1954/11/30The City Council ¢ PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Fry, ABSENT : COUNCILMAN: Pears CITY ATTCRNEY, PRESTON TURI~ CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER The meeting was c~ ,, California, November 30, 1954 -.10.~0 A,M. f the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular session. Schutte, Wi~ser and Van Wagoner. on. ~: Present. KEITH A. MURDOCE: Present. ~lled to order by the City Clerk for the pmrpose of electing a M~vor Pro Tern fox the City of Anaheim. Councilman Wisser~nominated Co~mcilman Van Wagoner, Mayor Pro Tern, and moved the nominations close~. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. Mayor Pro Tem Van Wagoner was seated ~ proceeded with the business before the Council. PUBLIC Hv~RING: NUTW00D-BA~LANNF3[ATION: The Mayor Pro Tam announced that this was the time and place for ~he hearing of protests against the annexation of the territory known and designated as the NUTWOOD-BALLANNENATION. At the request oflthe City Attorney, Mrs. B. A. Swanwick was sworn as the Official Reported, to r~port the proceedings upon the hearing of protests in said matter. Mayor Pro Tam rhea inquired if there were anyone in the Council Chambers who wished to be heard in s.~id protest hearing, and no one answered., or expressed any desire to make any protests, or to show cause why said property should not be annexed to the City of Anaheim. The City Clerk w~s thereupon sworn and testified in substance as follows: That no written ~'rote~ts had been received or filed protesting the annexation of said territor ~ to the City of Anaheim. She further testified, that she had examined the last equalizes County Assessment Roll, and had determined that the number of separate parcels contained within the territory designated as Nutwood-Ball Annexation was approximately 3~. She further tes~] of property within said te~ Roll, had filed written pre fled, that none of the persons who appeared as owners Titory, as shown by said last equalized County Assessmen~ ~te~ts against said annexation. She further testified, that she and the County Clerk had examined the records of Registration. o$ Voters in the County of 0range, and that more than 12 qualified electors reside Within said territory, as shown by said records of registration, and that said territory was therefore "inhs~ited territory". She further testified, that said territory is contiguous to the City of Anaheim and is not a "strip annexation'!, and that no part or_said territory was within the corporate limits of any other City. R~SOLUTION NO. 2585: Coun$ilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2585 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY cOUNcIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION ON THE 4TH DAY OF JANUARY.! 1955. IN CERTAIN T~RRITORY IN THE COUNTY OF ORANG~ CONTIGUOUS T¢, THE CITY 0]~ ~NAEEIM PROPOSED TO BE ARE~EXED TO SAID CITY OF ANAHEIM PROVIDING FOR TH~ HOLDING OF SUOH ELECTION AND SUBMITTED T.O THE ELECTORS RESIDING I~' SUCH TERRITORY THE QUE~ION WHETHER SUCH TERRITORY SHALL BE ANNEXED TO, IN- CORPORATED IN, AND MADE A PAP~T OF SAID 0ITY OF AKAHEIM, AND THE PROPERTY IN SUCH TERI{ITORY BE AFTER SUCH A~ THE CITY OF ANAHEIM TO PA~ ALL THE BONDED Ih~DEBTEDtIE~ NOVEMBER, 195~, OR THERET( IT BY THE NAME OF "~r0TWOOI POLLING PLACE IN SAID TEI~ ELECTION AE~D- PROVIDING FO! ~EXATION, SUBJECT TO TAY~ATION EQUALLY WIT.H PROPERTY WITHIN ITS PRO RATA PGRTION, BASED UPON ASSESSED VALUATION O~ ~ OF ~AID CITY OF ANAHEIM OUTSTANDING ON THE 9TH DAY OF ~FORE AUTHORIZED: DESCRIBING SAID TERRITORY AND D~S~IGNATING BALL ANNEXATION"s ESTABLISHING AN ELECTION PRECINCT AND :ITORY, APPOINTING T~]~ OFFICERS OF ELEOTION FOR SAID SPECIAL THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF SUCH ELECTION. ~City .Hal!, Anaheim, .C_alifornis On roll call the foregoing Res adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Fry, Sc2 NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: Pearson. November 30, 1954 - 10:30 A.M. olution No. 2585 was duly passed and ~tte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. Mayor Pro Tem Van Wagoner declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted, and declared~the He~ring closed. - At the conclusion of said hea~ing, the Council ordered and directed that the Reporter make a transcript of ~he proceedings and file aa original three copies thereof with the City ~lerk. all([ Planning Commission, pursuant to their property owners was submitted and read. ~e, seconded by Councilman Wisser, pUBLI0 matter DECEMBER 28, 1954. MOTION CARRIED. Planning Commission, pursuant to their ~enditions). VARIANCE NO. 269: (Granted by the City Resolution No, 53 (1954-55) Written protests submitted by On motion by Councilman Schutt HEARING was ordered to be held upon the _VARLANCE NO, 271: (Granted by the City Resolution No. 55 (195~-55) subject to The City Council ordered PUBLi No. 271, December 28, 1954, on motion b Wisest. MOTION CARRIED. PURCNASE OF AUTOMGBILES~ The Adminietr~ proposals received for the purchase of following departments: C P~ING to be held on said Variance Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Ltive Officer reported on informal bid :eeded vehicles, to be used by the 4 - Police Department i - Light, ~ower and Water Department i Building Department. Mr. Murdoch further recommend~ the purchase of said vehicles and the retiring from service two care in the P$1ice Department and one in the Public Service Department. ~ Purchase of the following was~authorized by the City Council on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded ~y Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. McCoy - Mainline, Ford V-8 0one Bros. - 4-door Sedan V-8'~ 2-door Sedan 6-c~1. Cooke - 2-door club sedan 6-c~1. Boney - Plaza 4-door sedan V-~ $1,872.~1 (1) 1,860.95 (2) 1,732.95 (1) 1,757.55 (1) 1,880.39 (1) APPLICATION FOR BUSINESS LICENSE: Application submitted by the Pacific Plant Protection for Business License to supPlY a Petrol System to Industrial Accounts within the City of Anaheim was submitted. Communication from Thomas V. and read wherein he recommended the Era Duplicate certificate of insu Company was submitted, and said policy Councilman Fry moved that Bus Ordinance No. 951 and Councilman Wiseer SCHEDULE OF CHARGES FOR USE OF PARKS: Mr. Don. Derr, Recreation Director, rel to be made for the use of park and recr the 0ity, and the City Council requests Resolution-establishing charges for pre 2aylor, Acting Chief of Police wee submitted sting of Business License to this concern. fence issued by the Travelers Insurance reported upon by the City Attorney. iness License be issued pursuant to seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ~ritten and verbal report was made by ~tive to proposed schedule of charges eation facilities owned and operated by the City Attorney to prepare necessary eentation at a later meeting. ORDINANCE NO. 950: Councilman Fry off'red Ordinance No. 950, as corrected, for first reading and moved for its passag~and adoption. AN OPJ)I~ANC~ 0~ THE ~ITY ~0 VACATE AND ABANDON A PORT UPOn, OVER, ~ROBS A~ ~LON~ TIME AEVD PLACE FOR A HEARING ,.. Cal.ifornia, No~ember 30, 1954 -fl0:30 .A.M. .. ~HEIM DEOLARING THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COUNOIL ION OF HILL A1~NUE AND AN EASEMENT FGR AVEN~ PURPOSES THE HEREINAFTE~ DI~SORIBED REAL PROPERTY; FIXING A TEEP~EON; AND DIRECTING THE POSTING OF NOTICES T~.~I~ A~D THE PUBLICATION OF THIS GRDINANCE. (Public Hearing December 28; 1954) After hearing rea~ the title of OrdinanceNoI 950, 0ouncilman Wisser moved the rea~ing in~ full o~ said Ordinance be waive~. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. MOTION unanimo~ly carried by the Council RESOLUTION NO. 2586: Counci its passage and adop%ion. Refer to Resoluti¢ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY C0U CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF AN~ PURPOSES. (Patrick P. and 1 lman Fry offered Resolution No. 2586 and moved for n Book, page NCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACGgPTING A GRANT DEED HEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR STREET sabelle PRIZIO, and Edward W. and Viola F. STEINBRINK) On roll call the ~oregoing Resolution was duly passed ar~ a~opted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIl: Fry, Schutte, Wisser~and Van Wagoner. OOUNCILM~N: None. COUNCILM~N: Pear,on. Mayor Pro Tem Van Wagoner declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO, 2587: Counc%lman Fry offered Resolution No. 2587 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to ResolutiSn Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CI'TY cOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GP~ANT DE~D. CON~YING TO THE CITY OF AN~HEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FORANEASEMENT FOR STREET WIDENING PURPOSES. (Paul L. and E~ma M. WILLIAMSON) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCIL~N.~' None. ABSENT: COUNCIL~N: Pearson. Mayor Pro Tom Vani Wagoner declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ~SOLUTION NO. 2588: Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 2588 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to ResolutiOn Book, page Roll call, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED~ CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF~IM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEmeNT FOR STREET PURPOSES. (F~lward W!. and Viola F. STEINBRINK) ~TROPOLITAN WATER DISTRIC~ COMMUNICAT~ON establishing change in water rates, ~ncreasing the rates for w~ter used during the summer months and decreasing rates for water used duri~ winter months, was submitted, read and ordered received and filed. ($20.G0 per acre, effective 1-1-54 and effective 5-1-55 to 10-31-55 $18.00 per acre f~ot) PARKING LOT: (I~ROVE~NT~ The Administrative Officer reported he had secured informal bid quotations fox the improvement of the parking lot mt the rear of the City Hall on Claudina Street, and further reported the R. J. Noble Company to be low bidder, $2,122.0C, or $2,308.00 if they install necessary curbing, and recommended the acceptance !of said proposal; withholding such improvement until after the Christmas holida~'s. · City Hallt Anaheim. California~ November ~0t 1954-~.,10:3Q A.M. Purchase Order, or necessary c¢ improvement, a.s recommended by the A~min~ man Wisest, seconded by OouncilmanFry. PERSO_Q~ The Administrative Officer rE ,ntract was authorized, covering the ,strative Officer. on motion by Council- MOTION CARRIED. ,ported appointment of the following ~ersonnel: Morris N. Wimberiy- Lineman -~(27A - $345.00 Mo.) John F. Gruver - Assistant Storekeeper (22A - $27~.00 Mo.) John O. Schaefer.- Maintenance~Man (24A- $300.00 Mo.) The foregoing appointments were by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Council I~ROVEMENT BONDS: $3,500,000.00: Disc~ Due to the present market, it was recomm~ offered for sale at this time. approved by the City Council on motion man Fry.. MOTION CARRIED. .ssion of the sale of said bonds was held. ,nded that the full $3,500.000.00 be Councilman Wisser moved that t~e Bond Attorneys be authorized to pre- pare the necessary papers, resolutions a~d documents for the sale of the entire amount to be before the Council at theirtDecember 14, 1955 meeting. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. MOTION CARRI~1 ~ALARYRESOLUTION: HOLIDAYS: The Admin~,strative Officer recommended the chang- ing of the holiday, with reference to the, two coming holidays. The salary resolution states that when a holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, the following Monday will be taken in lieu of the holi~.ay. Mr. Murdoch recommended the taking of Friday, preceding the holidayin this instance. Councilman Fry moved that Frid%Y, December 24, 1954 and December 31, 1954 be holidays for OiSy employees, and l$ha~l~ the Monday following the two holidays be normal work days. Councilma~ Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 2589: Councilman Fry off, . its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page ~red Resolution No. 2589 and moved for' A RESOLUTION OF THE' CITY COUNCIL OF THE ~XTY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE NAYOR A?:~D CITY CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEME~' WITH SOUTHF~ PACIFIC CO~PANT GRANTING TC THE CITY A LICENSE~ TO CONSTRUCT, REC0~$TRU~T,~ ~AINTAIN AND OPERATE A 42 CONCRETE PIPE ST01~ DRAIN, FOR C0~YIN~ WATER, BENEATH PROPERTY OF SOUTHE~RN PACIFIC C0~PANI AT OR NEAR THE WEST ANA~IIM-STANT0~ STATION. On roll call the foregoing res,,lution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL~: Fry, Sch~tte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILNEN: None. ABSE~: COUNCILMAN: Pearson. The ~myor Pro Tem declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLU~IGN NO, £5905 Oouncilman Wisser 6£fered Resolution No. 2590 and moved for i~s passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page.~ --- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY 00UNOIL OF THE ~ITY OF ANAHEIM i~IKDIN~ AND DETERMINING THAT THE PURCHASE OF C_~AST IRON PIPE AND ~ITTINGS IS NECESSARY .FOR THE WATER DEPARTMENT AND APPROVING THE SpI~CIFIOATIQNS THEREOF, AND DIRECTING THE'PUBLICATION OF NOTICE INVITING BIDS FOR THE FURNISHING OF SAID PIPE AND FITTINGS. (Bids to be opened December 28, 1954) On roll call the foregoing res the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL~EN: Fry, Sch NOES: COUNCIL~EN: None. ABSENT: COUNCIL~EN: Pearson. slut ion . was dul,v passed and adopted by Atto, Wisser and Van Wagoner. adopted. .0. i_ty Hall, Anahdi~, O..~llfornia, N. ove. mber .30., 19~4. - 10:S0 A,M. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and Council~m~n Fry moved to adjourn to December 7, 1954 at 10:SO A.M. Councilman Wisser seconde~ the motion. MOTION 0ARRIED. ADJOURNED APPROVED RESOLUTION NO. 2388 (roll ,call) On roll call, Resolution No. 2588 was duly passed a~d adopted b~r the following vote: AYES: COUNCISMEN: Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCI~N: None. ABSENT: COUNCI~: Pearson. Mayor Pro Tem V~ Wagoner declared the foregoing Resolution No. 2588 duly passed and adopted. ' City Clerk .