1954/11/23City Hall, Anaheim, California, N~¥ember 23, !95~t - 8:00 P.M. The City Counci'.l! of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COUNC I I~EN: No~9. CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON T~R: Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICR~, KEITH A. MURDOCH: Present. MINUTES: The approval of! !~he minutes of the regular meeting held November 9, and November 16, were ~ferred until the next meeting on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, s~aonded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. WARRANTS AND DEN~NDS: CoUncilman Van Wagoner reported demands against the City amounting to $182,1~,i09. Councilman Nisser moved that report of the Finance Committee be adcepted and that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer to pay said dem~ads in accordance with report. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. MOT~ON CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING: Reclassification ~-54-$5-10 submitted by Claredge Corpor- ation for property located on the East side of North Euclid Avenue, South of La Palina Avenue t~e~8I~88ed from R-A to C-l, Pursuant to the City Planning Commissions/No. 44, the City Planning Commission recommended that the Reclassification be denied. Br. ~ungal!,Se~etary of the City Planning Commission, stated, he failed to,!understand th~ City Planning Commissions actions in denying this Variance as the appliCants were asking to ~I' in a Medical Center which he considered to be a good "Buffer-Strip" between' the R-1 and ~omm~~l~ zone. Councilman $chm~te asked if the City Planning ~ommissionka~ all the facts before them when they considered this reclassification. Mayor Pearson asked if any one in the audiance wanted to address the Council regarding thi$~rezoning. No one pre~ent addressed the Council and no written'protests were received by the clerk, thereupon the Mayor declared ~the hearing clo$~. ~ RESOLUIION NO, 2583; _Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2583 granting said Reclassification with the additional provision of the appointment of an Architectural Committee consisting of~ one member appointed by the City Council, one member appointed by the owner of the property and one neutral member being an Architect~ a designer. Refer to Resolution Book, Page A R~OLUTION QE~IHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIIY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETER- MINING THAT A CHANGE OF Z~NE IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND IHAI ARIICLE IX, CHAPIER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM N~JNICIPAL CODE. SHOULD BE A~ENDED TO ACCON~LISH SAID CHANGE!OF ZONE. (F-5%-55-101 On roll call the foregoing Resolution No. 2583 was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. COUNCILMEN: None. COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declarDd the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RECLASSIFICATION F-5~-55-!!, submitted petition by property owners along the East side of South Los Angeles street from East Vermont Avenue south to the present commercial zone ~th on Ball Road to be rezoned from R-A and R-3 to commercial purposes. Thei ~ity Planning Commission, pursuant to their Res- olution No. 45, recommend~ said reclassification be denied and outlined ~heir reasons therefore. Communications ~om W. I. /ingley appealing the action of the City Planning Commission was s~mitted and read. Petition containing 23 signatures in opposition to the gran~ng of said Reclassification was submitted. Mr. Lewis Taylor, 941 South Claudina street addresed the Council stating that at the present time they were being surrounded by commercial and light Industrial Zones, and he felt that this rezoning woul~ be depriving some 819 Ci.ty Hail, Anaheim, Cali{grnia,, November. 23, 1954 · 8:00 P.M. of the pleasures of living in Anaheim. This would effect only three lots. BURROUGHS: Ihe whole West side has been rezoned for business and part of the East Side for business. He stated that they would not like to look into business and still be kept residential. DoCtor Burroughs stated that this. rezoning would effect more than three lots, it wo~ld effect ten, and that this area was dev- eloped before the parking and zonim~ Ordinance was passed. He could not see any reasons for not allowing this t~ be business. He did not believe it would create very much more traffice in %he area ~hsn they have a% the present tim~, Mayor Pearson asked, "Wha~ depZh was the request for?" Mr. Mungall answered, "About 150 feet deep". It was asked from %he audience if Los Angeles street is to be widened any more on the East side. Answer~ no. N~. FLYNN stated he had no objection to the waiving of the P-L Zoning on the East side of the street provid~mg they waived it on the West side of %he street. That if i% was waived on ~me side and not on the other it would be discrimination. LEWIS HOSKINS, owner of one of the properties invoived,.and living there app- roximately 30 years. He stated, tRat he did not believe the Highway would be widen~d~s traffics+ is less now tha%iManchester Avenue was put im~ He further stated, all along they have nice h~es and that they try' to keep that area Single Residential Zones. Facing Om South Los Angeles street, the Council had allowed multiple units north of his home, bringing with it parking on the highway~ something which we did no% have before. There are multiple units north of his residence to Vermont~ Dusiness across the street and below him. Therefore~ we could not keep it a Single Residential area. Now it will have to become Commercial, and he felt ~e were entitled to Commercial Zoning. MR. ~LYNN: He stated he appealed a~d mpposed any multiple dwellings and the reason whymul%iple dwellings were passed and approved was the fact that there were already multiple dwellings started on that side of the street. Therefore, multiple dwellings had been granted in that area, and they are responsible for them coming into that area. Mayor Pearson suggested ~hey have the same B~rchitec%ural Committee as required across the street. Th~he asked would they be willing to wait until they had a deal before asking fbr rezoning. DOCTOR BURROUGHS stated that he thgught,~ the whole thing should be rezoned at this time even though they have no~ p&~ticular use for it. N~. NR3RDOCH stated the existing buildings along that area have front-yard set- backs from 15 to 25 feet. That ar4a presently would comply with the P-L Zone. As he did not know of any restrictions in the Ordinance to the effect that the zone need be 60 feet in depth, it could be of a depth which is commensurate with the present buildings. Then the Pa~king Areas could be at the rear of the property and the existing buildings could cQntinu~ in use. ~R. FLYNN felt nothing should be d~ne on this matter until they determine what business is going in there. He felt that other property below him could come in and ask for %he same zoning and if the property should pass in other hands on a C-1 zoning, the Council would have no way to govern the type of business estab- lished . RESOLUIION NO. 2584; Councilman Van ~agoner moved that Resolution No. 2584 be passed and adopted changing %he iZone to C-1 with a P-L zone and also that an Archtectural Co,~mittee be establishe the same as across the street using if possible the same committee and ~.~urther, that Deed Restrictions be established. Refer to Resolution Book, Page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMIN['~ THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY ~N CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND IHAI ARIICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM N~3NICtPAL CODE SHOULD BE A~ENDED TO ACCO~LISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. (F-54-55-11) City Hall, Ana~m, California, November 23, 1954- 8:.O.~:P.M. On roll call th~!foregoing Resolution No. 2584 was duly passed and adopted, by the following vote: i ! , AYES.: couNGiL~EN: Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUN~ LMEN Pearson ABSENT: COUNGi LMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution No. 2584.duly passed and adopted. It was agreed on the part of the owners involved in the Reclass- ification to submit their properties when the time comes to an Architect- ural Committee for approval before development takes place. VARIANCE NO. 269:. Submit{ed by Mildred M. Yanqy for permiSSion to have another entrance to the p~perty on E. South Streo~'. Mr. Paul Gobel addressed the Council objecting to the granting of said Variance. He sta~ed that the agreement as formerly made when the original p~rmi{ was granted was only one other entrance into the property. After further discussion i~ith the Council those interested in this Variance adjourned with Mr. Mungal~%o his office to work out a solution and Mayor Pearson stated that this ~atter would again come up at the next meeting. TENTATIVE MAP /RACT NO. 24!4: North West Corner of Gilbert and Orange. 43 lots- Subdivider: R. ~' Graham & W. T. O'Brien. The City Planniq$ Commission approved said Tentative Map, Subject to the following conditio~: 1. The Lots faGing along Gilbert Street be incmeased to 100 feet or more in ~lontage. 2. The paymenti~f $25.00 per lot for the acquisition of Park and Recreation Sites. 3. Engineering iRequirements. , The City Council on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Council- man ~ry approved sa~d Tentative Map. Subject to conditions as outlined by the City Planning Commiss~On. MOTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE MAP TRACT NO. 22~40: South side of Broadway 600' east of Magnolia Ave. 34 lots. Subdivider: Ga~ Homes Incorporated. i.~ommission The Cigy Planni~ voted to approve said Tentative Map subject to the following conditions: 1. Making thelGUl-de-Sac with a 50-foot radius. 2. Increasing %~e Cul-de-Sac Street %o 54 feet in width. 3. Increasing LOt No. 10, which creates a key lot in the rear, to a width of 67½ feet. 4. Width of Lo~No. 15, at the building set-back line of 15 fee{, must be 60'~let. 5. Payment of : 5.00 per lot for the acquisition of Park and ReC- reation siteS. ~ ~ ....... 6.Engineering ii~equirements. The'City Counci~ion motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser denied $$id Tentative Map. MOTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE MAP TRACT~NO. ~$$1: North East corner of Magnolia and Orange~Ave. 45 lots. Subdivider: GaUd Homes, Incorporated. The Planning cO~mission approved said Tentative Map Subject to the following conditions: City,. Hall, An.aheim, .Calif~nia: No. vember 23, 1954- 8:00 P.M. 1. The radius on ArCh St.~et must be increased to 50 feet. 2. LOt 11 does not meet ~e requirements. It must be 60 feet in width measured at a diiStance of 15 feet back of the property line, which distance is the ~ilding set-back line for this type of lot. 3. Payment of $25.00 per lot for the acquisition of Park and Recrea- tion Sites. 4. Engineering Requirements. The City 'COuncil on merle~ by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser denied approval o£ said Tentative Map. MOTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE M~P NO. 2446: Southwest cSrner of 9th Street and Cerritos Avenue. 134 lots. Subdivider: H. N. Bergerti In the November 9th meeting~, this map was held over for consideration due to lot sizes, d~atnage prOblems,:!~nd the outcOme of %he DisneylanU~;Anne~ation' Petition of protest containing 39 signatures was presented to the CoUncil. Communication submitted byiAnaheim Homes, Incorporated l~$1~ the approval of Tract No. 2446 was Submitted and read~ The City Council on motioni~y Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutte denied approval of said Tent~{ive Map~ as no action on the problems ~nvolved had been taken. MOTION CARRIED. ? REVISED TENTATIVE MAP TRACT NO. 2093~ North side of La Palms, east of Brookhurst. This Map was revised to accommodate a new school-site and approved by the City Council, subject to engineering requirements ~n motion by Cohn~ttsan Schutte~ seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. RECLASSIFICATION F-54-55-12: On motion by Councilman Van ~agom~, seconded by Council- man $chutte, public hearing was ordeXed to be held December 14, 1954 on the re- maining portion of property i~volvediin this zone Reclassification. MOTION CARRIED. VARIANCES FOR REVIEW: No. 266: Virgil Hagan - for permission to erect a bar~x~ shop, facing on the alley at 114 SoUth Philadelphia street. DENIED BY C.P.C. No. 270: Bill & Dick Pebl4¥ - requests waiver of R-O Zone, Tract No. 2123 Granted by C.P.Ci No. 271: 3erry Dolan - Permission to cut four lots from parcel located on West La PalmalAve. Granted by C.P.C., subject to conditions. Council stated tMat unless the Deed be filed for streets, this Variance is to bgiheld over. No. 272: Marie M. Faulkenbery- Permission to use residence, 1181 Elderwood Ave. for Boarding Home-for elderly people. DENIED by C.P.C. .VARIANCE NO. 244: Communications from Mr. F. E. Warnes requesting the Council to reconsider the action previously taken denying Variance. ~ariance No~ 244 was sub- mitted and read. He felt that inview~of the Traffic. Surve~ taken by the ~eneral Petroleum Company that this matter which was brought before the Council before final action was taken should be considered. Mayor Pearson considered that the matter stay closed. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. After ~urthor discuggion by the Council, Mayor Pearson with-drew his motion to have the mat~r remain closed and Councilman Van Wagoner ~ith-drew his second to the motion. 'Then Councilman Schutte considered that the matter be re-opened for Public Heariqg to be held January 11, 19~4. Councilman ~isser seconded motion. MOTION. CARRIED. ARMORY LEASE: The proposed Armory S~te and lease therefore for a term of 99 years was ~xscusse~ and referred to Mr. Mu~doch. City Hall An~9~im, California, November 23, 1954 8:00 P M. 9 .~ _ ~ · RESOLUIION NOS, 2565-258~ Councilman Schutte offered Resolution Nos. 2562 through and including ReSOlution No.s 2582 accepting Grant Deeds and moved for their passage and adOPtion. Refer to ResolUtion Book at pages rno%~d.:~:! below A RESOLUTION OF THE CIT¥~OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CORrVEYING IO THE CI~ OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASENENT FOR STREET AND UTILITY PURPOSES. (Resolution No. 2565)(Charley and Lydia Knutz.) RESOLUTION NO. 2566: Patrick and Isabelle Prizio. Street purposes. RF_SOLUTION NO. 2567: 3aqOb and Olga Anna Schu~i~g~,, Road and Utility purposes. RESOLUTION NO. 2568: Aihe Schuringa. Road and Utility Purposes. RESOLUTION NO. 2569: SaXQnwald Corporation. Sewer Purposes. RESOLUTION NO. 2570: DunNeld Corporation. Public Utility Purposes RESOLUTION NO. 2571: IXl~eld Corporation. Public Utilities Purposes. RESOLUTION NO. 2572: ArC,one Corporation. Public Utilities Purposes. RF-SOLUTION NO. 2573: Cl~,endon Corporation. Public Utilities PurpEses. RESOLUTION NO. 2574: Clarendon Corporation. Public Utility Pmrpbses. , RESOLUTION NO. 2575:_ .clarendon Corporation.,. Public-Utilities Purposes. RESOLUTION NO. 2576: Dunkeld Corporation. Public Utilities Purposes. - RESOLU/ION NO. 2577: Bill Company, a Corporation. Alley and Utility purposes. RESOLUTION NO. 2.~8: A. Ci. and Agnes Sitzenstock. Road and Utility Purposes. RESOLUTION NO. 2579: Earl and Ruth Miller. Road and Utility Purposes. RESOLUTION NO. 2580: Bobi and Ina Brookman. Road and Uti,lity Purposes· RESOLUTION NO. 2581: Thomas and Clara Cunningham. Road and Utility Purposes, RESOLUTION NO. 2582: Cly~e and 3essie Hollingsworth. ROad and Utility Purposes. On roll call the, foregoing Resolution Nos. 2565-through and including Resolution No. 2582 were ~uly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCI!~EN: None. Mayor Pearson declared the foregoing Resolutions duly passed and adopted. ~ ~ : CANCELLATION OF TAXES: A$ requested by the County of Orange was~held~over and referred to the Administrative Officer at this time. METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRt~I 1955-1956: Motion by Councilman Wisser~ seconded by Councilman Schutte tha~the Tax levy o.f the ~etropolitan Water-District within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim for the fiscal year 1955-1956 be certified to,-~he County Auditor of Orange CoUnty {o be extended upon the tax rolls and collected in the same manner as other taxes. NDTION CARRIED. - PLUMBER BONDS: Submittediby Joe Carlos and~Kenneth. C. Chidester wereordered received and filed when a~Proved by the City Attorney on motion by Co~ncil- man Wisser, seconded by COUncilman Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. 823 City Hall, Anaheim, Cali~Drnia~, November 23~ 1954- 8:00 P.M. ORDINANCE NO. 951.: Councilman VaniWagoner offered Ordinance No. 951 for first reading and moved ~or its passage ~d adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI~ AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO i!HE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE IUSE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES: ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE IBOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN~ PROVIDING FOR ~JUSTMENT~ AMENDMENT AND ENFOR'~EMENT; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIO~AND REPEALING ALL $ECTION]~OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. After discussion by the G0uncil of said Ordinance and the reading in full of the title, Councilman Wiss4~ moved that the reading in full of the Ordinance be waived. Councilman Sdhutte seconded motion. Motion unanimously carried by the Council. EMPLOYMENT: The Administrative Of!icer reported the employment of the following: Joe G. Clayton - Refu!e Collector (21-B) Jack G. Gledhill, Jr. !- Semi-skilled Laborer {20-A) Councilman Van Wagoner mqUed the foregoing employments be ratified. Councilman Wisser seconded motion, iMOTION C/~d:~IED. _METR.~..T.AN ~TER DI.S. IRICT Vaul~ C~nnections: Requests for Metrop~litanNater District to proceed with construction of a Vault Connection with the metered line on Katella, at West Street an~iKatella. This connection will increase ~he supply and .~e$~ure in the South We~ section of the City. The estimated cost to be $20~000.00 to ~25,000Z~-i..an~gUrther, requesting the Vault to be ~nT larged to accommodate requlators. RESOLUTION ~ro~ the Metropolitan Water District submitted and referred to the City Attorney. THREE AND ONE-HALF MILLION DOLLAR i~MPROVEMENT BONDS: On mbtion by Councilm~ Schut%e~ seconded by Councilman Va~iWagoner~ it was moved that the Bond Attorneys be requested to prepare the necess~y Resolutions and other documents for the sale of Two and One-half Million D~Ilars of the Bonds at this time unless they advise that it would be to thg~best advantage of the City to sell all of the Bonds at this time and that'~he Resolution authorizing the sale of said Bonds be prepared for %he meeting of December 14, 1954, and providing for the opening of Bids at the regular!meeting of tke City Council~ion January 11, 1955; and that provision be made fd~ the payment of said Bonds through the Bank of America of Los Angeles~ and fiscal Agents of the City of Anaheim in New York and Chicago; and that said Bonds be~dated February 1~ 1955~ and be for a term of twenty years with interest payableiannually the first year, and semi-annnally thereafter. MOTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE AGREEMENT WITH GARDEN GRQYE SANITARY DISTRICT: It was moved by Council- man Fry~ seconded by Councilman Schutte that the Tentative Agreement proposed to be entered into by the City of Anaheim with the Garden Grove Sanitary District establishing their respective servi~e areas for the collection and disposal of Sewage be approved~ and that the City Administrative Officer be authorized to write to the Garden Grove Sanitary ~District ~mbo~yinD'~': the terms of such an agreement with thair approval. MOTION CARRIGD. QI~ Claim for $198.98 against A. E. Fowler for damage to City property was brought up and the Mayor and City Q!erk was authorized to sign a release for payment in full on motion by Counc~Iman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. WATER RIGHTS: Communications from !~he City of La Verne pertaining to Water Rights when land is sub-divided wa!iread~ and refer~ed to the City Attorney for the preparation of an Ordinance establishing similar regulations. Councilman Schutte moved!to adjourn to November 30, 10:30 A.M., Councilman Wisser seconded the mot~On. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED. Ci~ 'Clerk