1954/12/14832 The City Council of t PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, ABSENT: COUNC I LMEN: None. CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON TURNER: CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, K5 lifornia December 14 1954 - 8:00 P.M. he City of Anaheim met in regular session. Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. ~resent. TM A. MURDOCH: Present. MINUTF_S: The minutes of the regular meeting held November 9, 1954, adjourned regular meeting held November 16, 1954~regular meeting held November 23~ 1954, adjourned regular meeting held November 30~ 1954~ and December 7, 1954, were approved on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, and ~econded by Councilman Fry. WARRANTS AND DEMANDS: Councilman Van Wagoner reported demands against the City amounting to $151,880.47. Councilman Schutte moved that report of Financial Committe be accepted and that Warrants be drawn upon the treasurer to pay said demands in accordance with the r CARRIED. ~eport. Councilman Wisser seconded motion. MOTION FINANCIAL AND OPERATING REPORTS .FOr the month of November, 1954, were approved on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner! seconded by Councilman Fry. ~40TION CARRIED. BID PROPOSALS: WEST ANAHEIM SF.W~RS, UNIIS A (1050) B (1051) C (1052) D (1053), pursuant to Resolution No. 2564 ~nd legal notices duly Bulletin November 29~1954 and De~ember 6, 1954. published in the Anaheim The City Clerk was instructed to open Bid Proposals on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner~ seconded by Councilman Wi sser. MOTION CARRIF. D. ' The Bids that were rece Vido Artukovich & Son Inc. 11155 Rush Street E1Monte~ California Penn Construction Co. 232 Depot Avenue Baldwin Park, California Papac ConstruCtion Co. 604 North Montebello Montebello, California John A. Artukovich Sons, 'Inc. 16200 South Atlantic Paramount, California S. B. Lazarevich 10024 South Figueroa St. Los Angeles 3, California Charles L. B~rch & Sons 2419 North Chico E1 Monte, California M. g J. Construction Co. 949 North Vendome Los Angeles 26, California Elmer E. Barnett 13152 Century Blvd. Garden Grove, California Jerry Artukovich 723 Union St. MOntebello~ California M. Miller Company 13305 South San Pedro St. Los Angeles 61, California ired are as follows: Floyd Shofner 15425 Gale Avenue Puente, California A. H. Famularo, Contractor P. ©. Box 97 Santa Ana, California Charles J. Dorfman 124 North La Brea Avenue Los Angeles 36, California Radich and Fergusson, Inc. 3000 Empire Avenue Burbank~ California 3. S. Barrett 1230 St. Gertrude Place. Santa Aha, California George Miller Const. Co. 3032 Bandini Blvd, Los Angeles 23, California Nich M. Guho @225 Atlantic Bell, California Matt J. Zaich Co. 6826 Farmdale Avenue North Hollywood, California B. Pecel & Sons, Inc. 11751Vose Street North Hollywood, California Zarubica Company 1350 North Highland Avenue Los Angeles 28, California 833 City Hall~ Anaheim; Califor G. E. Kerns Const. Co. 5574 Atlantic Avenue Long Beach~ California V. C. K. Const. Co. & Nick Bebek 5124 Ferguson Drive Los Angeles 22, California J. E. Popovich P. O. Box 261 Torrance, California Councilman Van Wagoner move nia, December 14~ 1954- 8:00 P.M. Anro Construction Co. 2480 Ramona Blvd. Los Angeles 33~ California Wucetich Construction Box 485 Paramount, California Bosko & Bradarich Co. 8512 Fishman Road Pico, Califomnia d that all Bids be referred to the City Engineer for tabulation and reported at the next meeting. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED.i PUBLIC HEARING: f-54-55-12: La Vet~ Properties, Inc. and Francis W. Elliott for reclassification of property located on East Center Street~ west fro~ the Cemetary Road, running north to rezoge the north 480 feet to R-3 and the remaining portion of the property to C-2. The City Planning Commissic recommended that the north 480 feet c the owner erecting a six (6) foot sol property and pursuant to the City The balance of the property to C-1 subject to the following: . n pursuant to their Resolution No. 48 (1954-55) f the property be rezoned to R-3 subject to id redwood fence around the perimeter of the .nning Commissions Resolution No. 51 (1954-55). ted to be C-2 was recommended to be rezoned Deeding to the City of ~aheim of 20 feet along East Center Street and the improvement of same with curbs, sidewalks and pavement to the existingpavement on East Center Street. 2. The filing of the Stand COMMERCIAL ZONE as requ Mrs. Howard Stanton address ing 42 signatures in opposition to an' to the Council a second petition cont. ~rd De, Restrictions for C-i, NEIGHBORHOOD red by the City of Anaheim. ~d the Council and submitted a petition contain- business in the area, and also submitted ~ining 14 signatures, being members of the Lincoln P.T.A. Executive Board, regis~tering protests to the C-2 zoning. Those addressing the Council in opposition to the proposed rezoning were Mrs. Howard Stanton, Mr. Howard St. antOn, Mr. M. O. Victor, Mr. William A. Reece, and Mr. Ballinger. Mr. Shinn, President of the Le Veta Properties~ Inc.~ and Mr. Elliott~ addressed the Council urging the requested rezoning be granted. Those persons interested in the matter then adjourned to the office of the City Engineer, Mr. George E. Holyoke, to try to work out a suitable solution. Upon their return, it was reported that a Compromise solution had been reached, that is, rezoning of lot 4 facing Center Stree~ and west of the Cemetary Road to R-3 to be granted a Buffer-Strip to the residen{ial area on the East, and rezoning the balance of that property facing on East Cente~ Street being lot 1, 2, and 3 to C-1. There being no further discgssion, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. RESOLUTION NO. 2593: Councilman Fry!offered Resolution No. 2593 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, p~g~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF I~E CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN]CERTAIN AREAS OF /HE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPA~ CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. (F-54-55-12) On roll call the foregoing Fi,solution No. 2593 was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: 834 Cit Hall Anaheim C lifornia December 14~ 8:00 P.M. AYES: COUNCILMEN:i Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: i N°ne. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN:! None. The Mayor declared thi foregoing Resolution No 2593 duly passed and adopted. ~ . PUBLIC HEARING.: F-54-55-13: Sdbmitted by P. C. Lumber Co., requesting an extention of the C-1 zone formerly grante~ to lot 1, Tract No. 2090 to include lots 2 through 12 inclusive. Located South or,all Road on the West side of South Los Angeles Street. The City Pianning Commission, pursuant to their Resoiution No. 49 (I954-55) recommended the rezoning be approved subject to the e×tention o'f the P-L Zone aiong South Los An9eies Street to the ~Oundar¥ of the property. A representative of th! P-C Lumber Co. ~ Mr. Coigrove, stated the extention of the C-1 Zone was necessary to inabie the property marked to be estabiished at this iocation. No one present at the ~ written objection had been recei, Thereupon, the Mayor de RESOLUTION NO. 2594: Was offered the C-1 Zone with the provision t Control as it is on the North sid pletion of the proposed abandonme Refer to Resolution Boo] ~eeting opposed said reclassification and no ed by the City Clerk. elated the hearing closed. by Councilman Fry to approve the extent[on of hat the C-1 use be under an AMchitecturaI Committe e of Ball Road and further conditioned on the com- at of Hill Street. page_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ~F THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY, IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUND IPAL CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCON~LISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. (F-54-55-13) On roll call the foregoi adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: p COUNCILMEN: N COUNCILA~EN: N adopted. ng Resolution No. 2594twas duly passed and carson, Fry, Schutte, WLsser and Van Wagoner. Dne. Dne. The Mayom:declared the f6regoing Resolution No. 2594 duly passed and PUBLIC HEARING: ~-54~ 55-14: SubmJ located just South of the Robertsh~ between Lincoln and Manchester The City Planning Commis recommended the approval of said ~ted: by Hartshorn Bros., requesting property ~Fulton Company on the West Side of Lincoln Avenue .~vard be rezoned from R-A to ~-1. ion pursuant to their Resolution No. 50 (1954-55) .zoning subject to the £ollowing: 1. The deeding of ten feet along Euclid Avenue for future street wideninQ. 2. The making of a P-L, PARKING LANDSCAPING ~ON5 along the Euclid Street frontage. ' ~r. Goodman and ~r. Harts]lorn addressed the Council. No written protests had b. at the meeting objected to Said rez( closed. RESOLUTION NO. 2595: Was offered, b~ as recommended by the City Planning 60 feet be from the new right-of-wa, of the over-pass. ,~en received by the City Clerk and no one present ~ming. Thereupon, the Mayor declared the hearing '.Councilman Fry approving the reclassification CommissiOn and further,.that the P-L zone of line of the property after the construction 835 City,,Hall~,,,,,~naheim,,Calif¢ Refer to Resolution Book, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICI CHANGE OF ZONE. (F-54-55-14) r. nia; December 14~ 1954- 8:00 P.M. page THE CI/Y OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING N CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE 'AL CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID adopted by the following vote: adopted. PUBLIC HEARING: NORTH EUCLID ANNEX Annexation of the uninhabited terri exation pursuant to Resolution No. the Cypress EnterpriSe November 12~ publications presented to the Counc~ On roll call the foregoing Resolution No. 2595 was duly passed and AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. ~ NOES: COUNCILMEN: No~e. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: No~e. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution No. 2595 duly passed and %IION: Public Hearing was held on the proposed :cry known and designated as North Euclid Ann- ~556 duly published in the Anaheim Bulletin and 1954 and November 19, 1954. Affidavits of said 1. The City Clerk stated tha~ written notices~ had been mailed to each person to whom land with in the territory ~roposed to be annexed as shown in the last Equalized County Assessment Roll of]Orange County, California, available on the date the proceedings were ini%iated~ at ~he address shown on said assessment roll or as known to her. No written protests to sa: one present at the Council Meeting the Mayor declared the hearing clos id Annexation was received by the City Clerk and no )bj ected to said proposed Annexation. Thereupon, ~d. ORDINANCE NO. 953: Councilman Van Nagoner offered Ordinance No. 953 for.first reading and moved for its passage and adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF THE TERRITORY KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS NORTH EUCLID ANNEXATION. After thorough discussion~on said Ordinance No. 953 and the reading in full of the title Councilman Wisser moved the reading in full of said~Ordinance be waived. Councilman Van Wagoner sec'3nded the motion. Motion unanimously carried by the Council. PUBLIC HEARING: EAST S/REET ANNEXATION: Public Hearing was held on the proposed Annexation on the territory known add designated as East Street Annexation pursuant to Resolution No. 2557 duly published in the Anaheim Bulletin and the Cypress Enter- prise November 12, 1954 and Novemb ~e~ 19, 1954. Affidavits of said publications presented to the Council. The Cit~ Clerk reported that written notices had been mailed to each person to whom land ~ith in the territory proposed to be Annexed as shown in the last Equalized County !Assessment Roll of Orange County, California~ available on the date the proceeding, s were initiated, at the address shown on said assessment roll or as known to her.i No written protests had ~een received and no one present at the meeting objected to said proposed annexation. Thereupon, the Mayor declared the hearing closed, i ORDINANCE NO. 954: Councilman Van !Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 954 for first reading and moved for its passage ~nd adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI~ APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CI/Y ANAHEIM OF THE TERRITORY KNOWN AND DESIGNAteD AS EAST STREET ANNEXATION. After hearing read in fu~l the title of said Ordinance No. 954 and dis- cussion by the Council of the Ordinance, Councilman Fry moved the reading in full be waived, Councilman Wisser/the m~iion. Motion was unanimously carried by the Council. se~on~e~ 886 Cit H~ Anaheim.~C PUBLIC HEARING: MILES RANCHO annexation of uninhabited terri the MILES RANCHO ANNEXATION, pu~ Anaheim Bulletin and Cypress En affidavits of said publication ~lifornia -December t4~ 1954 8:'00 P.M. ~NEXATION: Public Hearing was held on the proposed tory to the City of Anaheim known 'and designated as ~suant to Resolution No. 2555 duly' published in the ~erprise November 12, 1954 and November 19, 1954';,~ >resented to the City Council. The City Clerk statedtthat written notices of Public Hearin · ~h~son t? whom land withinlthe territory nronosed to ~ ........ 9 was_mailed to r ~ ~ a~x~Q, as shown in ~e ±as5 equalized County AssesSment Roll of Orange Count Calif · · on the date the proceedings wer~ ini '~+ _ _ Y, orn~a? available ment roll or as known to ~er. ~ t~ed, at the address Mhown on said assess- Written consent to tax of Anaheim was submitted by Harz taxation of 100 percent. No one present at the: written objections were received Public Hearing, closed. ORDINANCE NO. 955: Councilman moved for its passage and adopti, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAH ation equally within the:property'withinthe'CitY y I. Horn, thereby making the consent to equal~ neeting objected to said proposed annexation, and no by the City Clerk, therupon the Mayor declared the laser offered Ordinance No. 955 for first reading and APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY. OF ANAHEI~ OF THE TERRITORY KNOWN AND DESIGi]ATED AS MILES RANCHO ANNEXATION. After hearing read in ~ull the title of Ordinance No. 955, Councilman" $chutte moved the reading in ful~ of said Ordinance be waived. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. Motion unanimously darried by the Council. PUBLIC HEARING: MAGNOLIA-CRESCE2 annexation of uninhabited territo ANNEXATION, pursuant to Resolutio and Cypress Enterprise, November publication submitted to the Cou~ The City Clerk stated t mailed to each person~to.whom lan. shown in the last equalized Count' available on the date the proceed: assessment roll or as knOwn~ to'h$: A gentleman from the au< businesses in that area and the p< of a 6-foot solid fence between ti gentleman did not oppose the anne) T ANNEXATION: Public Hearing was held on the proposed ry known and designated as 'the MAGNOLIA-CRESCENT n No. 2554~ duly published, in the Anaheim'Bulletin 12, 1954 and November 19, 1954~ affidavits of said oil. hat written notice of said Public Hearing was ~:.within the territory pro:posed to be annexed, as , Assessment Roll of Orange Countyl Caltfornia~ .ngs were initiated, at the address shown on said tience addressed the Council regardin9 the two poultry ;$sible protection to the population by the 'erection subdivision and the poultry us~nesses. The b ' :ation, but felt this stipulation should be kept in mind when the Tentative Map of Tract No. 2332 or the annexation is'considered. · Communication received October 19, 1954 was to be submitted whenever Tract No. 2332 or the Annexation ~as to be considered, said communication outlined the reasons for the requested fence and the protection to both the home owners and businesses. ~ Mayor Pearson stated th~ developer would have to put in .the~ fence. There being no further discussion on the matter, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. ORDINANCE NO. 956: Councilman FryI offered Ordinance No. 956 for fi~s%-meading and moved for its passage and adoption~ AN ORDINANCE OF IHH CI/Y OF ANAMEIM APPROVING THE ANNEXATION IO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF THE TERRITORY KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS MAGNOLIA-CRESCENT ANNEXATION, MAHR-RADER ANNEXATION: The OrangeiCounty Boundary Commissio ' 22, 1954, reporting the boundario-t~ +~ ....... ~, . n s report dated November %-~ ,~i~. %,AA~pl'uposecl annexation , ~def~n.~_te and certain was submittedland ordered receiv · ' ea ana ~ounc~lman V . an Wagoner, seconded b~ Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED Y 837 City H.a.!.,1,..An.a.h..eim~ Ca, li. for.n~, Deqembe_r-l_4., 1954- 8:00 P.M. Petition requesting annexati owners within the area was submitted verification of the sufficiency of the seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. TENTATIVE MAP: TRACT NO. 1940 Geo. side of Gilbert Street, between Lincol Action on this map was held on o£ uninhabited territory signed by property nd .ordered referred to the City Clerk for petition on motion by Councilman Wisser, D/ION CARRIHD. . Holstein g Sons, located on the West n Avenue and Broadway. 168 Lots. over to the meeting of December 28, 1954, by mutual consent,. REVISED TENTATIVE MAP: TRACT NO. 2401: CAL-2ERSEY BUILDERS, located at the rear of Victor and 3ulianna Streets, bet. we:, Romneya Drive and West La Palma Avenue. 35 Lots. ~ City Planning Commission reclommended the acceptance of the Revised Tentative Map subject to the followin~ conditions: 1. Engineering Requirement 2. Payment of $25.00 per lqt for acquisition of Park and Recreation Sites. On motion by Councilman Wisher, seconded by Councilman Schutte,. the City . Council approved the Revised Tentativ9 Map of Tract No. 2401 subject to conditions as recommended by the City Planning Co~mission. MOTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE MAP TRACT NO. 2450: ROSELYC o£ Orange Avenue and Gilbert Street. Action by the Council on thi December 28, 1954, by mutual consent. TENTATIVE ~ TRACT NO. 2468: ROSELY£ of Ball Road and Gilbert street, and ¢ N CORPORATION, located at the southwest corner 98 Lots. s Map was held over until the meeting of, N CORPORATION, located at the northwest corner onsists of 101 Lots. By mutual consent, action or this map was withheld to the meeting of December 28, 19~4. TEN/ATIVE MAP TRACT NO. 2451: 3oseph Martin, located south of Crescent Avenue, beginning approximately 990 feet East of Magnolia Avenue. 24 Lots. By mutual consent, action or this map was post-poned to be considered at a later date. TEN/ATIVE MAP TRACT. NO. 2440: GAIN HOMES, INC. , located on the south Side o~f. Broadway, 600 feet East of Magnolia A~enu¢. 34 Lots. ' The Planning Commission approved the said Tentative Map subject to the following conditions: 1. Making the Cul-de-Sac w~th a 50-foot radius. 2. Increasing the Cul-de-Sac Street to 54 feet in width. 3. Increasing Lot No. 10, Which creates a key lot in the rear, to a width of 67½ feet. 4. Width of Lot No. 15, ati%he building set-back line of 15 feet, must be 60 feet. 5. Payment of $25.00 per 1dr for the acquisition of Park and Recreation Sites. 6. Engineering RequirementS. The City Council on motion ~y Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser approved said Tentative Map subject to recommendations as out-lined by the City Planning Commission: MOTION CARRIED. TENIATIVE MAP IRACT NO. 2441: GAIN H ES, INC. .located at the northoast corner of Magnolia Avenue and Orange Avenue. 45 Lots. ' ' City Planning Commission approved said Tentative Map subject to the following conditions: 838 Cit Hall Anaheim ~ .lifornia December 14 19 · 54 - 8;00 1. The radius on ArVn Street must be increased to 5 2. .Lot 1.1 does not ~eet the ..... ~' ....... 0 feet zn wzdth measur ' ~=qu~z-~ments. It must be 60 ~eet ' e~ at a distance of 15 feet back of the property line~ which distance iai the building set-back line for this type of lot. 3. Payment of $25.0~ per lot for the acquisition of Park and Recreation Sites. 4. Fngineering Requirements. On motion by Councilm~n Schutte~ seconded by Councilman Wiener said Tentative Map was approved~ subject to conditions Planning Commission. MO/ION CARRIED. as recommended by the City TENTATIVE MAP TRACT NO. 2123: ill and Dick Pebley~ located on the Easterly ex- tention of Gretchen Way~ which extends at a right angle to Lenz Drive. 11 Lots. City Plannln9 Commission voted to approve the Tentative Map subject to the filing and granting of the ~ariance~ the qualifications for the R-O Z~ne. due to the fact that the lots do not meet VARIANCE NO. 270 requesting waiv~ of the R-O zone. Tract No. 2123 was granted by the City Planning Commission ~hd submitted to the Council for their information November 23~ 1954. The City Council on mo{ion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Council- man Wiener approved said TentatiVe Map Tract No. 2123 subject to-engineering require- ments and the payment of $25.00 ~er lot for the acquisition of Park and Recreation Sites. TENTATIVE ~ TRACT NO. 1812: F~TFNTION OF TIM~: The City Council granted an ex- ,tention of time of six months on approved Tentative Map Tract No. 1812 on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner~ seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION_ CARRIED. FINAL MAP NO. 2368: located on the East side of East street between South Street and Vermont. City engineer reported n-eces, sary Bonds had been presented. . ,~]a ~ . The City Council on mot:ion by Council/$chutte~ seconded by Councilman approved said Final Map subject ti the filing an approval by the City Attorney of said improvement Bonds and furthe~ subject to engineering requirements. MOTION CARRIED. ?INAL MAP TRACT NO. 1996: ~ast ot Euclid between Romenya Drive and the proposed Freeway. City engineer reported i he map to be inorder and that improvement Bonds have been filed. Councilman Van ~!agoner moved the final map of Tract No. 1996 be approved by the City Attorney of ~he necessary improvement Bonds and further subject to engineer requirements.. Councilman Fry seconded motion. MOTION CARRIFD. ~I_NUTES of the Executive Committee of the 3oint Outfall Sewe~ meetings held Novembe~ 4~ 1954 and December 2~ 1954 were 'approved and ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconde.~ by Councilman Wiener. MOTION CARRI£D. PETITION FOR REZONING: Petition c,)ntaining 12 signatures requesting the property between West Street and Walnut Str(.~et on the north side of Broadway be rezoned from R-2 to R-3. ySaid petition was referred to the Ci Planning Commission~ on motion by Councilman Schutte~ seconded by Co ncilman Fry ~OTION CARRIED. PETITION: V~RMONT ST: Petition c~ntaining six signatures re~arding pr.operty located between the Santa Fe and Southern ~acific Railroads on Vermont, south szd~ and east Olive St. requesting th~ ~Ction ~£ a 8-foot fence, 10-feet from the ~easement line, or have the business being conducte~ the~e relocated~ was submitted, read and referred to the Police Department for investigation on motion by Counci seconded by CoUncilman Wiener. MOT~N CARRIED. lman Van Wagoner, TRANSFER OF PUNDS: Transfer of $3~925.00 from the General Fund to the Bond & Interest Redemption ~und to cover money rece~¥ed for this purpose from the 1954-55 taxes through the County Auditor was auth!~ized on motion by Councilman Van Wagoners.. seconded by Councilman Wiener. MOT ON CARRIED. CANCELLAIION OF CITY TAXP.$: Cancellation of City taxes on property formerly assessed to George A. and Bess D. Hedger, 21~ N. Euclid Ave. and purchased by the State of California for road purposes was au'horized on motion by Councilman Wisser~ seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. MOTION ~RRIED' City..Hall~ Anaheim; Californ~9~ December_14, 19~54.- 8;00 P,M. PLUMBER BONI)S: The following bonds we approved by the City Attorney, on moti Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. Plumbing Contractors, Inc. - Nat Taylor & Sons Plumbing, [nc. Morris F. Goodman & Donald R. Watt Mehring g Hanson Co. ! ~' The Gluck Co. i was submitted, and read, and the Council accepted the communication with thanks and will consider the recommendations as s~on as they have an opportunity to do so. RESOLUTION NO. 2596: Councilman Fry offered Resolution N°. 2596 and moved for its passage and adopt-ion. .I re submitted and ordered received and filed when ~n .by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by adopted. Refer to Resolution Book, pa~q A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A (RAN/ DEED CITY CO WE¥ING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTA WIDENING PURPOSES. (William $. and Ro~e C. Fukuda) On roll call .the foregoing R~solution No. 2596 was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: PearsOn, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. i ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the fores ing Resolution No. 2596 'duly passed and RESOLUTION NO. 2597: Councilman Schut~e offered Resolution No. 2597 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, pa~e A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY OF ANAH£IM ESIABLISHING FEES AND CHARGES TO BE MADE FOR THE USE OF CITY PARKS, ~ND AUTHORIZING THE COLLECTION THEREOF. On roll call the foregoing Resolution No. 2597 was duly passed, and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution No. 2597 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 957: Councilman Wisser o~fered Ordinance No. 957 for first reading and moved for its passage and adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF 'ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE VIII OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL COD5 BY ADDING IHKRKTO CHAP/ER l-B, AND~INCLUDING THEREUNDER SECTIONS @150 AND 8150.1 REQUIRING CERTAIN STRE[T IMPROVEMENTS IN CON3UNCTION WITH BUILDING CONSTRUCIION. This ordinance was thoroughly discussed by the Council, and after reading the title of said Ordinance No. 957 in full, Councilman Van Wagoner moved the reading in full of said ordinance be Waived. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carried. IN~FROVEMENT BONDS: Discussion regardin~ sale of the Improvement Bonds, was held. The printing of bonds by the 3e~feries ~anknote Company of Los Angeles was previously discussed and approved by the City CounCil. RESOLUTION NO. 2598: Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2598 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page 840 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCILiOF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM~ CALIFORNIA, DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE I~VITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR $3~500~000 BONDS OF SAID CITY. i On roll call the foregoing Resolution No. 2598 was duly passed and adopted by the following vote-I AYES: COUNCILMEN:i Pearson~ Fry, Schutte~ Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN; i~ None. The Mayor declared th+ foregoing Resolution No. 2598 duly passed and adopted. , ORDINANCE NO. 960: Councilman 9an Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 960 for first' reading and moved for its passa(e and adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAH OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $3 ElM, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS 500 ~ 000. On motion by Councilma~ Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser and' unanimously carried by the City Ounci1 reading in full of said Ordinance No. 960 was waived. ~ , ORDINANCE NO. 952: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Ordinance No~ ~952'and moved for its passage and adoption. . Refer to Ordinance Booki~ page -- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEim4 AMEND MUNICIPAL CODE BY INCRE ING ARTICLE III CHAPT SOU~ CImON S~'E[~z~FZ-~REET' A~ PROHIBITING P~KiN~'~-[~lNG LIMIT ON A :z uUAING SCHOOL J HOURS ~ FUA'flONS OF NOR~ A~ On zoll call the forego1 by the following vote: ag Resolution No. 952 was duly passed and adopted earson~ Fry~ Schutte~ Wisser and Van Wagoner. Dne. )lie. AYES: COUNCIIJ~EN: p NOES: COUNCILMEN: N ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: N The Mayor declared the f regoing Ordinance~NO'...952 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 949: (Franchise to *tchison, Topeka and Santa Fe for construction of spur tract held over) . ORDINANCE NO. 958: (F-54-55-10_ C~aredge Corp, Resolution No. 2583 Held over) i - ORDINANCE NO. 961:(F-54-55-11 _ PePerty owners~ So Los Angeles St. - Resolution No. 2584- Held over) . ORDINANCE NO. 959: Councilman Schu~te offered Ordinance No. 959 for first reading and moved for its passage and adoption, i AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE VII, CHAPTER 5 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING THERETO A ~fEW SECTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY COUNCIL TO ESTABLISH, FROM TIME TO TIME, BY RE; ;OLUTION, THE CHARGES TO BE ~ADE FOR ANY AND ALL DISPOSAL CONNECTIONS WITH THE PUBLD SEWERAGE SYSTEM IN AREAS ANNEXED TO OR OTHER- WISE HAVING BECOME A PART OF THE CIIY OF ANAHEIM FROM AND AFTER THE FIRST DAY OF MARCH, 1938. FJ4PLOYMENT: Mrs. Laura A. Krist wasi employed to WOT ' temporary bas~i.s during the vacation Af Police '~-~ k_in the Police Department on roved by the ulty Council on motion ~,, Co .... .. ,~r..o..n uon]~ad. Said employment ~='~ Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. ~z u~uziman W~sser~ seconded by Councilm;2 PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH APPL CA from City Attorne of t . _ , .TION FOR INCREASE IN RA · · . rate increase .... Y=_._ he C. zty of Paiadena relative +~ 4~,._~ TSS...Communzcagion -o~ un,cussed and refe~ed +^ *~ ~:7 ~.~_u.u-~c opposition to ~o o d -r ~ ~"~ uzcY Attorney for investiga~ionP,se City .Hall~ Anaheim, Califo~ia, December 14, 1954- 8:00 P.M. EWER$, JOINT A~REEN~NT-CITY OF ANAHEIM AND GARDEN GROVE SANITARY DISTRICT: Mr. ~urdoch reported on meetings held and]progress made on joint agreement for the . serving of areas in the Southwest Anaheim and Garden Grove district. W.O. 1260 -PENN CONSTRUCTION CO.: Mr. 3,000~000 gallon water reservoir and exception of the estimated costs of r and that the balance of about $14~800 RESOLUTION NO. 2599: Councilman Fry Contractor of the acceptance of compl repairs be made~ and authorizing the filing the notice of completion, and Murdoch reported on the completion of the recommended that funds be released with the ~pair work still to be done of $2~500.00 O0 should be released to the Contractor. ffered Resolution No. 2599 notifying the %ion of the work, upon condition that these )ayment of the balance due the con%factor after ,oved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, pi A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI THREE MILLION GALLON WATER RESERVOIR AND AUTHORIZING PAYMENT TO THE CONTRA $2,500.00 THIRTY-FIVE DAYS AFTER FILI! $2,500.00 THIRTY-FIVE DAYS AFTER COMP] On roll call the foregoing adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Pear: COUNCILMEN: None COUNCI LNE N: None The Mayor declared the fore¢ adopted. BENCH PERMIT: Action of application by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Co' Councilman Fry moved to adjc Councilman Schutte seconded the motior ADJOURNED., APPRO~-ED. ~ge ' {E CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING COMPLETION OF )N CONDITION THAT CERTAIN REPAIRS BE MADE, ;TOR OF BALANCE DUE' ON CONTRACT EXCEPT ~G NOTICE OF COMPLETION, AND PAYMENT OF ,EYION OF REPAIRS. lesolution No. 2599 was duly passed and ;on, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van wagon~r, loing Resolution No. 2599 duly passed and "Bench Permit" was postponed on motion ~ncilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. urn to 7:00 o'clock P.M., December 28, 1954. ~. MOTION CARRIED. May~ , . Cit~ Clerk CORRECTED TITLE TO RESOLUTION NO. 2599:i A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COMPLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AMD PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND CO~LETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVE~NT: CONSTRUCTION OF A 3,000, DOO-GALLON SURFACE WATER STORAGE RESERVOIR ALONG LA PALMA AVENUE BETWEEN CITRON AND WEST STREETS, WORK ORDER NO. 1260. On roll call the foregoin9 Resolution No. 2599 was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson~ Fry~ Schutte~ Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution No. 2599 duly passed and adopted.