1950/08/22~Hal~l_, Anaheim~,~ C.,al. ifqrnia- ,?,,uesday~,Au~.ust 15. 1950 E~[~LOY~!ENT DIRECTIVE: The City Clerk was instructed to prepare a Directive govern- ing the apDlication of employment, requirements as to physical examinations, applications to be submitted to the City Council for approval, residential require- ments, a~e eualifications as nertaining to the regulations of the California State Retirement F~nd System, provisions as to~ the hiring of former employees who have left the city for other ~rivate employ~m~nt. SCHOOL TRAFFIC GUARDS: Matter of policyi on governing School Traffic Guards for the coming season was brought up, and the Chief of Police was instructed to present information as to the handling of thiss~ tuation by other cities. Councilman Van Wagoner moved to adjourn. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTI ON CARRIED. ADJOURIfED [ City Mall. Anaheim, 0alifornia- Tues&ay,I August 22, 1950 8:00 P.M. ...... : ~ _ ~ ~ ~ -~-...,-,,.~.~ -- _~=--~ ~ ....... , ..... ,~ ' ,~ ~ .... .-. : ...... ~ .... . ..... ~ ~ ....... ~e City 0~cil ef ~he Ci~y o~ A~eim met i~ re~lar ~e~ion. P~S~: CO~CI~: Pearson, Wiaeer, ~cney ~d Van W~oner. ~SE~ : CO~CI~: Heying. CITY A~O~Y T~: Present. The Minutes of the Re.mr Meeting hel~ A~at 8, 1950 ~d the ~journ~ Re~~ Meeting hel~ A~at 15, 1955 wer~ approv~ on motion by C~cil~ Boney, ,eco~ by Oe~cl~ V~n W~oner. MOTION C~I~. DE~S A~INST T~ CITY: Oo~cilm~ V~ W~oner report~ de~a ~ainat the city ~o~ti~ to $65,081.08. Co~cilm~ Bon~y mov~ t~t report of Fi~ce 0c~ittee be s be dra~ u on,the Treasurer to ~ eazd de~a ia acce~ce ~cept~ ~ t~t warr~t ~ , ' with report. Co~cilm~ Wiaaer aeco~ the motion. MOTION C~I~. ~IM SCHOOL DIS~iCT-~ ~ FOR ~C~TION: Co~ication form the A~heim School District dated J~e 29, 1950 was submitted ~d re~. The letter etmt~ t~t begi~i~ July 1, 1951, the 0ity Recreation 0o~ia$ion should look forward to e~tabliahing a Speci~ T~ Rate for recreatio~l f~ ~o t~t St will not ~ve to be t~en out of the b~get the School District, further stating, thi~ is ~ue to the fact t~t increaee coat of the School District dose not permit the extra money to be t~en from the School B~get, requesting the matter be brecht to the attention of the Recremtion Co~iaeion ~d the 0it~ Oo~cil. Action on the ~tter wa~ Wit~eld for further consideration. M.W.D. ~ ~TE, 1950-51: Metropolit~ Water D~atrict, ~ra~nt to their ~eaolution No. 3895, the t~ ~evy for the fiscal yeSr 1950 51 on the ta~ble property within the City ef ~aheim was set at 26~ for bonds ~ interest, ~ 5~ for operations. Total Tax ~te 31~, ~~t to be raie~, $61,225.08. The Clerk was inet~cte~ to ~vise the C~ty A~itor t~t this tax be exte~ on the~Aaaeasment Rolls of Or,ge C~ty to be collecte~ in the s~e m~er aa Co~ty T~ea, on motion by Co~cil~ V~ W~oner, seco~ed by Ce~cilm~ Boney. MOTION ~I~. SC~0L CROSSING GU~ S~Y: The Chief of Police presented s~vey~ on the emplo~emt of School G~rde in the neighboring cities: ~llerton. none- Santa ~, 12 ~a~a $75.00 per month, paid by city - Or~ge,~ 1 ~rd $ $90.00 per month, ~i4 ~y city - New Pert Beach, 2 ~arde at $75.00 ner~ month, paid by city - La ~bra, 2 ~~ at $1.10 ner hour, paid by School - Bras. none - H~tington Beach, none - ~ Beach, none - 9hittier, 7 ~arda $ $1.00 per ho~, pai~ by city, however attempt is being ~e to have school pay ~lf of the e~ense. T~ raise in ~ to $7~5.00 per month ia ~ticipat~ here. baa~ on act~l time at croaei~a of $ hours per day. The City Clerk was inat~ct~ to write a letter to the An~eim School District calling for their partici~tion on 5~50 basis on the emplo~ent of School Tr~fic ~rds in the City of ~eim for the c om img y ear. S~TE COi~ENSATION INS~I~ F~ DIVIDe: ~ of premix, or $2,475.~1 was receive~. P~ISSION TO ~~ T~ STATE: A. G. ~ was gr~t~ permissiom to leave the state, Seotember 1, 1950 for m ~acation peri~ of 2 weeks. E. P. ~pgoo~ ~s granted a vacation co~encing September 1, 1950, on motio~ ~y Co~cil~ Boney, aecond~ by Council~ V~ W~oner. MOTION ~I~. COMPlICATiON: ~. B. WELLINGTON: Atto~ey for the co~ittee to org~ize the Or,ge Ce~ty ~icipal Water District. It ia requested by the District t~t further Anne~tiona be wi t~eld ~til they ~ve completed the org~ization of the propoa~ · ~ Ua~~ ~mll,. ..... ~ezm, Caiii'orz~t~ - ~esaay, .~_n~S~. 22,- 1~'~30~ 8:00 P.M. Water District. Annexations now pending have been before the Council for several months, and no action wag taken as to this letter. SIGNS AT ADVANCEMENTS T~ CITY: Attention o~ the City Council was called to the signs a~ ~he advamc~ments to the city which are in very dingy condition, not properly ~laced, and it was recommende~ by Mr. E. W. Moeller that the signs be r emove~, also that the signs be incumbered by the several clubs and organizations, etc. Mr. Moeller wa~ requested to ~re~ent recommendations as to new signs, locations, type of si~ns, and recommended locations £or placement. . FINANCIAL REPORT,~ 1949-50: COuncilman Boney moved that the Financial Report for 1959-50 be acce~ted, and that the City Auditor be complemented on the completnese of the report'. ~Councilman Wiaser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. J.0.S. REPORT: Councilman Bossy r-sported on the Joint 0utfall Sewer, and that the Bond Proceedings were well underway, also reported that the capacity of the North and East Trunk Line~ were up to, and over caDacity. ~ Mr. Walt Goeden was advised to file an application for variance with the City ~ Planning Commission at its Special Meeting, pertaining ~to the Market, Center and East Street s of Ray ~ixon. LABOR C~MP: Mrs. Faber addre~se(1 the Council pertaining to the Labor Camp in county territory being eXPanded on the corner o~ East and Vermont Streets. New camo buildings and recreation quarters will extend the buildings to the present camo quarters on Vermont Street. Mr. Yrazier also addressed the Council .requesting the city to voice its disapproval of the location of the Labor Camp, as it was detrimental to the neighborhood and future residential building growth in that district. It was also brought to the attention of the Council that a portion of land on the northwest corner of Vermont and East Streets was also zoned for limited manufacturing, es shown on the map proposed for adoption by the City, Mr. Fraeier was advised that a petition should be immediately filed with the Boar8 of Supervisors to properly voice the objections of the neighborhood as to the ~urther extention of ~he Labor Camp, and also that the City Planning Commisaion would consider the matter o~ ~oning at that location. DE-CONTROL OF RENTS: The City Council was advised that through Associated and United Press dispatches to the newspapers, the 0ity o£ Anaheim was decontrolled, in the matter off hou~ing~ rentals, ~ BIDS: IMPROVEMENT OF NORTH LEMON STREET: The Clerk wee instructed to open bids on the furnishing of labor and ~terials for the res~arfacing of ~ Lemon Streets. Bids received.: S~lly Miller 0ontracting Company, $15,550.00- R. J. Noble, $12,756.80 - Oox Bros. 0onstrmction Co,, $15,832.00 - John J. Swigart, $16,764,00, After tabulation of bi~ by the 0ity Engineer's office, the City Engineer state& that W. J. Noble was the low tldder. Councilman Van Wagoner moved, that the bid be awarA,~ R. J. ~oble, and that bidder's checks or bonds be returned to the unsuccessful bidders, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be auShorieed and directed to sign contract for the City of Anaheim. Motion seconde~ by Councilman Boney. MOTION CARRIED. (Broadway to La Palms) , ~ ~ ~ TAX RATE, FISCAL YEAR 1950-51: The Tax~ rate for the fiscal year 1950-51 was set at 90~ based upon assessed valuations totaling $20,187,010.00 an increase over the previous year of ~1,295,950.00. - Bonde,.17831~2 - Library 17~- General, ORDINal'CE NO. 761: Oouncilmam Van Wagoner brought up Ordinance No, 761 andmove~ for its pass,ge and adoption. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE ~CITY OF ANA~IM OF TEE TERRIT~IRY KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS ROBERTS ANNEXATION. refer to Ordinance Book, page ~__~ ~_ ~ On roll cai1 the foregoing OrAinauCe was duly passe~- and~ adopted by the following vote: · AYES: OOUNCILM~N: Pearson, Wlseer, Boney and Van Wagoner NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: Haying. The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance. No. 761 duly ~)assed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 763: Oouncilmam Van Wagoner introduce~ Ordinance No.' ?63 and mov~ for its Dassage and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. Said Ordinance was read in p~bl-ic~x~the fi_r~st__ time. AN ORDINANCE ~IXING AND LEVYING A PROPERTY TAX oN~ PROPERTY-WITHIN TNE CORPORATED LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1950-1951, o~I~NCE N0. 76~: Co~cil~ V~ W~oner introduc~ Ordi~ce No. 7~ a~ mov~ for its passage ~d ~option. Co~cil~n ~oney second~ the motion. Said Ordinance was re~ in ~blic for the first time. AN O~I~CE OF T~ CITY CO~CIL 0F T~ CITY OF AN~I~ ~GU~TIN~ ~ PROHIBITING T~ SOLI CI ~TION ~R D0~TIONS FOR C~~, T~ PROMOTI ON A~ OO~UCTIN$ 0F ~A~S, S~S OR E~IBITIONS FOR C~ITY, A~ P~SCRIBING PE~TIES FOR T~ VIO~TION T~O~. B~LET~N~ NO. 13: A Notice to DeDartmen~ He~.s ~d ~ployees was authoriz~ ~y the City Co,oil. RESOLUTION NO. 1765: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 1765 amd moved for its passage a~ adopiton. Councilman_ Wisser seconded %he motion. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNC~IL OF THE iCITY OF ANAHEIM ~PLOYIN$ H. G, SCNMELZ~R AS ~ANAGER OF THE VETERANS PUBLIC HOUSING PROJECT_OF THE CIT~ O~ ANA~IM. refer to Resolution Back, On roll call the foregoing ResolUtion was duly p~ sse~ and adopte~ by the followihg vote: AYES~ 00UNCILMEN: Pearson, Wiseer, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSF~NT: COUNCII~: Heying. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 1765 ~Uly passed an~ a~o?ted. PETITION FOR ANNEXATION: The 0it¥ Cler~ renal in full, petition for annexation submitted ~by Allen Arval Morris et al -RESOLUTION NO. 1766: 0ouncilmam Boney offere~ Resolution No. 1766 and moved for its passage and adoption. 0ouncilman Wisser seeox~iea the motion. A RESOLUTION OF .TEE OITY OF ANAHEIM AOE~OWLEDGING P~OEIPT OF A PETITION ~OR T~ ANNEXATION ON 0ERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO TEE CITY OF ANAHEIM GIVING NOTICE OF SUCH PROPOSED ANNEXATION, D~SCRIBING TH~ BOUNDARIES OF THE TERRITORY PROPOSED TO BE ~ AND GIVING NOTICE OF TEE DAY i HOUR AND PLACE WH~ AND WHEN ANY ~ERSON OWNING 'REAL PROPERTY WITHIN SUCH TEP~RIT(~RY SO PROPOSED TO BE ANN~XND MAY A2PEAR BEFORE THE CITY 00UNOIL AND SHOW CAUSE WHY SUCH TEP~RITORY SHOULD NOT BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. refer to Resolution BoOk, page,~496,497 On roll call the foregoing Re~olution was duly passed an~' ad°~P~ted l~y the followin~ vote: AYES: OOUNOILM~N,. Pear,on, Wisher, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOE~: COUNCIL~N: None. A~EENT: OOUNOIL~: Neying. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 1766 d~l~ passed and a~lopte~. 'CITY ~LA~NING O0MMISSION EEOOM~NDATION$, VAi~IANCE$; The 0it~ Planning 0ommission ~ubmitteel excernta o£-their Minute~ of ~he meeting held Augus~ 21, 1~50 Wl~h She ~ollewing recommendations; - VARIANCE NO. 126: Gust Ma~s, consGructio~ of duplex, 224 Mills Drive, on which Public Nearing was hel~. The 0ity Planming~ Commission recommended the granting of variance with erplamation that it was ~ran~ed due ~o ~he ~act ~hls propez~y is zoned o~ new map for R-2, 2-~amil~ ~$$~emces, an~ no objec%orm a~peared at the Public Moating, July 26. and Auguat 9. Mr. ~bs addressed the Council. Oouncllman Boney moved the action of the City Plammin~ Commission be ~&$ifie~. ~ 0ou~cil~ Wisser seconded the motion. ~OTION CAP~IED. _ VARIANCE NO. 129: ~or the addition tic, the Califsrn%a Hosiery Company, 808 North · Los Angeles Street, on which Public Hearing was held. ~The ~City Plamuing Commiemion recommended the granting of this variance. Councilman Van Wagoner moved ~he attica o£ the City Planning Commission be ratified. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. ~OTION CARR I~D.~ VAHIANCE NO. 130: ~aut Greening, 1244 North Lemon Street, in Industrial Tract. The 0ity P!annin~ 0ommi~sion rec~ommended the ~r~ti~ of this vari~ce. Oo~cil~ Money moved t~t~the action o~ the City Pl~i~ Oo~iszion be ra~ified. Oo~cil~ Van W~oner seconded the motion. MOTI~ O~.I~. . , , The City Attorney was in~t~cted to pr~e resolution~ accordingly. . ~ouncilm~ V~n W~oner ~oved to adjourn. Counci!m~ Wisser se6o~ed the motion. MOTI ON CAMM IED. ~~~~~~ ~J0~ si~n~. .... ~~~~~~~- ,' ..........