1950/08/15e ~ Gl~ ~i, .~eim., Catiforni~- Tuesday[', ,August .8f 1950 Expediter be, and he is herel~ requested upon receipt of a certified copy of this Resolution to make an order decontrolling rents in ~said City of Anaheim. ~ BE IT FURTHER EESOLVED that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby author- -izod and directed to transmit to the National Housing Expediter in Washington, D. C. a certified copy of thio Resolution together with affidavits of posting and publishing notice of the calling of said public hearing, , , On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and ,Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ~ , -:A~SENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and a~opte~l. CoUacilman Van Wagoner moved to adjourn to~8:00 o'clock P.M., August 15, 1950 for the ~xatrpose of acting upon Ordinance No. 762, relative to bond election ~rocedure for the Bond election to be held September 18, 1950. 0ouncilman He¥ing seconded the motion. MO~ION (~2d:I. IKD. SIGNED G1 ~v. Ha!l_, A~eim, oa!iforn_i~_Tu_e_sd&_~,_.Au~ust~%5, ~5o.._ 8:00 The 0ity Council of the 0ity of Anah~i~ met in AdjoUrned Regular The ~Purpose of the meeting was to act upon Ordinance No. ?~2, providing for, an~ ~ivlng notice of a Special Election , to be held in the 01ty of Anaheim the 18th of S~ptember, 1950. PRE~: 00UNCILM~: Pearsom, Wi, seer, Bo~e¥ a~d Va~ W~oner. ~SE~ : 00~0I~: Heylng, 0ITY ATTO~Y T~: Presen$. O~I~OE NO. 762: 0~cilm~ V~ W~oner in$r~uc~ Ordinance No. 762 move.fOr it~ pass~e ~d ~o~tton. Ordi~ce No. 761 ~s're~ in p~blie, in f~l, 0o~cil~ Wisser seco~ed the motion, ~ 0~I~~ OF T~ 0ITY OF ~IM, ~IF~~, ~~ING, ~LING, PROVIDING FOR ~ GIVING N~IOE OF A ~O~L E~CTION TO BE ~ IN ~ CITY OF ON T~ 18~ DAY OF ~~~, 1950, FOR T~ P~OSE OF S~MI~ING TO T~ VOWS OF ~ cITy A PR~OSITION TO INC~ BO~ I~~~SS'BY ~ID T~ AOQ~SITION ~ CONSEUCTi~ OF A C~IN ~ICIP~ I~RO~. W~~S, the City CO~cil of the City of ~~eim, C~ifornia, did on the 8th day of A~s~, 1950, by ~ vote of more t~ tw~thi~a of She members of said City Oo~cil, ~°Pt Resolution No. 176~ entitl~ "Resolution of City Co~cil of the City of ~eim, ~lifornia, dete~ining t~t the ~blic in~er~t ~d necessity de~d t~ acquimition ~ const~ction of a certaim ici~ improvement, and m~ing fi~ings relati~ thereto, "which sai~ resolution ~s d~y sised ~ approve~ BI the ~or of eai~ City ~_ attested ~ certifi~ by the City Clerk o~ ~aid Cit~; ~ W~S, the City of.~eim ~ other cities ~d s~it~y districts o~ ~d u~e certain Joint ~tfall sewer facilities incl~i~ main t~ sewer, le~in~ $0 a sow. s Sroatmont ~l~t, ~ho tre&tment plus ~ ~ outf~l from said treatment pl~t, to ~ into t~ oce~$ ~ ' ' WHEREAS, said facilities have: become inaAequats an~ it is necess&r~ that said treatment plant and the chlorination plant be enlargeS, the outfall sewer replaced in part aaa au azlditional main trumk sewer leading to said treat- ment plant be constructed, such new facilities tb be~ owned by the Citi,es of Anaheim and Fullerton and other public corporations, and the City of A~aheim pro- posed to issue bonds to raise moneys to pay ~its part of the cost of said new fac- ilities and to pay the cost of constructing additional sanitary sewers for the City of Anaheim$ NOW, THEREFORE, the 0ity Council of the City of Anaheim DOES ORDAIN as follows: · 10. Section 1. That a special election be held, and the same i~ hereby called to be held, in the City of Anaheim, California, on the 18th day of September, 19~0, for the purpose o£ submitting to the qualified voters of said city a proposition of incurring indebtedness and issuing bonds of said City there£or, in the amount hereinafter set forth, and for the object and purpose set forth in said resolution and hereinafter stated. Section 2. ~hat the object and ~urpose for which said indebte~ness is to be incurred and bonds i~sued therefor is as follows: The acquisition and construction for the 0ity of Anaheim of a certai? municil~ in~orovement, to wit: ~ition~ e~it~y sewers ~ ae~e ~iapea~ f~ilitiea, incl~i~ (1) ~itiona o~ ~in t~, intercepter ~d later~ sewers to the sewer system of the 0ity of ~eim; (2) t~t ~ivi~e~ part or s~e, which for ty the City o~ A~eim of (a) ~itione to ~ ealazgeme~t~ of the a~e trea~ ment ~l~t ~ c~ori~tioa pl~t Jointly o~ ~y the 0ity of ~eim ~ ether cities ~8 ~it~y ~ietricte, (b) recenet~ctien ~d replacement of pertic~s of the Jointly o~ed ~tf~l ~ewer ~carrying eew~e from eai~ treatment pl~t. ~ditio~ ~in t~ sewer, ~ith .connecting line~, to carry ae~e to said.aero tr~tment pl~t (~ai~ reconat~ction ~ replacement of portions of aais outf~l sewer, aais ~itiona to ~d enlar~meate of the ae~e treatment pl~t ~ c~ori~ ation pl~t, ~d amid ~ditio~l main t~ sewer, to be Jointly own~ ~ pai~ for by the City of ~eim ~ other ~blie co~orations). Section 3. T~t the esti~t~ cost o~ the~icipal i~rovement describ~ in Section 2 hereof ia the s~ of $1,0~,000.00, ~d t~t the ~o~t of the prinoip~ of the i~ebt~ess to be incurr~, therefor is the s~ of $1,0~,000.00. ' T~t t~e ~i~ rate of interest to be ~i~ on sai~ i~ebt~ness s~ met ~e~ fo~ per cent (~) per ~, ~ble seai~ly. T~t if t~e~pr°p~sition for the in~rriM o~ bo~ed i~ebte~ess so mitred receives the requisite n~bers Of votes, to wit, tw~thiris of the votes of the q~lifi~ electors voti~ at said election, bo~$ of said 0ity. in not exee~i~ the principal ~o~t stat~ in such proposition, e~l ~e issued ~ sol~ for the object ~ ~oee e~t forth in said proposition. Section ~. ~t the polls for eai~ election s~l Be opened at seven o~clo~, A.~., of the da~ o~ said election ~d $~ll reda open continuously from eal~ time .~til seven o'clock P.M., of the $~e ~y, when eai~ polls e~ll~be closed, except as provid~ in Section ~73~ o~ the EleCtions Co~e of the State of ~tfo~ia. T~t on the ~lots to be u~ at said speci~ election, in ~dition to ~y other matters requir~ by law,~ there e~ll~ be printed subet~ti~ly the follevi~s ~ ~OSS (~ O~ S~L~ O~y WITH R~BER To vo~e on ~ measure, ~ ~ cross (%) in ~he wor~ "~S~ or ~er ~he wo~ "~0". All forbi&~en. AI~ distinguishing m~kl or er~ure~ ~re ~for~idden the b~lot void. If you ~ongly st~, tear er deface this ~allet, ret~n it to the inspector of election ~ o~tain ~other. ~ absent voter's ball?ts ~k a cress (4) with pen or Pencil. .... BO~ FROPoS[TION: Shall the City of : : ' ~' indebtedness in the principal : : : Anaheim incur a %ondedi ,um of $1,044~,000.00 for the purpose of the acquisition : ;. : and construction ~or the city of Ana~ein~ of a certain .. ~; .' municipal impr~ovement, to wit: addit.~onal sanitary : : I City Hall, Anal_elm, Cal. iforni$ - ~Tueeday, ..A_u~o.U~ ~qt.... 15~_ 1950 ...... 8:00 P..M: , sewers and sewage disposal facil~"ties. : including (1) a~lditions of main trunk, : interce~tor and lat,,ral sewers to the ., sewer system of the City of Anaheim; : YES (2) that undivided ~art or share, which : is to be owned and ~aid for by the 0ity : of Anaheim of (a) aAditions to and eh- : largements of the sewage treatment Dlant and chlorination pla~t Jointly owned by th$ City of Anaheim and other cities and sanitar~ districts, (b) reconstruction and replacement of portions of the ~oiatly owned outf~ll sewer carrying se.Wage, from said treat- ment plant, and (c)lam additional main trunk sewer, with Ceanecting lines, to carry sewage to sai~ sewage treatment plant (maid reconst~ction and re- placement of port ices of said outfall sewer, said ezlditioms to and enlarge- ments of the sewage treatment plant and chlorination plaUt, and said additional ma~in t~ sewer, to be jointly owned ~ud paid for by the Ci~ty of Anaheim and othe~ public corporations)! : : A cross ~,) placed 2n the voting square after the word "YES" in the manner hereinbeflore provided Shall be counted in flavor cfi the adoption of .the proposition. A cross (,) DlaCed in the voting square after the word NNO# 'in the manner hereinbefore provided shall be counted age, inet the adoption of the propositiem. Section ~. .That for the purpose cf holding said election there shall be and are hereby established ten election precincts designated as hereimafter stated. The polling places for the res~ective precincts shall be the places hereinafter desi~gnated and the perscn~ hereinafter named, being competent and qualified electors and residents of said city and of their respective, election precincts, are hereby a~ointed officers of election and they shall hold said election amd ma~e return thereof in the manner providml ~y law.- 0onsolldated Voting Precinct "A" shall consist of regular election precincts Nos. 1 and 11 in the Oit¥ o£ Anaheim as now established flor the holding of state and county election~. Polling Place: Horace Mann School - 931 NOrth Palm Street. Inspect or: Mrs. ~ice Booth Judge: Ida ~. Daws Clerks: Edith l~ay Armeld and Doris E. Ryam Consolidated Voting Precinct "B" shall consist of regular electiom pre- cincts Nos. 2, 3, and ~ in the City of Anaheim as now established for the holding of state and county elections. Polling Place: Inspector: Mrs. John N. Saenger ~ s garage - 115 F~st Wilhelminm Street· Mrs. Maude $aenger Judge: ~ae Lord Clerks: Netta-A. Anderson and Mrs. Helen Rommel Consolidated Voting Precinct "C" shall consist of regular election Drecincts Nos. 5 and 6 in the City of Anaheim as now established for the·h°lding of state and county elections. ~City, Hall. ~_Anaheim, Ca~i£ornia - Tuesday_, ,..August .!5~ 1950~. Polling Place! J. W. Rodeffer I s Garage - 30? West North Street, Insoector: Thomas Scott Judge: Olerks: Lila V. Narath Alice V. Scott and Pauline N. Noute , .,8:,0o Consolidated Voting Precinct "D" shall consist of regular election precincts Nos. 7 a~d 8 in the ~ity of Anaheim as now established for th~ holding of state and county elections. . Polling Place: Ax~a2xeim UnAon Nigh School - 811 Wemt Center Street. Inspector: Frieda Janes , Judge: Clara A. $chweinfeet 0 lerks: Elizabeth A. P. at£ield and Beulah C. Nailing Consolidated,VotingPrecinct #E" shall cOnsist of regular election ~recincts Nos. 10, 12 and 15 in the City of Anaheim as now established for the holding of state ~ county elections. Polling Place:, McOoy Motor 0ompany Sales Room - . 320 North Los Angeles Street. Inspector: Walter J. ~tBanion Judge: Vi c W. LaMent Clerks: Jeanette A, Spencer and Audrey L. S, tarr Consolidated Voting Precinct sF" sh~ll consist of regular election .~recincte Nos. 1.5 and lg in the City of, Anaheim as now established flor the hold- in~ of state a~ county elections. Polling Place: Lincoln School - 124)0 East Center 'Street. Inspector: Persis WarA . Judge; Mrs. ~rgaret Vincent Clerks: Edith M. Mills and Mrs. Myrtle Eoffmmn Consolidated Voting Precinct "G" shall consist of regular elect~on ~recincts Nos. 18 and 19 in the City of Anaheim as now established for the' holding of state an~ county elections. Polling Place: Broadway SChool - 412 East Broadway. Inepector: Judge: 01erks: Bessie I. Fitz!mmtricl~ Ethel ~. $chaffer , Eunice Sch~effler and Hulda J. W~llin Consolidated Voting Precinct "~" shall consist of regular elect~ion orecincts Nos. 9, 23 and 2A~ in the City of Anaheim as now established for the holding of state and county elections. Polling Place: J. A'. Planting~s ~arag_e- . 925 West Broadway. Inspector: Judge: Clerks: Grayce A. ;Planting Gertrude Gates Margaret Ferguson and Irene Stichtmau 13. ~_ity Hal. l~ .A~ahe, im, Californi~,- ,Tu¢.sday._ August 15, ,,!950 8:OO P.M. Consolidated Voting Precinct "J" shall consist of regular election precincts Nos. 13 and 20 in the City of Anaheim as now established for the holding of state and county elect ionB. Polling Place: 0ity Hall - 205 East Center Street. Inspector: ~ohn Kellenberger Judge: Eva H. Boyd Clerks: Chester O. Lewis and Mary E. O'Neill Consolidated Voting Precinct "K" shall consist of regular election precincts Nos. 17, 21 and 22 in the City of Anaheim as now established for the holding of state and county elections. Polling Place: Inspector: ~Lugalow Electric Shop - 613 South Los Angeles Street. FranCes M. Millings Judge: Nay F. Heying Clerks: ~va N. Scutt and Mary Alice Shawhan' Section 6. That exCept as otherwise provide~ in this brdinance, ~he election called hereby sh~ll be conducted a~ provided by law for other municipal elec~tions in said city. Section 7. That the Council of said city shall meet at its usual place of meeting in the City Hall om Tuesday, the 19th day of September, 1950, at 8 P.M., o£ said day, and proceed to canvass the election returns and' declare the result of said election. ~ ~ Section 8. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this ordinance by a vote of mere than two-thirds of all of the members of the City Council of said City, and shall cause said ordinance to be published once a day for at least seven (7)days prior~ to the date of said election~ in THE ANAHEIM BULLETIN, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulatecl in the City of Anaheim six days a week. No other notice of such election need be ~iven. ~ Section ~. This 0r~tinance shall take effect upon its passage. O~ roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and. adopted by the following vote: ~ ~ - AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisse~, Boney and Van Wagoner. ~ NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ~ A~B SENT: COUNCILMEN: Heying. ~ ~ The Mayor declared Ordinance No. 762 duly pa~ed and adopted. ~JATiCii~L SPASTIC-PARALYSIS FO~!DATIbN permit to ~solicit funds in.the City of Anaheim. On motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Boney, the City Council denied application. NOTION CARRIED. J.©.S. FLOW & MAINTENAi~CE COST REPORT: Monthly report of the flow of sewage from, _the several ci~ies and s~nitary districts, and maintenance cost to the several cities and sanitary districts was ordered accepted and filed on metion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner~ ~OTION CARRIED. ~ ~ A~i~<~U~_L J.O.S. REPORT, I~iNTENANCE PERCE~?AGE: Report on the flow contributed in Section 2 for the fiscal year 1~49-1950. The maintenance charges for the fiscal year 1950-1951 will be based on percentages shown, in accordance with the Joint ~_ a~>~reements of the J.O.S. CITY OR FLOW FOR FISCAL YEAR NAINTENANC~ PERCENTAGE SANITARY DIST~ilCT' , .......... 1~_4.~.~1750 ........... F.0R~,,F!S,,C..AL YF~%R 1950.1951 Anaheim 752~.905,200 37.16 Fullerton 509,070,900 25.13 Orange · ' 349,188,800 17~. 23 Placent ia 63,310,300 3.12 Garden Grove 86,939,000 . 4.29 La H~abra 129,82~, 200 6.41 Buena Park 134,930,600 6.66 ;0-2 ,i 9 ,0od- zoo. 60' The foregoing report was ordered approved and filed on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. Cit.v_Hall, Anaheim, Califqrnia- .Tuesday,.AuMu~t 15, 1950 ......... .8.:00 p.M.. ..... E~PLOY~IH}~T DIRECTIVE: The City Clerk was instructed to prepare a Directive govern- ing the application of employment, requirements as to physical examinations, applications to be submitted to the City Council for approval, re~id, ential require- ments, aCe eualifications as pertaining to the regulations of the California State Retirement Fund System, provisions as to the hirin~ of former employees who have left the city for other private employ~mSnt. SCHOOL TRAFFIC GUARDS: Matter of policy on governing School Traffic Guards for the coming season was brought up, and the Chief of Police was instructed to present information as to the handling of this situation by other cities. Councilman Van Wagoner moved to adjourn. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. NOTI ON CARRIED. ADJOURlq~ED ~ City th~ll, Anaheim, California- Tuesd&y, August 22, 1950 8:00 P.M. ........... .... .~...... ,,_ ~ , _ - . _ The City Council of the City of Anaheim met PRESENT: COUNCILMF, N: Pearson, Wisser, BOney and Van Wagoner. ABSENT : COUNCILMAN: He~ing. CITY ATTORNEY TIYRNNR: Present. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held August 8, 1950 and the Adjourne~ Re~l~la~ Meeting hel~ August 15, 1955 wereI mpprove~ on motion by Ooumcilma~ Bone~r, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. NOTION CARRIED. DEMAi~-D$ AGAINST THE CITY: Councilman Va~ Wagoner reported demands against the city amoun~ln~ ~o $65 , 081. 08. Coumcilman BoneF moved that report of ~inance Committee Be accepte~ and that warrant~ be drawn upon the Treasurer to pay said demands in accorCance wi~h report. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CAP~RI~. ANAHEIM SCHOOL DISTRIOT-TAX RATE FOR REGI~TION; 0ommunic&tion form the Anaheim School District dated ~une 29, 1950 wac submitted and read. The letter et&tool that beginning July l, 1951, the 01ty Recreation CommisSion should look forward to establishing & Special Tax Rate for recreational funds so that ~t will not have to be taken out of the budget of the School District. further stating, this is due to the fact that increase cost of ~he School District does not permit the extrm money to l~e taken from the School Budget. and requesting the matter be brought to the attention of the Recreation Commission and the Oity Council. Action on the matter was withheld for further consideration. M.W.D. TAX RATE, 1950-51: Metropolitan W&~er District, pursuant $o their ~esolution No. 3895, the ta~ tevy for the fiscal year 1950-51 on the taxable property within the City of Anaheim was met at 26d for bonds and interest, and 5d for operations. Total Tax Rate 31d, amount to be raise, i, $61,225.08. The Clerk was instructe~ to advise the Ceumty Auditor that this tax be extended on the Assessment Rolls of Orange County to ~e collected in the same manner as County Taxes, on mo~ion by Councilmam Van Wagoner, seconded by Comncilman Boney. NOTION CARRIED. SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD SURVEY: The Chief o£ Police presented survey on the employment of School Guards in the neighboring cities: ~llerton, none - Santa An&, 12 guards $ $~5.oo ~er month, pai~ by ci%y - Orange. 1 guard $ $90.00 per month, paid by city - New Port Beach, 2 guar~ at $75.00 ~er month, paid by city - La Ea~ra, ~ guards at $1.10 per hour, paid by School - Brea,. none - EumtinEton Beach, none - Laguna Beach, none - Whi~ier, ~ ¢uar~e $ $1.00 ~er hour, paid by city, however a~emp~ is being made ~o have school pay half of the expense. The raise in pay to $75.00 per month is anticipated here, based on actual time at crossings ef$ hours per day. The City Clerk was ins~ructe~ to write a letter to the Anaheim School District calling for their participation on & 50-50 basis on the employment of School Traffic Guards in the City of Anaheim for the c om lng y ear. STATE C0i~'~PENSATION INSURANCE FUND DIVtDE~: 40% of premium, or $2,475,?1 was re&eive~. PEB~,iiSSION T~ LF~VE TH~ STATE: A. G. Tum~ was granted permission to leave the state, September 1, 1950 for a ~&cmtion period of 2 weeks. E. P. Napgood was granted a vacation commencing September 1, 1950, on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Oouncilman Van Wagoner. NOTION OAP~RI~. COi~JNICATION: ~. B. WELLINGTON: Attorney for the committee to organize the propose¢l Orange County Municipal Water District. It is requested by the District that further Annexations be withheld until they have completed the organization of the propose~