SL~B~IVISION 201~S: Tract No. etc. a~d $20,000. for the i~st filed when approved by the. CitM the Councilman Van Wagoner ~ifer~t_a.., September. !~-~ 1.954..-..8.;0D~ P..M.: ............... Fi18~ $85,000. for the installatio~ of street sewers ~lation of water mains was ordered received a~A Attorney, on motion aY Cou~cil~smWisser. Seconded )TION CARRY, SE~ER ASeESSKENT DISTRICT 1~%~.1: Mr. Nurdoch, Administrative Officer, reported mo lots within the pro, ossA as~easnemt district were in Torrence title .a~A. that the City will obtain a Certificate from the Engineer pf Work to that effect~ Ne recommended the City Council c,,~ntinue ~heir action for the formation of' said district. ~ Public Neari~g was h~l~ by the City Council on the ~tter om Aagaet 24, 1954 at which time the City Eagi~ee~ reported approximately 2.15 of the total area withi~ the proposed sewer a98eosmeat $~strict represented property owned by protesters. All protests were re:~erred to the Engineer of Work for checking, am{ report as to the percentage of the ar.~a represented thereby. The E~gineer of Work 2.1 per cent of the total area Ail protests, having all persons desiring t.o be he~ granted a~d .the City Council ~ ~ Bei~ f~iliar with the Aa: protests filed i~ the setter ~ Co~cil~ Y~ ~oner preaent~ which ~otio~ w~ seconded by O, foll~i~ vote. reported that t~e prot'ests repreeenteA appr'.oximately of the Assessment District. been heard a~d a~ epportuaity having been given to ~ a~d a full, fair aaa im/~artial b~i~ h~vi~ beer ~vi~ before then a ~iqr~ of the Assesuent-District seosRent District ~ also ~ter havi~ considered ~1 ~ to the area o~ pr~erty repreoente~ b~ said protests, ~ the following resolution ~d ao~A it8 ~.~o~tion, ~ciln~ Wisser ~A ~pon roll call was ~opted by the AI~$: COUNCI~: NO~S: 00UNO ILM~N: ABSEI~T: COUNCILMNN: ~r~, certain pro' Chandler and. J. S. Swagger prol Pearson, Wisser am/ Va~ Wagomer. NOlle · Fry aad Schutte. ;ests having been file& by Oscar B. aaa Maggie J. ~esting agaimst the doi~ of work and i~proveme~ts described in the ResoLution of Intention No. 2489 or against the Assessment District; WHEREAS, the City Co~mcil havi~g carefully consiAered all protest8 or ol~- jection8 aaa havi~g comsiAeredi the area of the district represented by sai& protests or obJectio~; . NOW, ~0~ BE IT~EESOLV~9 by this .City Council, that it: Aces. hereby find amd ~etermi~e that the seed protests or objections have bee~ maas b~Itke ewaers of less tkam cae-half of the a~ea of the property to be assessed for said work and improvements as set forth, in s,iA Resolution of Imtention No. 2489; aa~ BE IT i~TRER RESOLVe_ that each a~A all of the said protests be, aaa the same are hereby, overruled and!Aemied, Councilm~u Van Wago~ Orderimz ~ork, No. 2525. in t~ Street ~u~ other streets a~d ~ City ~f A~aheim, which motiom ~ was adopted by the followl~gv~ ,r then off ere& a~ moved the aAoptiom of Resotutiom matter of construction of sanitary sewers im N~ ~ley kmown ~ Sewer A~e~emt ~istrict 1~1 im the res seconded By Co~cil~ Wismer ~A ~om roll c~ RESOLUTION OF TNE CITY 00UNCIL i0F THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, CALI~)~IA, O~IN$ WORE DESORIBED IN RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 2489. (Refer to ResolUtion B~k, page.___) AYES: COUNOILMEN: i Pearson, Wisser ~wd.¥am Wagomer. : · . N01~S: COUNCILM~N:,,! Nond. ABSENT: COUNCILM~: i Fry amd Sc~atte. The Mayor declared t~ foregoing resolution duly passed amd adopts&. Com~cil~aa Wisser th~a noved the ~l. optton of Resolution No, 252/.t.'which resolutiom /etermimes the ge~e~&l prevatli~g rate of wages for the construction of s~ait~ry sewers i~ Nar&a Stree~ an~ other agreeg~ ~ ~ley, ~o~ a~ S~er A~se~s- ~ ~o~er ~ upon roll c~l ~was ~o~teA by ~e followt~ vote. (Refer to Resolut!om ]~ook, page ) AYES: 00UNOIL~: Pearson ~Wisser am~ Van Wagomer. A~T~ 00~CXL~: Fry ~d~ 5c~tte. ~he Mawr Aeol~eA t~e forego~ag re~olutio~ A~y ~se~ ~ ad.teA. V~~ES~ T~e followi~ V~cee were: offered for review by the City OO~cil: V~I~OE No. 2~1~ ~~ C0~. C0~.~req~esti~ waiver of 2~ foot frost y~ set- b~ke except on t~ c~ Ae a~ atreet~ ~ Trots No. ~2~9 ~ No. The 0itF Plmi~g 0omissio~ ~teA V~i~ce No. 2~1 subject to t~e ~i~- tailing of the ~q~reA 2% foot frc~ y~A set-backs alo~ the ~or streets, Ve~omt AVe. ~4 So. ~t 3t. The City~C~il wit~elA its rev~$w to ~low t~e for them to check ~eas where the ae~ack ~[mea ~ve Bees reA~e~ to 20 feet. V~~OE No. 2~2~ _ ~baitteA by ~ ~ E0~ for permission to erect a A~lex Awellimg at 812 So. Olive Street. The City Plying Co~issio~ grated sai~ V~i~ce. . Actto~ of t~ 0ity Pluming 00~issioa s~tai~A ~y t~ City Co~cil. statism on the N~C of E~_clid Ave. aaa ¥, The City Plammimg Commissiom . 1 amd 2 as set forth i~ their Resolutiol ~ORATION. for permission to erect a service ~st La Palms Ave. $ramteA said Variaace subJec~ t. comAitioms 33, Series 1954-~5. The City Coumcil sustained, th~. attica of the City l'lammimg Commtssio~ with the exception that the constrmctio~ of ~he curbs be 32 feet Back from the coster lime of the street. VARI~C]~ No. 2~$~ $~bmitted by WM. ~. /r~]~ for permission to erect a dm~lex dwelling at 838 So. Olive St. I The City Plammi~ Commission &raate~ said Variamce. Said actiom wu sustalmm~ by the City Coumcil. ~~o.__~._Y_LQ~.A L. w~,wm, S. for permission to cut Lot 17 imto 2 parcels and erect a 3 bedroom dwelling om the fromt parcel. The City Plamming Commission Sramte~ said Variamce subject to t~ follov[~ conAt~ion~ ~ · The fili~ of a ~cor~ of S~ey Map with the Oi~y of' ~e~ ~ the Co~ 0f 0r~ge sh~i~ the front lot t0 ~e 7~ feet ~y 80 feet. . Sai~ ~tio~ was s~t~eA, by t~ City Co~cil. VARIANCE No. 2561 ANN~ L. $~U~L for pe~ission to use residence at 103~ No. Palm St. for the operatio~ of am emplOyment office. The City Planmi~g Commission gramted said Variance subject to ~he following conditions: 1. The providing of three isiS. roved Off-Street l~arkin~ Spaces on the rear of the lot. 2. The erection of ~ SIGN not over 3 feet by ~ feet tm area. Actiom of the l~lammim~ CommisSion was suetaimed by the City ~o~c[1. PL~m~2 ~0~ ~bmitte~ by C~les C~ ~~ ~ J~es C. Willt~aom were or~ere~ rece~e~ ~ file~ whem mppro~e~ By the~Cit~ Attorney on motion by Co~ci~. V~ ~omer, seco~e~ by Co~c~ W~eaer. ~0TION ~I~. Ci~y.~l~ Anaheim. ~aliformia, September 15, ,1955- 8~00 P.M,, ~POI~~T ~of Jo~ ~m. C~~ ~eputy 0ity Patrol~ to the ~olice Recede 8e~iag without pay, ~e by the Ohief~ of Police, ~k A. Stephenson, was ratifl~ by. ~e. City Co--il on motion by Oo~$ilR~ V~ Wqoner, 8econAeA by. Oo~cil~ Wi88er. MOTION ~I~. ~ere orAe~ea ~pr~ve~, recei~ ~A fileA o~ ~o~ion %~ 0o~cil~ Wisser~ Sec~e~ by Co~cil~ V~ W~omer. ~ION ~~. P~ISSION: Fire Chief Natio~ ~ire~~e Association 0o~eremce at Seattle wi~ ~ ~lo~ce of $200.$0 for e~emses om motion~by Oo~i~ V~ W~omer, secomAeA by Oo~eiI~ Wisser. ~TION C~I~. ~SOL~ION N0. 2525: Oo~cilm~ Wisser offere~ Resolutiom No. 2525 ~A morea for its p~s~e ~A ~optiom. Refer A ~SOL~ION 0F T~ CITY C0~C:[L 0F T~ C0~ING T0 ~ 0I~ 0F ~E[M ~TAIN ~ PROP~TY ~R ~ ~~T FOR ST~T P~S~. (Don S. Mozley, ~ ~ Collector of the Oo~ty of 0r~e) 0n roll c~l the forSgoi~ resolutiom the foll~i~ vote: A~: O0~OI~:~ Person, Wiener a~ V~ ~omer, ~ES: 00~OI~: Nome. ~S~: 00~OI~ F~ ~d Schutte. The ~r~ecl~e~ t~ae foregoimg ~$olution A~y p~seA ~A aAopt~. ~0L~ION N0. 2526[ Oo~cil~ m V~ ~omer offered Resolutiom No. 2526 ~ morea for its passes Refer to Resolution ?cch, Page .... . A RESOLUTION OF T~E 0ITT COUNCIL OF THE CIT~ OF C0~ING T0 ~ CI~ 0~ ~~ C~TAIN WID~ING P~SES. -(Robert W~ ~ Loretta M. He~ley) 0a roll c~l the foregoi~, resolution the following ~ te : AYES: COU'NCILM~N: Pearson, Wisser ama Van Wagoner. NOES: O0ITNCILMEN: :i Nome. ABSENT: OOUNCI~N:! 1~ am~l Sckutte. ~ · The Ma~or ~eclared the foregoing resolution Auly paseeA a~A aAopteA. REO_U~.~T from Vernon Van. Veghel for permission to move ima woo&em builAiag to be use~ as a~ office for a useA oar lot. The City Council gra~teA sail request with the comAitiom that it be move& whemever requesteA to Ac so by!the. Council. Motion by Councilman Wisser, seco~eA by Oouaeil~aa Van Wagomer. MOTION CARRIe. '~ ~ from ~Jgalto~ Le~,ae of A~erica for the use of the La Pal~a Park the latter part of J~e, 19~5 for-~ tw o ~ Sportsa~'s Show ~d B~~ wi~ p~k conce~elo~ ri~t~ for the two~s, was o~ereA referred to the Recreati~ Di~ ector for reco~aAatio~. ~TRANSFER FUNDS: 0~ motio~ by Councilman ¥iseer, amd secomded by Councilman Faa Yagomer, the transfer from the! conti~gemcy account im the General Fun~. as follows was a~thorize&: Due to salary increase Due to quarterly am~it by Diehl & Co. Due to aA~i~tomal legal expe~Aiture Due to a~miaistrative expense $35,650.00 1,000. O0 1, ~25- OO 1. oe.oo $38,17 .oo ' ' ..... Tb $3,~%.00 vkich wu iacl~eA in the .~% State ~i~~ ~te No. 178 vhich is ~o lo~er aeeeee~y, ca action by Oo~cil~ Wiseer, eeco~eA ~SS~C~:~,~~S LIC~ ~o ~2A~T~~Avc, ~ Dail~ ~roese~ the 0o~cil req~sti~ l~t~atioa governi~ the ,8s~ce of b~inee8 licensee to ~isable~ retorts. 0~!~0E N0, 9~ 0o~cil~ Wisser ~offered 0rdimce mo~A for its AN ORDINANCE OF T~[E CITY COUNCIL OF T~ VI OF T~E ANA~IM MUNICIPAL CODE BY AI QUALIFIED DISABLED VETERANS FROM PAY~ ~JNtCIPAL CODE RELATING TO TNE LICNNS TIONS, AND REGIE~ATING TEE ISSUANCE OF ~ CIT~ OF ANAN~IM A~E~ING CNA~T~R I OF ARTICLE ,DING TNERETO SECTION 6100.83 EX]~ING O~T~N ~ OF LIC~SE F~ ~QUI~ ~ T~ ~~IM :NC OF T~ES. C~IN~. PRGF~SIO~ ~ O~A- LIOn. S TO DIS~~ ~~S, .~ APPLICATION FOR ~XF~PT BUSINF~S LIOENS]: Submitted by Allen. Eugene Clime, disabled veteram, and reco~aemded by Ken J. Br~ley of the V.F.W., was referred to the CommamAer of the Anaheim American Legion for re~om~emAatiom in compliemce with proposed Ordimamce No. 931. i FOOTB~LL CO.NT, P~: Betweem City of ~aheim amd the Amaheim Uniom ltigh School was bela over. · RESOLUTION NO. 2~27~: Coumcllmam Vau ~omer offered Resolution No. 2527 and moved for its passage smd e~[opt'iom, i . . · A S0LUTION OF CITY COUNCIL OF ¢I r OF' OF ~ CI~ O~ ~EIM TO ~ INT0~ ~C~E ~ ~~~ FOR ~CH JOINT CO~I~ ~~TION P~G~. ~ · Refer to Resolution Book, I'a~e ._____. . On roll call the foregoing ~esolUtiom was duly passed amd a~opted by the followimg vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pears~m, Wisser amd Vain ~agoner. NOES: 00UNCLM~N: Nome. ABSENt: COUN~ILNNN: Fry ~ Sckttte. The Ma~or declared the fore~oi~ resolution du~y passe~ and ~~t of $"'01",96' -rePreSenting 31%~ the 19~2 ~3 instate preai~, m reeeiveA by the City of P~O~ A~0~10~; Uyo~ recom~tioi of the ~ninistrative Officer, ~cme of ~ro~ UtilitF ~illiq M~hine, St~ Y~01, ~rice $$,3%6.90, plus S~te S~eo T.~, was authorize~ on motion by Oo~cil~ V~ Wqoner, oeco~eA by Oo~ciln~ Wisaer. MOTION 0~I~. 0o e m W one to. jo n. 0o oil Vismer seconded., morton. ~TION I City Clerk]