1950/09/05Anaheim, California -~Tueeday. Septemb~e.r.. 5,. 1950 ?: 30 P.M. _ Special ~eeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim was held at 7:30 o'clo~.k ~.~., _Tuesday, September 5, 19.50 ~ourauant to Special Notice to the ~embers of the City Council. PP~ESENT: 00UNOILMEN: Pearson, Wlsser, Boney end van Wagoner. ABSENT : COUNOILMAN: ~eying, wRo by Weetern Union ~elegram gave his consent for the holding of said Special Meeting. Said ~elegram re~eive~ ~:30 P.M. September 5, 1950. CItY A~OP~: Preston Turner, ~reeen~. Mayor. Pearson delcarea!the meeting was held for the ~ur~.~ose of accepting o~fer o~ the United States of America, dated August 30, 19~0, to make advance of funds to aid in the £inaneimg the costief .~re~aration for the ~rol~osed construction of the ~W~&~n~ olia Trunk Sewer Line, including Tr~ Sewers, Pumping ~tatioa, and fprce msia of the Joint Outfall Sewer Syste~. Reference is hereby ea~e to Agreement for Public Works Plan Preparation. Project No. Calif. ~-P-11?~, United States of America, Housing an~ Home ~i~ce Ag~cy, Office of the A~inistra~or~ Oom~it~ F~ilitiee Service. Diviaio~ ?, Room ~3~, ~30 S~a~ Street, ~ Fr~cisco 11~ C~ifo~ia. B~40~U~ION ~0. 1767: _Co~cil~i~oney offere~ Reaolutio~ No. 1767 ~ mov~ far ~aes~e ~ ~option. Co~cil~ V~ ~on~r eec~e~ the motion, -MO~IO~ C~Y~.- - - ' ~SOL~ION NO. 1767 A ~SOL~IO~ OF T~ CITY CO~0IL OF ~ CITY OF ~IM AO~TI~G ~ ~ITED S~S OF ~ICA TO ~~ ADVICE OF F~S TO AID tN ~I~CING T~ COS~ OF P~ ~~TION FOR T~ ~OPOS~ CONSTRUCTION OF T~ ~OL~ TR~ S~ LI~ INCL~!NG ~~ S~, P~ING STATION, ~ ~RCE ~IIN OF T~ JOINT O~~L SYSTEM A~ AUTHORIZING T~ MAYOR OF T~ CITY OF ~~IM TO SIGN ALL ~CES~Y D~ ~~TS TO CO~TE T~ ~ID A0~~0E ~ A~HORIZIN& T~ ~I~Y 2~ ~0 ~TI~Y T~ ' ~S, the City of Almheim, a.s the contracting agent for the members of. the Joint Outf&ll Sewer system lmartici~ng in ~he con~%~c%ion of the ~nolia T~ Sewer Line incl~i~ t~~ sewer, D~ping stmtion, ~d ~orce ~in, ~e heret~ fore m~e ~oplicatlon. oure~ {o the ~rcviaicne o~ ~blic Law 352. 81at Co,rosa aooro~ed October 13, i9~9,' :Cot ~ ~v~ce of f~ds not to exceed $~6,660.00 -~-f~in~ci~ the cost of pl~ preparation ~o consist o~ co~lete pl~e ~ apecifi- cations for th~ p~opoee8 contraction of the ~nolia T~ Sewez Line incl~ing t~k sewer, ~p~ng ~tat~on a~ force main constituting m D~rt of ,the Or~e Joint ~tfall Sewer S~ste~,_ an~ ~ ~ W~S, said a~p!ica%ion ~ m~e ~rs~t' to re~ol'utions d~ly ~ootea by all members ~of the Joint ~fall ~Group ~r~icipa~i~ in the const~ction of Said ~olia r~ Sewer Li~ ~uthorizing the Oit~ of ~e~ %e ~e aais a~Dli' cation for ~ on,be~l~ of ~ai~ member~ as the contracting agent, ~ ~ . W~~$, the UDited S~tee off ~erica, acting by ~d. through the H~sing and Moms Fi~ce Admini~trator_~rsu~t to Be-origination PI~ No. offered to ad--ce f~ds not to exceed $96,660.00 ~ aid in the financing of pl~ oreoaration to consist of complete plea ~d specifications for the proposed co~ ~t~ction of the ~olia T~ Sewer Line including tru~ sewer, p~ing station ~d force main constitutin~ aoart of the Or,ge Cowry Joint ~tfall Sewer ~ystem, WHEREAS, the City CoUncil of the City of Anaheim finds that it is for the best interest and welfare of all the cities and sanitary districts participating in t~e construction of said Y~gnolta Trunk Sewer Line to accept said offer: NOW, THEPJEFO~E, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of tee City of Anaheim that the City of Anaheim as the contracting agent for the cities and sanitary districts oarticipating ~in the construction of said ~'~gnolie Trunk Sewer Line, ~accept the offer ~f the United States of America to advance funds not to exceed $96,660.00 to aid in the financing and cost of olan ~reparation consisting of Comple~te ~plans an~ specifi- cations for the proposed c-0netraction of the Nagnolia Trunk Sewer Line including trunk sewer, pumping station, amd force main constituting a part of the Orange County Joint Outfall Sewer Eystem and that the Nayor of the City of Anaheim be amd he is hereby authorized amd direct~.d to si~n al]. documents necessary to accep~t amd complete the acceotance of said offer of the United States o£ America and that the City Clerk az the official custodian of the records, and _oroceedings of the governing boar~ of the ~ity of Anaheim be and he i~ hereby authorized and directed to certify to all records and proceedings showing the un-qualified acceptance of the above-mentione~[ offer of the United States of America and to certify and deliver to the United States 18 Ci~t~- NG~ll, Anaheim, California- Tuesda~v Seotember ~5, 1950 of A~rica a certified copy this Resolution and a certifieA cony of the Minutes showing its adoption ..... ~ On roll. call the foregoing Rezolution No. 1767 was duly paBsed and adopted by the following vote of the members thereof: ~ AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson. Wisser, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCII~: Eeying. ~ ~' : The 1,~or declared Reeolution No. 1767 duly passed and adopted, Councilman Van Wagoner moved to adjourn. Oouncilmam Boney secor~ded the motion. ~OT I ON ~ I~. City Clerk Cit~ ~1, ~e~, ~~or~a- ~ea~, ~epte~er 12, 1~50 ~:~ P.~ The City ~cil of the Cit[ of ~e~ met ia re~~ aeeeion, ~~: ~CI~: P~eom, Wie~er,~ ~yi~. ~em~ ~ V~ W~emer. CI~ A~~ ~: Present. - be Minutes of the regular meeting held~ Amgmst 22, 1950 ~ $peci~ Meett~ ~ld S~tem~r 5, 1950, 7ZSO P.M, were a~ov~, DE~S: ~~il~ V~ W~oner report~ ~~~ ~lmst ~he city ~o~ti~ to $~7,~.17. O~cil~ Heyi~ t~t ~r~ta be d~ upe~ t~ Tr~rer to ~ ~d ~~1 ia ~cco~ce with report. ~i~ Bene~ seco~ the ~tion. M.C. ~c~ts, $312,701.~2, tot~ A~itor depoeit~, $32,~.10. - A~itor ~te~ ve~ c~r~e City Clerk depomit~, $780.~- 8~ ~ilAimg petite, ~~tioa, $638,76~.~ - Libra7 ~~ce, $8,~g.~ - ~ ~eetrie Light Viri~ Pe~ita, 2 Power Vtrimg Pe~ite, fees, $390.75 - P~ki~ Meter collec~iomB, $1,700.00 - City C~t deposit~ $3,550,~ ~1~ $~ cases of which ~3 were ~k~ meter violations - ~blic So--iCe D~t. ~,~.~, i~uetrial Waste eollectiome. ~~ce due, $2,123,0~ ~ City Pl~e receipts for A~Bt, ~,315.21 Tot~ receipt,, for flow of 8e~e, 3g-~ or ~$,~82,200 gallQal - Tot~ e~e~ea ~lA, $5,~1,~ of v~eh ~e~ ~l~ $1,53~,63 - New ~er connection, total~ 13~- Li~t Ce~eetioae, $7 - Water ~c~~ ffr~ M.~.D llO,2O2,~ ~ter level City Vel[~, S~tember 1, 158 ~eet, ~ ~cBes- Activities of the ~~e ~ ~~ D~t. ~ Police ~ ~ire D~a~tm~ta. C~ci~ ~one7 mov~ the fere~i~ Fi~ci~ ~ ,~erati~ Reports be ~c~t~ ~d f il~. O~ci~ Neyi~ BecondeA the motiem. M.C. ~~TIS~ ~R B~S FOR S~ PIPE: ~e Cit7 Olerk vas inst~ct~ to ~verti8e for bi~m for B~er pipe, ~ter the 18th meco~~ by Oo~ci~ BoGey. M.C. Y.M.C.A. ~G B~: A~llcation to ~ b~er &crees Oeater Street bY the Y.M,C.A. ~a deml~. SCHOOL G~S ~Y ~ISE: School ~~ e~a~ co~emci~ S~tember 1, 1950 for 7 ~~e rale~ to $70.00 per momth. FI~ LI~ INSerTION AT ~IM COmiTY HO~IT~, D~LI~~: lmst~lmtiem of ~i~e Lime at the ~eim Comity Ne~pit~. ~~ 2~, 1~0 for whieh ~~t of m~e ia t~ ~~t ef $3~.00 ~ue to the cit~ ~e r~rt~ ~elimqu~t. The City C~cil bela t~e ~tter over for ff~ther mt~. ~Q~ST FOR HOT D~ ~NCESSION, ~Low~, ~IC WING~: R~eet by Eric Wi~er for the A~IM IS~WALTON ~G~ to ~erate ~t Dog 5t~m on t~ l~ ef ~ch of the ~leween Par~e at ~pecific locatiome, at the ~ntr~ces of stores o~ property o~erm. This re.eat ~ referr~ te the Police ~o~ittee.