1954/10/01 City Hall, Anaheim,, California, i~October 1, 1954- 2:00 P M. .... _ ......... .' ..... ' '-- 'i · ...... Special meeting was called by N~yor Pearson for the purpose of introducing an Ordinance and setting a'date for publi~ ~hearing t° abandon or close a portion of Westmont Drive and a portion of West N~rth Street. Acknowledgment of Notice~ and c~nsent to the holding of said Special Meeting was received from each Councilman~ 24 hours prior to the hour set for said Special Meeting. Said consents are on file in the office of City Clerk· PRESENT: COUNCIL~N: Pearson~ Fry~ Schu~te~ Wisser and Van Wagoner. ABSENT : CoUNCI LNMN: None. ACTING CITY ATTORNEY: Phillip McGraw, pr( CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER~ KEITH A. ND/RI ORDINANCE NO. 939: After discussion by t~ the closing of the streets~ Councilman Var first reading and moved for its passage ar ~$ent. )OCH: Present· ~e Council of the problems involved in Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 939 for d adoption· AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DECL~ING THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO VACATE AND_ABANDON ~ PQR/ION OF WHST,ND~T DRIVE (FORNMRLY KNOWN AS BURTON STREET) AND A-~-~-~ o~ ~-~--~-~TH sTR~ET' SUBfECT TO RESERVATIONS OF RIGHTS- OF-WAY FOR SEWER, WATER DRAINAGE AND PUBLIC UIILITIES PURPOSES, FIXING A AND PLACE FOR THE HEARING THEREON AND THE1PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE'. (Public Hearing, November 16, 1954.) PERMISSION IO LEAVE THE STATE: Councilma~ Pearson and.Councilman Fry were granted ~[~ %-~ 1-~v~ t-~St-~during the $onth of October, on motion by Councilman Schutte~ seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. NDTION CARRIED... Councilman Fry moved to adjournS- Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. NDTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED _, City Clerk 60I