1950/10/13 32 2'00 The 0ity Council o~ the City of ~eim~met in AA~ourne~l Regalar Sessien. ~S~ OO~CI~~ ~iseer, Heylng, ~oney ~ V~ ~cner. ~S~ ~ ~CI~: Pe~~. ACTIN~ CITY A~O~= Ol~e~ ~ea,, present. O~ ~SE~: N. M. ~er' E. P. ~pge~ ~d G. W. ~lyeke. .~euacil~aa Heying n~Ve~ that Councilman Yam Wagener ~e elect~ ~er Pre ~, to preside ~i~ the ~r', abeeace. C~il~ Heyi~ ~eco~ t~e motion, MO~ION ~I~. BID BOND. ACCEPt: On motio~ by Coucil~aa ]~oney, seconded by Councilman lleyiag, Bid Bo~A of the A~ericaa Pipe~Construction Co~aa~, No. ~13581~, a~cunt of $95,000.$0 was accepte~. MOTIf:: ~ED~T'~ RESOLUTION NO. 1779: Council] its passage an~ a~option. C~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CI~Y OOUN~ ~ AWNING CO~CT T0 T~ ~, the City ~ Boney offereA Resolution No. 1779 amd morea for ~ilmam Wiseer secomded the motion. ~IL OF TIlE CITY OF ~~IM AOO~ING S~ ~~ ,~$T ~ON~IB~ ~IDD~ ~R T~ ~SHIN~ OF 00N- ~~~ ~, 1950. ' Anaheim as contracting agent for the cities of Aaahe~, Orange and Fullerton and for ~,he ~uena Park, Garden Grove. La ~_~bra ama Plaeentta Sauitar~ Districts did c~use to be publishe~ in a newstmaper of general circulation, to wit, the A~ahein ~ulletin, em the 23d mud 2~th day of September, 1950. a not%ce inviting sealed proposals for the furnishing of A~er-Plate T-Lock Plastic LineA or eq~m~l reinforced Concrete ]~ipe, 1500 D-load, per limear foot,: in the follewimg approximate quantities: -5,000 :}.ira. ft. 39" aX--., 2/3 lined: , o,ooo z/m WHEREAS. said aotice did etate that ~ai~ ~ropea~a wo~ ~e ~p~ a~ ~e ~ty O~il ef ~Re Oi~y s~ ~ei~ ~e e~ ~~eraia ~e ~e ~A ia ~e ~i~era ~ ~i~e w~ ~e re~eive~ ~p ~ ~he ~ o~ ~ ~'clo~M ~.M. ~ ~ai~ ~e~ ¥~8, at am adJ~neA regular meetimg of the City Oeumcil of .the City of Amaheim held on October 3, 1~0, at 8 o~clock P.M., the Cit~ Oe~cil ef the City of ~eim Aid hol~ a ~blic ~eetimg ~ he~i~ for the p~peae of epemi~ all seal~ pro~~a receiv~ up ~e t~t time for f~mis~ng t~ concrete pipe · pecifi~ i~ maid motice ~ ~id at ~iA time ~ place opem proposes receiv~ ~ did thereupon refer eaiA bi~ to the Cit~ ~imeer for e~i~ aries ~ report to the City ~cil at its re. ar meeti~ to be hel~ on October 10, 1950, ~ WHEREAS, the Oity Oc~xucil finds that the Americas Pipe ama Construction Company is the lowest responsifele bidder am~ that the sealed proposal submitteA 1~ it is the lowest responsible ]~i~ received for the furnishing of enid Concrete pipe amd finds that the proposal of said American Pipe and Construction be accepte~ and a contract awarde~ to them in accordance with the terms of tho notice inviting bids and subject to t~ sale of the bezels voted I~ said cities amd samitary districts to obtain fun~s with which to construct said Mamgolia Sewer Project; NOW, T~ORE, BE ~T RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AIAH~II( AS CONTRACTING AGENT for ~he cities of Anaheim, Fullertow, and Orange, and for Buena Park, Garden Grove. La Nabra and Placentia Sanitary Districts, that the sealed proposal of American Pipe and Construction Oemlma~ for the furniehing of concrete pipe a~ specifie~ in enid notice invitimg bide be accepte~l mud that a contract for furnishing sai~ concrete pipe herei~abeve mentioned and describeA be awar~eA to enid American Pipe emd Construction Co~pan~ for the ~auufacture and delivery of enid pipe by motor truck as close as practicable to the trench side of the Magnolia T~ Sewer of the Orange County Joint Outfall Sewer. Such Aeliveries to conform to construction ~cheA~es amd to essence approximately December 1~, 19~$, sea which enid ~ipe shall be deliVereA to ama be paid for by the respective contractor or contractors to whom the comtract is awarde~ for the construction of msia Magmolia Sewer Project, who will be reqmire~ to furnish a eurety bend in an amount equal to one hunAred percent (100%) of the comtract price of amid construction ef omi& Sewer Project as security for the faithful performamce of amid contract, ~ a separate surety bond in an ameumt equal te fifty percent (50~) of the constrlactie~ coats of said project aa security for the payment o£ all personm performing 'labor &nd fu~ts~ng ~teri~ for said. project, ~ ~E I~ ~~ ~S0L~ t~t the 01ty Oo~cil of the City ~e~ here~y rese~ea the ri~t to c~l for the AeliVe~ of only ao ~ch of the five th~a~ line~ feet of 39" pipe as it ~y in it~ di,cretie~ as s~ch contracti~ ~ent ~ete~ine will be ne~ i~ ~i~ ~olia Sever Project, ]~E IT FURTEER RESOLVED that the contract for furnishing of the above mentioned pipe ia awar~leA to g&id Ameri~u Pipe ax~ Constr~ctiom CompaCT subject. to the sale of the bonds versa by saiA Cities &u~ sanitary Aistricts .for the pur- pose of obtaiwi~g fu~Is with which to P4~ for the coat of labor, a&aterial md the ccnmtruction of maid Magnolia Sewer ~roject. ~ · ~E IT FURT~ RESOLVED that amid A~eric&n P~po ~ Const~ct[on Co~~~ rupiah a ~ret2 bo~ in ~ ~o~t act lose tM ~ off the eatint~ ~gro~te ~~ts to be ~e ~er the contract ~a ~r~tee t~t it will f~ish said pipe in acco~ce .with the te~o of tho notice invit~ b~g ~ the propo8~ subRitt~ by it ~ e~cute contracto 11 the req~ir~ fern to the City of A~~ as contracting ~ont ~ its contractor8 for the fait~ perforce of said contract. ~ roll ~11 the fforegoi~ ReO~lution ~ d~y ~ss~ ~ ~opt~ by the foll~ing vetex ~ AYES: 0.0U~CII~: Visser, Heytng, ]~eney amd Yam Wagoner. ~~: C0~CI~~ Pear~o~. ~ - ~or Pre T~. V~ ~eaer ~e~r~ tha feregei~ Read.ties ST~~ 0IL CON~CT: C~cil~ He~ mov~ ~. ~cept i~orsememt to~ Oomtr&ct of St~~ 0il 0e~w, ~at~ ~eh 1, 1950 ceveri~ the ~re~e ~ ~ale of lubrlcatl~ oll~. ~al& l~orse~emt ~ to ~c with the c~~ for ~om-ret~ of barrels, the pries to in~l~e the v~me ~f the eomtai~era WRem ~e~a~ i~ ~rel lots. City ~c~ses are l~ ~k. only, O~ci~ Boney seco~ t~e me~. ~e ~7er Pro ~em a~ 0it7 01erk are hereby autheriz~ to ei~ maid o~ b~f of the City. M~ION ~I~. Cou~cll_=a_, Wlsmer moved to aA~ourn. Councilman Heyl~g seconded the mottos -City ~11. Anaheim, California- October 24, 1950 8:00 P.M. The Cit~ Council o£ the City of Anaheim wa~ called to order by the Deputy City Clork. ?RESIglT: ~OIJNCI~: ~one. A3SENT ; COUNOII~I Pearson, Wissor, He~ing, ]~one¥ a~i Van Wagoner. CITY ATTORNEY ~YR~: Abeent. The City Council of ~~~Cit~f Anaheim was adjourned for lack of qu°~"t° :oo octo . .... ...... Deputy City Clerk