1954/11/16Oi~y ..El,. An.aheim, Califo~ .$.a,. November 16,__1954- 8:00 P.M. walks, and I don' t believe the people there have objected. You will find on the previous petition the majority of the people on West Street,Westmont Driv~ a~d North Street, directly affected by this situation, are in accordance with the closing of the streets. · DICK EE~0N: Thought we should route the traffic so that it doesnt t go through the good residential sect&on of Anaheim. Mr~ Heffron (with reference to Mr. Gallag- her) wondered if he was looking at the situation from a resident standpoint, l~e referred to the former petition submitted to the Council requesting this action to be taken, and reminded~ the ~euncil that the 375 names appearing on the petitions were just a drop in the bucket which COUld have been obtained. Everybody in the vicinity definitely want to close the~~ Ne stated he had spent a good deal of time and money checking the legality of this thing and further stated that they are try- ing to build up Anaheim to make it a~ice place to live, and had it well started un- til the Broadwa~v-Nale came in. We waist Anaheim to be left as it is. It is going to ruin Anaheim as a place to live. The i Children going to school, and their safety is a lot more important than someone going Out of their road. MRS. SCOTT: 838 No. West St. You have to provide for disaster routes since North Street does give one access from the ~reeway in case of disaster, I can see closing Westmont, but with North Street going ~ through so nicely it woul~ take traffic off of CemCer Street in case of a disaster. !Xn any average city you will find schools on main thoroughfares. You don! t think ef closing North Palm Street on account of the Horace Mann School. ~ DR. 0ALVEY: 65~ Oarlton Way. I have four children from 11 years of age down to 1~ One of the disasters would be to hav~ t~he Broadway-~ale store bring down traffic and hit any one of our children. Anyway ~at we can protect them will be to the advantage of the whole community. ROBERT CORNELX~$: 825 Redondo Drive. !North Street is bou~uded by no sidewalks. It is a through street now. Children going! to elementary school are not of an age where ~ they are,~traffic conscious, as they $$euld be for their own safety. The children are required to walk in the streets due to,no sidewalks. As far as the business of dis- aster, I have checked with authoritie$~who have told me that it would be better to have a blind street from which the so,ecl buses could load and unload and to speed the operation of large evacuation. LADY LIVING ON LOARA STREET: There aren't any more small children living on Loara St. than on North St. NH~. COTTON: We are already getting trucks from the Broadway-Hale store as they come across Loafs Street and fill from the water pump on the east side of Loara Street. MRS. CARL PALM: 1205 W. North St. It's amazing the way the trucks do go down there. I have no children of my own and the Peopie that are complaining do not send their children to Loara School. NJ~YOR PEARSON asked for a show of ha~4$ agairs~ the closing of the s~reets. (Hauds could- n' t be counted.) He asked how many did~t t want it closed who live west of Loara? (4) AUDIENCE: Who will it actually crea~te a hardship on.? We live on Crescent Street and have sold to the Broadway-Hale. I domt t want to see children hurt, but if you close these two streets, close Crescent street too. RAY LINE: There will be a new school built to handle that. (Ne was advised that that was incorrect.) We have a situation ~ere which is known as habl$, Those habits will be changed when you will be able to get into Anaheim off the ~reeway. AUDIENCE: 1106 W. North St.~There are a lot of children in the neighborhood. Items a wonder they aren't hurt even when they are in their own yards with the traffic that will be going up and down North Street,and further, West street is a crown street; North Stree~ isn't. GENTLF~; FROM AUDIENCE: Has anyboy made a survey out there of traffic that is on Loafs Street at the p~esent time? Ne Safety precautions have been taken at the present 815 .... O~..ty H$1.1, Anahe.iI~l.,.. California, November 16, 1954- 8:00 P,M. time for the children going over town, but have nobody c the trucks have packed this these trucks you have to~re~ down Loara Street. They have crossing guards all ut there. Since this development has taken place, road down to practlcally.a mud base. G. onsiderlng lize the visibility from a cab of a truck.. MAYOR: You suggest at the Rresent time slowing down traffic? ANSWER: That' ~ right. . MAYOR: If the need is ther~ be taken care of. AUDIENCE: The people interE closed or not. As far as t~ traffic up La Palms and to location for 12 years. I d the north part of. town to. s~ and somebody brings it to our attention, it will ,sted in my property donl~ care if these streets are ~e children are concerned, you'are going ~o shove . ,~her streets. ~lve been here since 19091in this ,n't like the idea of having to go clear around to ~op. We don! t like the idea 0£ being fenced o£f. CARRIE LOU SIYI~: As I! understand it, La Palma Avenue is to be a ~ lane through street, connecting ~ith the Freeway. For that reason it is arranged so that it cau. take traffic !and is a protection for the streets and neighborhoo~ the re. GEORGE REISH, 842'Redondo rive: We are all not in a position to' ~ake our children to school at any time of the day. We moved into a nice residential area which is quiet, or was! which is becoming increasingly noisey, and more used. Many homes represent higher investments and are nicer and it seems a shame to endanger one of th~ finest residential areas by not closing those atreets. They should be closed. ~ AUDIENCE: From t~e way theltax bills are do~- there, cgming in, t~e Ooumty mu.st ~hink that property exclusive stuff LADY I~ROM AUDIENCE: Called attention to the othsr meeting where the ~oumcil promised~protection to the ~eople and they didn't want the Broadway-Hale to come into the city. STEPHEN GALLAGHER: We have two stages where the Broadway-Hale is~being developed, and the traffic created aftgr it's developed. If we close these two streets, we will throw the added traffic into other streets. You couldn~ t make the fin~ing that these streets are not ~ecessarY. Opening Loara Street to the North to La Palma Avenue.and eventua~development of the flood area. True, we dom~t want children hurt. There~ s going to be traffic here in Anaheim whether we close these two streets or not. MRS. DE GROFF: Closing the and be a hazard to children for those who have to cross protection will be provided have been provided and I am Wilhelmina Street didn~ t hu se streets will throw all the traffic on West Street, going to Fremont and High School, but also a hamard iest Street to gst to town. ! think the children's for such as it has in other schools. Crossing guards sure the City will take necessary~eps. Opening ~t the children. MAYOR: We just heard of th~s plan presented, and feel we have a responsibilit~ to all people. This will take a lot of study;and thereupon declared the Hearimg closed. COUNCILMAN SCHUTTE: Statedi that when we do ~ome to our decision, we would like to have everyone know when We make~our decision. Our Council will do what they thiz~k is Just and risht. STEPHEN G~T,LAGHER: Suggested the Hearing be continued. ATTORNEY: You ma~v continue date. (60 days was conside KEITHA. MURDOCH: We know nor are there any provision ~treets without. ' pro shuts off the west side of La Palma or on the ~reeway. streets. :l.t to study the reports you have received to this red a reason~ble time) acne of the means for circulation of traffic is there, s for doing that at this time. The closing of these riding 'access along Lears S~eet to Lincoln Avenue Loafs Street from the main part of tow~, except on There has to be circulation provide~ ~o close ~he M~YOR: How about closing the street~ iif and when circulation is provided? ESTHER KEMPER: Asked if there were Street plans north from Westmont Drive onto the Freeway and was advised of possi$1e street openings. ~. PALM: T~ne only people involved ~bre the people in the middle off West Street or Loafs Street. RAY LINK: Do you have any intention to complete La Palma Avenue to Placentia Avenue? Thatls something to be considered. ' MAYOR: ~tavent t heard of it. MR. BUCOLLA: I think: it would affect us severely, You will have to go' into resi- dential streets to get out. '~ GENTLEMAN FROM AUDIENCE: Loara Street is only a 20 ft. street. You have' 'all that traffic on a 20 ft.street. Where are the children going to go? MAYOR PEARSON: Declared the hearing Closed and stated the 0ouncil would try to reach a decision within a month or a~ isoon thereafter as possible, RESOLI~ION NO. 28655 Councilman SchUtte offered Resolution No. ~64 and moved for its passage and adoption. ~ ~ Refer to Resolution Book, i~age ~. A RESOLUTION OF THE 0ITY COUNCIL OF T,~E CITY OF ANAttEIM FINDING AND DETERMIN,I~NG THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND 00MPLETION OF A PUBLIC INPROVE~.~IT, .TO WIT: WEST ANa~..IM SEW.E~.$, COMPRI.~ED OF UNI~ A; JOB NO, UNIT B, JOB NO. 1051, UNIT C, JOB N$~ !10.52, AND UNIT D~. jO~ NO. 10%3~ AND AppROvinG THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DltAwIN$$ AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF: AUTHORIZING T~E CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE Wii~t SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.; AN~ !AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED 'PR0~OSALS ~DR TEE CONSTRUCTION THEI~EOF. (Bids to be opened December 14, 1954 Published Anaheim Bulletin November 29, 1954 and December 6, 1954) On roll call the foregoing-resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES~ COUNCILMEN: Peara$n, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. HOE S: No ne. ABSENT: Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. P~C.~/..OF BURROUGHS SENSIMATIC.:3on~._ The Administrative Officer recommended the purchase~ of an. ~iditional Burroughs Senstmatic 30~0 machine to be used Jointly by the City Auditor and the City Clerkts office at an approximate cost of $3,805.' Said purchase was authorized on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman. Fry. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE N~. 9;~9:~ Ordinance relative to the Santa Fe Railwa~ franchise with provi- sions for '~-~ extension of the line~ in the event we u~e city property for industrial pu-~poses was discussed. Councilman Fry offered-Ordinance No. 949 for first reading and moved for its passage and adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ~_~NTING TO TEE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA .RAILWAY COMPANY, A OORPORATION, A ~CHIS.E. FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION, OP~' ATING AND MAINTAINING A SPUR TRACK ~ AND ACROSS CERTAIN PORTIONS OF 00MMERCIAL AND OLIVE STREETS IN TEE CITY OF AN~IM. After full discussion of the ordinance and hearing read the title of said ordinance, Councilman Schutte moved ~h~t the reading in full of 'said ordinance be waived. Councilman Wisser seconded ~e motion. Motion was unanimously adopted by the City Counc il. _ ...... Ci,,ty Hall. ,,ARab, e,i-~.,_ California, November 16, 1954 - 8:00 P.M._ .......... IMPROVEMENT BONDS: Discussion on sale of improvement bonds ($3,500,000.) was held. : CANCELLATION OF TAXES: On t in the past two years; that was broug$ before the Counci The City Council authorized visors requesting ~aid cance seconded by Councilman Fry, wo pieces of property which the City has acquired is the Mother Colony property and the Ardias well, I by Administrative Officer, Keith A. Murdoch. a request to be maple to the County Board of Sut~er- llation of taxes, on motion by Coumcilman Schutte, MOTION CARRIED. .PROPOSED CLOSING OF WESTMON~ DRIVE & WEST NORTH ST2~: 0ouncilman Schutte again brough~ up the matter of the~proposed closing of Westmont Drive and West North Street and after dtscussion~it was considered advisable to obtain the opinion from OtMelveney and Meyers ~n the matter and the City Attorney was authorized to retain their services on !motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE NO. 950: Councilman Wisser offered Ordinance No. 950 for first reading and moved for its passage a~d adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OH IANAHEIM DECLARING THE II~TENTION O~ THE CITY COUNCIL TO ,VACATE AND ABANDON A PORTION OF HILL AVENUE AltD AN EAS]~ FOuR AVENUE PUR- POSES UPON, OVER, ACROSS AN~ ALONG THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED REAL PROP~~---- FIXING A TIME AND PLACE FOR IA HEARING THEREON; AND DIRECTING THE POSTING NOTICES THEREOF AND THE PUBLICATION After hearing read in full the t~itle of the Ordinance and after thorough discussion of the Ordinance by ~he Council, Councilman Wisser moved the reading in full of said !Ordinance be waived Councilman Fry seconded the motion. The Motion was Unanimously carried by ~he Council. Councilman Schutt~ motion. MOTION CARRIED. SIGNED. , , moved to adjourn. Councilman Fry seconded the Clerk