1950/09/1921 The City Council set ia AA~ou~e4l Regalar Sessioa at 8=00 olclock P.M. for the purpose of caavaselag electiom returas of the Special Bond Electioa held September 10th, 19~0, a~A declaring the result, of the llectiom. ' PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heyiag, ~eaey &x~ Van Wagoner. A~S~T ~ COUNCILMEn= Ness. CITY ATT~Y ~~ Present. It wa~ nove~ by Ceuncil~aa ~o!ey, seco~le~ by C~acil~aa Reyi~g that the Clerk be an~ ia hereby emtherizeA to sig~ all mecessary certificate,, ,tate~emts a~A excerpt, ef the Mimutes relative to the ~oomlucting ef Iai& Bo,~A Electiom held September 18th, 19~0. MOTION CAERIED. For the purpose of caavassiag ]returas of the llectiom, Mayor Pearsom forthwith aFpoiateA 0euncil_=~_~ ~ Va~ ~agoaer te act am lm,pecto~ 0e~nci~ L. N. Wim,er. ~ge~ Coxmcil~e~ ~. ~. Heyi~g a~ Robert ~. ~oaey. ~lectiom Clerks. The Clerk submitted semi'offiCial electiem returas from the several precincts which were checked a~l verifieA te detez~aiae the results of the electiom, RESOLUTION NO. 17'~5: Cmu~cilmaa Vas #a~Omer offereA Resolution No, 1775 for its paaa~e ~ ~optiem. C~ci~ ~im~er .~eco~ the motiem. M~I~ ~I~ ~SOL~ION OF ~ CI~ CO~CI~ OF ~ CI~ OF ~IM, c ss !8, ~S, the Citz C~cil of the City of ~eim, C~ifornia, by ~i~ee ~o. 7~. ~Y ~1~ ~ provided for tbs Rol~i~ e~ a special electiea ia ~iA cit~ ca September 18, 1~0, for the ~o,e Of ~bmitti~ te the q~ifi~ voters aai~ city the ~opoaitioa act forth ia ~iA arAi~ce ~ herei~ter W~JAS, motiee of said elect~om vas duly Ired regularly givem ia time, form ax~ im~uer &i provi~ ~ 1~, ~ ~l&i~ electioa ~ ca e~A ~ate ~1~ held at the polli~ plies ~eei~t~ ia asia o~i~ee, ~ t~ votel caBt ther~t were e~vui~ ~ the rotes thereof ~e at the time ~ ia the ~er ~ fe~ proviA~ b~ law; ~ W~, om thi~ 19th ~ of $~tember, 1950. at the h~ of 8:00 P.M., aai~ ~ity ~cil ~e ~y asse~bi~ at its ~~ pl~e ef meeti~ ~ c~v~e~ the re~e of said electiea; NO~, T~F~, the City 0o~il of the Cit~ of ~ei~, 0~ifernia, ~ecticm 1. That the special electiom for the purpose of ~ub~ittl~g to the votera of the 0ity ~f ~eia the ~ propositiea herei~ter ~et forth d~y hel~ o~ 3~tember 18, 19~0, ~ ~e vete~ c~t theist ~re ~y ~ re~l~ly ~v~e~ ~ the retie thereof ~e at the time ~ ia the fe~ ~ ~er req~ir~ ~ law, Sectioa 2. T~t the bo~ pr~oeiti~ vot~ ~pea at foll~l, to vitl · 0~ ~~SXTION: S~i the City of ~e~ ~~ a bo~ i~e~t~aell i~ t~ pri~ei~ m ~ $1,~,000.~ f~r t~ ~ese of the at~ctic~ for the Cit~ of ~ei~ efa ~ertaia ~ci~ ~roveae~t, te ef ~ia t~, iaterc~ter ~ later~ Sewers to the sewer ayetea ef the City of ~eia; (2) t~t ~iviA~ ~rt or ~e, which ia to be e~ t~ City cf ~ei~ of (a) ~itiena te ~A ~arg~eate of the a~e treatment pl~t ~ c~eri~tion pl~t Jointly o~ by the City of ~e~ ~ other cities ~ a~ita~ ~istricts, (b) reconst~c~ioa ~ ~l~eat of pertieaa of the Jointly o~ outf~l sewer c~ing a~e frea ~aid treatment pl~t, ~ (c) ~ ~ditio~ ~iz t~ sewer, with c~ecti~ li~e~, to ~~ ~e~e to ae~e tr~t~eat pl~t (~id reconst~orion ~ r~l~ezeat of portions ef ~iA outf~l sewer, ~ ~ition~ to ~ e~g~ente of the ~ew~e tr~t~e~t pl~t c~eri~tion pl~t, ~ said ~itio~ ~ia t~ a~r, to be Jointly o~ ~iA for ~ the City ef A~ei~ ~ otMer ~blic Sectioa 3. T~t this City oe~cil ~s ~y c~va~a~ t~ ret~ae of ~ai~ ele~tioa ~ froa ~ai~ tetra it a~~a, ~ thi~ City Co~cil fin~a, t~t the tot~ ~er of votes cast in e~h of the re~ective electioa precincts e~tabli~ 22 , Oit~_ ~1, ~eim, Cal__ iforni4L- Tues~a~,....Sep.t. ember 19_, .1950 EESO~U~I0~ ~o. 177%: (continueS) ,, ,8 oo for ssi& election upon sai~L proposition, a~ the auger of votes therein for against sai~ proposition, and the total .nmber of votes cast in enid city upon preposition and for and again*t said propositio~ ia said city--are as fellows: CONSOLIIIAT~D 191 & 151 ? 197 121 ]..3.3 , ,, Total Yetee in City (8) ~ 1632 113 Section ]~. ~Lat the votes of more than tv°'thirde ef all of the voters voting at said eleetien were east in favor of the aAoptiea of salA preposition; ~ Iai& pr~osition is ~ere~ &eclareA to be carrieA, a~A trio 0ity ~ou~cil is ~authori=ed to iseae bonels ef eaiA City lrfe~t thereto aa previAoA by law. O~ roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passe4 ~ &Aopte~l by the following vote: ~ The Mayor declare~ iesolutlon Jo. 177~ ~uly l~se~ an~ a~opteA, _§TAT~T OF ~H~ .CITY I, CHARIOt I. GRIFF!TH, 0ity 01erk Of the City of Auahe~u, California, DO ~Y CERTIFf ABD DE¢~iTHAT the City Cov~uc[1 of the OitF of ~eim, at ~~~ re~~ meeti~ Au~:he!~ om the 19th ~ 0f' September, 19~00 ~ really c~va~8~ the re~B of the ~Peci~ bo~ election bela iR the of A~eim on $~tember 18, 1}~O, ~ ~ Aeel~ the re~t of ~id oleetiol. That tbs bona prope~ition voteA ~pon at said election is as follows: BOND PROP0~ITIO~: Bh~ll the City of ~eim ia ire priacip~ ~ of $1.~.000.00 for ~e ~oee of the ~iaitioa ~ co~ at.cries for the City ef ~eim of a certes ~cip~ i~rov~eat, te wit~ ~iti~ e~it~ sewer~ ~ ee~e Aispe~l facilities, iacl~i~ (1) ~Aitiea~ of ~ia t~. interceptor ~ later~ ~ewers to the sewer systea ef the City ef ~eim; (Z) t~t ~iviA~ ~t or s~re, ~i~ the City of ~eia of (a) ~Aitioal to ~ e~geaents of the se~e treatmut pl~t ~ c~ori~tion pl~t ~ointly o~ By the City of ~eim ~ other cities ~ o~ta~ ~iotricts, (b) recon~t~ction ~ r~lacement of portions of the Jointly o~ ~tf~l ~ewer ~~iag ~e~ fro~ eai~ tr~tment pl~t, ~ (c) ~ ~ditio~ nih t~ 8ewer, with co~ecti~ lines', to c~ oe~o to oai~ 8e~e treatment pl~t (~A recoast~ctioa ~ replacuent of portio~ of said outfall a~er, said ~itions to ~ e~gomento of t~e s~e treatnen% ~ ~0ri~tl0n plnt, ~ s~A ~ditio~l nin t~ s~er, to be Jo~t,lF o~eA ~ paiA for By the City off ~eia ~d ot~r ~bllc ~t the tot~ ~ber of votes cast ~ 0~ of tRe res~ctive eleetie~ precinct8 ostablioh~ for sam election ~on sai~ pr0positioi, ~ the n~ber of vot~s there~ for ~ ~inst asia pr~positioa, ~ tRe total n~ber of votes c~t in ~aid city upon oai~ proposition ~ for uA ~inst uiA proposition il 8~id city are as follows: 23 START OF THE CI~ CLERE (continued) CONSOLIDATED A 116 1~ 131 3 ~ 178 1~ 203 o D 191 6 197 · 2~2 10 212 J 129 $ 133 g 237 t3 2~0 ~etal Totes ia City (8) 1632 113 17~3 ~kat t~e voteo of more t~aa twe'thir~s of ~1 ef the voters voti~ at sali election were c~t in favor of the ~tiom of sait ~iA ~ prepositi~ ~$ tees declar~ to be c~ri~, ~ the 0ity ~ctl ef the City ef ~eim is ~t~ris~ te iS~e to~s ~~t thefts as prevlA~ by law, - I C~I~ t~t the 'foregoi~ statist of re~t correct 'statement of t~ f~ts of asia~ ~vass ~ of t~ re~ts of asia election, ~ t~t ~ scoa as t~ re~t ~, ~eci~ the ~oresaii statement emter~ ~ Be, the City Clerk of the City of ~tia, ea the reco~s of laiA City Co--il, ' City Clerk ef the City of ,AeaJae~. California. I. CHARLE. 8 1. GRIFFITH, 0ity' 01erk' of the 0itY of A~ahel~, 0euaty of Ora~ge,'$tate ef California, DO ~! ~R~X~ as follewsS 1. That saiA city is a city Of the sixth class. : Z. That there h~ve been no changes in the ~~rles of asia city from April ~, I~ZY, to the present date except as fellowes Annex~ No. 2 , Azmex Ne. 3 Azmex No. ~ Amex No. ~ Annex No. 7 Annex No. 8 Annex Ne. ~ North & East Anaheim Aiiitiom North & West ~eim Aiiit £om lai~strial~ Site Aiditiel Helen · L~h ~itiom Ce~ercial ~t~et ~e~tiem Xirv~ ~e~tiem ~8t ~e~ ~e~t tom S~th Palm St. ~e~ti~ Annex No. 10 Manchester Ave, Azmez~tiem Annex No. 11 Sowth ~paelra Annexation ~ex No. ~ Xm~y ~e~tioa ~~ No. 13 West ~ P~ ~e~ti~ ~~ No. 1~ ~chea'ter Ave. ~e~tiea No. 2 ~~ No. 1~ 8outh P~ St. ~e~tiol No, 2 ~ex Jo. lg So. Log A~ele8 St. Amtioa ~ex Jo. 17 E. Ve~ont A~. ~entiu a~t no proceedings for change of bovm~&riee are mow peaelin~ except as follows& Annex 1to. 18 Roberts Annexat ~o~ Amuex No. 19 Morris Aunexation 3. That on August 8, 19~0, and at all times since and at the present time the following offices of said citl~ were an~ are respectively held by the following named persons, duly elected or appointeA thereto, q~talified therefor, z# ~ity:~all. ,~eim, 0a!..ifor~ia- ~e~ay. 8eptenber 19. 195,,0,,.. INITIAL GERTIFI~ OF CITY. CLERK (continue~) and acting theresa, to wit: - C~M. A. Pearsoa L. N. ¥isser O. ¥. Neyimg Robert E. ]$oaey Ray Van Wagomer Charles E. Griffith A. Go Tuna "Mu~vor aaa Councilnaa~ Oouncilmal Councilmau Oouncileaa City Clerk City Treagmrer April, 1~%2 April, April. April, April. 1~2 April. 1 A~. That regular meetingl of the City Council of sai~ City are held oa the lecoxui and fourth ~esd~t of each month at the hour of 8tO0 o~clock, P.M., ia the Council Chambers in the City Hall ia said city, a~ set out ia Or~[inance No. ~3~ and that a certified celry ~f said ~or~ia~ce is attached hereto. ............ 8J e.O.. . __ ~. Tha~ the assessed valmation of taxable property Lu said city, as shown by the last equalized assessment rS11, to wit, the assessnoat roll for tho fiscal year , 6. That the outltanding certificate is ' $1~1,192.~. boa~Ml i~lebteiaesl of said city oa ttie date of this 7, That ac propositioa ~er the iacurring off bonded indebtedness of said city for nay purpose hag been ~b~ttod to the electors of said city at aa~y electioa hold in eal~ city withi~ six ao~tha ~ext preceding A~g~it 8, 1950. . §.~ That ordinance, a~d aoticee lm~bliahe~ ~y amid Oit~ ~e ~ ~IM ~~~IN. a ae~a~per ef geaer~ cir~latiea'~blia~ six days a week lald city. 0Sty Clerk of the City of ~~. ~ltfo~li. S~ OF ~IF~~) ~~~ O~ 0~~ ) ~S. I, C~S E. G~[~I~H. 5iff Cle~ of the City ef ~e~. ~Y C~TIFY t~t o~ the 1st Eay ef ~epte~ber, 19~0, I co~enc~ to ~tl to ~h ~ot~r la e~l~ ctt[~ post~e pre. id, ~ ~ ~tat[~ the lo~t[e~ off the preener pl~e off ~h ~eh voter for the ~ecl~ bo~d electlea to be hel~ 3epteab~r 18, 19~0, ~ t~e ~ilt~ of .at~ c~. to e~ regiater~ voter i~ ~i~ city the ~ ~ of S~teaber. 1950. ~e ~a were the ~e la eve~, respect e~ept M te precimct ~eai~tions ~d polling places mtat~ therein, ~c~ ~eai~tiema plies ~e~Ai~er~t,,aa to ~h a~er~ precimct. ~e of said ear~a ia mtt~h~ here$o ~ ~e a ~rt he.eof. I ~T~ O~TIFY t~t I ~cloa~ wit~ e~h of ~aid c~a for ~id election, ~ att~h~ ~etc ~ ~e a ~rt ~reof ia a f~l. t~e correct copy o~ said a~le ~lot. I ~T~ C~TI~ t~t attach~ hereto ia a f~l. t~e ~ correct co~ the ~let ua~ at aai~ electiem. City Clerk ef the City of ~eim. Councilmam Van Wagoner moved for recess. Oouncilmaa ]~oney seconcleJl'the motion. MOTI ON 0ARRI~D. After Recess, the Mayor declare~ the City Council again ia sessiom. 25. ADVERTISE FOR SE~fER PIPE: It was merest by Ceuaci~ Heyiag, seconded by Ceuncil~m~ Bomez ~t ~he Clerk ~e am~horize~ ~o, ~ver~ise for ~i~. for e~er ~i~e of ~ follow' i~ ~iacriptie~ ~ ~ti~iea: ~er-Pla~e T-Lock Plastic Limes or e~l Rei~erc~ 0omcre~e Pipe, 1~0 ~Io~, per linear f~o~, ia ~he followi~ ~proxi~e ~~i~ie.: 5.~00 lim. f~. 39" ~i~., 2~3 lime~ 10,000 lin. f~. ~ ~i~., 2/3 lim~ .... 2~,~00 lin. f~. ~" ~i~., 2~3 lim~ 2,77o ?8. ~i~. to be recetv~ at 8=00 o~l~ck P.M., October 3, 19~. MOTIO~ ~I~. CONTRACT: R. A. WATTSON & C0. - It wan motiome~ by Coumcilmaa Boney, secon~e~'l~y ¢o~cilmam Heyimg that R. A. Wattson a~ COal~ ~e emgageA to ex~avate am~ mmcever the broken sections of 3~# pipe on, the ~_;~chester crossing o£ the Magnolia Tru~k Sewer, ~u~ to make' repairs. MOTION CARRIED. EMPLOY INSPEC~Q.R - MAGNOLIA TRUNK SEWE~ It vas motiomeel by Co~m~i~ Keying, seconded by.C~anei~ Wisest that the Ci,ty of Azmheim, as comtracti~g city, hire an inspector for the above men. tioned work. MOTION CARRIe. EMPLOY-KOEBIG,& KOEBIG - INSPECTOR: It was morea by Commcilmam Heyimg, secom~led by C~ci~ ~Wieaer t~t the fi~ ef Xoe~g ~ Koebig ~lo~ Xnapectiom ~imeer ~ at.f. uatisf~tory to the City of ~~; the ce~tracti~ city for the ~olia _ T~ Sewer. MOTI~ ~I~. NOTIFY J.O.S. EMPLO~ OF INSPECTOR: It was moYed, by CemmCilmaa ~eylng, second, ed. by ~ci~ Winger t~t the Joint ~t~l Sewer be aotifi~'t~t the Cit~ of ~eim ~o e~lo~ Koebi~ ~ Xoebig for in.etlon services on the ~olia T~ 3ewer, .ai~ inspection to be 8atisfacto~ to ~ City of ~e~ ~I~. E. P. EAPGOOD TO EANDLE ALL ADVERTISING: It was moved by Oeumcilmam Neyi~g, secem~le~l by Councilman ¥ilser, that E. P. Hapgomi, City Engineer be ~irecte~l aaa he is hereby authorized to hazels all a~vertisiag, contracts, lrarchase nterials~a~l other ntters pertinent to the Magnolia Trunk Sewer,~O~':~etel~e~ 10 1~50 for the City of Anaheia Contracting City of tBe Joint Outfall Sewer. M(}TION CARRIED. HA~O~EE~ -JU~GING HORSE E~TRIES: Pe~'~iselon iS graateel the hlleweea Committee to h~l& their j~ufgi~g of horse entries in the Grand Parade at the ball ~iaao~A ia City Park, 5~00 o'clock P.M., October 31, 1~0 on motion b~ Cou~cilmm~ ~oney, seeo~AeA bi C~il~ea Wieeer. MOTION ~IED. ~~IM DISASTER ¢O,UNCIL- VICtOria: ~or Pe~eoa a~iat~ O~ei~ V~ ~oaer aa Vic~C~i~ cf the A~e~ Disaster C~cil. C~ci~ ~one~ the ~poi~t~ent ~e ratifi~. Co~cil~ ~iaaer eeco~ the ~otioa. M~ION ~~. CO~I~TIO~- ~ ~~ ~I~Y DIS~IOT: C~~icatioa free A~ 0. ~ley, Secret~ ~f tRe ~ ~bra S~it~~ Diatr[ct t~~ the City Oe~cil ~ tRe C~ber of 0e~erce f~r the c~rteaie~ exte~ the S~it~ Diatrict ~ e~i~ the ·ate cf election, ~ their aeeist~ce te the ~ ~bra S~ita~ District in the election a ~cceea. , O0~ICATION- DOW C~IC~ CO~A~: Oo~l~tlg~ free Dew 0Be~i~ Co~~ stating t~t the price per ~r~-wei~t off ~eriae effective O~ober let increase free $3.50 to $3.~ per ~r~-wei~t, f.o.b. ~eller~a pl~t, Los ~elee. O~ei~ Heyi~ aov~ to ~~ra. O~il~ ~i~aer aeco~ the ~otio~. M~ION ~I~. SIGNE~ airy Clerk