1950/08/01. pit - Hall ~eim C~liforr, ia -T~m~a A "~m$ 1 1~ 0 ~ The Oi~ O~ncil of ~he Oi~ of ~eim me~ in ~o~ne~_Re~l~ Session. ~S~: . 00~0~~: None. OlTY ATTO~Y T~: Present.__ ~jour~ 2e~lar ~eeti~ h~ld for ~he ~urp;~ o~ ~i~cu~i~ ~o~ ~l~ctio~ ~~TISii~ FOR BIDS: I~RO~~T ~F NORTH ~F~0E S~ET: It was moved Haying, seceded by 0oucilm B~ney t~t ~ertisi~ of bids be m~e for the improve- ment of North Lemon Street, said work to be ~id for from the Co~ty's ~location of Gas T~ ~. M.O. CONSTRUCTION OF ~ P~ S~ER: It was moved by Co~cil~ B6ney, seco~ by O~cil- ~ He~ing t~t ~he contraction of ~ P~~ Sewer, east from ~st Street, 1100 feet be approve. M.C. i~OPOLiT~ WATER DIS~ICT S~BY C~GE of $60,00 per se&o~ foot was Brecht up by E. P. ~pgood, City ~gineer who [stated t~t the city now u~e~ more t~ its allocation, ~d consider~ the c~rge favorably for all member-cities of the district. No actio~ was t~en by the 0o~cil. PROPOSED BOULEVARD STOPS AS RECO~[END~ BY CHIEF OF POLICE:. Letter from the Chief of Police stating that $.raffic condi%ions on North East Street have been investigated, and due to new sa%bdivisions and mw homes on East Street, and in this district, the traffic was becoming very heavy, and that there should be a Boulevard Stop placed at North and East Streets, also at S~camore and East Streets, which will make a 4-waF stop at these intersections. At the present ti~e, East Street is open from 0enter Street to RaFmond Avenue at Orangethorpe, a ~istance of 1~ mile, and that the stop signs would reduce the speed and add to the safety of the locality. Recommendations were taken uz~ler aclvlsement. APPO!~T~NT OF ~fEi~fBER, OF THE CiTY PLANNING COmmISSION: was br~t Up and held over to later date. REFUND BUSINESS LI~F~.~SE: of $15'00 was authorized on the license issued to Al. Miller Auto Electric Shop. Mr. Miller w~s called into "active service" through the National Gtta~, and his shop will be close~. City Attorney states that "Bond Procedure" will be brought out mere fully at' the Regular Meeting to be ~eld August 8, 1950. Councilman tIeying moved to adjourn. Oouncilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion, SIGEED ~City Clerk The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in Regular Session. PRESE~T: COUNCII~: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and V~n Wagoner. ABSENT : COU~;CI L~[EN: None. CITY ATTORNEY TURNER: Present. The Minutes of the Regular 5See,ting held July 25, 1950 and Adjourned Regular Meeting held August 1, 1950 were approved. DE~S AGAINST THE CITY: Councilman Van Wagone'r reported demands against' the city amounting to $54,964.22. Councilman Boney moved that Report of ~inauce 0ommittee be accepted and that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer to pay said demands in accordance with report. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. M.C. ' FIN3[i~CIAL & OPEPJ~TING REPORTS: 0ity Treasurer, Balance in General Fund, July 1, 1950 $153 ,107. 56 , total receipts, $108,776.50, balance General Fund July 31, 1950, $163,391.2;%. Total General Accounts, $305,831.78, total all Funds, $345,067.43. The C.ity Clerk's report corresponded with that of Treasurer. - City Auditor deposited with Treasurer, $26]524.59. - CiSy Judge deposited with Treasurer, $3,586.00, handled 589 cases in the 0ity Court, of which 402 were Parking Meter Violations. - Public Service deposited with Treasurer, $70,227.02. - Parking Meter' Collection~ totaled, $2,200.00 - Activities of the Police Department, Fire Department, Shop and Garage,