1954/09/28764 City Hall~ Anaheim, California~.September. 28~ 1954-- 8:00 P.M. The City Council of the City o PRESEN/: COUNCIL~N; Pearson~ Fry~ Sch' ABSENT : COUNCIL~N: Van Wagoner. CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON TURN~R; Present. CITY ADN[INISTRATIV~- OFFICER, KEITH A. ~ MINUTES; The Ntinutes of the regular mee Meeting held September 22~ 1954 at 10:00 man Wisser~ seconded by Councilman Fry. WARRANTS & DE~9~ND~ Councilman Wisser r to $149,052.01. Councilman Fry moved th and that warrants be drawn upon the Trea Anaheim met in regular session. ~tte and Wisser. ~OCH: Present. ting held. September 14, 1954 and Special A.M. were approved on motion by Council- NDTION CARRIED. ePorted demands against the city amounting alt report of Finance Committee be accepted surer to pay said demands in accordance with report. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. NDTION CARRIED. CALL FOR BIDS: tEAS/ BROADWAY STREET I~.V£~NT. from Elder Street to South East Street~ JOB NO. 348; Pursuant to ResolUtion No. 2519 and legal notice duly published September 14th and 21s.t, 1954,1 the City Clerk was instructed to open bid proposals on motion by Councilman W~sser~ seconded by Councilman Fry. NDTION CARRIED. '. BIDS R~3EIVED~ TOTAL BID SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING CON, ANY, P.O. Box 432, Orange Calif. $ 14,935.82 (Certified Check No. 83776, $~000.00) R. J. NOBLE CON~ANY~ P.O. Box 620~ Orange Calif. 14~971.20 (Bid Bond, 10°~) , On motion by Councilman Wisse~~ seconded by Councilman Fry~ bids were referred to the City Engineer for tabu14%ion and report. NDTION cARRIED. After tabulation, the City En~%neer reported the Sutly-N~iller Contract- ing Company to be low bidder and recommended the acceptance of his bid. RESOLIrfION NO. 2530: Councilman Wisserieffered Resolution No. 2530 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, pag~ A R5SOLU/ION OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SF~RVICES, N~T~RIAIJ NEcEsSARY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION~ INSTALL I~PROVEN,=NT OR WORK: EAST BROADWAY STR] SOU/H EAST SlREET, 30B NO. 348. CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR TH~ FURNISHING ;~ AND EQUIPN~NT, AND PERFORN[ING ALL WORK kTIoN AND CO~PLETION OF TH~ FOLLOWING PUBLIC -i~T~.~ROV£N~NI FROM ELDER STREET TO On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES~ COUNCILN~N:. Pearson~ Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: COUNCILN~N: None. ABSENT: COUNCILN~: Van WagOner. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING: F-53-54-27: Institute~ by the City Planning Commission rezoning the area included within the Loara Annekation. The City Planning Commission ~ecommended the following: 1. The area bounded by West NOrth Street~ North West Street~ Westmont Drive and Loara Street wi~h the exception of that certain property owned by the Anaheim SchoOl District at the Southeast corner of Loara Street and West North Street, to R-O, the school property to remain R-A. 2. /he area bounded by LoaraiStreet, Westmont Drive, Tracts Numbers 1420~ 1833 and 2049~ and ~he Santa Ana Freeway to R-O. 3. Area bounded by Crescent ~venue, Euclid Avenue, Tract No. 2161 and Loara Street to R-1. ~ Those addressing the Council %n opposition to the R-1Zoning~ as out- lined in I~em 3 above, were: ~rs. Hug.s, ~r. Bickham and ~r. Elder. All protest- ants felt the area should be rezoned f~ business along Euclid Avenue. N~yor Pearson asked if anyon~ else wished to address the Council relative to this Public Hearing~ there being no~ declared the hearing closed. [[ins ~ i ~' [ . [ [[ it , City Hall, Anahf RESOLUTION NO. 2531: Court its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolut A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY C THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS N IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAH5 CHANGE OF ZONE. (F-53-54- Commission' s recommendatio California, ,September 28, 1954- 8:00 P.M. cilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2531 and moved for ion Book, page ,,, OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING BSESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE I~M MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID 27 - Change only the R-O portion of the City Planning n) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: ~ AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. COUNCI~N: None. COUNCIl: Van Wagoner. The Mayor declar PUBLIC HEARING: F-54-55-6 for the reclassification o West North Street and Loaf ed the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. :L Submitted by Robert S. Bell and Mace R. MfKinney, Sr. f Tract No. 1686, located at the northeast corner of a Street from R-O to R-3. City Planning C°~nission recommended said reclassificatiOn, subject to the following conditions: 1. Filing of Deed Restrictions covering the sizes and types of buildings to be erected. 2. Deeding to the City of Anaheim lO-feet along the west side of Tract No. 1686 for! the widening of Loar~ Street. A gentleman from the audience requested and received information relative to the street pattern in T~act No. 1686. No objections we!~e received b¥~'the City Clerk, and no one present objected to proposed reclassification, thereupon Mayor Pearson declared the Hearing closed. RESOLU/ION NO. 2532: CounCilman Schuite offered Resolution No. 2532~.and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUIION OF IHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS ~CESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE zx, S OUm ZO ACCO t S SAIO CHANGE OF ZONE. (F-54-55-~) '' On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: .AYES: COUD~I~N: Pearson,.Fry, Schutte.and,Wisser.. -' ..'. NOES: COUNCI~N: , None . ,. ABSENT: COUI~I~N: Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted.. PUBLIC HEARING: F-54-55-7~ Ora B..Miller, requesting that the~property des- cribed as the 10 acre trace at'the northeast corner of Brookhurst Street and Ball Road be reclassified from R-A to C-1. The City Planning!Commission recommended the reclassification, subject to: 1. The completion of annexation proceedings.to the,_~City of Anaheim. 2. The deeding ~o the City of Anaheim twenty feet each along Ball Road and Brookhur~t Street for the future widening of these two streets. 3. The filing o~ Deed Restrictions covering the architecture~and layout of th~ Shopping Center. The owner of theiproperty was present, and discussed his plans for the proposed shopping center, however no plans were.presented as reclassification of the property was desired b~fore definite plans are made. City Hallm _Anaheim, Calif!~nia...,.. Sept..ember 28, 19.54- .8..00 P.M. No one present at the meeting objected to proposed change of zone, and no written protests were received bY the Clerk, thereupon the N~yor declared the Hearing closed. The City Council requested the owner of the property to present some kind of a tentative plan of the proposed shopping center. PUBLIC HEARING: F-54-55-8: Insti~d~ed by the City Planning Commission to classify the 10 acres at each of th~ southeast~ southwest and northwest corners of Euclid Avenue and Ball Road from R-~ to C-1. ~ to; The City Planning Commission recommended the reclassification be subject 1. The deeding of 20 feet along the west side of Euclid Avenue, and 20 feet along the norBh side of Ball Road to the City of Anaheim for future street widening. 2. The filing of deed restrictions with regard to architectural layout of shopping center. 3. /he Completion of annexation to the City of Anaheim. Discussion of the proposed~areas for shopping centers was held, and the Council deferred action on those co~ners not within the city limits. The Mayor declared the Hearing Closed. Action by the council was taken on the Northwest corner of EUclid a~d Ball Road. RESOLUTION.NO. 2533% Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2533 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, ipage A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF!THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERNIINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM NRJNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AN~NDED TO ACCO~LISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. {F-54-55-8 - NW Co~ner only - Tract No. 2377) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILNMN: Pearson, Fry, $chutte and Wisser. NOES: COUNCIL~N: None. ABSENT: COUNCILNI~N: Van~agoner. The N~ayor declared the foFegoing resolution duly passed and adopted. VARIANCE NO. 239: Submitted by.C. ~ouise Truxaw for permission to erect a Club House at the Northeast corner of WeSt Vermont and South Lemon Streets for the Anaheim Assistance League. Communication dated September 17, 1954 from Nk)rgan and Morningstar, Attorneys representing ~r. Truxaw, ~!thdrawing application for variance was sub- mitred and read. Said communication was ordered received and filed. VARIANCE NO. 244: Continued review of Variance No. 244 before the Council was held at this time. ~ Legal Counsel for both the property owner, Ntt. Warnes, and the protestants addressed the Council. Variance No. 244~ submitted by F. E. and Barbara W. Warnes for permission to erect a Service Station at the n~rthwest corner of East Center Street and North East Street was discussed. Others addressing the Cout¢il in opposition to the granting of said Variance were: Nits. S~muel Nits. V~n De Velde Ntt. Van De Velde Ntt. Sm~ th ~rs. Wi rte Ntt. Cartwright PUBLIC HEARING was ordere~ to be held, October 13~ 1954.on motion by City Hall, Anahgim, Californi_a, .September 28, 1954- 8:00 P.M. Councilman Schutte, second, ed by Councilman Fry, MOTION CARRIED. , VARIANCE NO. 251: Landba~ Construction Corp. for permission to reduce the set- back from 25 feet to 20 f~et on lots in Tracts Nos. 2259 and 2260~ except those lots on cul-de-sacs streets. Review by City Council was continued to allow time to investigate streets where set-backs were reduced to 20 feet. The City Council sustained the action of the City Planning Commission in granting Variance No. 251. FINAL MAPS: The followinc. ~Final Map of Subdivision Tracts were approved by the City Council, subject to engineering requirements, on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by.Councilman Sc~'.utte. MOTION CARRIED: Final Mar lot Tract No. 2270 Final Map of Tract No. 2161 Final Mar' of Tract No. 2296 Final Map of Tract No. 2197 FINAL MAP~ TRACT NO. 2161zi In accepting the~ Final Map of Tract No. 2161~ the Construction of the wall ~as approved, subject to the working out of details with the City Engineer an~'City Administrative OffiCer~ on motion by COUncilman Schutte, seconded by C°unqilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE AGRE£MENT: IRACT NO. 2161: Agreement between City of Anaheim~ Claredge Homes arid Mutual Savings & Loan Association of Pasadena for deposit in escrow of ~91,000.00 for the installation of improvements in Tract No. 2161 was submitted and the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to sign said agreement on behalf of the, !City of Anaheim on motion by Councilman SChutte~ seconded by Councilman Fr~~. MOTION CARRIED. . TENTATIVE MAP, TRACT NO. ~368: Edward V. Brewer. Location:' South East Street, north of Tract No. 1683 a~east o---~-~ra~ No-~--~54 - 22 lots City Planning COmmission recommended the approval ;f said Tentative Map, subject to: ~. 1. The inclusiqn of the lot marked "Not a portion of the Subdivision" as a lot in ithe Subdivision if possible 2. Payment of ~25.00 per lot for the acquisition of Park and Recreation Sites. i -' :, 3. Engineering!requirements. City Council approved said Tentative Map of Tract No. 2368~ subject to conditions as recommended by the City Planning Commission on motion by.Council- man Wisser~ seconded by Cduncilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. REVISED TENTATIVE MAP TRAqT NO. 2381: Leo Friedman - Location: East side of Euclid Avenue, starting a~ Orange Avenue and running south %o a point 632 feet north of Crone Avenue - 89 lots. City Planning C..~ission recommended the acceptance of said tract~ subject to the following donditions: 1. Inclusion as lots of those parcets mamked.,"Not~a par% of.the Subdivision", if possible,~ ,~ 2. The opening.of a street and .alley to the sou,th, near, Euclid .Avenue. 3. The payment !of '$25.00 per lot for the.acquisition of Park and Recreation sites. 4. Engineering Action by City C ,. REVISED TENTATIVE.MAP TRAC o~ Lincoln Avenue and wes~ City PlanningC¢ Map, subject to: requirements. ouncil was withheld pending the presen%ati'on of plans. ~ NO. 2303~ Lesser Enterprises Ltd. · Location:, .North of Magnolia. Avenue- 186 lots. ~mission recommended the acceptance of '[said ..Tentative' , , 1. Completion Of Annexation proceedings. 2. Lots under minimum. 3. Payment of Sites. 4. Engineering Action by City C 0 feet in width must be. brought up to the City's ,, 25.00 per lot for the acquisition of Park and Recreation · mequirements. ouncil was withheld pending the persentation of plans. City.. Hall, Anaheim, Califg~nia. ~September 28, 1954 -~8:00 P.M. REVISED TENTATIVE MAP TRACT NO. 236~ Anthony Maniscatchi - Location: East side of Placentia Avenue between East BrOadway and East Santa Ana Street. - 20 lots. City -Planning Commission '~ecommended the. approval ,of said revised Tentative ~ap,- subject ~%o: 1. Completion of Annexation proceedings. 2. Payment of $25.00 per lot for the acquisition of park and recreation sites. .. 3. Engineering requiremedts. City Councii, on motion by Counciiman Schutte, Seconded by~'CounciIman Wisser approved revised tentative map of tract No. 2367, subject to conditions as outlined by City Pianning CommisSion. NDTION CARRIED TENTATIVE MAP, TRACT NO. 2402: ~un~ngham ConStruction Co. -- Location: we~t'~side of Euclid Avenue between Orange AveMue and Broadway - 80 lots.~'- City Planning Commission recommended the approval of said tentative map subject to: · 1. Payment of $25.00 per lot for the acquisition of park and recreation sites. 2.Engineering requiremeM%s. City Council approved said-Tentative-~Map, ~subject to conditions &s recommended by the City Planning Con~ission?.and furi~her subject to 1225 square foot houses, on motion by Councilman Wisser, secended by Coungilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. FREVISED TENTATIVE MAP TRACT NO. 2377,: Wagner R~alty Company - Location on .the west side of Euclid..Avenue between ~ange Avenue a~d Ball Road. City Planning Commission ~ecommended~the apprOVal--or'said revised tentative maP'of Tract No. 2377 subject to the following conditions: 1. Construction of a masonry wall along the rear of Lots 270, 271 and 272. 2.The width of Lot 339 ~o be made 67½ feet. 3. Payment of $25.00 per lot for the acquisition of park and recreation sites. " 4.Engineering requirements. The ~epresentat~ve of the Sub~d~vider stated the homes in this tract would range from 1,237 to 1,270 square foot houses. City Council approved said ~Revised Tentative Map of Tract No.-2377, subject to conditions as recommended by the City Planning Commission, on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Wisse~, MOTION CARRIED. . TENTATIVE MAP, TRACT NO, 2350: Rue~n Specktor and Thomas Leroy Evans - Location: ~ast side of Placentia Avenue approximately 660 feet south of East SOuth Street. 90 lots. City Planning Commission ~commended the approval of said tenfa%fve map, subject to conditions as outlined'add' noted b~tow'~' ?' - 1. Completion of annexation proceedings. 2. Payment of $25.00 per lot for the acquisition of park and recreation sites. 3. Engineering requirements. On motion by Councilman SChutte, seconded by Councilman Fry,~'the~oi, ty Council approved said tentative map iQf Tract, No. 2350, subject to conditions as recommended by the City Planning ~ommission. MOTION CARRIED. MASTER PLAN EAST ANAHEIM AREA: ComPlete plan for this area will be-presented to the City Planning Commission by the Planning Staff at their October 4, 195~ meet- ing, however in view of the present subdivision~ it was the reoommendation of the City Planning Commission that the a~a, along the east side of Placentia Avenue from Anaheim-Olive Road to a point ~0 feet north of Wagner Road~ be considered for 6000 square foot lots. Said recommendation was o~ered received and filed by the City Council · ORDINANCE NO. 933: Councilman Wiss~ offered Ordinance No. 933 and moved for its passage and adoption. Said Ordinance was read' in public for the 'first time. AN ORDINAbEE 0~, THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ~NDING ARTICLES IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE EST~LISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF ~ HEIGErr OF BUII~INGS AND YARD-SP~CES: ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIE~~ ~F SAID ZONES: DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN: PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, ~NDMENT AND ENFORCENENT: PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALI~ ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CON- FLICT THEREWITH. (F-54-55-2- Res. 2520- C.P.C. Res. 13 (54-55) City Hall, An_ahe~m, .California.~ .September 28.., 1954- 8tgO P,M. After hearing re~d in full the title of said Ordinance No. 933, Council- man Schutte moved said rea~ing in full of Said Ordinance be waived. ~Co~lncitman Fry seconded the motion. ~otion unanimously adopted by the City Council. ORDINANCE NO. 934: Counci and moved for its passage AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY 0 MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO AND THEREIN REGULATING IHt ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THt THEREIN: PROVIDING FOR AD3 PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AN FLICT THEREWITH. (F-54-55 lman Fry offered Ordinance No. 934 for first reading and adoption. F ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLES IX, CHAPTER 2 'OF THE.ANAHEIM THE ESTABLISHNENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES: BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES: DEFINING THE TERNS3 USED USTMENT, AN~NDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT: PRESCRIBING D REPEALING ALL SBSTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CON- -3- Res. 2521- C.P.C. Res. 14 (54-55) After hearing re~d the title of Ordinance No. 934 in full, Councilman $chutte moved said reading in full of the ordinance be waived. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. Nbtibn unanimously adopted by the City Council. ORDINANCE NO. 935: Councilman Wisser offered Ordinance No. 935 for first reading and moved for its passage ~nd adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY 0 MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO AND THEREIN REGULATING THE ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE THEREIN: PROVIDING FOR ADJ PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION A~. CONFLICT THEREWITH. (F-53 F ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLES IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS' AND YARD SPACES: BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES: DEFINING THE TER~S USED JSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT: PRESCRIBING ) REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN -54-26 - Res, 2522'- C.P.C..Res. 4 (54-55). After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 935, CoUncilman Wisser moved said reading [n full of the ordinance be waived~ Councilman SChutte seconded the motion. Motibn was unanimously adopted by the City Council. ORDINANCE NO. 931: Councilman Fry offered Ordinance No. 931 and moved for its passage and adoption, i Refer to OrdinanCe Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARfICLE VI, CHAPTER 1 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL.CODE BY ADDING T~ERETO SECTION 6100.83 EXEMPTING CERTAIN QUALIFIED, DISABLED VETERANS FROM PAYMENT OF LICENSE FEES REQUIRED UNDER THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TOi THE LICENSING OF TRADES, CALLINGS, PROFESSI.ONS AND OCCUPATIONS, AND REGULATIN¢ THE ISSUANCE OF LICENSES TO DISABLED VETERANS. After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 931, Councilman Schutte moved said reading in full be waived. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. Motion was unanimously JadoPted by the .City ~Council. · On roll call the foregoing Ordinance No, 931 was duly passed'&nd adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL,~EN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: ' COUnCILmEN: None. .. .~ ABSENT: COUNClL~S~I: Van.Wagoner. :~ , : -" The Mayor~declar,~d Ordinance No.'93~ duly passed ~and adopted. ~, OPJDINANC5 NO. 930~. GounciLman ~isseroffe~ed O~dinanceNo.'930~:and moved passage and adoption. . Refer to OrdinanCe Book, page . ~ 1. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY C F ANAHEIMAPPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIMOF THE_TERRITO~YK After hearing rei~d in full the title of Ordinance No. 930, Councilman Fry moved said reading in ~ull be waived. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. Motion was unanimously ado]')ted by the City Council. · _ On roll call the. foregoip~ .Ordinance ~. 930 ~a$..duty pas~ed~Jand~- adopted bY ihe followih9 ~te: 9II ' City Hall, Anaheim, Califq~nia, September 28, 1954 - 8:00 P,M. AYES.. COUNCIL~N: Pearson, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: C OUNSI LN~.N: NQne, ABS~T'. COUNCILN~: Van !Wagoner. The N{ayor declared Ordinadce No. 930 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 936: Councilman Wisser offered Ordinance No. 936 for first reading and moved for its passage and adoption. AN ORDINANSE OF TH5 CITY OF ANAHEIMiiAPPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF THE TERRITORY KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS PLACENTIA AVENIIE NO. 2 A~tNEXATION, After hearing read the %i%1e of Ordinance No. 936, Councilman Wisser moved said reading in full be waive4. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carried by the City Council. ORDINANCE NO. 937: Councilman Wi. ss~X offered Ordinance No..937 and moved.for,its passage and adoption. Said. OrdinanCe was read in public for the first time. AN ORDINANCE-OF THECITY OF ANAHHIM~APPROVING TH5 ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF IHE TERRITORY KNOWN AND D£SIGNATED AS PLACENTIA AVENUE..NO.,3 ANNEXATION. After hearing read the ti$!e of Ordinance No. 937, Councilman Pry~ moved said reading in full be waive4. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. Nbtion unanimously carried_by the City Council. NUTWOOD-BALL ANNEXA/ION: Request f.gr consent to commence, proceedings was received and referred to the City Planning Commission, September 7,1954. City Planning Commission'S.recommendations dated September 24, 1954 were submitted and read. Orange County Boundary Co~ission report dated September 13, 1954 reporting the boundaries of the proposed annexation are reasonably definite and certain subject to the completion of certain annexation to the City of:Anaheim, was submitted and read. The City Council felt the lrea can be reasonably served utilities. .RESOLUTION NO. 2534: Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2534 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLLrTION OF THH CITY COUNCIL OF! TH~ CITY OF ANAHEIM CONSENTING TO THH CON~NCE~NT OF PROCEEDINGS FOR THE' ANNEXATION OF INHABITED TERRITORY TO THH CITY OF ANAHEIM. (Nutwood-Ball Ann~Kation) On roll call the foregoin~ resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: coUNCILN~N: Pearson, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. . ~.. NOES: COUNCILN~N: None. ABSENI: COUNSIIJ~N: Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 2534 duly passed and adopted. NtILES RANCHO ANNHXA/ION: Request for annexation of uninhabited territory signed by seven property owners was submitted.and read. Orange County Boundary Commission report dated Setpebmer 13, 1954 finding that the boundaries of the Proposed annexation to be reasonably definite and certain was submitted, read and ordered received and filed. Ihe request for annexation was referred to the City Clerk to check the sufficiency of the petition andlreport at the next regular meeting of the Council, on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser. NDTION CARRIED. ~ EAST STREET ANNEXATION: Report of Orange County Boundary Commission dated September 13, 1954 finding that theiboundaries of the proposed annexation to be reasonably definite and certain wasisubmitted, read and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Schu%te, seconded by Councilman Wisser. NDTION CARRIED. N~GNOLIA-CRESCENI ANNEXATION: Report of Orange County Boundary Commission dated September 13, 1954 finding that the!ibound~ries of the proposed annexation to be 771 City. Hall, Anah_..~m, California, Sep%en~.er 28, 1954- 8:00 P,M. reasonabl.ey_ definite and c~rtain was submitted, read and .ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman sCh'Utte, seconded by CounCilman Winner. NDTION CARRIED. CANCELLATION O~ CITY TAXES~ Cancellation of city, taxes on property purchased by the State of California f0~ highway purposes and assessed to the follqwi.ng named persons, was authorized on mtoion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fry. NDTION CARRIED: , : John B. Stewart -- No. lOSl Darwin C. Stanley-- 1158 William G. Larson - Myrtle L. Lars°n-- No. 1163 ~ . & Mrs. Charles B. Fordyce -- No. 1198 Bernard Moon -- No. 1183 Frederick.L. Luce -- No~..1173o.~,' " ~. '. RESOLU/ION NO. 25'35: Councilman Winner offered RescisSion No.. 2535 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page _ A RESOLU/ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DE.E~ CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASENENT FOR STREET AND UTILITY PURPOSES. (Gr~ice Elizabeth DIGKERSON) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCII~N: Pearson, Fry, $chutte and Winner. NOES: COUNC I ~N: None. ABSENT: COUNCI~N: Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 2535 duly passed and adopted. APPOINTMENT, DEPUTY CITY P~TROLMAN: Chief of Police, N~rk! A....Stephenson: appointed 3ames William Epperly, DePUty City Patrolman for the City of Anaheim, to the "Uniformed Reserve" servin~ without pay. · .. ~ . Said appointment! was ~atified by the City Counci1 on motion by Council- man Wisser, seconded by CoUncilman. Fry. MOTION CARRIED. STOP SIGNS: PETITION: Petition signed by 22 residents of .West Street, requesting the placement of stop sig~s. %o control traffic moving north and.south on. West Street and moving west on ~ycamore Street into West Street, was submitted and read. Chief of Pol~c~recommended that a boulevard stop be placed on' Sycamore before crossing i~.to West Street, also~:.tha~.stops, be placed onlWest Street on each side of Sycamore, thereby making this intersec%io~ a three-way boulevard stop. The Council ~equested the Chief of Police and Administrative Officer investigate and report on %his matter at the next meeting. STOP SIGNS: Chief of Poli~e recommended the placement of a four-way b~ulevard stop at the intersection oil Acacia and Romneya Drive~ and .further recommended consideration of increased street lighting in the residential areas. RESOLUTION NO. 2536: CounCilman Winner offered Resolution No. 2536 and moved for its passage and adoptibn. Refer. to Resolu~on Book., page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING AND DIRECT- ING IHE ESTABLISHMENT OF FOUR-WAY BOULEVARD STOP SIGNS AT THE INTERSECTION OF ACACIA STREET AND ROMNEYA DRIVE. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed~ and adopted, by.the following vote: i AYES: COUNCI N: Pearson,. ~ry, Schu%%e and. Winner. NOES: COUKC I ~N: None. ABSENT :. COUNC I ~: Van Wa:goner. · · . . The Mayor declar,ed Resolution No. 2536 duly passed'and-adopted. 772 ...... City Hall,_Anaheim, Ca.~ifp~Dia, Sgptember 28, :1954 r-.8:pO P.M. .R~OUEST FOB'SIGNAL: Request for Signal on the corner of-Ball-Road and Los Angeles Street was referred %o the Police DePartment for:recommendation. ORDINANCE NO. 938: COuncilman Fry o[fered Ordinance No. 938 for first reading and moved for its passage and adoptiOn.. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ESTABLISHING CERTAIN REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE ERECTION, CONSTRUCTION AND ALTERATION OF CERTAIN BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND IN~ROVEMENTS, AND CERTAIN USES 0~ LAND, AND PROVIDING.iA MININ~3M FLOOR AREA IN CERTAIN AREAS WITHIN THE CITY OF'~J~AHEIM. (1225 sq. ft. houses - Loara to Brookhurst and Lincoln ~o Ball) ~ PERSONNEL: The Administrative Offic%~ reported thefollo-~ting appointments: Abel A. EBERT - ~aintenance ~an - 24-A ($300.00 per month) Margaret FLYNN--Billing Clerk - 20~A-(.$250..00 per month) N~rilyn SPIELN~N - P.B.X. Operator - 15-A ($200.OOger month) 3ames EPPERLY - ConstructiOn Inspector - 28-A ($360.00 per month) Romaine NAFFZIGF~R - Clerk-~¥pis%-~ 16-A ($210.00 permon%h)-' Said appointments were ratified by the Council on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by' councilman Schut%~e.! NDTION CARRIED. FOOTBALL CONTRACT: Football Contract between the City :of Anaheim and 'the Anaheim. Union Highschool was approved and the ~ayor and Clerk authorized to sign said contract on behalf of the City, on motion by;CounCilman Schut%e,. seconded by Councilman Wisser. NDTION CARRIED ..... . ~i *~*** SEZ~ ADDEI~DUM. WAT~ER OF CONS~UCTION R~QUIR~NT$ ~!I~IN FIRE ZON~ NO. 1~ Construction of Doughnut Shop] re,es% waiver to allow stucco and frame construction wad denied by %he City Council on mo%ion by CounCilman Schut%e~ seconded by CounCilman ~isser. ~TION C~RIED. 9~Ko;.I~ION NO. 2537: Councilman Sch~tte offered Resolution No. 2537 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer ~o Resolution Book~ page A RESOLUTION OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY OF ANAHEIM AN~NDING SBSTIONS 15 AND 25 OF RESOLUTION NO. 2495 ENTITLED, "~ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ESTABLISH- ING A BASIC COMPENSATION PLAN FOR GFRiAIN GLASSES OF EN~LOYN~NI IN' TH5 NDNICIPAL SERVICE OF THE CI/Y OF ANAHEIM AND ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR THE PLAC~.N~NT OF PR£SENT EN~LOY£~£S WITHIN. TH5 WAGE AND SALARY SCHEDULES PROVIDED:~ FROVI~ING FOR PHYSICAL EXANE'NATIONS,~! HOLIDAYS A~D VACATIONS, AND RP-PEALING RESOLUTION NUN~ERS 2056-A 'AND 2141.~ ~nge OffiCer -$20.0~ Per month ~an6'~ SchoOl Crossinq G~ards @ $88.00 ~x month) On roll call .the foregoing ~esolu%ion was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: .. AYES: CQUNCIL~N: P~ar~n~ Fry-,'Schutte ~nd Wisser. '-. NO~.S: COUNC I L~N: None. ABSENT~ COUNCIL~N~, Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 2537 duly passed and adopted. aHEARINGS BEFORE THE PL~LIC UTILITIES COmmISSION: Southern Counties Gas Co., date of hearing~ October 13~ 1954~ also notice of hearing fOr P~acific. TelePhone and Telegraph for increase in rates due to extended service, was noted and no action authorized by the Council at %his time. REQUEST: IZAAK WALTON LEAGUE for use of La Palma Park 2 days, June, 1955 was referred to the Recreational Directox {or recommendation relative to mequested concession rights. ~ N~. Deft, Recreational Director reported the grant of concession rights to the Izaak Walton League fox the two day period would not conflict with any previous committments, however h~ recommended a charge of $50.00 per day or 10~ of gross, whichever is the larger. Councilman Schutte moved the concession rights be allowed for the two days and that a total charge of $50.~ be made. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. NDTION CARRIED. '- ORNAN~NTAL STREET LIGH/ING AND POWER RATES were discussed briefly, and the City .Hall, Anaheim, California, September 28, 1_954- 8:00 P.:M. Superintendent of Light,~ POwer and Water was instructed .to prepare a definite plan for co~nsideration of the C[~ty Council. . ~ ~ PERMISSION TO LEAVE THH STATE: Councilman Wisser was granted permission to leave the state during the month~of October, 1954, on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fr~' 'NIOTION CARRIED. ' SUBDIVISION BONDS:' Tract No. 1825 - $21,000.00 - water mains ! · , $95 ,~000. 00 ~- ~street work, etc.. Tract. No. 2197 --~$28,000.00 -water mains $32,000.00 - sewer m~ins $73,000.00 - street wOrk, etc. Tract No. 2296- $14,000.00- water mains $70,000.00 - street work~ etc. PLUN~ER BOND: 3ack's Constracting Company. Said Subdivision Bonds and Plumber Bond were order~ed received~ and filed when approved by the City Attorney, on motion by Councilman iSchutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser. NDTION CARRIED. TRANSFER OF FUNDS: Transfer of $25,000.00 from the Genera. I Fund to the Sanitation Fund was authorized on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry. ND/ION CARRIED. J.O.S. REPORT (August) on ~Xpenses paid by the City of Anaheim in maintaining ~ec-~n~-~-~n-d 4, and reco~ing the flows and treating Sections 5 and 6 was ordered received and filed on motibn by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutte, NDTION CARRIED. AWARD TO PRESTON TURNFR: ~ITy ATTORNEY: Communication dated $eptember~23, 1954 from the League of Califo~ia Cities informing the City of Anaheim that one of the two awards given at th~ National Institute of ~unicipal Law Officers convention held in San~.Francisco thi~ September, was given to Preston. Turner, City of Anaheim City Attorney. Recognition for ia Job "well done" was given ~r. Turner. SUBDIVISION BOND: Tract No. 2270 - $ 5,500.00 - Water $32~'500.00 - Streets, etc. Said bond was o~dered received, and~filed when approved~iby the City Attorney on motion by Coudcilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry. NDTION CARRIED. DISNEYLAND ANNEXATION: ~T~e City Council proceeded to canvas the returns of the S--~-~ ~e~ ~-~ September 24,.1954, for the annexation to the City of Anaheim of the territory ~nown and designated as the DISNEYLAND ANNEXATION. Mayor Pearson a~pointed the following Election Officers~for.the purpose of canvassing the returns~of said Special Election: Councilman Wiss~ ~ Inspector Councilman Fry - 3udge Councilman Schu~te- Clerk The Canvassing ~oard reviewed the following documents: 1. Loyalty Oaths, signed by each Election Officer. 2. Election Officer's payroll ..... ~ 3. Results of ~otes cast at the Disneyland Annexaiion Voting Prec}nct. 4. Roster of V~ters. ~. Tally lists~ ~ 6. Challenge l~st. 7. Sealed envelope bearing certification of the. Electienofficers that it contained ballots cast at this election. The above documents were inspected and examined by the Canvassing Board who found that the ElectiOn Officers had done and performed all the duties re- quired by law to be done. . ~ The City Clerk ~eported two.'_Absentee Ballots had .been issued, pursuant to applications duly execqted and fi~ed with~the ~Cit¥ C.terk~ and further.reported~ the Absentee Ballots have i~been returned and are accounted for, and that verification has been made of the signatures .on the~ideniification enuelopes, , City Hall, Anaheim, Califq-~nia, September 28~ 1954- 8':00 P..M. · , , The signatures on the identification envelopes of the Absentee Ballots were checked by the Canvassing Board with the original affidavits of registeration contained in the Orange County Katella No. 1 Precinct. !. The Board determined that ~the signature on each voter's identification envelope was the voter's signature on each voter's identification envelope, whereupon the Board announced audibly each voter's name. No challenge being interposed against the counting or deposit of the absent voters' ballots for counting, the Board then opened the iidentification envelopes and removed the number from each ballot~ destroyed e~ch number slip and deposited each ballot in the ballot box. After the ballo~ Were deposited in the box~ the box was throughly shaken, ii The absentee ballots were ~'hen'~emoved from the ballot box, one at a ti,.,~, and counted, the 3udge and Clerk recording said votes on'the tally sheets and tabulating the result of the co~dt under the heading "absentee vote". The Board thereupon added the total of ~he votes voted to the votes for 'and against the measure, tabulated under the heading "absentee votes". Upon the completion of the canvass of returns of said special election, Councilman Wisser offered Resolution ~No. 2529 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page iRESOLUTION NO. 2529 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CAUSING A RECORD OF CANVASS OF RE~N$ OF SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE ENTERED !UPON ITS MINUTES. WHEREAS, the City Council ~of the City of Anaheim has canvassed the returns of a certain special annexation election held on the 24th day of~ September, 195~, in certain unincorporated territory sought to be annexed to said City of Anaheim, and WHEREAS, said City Council ~has caused a record to be made of the canvass of returns of said election~ which record is entitled RECORD OF CANVASS Or RETURNS OF SPECIAL ANNEXATION ELATION, HELD SEPTEN~3ER 24, 1954. NOg, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI~ that said record of canvass ~of returns of said election be~ and the same is hereby ordered entered upon the ~[inu~es of said City Council. ' THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 28th day o~ September, 1954 CHAS. A. PEARSON Mayor of the City of Anaheim ATTEST: . . · DENE M. WI LLIA~S City Clerk of the City of Anaheim On roll call the foregoing resolution No.~2529 was dulyi'passed and adopted bY the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte and WiSser. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILN~N: Van ~agoner. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 2529 duly passed and adopted. RECORD OF CANVASS OF RET~ OF SPECIAL ANNEXATION ELECTION HELD SEPTE~ER 2z~, 195~. The City Council of the City of Anaheim hereby makes a record of canvass of returns of a special annexation election. Said special annexation election was held on the 2dth day of September, 195d, in the manner provided by law. That for said election, said City Council duly established one voting City Hall, Anaheim, Cplifornia,_September 28~.1957 -.8:00 P.M. precinct which is designated as DISNEYLAND ANNEXATION VOTING PRECINCT. That the pollin~ place for such election was established and maintained at James Roland Weir's Gr~ges, 10831 Harbor Blvd., Orange County, California, which was within the hereinafter described unincorporated territory. The description of the property proposed to be included in. the annexation known as the DISNEYLAND ~[NEXATION is as follows: i A tract of land being a portion 'of Sections 21'~ 22 and 23~ Township 4 South, Range 10 West, S~n Bernardino Base and Meridian and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a ~oint on the existing Anaheim City Limits Line said. point being the intersection of the northeasterly right-of-way line of Los Angeles Street~ also known as U. S. Highway 101 and the southerly line of the N~ of the NE~. of NE~ of Section 22, iT4S, RiOW~ S.B.B. & M.; thence 1. Southeasterly along said northeasterly right-of-way lineOf Los Angeles Street to the easterly line of the NE~ of Section 22~ T4S, RIOW~ S.B.B.& M.; thence~ 2. Southerly along said easterly line of the NE~ of Section 22~ T4S~ RIOW, S.B.B.& M., and crossing said Los Angeles Street to the southwesterly right-of-way line of said Los Angeles Street; thence~ 3. ~outheasterly along said southwesterly right-of-way line of Los Angeles Street to the easterly prolongation of the southerly right-of-way line of Midway Drive; the~ce~ as~ shown on. a' map of "The Joseph FiScus .Subdivision" recorded in Book 8, Page 73, Miscellaneous Maps of Orange County, California; thence, 4. Westerly along said southerly rightkof-way line, and its easterly prolongation~ of said Mid,ay Drive to the northeasterly right-of-way line of Manchester Av~enue; thence 5. Southwesterly crossing said Manchester Avenue at right angles to its center line~ .ti the southwesterly right-of-way line of said Manchester,Avenuel thence~ 6. Southeasterly along said southwesterly right-of-way line of Manchester Avenue to an a~gle point in said southwesterly right-of-way'line~ the'nce~ 7. Easterly along the southerly right-of-way line of' said Manchester Avenue to an angle point in said right-of-way line; thence~ 8. Southeasterly along southwesterly right-of-way line of' said. Manchester Avenue to the ~esterly right-of-way line of Haster Street; thence~ 9. Southerly along said westerly right-of-way line of Haster Street to a point 40.00 feet northerly of the center line of Katella Avenue, measured at right angles to said center line; thence, 10. Westerly along a line parallel to the center line of said Katella Avenue and 40.00 feet noriherly therefrom to the westerly line of Lot 8 of Block 17 of Fairview Colony Tract as shown on a map thereof in' Bobk'l at Page 33 of Miscellaneous Recor~ Maps~ Records of Orang:e County; thenCe~ 11. Northerly along said westerly line of said Lot 8 to the most northwesterly corner of said Lot 8; thence, 12. Westerly along northerly lines of Lots 6~and 7 of said Block 17 to the most northeasterlyi¢orner of Lot 5 of said, Block 17; thence, 13. Southerly ~long easterly line of said Lot 5 to a point located 40.00 feet northerly of t~e said center line of Katella Avenue,'measured at right angles to said center line; thence, 14. Westerly along a line parallel to and 40.00 feet northerly of the said center line of Katella Avenue to the easterly right-of-way line of Euclid Avenue; thence~ City Hall, Anaheim, ~alif~Tnia,.September 2~ 1954 - 8:00 P.M. 15. Northerly along saidleasterly right-of-way line of Euclid Avenue . to the southerly line of the N~ of Lot 4, Block 12 of said Fairview Colony Tract; thence~ 16. Easterly along said SOutherly line of the-N~ of Lot 4 and the Southerly line of the N~ of Lot 3 of said Block 12 to the easterly line of said Lot 33 thence, 17. Northerly along said easterly line of Lot 3 and its northerly prolongation across Cerri~os Avenue 4o the northerly right-of-way line of said Cerritos Avenuel thence, 18. Easterly along said northerly right-of-way line of said Cerritos Avenue to the most northwesterly rgiht~of-way corner of said Cerritos. Avenue and Walnut Street~ thence, 19. Northerly along westerly right-~f-way~ line. of said Walnut Street to the westerly prolongation of the southerly line of the NE~ of NE~ of Section 21, I4S, RiOW,~ S.B.B. & ~.;~ thence,~ 20. Easterly along the s~utherly line, and its said westerly prolong- ation across Walnut Street~ of the N~ of NE~ of Section 21~ I4S~ RiOW~ S.B.B.& ~., to the westerly right-of-way line o~ West. Street~. thence, · 21. Northerly along, sald westerly right-of-way line of ~est Street to the westerly prolongation of the northerly right-of-way line of Winston Road; thence~ 22. Easterly along said northerly right-of-way line, and its westerly prolongation across West Street~ of ~inston Road to the westerly right-of-way line of Harbor Boulevard; thence~ 23. Southerly along said ~esterly right-of-way ltne~, of~Ha~bor.BoUleVard the wester~¥~' pr~l~ngatl~n I~S~ RIOW~ S.B.B. & 24. Easterly along said SOutherly line, and its westerly prolongation across Harbor Boulevard, of the southerly line of the N~ of NE~ of Section 22, T4S, RiOW, S.B.B. & ~. to the westerly line of the NE~ of NE-~ of Section 22, T4S, RiOW, S.B.B. & ~.; thence . 25. Northerly along said westerly line of NE~ of NE~ of Section 22, T4S, RiOW, S.B.B. & ~. to a point in the existing Anaheim City Limits Line; said point also being the southerly line of the N~ of NE~ of NE~ of Section 22, T45., RIOW~ S.B.B. & ~.; thence, 26. £asterly along said existing Anaheim City Limits line and said southerly line of the N~ of .NE~ of N~ of Section 22, T4S, RIOW, S.B.B.. & ~. to the point of beginning. That the proposition submitted to the electors residing within said unincorporated area was: ~ Shall DISNEYLAND ANNEXATION be annexed to the . ~i~y o£ Anaheim, California, and the property ~ in said DISNEYLAND ANNEXATION be~ after such YES annexation~ subject to taxation equally with the property within said City of.Anaheim to ~ ~ pay its pro rata portion, based upon assessed ~aluation, of all bonded indebtedness of said NO ~ity of Anaheim outstanding on August 27, 1954,1~ Dr th~retofore authorized? That said City Council met at its regular meeting after the expiration of three days from and after the date of said election to canvass the returns of said election~ and at said regular meeting did make and complete its canvass of such returns. That from and by its canvass of such returns, said City Cou~dil finds: City Hall, A,nahei.~, California, ,..September 26i-4954~-- ~':00 P,,M. 1. That the whol~ 2. That the numbE annexation 3. That the numb~ annexation number of-votes cast at such eleCtion was 58. r of votes Cast at such electionJin- f~vor of · 54. ,r of votes cast at such election` against 1.2. 4. That the number of'ballots received-as, absentee votes was 2. 5. That the number of absentee votes in favor"of annexation 2. was 6. That the numar of absentee votes against annexation was O. DENE M. W~L~I~A~-, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim tt was moved by C~unciJlman Fry, seconded by Councilman S'chutte, that the findings and result of ~he can~ss made by the City C~unci! be that the · of~ the VoteScast~%~ Said* el'ection was in favOr ~of't~' annexation" majority ~TION CA~IED.~ ORDINANCE NO. 932: Councill and moved for its passage al AN ORDINANCE. OF TO SAID CITY OF A'. nan Wisser offered Ordinance No. 932 for first reading ~d adoption. ~E CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVINGTHE ANNEXATION ~ qAHEIM OF CERTAIN INHABITED TERRITORY KNOWN . AS DISNEYLAND ~NNHX-A. TION. .~ ~ After hearing rea~ the title in full of Ordinance No. 932~ Councilman Fry moved that said reading~in full of said Ordinance No. 932 be waived. Council- man Schutte seconded the mo~ion. Motion was unanimously adopted by the City Council. Councilman Wisser NOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED. __ ~ moved to adjourn. Councilman Pry seconded the motion. City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 2537-A: C~uncilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2537-A and moved for its passage land. adoption. Refer to Resolution Bock, Page _. A RESOLfTION OF TEE CITY ~OUNCIL OF THE CITY 0]~ A~I~EIM APPROVING AN AGREEMENT TO BE ~tkI]E AND ENTERED IN~O BY AhrD BETWEEN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THE ANAHEIM UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRIC~ RELATING TO THE USE OF LA PAISA PARK. On roll call th~ foregoing resolution was duly pas~ed and adopted. AYES: COUNCIL~N: Pearson, Fry, Schutte and Wtsser. NOES: COL~IC ILION: None. ABSENT:COUNCIL~N: Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 2537-A duly passed and adopted. Councilman Wiss~,r moved to adjourn. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. :. S I GNED. _. City Clerk